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1 Illustrating Limit of a Function

After going through this learning material, you are expected to: 1.) illus-
trate the limit of a function using table of values and graph of the function; 2.)
distinguish between and f(c); 3.) illustrate the limit laws; and 4.) apply
the limit laws in evaluating the limit of algebraic functions (polynomial, rational
and radical).

Learning Task 1: Find the value of f(x) given the specified value of x.
1. f(x) = 3x – 5 when x = 9
2. f(x) = 5x2 + 1 when x = 2.9999

3. f(x) = when x = 1.5

4. f(x) = /2x – 7/ when x = 3.8

5. , find f(3)

Learning Task 2: Complete the table of values representing the limit of a func-
tion. Compare and analyze the table of values.

lim (2 + 4x)
x 4

x f(x) x f(x)
3 5
3.5 4.8
3.8 4.5
3.9 4.1
3.99 4.001
3.9999 4.000001

Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the values for f(x)?
2. What did you notice about the given values of x in the 2 tables?
3. What did you observe about the values on f(x)?
4. By synthesizing your observations on the values of x and f(x) on the 2 ta-
bles, how are you going to define a limit?

Consider a function f of a single variable x. Consider a constant c which
the variable x will approach (c may or may not be in the domain of f). The limit,
to be denoted by L, is the unique real value that f(x) will approach as x ap-
proaches c. In symbols, we write this process as . This can be read as,
‘‘The limit of f(x) as x approaches c.” (Source: Learners’ Materials in Basic Calculus)
To illustrate, let us consider .
To evaluate the given limit, we will make use of a table to help us keep
track of the effect that the approach of x toward 4 will have on f(x). Moreover, x
in the number line may approach in two ways; the values on the left and right
side or simply the values less than and greater than a constant c.
The table below shows the values less than 4 and its corresponding out-
put when substituted to f(x) = 2 + 4x. (In constructing the table of values, you
can use calculator)

x f(x)
3 14 To illustrate the table at the left side, it is
3.5 16 represented as , we write x ap-
3.8 17.2 proaching to 4 raised to a negative sign since the
3.9 17.6 values of x is less than c.
3.99 17.96
3.9999 17.9996

The table below shows the values greater than 4 and its corresponding
output when substituted to f(x) = 2 + 4x.
To illustrate the table at the left side, it is
x f(x) represented as , we write x approach-
5 22 ing to 4 raised to a positive sign since the values
4.8 21.2 of x is greater than c. Moreover, the limit from
4.5 20 the left and right of the given value of x is called
one sided limits. In this example one sided limits
4.1 18.4
are and .
4.001 18.004
4.000001 18.000004

As we can observe, as the values get closer and closer to 4, the output is
getting closer to 18. Moreover, since and there-
fore, = by transitive property of equality.

Thus, = 18

The graph at the left side shows the graph of the

table of values for and .

As we can notice, as x is approaching to 4, the
graph is getting closer and closer to y = 18. Thus,

we can say that = 18

Illustrative Examples

Take note that 2 is not in the domain of f, but this is not a problem. In evaluating
a limit, remember that we only need to go very close to 2; we will not go to 2 itself.

x f(x)
The first table at the left side shows that
1 0
1.5 0.5
, since as x approaches to 2 the
1.8 0.8 value of y is getting closer and closer to 1.
1.9 0.9
1.99 0.99
1.9999 0.9999
The second table at the left side shows that
x f(x)
3 2 , since as x approaches to 2 the
2.8 1.8 value of y is getting closer and closer to 1.
2.5 1.5
2.1 1.1
2.001 1.001
2.000001 1.000001
Since and there-

fore = . Thus, the graph

also shows that

2. if,

This is an example of a piecewise function, if x is less than 1 then we will

be applying f(x) = x – 3 while if x greater than or equal to 1 then we will be apply-
ing f(x) = x2 + 5.

X f(x)
0 -3 In the table of values at the left side, we apply the
0.5 -2.5 function f(x) = x – 3, since values of x are less than
1. As we can observe, as the value of x is approach-
0.8 -2.2 ing to 1, then it is getting closer and closer to y = -
0.9 -2.1
0.99 -2.01 2. Thus, .

0.9999 -2.0001

X f(x)
2 9 In the table of values at the left side, we apply the
function f(x) = x2 + 5, since values of x are greater
1.8 8.24
than 1. As we can observe, as the value of x is ap-
1.5 7.25
proaching to 1, then it is getting closer and closer to
1.1 6.21
1.001 6.002001 y = 6. Thus, .
1.000001 6.000002

Since and therefore

. Thus, does not exist or

we can write as DNE. It can also be seen on the
graph at the left side that f(x) has no limit as x ap-
proaches 1. The two separate parts of the function
move toward different y-levels (y = -2 from the left, y
= 6 from the right) in the vicinity of c = 1.

Therefore, DNE. (Note: It is NOT CORRECT to write = DNE be-

cause is not a value that’s why better to write DNE.)

By observation, we can simply say that to find the limits of a polynomial
or rational function we just simply substitute c to the given function however it
is not true for general functions. Let us illustrate the 3 previous examples.

Table at the left side illustrates the

c f(c)

4 f(4) = 18 and f(c). As we can ob-

= 18 serve, on the first and second ex-
2 f(2) = 1
ample = f(c) however the

third example show f(c).

1 f(1) = 6 It implies that it is not always true

that = f(c).

Consider the function f(x) as shown in the graph below. Determine the
limits of a function by observing the behavior of the graph.

1. = 2.5 since the graph did not touch (-1.5,

2.5) but as the x approaching to – 1.5, the graph is
getting closer and closer to 2.5.

2. DNE since the two parts of the graph near

c = 0 do not move toward a common y-level as x ap-
proaches c =0.

3. = 0 since the two parts of the graph near c

Source: DepEd Basic Calculus = 2 are moving toward a common y-level which is y =
Learners’ Materials

4. DNE since the two parts of the graph near c = 4 do not move toward a
common y-level as x approaches c =4.
Limit Theorems (based on Learners’ Materials in Basic Calculus)
Theorem 1: Let c, k and M be real numbers, and let f(x) and g(x) be functions defined on
some open interval containing c, except possibly at c.

1. The limit of a constant is itself. If k is any constant, then, .

For example, , and

2. The limit of x as x approaches c is equal to c. This may be thought of as the

substitution law, because x is simply substituted by c.

For example, , and

For the next remaining theorems, we will be assuming that and

3. The Constant Multiple Theorem: This says that the limit of a multiple of a
function is simply that multiple of the limit of the function.

For example, if then

4. The Addition Theorem: This says that the limit of a sum of functions is the
sum of the limits of the individual functions. Subtraction is also included in this
law, that is, the limit of a difference of functions is the difference of their limits.

For example, if and then

5. The Multiplication Theorem: This is like the Addition Theorem, with multipli-
cation replacing addition as the operation involved. Thus, the limit of a product
of functions is equal to the product of their limits.

For example, if and then

6. The Division Theorem: This says that the limit of a quotient of functions is
equal to the quotient of the limits of the individual functions, provided the de-
nominator limit is not equal to 0.

For example, For example, if and then

. Moreover, if and then

is not possible evaluate since

Therefore, limit does not exist or DNE.
7. The Power Theorem: This theorem states that the limit of an integer power p
of a function is just that power of the limit of the function.

For example, if then

8. The Radical/Root Theorem: This theorem states that if n is a positive integer,
the limit of the nth root of a function is just the nth root of the limit of the func-
tion, provided the nth root of the limit is a real number. Thus, it is important to
keep in mind that if n is even, the limit of the function must be positive.

For example, if then . Moreover, if

then which is not a real number

Therefore it is not possible to evaluate the .
Theorem 2: Let f be a polynomial of the form
f(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 + …. + a1x + a0
If c is a real number, then

Theorem 3: Let h be a rational function of the form where f and g are

polynomial functions. If c is a real number and g(c) 0, then

Illustrative Examples

1. Evaluate = Addition

=5 Constant Rule

= 5 (8) – 3
= 37
Other way: computing for the value of f at x = 8, we get f(x) = 5(8) – 3 = 37.
Therefore, from Theorem 2,

2. Evaluate

Note that
Thus, using the theorem,

Other way: Since the denominator is not zero when evaluated at x = 1, we may
apply Theorem 3:

3. Evaluate

First, note that = 2(-1) – 6 = -9 0. Moreover, =3

(-1) + 19 = 16 > 0. Thus, using the Division and Radical Rules of Theorem 1, we

4. Evaluate

Since = 0, which implies that the limit does not exist however it is im-
portant to factor the numerator and the denominator of the given function before
evaluating the limit of the given function in the denominator.

Therefore, f(x) can be written as x+5.

Instead of evaluating , it can be = -3 + 5 = 2.

Thus, =2

Learning Task 3: Complete the given 2 sets of tables of values to investigate the
limits of a function.


x f(x) x f(x)
-3 -1
-2.5 -1.5
-2.1 -1.9
-2.0001 -1.9999

Find the following:

a. b. c.

2. if

x f(x) x f(x)
4 2
3.5 2.5
3.1 2.9
3.0001 2.9999

Find the following:

a. b. c.

Learning Task 4: Consider the function f(x), whose graph is shown below. De-
termine the limit of a function, by observing the behavior of the graph.






Learning Task 5: Evaluate the following limits.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Learning Task 6: After going through the different activities in this learning ma-
terial, I am sure that you learned a lot. I want you to share with me your
thoughts about our lesson, by completing the following statements:

I have learned that ________________________________________

I realized that _____________________________________________

Learning Task 7: Sketch one possible graph of a function f(x) defined on R that
satisfies all the listed conditions. You can use different colors of pen and high-
light the hole and point on the graph

, c>4
1. Sketch one possible graph that satisfies the condition
2. Design your graph.
3. Explain your work or solutions why did you arrive with that kind of graph.
(Please use an oslo paper in doing this learning task.)
Scoring Rubric
Category Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
Satisfactory Improvement
Content- Ac- 100% of the solu- 80 -99% of the 60-79% of the Below 60% of
curacy (20) tions are correct. solutions are solutions are the solutions
(20) correct (17) correct (14) are correct (11)

Presentation Output is excep- Output is at- Output is ac- Output is dis-

of Output tionally attractive tractive in ceptably attrac- tractingly
in terms of de- terms of de- tive though it messy and not
sign, layout and sign, layout may be a bit attractive (9)
neatness (15) and neatness messy (11)

Mathematical Complete under- Substantial Partial under- Limited under-

Content/ standing of the understanding standing of the standing of the
Reasoning mathematical of the mathe- mathematical mathematical
(15 concepts is evi- matical con- concepts is ap- concepts is ap-
dent in the cepts is ap- plied. (11) plied. (9)
presentation. (15 plied. (13)


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