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Adalid Annalyn A

BSE 1-1

English Major


What is Adverb?

An adverb is a list of words that alters the verb, an adjective or even an another
adverb. The word adverb is derived from a Latin word "adverbium," from ad- ("to"),
verbum ("word", "verb"), and the nominal suffix -ium.. The term 'adverb' itself means
that it's main function is to act as modifiers of the verb in a given sentence.

Adverbs might just be a modifier, but it has a very wide range of altering functions.
Always keep in mind that adverbs are modifiers of both verbs and adjectives.
Adverbs are expected to express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, etc.

Adverb of Manner

Adverb of Manner modifies or converts a sentence to tell us how something happened,

whether it was quick or not. Adverb of manner is usually written after the main verb or
before the object.

Adverb of Manner Sample Sentence

Well She explains well

Quickly The man quickly run after the ball
Slowly He walks slowly
Happily They happily spend the weekend at the park
Sadly She looked up at the sky sadly
Angrily He shouted angrily
Loudly The vocalist of the band sings loudly
Beautifully It was beautifully painted
Adverb of Place

This refers to the setting, location or the place itself where the verb are being carried
out. Adverbs of place are normally placed after a sentence's object or main verb. Many
adverbs of place indicate movement in a particular direction and end in the letters

Example of Adverb of Place


Example sentence of Adverb of Place

Put that box right there

The church is just nearby our house
Kindly place that coffee here in my table
When Katelyn saw me walking, she hurriedly run towards me
Don't go beyond that fence, you might step on broken glass
The party will be held outside the mansion
The main gate of our university is just straight ahead
Next time, just go straight ahead not backwards.

Adverb of Time
- This refers to when did the action happened. It depends on how often the certain
action is performed. The exact position of this adverb only depends what the verb is
Adverb of Time has different category namely;

1) When
Adverbs which tell us when something happened are usually placed at the end of the

Example Sentence:
I went to the cemetery last night
I finished all my pending activities yesterday.
It's my 18 birthday tomorrow.

Some other example of category WHEN

Next week
Next month
Lats week
Last month

2) How long- time

Another way adverbs of time can be used is to mark the passing of time or set a
time limit to an activity or action. Adverbs which tell us how long something happened
are also usually placed at the end of the sentence.


I stayed at Shaloms' house for a night.

I studied all my notes all night
My friends decided to spent the holiday's at Cebu for two weeks.
My sister has been practicing painting since she was teen.

3) Frequency

Adverbs of time can also be used to tell us how often something happens. These types
of adverbs of time tell us how often something happened. They determine the frequency
of the action that's being described, which is why they're also called adverbs of frequency.

There are two types of adverbs of frequency namely, Adverbs of definite frequency and
Adverbs of indefinite frequency. The position of an adverb in a sentence can tell you
whether it's of definite or indefinite frequency.

Adverbs of definite frequency means counting how many times that situation happened,
they are most placed at the beginning or end of the sentence.

I go to the gym thrice a week
I've been to Bacolod for the nth time
Once a month, I go to the cemetery alone to visit my father
I go to the grocery stores monthly.

Adverbs of Indefinite Frequency are placed in the middle of the sentence. Where it's
placed depends on the sentence itself. Adverbs of indefinite frequency include words
such as always, usually, never, often, very often, rarely, sometimes, seldom, occasionally,
once in a while, repeatedly, typically, generally and hardly ever.

Example of Indefinite Frequency

I always drink 8 glasses of watery every day.
I often attend family gatherings.
My sister never take a bath every cold weather.

4) Possibility (yet-still)

The adverb yet is used when something hasn't happened but expected to happen soon. It
is placed at the end of the sentence.

Have you finished all your reports yet?

The adverb still refers to something that is still continuing and hasn't stop. It is usually
placed before the main verb.

I'm still hoping that the new coffee shop will open sooner.
I am still a kid, why does everyone keeps on preassuring me?

5) Multiple Uses: Using more than one adverb of time in a sentence:

It's possible to use multiple adverbs in one sentence.

I still visit the grave of my father twice a week
I always find time to read my old journals.
I stayed in my Grandmother's house for six months last year.

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