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The main reflection on the

"Academic Research and

Writing Module" is the
application of
the theory studied in the field to
the real world. This functional
approach can be learned by
assisting in the research,
publishing, comparison, and
distribution of facts and
Taking the course helped me
learn several stuff like writing
style, referencing style, sticking
with the rules, organizing
content, proofreading, and
presenting engagingly to draw
It is based on a sensible proverb
that I am reflecting on my
development plan. "Everyone
visions, and not every
individual work to make
their dreams come true." I
have always
honestly wished to become an
effective business person, as
well as I know that this can only
be achieved by knowing and
researching the framework of a
company, as well as being th

Reflective Report

The Academic Research and Writing Module provided me with practical knowledge and skills
that can be applied in the real world. The module taught me how to conduct research, publish
findings, compare information, and disseminate evidence-based knowledge. Throughout the
course, I learned how to improve my writing style, referencing, adhering to rules, organizing
content, proofreading, and presenting ideas in an engaging manner. I have always had a desire to
become a successful entrepreneur, and I understand that achieving this goal requires a deep
understanding of the business framework. Therefore, the skills and knowledge gained from this
module will serve as the foundation for my ongoing professional development plan. To
summarize, the module equipped me with the tools needed to turn my aspirations into a reality,
and I am committed to putting these skills into practice. The things which I have learned from
this module are given below.


Selecting a topic is a crucial step in research writing, and it requires careful consideration and
planning. I have learned following aspects during the class discussion of selecting a topic.

Personal interest: It is essential to choose a topic that you are passionate about and interested in
exploring further. If you select a topic that you have little interest in, you may struggle to stay
motivated and engaged in the research process.

Relevance: It is crucial to choose a topic that is relevant to the research field and has the
potential to contribute to existing knowledge. Ensure that you conduct a thorough literature
review to ensure that your topic is not only interesting but also has research gaps that need to be
filled (Nirmal A Herma, 2022).

Feasibility: It is also essential to select a topic that is feasible within the scope of the research
project. Consider the time, resources, and accessibility of data required for the research project.

Reflecting on these aspects of selecting a topic helped me identify areas of strength and
weakness in my research process. In future research projects, I plan to use this reflection to

develop strategies for selecting topics that are interesting, relevant, and feasible for my research


Reflecting on the class discussion topic identifying relevant literature for my research project, I
found the discussion to be informative and helpful. The discussion provided me with a better
understanding of the process of identifying literature that is relevant to my research topic and
how to evaluate the credibility of the literature.

One aspect of the class discussion that was particularly useful was the emphasis on the
importance of conducting a comprehensive literature search using a variety of search engines and
databases. The module helped me to understand the importance of using a combination of
keywords and subject headings to refine my search and ensure that I found relevant literature
(Ruoslahti & Trent, 2020).

Another aspect of the class discussion that was helpful was the discussion on evaluating the
credibility of the literature. This provided me with guidelines on how to assess the quality of the
literature, such as ensuring that the literature is from credible and reliable sources such as peer-
reviewed journals, academic books, and reputable online sources.

The class discussion also emphasized the importance of identifying literature that had diverse
perspectives and viewpoints. This helped me to understand the importance of ensuring that my
research is well-informed and balanced, and not simply relying on one perspective or viewpoint.

The module highlighted the importance of ensuring that the literature is current and up-to-date.
This helped me to understand the importance of ensuring that my research is informed by the
latest developments and research in the field.

When writing a literature review, there are several important factors to consider which I have
learnt this module. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Research topic: The literature review should be focused on a specific research topic, and should
provide a comprehensive summary of the existing research and knowledge on the topic.

Scope of the review: It is important to define the scope of the literature review, including the
types of sources that will be included (e.g., peer-reviewed articles, books, reports), the timeframe
of the sources, and any specific research questions or objectives.

Search strategy: A systematic search strategy should be developed to ensure that relevant
literature is identified and included in the review. This may involve searching multiple databases,
using specific keywords and search terms, and reviewing reference lists of relevant articles.

Selection criteria: Criteria should be developed for selecting studies to include in the literature
review. These may include factors such as relevance to the research topic, quality of the study,
and sample size.

Organization and synthesis of information: The literature review should be well-organized and
clearly written, with a logical structure that flows from one section to the next. It is important to
synthesize the information from the sources and provide a critical analysis of the findings.

Quality assessment: The quality of the studies included in the review should be assessed, and
any limitations or biases in the research should be identified and discussed.

Citation style: The literature review should follow a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and
be properly formatted, with accurate and consistent referencing throughout (Santini, 2018).

Overall, a literature review should be a comprehensive and critical analysis of the existing
research on a specific topic, and should provide a valuable contribution to the field of study.


Reflecting on the class discussion on writing a research question, I found it to be informative and
helpful in guiding me on the process of developing a clear and focused research question. The
class discussion provided me with a better understanding of the importance of writing a research
question that is specific, clear, and well-defined (McCulloch & Horak, 2019).

One aspect of the class discussion that was particularly useful was the emphasis on the need to
identify a research topic that is both interesting and manageable. The class discussion helped me
to understand that a research question should be focused and narrow enough to be answered
within the scope of the research project.

The class discussion also highlighted the importance of ensuring that the research question is
well-defined and specific. It provided me with guidelines on how to develop a research question
that is clear and concise, which helped me to avoid broad and vague research questions.

Furthermore, the class discussion emphasized the importance of ensuring that the research
question is relevant and significant to the field of study. It helped me to understand the
importance of developing a research question that contributes to the existing body of knowledge
and addresses a gap in the literature.



Learning research philosophy is the study of the underlying assumptions, beliefs, and values that
guide research methodologies and data collection. It involves identifying and critically
examining different philosophical positions and methodological orientations that researchers use
in their investigations.

There are several philosophical positions that researchers can adopt, such as positivism,
interpretivism, critical theory, and pragmatism. Each of these positions has its own set of
assumptions about the nature of reality, the role of the researcher, and the relationship between
the researcher and the research subject (Fletcher, 2017).

Methodological orientations, on the other hand, refer to the specific techniques and methods that
researchers use to collect data and analyse their findings. For example, qualitative researchers
may use methods such as interviews, focus groups, or observations, while quantitative
researchers may use statistical analysis or experimental designs.

Reflecting on learning research philosophy like epistemology or ontology can help researchers to
become more aware of their assumptions and biases, which can ultimately enhance the rigor and

quality of their research. By understanding the philosophical underpinnings of their research,
researchers can make informed decisions about their research design and methodology, and
choose methods that are most appropriate for answering their research questions.

Overall, learning research philosophy is an essential aspect of research methodology that helps
researchers to critically examine their assumptions and biases, and choose appropriate research
methods that align with their research questions and goals.


Overall, this module has been a valuable learning experience, and I feel better equipped to
undertake research and to communicate my findings effectively. I am confident that the
knowledge and skills I have acquired through this module will be useful in my future academic
and professional endeavours.


Fletcher, A. J. (2017). Applying critical realism in qualitative research: Methodology meets

method. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20(2), 181–194.

McCulloch, S., & Horak, T. (2019). What we talk about when we talk about writing: exploring

how English for Academic Purposes teachers and learning developers conceptualize

academic writing. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 15.

NIRMAL A HERMA. (2022). Basis of Selecting Research Topic: An Analytical Study.

Research Ambition: An International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 6(IV), 12–14.

Ruoslahti, H., & Trent, A. (2020). Organizational Learning in the Academic Literature –

Systematic Literature Review. Information & Security: An International Journal, 46(1),


Santini, A. (2018). The Importance of Referencing. The Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 4(1),


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