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In this fascinating video, the filmmaker presents a series of

animations illustrating various mathematic principles, beginning with a

breathtaking animation of the Fibonacci. The Nature by Numbers by Ian
Stewart appears to us that the universe is structured in a deeply
mathematical way. The video manages to manifest how everything is
built according to mathematical principles. It shows how even insects is
made up of these unique expressions of mathematics. But mathematics is
perhaps not the first subject that comes to my mind when thinking of
nature, but many researchers have endeavored to explain nature in
mathematical terms, and some inroads have been made. And as I have
watched the video, it made me realized that as I look deeply into nature,
I find answers that somehow help me to notice the beauty behind those
exquisite creations. It also changes how I view the world, in such a way
that I appreciate it more knowing that it consist or centered by
mathematics. I really love how the world turns out to have lots of
mathematical related things. It is certainly amazing that I have given a
chance to be informed about in this even small matter of things. It is
because it became an eye-opener that we should value everything that
surrounds us.

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