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City University

Department of Business Administration

Mid Term Examination
Program: MBA, Summer- 2021
MKT 601: Marketing Research Sec: KM

Exam Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Total: 30 Marks

(Answer any five from the below questions. Parts of each question must be answered chronologically.
Figure in the right margin indicates the mark.)

1. a. Explain the classification of research with examples 2

b. Briefly describe the marketing research process consisting of six steps with appropriate 4

2. a. Compare and contrast between management research problem and marketing research 2
problem with examples

b. Briefly describe the classification of marketing research designs with examples 4

3. a. Explain the process of defining the problem and developing an approach 2

b. Briefly describe the relationships among exploratory, descriptive and causal research 4

4. a. Compare and contrast between primary data and secondary data 2

b. Briefly describe the classification of secondary data with examples 4

5. a. Explain the primary differences between qualitative and quantitative research 2


b. Briefly describe the classification of marketing research data with examples 4

6. a. Explain the term “Focus Group Interviews” and Depth Interviews with examples 2

b. Briefly describe any four advantages and disadvantages of focus group interviews. 4

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