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Introduction (ecstatic feeling)

Marco: “Looking back to move forward”…..Have you heard that saying..

Jannael: Yah kind of…

Marilet: It means being grateful, isn’t it? Oh we have so many things we have to be graful for.

Jannael: That’s right, our God, parents, friends, teachers, for all the things they have done for

Marco: Yes they did something important for us so we are so grateful. But for today’s video,
we will try to look back even further, until the times of the early society. Let’s get to know their
importants works in advancing human knowledge.

Marilet: And because we are so grateful, some of those important milestones, inventions,
discoveries throughtout the “history” of science and technology will be highlighted in this video.

Jannael: We have chosen 3 inventions or discovery we think very important or significant in

each era, and we will be telling you the importance, and the reason why we have chosen it. Let’s
get to it.

(Expanation: Prehistory)

Jannael: First, the Prehistory, from the beginning of man until the rise of civilizations, where
there are human activities, but little to no records of human history. But still, many foundations
of the human civilization have occurred during this span of time. Some of this are, first

1) The Hammerstones


A hammerstone (or hammer stone) is the archaeological term used for one of the oldest
and simplest stone tools humans ever made: a rock used as a prehistoric hammer, to create
percussion fractures on another rock. The end result is the creation of sharp-edged stone flakes
from the second rock. Those flakes can then be used as ad hoc tools, or reworked into stone
tools, depending on the technical skill and knowledge of the prehistoric flint knapper.

It is important for without a hammerstone the cores would have been struck using
different methods which may not have produced the same quality flakes and implements.
Although there are other methods for striking cores, the hammerstone is the most convenient and
simple method. The following diagram shows the procedure of producing flakes with a core and
Not only was the hammerstone used for knapping and trimming flakes, but also
for the breaking and pounding of nuts, grains, seeds, bones and ochres. They are also used for
shredding bark.

(Reason why we chose it)

The reason we chose this because we believe that stone tools played an
important part in the everyday life of the people during the period of Pre-history. It is amazing
how with once a whole rock can be transformed into other more useful tools.

2) The Boat

Next for Pre-history is the Boat. Boats played an important role in traveling and in finding food
resources and trade. People usually live near a river because it provides a steady supply of
drinking water and made the land fertile for growing crops. They could also easily trade and
transport goods and catch fishes for food. And boats are necessary in order to fulfill these

(Reason why we chose it)

We choose this because we believe that the invention of boats in the era of Mesolithic is
an important passage where they were given the ability to travel and explore other places where
it helped them to trade their goods and also learn about the others’ goods and sometimes
inventions. And throughout the time, people continuously developed it until they were able to
create a ship in which they were able to use to explore the world.

3) Water Clock


Last for the Prehistory is the Water Clock. There were two forms of water clocks: outflow and
inflow. In an outflow water clock, the inside of a container was marked with lines of
measurement. The container was filled with water, which was allowed to leak out at a steady
pace. Observers were able to tell time by measuring the change in water level. An inflow water
clock followed the same principle as an outflow one, i.e. the steady dripping of water. Unlike the
latter, the former’s measurements were in a second container instead. Based on the amount of
water that dripped from the first container, one was able to tell how much time had passed.

Water clocks were used to measure time indoors, often in the temples in the
commission of divine service when required to consider the time. Every hour of the day
was dedicated to a deity, and a special prayer dedicated to each deity. Water clocks were
also an important tool for determining the time in astronomical observations at night.

(Reason why we chose it)

We choose this because the invention of clock is one of the most important tools that
have led to the development of the early civilization. With the help of the water clock, at that
period people can properly be able to properly tell the time of when they will have to do
something or how much time have already pass. We think that it helped them to be productive.

(Explanation: Classical Antiquity)

Jannael: Next Era is the Classical Antiquity, which roughly began 600 BC. This time is the
beginning of a philosophical period in world history as well as the first recorded sources of
human history. Very important inventions emerged in this time period and one of it is:

1) Paper

Paper. Since writing on stones, Ancient Temples, and caves were not easy. Therefore, by
creating paper, they were able to transcribe messages and publish important documents that
could be carried and transported easily. Papers first uses included being used as a wrapper for
precious items for clothing, blankets and also armor in Ancient China, religious texts in Ancient
Egypt, and government texts in Ancient Greece.

Paper also made it easy to spread the culture of each country on different places of the
world during trading.

(Reason why we chose it)

We choose this because we think that the invention of paper is one of the important
discoveries in history. Papers made it more easy to spread each countries’ knowledge and
literature. Publication of books became more convenient and able to be easily carried and

2) Seismometer


Another one for Clasical Antiquity is the Seismometer. Seismometer is important in

detecting and alarming people whenever there are earthquakes happening. It was said that there
are a lot of devastating quakes happened in many remote regions of China, wherein the first
seismometer was invented. So a detection device helped the emperor know when and where to
send timely aid from the capital.

(Reason why we chose it)

We choose this because aside from it being an amazing invention, the use of the
seismometer is also very important. Detecting earthquake movements and being able to tell their
direction is a great help in reducing the number of casualties.

3) Woodblock Printing

Here again for the last, the Woodblock Printing. The inventions of woodblock printing during the
Tang dynasty which then lead to the invention of the moveable type during the Song dynasty,
enabling widespread publishing of a variety of texts, and the dissemination of knowledge and
literacy. It also lead to the development of sophisticated paper industry with many different
specialized papers created for different purposes.

At first, woodblock printing was mainly used for printing books on agriculture
and medicine, as well as for printing calendars, calligraphy, and auspicious charms. But later on
used for commercial purposes like as receipts for business transactions and tax payments.

(Reason why we chose it)

We choose this because we think that the method of printing with woodblocks are also an
amazing and very useful invention. Publications of a certain book or literature became easier and
faster than manually writing them to produce several copies.

(Explanation: Post-Classical Antiquity)

Marco: Transition to the Era when Europe was fairly grim because the Roman Empire
breakdown and Barbarian kings and warlords ruled the lands for many years, the Post-Classical
Antiquity, also called Medieval Period or Middle Ages. Let’s take another little time for some
really important things that were invented during the Middle Ages.

1) The Heavy Plough


According to Lynn White, Jr., In his book titled “Medieval Technology and Social Change”, the
invention and widespread adoption of the heavy plough was the most important element in the
“agricultural revolution” in Medieval Europe. The soil found in most part of northern Europe
were heavy fertile clay soil which offer much more resistance to the earlier plough available
before the heavy plough. This earlier plough, commonly known as the ard or scratch-plough is
more or less a pointy stick dragged behind a draft animal, cutting lightly through the soil which
farmer would walk along with the plough and lift the plough blade so that it didn’t get caught on
rocks or roots. These ploughs were fine for lighter soils and unsuitable to heavy and harder soils
of most part of Northern Europe. There was an unprecedented productivity until that time but it
was changed when the heavy plough was used. Heavy plough allows for better field drainage,
access the most fertile soils, and saving of peasant labor time, which hence stimulated food
production and, as a consequence, “population growth, specialization of function, urbanization,
and the growth of leisure”.

(Reason why we chose it)

We chose the heavy plough as one of the significant invention in the Middle Ages for it is a
major breakthrough in terms of agriculture. Agriculture is very important to human lives and
with the plough, it allows people to grow crops in soils too hard for hand digging and to greatly
expand their fields. A more improved plough was made during the Middle Ages and have
improved further as well the crop yields and boosted population number.

2) Eye glasses


It is a fact that half the world wears glasses and that would speak how we are thankful for the
Italians who came up with eyeglasses in the 13th century. It was at this time the early glasses
featured convex lenses to help the farsighted focus on items up close. Medieval glasses didn’t
have arms to go over the ears at first and were of the pince-nez variety with two lenses riveted
together in the center. The wearers would either have to hold them while using them, or pinch
them tightly onto their noses to keep them in place. Though might be uncomfortable often but
every time it was wore was worth it for it made it possible for people of all walks of life to
continue to read, to write, and to work at both their hobbies and professions much later in life
and overcome vision problems.

(Reason why we chose it)

Weren’t for this humble eyeglasses being invented, the life for billions of people around the
world would be a dismal and blurry. We see some beloved someone wears glasses for they need
it. Thus, the invention of this considered as the latest high-tech gadget to come out of Italy in the
13th century is very significant for the society as it had initialized to invent more improved
version as time passes that keeps man see a bright life ahead.

3) Printing Press

Johannes Gutenberg from Mainz, Germany is the one who developed the printing press around
1440 in which we can track from the modern printing press we used today. Before his printing
press, there are already basic forms of printing existing which involved letters or images cut on
blocks of wood, which that block would be dipped in ink and then stamped onto paper. Though
this German man was desperate during that time on just making money, he did actually realize
what he could do to make printing faster by using cut blocks within a machine. He came up with
the so-called “movable type machine” which is, instead of using wood blocks, he used metal
where the metal block letters could be moved around to create new words and sentences. The
press-printed materials were at first more popular with the lower classes. Eventually, printed
texts became a new way to spread information to vast audiences quickly and cheaply. In the past,
people being quite uneducated is common, but not until the printing press came for through it,
people could read and increase their knowledge more easily. Scholarly ideas were disseminated
even more that it benefited people academically. Politicians even recognize the importance of the
press as they can print pamphlets which they can use to garner the public’s interest. There are
also leads stating that printing press helped standardize language, grammar, and spelling.

(Reason why we chose it)

We chose the Printing Press as one of the significant discovery in the Middles ages as, if we
imagine life without it, later and more improved technologies for sharing large amounts of
information quickly and in huge numbers would never even happen to exist. Because of this
invention, we have had books, magazines or newspapers. Posters, flyers, pamphlets and mailers
have also existed which serve us convenience in making people more informed. It drastically
changed the way society evolved. In fact, the printing press has been known as one of the most
important inventions of our time.

(Explanation: Modern Era)

Marco: Last Era we have is the Modern Era, which includes the age of exploration, scientific
revolution, industrial revolution, contemporary era, beginning from 1500 AD to the present.

1) Transistor

Transistor is an integral part of any electronic circuit/device. It is very rare to see any circuits
built without at least one transistor. It was first developed in late 1947 by Bell Laboratories, it
allow for precise control of the amount and flow of current through circuit boards. This
semiconductor device is used either for switching purposes or for amplification purposes in
electronic devices. Originally used in radios, transistors have since become an elemental piece of
the circuitry in countless electronic devices including televisions, cell phones and computers, that
is very much useful until this very day.
(Reason why we chose it)

Obviously, transistors made a very remarkable impact on technology and it will only continue to
grow. We chose this as one of the significant invention in the Modern Era as this is the one
which led the existence of the electronic device that we people have already a part of our
lifestyle, like the computer and cellphones during online class.

2) Telegraph

First major advancements in worldwide communication happened within the Modern Era and it
was the original telegraph and its wireless successors. Telegraph was the first in a long line of
communications breakthroughs that later included radio, telephones and email. Pioneered by a
variety of inventors in the 18th and 19th centuries, the telegraph used Samuel Morse’s famous
Morse code to convey messages by intermittently stopping the flow of electricity along
communications wires. Telegraph had gave people the ability to send messages rapidly across
great distances and very important for the government, trade, banking, industry, warfare and
news media, and as it is called, served as the bedrock of the information age.

(Reason why we chose it)

Communication ia very important to society, and telegraph have led people to not any more
depend on physical letters that took too much time before received by the desired recipient and
any other primitive manners that actually tend people to be outdated often. Telegraph and its
successors that came after as improvement made an indelible impact to communication and
being informed.

3) Antibiotic

The discovery of Penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming when he accidentally discovered the
bacteria-inhibiting mold is the first leap in antibiotics. Antibiotics saved millions of lives by
killing and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria and proved to be a major improvement on
antiseptics—which killed human cells along with bacteria. The use of antibiotics spread
throughout the 20th century, even at battlefields. During World War 2, with the use of the
Antibiotic named Penicillin, the number of the soldiers who died from being contracted with a
bacterial pneumonia dropped to just 1 percent compared to the 20 percent of the soldiers who
died with that disease during World War 1. Antibiotics including penicillin, vancomycin,
cephalosporin and streptomycin have gone on to fight nearly every known form of infection,
including influenza, malaria, meningitis, tuberculosis and most sexually transmitted diseases.
(Reason why we chose it)

Antibiotic is now been prescribed with more care, needing the permission from a doctor for you
to be avail that from drugstores. Anyway, it made the cure of most disease easier and more
alleviating. In the present, we see the necessity for antibiotic, and for these we should be thankful
to the significant breakthrough of discovering antibiotic during the beginning of the Modern Era.

Marilet: It so good to be grateful, isn’t it? Hope you enjoy the video, Thank you for watching.

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