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Francine Arielle Bernales ABM 12 MINSKY

Module 4.1 – Reflection

1. Research Title is a real world observations, dilemmas,

wide reading, selective viewing such as television program, films, documentaries, etc.,
meaningful interactions with significant others, and deep reflections.
The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of the study that describe the content or
main purpose of the research paper and title must clearly reflect the topic of investigation
with Original, Clear, Consice or Specific. In writing a research title there are two types to
create topics and that is Broad Topic and Specify Topic. Broad Topic, is a topic that is
too broad focuses on one important concept and should always be narrowed down.
Specify Topic, is a topic that are researchable. A Research Topic is a subject or issue
that a researcher is interested in when conducting a research, along with that a well-
defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project.
Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine
their ideas. There are Several Factors to Consider in Identifying and Selecting a
Research topic such as Relevance, Interest, and Manageability. Relevance is when a
research topic is relevant that relates to the needs of the target audience and when it is
considered important in people’s lives. Interest is the research topic that should appeal
the readers that can encourage to the researcher to continue pursuing the research and
it is also important to find the specific area of interest of readers including the arts,
sciences, politics, business, and the environment. Manageability is a research topic that
can be studied within the researchers ability that have enough available resources to
utilize the exploring of the chosen topic, and have enough financial resources to enable
to undertake the research of the researcher. To craft a good research title a good title is
usually a compromise between concise and explicit or categorial. In drafting a research
paper title requires a serious thought. According to Maxine Hairston and Michael Keene,
a good title when It predicts content, It catches the reader’s interest, It reflects the tone
or slant of the piece of writing, It contains keywords that will make it easy to access by a
computer research, and It should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Reliable/Relevance, and Time bounded. In any piece of writing, an effective title does
not appear in one magic moment, because effective title takes brainstorming and
revising. We need to follow the guidelines in crafting a title for the reason that it
predicts the information about the contents of the research, it reflects the tone or slant
of the piece of writing as well as titles give the readers some idea at the outset of
what the research paper will contain, moreover it catches the reader’s attention.
Following the guidelines in crafting will help us to create suitable title for the research
paper that should be match to the topic, those guidelines ideas to conduct a research
properly. If we have a good work it means that we work hard by following a step by step
or directions by directions. In order to make a good title there are some characteristics
that need to considered. First, a title should give readers information about the contents
of the research and preferable to one that is vague or general. Second, titles do not
need to be stuffy or dull but it should give the readers some idea at the outset of what
the research paper will contain. Third, choose a title that is a phrase rather than a
complete sentence. Fourth, select a straightforward title over the kinds and use no
punctuation at the end of the title. And lastly, do not underline the title of research or
enclose in quotation marks, instead, use a word processing program or printer that
permits italics. In choosing and deciding the topic of the research study, a topic must
also entails being clear to avoid research topics that involve your making judgements
about certain kinds of behavior especially if you have experience as a researcher.

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