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Australia / Grammar/ For or since 

? / Present perfect/ Preterit

Observe et déduis

a) The British have lived in Australia since 1788.

b) The British have lived in Australia for 230 years.
c) Aborigines have been in Australia for thousands of years.
d) People have protested against Australia Day since 1938.

Quelle différence, notes-tu entre les phrases a b c d ? Dans ces phrases qu’indique-t-on : la
durée complète ou le début de la durée ?

On utilise FOR pour exprimer une durée dans sa totalité et SINCE pour préciser le début de la
durée, le point de départ de l’action.

Dans les deux cas on utilise le present perfect : ce temps permet d’exprimer un lien entre le
PASSE et le PRESENT (conséquence, bilan, durée). Il se forme grâce à l’auxiliaire Have/ Has
suivi du participe passé du verbe.

Petit rappel : Le prétérit simple quant à lui exprime une rupture avec le présent.
→ s’emploie pour raconter des événements révolus qu’ils soient ponctuels (passé simple ou passé
composé) ou répétés (habitude dans le passé=imparfait) sans aucun lien avec le moment présent.

A / Complete the following sentences using for or since

1) Russel Crowe, the New Zealand actor, has lived in Australia ………………………………… 1968.
2) Gemma McKinnon has been an Aboriginal activist …………………………………… several years.
3) The Australian national flag has been the same ……………………………………………………1901.
4) People have celebrated Australia Day on 26 January………………………………………… 1808.
5) Aborigines have revolted against Australia Day ………………………………………… the late 1930s.
6) People have emigrated to Australia …………………………………… centuries.

B) Put the verb into brackets into the right tense and form (present perfect or past simple)

1) The British (come) ………………………………………………… to Australia in 1788.

2) When British settlers arrived in Australia, they (capture) ………………………………………… or (slaughter)

………………………………………………………… Aborigines.

3) Aboriginal people (become) ………………………………………………………very vulnerable since the beginning of


4) Aborigines officially (become)……………………………………………………………… citizens in 1967.

5) Great Britain also (send) …………………………………………………………… convicts to populate the country.

6) This is the first time I (attend)……………………………………………………… such a ceremony. I feel like crying, it

is so moving.

7) In 2000, when Cathy Freeman, an Australian sprinter, (win) …………………………………… the Olympics

Games, the entire world (see) ……………………………………………her holding both the Aboriginal and

Australian flags during her victory lap. Since then, she (symbolize)

……………………………………………………………… reconciliation between the two communities. Cathy Freeman

(preside) ……………………………………………… over the Cathy Freeman Foundation since its creation in 2007.

The foundation (support)………………………………………………… indigenous children for a decade and it

(achieve) …………………………………………………………………… fantastic results for years now.

8) Scott Morrison (be) ………………………………………elected Prime Minister in August 2018.

Australia /Grammar /Passive voice

The European settlers slaughtered many Aborigines

→ Many Aborigines were slaughtered by the European settlers

Rappel : BE+ Participe passé

Attention le passif sert souvent à traduire le « on » français.

Aborigines were given the right to vote = On a donné le droit de vote aux Aborigènes

A/ Change the following sentences into the passive voice.

1) The Dutch discovered the southern coast of Australia in 1606.


2) The British settlers had taken all the fertile lands by 1870.


3) Smallpox (variole) killed 50% of the Aboriginal population within a few weeks.


4) The British government sent convicts to Australia for about 80 years..


5) Many associations have held debates about Australia Day for many years.


6) A lot of Aboriginal people are questioning the legitimacy of the celebration.


7) The Australian government could make better laws for Aboriginal people.


B/ Translate into English

1) On les a privés (deprive of) de leur terre= ………………………………………………………………………………………………

2) Les Aborigènes sont souvent considérés comme une main d’œuvre peu chère


3) On les a envoyés pour peupler le pays.


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