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Factors Contributing to the 1875- Although during this famine all supplies

1878 Balkan Crisis were drained.1 The peasants expected their

Elleanna Gasparevic crops to fail, and after the 1873 tax
collection, they were also forced to use the
grain they planned on using as seed.1 When
winter came the peasants were left with next
to nothing, many died, others left in search
of resources, their herds, fields, and houses
destroyed.1 The famine caused many
casualties, wiping out most of the people in
the winter and early spring of 1874.1 

The role of Ottoman Taxation Policies 

1876 Map of Ottoman Empire 
The results of this famine aggravated many
peasants, and this aggravation was only
Many factors contributed to the Balkan made stronger with the Ottoman
Crisis. Although a specific combination of empires taxation policies. The Ottoman tax
events happened which gave the Crisis it’s system in place before the tax reforms
beginning. Specifically, the Ottoman consisted of a 10th of the yearly produce
empire's taxation increases due to famine, being collected by holders of the land and
combined with Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tax farms, with many additional excise taxes
nationalistic motivation.  to benefit its collectors as well as the state
treasury.2 Many residents, such as those of
The role of The Famine Istanbul were exempted from most types of
The famines in the Ottoman empire were not tax, while non-Muslims had to pay head
as large as others that happened during the tax.2 The new reformed tax system made by
19th century, although the disasters they left the Tanzimat statesman and the Sultan
in their wake were similar. The Floods and
Abdülaziz ul-Hamid II still included the
draughts of 1873 to 1874 in the Ottoman head tax on non-Muslims and the tax on
empire which caused the spread of famine produce was still the value of one-tenth.2
specifically impacted the poor peasants and Although merchants and artisans had to pay
townspeople.1 While others such as grain- profits tax.2 This was implemented instead
holders, religious sects, and merchants of market and excise tax and was based on
somewhat benefited.1 This is because the revenue and an ability to pay.2 These taxes
government attempted the implementation were collected by hired state agents.
of earlier relief measures used during Although this new system did not work well
previous famines.1 This included the control in the countryside, there were very few
of the production, distribution, trade, and collectors.2 Eventually the tax farm system
transportation of grains.1 The government was re-established due to the horrible
established provisioning policies hoping that revenue of 1840, and it essentially meant
all cities could have access to a sufficient that private individuals were acting as tax
and affordable amount of grains.1 During the collectors instead of salaried state agents.
famine of 1873-74 the government also This system was very unethical, the main
provided assistance by employing severe concern was to collect money, and so many
bans on black marketing, and exports.1 illegal means were used.2 Eventually the
1 2
Ottoman empire’s treasury ended up in debt, which applied to all Muslims and non-
and this was made worse with the Crimean Muslims alike.2 
war and later the famine.2 The state was
forced to receive foreign loans, although this         Nationalism, the last factor 
only left it further in debt.2 This resulted in With financial burdens, and greater
heavy tax increases which many struggled to chance of conscription, many Orthodox
pay, especially the Orthodox Christian Christians in the Balkans were starting to
peasants who lived in the Balkan countries feel the power of nationalism. Nationalistic
such as Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their motivated is the last factor that contributed
struggle to pay taxes was met with Violence to the begging of the Balkan crisis. The
from the Ottomans. Just the year before crisis started with uprisings in Bosnia and
1875 there was a bad harvest in the district Herzegovina against Muslim lords or
of Nevesinje, when the peasants were unable “Turkish rule” in 1875.5 It was very much
to pay their taxes, troops were sent after regarded as a cultural uprising of Orthodox
them.3 The Bosnian peasants’ supplies were Christians peasants in the Balkans against
exhausted from the famine, they were unable their Muslim oppressors. Later nationalistic
to pay the increased taxes, and so they grew motivation caused the governments of
angry under the rule of their Muslim Serbia and Montenegro to participate in the
oppressors. If these factors weren't enough revolts.5 Bulgaria later revolted as well, also
to push Bosnia and Herzegovina toward a encouraged by Balkan nationalism.5 Balkan
revolt, many were also feeling the pressure nationalism was further expanded with
of a greater chance of conscription after the Russian involvement, with Russian pan-
military reforms  slave supporters, volunteers, and the
appointment of a Russian general to direct
          The role of military reforms  Serbian forces.5
Previous to the reforms, non-Muslims were
subject to head-tax for their exemption from Russia’s Involvement
military service.2 This however was changed The former Russian general Chiernave
with Ali Pasha's 1856 reform edict, it opposed Tsar Alexander II orders, and set
prioritized equality between Muslims and off for the Balkans, he arrived in Belgrade
non-Muslims.4 When non-Muslims were with volunteers on 28 April 1876.6 He was
granted equality rights such as admittance made into a Serbian citizen and given the
into schools and government positions, it right to command the eastern army.6 His
also meant they could be drafted.2 Although arrival coincided with the verge of the
it also meant that they would stop paying inevitable Serbian and Montenegrin war
exemption tax or the Cizye from which the between the Ottomans, which broke out on
state relied on heavily.4 Even though the June 30, 1876.6 The Ottoman’s refused
Cizye was terminated for its discriminatory Russian requests, which led the Russians to
background, the state replaced it with declare war against the Ottomans on April
another tax from which they could still profit 24, 1877.6 The war was viewed as essential
from. The new tax was a military-service by Tsar Alexander “for the honour of
tax, applying only to non-Muslim obligated Russia, to save the Christian population
for conscription, and this was under the law from the wrath of the Turks, to bring about
necessary reforms and to establish a lasting
3 5

4 6
peace”.7  Whereas Serbia and Montenegro Herzegovina were given to Austria-
were defeated by the Ottomans, Russia Hungary, while Russia was able to keep its
prevailed against them. Their defeat acquisitions.6 These changes were
however was not without complication. To not received well by the pan-slaves. "the
Russia’s surprise there was resistance from Berlin Treaty was the complete negation of
the Turkish at Plevna from July to December Pan-Slav aspirations as expressed in the
1877, which even prompted Britain’s Treaty of San Stefano."5 Nevertheless, the
involvement.5 Eventually Britain enforced Ottomans still viewed the treaty as a
truce with the Treaty of San Stefano on considerable loss, and in conclusion what
March 3, 1878.5 happened in Berlin was seen as a balancing
of powers.5                          

The Signing of the Treaty of San Stefano

The Treaty of San Stefano
The Treaty of San Stefano, contributing to
the end of the Russo-Turkish war, is what
finally secured the requests of the Balkan
states. The Ottomans finally granted Serbia
and Montenegro power over their own
territory; their independence recognized.5
The self-governing of an enlarged new state
of Bulgaria was secured as well.5 Russia was
given territory in Dobruja, and eastern Asia
Minor.6 Although due to objections to the
terms of the treaty from other European
powers, the treaty was adjusted at the
Congress of Berlin from June-July of 1878.5
The changes made included an autonomous
Bulgaria, but its size reduced and divided
into two parts, the northern part, and a
southern part or otherwise known as eastern
Rumelia.6 The independence of Serbia and
Montenegro remained recognized, but their
sizes reduced as well.5 Bosnia and

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