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Leidy johanna mora bonilla.

community, should advance, getting their social group to advance in the
Laura daniela aponte gonzales. construction of their ideas. As Ibañez (2004) points out, leadership is
“the process by which a person displays their ability to influence people
Jorge   eduardo camacho casares.
so that they work with enthusiasm to achieve objectives for the common
Natália serna garcía. good” (p. 25). This means that the leader has the power to generate trust
The main topic of this article is leadership, which is part of the and motivation over other people. In the same way, it becomes a guide
fundamental values of society. Leadership generates orientation to when guiding the actions that will be carried out within a community,
society, provides organization, and builds a route or plan that every because it makes visible the plan to carry out the achievement of the
community must follow. Therefore, listening and taking into account the goals.
differences, positions and actions of others are elements that
According to the above, Ibañez (2004) affirms that the leader arises as a
complement it. That is why the community must include this value,
necessity to organize society, projecting the social structure. For this, the
since attitudes and skills serve to lead a group of people in a respectful
leader has the ability to summon the community, listen to it and choose
and appropriate way. This is how leadership becomes value, that is, a
the appropriate decision to achieve the proposed goals. For this reason,
fundamental aspect of society. So, leadership allows you to be creative,
being a
think and act
leader is not
collectively, seeking
common progress.
decisions that
In this sense, Hiriyappa are alien to
(2018) affirms that the needs of
“leadership is a process the
of persuasion and community,
example through which but rather
an individual (or team raising them
of leaders) induces a and choosing
group to take actions those that are
according to the leader's convenient.
purpose, or the purpose In this way,
shared by all” (p.3). leadership is
This means that a projection
leadership has the to achieve
characteristic of common
influencing the objectives,
community to decide its that is, where
destiny, according to the group
the leader or group of leaders. Specifically, leadership is synonymous benefits from the achievements built by the motor, which is leadership
with decision, action, therefore, whoever is a leader has attitudes and
In conclusion, there are different meanings of the concept of leadership,
skills that allow them to build the roadmap of progress in their
but all agree that it is important to inspire confidence and help achieve
community. To carry out the above, the leader listens to the community
organizational goals. Therefore, it differs from management, since it
and makes decisions according to the ideas contributed by the
only seeks to achieve goals, while leadership involves and motivates
community. Therefore, the leader chooses the best decision for his
employees to achieve it. In addition, every leader has the characteristic
of listening to his community, so that they solve problems together. On
Similarly, leadership is the activity of influencing people to achieve the other hand, leadership builds personality and responsibility in
goals voluntarily, group goals. For their part, several people mistake a decision-making, because being a leader seeks to guide the community
leader for an executive level, which is a mistake. The authentic leader to obtain progress. With all of the above, leadership is constituted as a
creates the strategy and determines the direction in which the company,
value, where its purpose is to evolve, socially, politically, economically and culturall.

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