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Academic conditions in Pakistan

during Covid-19
(Conflict Perspective)
What is conflict perspective?
The conflict perspective refers to the inequality that
exist in all societies globally. It was originated by
Karl Marx on class difference. The capitalists and
powerful class was referred as Bourgeoisie and poor
and working class was referred as proletariats. The
Bourgeoisie exploit proletariats for there own profit.
Conflict perspective represent the negative nature
of the the society. As per the conflict theorists the
rich and powerful people maintain a power by


oppressing the poor unit of society. Today, conflict
exists due to inequality between groups including
religious, political, economic, etc.

What is the affect on academics by Covid-19 ? 03
Covid-19 has influenced its affects in every aspect of the world, from politics to
economy and from economy to education systems. However, we will be
discussing its affects on academic situation globally.

•Since, the education system went hybrid due to this, the modes and ways of
teaching were modified in more efficient ways for better understanding for the

•The use of technology increased. Mobile phones, laptops and computers

became an essential need in terms of learning.

Karl marx
Continued.. _______
• New tools and apps were introduced to make presentations and
submitting assignments for the better understanding of the topic.

• The criteria and terms to assess and test children were modified.
The marking schemes were also brought to changes as the teaching
methods also varied from the usual. Many systems only tested on the
basis of Mcq's or short answers. Also some systems tested on more
detailed answers.

• The practical applications of learning and education were also

eliminated from most of the education systems.
What is the affect of Covid-19 on academics in conflict perspective's view?
• COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on the academic conditions of Pakistan.

• All over the country students are in a hybrid learning process, which involves more
concentration along with other factors such as access to the equipments, internet and the
understanding of using modern gadgets.

• Pakistan being a developing country, there are many small schools that can't afford
online education system very easily. Therefore, majority of the students are unable to take
classes as physical schools are closed.

• This kind of hindrance in the educational system can be very damaging for students

• The learning process is not the same anymore as it used to be in the physical classes. Most
students don't attend the online sessions actively.
conflict perspective
Continued.. --------

• Because of hybrid learning, Lack of communicational skill develop in students.

• Lack of decision making and leadership qualities, as students used to work with eachother
in group projects in physical classes but in online classes that doesn't happen.

• Hybrid learning can also cause self-isloation in students.

• Many schools had to give training to their faculty for hybrid learning, which is quite
difficult for the ones who lack in this area.

• Students are being promoted without any formal examination which clearly is very
unfavourable for their future. 1 Chronicles 16:23-31

Thank you <!3

Group members: Anusha alam, Areej junaid, Eisha noorani and
Areeba anwer.

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