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Multicultural Intercultural

 is the verbal and nonverbal
It scrutinize not only what
Communication between
happens when people of two This terms are
people from different cultural
different cultures meet, but important and their
backgrounds. So intercultural
also what happens when definitions should
communication is
people from a variety of be respected.
the communication between
cultures and nationality come
together in one establishment , TYPES OF CULTURAL
community or country.

This terms are This terms are

important and their important and their
definitions should definitions should
be respected. be respected.

Cross cultural

This  involves an understanding of how people from

different cultures speak, communicate, and perceive
the world around them. Cross-cultural
communication in an organization deals
with understanding different business customs,
beliefs and communication strategies.

Dialogue: A normal conversation between 2 friends through text

Pat: Hi Bob! How’s your day?

Bob: My day is fine Pat, how about you?

Pat: I’m so tired from work, it’s very frustrating my boss told me to have an overtime

Bob: That’s fine, you did a great job today pat!

Pat: Thanks bob, you never fail to lift me up and always reminding me to continue what I love to do even it’s so

Bob: Yeah of course, we’re friend! And friends are supporting each other and not leaving them behind

Pat: Yip, Thank you for being there always bob, I will always appreciate it

Bob: Oh c’mon its nothing you silly!

Pat: But hey, as long I’m here I will also do my best to be a Good Friend and also support you on what you want

Bob: Yes Bob. Thank you also for being a Good friend!

Bob: by the way Pat, wanna go to the cinema with me this Saturday they are showing Fast and the Furious

Pat: Oh sure! That’s perfect it’s my day off lol, I’ll go!

Bob: See yah there then pat! Take a rest

Pat: I sure will take a rest, Thanks again buddy see you on Saturday.

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