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V. Why Filipino Martial Art is Important?

And why should I Consider learning and

practicing Arnis?(100words)


We all know that Filipino Martial art is one of our culture

here in the Philippines. Learning this kind of art will improve
your physical and mental health while teaching you the Filipino
This culture does not only teach us to protect ourselves but
to protect what matter you the most, inside this art you will learn
lessons, and history. The very reason for its existence is
something to be proud of as a pinoy.
A Filipino Martial art that we need to learn is Arnis, we
should consider to learn and practice arnis for the reason that
this will help us to defend ourselves, one main good reason why
we should learn this is that arnis aims to develop the mind, the
physique, and the character of the player. It will help us to be
alert in every situation that may possibly come.

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