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 Criminology is a complex course in as much

as it is a product of various inputs made by

pioneers in multi-disciplines namely
anthropology, sociology, political science,
economics, psychology, psychiatry, ethics,
law and beyond. Maybe this is one of the
reasons why there is still a problem in laying
down the detailed development of this field
of study. In as much as it is a result of various
principles and theories emanating from
different fields of studies both from social
sciences and applied sciences. In fact, the
study of crimes and criminals even comes
first prior to the development of this field
called criminology.
Pre-Classical Period
 Before the birth of the Classical school of
thoughts people believes that crime is an
act of evil or demon. That is the concept of
the so called “Demonological theory”
which states that criminal behaviour was
believed to be the result of evil spirits and
demons something of natural force that
controls man’s behaviour. Another ancient
concept of crime is the “Divine will theory”
that God allows a person to commit a
crime for it is His ways of punishing them for
disobedience to the will of God.
School of Classical Criminology
Thoughts (MID OF 18th Century)

BASIS Based on the Philosophy of

“Philosophical Approach”
FOCUS Crimes and Punishment

CRIMINAL All man are Rationale Being

Felicific Calculus or Rational Calculator

PUNISHMENT PRINCIPLES: Certainty of Punishment

School of Classical Criminology
Thoughts (MID OF 18th Century)

P Cessare Bonessana Marchese Di Beccaria

E ( Cradle of Criminology & father of Classical Criminology)
R “On Crimes and Punishments” or “Dei Delitti e Delle Pene”
S 1764
Free will or Rational Choice Theory
A Jeremy Bentham
L Hedonism – man only seeks for pleasure
I Founder of Utilitarianism
T Pain and Pleasure Theory
Designed the Panopticon Prison
I Greatest Happiness Theory
Thoughts (Late 18th Century)

BASIS Scientific Approach

Biological, Psychological and

Sociological Determinism affecting
Criminal behaviour
Criminal behaviour is cause by
CRIMINAL External and internal factors outside
Of individual’s control

PURPOSE: Reformation/ Rehabilitation/ Treatment

Thoughts (Late 18th Century)
P Augusto Comte – Father of Sociology
POSITIVIST – followers of Comte.
E Cesare Lombroso – Father of Positivist/Modern/Empirical
R Focus on the Biological and Psychological
S Framework of man
Classify criminals based on Atavistic Stigmata
O “Anomalies” namely: (1) Born Criminal,
N (2) Insane Criminal, and (3) Criminaloid or
A Criminal by Passion.
Raffaele Garofalo – focus on Psychological equivalent
L “Moral Anomalies” & Sociological concept of
I “Natural Crimes”. Criminals are : (1) Murderer,
T (2) Violent, (3) Deficient, and (4) Lascivious.
Enrico Ferri – (socio & ecological factors) Crime is a result
I of not a single but a combination of factors
E classified as (1) physical (2) anthropological
S such as age, sex, biological and
psychological, (3) social etc..
“Free will by stating that free will of men may be
affected by other factors and crime is committed
due to some compelling reasons that prevail.
These causes are pathology, incompetence,
insanity or any condition that will make it
impossible for the individual to exercise free will
Composed mainly of British philosophers who
continue the traditions of classical criminology
within the framework of
“Right Realism”
Effects of Neoclassical School of Thoughts:
Children & lunatics are exempted from
punishment. Certain mitigating or exempting
circumstances should be taken into account. (in
the legal concept)


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