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Correct starting position: points

2. Student able to describe test points
3. Student able to acknowledge what a positive versus a negative test is points
4. Student able to perform test points

C Spine & T Spine

 supraspinatus muscle strength.
o Full Can
o Empty Can
 subscapularis muscle strength
o Lift off
o Napolean
 infraspinatus/teres minor muscle strength
o Resist external rotation
 subacromial impingement
o Hawkins
o Empty Can
 tenosynovitis of APL and EPB tendons.
o Finkelstein’s Test
 evaluate the integrity of the ulnar collateral ligament
o Valgus Stress test
o Milking maneuver
o Moving Valgus test
 evaluate the integrity of the radial collateral ligament
o Varus Stress Test
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
o Phalens Test
o Reverse Phalens Test
o Tinel’s Test
 patency of radial and ulnar circulation
a. Allen’s Test
 ROMflex 150/ext 35, IR 30/ER 35, AD 45/AB 55. Anterior glide with ER, posterior glide with IR
 FABER/Patrick
o Make 4 sign with leg
o + pain in early ROM = acetabulum/ femoral joint (bc this is before SI joint is engaged)
o + pain in late ROM = SI joint
o + anterolateral hip pain = femoral acetabular impingement (FAI)
 OBER’s
o Assesses contracture of ITB or TFL
 Stabilize hip and knee. With knee flexed, extend hip. Gently allow thigh to adduct
toward table. Pt is laying on their side.
 + if thigh cannot adduct past midline
 ELY's (aka prone rectus femoris test)
o Tests quadriceps tightness – this is a muscle strength test, so say __out of 5
o Pt prone, passively flex knee, watch hip, compare to other side
 Thomas Test **make sure pt hold leg tightly to chest
o Iliopsoas (flexor) if tight, thing will not be flat against table
o + if thigh is extended off table
 Modified Thomas test **make sure pt hold leg tightly to chest
1. Correct starting position: points
2. Student able to describe test points
3. Student able to acknowledge what a positive versus a negative test is points
4. Student able to perform test points

o Iliopsoas (flexor) if tight, thigh will not be flat against table aka extended thigh
o Rectus femoris (flexor)if tight, leg will not be hanging straight down in 90 degs. Check
knee flexion
o TFL (abductor)if +, will abduct leg to the side. Check if knee in line with shoulder
o ITB if +, foot externally rotated
 ROMextension 0 or 5 in women and kids, flexion 135-150. Compare to other side. Note any
abnormalities, stiffness of motion, locking/catching.
 Varus
o Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) 0/30 degs
 Valgus
o Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) 0/30 degs
 McMurry
o Tests the meniscus
o Supine, pick up leg I, knee flexed, driving the menisci posterior
o ER of the tibia (heel goes medial) medial meniscus
o IR of the tibia (heel goes lateral)lateral meniscus
o Straighten the legExtension drives the meniscus anteriorly
o + with an audible or palpable click
 Lachman's
o 30 degs flexion, anterior translation
o Tests ACL
 Anterior Drawer
o 90 degs flexion, anterior translation
o Tests ACL
 Posterior Drawer (aka pseudo lachman)
o 90 degs flexion, posterior translation
o Tests PCL
 ROMdorsiflexion (20), plantarflexion (50), inversion (5), eversion (5), supination (inversion,
forefoot adduction, flexion), pronation (eversion, forefoot abduction, extension)
 Anterior Drawer (a stability test)
o anterior talo-fibular ligament
o One hand grabs ankle, one hand grabs foot medially
o Slight 5-10o plantar-flexion. Slide foot forward while stabilizing tibia. You should feel an
o An abnormal exam would be an asymmetric increased motion or lack of endpoint. There may
be a talar prominence that is sometimes apparent at the endpoint of the drawer test
 Posterior Drawer
 Talar Tilt test
o Tests the integrity of the Calcaneal Fibular Ligament
o Right hand grabs the foot underneath, fingers below the lateral malleolus, left hand is
holding above the lateral malleolus. The talus and calcaneus are rotated toward the
medial side. Always compare to the opposite side.

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