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Imperative sentence dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti kalimat perintah. Jadi,
imperative sentence adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk meminta seseorang
melakukan sesuatu/ memerintah seseorang untuk mengerjakan sesuatu.
Secara umum, format imperative sentence yaitu:

V1 + ...... !
Be + Adjective !

1. Sit on that chair, please!
2. Open the window!
3. Be careful!
4. Be smart student, please!
5. Please, turn on the lamp!
6. Please, be honest to me!

Conditional Sentence biasa disebut juga kalimat pengandaian atau IF CLAUSE
Terdapat 4 type conditional sentence.
1. Conditional sentence type zero
2. Conditional Sentence type 1 (kalau)
3. Conditional sentence type 2 (kalau aja)
4. Conditional sentence type 3 (kalau aja kemarin)

 Conditional sentence type zero

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum (General Truth)
Pattern : IF + S + V1 (-s/-es) , S + V1 (-s/-es)
1. If it rains, the grass wets. Atau the grass wets if it rains
2. If it rains, we wear raincoat.
 Conditional sentence type 1
Digunakan untuk menyatakan hal yang mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan
Pattern :
IF + S + V1 (-s/-es) + O , S + WILL + V1

IF + S + is/am/are + Adj/Adv , S + Will be + Adj/ Adv

IDENTIK DENGAN MODAL 1 (can, will, may, have to, has to, should,
If you go to the public area, you must wear mask.

1. If Susan has new novel, I will borrow it.
2. I will borrow the novel if Susan has new one.
3. If Susan comes to my party, I will be very happy
4. If Susan is happy, she will call me.

 Conditional Sentence Type 2

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang TIDAK MUNGKIN terjadi
Faktanya selalu dalam bentuk present (menggunakan Verb 1/ tobe
Pattern :

IF + S + V2 + O , S + WOULD + V1 + O
IF + S + Were + Adj/ Adv , S + Would be + Adj/ Adv

Modal bentuk 2 (could, would, might, had to)

Contoh :
1. If Erick studied hard, He would pass the exam.
Faktanya : Erick doesn’t study hard
2. If Tony didn’t go to school, he would be stupid
Faktanya : Tony goes to school
3. If I were president, my parents would be proud of me.
Faktanya : I am not president

 Conditional Sentence Type 3

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang TIDAK MUNGKIN terjadi
Faktanya selalu dalam bentuk past (menggunakan Verb 2/ to be was/

IF + S + had + v3 + O , S + WOULD + have + v3 + O

IF + S + had been + Adj/ Adv , S + Would have been
+ Adj/ Adv

Contoh :
1. If tiara had known your address, she would have come to your house.
Faktanya : Tiara didn’t know your address
2. If Ifan had been a doctor, he would have been very great.
Faktanya : ifan was not a doctor.
3. If Tiara had had your phone number, she would have called you.
Faktanya : Tiara didn’t have your phone number.

If you visit Seatle, feel the fresh air .....

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