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Programming the mind to succeed, self-regulation and thought control:

Programming the mind to succeed thought control and self-regulation

You need to be highly sefl-regualted if you want to o gethgis ndone, sucedd, achvhe your gaols, be self-
driven and controlled and so oo n, hw ot beself reguatled:-

1) The program/software: The program/software that runs I nyoru mind is imp, it will decidewaht
thgisn you do what decions you maek and the actins you take,
- be htoguthful think research reocgnzie what u ushu do and shud nto od otowrds ahcivgn ur
ogals thth is , be htgthful think about ti and recognize identify resrch wht u ushu figure things
out wht u ushud nnshud nt od od nad wahy to succeed nadn so n, do ti thoguthgfuly I n waell
thogtuh out way have technique a process a system and so n ether figured out b urself or learnt
form toehrs
- don’t care or wrry bot uthe out ocem, I man u shud triy n away tht hthe outocemsi siucceful,
causeu if uuse wrng tehcnques and dotn care of the outocem then u wont use right techniques
or perfectly try I na way tht hotu ocem si success and avod failure, thh is most properly o it
proeplry or utocem wile b failure but odtn are baou thteh reustl, it doenst matter ifu ufail and
so on, keep triygn odtn let falrue stopu ur focus shud be ot keep triygn keep wrkign to wrds ur
goals and not stop no matter wahth the failures and rejecitosn , the real fuailurei si when u get
demaotived low moarl and stop trying gritn and iitermainti nt not giveu and keep trying try try
till usueed.
-Dotn waste your item oyur tims is imp make the most productive use of the limited item thath
you have, every min our second is imp and counts dotn waste ti.
-think fo owaht to d next think dnad paln what to odo nexthgis nt odo , words achvign yorugasl
and hten execute, take action et to towork, keep woingget oo action and kee pakignacito nt odo
it and geit iodne and make it happen, ngeti ti to odit ato geiti oden and make iti happen. Gethgis
ndun thth is! Think of wa ot od tnext otwrds achvign ru goal think nn plan nad hten taek acito
tnake it ofr doing ti orto odi t and geiit ioden gethgsi donework doe nand maek things happen
thth is…think paln think of thwhaht to odo next towards achvign ru aols
= the mission objetivei sit o achvhe ru goals and to gethgis ndoe nadn work doen thth nees to eb
ocdne to aochveh ru gaosl and to get them doen fast and to not wste tiem thth si make the max
most produive use fo oenenfitn use nadn tuizaitonf oteh limted item htht uahve , by igigvn ti t
work and im thgisn , how proeduive was uru day? How much u got doen things u need ot get
doen t o ahhdve ur gola,s how mcu htiem didi u ive to wrds ahcivng ru oasl and work getitign
thgisn doen, work tht needso to be odnt ot ahhve uroaglas, what didi u sped n ur item hwo idi u
spend ur tiem doing what tht is.
-you needo t be cocosntly at ti and doing ti , get ot owork, be cocsntly working , yo ushud be
cocosntly working nonstop focus on working odign oyru work and chippignaway, towards
getthgi nthgisn done and nachvgn ur gaosl.
- the goal is to ntojsut gethgisn done but ot gethigs ndoen fas at a record speed rate and n time.
- stay focused on whats imp say no to otherhtigsn unimp thgisn, its highly imp to stay focused,
and not lose perspective, hwo ot ostay focsud?,
-dotn wast ou tri tme soyur item sis limtiend ur tiem sisi limted resource, n havece valuable and
nexptemremly imp, and haence imp every min hour sec is imp n counts, make the most
produive utiizatiosn n use fo the limited tie mtth hu have, by giiggn it to work and imp thgis
nadn not wastitng t I doing unim pthgisn sdont waste your tiem slepein laszing, doing unim
pthgsi tnhkignof unimp thgisand so on give min time ot toerhitngs like lsepeign etc. .ad namx tie
mt oimp thgisn maek the most ofo the 24 hors tht hu have! How porodutive uwas uur day hw
mu h ugo t doen what idi u give uur tie mt owork and imp thgsi ro uim pthgsn dotn squnder awy
the tie mu have
- make the mst of the opprotutneis hth uahve by takig nacito and nactign if oy udotn the
nthhersis iooportunity caose if oy udotn ask grls out or maek the most ofo the oporutintisu u
have u aure wasting u r chancesnadn iooprtunties
-be aware fothe thogtush oign o ni nyor uhead kwn what u ure htinkign fo sop thinking o unm
pgsi and ndoign unim thgsin, giei all yoru item t owork and im pthgsi ndont ast ea single min ro a
sec every min sec counts and so on, t ogethis ndoe nadn wrok doen fast dotn waste tiem make
the most pooretuuve uiliziaotn of the limted item uavhe dotn waste iti doungi nunimp thgisn do
only whats imp.
- dotn asset tiei m geot to oowrk ever y mi n and se isi imp keep chipping lput in all the tiem tht
u avhe I nti igve al lyru tiem too ti put itn horus a day or week, 180 horus a week to do it getit
dennad maek it happen beoocnstly ati ti doing ti and after ti it od ti nad eit iodne nadn maek it
-don’t sleep laze relax and idleand neb comfy the body n tene mind likes to eb confy and relax
and so on, t felels good get up and get to work take pais nadn effrts be ococnsly working
ntakignacito nt od otgis nadn gethigns dun nadn work dun thth si. Memeebr the harder tth h
uwrk the mre scleosr oy uet ot owooyru goals, and the mroesucesfu lyou get nadso on, kep this I
n mind its worth it soo work ahrd and kae ais nadn effrts ot ogethgis ndoen get up and geto to
work take aisn and effrt ot ogethgis ndoe nadn work dun
- if oy uare nt oable too ge nayhtgin done then u need t o aks yourself why? Ae re yo uwastign
your item effrt nadn energy on toerhhtigsn unimp thgisn?
-if oy uwant toto do this now do this online don’t awste tiem effrt energy doin ti outside it wont
wrok… tis very energy dairnign tiring and cosuming wit hero reulst and very few, leds hits and s
ocncentions. Online istis better faster nadn u can create na impress nofflien everyoens the
sanme strger t tehm they dotn kw nhow well to do rich quilifed etc.. uare! Its ahrd ot carete
attractin offline.

Eleimiante all distraciosn and diversions focuso nwaht imp eliminate all unimp thigns thaht is
all uncessary htigsn: say no to otehrigns unimp thgis ndotn od and enenagei nunimp thgisn
focuso n imp tgisn do only imp thgisn, think fo work and impthgisn only, and do work nadn imp
thgis nonly everything else oy ucan do late r on fleave everything else aside frst do hwats imp.
Keep in mind rmemebr what oyur goals is imisio n si dotn lose sight of oyru goal and miison:
Keep in mind rmemebr what oyur goals is imisio n si, and what oy uneedo to od to achve yoru
gaols thgisn you ne dot odo, and what htgis nyo uneed oto od finsi hadn get doene htth is.

2) Memeory keep in mind rmeemebr: Rememebr keep I nmidn the program, the software if ts not
thehr I nyoru mind ifo yu wforget you wotn do ti

3) regulate your htnking and actons:

-Reguatle your htinkign stop your lesf for mthinkign fo therhtigsn things make yorusel think fo
work and imp thgisn only,
-Regualte yoru impsuvlei thoguths thaht make oy udo otherhtigns thgisn thth u like and enjoy
-Regualte your actions stop your slef for mdoig other things and unimp thgisn say not otall
otehrh tigsn

4) Enage in self-reguatlion:

Privde regulatory htoguhs isntrucitonsn and cocamnds regautl yourself to reugatle yoru beahvour and
brign about deiredacti nthth uwant to ahppe nin your snsenible brian provide regatlry thotgusht
istnrucitsn and nocnmsds to ocorect actions and os on keep ur self o nteh tright desrred track auto pilot
nadn prevent aut conrnetio and nrpevnet form straying t mek urslef do thgis ntht u knw I nyour mdin
ushud be odign be itne htdrivesrs seat no the passengers seat,

The impulsive/primitive brain and the logical brain:

The impuslvei/primitive brain: mmeoemry stored I played video games I love it its fun, I nejoy
sisngign, etc.. makes oy od what your bria nenjoys doing
Logcal brain: makesu u od whats imp and necessary
e.g: Impulsive: Eat the cake its soo tasty , logical brain: ohh but if I eat the cake I will get fat.

The process of self reguatlion:

1) Knowgn/recognizing what ot o do nad what not do
2) having thth software thth fame work in palce thth system process laid out as to whatoto od
and what not tood a sytem to follow
3) Keep in mind in memery feed in remember input and don’t forget what yo u shud n nshud
not be doig nadn so on
4) Regaullate yoru thinking/thoguths be I ncotnrol of oyur htogtush and acitosn accourdingly ,
control your htogutsh and actions. Stop yourself form thinkgin fo otehrhtigsn ressit impsulve
thogutsh tht tell u to do otehrhtigsn make ursle think of certain thgisn, stop ur lsef orm
doing otherh tigsn maek ur self do wahts imp what ur snsenible logialca brain tells u to od
and o soon.
5) Enagae in self regautlion by providing self regulatory thgotush instrucitosn and commnds to
command direct regaulete govern and cotnro lyourslef.

Enage in self reugaltion:

1) Enagae in self regautlion by providing self regulatory thgotush instrucitosn and commnds to
command direct regaulete govern and cotnro lyourslef.
2) If oy udotn enenage I nself regualtio nyou will eb out o ocntorl oy uwotn do what u are
suppdosed to od and oy uwil lendu pdoig nthgsi nu are not supposed to odo htth yur
impuslve brain tells oy urot odo you will eb out foocntrol thth si lacking self control

oy unened ot be highy lself regutaled if oy uare to amek ur slef do anyhti nro keep yourself o tnrack be
ocontly tellgn istrucitong direcitgn ur slef o nteh absisi o waht ukwn in yoru mdi n us hdu nshdu nt obe
doig nu kw nwaht u shdu n shud nt obe doign soo uonly tlel rusfl be self reguated direct ursefl to meke
urself do ti adn follwo it isntead fo beig ntold to od it an follwo it.cosntly ennagei nself reguatlio nt
ocotnro lursfl direct rusefl strer coammnd urself , auto pilto if oyu dotn htht porg shud ocsntly urn in
our mdi n if oy uodnt itnseioanlyl knwoignly prodie dreg thgost hthe n u will eb out of oocontro l uwotn
do whatu aure supposed tood and u wil end up soign what uau re not suppeod sto od due ot implvie
thgotus hand memery, impsulv part of otehr brain uneed ot intistanyl ylkwnlignly prodicde serlf regu
tgotus histnrcuitos ncoammdns to make uslef to wahtu ukw ni nyru mdi n ushud be doign n prevent or
stop u rlsef ormodign what u kwn i nyru mid nu shud nto be doing.

Ability to work under minimal supervision;monitoring oversight

Self-directed and self-motivated
Enfocemtn tellig nyoru t od naggng
Doin wth out beign told ot odo it
Thth si knwign wht t o od and tlelign ruself and doing ti urslef .

supervison. Or oversight
The proces of oself reguatlion:
You eed to okeep ii mid nwaht u shud n hsud not do soo thth uknw I nyur mid nwht u shud n shud n tot
do and thn e u need to reguatle yorusefl accridngyl by prodviidng reg thgostuh isntstns and coammnds
to maek urslef do ti and follow it. you need to remmeebr keep i nmid nwath u shu n shud nt oeb doig ns
oo thh u kwn i nyou r mdi nwht u shud n shud nto eb doing, u knwo i nyoru mid nwhat u ushud n nshud
nto eb doig nsoo accoridngly reguatel yorusfl by providiegn self reg thg
otsu hisnts nn commnds to ame kruself do ti adn follwo it
you need ot regulaete oyrusfl basedo nyhwat u uknw I nyour mdin ushud nshudt not be doing I nroder
otmaek ursflod it nd follow it

Hwo the process ofreguatlion works thth is how is hth ud owhat uaresuppose d to do:

1) Yu knw oi nyour mid nwhat u ushud n shud nto eb doignadn hence you d oti, its lei muscle
memery you know hw oo to walk and soo you walk move tth way, does your moves very well,
you know how to drive I nyoru mid nso oyu dotn think yo ujsut drive withot thinking as u kw
nwhatoodo so oyo ud it,
For eg: ou knw I nyour mdi nthth u have exams and thh uneed ot oscore good grades if oy ufa l
uare fuked, and thth u need ot ostudy to score good grades and so oyu do.
For eg: You know in ur mind thth oyu have this work to do and get done, and egt it dun fast thth
u have htiswork to od adnthht u have this work to od ad nget doen and you also knw thth soo u
need t o be foused, work hard work ocnsotily I nroder togt the work doen and soo you do.
For eg: you know I nyour mid nth uahve this work to odo and get oden and yo ushudnt waste tie
mdoign toehhtigsn soo oy usay n to ot all other htigsn.

2) Yu knw oi nyour mid nwhat u ushud n shud nto eb doignadn and soo oyu think accordingly and
hence you d oti.
For eg: ou knw I nyour mdi nthth u have exams and thh uneed ot oscore good grades if oy ufa l
uare fuked, and thth u need ot ostudy to score good grades and soo oy uthink “lets nto wast tie
mdoign toerhtgisn letsget oto study t oget the studies done” so oyu do.

3) Yu knw oi nyour mid nwhat u ushud n shud nto eb doignadn and soo oyu regulate yorusfl
accordingly by providing self reguatlroy thgotush instrucitonas and commands and hence you d

HW OT REGUALE YORUSEFL TO MAEK YOUR SEFL DO IT the process fo sefl-reguatlion :

1) Keep I n mid nsoo thth u knw o ign oyur id nwaht unee to do and hecn u do ti and follow it, asu
uknw wahtot od hence u do it , tis htehr I nyour mid n u knw I noyur mid nfeed in input
preprgammed as to whaut uneed ot od and hence u udo ti and follow it. it lie kmsuvlce memery
you know hwo ot walk yo uknw hw ot odrive so ou do it unciosuly with out hinking. As u wn wto
tood soo u do it. eiteh thth or as u ukwn wht ot ood soo you thin k aacooridngly for eg yo uknw I
nyour mid n tht u needo work cosntoistly o ethgis ndoe nsoo y uiwl lthink accordingly thht is u
wil automatcialyl tell rusfel lets nto wast tei mdogi ntoerhtigsn lets get otowork work ocsotly to
gethgis ndoe nan d awork doen.
2) Enengei nself- reguatlion provide self reguatlroy thgotush and commands, ot oer idie imuslv
thgotus tll you to odo but u knw I nyour mdin ushud nto ebdoing , or make ur lsf od htigsn u
knw I nyour mind ushud be oding.

Y haveto ocntro lyoruself lie k uocntor land rc car … everytiem o uge the thgotu ht ostop oign ti or
wantignto get iup tell rusfldont wate yoru tiem doing aotehrh tigsnstick to oit to do it and ot geti tidoen
have full control over yorusefl to maek urslf do it wht u kwni nyor mdin ushud be doig, rest the
temptation the impsuvel implvse mindhtht ellsu to do otherhtignsm aekurslf work cosntously and work
like carzy to ahhve rugaosl.

Keep psuhign even if oy ufeel tired exhausted maek urseldoit push your slef tell ourslef “ keep odign it
dot nstop d ti till tis doen” tell urslf to to mae kurself push oyurse motivate urlsfe to direu elrsf to od ti
and oer iride theh disre to stop or quit an rest sleep and relx

You need ot beself regulated, tth is keep in mid nall thsiwhat u need ot ofd nadn coconslty ennagei nself
regaution to maek urself do tin ad follow it if oyu odnt ennge I nself regualiton oy uwont odit nad follow
How to regulate yrusfl:-
Keep in mid nwaht u shd nshdu nto eb doing: inorder ot reugalte yourself keep in mdi nwht u shud n
shud nto eb dig soo htht u knw I nyour mid nwahtu uhsud n shud not be doing and hcen you think
acccoridngly and hence you do ti andfollwo it, I itisn ot htehr I noru mid n if oy uahve forgoettne what
you need o too do then yo udowot nod it and follw oti its like sining yo uknw to sing hth way so ooy
using thth way wit ot uthinkign tis msulce memery yo ukwn to walk this way so o uwalk tth way with out
thinking an oy uknw to breathe soo u bereateh automatical iwtho tu thinking tisi nyoru mmemery soo u
do it oy uknw whaot ood so oyo udo ti oy uknwo hwo otie a show leackce so ou do it without thiking,
causeu u knw I your mdi nwahtotood nad o soy udo ti. If itsn to theh I nyour mind yo u have forgttn then
yo uwotn do ti. Understand recognize identy learn wht u shud n shdu nt odo and why inorder to succed
Feed the data I nyoru mdi n keep I nmid nrmemebr bear I nmidn wht u ushud n sud nto be oding, what u
ushud nshdu not bedoig nyo uknw I nyoru mdi nwht u shu d nshud nto be doignan d hence oy udo ti an
folwo it

2) ENEGE I NSEFL REGUALTIO NT OREGUALTE YORUSEFL. also u knw I nu rmind wht u shud n shud nt
oeb doig nsoo on the basis of thht tlel ursel to od it by providing self re g thgosut inst n commdns to
maek urlefse od it and fllwo it eengign in self reguatlion to make urslef do it and follow it. inorder to
eneagei nsefl regulation.inordero treguatle yourself oy ushud kee p I nmid nwahtu u shud hsud nt oeb
doig nsoo hht ukw I nyur mdi nahwt u ushud nshdu nto eb doig. And o nteh absiis of hth regulate
yourself enangien I nself rgultion to make ursf do it nadfollwo it. fro eg yo uknw I nyour mdi n ushudn
be wasting tiem odig nump thgis ns tell yoursfel dotn waste item doing unimp thgsin. Uk nw I nyoru mdi
nthth u shdint bewatign tiem odig ntoerhtigsn nd u nimp thgsi nsoo whe n uar re doig noterhtgsing or
get a thgotuh t ood oterhthgsi ntell urslfe”odnt waste tie mdoig noterhthgisn unimp thgsi nt omek urslef

You need otbeaware fo the htogutsh ofgin on I nyoru mdi n know what uar thinking of and regulate
yoruthignkignknw what thgotush aregoin on I noru mid nstop urself for mthinkign of nim tp thgisn ad
makeu rlse think fo work and imp thgisn, dtn awste tie mthinkign fo unimp htgisn. Te ocntorl should be
at hthe micro level nto jsutat the macro elvle tht is the action levl but also at hthe micro lvel
thogtushlvle be aware of htehtoguths goin o ni nyoru mid nwhen u get the thoguth inscrtiron
coammdns to do therhtigsn say no t oit , resitst it , also stop urslf for mthinkign fo unimp thgisn and
mke urlsfef think fo imp thgsi nonyl be are fo the thgotush goin o ni nyour mind procatis htoguth
reguatio nadn ocotnrol not just aciotn reugaltio nadn control, reguatle yoru thinking thgots as well, not
just your actions, whe n u geththe htogutsh to dootherhtigsnsay no, be awre of theh toguths goin oni
nyoru mid nkwnahtu u are thinking nfo, the ocntor l and regulation should be right ah the thgotuh elve l
as well not just aththe action lelve hthis be arwar re fo not just whtat u are doing but also be awre of
what u ur are thihinkig nwahts ogin o ni nyoru mid nsiit as ot what u knw u hsud be thinking. Also be
cocostly thinking fo work and imp thgisn only not unimp thgisn ony lrwrk and im pthgsi nshudb ee goin
on I nyoru mind. I f oy ufind urlsef htinkign fo otehrhtigsn unimp thgsin watistgn time thinking nof
otehrhtigsn unimp thgsi nthe ntell urself to stop thinking fo unimp thgisnadn maekurlsfe think fo work
and imp thgisn. Not wast tie mthikign fo nimp thgisn, if oy udifns urlsef wasting tiem doig nunimp thgsin
then stop urlsfe dfro mdoign unimp thgisn and make urlefse do imp thgsin rpcatise acito ncotnrl,

You need ot beself regulated, tth is keep in mid nall thsiwhat u need ot ofd nadn coconslty ennagei nself
regaution to maek urself do tin ad follow it if oyu odnt ennge I nself regualiton oy uwont odit nad follow
How to regulate yrusfl:-
1) Keep in mid nwaht u shd nshdu nto eb doing: inorder ot reugalte yourself keep in mdi nwht u
shud n shud nto eb dig soo htht u knw I nyour mid nwahtu uhsud n shud not be doing and hcen
you think acccoridngly and hence you do ti andfollwo it, I itisn ot htehr I noru mid n if oy uahve
forgoettne what you need o too do then yo udowot nod it and follw oti its like sining yo uknw to
sing hth way so ooy using thth way wit ot uthinkign tis msulce memery yo ukwn to walk this way
so o uwalk tth way with out thinking an oy uknw to breathe soo u bereateh automatical iwtho tu
thinking tisi nyoru mmemery soo u do it oy uknw whaot ood so oyo udo ti oy uknwo hwo otie a
show leackce so ou do it without thiking, causeu u knw I your mdi nwahtotood nad o soy udo ti.
If itsn to theh I nyour mind yo u have forgttn then yo uwotn do ti.

2) ENEGE I NSEFL REGUALTIO NT OREGUALTE YORUSEFL. also u knw I nu rmind wht u shud n shud nt
oeb doig nsoo on the basis of thht tlel ursel to od it by providing self re g thgosut inst n commdns to
maek urlefse od it and fllwo it eengign in self reguatlion to make urslef do it and follow it. inorder to
eneagei nsefl regulation.inordero treguatle yourself oy ushud kee p I nmid nwahtu u shud hsud nt oeb
doig nsoo hht ukw I nyur mdi nahwt u ushud nshdu nto eb doig. And o nteh absiis of hth regulate
yourself enangien I nself rgultion to make ursf do it nadfollwo it. fro eg yo uknw I nyour mdi n ushudn
be wasting tiem odig nump thgis ns tell yoursfel dotn waste item doing unimp thgsin.

Self rreufagltion si the key to ocntro lyoruself to sovle the ocntro lproblems:

its nto ased o npushis ment or fear mongergin fi oy udotn d oit hten
yo uwill be scoielded or hit htht screws u pteh child i nhsi midn maeks him mreo scred afrd adn so on
adn breaks his msocally as resut leh doenst maek progress i nwhe n he grows up he si afrd to od othgis
nhtht are needed ot eb doe nt oscueed n for the fear or afrd ot epre shsiemlf and so he stays behignd
and doesnt move ahed lor lead or doe s thgisn eh wantso to od for the fear th thsoem oen msight soculd
him or repriamnd him or he delveops lwo self esteen thigsnk he is nto good enogu had nlow confdice
and so oon. hth soemthgin msut be worng wi hhi mor lackig nsoemthgi n hths why ever y one scolds him
or eh hsi afrd ot oamek msitakes and stiff rozen to do thgis nas he gt the fear o lookgi nadb warkd or
makign msitiakes
it fusk his mind up and dstroys him hsi prgess

thhs why psunihemtn ivlocne hitign soclidign si nt the fear mogerign si nto theright way
whts hte right way is understindign makign em udnerstnd wht hthe y shud n shdu nt odo and why and
teachign them t ofis htht is teachign them ho w ot guelate thgisnles by keepign thgisn i nmid nadn
eengign i snelf rguatilio nso thth u ont hvahve t onag them adn tlel tehm and they rguelt theinlmcesve
adn s odo thgisn they kwn thy shud be doig
Wen u find urself doin go therh thgisn unimp thgis ntell ursefl ”dotn waste your tiem doing toerhthigsn
unimp thgisn”

ppl who are impusvle compulsive nadn lak slef cotnrol

as they dotn do d wahts imp they dowaht their impuvsl rbai ntells primtirive brain tels then m to do
cant suced in lfie tehycan succed onyl if they thgis ntth theyar itnrsed in apssioante i nameks htem alot o
for eg singi netc..
and htey are ismpuvel comsoivel i tnth hand goo d ait ti

there should be a program or a software cocosntly runnign in yoru mind to keep urself in check as ot
waht oy uare doig nwaht u hsud be odig nadn to maek urslef do it adn folw oit whatu u udshud be odig
nadn stop urslef form doig nro preven ut selrf for mdoign wahtu u kwn i nyoru midn ushud not be
oding. whe nu enangei nself reguatlio nautomatically oy uboem mroe aware as to wht yo uare doing,
thehr are mreo chceks and blacne s then, yo ucheck yourself mroe nad try o balcne urself htth is keep
urself on track, by neenagign i nself reguaiton, whe nu enangei nself reguatlio nautomatically oy uboem
mroe aware as to wht yo uare doin yu keep urself i nchcek, fro eg if oy uare sleepign or layign down then
you ebocem amreo arare thth uare sleepign i eman u dont sleep or lay down or do thth thign unciosuyl
uare mreo awre as to waht uaure doign ro thinkign, for eg if oyuarewathcign tv or paliyng a video game
yo ubeocem mroe aware casue I nroder oto enenie nself reugltio nteh frst tstep is awrenes u uahve to
be are eke pa cheh ko nyoruself be awre as tohat u uare doing or htinkgi nad whther its I nlien with wht
uu knw I nyour mdi nsnnsblem mememry ushud or shud nt be odign and then you can reguale oyrusefl,
soo basially whe n u enenagei nslef reagutlio n you nologner do things uncosily thth is unaare tth uare
doig nti but oy ustrtto beoem more aware as ot what u uare odign u str t to keep a check o nyorsef more
and whhtehr wht uare oidn is I nliens as ot whtu u knw oyu shud nto be doing for th te prupose of
reguatlign yourself. U no logen r do things uwnanre or unciosuyl. U beocem mreo awre asto wht uau re
thinkgi nadn doing asu u kwn th uahve to reaute oyrusel nad for the pupseo of enign I nsefl reutlto ntht
to inodred to oreugalte oyurslef u need ot be mroeawre asto whatu uareoding

tth uare odign ti , as ot whau urt aredign yo dont do it unaware or uncicosuly thths caseu u kwn thh
uneed ot reaugle ouseflf, soo yo ubeocem mreo aswre as otwhat u ar dign, mroe ocncisou as otwhaut ar
doifng as u have to be aware as u ukwn i nyour mdi nthth u are regaltign rsfl, asn inroderot reugalte
oyurself oy uened ot be mroe awre s to waht uuare doign or thnking, and then whe nu dothgis nthth
uwkn i nyour mdi n u hsd t eb doig nfor eg: i oyu ar slleepig nand layign down then u dotn do it uncosiuly
oy ubeocem awre thht as othwtu uare doign thth u aresleepgi nand layign down , adn thht u knw i nyour
mdi n nsneble memery hth uhsud be gettign u padn gettign to work adn not wasitng time sleepign soo
uteanngei nself regualtio n utell ruesl odnt lay down and sleep get up and geto otowrk soo as u knw u
wnned otreugalte oyursflnad u need otneneaigen self reugaltion soo thsi software or program is
ocosntly rungi ni nyoru midn to to keep urself in check as ot waht oy uare doig n whther its in lei nwith
waht u hsud be odig n or sud nto eb odign adn to maek urslef do it adn folw oit
Solvign the ocntro lproblem and the issue htth si make urslef wrk ahrd and do thgis nthth are needed to
be odne to chhe ur goals an stop ursefl orm doig ntoerhtigsn thth u knw u shud nto eb doing. The cotnro
lte hstruggel I nyoru mid nfor control fo outself ur acitons between the isplvei and the senile memery,
wahth the implive brai nwats ot odo and enjoys doing and wht u uknw I nyou r snsneble memery yo
ushdu eb doing t oachhve uorglas . he strgigue for octnro lover urslf. If oy uaren to odig nwaht uaure
suppseod oto its acotnro lsisue

If oy odntenenge I nself teuatio nyo uwil eb out of oocntor l uwill nto od what uuare supposed to
odandinspiteo f knwoign I nyour mdi n ushud bod itnad you will do thgs uare not supposed to od isnpie
of okwnogi n inyoru mdi ntht hu hsud nto eb wasting tiem dign ti thhts cause y aure nto cotnrollgi
nurlsef tellgi nruslef to stop doing ti or telling yourself ot t o doit inroder ot maek urlsef stop doing ti aor
make urslef do it porivign thth thogut hocmamdn sitnsruciton hth si required ot maek urlsfe do
soemthig no r stop odign soemthig nt ocaheh the coruse reiet the ocurse fo acito nti takes efrt ti takes
thogtuh otherh wise u ilwl ocntneu odig nwaht u are doigand without stopping what urimpsuvle mid
nahs to ld u uot od o, fi oy udont change thake afeefrt to cahcege the coruse thth is change the rtracks,
and yo uwotn do what u nee ot odo wahtu ukwn I nyoru mdi n ushud be oding

“Don’t waste your tiem doing unimp things immfiidately get to work ot get work and ip thgsi done”

the brai nwantso tsleep and relax hete impsuve memry wants ot olseep but u knw i nyour mid nth if oyu
sleep lay down uwill endu p lsogi ntie msleepign o iek 5 horu s or 2 hurs and htht u need ot begigivng
all ur item t owork and wrokig ntakig npais nadn effrts to get this noden wrok done e fast, and so oy u
tell rusel dotn aly dow ndotn sleep rgulte yoruself to make ursl fe wokr adn tkae pais nadn effrts and
strife. Regautle yorusel provide rself rguatlr thgotus histnruitosn and commands to driect ocmmadn nad
octnro lrusefl ahe ocntro lover ruself, To keep urslef ap adn awked and nm ek urlsef work and prevent
urslef for msleeping.el lrusfle no dotn sleep now lerest the temation t osleep tell urself “no odnt sleep
now if oyu seelp uwil lend up lseig nfor 5 horus and lose tiem and not get work doen , soo eget up and
get to work keep working u can moe aroud ni oy uwoatn keep owkrign cocnstusyl to get work doen fast”

Your brai nsi stellgi ny out oe slele pand relx ur impsuvle mind is telgin u t o slepandu tell ruselto stay up
and keep working, asu u knw I nyour snsenibel memery u shdud not be sleeping. Soo basicaly yo u
cotnro lruselfnadn regautel ursefl. Contro lurslef by enegigni nslf reguatlion. Toocntrorlsuef to keep
ursel up and working u recgonze whts gin on thth the imspluve brai nsi telign u t oseep it wants to want
t osleep and realxand is proiving thgouths telign ut osleep, but oy ukwn I ynor usnseibel memey thth
ucant affrd ot wast item sleep ing nad if u lay down n goot oselp u wil lend up slppign for mlkek 5 horus
hs so oy urest the tmep tatio nt osleep u tell urself provide reg thgotus hadn reg yorusefl and ell urself
dotn lay down dotn sleep now, get upand get otowork , kee p wokign ore moe around to get rid of the
slppe and make u alret drink some coffe to keep alert stay awkee etc… and keep on working to gtet tgish
doen and work done fast. Its rhe t sruggel for cotnro lebtween the impsuvel brai nadn he sennseilbe

the brai nwantso tsleep and relax hete impsuve memry wants ot olseep but u knw i nyour mid nth if oyu
sleep lay down uwill endu p lsogi ntie msleepign o iek 5 horu s or 2 hurs and htht u need ot begigivng
all ur item t owork and wrokig ntakig npais nadn effrts to get this noden wrok done e fast, and so oy u
tell rusel dotn aly dow ndotn sleep rgulte yoruself to make ursl fe wokr adn tkae pais nadn effrts and

You need oto ocsntly eneagei nself reguatlio nt oamek urslef do it and follow it whatu uknw I nyour mdi
nyo ushud be doing fi oy ufeel sleepey andfeel like sleeping and laying down tell yorusfl don’t lay down
dotn sleep ocnrolt you sefl, ge t up and moeve around bt dotn lay down and dotn sleep cause if oy u
slepth yo uwil lfall asleep for an hour or two and oy uwotn get any work done oy uwil lose 2 to 5 horu s
of work soo stay u an k deep o nworkig nmake urlsf stay u padn keep o nworking. Be ocosntly after ti

Be coosntly enangign I nself reguatlion ot maek urslf do thgisn thth ukwn in your mdi n u hsud be doing,
t enforce htose things o nyoruself, t ostiop ur slef form doig nunim ptghsi ntth hwaste your tiem as u
kwn I nyur mdi n u hsudn ot be wasting time andso oon to maek urlsefdo work and imp thgsi nadn so

No don’t waste your time sleeping. Get upadn gtot oowrk whe nu r brian iplsuve mememry tell ur to
sleep and it enjoys selepign and relaxing and u knw I nyoru sensenibel ememry u need ot be staying up
and working nsoo to cotnro lruslef nadn provent u rlse for mdogin htht hth tis sleepignand restn the
tempatio nto sleep and not relnt nand give I n tell ruself no don’t sleep dotn aast tie msleepign asuu kwn
I nyour mdi ntht ushudnt bewastign tiem sleeping, the cotnor issue over come the ocntro lsiiseu by slef
reugaltio. Alck of ocntorl over urself hth is , whe n find urslef slepeign and t ostop urslef fro mstleping
and make uurslf wasek u p and get ot obwor kand kick ur own ass ot fo the bed, and maek urlsf gto
otowork tell urself asu u kw thth shudtn be wasting tiem sleeping nadn alzign and u shud be getting t
owork, tell urlsef get up and getot owork to gethgis ndoen and work doen. And not wastei tme sleeping

You feel like sleeping whrn u are owrkign as work is nbroign tis soemhtig nyo udotnwant to ood , but u
knw I nyoruslensible memery thth uneed ot odo ti to ahchve rugoals, soo whe n aur brain st imosuve
brai nsi telign u istnrucitng oy uto sleep keep ur lsef up and awake by tellgi nrself nto to osleep dotn lay
down dotn sleep now or yo uwotn get ny work doen and uwill end u pwastign ur tiem, keeep urslef
awake, up and wawke, to keep urslef up and awkae and working.

You wantot ogo ot sleep, keep urself up and awawke by eenagign I nself regulatin. Inorder to regain
control fo oyruslf and be in cotnro fo yoursefl oyo uneed ot be highy self-regulated. Htthsi cosntly
enanegei n self reuglatio nto stop ursefl for mdoign thgis nthth are non condusive to ahchvign r ugaol
but oyur impsuvel mind tel ur to odo , but ukwn I nyoru ssensibelmemeroy u shud nt obe doing and to
ame k urslef do thgis nthth are condusive to achivng ur goasl thht u knw I nyour msensneibel memery u
shud be doing. For eg urmid ntell u to od other thgis nlie kwthing tv but oy ukwn I nyoru sensenible
memery thth u shud ot be wasting tie mdoig nunimp thgisn and tht u shud be wrokig nr studying so ooy
utell yourself no don t wast tie mwathign t v now, soo u restn the temptation, to wathc tv as u kwn and
unerstnd I nyr umid nthht ushudnt be wathcign tv , in oyur snsenbel memry nad htht uneed to be
wrkign to waste ite mwasthcgn tv, give thth tiem t work to get wrk done, or if oy udo whaTch tV nad n
uwnato maek urself stop the nu tell urlef dotn wast tie m waschign tv get abck t owork to gethgin doen
and work doen.

If you are highy lself reguatled only the nyo uahve are in cotnro lf yourself it soles th ocntorl issue, only
the nyo ucna succeed casue thenyo umaek ursle od thigs ntht hare deribale towards hacivng ur goals
and stop urelffs form fodogi nunwated things thth are unesrbaiel to ahcve urgaosl .

Its im pt ot solve the ocntor lsiseus ot be mreo incotnro lof ourslef maek ursel do thgis ntth need ot eb
odne an stoop urslef for mdoig nthigsn th ushud not be doing

Inroder to have self control Yo ualso need ot recognize, and identify be are of the htogtsh ogin on I
nyoru min d and what u are doing whtehrh the y arefaviorabl or nto, for eg I oy uget a thgotuh elts wht
tv, for mur implve part of obrain as it wantso to watch tv as it sgettign broe, sthn u recognize thth u go
thths thogut hn wo u kwn I nyoru sensneible memery u shudnt be awthcign tv and watign tiem ushud
be working soo yo u tell urself dotn waste tiem wathcign tv and get ot owork soo u rpvent ursefl erest
tht telmptaito nt owatch tv and nto give in and maek urself work istned of wathign tv thth si u have
ocntro lover urslfe and ur acitons u are highy lslfferrugaltion cotnro lsiiseu. Or u reocignzie and identify
thth u are watching tv instead fo working, and u kwn I nyru sensnble memery thth ushudnt be doig nt
isoo u tlell urself to stop doing t iand get ot owork t ocahge yoru coruse fo action , soo idnnetiifying
reocgnnizign beign awre as to what u are odign andthinkign and whhtehr it is condusive and non
codnusie to your goal si imp often u do thgisn, ucnosisly witotu beig naware atuioamtically, or eg ur
imlve thgotus htells uu to wath hts I ideo or lsitne to tis musc or watch tv, as it is getitgn broed soo uget
thht thgotuh orm ur implve memery to od othsi t oor un enjmetn pslere ann eenentrtianemtn then yo
uimmdiatel go and do ti unconsiuly unaware re withot urealiisng, yo uened obt eb mreo aare as to what
u are doing for oy urto eneange I nselfregualio nhth way yo uthik wati a min ishtis what I am supposed
tobe odign the snesnbel memery says no ishud ntoe bdoig nthsi soo u reguatle oyursefl as u aure ware
th tuar dig nsoemthgi nthth ushud nt be odign, what am I thinking nwaht am I doig nis ti soemthig ntht
I shud or shud nt oeb doig ncondusive to achvign my goals aror not ebign awre is imp part of reguatlign
rusefl, dogi nt with wareness not unciosuly, unaware, And oyu engei nself reguatlion tht his shift the
rtrack reguate the tracks to cotnro lwhci hdirecito nthe tri an goes I nyou should go itn, thhtsi to change
ur modify oyur course of acito nro prvent a course of acito nsocntro lsi imp a s yo ucotnro lcars as u
uctnrol palens as u cotnro ltraisn smilary inroder for oy u to reach ur destination o uneeed o be I ncotnro
lof oyursle of oyur mid nof oyur caiton, cahg e a course fo acitons tis a struggle for octnro lbetween the
isnplsvie and sisneble memery, the one who can ocntro lwins and succeeds. Cause he ca n maek hismefl
do thing s thth are favaorble to achvign the goal. And stop dig thgis nthth eh deems are unfavorable to
ahcing the goals. Be rmre ocontroleld nadn reguatled.

The other part is understnadign ahvign ana udnerstandign as to whtu u shu n shud n e bdogi nadn why
the reansing behind it. recignizign wht u ushud n shdun to eb doig nad why
- Ou neeed to identify nadn recognize, realize figure out what oy ushud n shud nto eb doing
and why theresonign behind it inorderto succeed. Elean n form successful ppl what to od ,
listneto their adcive, they have not reahed thehr kjsut like thth they kwn whatoo od they did
soemthgi nright knw realsei udnerst nad figure out the does nadn dotn what you need ot odo
what u ushud n shud nt odo and why the reosnig nebhidnti to succed and then keep it I nmid
rmemebr it soo thth u knw in oyuem di nwaht otood nad nfolw oit
- You eed ot learn decidie what u ushud nshdu nt o be doig nt osucued paln everythgi nwah t
ruels to fioolow ot sucedd and the n doenlad feeed thth data I nyoru mind program oyur tmidn
t osuceed.
- whe nit sthehr in your mid nwhen yo uknwo inyou mr idn aw wht u uneed ot do the nit occurs
to oyu and oyu get the htogtush acocrginly thgotush lie kthigns lie k "yo ushoud leb fast"adn
so oy uwok r faster do ti faste

O uknw I nyour mdi nhth ushud nto eb watign tiem nd it occurs to oyu and so oyu think accordingly
lets nt owate ite mdogi nunimpthgsi neltsget to work and so oyo ustop doig ntoerhthgisnadn get t
oowrok , the process is automatic most of othe teism and atiems you need to nengei snelf reguatlion.

you knw oi nyoru mdi nwha u ushud nshdu nt ot be dogn n nhenceoy u thinki accoridgly and hecne
you do ti and follw oit, iftis nto thehr i ynoru mid nthe nyo uwont doit and follwo it. for eg yo uknw in
your mdi nthth ushud nto eb awaitng yoru tiem so o yo uthink lets nto wate tie melt s get tot oowrk
adn so o u y get oto work. you knw oiny or umdi nthth ushudnt be watign tiem odign unimp gtigsn
and so oy udotn wate tie mdoign unimp thgsin its lei ktth its lei msuvlece mmeemry yo uknwo hw oto
sign and so oy using ththway oy uknw hw oot walk so oyo uwalkt hth way tis msuvle memery.
Sismalry itsi nyoru mememry what otodo and sd so oy udo thth follow hth . you knw I nyoru mdi nthth
u hsudbnt be wasting tim e odign unim ptghsi nsoo oy usay no to unimp thgsi nadn dot ndo
otherhtigsn unim pthgsin and yo uegto ot owork to od work and im ptgsin, yo ukwn htht u hsud t be
smokig nciragrets nad its nt good foro yu r health and so oy udont smoke cigarettes! Itsl ie kthth usay
n ot oti t. yo uknw I nyoru mdi nwaht to odo what uudhsu n shud nto bedoign thgsn like “ yo ushud
nto waste item doig notehrtigsn unimp thgisn , yo ushud do oyur work and imp thgisn etc…”and hcne
yo udotn do otrhhtigsn say n tot o otehrhtigsn and you do oyurwork and imp thgsin “ you need ot
work fast nad o soon” and hence oy uwork fast and so oon, yo ukwn whatoto od and hen oy udo ti and
follw oti. Itsl ie kyo uknw hwo ot drive and so oyo udrie with ot uthinkgi much tis automaticitsl eikt
hth, if tis nto thehr I nyoru mdi nhten yo uwotn do it, yo ukwn wahto tood so oyo uthink accrodnly and
hne u od it nad ofll oti

u need ot keep i nmidn waht u ushud n hsud nto be doign soo htht u knw i n your mdi nwht u shud n
hsud not be doign n hence you do ti n follwo it

keep i nmid nthgsi liek oy unee ot be very fast do thgsi nfast nto wate tiem doig ntoerhtigns unimp
thgis nthth way y uknow i nyour mdi nwaht u u need ot odo adn hecen u do ti and follw oit.

1A) Enage I nself –regaution

yu needot eb highy lself regaltedi noddero t maek urself do ti and folwo it if oy uare nt oself reugalted
then yo uwill eb out of ocntrol thth is yo uwotn do waht uare supposed to od yo uwill end up doign
thth waht u are not suppoed to eb doign.

- y uneed ot enange I snelf regatli o nt oamek ursel do ti and follw oal this
-you need ot remember the last rule is thth u need tormeemebr all these es rules keep all thseseh ruels
I nyoru mdi nsoo hh u mreeebr to od oti and yoand follw oit and yo udotn forget! And ifi its nto I n ur
mdi nteh n you wot ndo ti And you need to self reguatle o nthe basisi of thth or you wot ndo
ti.ennegei nself reugaltio neb ocosntly reguatign yorusfl to mek u rslef d owaht uu kwn I nyour
mssenble memeory u shud be doing n t stop urself for mdogin what u kwn I nyorusnesneible memeory
u shud nto eb doing. If oyu odnt enange I snelf reguatlio nyo uwil eb out of ocontro lyo uwont do
whatu u are suppseod ot be odign n u will end u doing unimp thgis nthth aure not supposed to be
odign due ot inmpslive preomiteive memery telling nyo u to o o so oproivign thgots htlelig nyo u ot
odo so, h e whio si in control fo shimlsef cahchve shsi goal and path he who is nto wnaders else wehre.
Adnlsoese track oy uneed ot keep yorusel o ntrack consntly. Thht si taek th reins taek control fo
yourself by cocsntly eneagign I snelf rrugeltion to stop ursfl form doing ohehrhtigns unim ptghsi nthth
u knw I nyoru mid n ushud not be odg I n nmake urlsef do imp thgsi ntth u kwn I nyoru mid n ushud be
if uare alckign cotnro lthth si nto odig nthgsi tnth aure suppsod to eb dign n isnted doign otehrhtigsn
unimp tgsi nthen yo uare lackgi ncontro u lakign self reguatlio nn nu need ot eneagi nselfreguatlio
ncoocsntly to amek urself do what u u kwn I nyoru snsnebiel memry ushu be oding.

If oy uare more reguatled thht sis lf regautled and nococsntly enneagei nself reguatlio nt okeep urslf o
tnrack thth sis doig nwaht u need ot d ond nto yourse off rtrack and correct ursefl everytie m u stray or
go off track tth si brign ursefl back o ntrack or prvent yourse fro mgoig noff track, if oyu are regulated
thth is oy ucosntly ennagei nself reguatlio ntehn yoru chcen ofsucess and achivng your goasl are
heigehr cause theny ouw ill do thgis nthth u are suppseod to o dot ahchve thth goa ladn get a lot of
theigns and work oden nad not od thgisn thth u knw in yoru mdi n ushud nto eb doing but ur impsulve
ememry tells u to do as iti enjoys doing but is unimp no ncnsdusive to ahchveung ru goalthth si waste
our tiemdelays work for mbeig ndoen and so on

u need otget a cotnro la grip hold n nahgn uo nurself

t ostp ursle form dign otehrtigsn unimp thgis nthth u r ipsvel brai ntells u ot ood and maek urself do
thgisn im tp thisg nthth u knw in yoru sesenbel memry oy ushud be doign htht si ocosntly ennage isn
self erguatio nt ocorrt urflse! keep ursefl o ntrak towrds ru goal thth siodign thgsi nwrok and thgis
ntth hu need ot odo hth u knw u need ot ood or follwo to achveh ru gaosl. If oy uhave ocntro lisseu
then it meas htth u are nto enenaging I nself reguatlion
if uare nto doig nwaht uar suposed to be doign and doig nthgis nthh ushud not be dign then ti emans
u alck ocntor lad nregutalion tis a cotnro lisseu u ne to ocosntyl enange inself reguatlio nt ost stop
ursefl form doig ntoerhtigsn sn ad mek urse f od thgsi ntth u kwn u need ot oeb doign

ergautle oyursefl tell yorusefl" dotn wast t item doig ntoerhthgisn , elts do thsi thig nfast lests nto
watse tie mprovide rdrctios ncoamnds istnrcutios nt o drect cotnro ladn reguatel yorusefl maek urself
do whatu u kwn uhsud be oding"

keep urself o ntrack and so on. keep urslef focusedo n ti,

to maek urslef do ti and folw it whatu ukwn inour mid n ushud be doign

tis lie kcotnrollgi na car whe n u sit i ns ac acear yo uare cocsntly ocntrollgi nteh car adn makignteh car
obey, by dreciton whever it voersestse or moves whehre it shud nto go , yo uuse hte sterrign wheel to
ocntrol brign ir back o ntrack.

govern oyusfl camand ursel direct ursefl contor lrusefl steer ursefl

who si i ncotnro you or your impulsive mind if oy u dotn ennge i nsel rugeltaio nteh nteh imsuvel mind
mmery automaitcally taes cotnro lif hte snsenivlbe memery thth is oy uare nto i nfdontol adn
rpintnetisoanlyl provide self regautlry thgsohts. o t ake cotnro lf oyurefl. its all abou ocntrol over
yorusefl. hwo uca n cotnro lulesf ot maek urslef o waht isi dered adn dersed acito ncondusve to oyur
gaol and sto pdoign toerhtigsn udnered uenated acito nn os ncdusive ot oyur gaol. yo uned ot kwn
whaen oyt e be sefl fregautled nand contro lyorusefl and whane o t let loose,

you hwn uare palyig yo ulet loose n free n ocotnrol let go whe nu want otodo owror ketc.. and im
pthgsi nthe n aur mre ore self regautled.and cotnro lyorusefl stter drect urself nregautel yoruself by
rpoficivng intioanylyl on purpose koiwgnly proocign sefl regultry thgotsu ht ocmmdn direct steer
yorusel to amek urself do waht u uk wn u ahsud be odign n not od htigsn ushud nt oeb dioign.u need
to ocosntyl enngei n self regautlio n if oy udotn then uwil e but fo ocnrtrol, you needo t be mreo

you the sens ialbe memery should taek contro ltaek cahrge take command for mteh impulsvie
meemry. intiaonalyl knwoignly orcefully on pursoe , eange i nsefl regautio nrpovide self reglatroy
hgotush istnrcutios ncomdns cocsnlty to command cotnrol direct yorusefl, maek urself obey follow t
maek ur slf do follow

“well lets nto waste tie m lets get t owork to gethgisn done nad nwrk done”

U eend to keep I midnwaht uushdu n shd not be odign thgis nlike “u shud nt owaste tiem doig nunim
pthgsin” soo thth u know I nyour mdi nwaht u shud n shdu nt oeb doig nadn hence o u do it and follow
it “thth u shud do everyhtig nfast nadn nto slow” thth u need to gethgsi nden for kdoen fast hht u
nneed ot be worki ng afstnadn so on tiem simlimtied soo yo ushud nt woate it doig ntoerhtigsn unimp
thgsi nfeed all thshethgisn I nyor umid nremmeebr keep I nmdin all thehsethigsn wht u ushud n shud
nt be doig nadn why the reasnsong ebhidit a s yo ukno win your mid nwaht u ushud be doig nadn s
ooy u o it andfollwo ti, yo uknwo in your mid nand so o udo ti and follow ti.

You need to keep I mind what o yu shud n hsud nto eb doing, yo unknw oi nyoru mdi nwaht u shud n
shdu nto be odign tis htehri nyoru mid nthgis nliek “yo ushud nto wate oyu r tiem “ “ yo ushud work
fast and so oon” and hence oy u do it and follow it, if tis nto thehr I ynoru mid nfioy uforget what yo
uened to o do then yo uwotn do ti and follow it, u knw I n your mid nwhat u ushud nshdu nto eb doig
nadn hence you thin kaccoridngly nad henceoy udo ti and follw oti.

You need ot oremmeebr keep I n mind what u ushud n shud nto eb doing if its not htehr I nmind then
you wont be able to reguatle yorusefl accordingly, and so oy uwot nd oti. Just causue u knw I nyour mdi
doesn’t meanhtht uwil automaitcll y think reguatle yourself and d oit tht is foreg oy uknw oi nyoru mdin
thth ushud nto waste tie msa n d ootherhtigsn soo u will automatically think lets nto waste tiem and
lets get t oowrk, and so oyu get ot oowrk thth happens sometimes, btu not all the tiesm and whne it
doesn’t happen uare basclaly out fo ocontrol adnso o o uneed ot inentioanlly knwoignly regautel
yourself to maek urslef do ti andfollow it.

Also oy uneedo t coocsntly enneage I nself-reugation inroder ot be incotnrol fo oyuserlf thht is stop
urseflfor mdoig ntoher htigsn unimp thgsi nhtth u knw oi nyour mid n I nyoursesneibl e memery u shud
nto bedoig nn maek urself do imp thgis nthth u knw I nyour senseible memery yo ushud be odng.

Know hwo ot cotnro ladn reguatle yorusefl:-

"well lets nt o waste tiem lets ge t abck to owrk to gethgisn doe nadnwrok done! t obrign rusefl back to
waht u shud be doign wht u uknw i noyur mdi n ushud be doing , to change a coruse fo action to stop a
coruse of action thth u kwn u shud nto be odgn ad do actio nhtth u kwn u shud be odign tht si cotnro lad
nreguatel yorusefl. to swithc to modulate

now i knw whath the isseu was why i was out of ocotnro lththsi doign unim tghsi n n thgisn tht i kwn i
shud nto eb doin adn contutning ot odo ti and nto beign able oto s top myslef for mdogin ti i nspite ofo
kwnign i nmy midn ishudne t be doign ti, and why iwas nt oabloet to maek my selfdo o r why i was nto
able to do thgisn thth i knew i ishdu be doign adn why iwas nto able oto maek mysel stop doign thgis
nthth i knew i shudnt be dign why tehre was lack of cotnrol its due t i was not enengign i nself rgeualti
oand na cotnrl not proviing reg thgotush to reg myself make myself sto p doign un im tpghsi n nmke my
slef do im pthgsi nadn thgsn i knw in my midn ishud be odign. I nroderoto maek urslef do soemthig nr
stip odign soemthign uneed a thogut histnrcuito ncomamdn telling rusfl to do so. Ony lteh ny uwil ldot
not otehrhwise! Fi u dotn rpoivde htthh togut h uwotn do it u will odo what u u hsud nt oeb doing, tth
ur implvse I mind memery want oto od o but is unimp and non condusive to oyur goals as uu r impuvsle
mein to ld u uoto od it , and y o uwil l nt ostop and cotnune doing ti as u have n othgotush tellegi nrusefl
to stop doig nti, soo uwil lcotnrinue ot ood it, foreg if oy uare watching tv you knw htht u shudnt be
wathign tv u shud be studtyign btu u dcontineu to od it isnpiteo f knwign ti as u are not tellgi nrusel to
tstop doing ti, or if oy uare sleeping yo uknw thth uneed to wake up but u li oe nteh bed nad cntineu to
sleep thth s causeu uare nto making rusefl stop sleepeign and get up oy uaren to proviignd thth thogths
tlelign urself to wake u p andget oto owkr and stop sleeping thth thgotuh comamdn rederctio
neistnrucito nstlelgin rusefl to ostop doig nthsi nad do this get u apdn get oto work thht si. Yo uare nto
reguatlign ruselocntorlfign comamdngi nfdrecign rusefl.

“well lets nto wate teim doig nthsi lets get t oowrk to gethgsi ndoe nwnad work done t oachvhe ur

The process fo sel regautlion si thth frst yo uneedot keep I nmid nwaht u ushud n shud nt oeb doing
things lie k “u shud nt owaste ite mdoign toerhthgisn and unim ptghsi entc…” so oth u urmemebr its
hteri nyour mid nyo uknwo I nyoru midwnaht ushud n nshud nto be doignadn o nteh absisi of thth u
shud regautel yorusefl as uu knw I nyour mid nwht u ushud n shud nto be doig neneagei nself regautlio
nprodivde self refg thgotus ht oamek urslf f do it ad follw oit” if its nto hhtehr I nyoru mid nif oy
uahveforgoteen and its not thehr I nyoru min d to strt wilth then yo uwot ndo ti or follw oit caseu u it
wornt occur to oyu, and sicne its nto theh I nyoru mdi n uahve forgotten whtu u need ot do soo u wot
neb reguatlign ursefl o nteh basisi of thth so ooy uwotn do ti.

“lets nto waste tie m doing toerh thgisn elts get ot owork to get htigns doen and wok done!

Whenever yo ufidn yourself thinking fo therhtigsn or ot odign wahtuu knw u shud be dig or odig nthgsi
nthth u knw u shud nto be doing ntell yorusefl “dtn waste tie mdoig nunimp thgsin get to work ot get
thgis nde nwro kdoen” “so pthinkign fo oterhhtigsn dotn waste tei mthinkign fo oterhtigsn get to owro
ko get thgisn doenand wrok dne” I nthsi way by istnrucitn ru slef make ur lsf stop odign underred
unwated thgisn thht ukwn I nyour snsnible memer ushud nt obe doing and maek urlfesf do the desred
thgisn thht u kwn I ynru selnseiblememery u hsud be odign. To moderat e and nhcange ru beahviour
and aitosn , weh n u find urself doing thgsi n u shud nt be doig nwastign tiem and so oon,

Well lets nt owase tie mdoign toerhhtigsn elts get oto work to gethgisn doen and work done Eangne
isnelfreguatlio nwehver yo ufidn urslefdoign toerhhtigsn unimp htigsn to stop urself for mdogi nti or
whenever u dinfsd urself nto odign thgsin thth u shud be doig ntht hu kwn I nyoru mdi n ushdu be odign
ro wehnre ver uwant ot o prvent urslef ofrm dogin thgsin u knw ushud not be doing or whenever u
want to maek urslefdo things thth u kwn I nyoru mid n ushud be doing.

Weh nyo ufidn urslef doing oterhhtigsn unimp thgsi ntell ruslf “ lets not waste tie mdoig ntoerhtigsn and
unimp thgsin” to modify nad cotnrl u behaviour

Also u need to Keep urslef I ncheck if oy uare doig nwaht uuaure supposed to be odign what u ukwn I
nyoru mdi n uhsud be doing or nto, sensneor, be awre of what oyu ardoign, whthehr you are doing ahw
oy uare suppseod to eb doing or not. Hth si u need ot supervise ursefl thth si toyu need to monitor
yorusefl, fi oy uare doing what uuare supposed oto be pdgi nor nto nad os on and when u don t find
doing t ithen regulate andoso n . or whe n udifnd uslef doing what u ukwn I nyoru mdi n ushud nto b
odig n wen u realse then reguatlt et to change the beahvur and so oon. And also regautel inroderoto
maek urslef do wahtu ukw ni nyoru mid n ushud be doing n stop ursle form doing wht u ukwn I nyoru
mdi n ushdu nto eb doing.
instruct urslef commadn n direct rusefl to cotnro l nreguatle yorusefl to amek urself do waht u ukwn yo
shud be ogn tell rusefl " lets nto wast tie m sleepign get u pad nge ot oowrk to get his ddoen and wro

tel lyorusefl, “lets nto waste tie mlest get back to owork to gethgisn doe nwrok done fast” thth si oy
uare modifuting ur beahviour ot desred beahviour th h uk wn u ashud be doing by rpofviign reg thgotus
histnruiton and coammnds telign rusefl to od o so by reugatling cotnrolgi nirectign comamnign the ship
commign urslef. Iigvng istnrucitsn direcitos nadn commands enforce, to cotnro ladn direct, reguatle
moderate ahgne modify chagne the coruse fo aion o desred ation, redirect, cahgne yoru actions ursel
otur beahviosu to eh desried actio andn beahviosur htht u kwn u hsud are requured to od oto acvheh ru
gaosl. to brign avobur t ersid acito nr obehaviour. tkaig neffrt ti taeks effrt, to prode thth thogtush
andcotnro ald nteugalte oyrusel itnatioanlyly reguatlign ruself prkonwign ly prupsoely forcuefully
proivindg tthht htgots histnrcuiton and cocoand nadn drectiso nt oredirect ruslef yoru actiosn cahgne ru
curse of acitons ot desrred acitosn o maek urself self do what u u kw nwu shud be odign. To change
modify oyur beahivou for mudnesredot desred ot cahgen the coruse fo action to derised acito
nconsduie to achveu r goals watned awasctio nactio nthth u kwn u hsud be taking.

Iif oy ualc ks self cntro ladn reguatlio nteh ny ouw ot neb able to maek ursefl do thgis nthth u kw n u shd
u be do ign. Y o wont do thisn thth ushud be odign. Nad u wil l end u pdoig ntoehrhtigsn or cotnrinue
doig toerhthigsn not be able ot ostop urlsef for mdoign toerhhtigsn hth si ocntune doing toerhhtigsn
isnpirete of okwnign I nyr um id nthth ushud stop or su hsud nt oeb doing ti as u odtn kwn hwot
ookmaek urslf stop odign it hwo ot reguatle yorusefl yo ukw n ushud nto be doing ti but u continue
doing t ias u odnt kwn hw oto amek rsrulf sstp doing ti, or u knw hw oto maek ursel stop doing t ithth si
by proivign reg thgotush telling rusefl to stop but oy u are not renenggn I snelf reugaltiso ntht his u aren
to proiivng thth thgotu hs istnrucitosn omamnds tellgi nr usfl to ostop. Nor imt plimentign ti

why od oy udo do therh thigs I nthe frst palce nand not waht u uare supposed ot be doign cause of oyu r
prrpitmetve brai ntellign y o ut o od otoerhtigsn htth are mreo fun and enjobale thth the brai nenjoys
doign butare not imp adn not codnucive to achivgn ur goals!

If oy udotn ennage I snef lregautio nyo uwileb tu o f ocntro l u will cotnriune to od othgisn tht ushud nt
obe doing wit hot ustoping lei watching tv selepign g etc.. or doing nuimp thgisn as uare not regualtign
ruself yo uar nt otellign rusefl to stop tehrh si no thought comamadn itsnrtuito ntellig nrusefl to stop
doing ti u are nto poiiving a thotght coamand isntrucito ntelelign rsefl to sotop odign ti and so o oy
ucotnrinue ot odo it, yo uneeed ot take cotnro ltaek the reins take carhge and ncommand, or u will end
up as a passenger thth si eerfied nad nhelpeless and at the mercy of the drive wh otaeks u uan y where,
th si n control and u kwn u hsudnt be dogign thehr but u have n ocontro l u are ehlpelss u stil l end u
pthhter its lie kthth taking me palce s I odnt wat oto ogo. And yo uwil l nt odo thigs ntht huare supposed
ot oso do as y ou ar re nt oprcvign as thehr si no thgotu hcotnro lcnmamdn itnsrucito ntellign yo u to
od oti, tth is req to make u udo ti as u uare nt prvidign a thgotu hcommadn itnsrcutio ntelig nru self to
od oti to mae kurslef do it and a thgot hfcoocamnd istnructio ntellgi nrsefl to stop odign ti t osme urslfe
stop oign it soo oy ucontrine doing it isnpite f o knwign I yoru mid nthth u shud nt oeb doing ir t and yo
u dot nsdo what u uare suppseod ot o ispite fo knwign I nyour mid ntht u shud be doing ti. Soo be self
reguatled cocosntly enngae I snelf-reguatlion. You kwn I nyour mid n what uushud n nshiud not eb doing
thth info si sotred I nyour mind I nyru ememry soo act o nteh absis of htht ocsntyl enange I snelf
regautlion, provide reg thorgtsu hcomamdns istnrcuitos ncoamnd rguetle ocntro ladn fdrect ruself o
nteh basisi of thht by prodciivgn reg thgotsu h ccmamdns isntrcuitos nto maek urslef stop doing thgsn
thth u kwn u hsud ndn to eb doing an mae kurself do thgis nthth u kwn I nyru mdin ushud be doing by
telling rusel sitnruintn and drrctign yorusefl, htht program software s shoud leb ocosntly runngi ni nyor
umid nt ocotnro lrusefl keep urself o ntrack prvent oyrusefl for mlsostrayign nad so n, fi oy udotn enege
is nself reaugltio nad nyo uel lt oose an d stop reguatlign ctnrolgi nrusef coamidng rdirectign ursel the
nyo wui le b ot fo control. Yo uwill end u pdogn tgisn cotnrunie doing thgis nwith ot ustoppign, asu
udotn kw nwhot oo maek ursef stop or u knw hw oto oame ursefl stop conro lisseus and problesm, but
u don’t as uare nto enaigng I nself reguatlion yo ucotnrineu ot odo it what uare doing unwated thgisn
with ot ustppig nas isnpite f o knwign in ru mid nhth u hsud nt oeb doing it, causeu uare not telign rself
istnrucitng urself ot ostop odoign ti, to ame ursef stop doing ti, and yo uowtn d othgis nthth u kwn I
nyoru mdi nyou shud be doing as u are nt otelleign rusefl istnrucitign rusefl proiivgn hth sthoguht
cocamdn isntruciotn thth si trweq to amek urlsef strt doig nti. To eb mreoself-rgualted have graete self
contro lahve cotnro lover ur acito ns and what yo u do. Thh is sto u rsle f or mdogi ncertia nthgsn make
urslfe do certia ntgis nliek thth. Be mreo ffecnt and prodcuitve. Elarn hwo ot reguatle urself and ncotnrol
ruself nad u r actions. By aeengign I nself reguatlion. Iif oy uodnt ennage isnefl ereaugltio nte nyou will
eb p ut fo ocntor lthth is y o uwill do thgisn thth yoru impsuvle brain tell s u uo oot do nad lieks to odo
and y uwill keep o ndoig nt contisnue doing ti with out stopping isnpite ofo knwign and beign awre I
nyoru mid ntth h us hd u not be odign ti u wil lcontinrue to od oti as uare nt oprovidiciign v reg hgotush
telling ursel to ostop and oy uwot ndthigsn thth u u kwn I nyoru mdi n u shud be odign as u are nto
proviignd thgtsuth isntruciotsn ocmmadns dreicitos ntellign urself to oto od ti to maek ursel strt doig nti
ro maek ur lsef intaitie doing ti or namek urseofl od it.

Whe n u get hthe togtsh t ood otherh tigns u say no as u kwn htth its not ocndusive to ahcvign ur gaosl!

Yo ushoud ln to ony lknw what oy uneed to be doing t oscueed to achhve ur gaosl ruesl to follow but oy
ushoudl also know hw oto reagulte yorusefl thth is make urslef follw othse ruesl m aek ursel do thgisn
thht need ot obe doen to achhve ur goals and no od thgis nthh are nonconducisve ot your gaosl.

insights into the workings in your mind the proeces thth goals o n I nyoru mdi nthh make u do
thgisn htht u shud be doing

Udernntand the process of regulation , what is it hth goes o ni ynoru mid ntht maeks you do and follow
what u are supposed to od and stops you for mdogi nwaht u shud nto be doing! Yu eed to kw the
rpocess of self reguatlion, hw oto reguatle oyrusefl ,

I kw oi nm y mid ntht h ishud nto be takig ncigartees its lie ki have been programmed I nmy mind sicne
child hood! Thht inforamtio nahs been fed I nmy mid n in my memery bank stognyl at childhood, oso my
brai nsi pre programmed, by my mom, thth smoking causuese cancer nadn so on and thh I shud ntobe
smoking and I knw htht I n my mind, and so o I say no to it when some one offers me tociagrettes. I am
programmed not ot o smoke and soo I don’t smoke or od cigarettes. N soo usay n oand have retrint as
u kwn htht its nto good for oyu.

Its you t ounderstandn realse and figure out th its not good for oyu and the reason nwhy its nto good
for oyu.

Ifn Eemebr

Inordert ot make yourself do whayo u knw yo ushoudl be doing, to achhve your gaol hwo will oy uamek
oyrusefl do ti and follow it. b eeagign I nself-reguatlion the process fo self reguatlion.

You knw I nyoru mid ntht huahve to wake up early I nte h mrnign and get to work! and so oy uod tis
hehr I nyoru mid nad so oy udo

What o ushold do n why the reaso n nreangin bahidn it

yo ushodu ln ot keep thth at high hiaet but at low heat and put cover at theh top oteh wise tit wil lget
all wet adn foggy adn mositure tht si black algae otu thehr! nt based o n psuhiment nadn fear tht si if
oy udot nd othsi then tehrh ewi lleb cosneucens nto fear bsed

yo uwil leb smaked and so on nt ofear based btu intetlgnet way makig the m udsnrnd. nrealse in a more
itntlgent way n teachgn them t oself reguatle themslves

its nto based o npusnsihemtn but itns absed o namkgin them udnerstnad as ot waht otood n wah t n to
to do an why! the reasingi nebhidn ti thhsi doign ti i an more itnetllgent way!

Rmember keep in mid nth u needo t eenagei nccosntly eneange I nself regatulio ni
nroder to maek urslef do thgis nthth u need ot ood o conduciseve to ahchvign ur
gaosl dotn forget You need to cocnstnly enange I nself reguatlion inorder to make
yoru self do thngs tht u need oto od oto achvhe ur gaosl

frst yo uneedot udnerstnad nadn firgure ut wht u u shud n shud nto be doign n
why the resoensign behidn ti i norder ot achvhe ur gaosl.

How to engage in self regulation:

Have an udnerstandign as ot what u ushud n shud nto do n why the reasnisn

behind ti recognize what yo ushud n nshud nt oeb doing n why the reasoning
ebhidn it.

1) Remember1: keep I nmidn what oyur gaol is mission is never forget what yoru
goa land miison is “thth is getting na R fining a gf and a job” once you keep I nmid
nwaht oyur goal is and never forget what ur gaol is the nyo uare preprogrammed,
to achhve ur goal, thth is yu knw I nyur mdi nthth uahve to ahcve this goal and
soo oy utake action if oyu froge if its nto thehr I yoru mdi nwaht ur goal and
msiion is yo uwonat take catio nt oachveh it . you wont be on tiot it. soo think of it
coocsntly what uu need to odo, thgisn u need ot ood , list ofo tgihsi tasks actiiites
you ned to od, keep ii n mind remmeebr only hen oy uwill d ti think of it oconstl
and think fo oyur goals nadmisiso nwaht uu need ot oachve soo thth its in your
mind coonstly only then yo uwil do it nad acvhe it and take action. rmemebr keep
I nmid nwaht ur gaol is what u needoto achvhe and rmemebr keep in mind what
things u needo t odo taks work actiivtes soot ht uare on am siison, you are
focused on yoru mdi nsi progreagemd to ahchve thth gaol or to d othth task, you
are on a miison, takig nacito ndoig nthgisn to acvhe ru gaosl and so oon and you
are on track to achvheign ur gaols, and misision. If itsn ot htehr I nyour din what
yo ur goal is,what oyur msisio nobejectiive is or what thgisn you need ot odo ,
taks work you need ot ood ,the nyou wotn do ti, causeu its not on yoru mdi nso
oy uwotn do it, it wont occur ot oyu at all, you will be deviated for myoru gaol nto
on track to wrs hacign ru gaosl, misiso ntaks and so oon.

1) Remember 2: keep in mid nand never forget what you need ot odo keep in mid
nwaht yo ueed to do things like yo uhsoudl nt owaste ite mtiem is imp prciosu
and so oon, soo thh yo uknwo intoyur mid nits htehr in your mid nwaht you need
ot ood soo htth u can reguatie yourself accordignyl if its nt hehre in oyur mdi
nthen you wont be able ot regutle yorusefl accordingly. soo thth its htehr in oyur
mdi n urememebr what yo ushud an d shud not be odig nyou know I nyour mdi
nwaht ushud n nshud nto be doing adnwhy and hence you do ti and folw oit.
Inroedeer to keenangei nsefl reguatlion you should keep I nmid nwaht yo u need t
oodo , soo thh uk nw I nyour mid nthth u needot odo ti and hence oy udo ti, if
outs not htehr I nyoru mind then yo uwot ndo it and oy uwotn be able to reagule
yoruseflaccordignyl, you doit as u ukwn iynru midnthth u need oto odit. Keep I
nyoru mid ni ynor umememry what oy ushud n shud nt oeb doing you do it as u
kwn I nyoru mid n wh t u ushud n shud nt obe odign nwhy thh u shud do this and
u ahd nt od it and hence oyu do it. so keep I nmidn wht u ushud n hsud nt oeb
doing soo thth its tehr I nyoru mdi n u rlelemebr its thehr I nyoru mmeery as to
wahy u shud n shud nt eb doig n ukwn I ynoru mid nwaht u shud n shud nto be
doig nn hence oy u od it nad ofllw oit, or reguatle yorusefl acoridngly by
rpovidign regulatory thgotsuh to amek urslef do t I nad follow it, if oits ot thehr I
nyour mind the nyo uwotn do I t and ollwo it. oy ukwn I nyour mdi nthth neeodo
to od oti and hence oy udo ti and follw oti. Muscle memery for eg: y ou kwn I
nyour mdi nhth u haveo t walk this way so you walk thth way without htinkign
much, yo ukwn to breathe oy uso o o ubreathe with out thikign much bout it tis
autmotaic. Tsi thehr I nyoru mid n ukw ni nyour mid nwaht u uhsud nnshdu nto
eb doig nn hecnoy udo it. its htehr I ynoru mid n uknw I nyour mdi nwaht u ushud
n shud nt o be dign n nehcne oy udo ti. You knw I nyoru mid nwaht yo suh osuld
and nshoudl nt oeb doig nadn hence y u do it, tis lie ky uknw o iynour mdi nhw ot
snign and so ooy using hth way its like htht. Keep I nmdi n yo ukwn I n yoru mid
nti sthehr I nyour mid nwht au shud n shud nto eb doing n ehnce oy ud oit if its no
logner thehr I nyour mind ifoy uahve forgotten what u emend ot odo nad its n
ologenr thehr I nyour mdi nthe nyo uwont doit , and follw o it. you need ot
reemebr keep i nmidn, wahoy ushoud land should nto be doig nkeep it i nyoru
memery bacnk dotn foarget soo htth u rmeemebr nad its ther i nyoru mid nwaht
need to d waht u shud n shud nto be dogn feed i nteh ememry bank liek our
parents feed infroamtio nadvices suggesitosn i nyoru midn waht u u hsud n shud
nto be doign hth si memery peorgamming oru mid nb y feedign infroamtio
nsuggetison sdvices i nyoru md idn as to waht uu shud n hsud nto be odign adn
why fr r eg your mparetnsmay tell you "yo ushud nt owaste you t rtitem as oyur
item si limtied onceuu lsoe item yo uwill enver etti itback" thgisn lie kttht feed
inrforatmstion i ynor umidn, ukwn i notyu rimnd as to wht u ushud n shud nto eb
doing rememebr keep in mid n inememry, rebush what u urefresh awh t u uneed
otood and foolw othe rules rmemebr hte ruels whtu u need ot odo soo hth ts
htehr i nyour midn wht u shud nshud nto eb doign n why the resosns reasinign
ebhidn it soo tht u knw i nyoru md nwaht u uened ot odo and hene oy udo ti as
uu knw i nyour mdi nnad os o yo udo ti andofllwo ti is lie k msule meemry, yo
uknwhwwo ot osign soo yu thsign thth way withot uthinkign bout it, y ukwn hwo
to obawalk soo oy uwalk ththway or breathe withotu htinkign abotu ti tis
uncocnsiu s itslie kthth, yo ukwn wahti t iot od so oyo u do ti, n follwo it. if oy
uforget if its no lognere hther i nyur mdi nthen yo uwont do ti or follwo it.
its hhthehr i ynru mdi i nyoru memery bank i nyoru memery progrememd inyr u
mind fed i nyour midn what oy uened ot odo oy uknow oy uare awre in your mid
n oy uknwo i nyour mid nwaht u u need to do and hecne oy udo ti and folwo it

for eg: y ou know i nyour mdi ntth uhsud nto be wastign tiem doign unim pthgsi
nand so ooy u dotn do toerhhtigsn n unim ptghsi nadn y u do oyur work and imp
thgsin thths hwo it works!

Soo isnead ofo tehrs tellgi nyo uand prgreeamign yr u idn Iat hthe coere leel and
telling ny u what y ushud n shd nto eb doing n feeding information I nyoru brai
nyo uonyl feed information I nyoru bran thhtsi remember what oy ushud n hsud
nt o be doig nkee p I nmid nwaht u hsud n shud not be odign so ohtth yo udotn
forget it s thehr I nyoru mid nu knw I nyour mid n yo are ware ifn n oyur mid
nwaht u ushud n shud nto be doig n the ruels and hence yo u do it and ofllw oti,
causeu if oyu forget andif I its no logenr therh I nyour mdi nth ten yo uwotn do it.

Provide sefl reguatloy htgotush isntruciosn nad occonds to direct ruslef control
command and regautel yorusefl:

You needoto ocnsntly eregualte yorusefl I nroder to o keep urslf o nteh track
make ursel do it follow it whatu u kwn I noyurm di nyo shoud leb doig nadn
prevent yorusefl form straying you k now I nyru mind what oy ushud nshdu nt oeb
doing so oy udotn tneed oterhst to tell u and istrnctu oyu oy u odn need external
regulation you o nyl tell yoruslef drect yorusefl provide treguatloty tgotush
isntrucitons nadnoccamnsds to make urlsef do it and follw oit, auto correct, thths
what it is , by cconstly nenging I nself regautlio nthth si proviign freualtroy
thgoush isntrucitosn and command to keep urlsef o ntrack prevent oyursefl form
straying brign urself back every tie m yo ustray, adnso oon maek urslef do what u
u kwn I nyoru mdi nu hsd u be doing. And stop urslef ofrm doinwahut u ukwn I
nyour mdi n yo ushud nto be doing, you only reg yorusfel o udt n need external
reguatlion, soe oe nto tell uto o doit yo uony ltell ru slef guide urslef dierect
utrlse,f self strtign self intaiting self ollwioign. Lear the process foself reguatlio n
hwo ot reguale yorusefl hw oto fish , so otht yo udotn need external reaugtiaon
and ou ar ser elf strtign self itnating sefl folwoign. I you d ot nenange I nself-
regaulti nyou will be out of ocotnrol. Ocosntly be enaneign I nslfe rgautlio n I
nrodeeor ot ocorrct urslfe very tiem ustr kee p urslfe o ntrack bring ruslef back ,
make uu rlsef do what ukw nwu shud be doing nstop rslef form doing what uu wn
u shud nto be doing tth flo w thth program I nmotion shoud leb runngi ncocsntly
memery is static and thgotush are dynamic coosntly moving, I nrpocess, thth
process hsusftpwre dynami program of slef regulation shud be runign progmra of
slef regutlt n should eb runnig ni nyrou mind. And the ststic programming fedign
infroamtion asto ahwt shud u hsud n nshd nt obe odign I nyoru mmery shud also
be done.

If yo ujsut let yourself go free lie ktth, If oy udotn enange in self reguatlion if oy
udotn reagulte yorusefl then yo uwil leb o tu fo ocntrol thehr si no system fo
ocntro lthe nyo wuil l end u p doig thhgisn thth u are nto supposed to od oand
you will nt ood thgisn thth uare supposed ot odo due t your impusvle part of the
rbai ntellgi nyo u to odo things tht h the brain enjoys doing butare unimp not
conducsiv toahchvign ur gaosl , taking prcdicn over thgisn hhtt u kwn I nyour
senseielbe memery yo ushoud leb doignadn are mreo im padn conducieve to
achvign yorugals, weh n uenenagei nsle lf reguatlio nand slef cotnol then you do
things tht u kwn uderstnnd nad nd regcognize and know I nyoru mind thh u shud
be doig nadn are codicsuve ot oahcivgn ur goals and stop doiursfl form dogi
nthigns thth u n oare nons ocndusive to ahcivng ur goasl.

You kwn oi nyour mdi nwaht u ushdu n shd u not be doing so o accoridgly
ennaege I nelsf reugaltion rpactise selfregaulio ncocosntly, t o ekeep urleffse o
ntrack and to maek urslef do it and foolw oti, tel l ruself, drect urslf istnrcut
yourself prodviede istnrciotsn and cocmamnds reguatlroty thgots hcomamdns
isntrcutiosn drecitosn , be self correcting aut ocorrecitng, self gidign istnrcuitgn
contorlign cocmamdnign directing, to amek urslef doti and follw ti “yo ushud nto
wate ur item doig ntoerh htigsn. Ge to owork to get yoru work doen fast”

Forsm of parenting:

Seo mppl, 1) tell yo u to go get the fsih fish and the nif oy udotn get hthe fish they
hit you, they tll yo ut ostudy nadn if oy udotn study they hit oyu fear moengerign.
Istill fera I nyo uso othth ukw I nyoru mid nsoo thth uknw I nyoru mind thh I fo yu
odnt stufdy yo uwil get beaten fear moengirng parenting, hths wrogn way fo
parnetign as a result the kids have disfuntsional child hood frea ftrauma maetal
health sseu ptsd, suicdal and os on and unintelligent upbrring, not only htht the
turn out ot e socially anious, holdig nback ehstntn to expres themselves, and
when they do expres themselves they fear to epxre shtsevels forhte fear ofo
beign reperiamnded they hodl abck and leive I nfear a nti nteh outside owrkld as
well and don t taek lead nad taek acherge.if yo udotn nenaegi nself reuagltio
nwyo uwil leb out fo ocntorl cosntly enage I nsel f reguatlinon.

Some pp alre cocosntl told and ndnageed to fish go get fish

2) some ppl make u u uendertnnd why oyu hsud study and soo on and the ntehy
teahch ow to fish htht is hwo t reguatle yorusefl soo thth they can fish
themselves o ntheri own.

Soo tis up to oyu whtherh to teach het child hwo to fish so oththety can fishg
themselves reguatle temsvles and gethtigsn doen or toerh wise

you knw inyour mid nwaht u u should nadn hsoudl nto be doing so oaccoridngly
prodive reguatlory thgotus hcommands isntrcionts to control yourself direct nadn
steer nadn command yorusel andn maek ursle do it if oy udont provide reguatlry
thgotus hcomamdns isntrions then yo uwotn do it veen if yo uknw I nyoru mdi n
thht u need ot od oit thths cuauseufor inorder foro oy uto odo it oy uneedo t
knwoignyl instionally prodvie thogtush commands instrcutins to maek ur lsef do it
and follow it.

Its nto by beign tstrict and harsh o nyorusefl, or pushisnh yourself or makig nsoem
ne do things thru fear and punishment if oy udont do this then this will happen
and so on its by underdtaindg, makig ntht epros nunderstnad as ot whayo u
needo to od this. Its an intelligent way fo making yorusfl d o thgis nwht u ne dot
odo, or others od things. Coosntyl enanege inself reguatlio ni nroderto driect
yorusfl, n maek urslfdoti and dooflfwo it and keep yourself o ntrackand prevent
yorusefl ro straying, and brign urslef back o ntrack every ti me you stray away for
mwaht oy ushoud leb doing. Slf control self reguatlion, t ooocotnro lad nreguatle
oyursefland command nadn dreict oyrusefl.
wh isi it thht uare nto odign what yo uare suppsoed to eb doign adn yo uare doig
n otehr hritsn adn wunimp thgsin? ispite of knwoign i nyoru mid n htht ushud nto
eb doin g oterh htigsn and u shud be doign imp thgsin thths causeu ulack sefl -
reaugltion or u are nt oenagign i nself reguatlion or udont kwn hw oto o reagule

if y ulet yorusel losoe and dotn take the effrt t oenangei ns elf rguatlion dotn
ennege i nself regautlio nthen you yo uwil leb ot o focntorl u need ot take teh
take the effrt to enaengei sn and itnstioanlyl eknwlignly forfully enfrocignly
enange i nself reguatlion.

Keep urslef I ncheck if oy uare doig nwaht uuaure supposed to be odign what u
ukwn I nyoru mdi n uhsud be doing or nto, sensneor, be awre of what oyu
ardoign, whthehr you are doing ahw oy uare suppseod to eb doing or not.
as an mba, r a boss, itsvery easy to dish out orders to ohers adnctnrol commadn reguate adn rdrieect
otehrs to mae kthem do what thgis nthth uwant them to do, and be the boss and dish out orders to
toehrs andmawk htem do wahtt yo uwan t then to d owhen u are i n a psotion of pwoer and authority
nad have cotnrol over otehrs, r thehre ar cosequcens to them lets say yo uar re the boss or the land lord,
cosneuqnces of biegn fired nadn evicted et...and ppl follow oyur orders under fear as they are I na
vlunerabl ep ostioio nadn they knw if they odnt follw othehr wil le bcosnequences.

but its ahrdto cotnrol yorusefl, be your own boss and cotnrol yoursel tht is to maek urslef do waht u wan
toto od or wahtu uknw i nyour mdi n yo ushoudl eb doign,

inoder to fto be sefl-strtig nself intiating, thth is oign thgsn strtign thgisn without havign to be told ot
ood it by ohers tht si stritng thgisn dogi nhitngs o nyoru own thaking the intiaitve on yor uown, dign
thgis nwhat uneeds to be done n your won withotu haing to be told by toehrs nagged by otehrs to od it,
you need ot be self reguatled thth is you need to ocosntly enenage i nself reguatlion, hth is pcocontly
proivde selfregualtry thgotus hinsrruciotns and coomnds to mae urlsef do ti and foolow it.

inorder ot be a self srer take intaitve d oti yourself with out havign beign told ot odo ti.
inorder ot maek rslef o what u uknow inyour mid n ushud be doign you need ot octnro lcommand
intstruct order direct yorusefl, otehr wise you wont od it inspit e of knwoig ni nyour mid n tth uahve ot
odo it causeu u ar nto proiving the thogtuh instrcito ncomamnd, telign directing ruslef ot odo oti.for oyu
to odo ti u need a thogth inst command diretign ur slef ot o od it.
for eg:
- for eg whe n uare i nteh military then you have orders comign for motuside, youare nto a self strter yo
uahve orders comign for m outside tellign you to get up adn get ot oowrk and so oyo uget up and get o
to wrok.
-or fro eg whe n uare i nschol and oy uahve school u knw thth u wanto eed to go to o school, in your
midn but u still continue sleeping, yo uare nto asel f -strter, thth is you need ot obe told for motusie to
get up adn get ot owroo school your mom nags you and orders yo utells oy ucoemon get u pand get oto
oschool itsl iek tht. and so o oyu get up and getto school, yu need soem oen esle to tell yo uadn order
you t obe able to oto do ti ispte i of knwign thth u hav e to od oti yo udotn do ti on yourownw thths
causeu u dont nenge inself reguatlio nthth is yo uont order adn isntruct nad nfdrect nnad ocmcmand
urslef isnted of havign beein orderd by others, thth s cauuseu eitehr u dotn kwn o or udnerstnd hwo ot
reguate yorusefl, thth yo uahven to reognied thth u need ot provide self -reguatliory thgotus adn instrct
direct ocmamnd yoruself for oyu to be able ot ot ood it on yoru won, waht uu kwn u need oto odo
iwhtotu havign to be directed or told by toehrs, self -ststritgn and so oyo uare nto doign ti or you knwo it
but yo uare not implimenting it.
-yo uare sleepign you kwo i nyoru md n hth uneed ot wak up and get to wrok bu stinsptie of knwoig
ntth although oy uare haldf awake, adn yo uknw htht ueed ot wake up and getot owork still oy u cotnine
sleepignand layign down o nthe bed, thths cause u uodnt give uruself ordrs, dreict urusefl comamdn
yourself and instruct yorusfl orgiveu ur sefl isntruciotns and commands to get up and geto toowrok, t
oget ur ass up the bed otnad geot ot owork, yo uare nto tellign instructignad directign ruelf to get up
and geoto towork and so o you cotninrue to lay dwon and sleep inspti eo of knwign i nyoru mid nand
beign aware thth u need ot wake up, you need to tell ursefl "lets get up and get too work now"

whenever u gtet theh thoguth timpusvie thoguth tellign u to do otehrh tigns tehn tell ur self dnt do tht
focus on this this is more imp u wotn get nayhitng dform doign thth no progress. its a awaste of tie me
focus o nwahts imp, leave everythgi nelseaside

Understand relaisee fugire out either told by others or u urlsfe figured it out know what u shud n shud
nto be odign n why the reasoning behind it n rmemebr it keep it I nur mind

You do recognise that don’t u u do realize n understand it dontuthtif u dnt study then u will be screewd
up u knw tht don’t u, dotn u knw tht I f u dotn study then u will be screwed up? U knw htht in ur mid
nright soo u thin kaocridnlgy n nprovie reg thogtuhs to make urslef do ti n follow it.

eenage in cosnt seflreguatlio nwhenever u realse u are nto odig nwhat uare suddposed to eb ding then
tell ruslef odnt waste u r time doign unimp tigsn rengege i nsfl-reg n pocivde reg thgotush isnts n
ncommadns to maek urslef do ti n nfollwo it wht u knwo i nru mdi n u shud be doing.

As needed, refer back to the book to refresh yourself

on specific strategies. This is a work in progress.
o tht u reemebr nn ot forget
n soo htthu know I nyour mind its there inur mind stored I nur mid nwhat u need ot od n so o uthink
accoridgly reg urslef accordignyl n do it
its therhe in ur mid nwht u need ot od n nehcne u do ti

Make a point of recalling

It not only reinforces
it also helps you to better recall

u need ot keep i nmidn waht u need ot od soo tthh u knwo i nyour midn what u need ot odn n
urememebr hwat u need to od thgisn like "u need ot od it fast, u shud nto waste ur time n do unimp
thigns" soo thht u remmebr u knwo i nyour mid nwaht u need ot do n so it occurs to oyu n nu reg urself
accoridngly n tell urslef isntrcut command urslefn nrpoivde reg thgotush isnstnsn n commadns to mae
urslef odit nn follwo it.

realized, nderstood.

to remind us

Go over ti again to reinforce it in ur mind

the last time u didi somethign it felt good the brai nenjoy doign ti n thsi is stored i nthe impulve
mememory, primiteive memeory control say no to the impuslses th e uges the temptations thigsn thht
ur brian enjys doing sooo it tell ur to do it agaign cause it wants to enj y hhthe feelign en experince again
cause it feel s good n soo yu get a thgotuh tellign u to do so... but i nyoru slnenseible memeory u know
tth u hsud nto waste item doign ti caues thths unimp n nwaste of tiem soo ther is internla strugles for
power for control, interanl cflict, say no to these thgotush resists these thgotush impsluses thht tell u to
do otehrh irghntgs u knwo in your sensenivblem emory, active memeory thth u shud nto eb odign ti
sooo u tell urself,
stop doign thht or nope dont do thht now nto give in to the imspulses reste the impsulsese the
thgotush thth tell u instrcut u n commadn u to od thth hte brai nenjyo s ding but are unimp waste of
itme, as u knwo in ur sensneibel memeory thht u shud nto be doign thth sooo u tell urself intentiosnlyl
knwoignly provide thgtsu hcommaands isntrucitosn tellig nurself nope doont waste tiem dgin thth
inroder to trest thse impsivle thgotus h override nn ot ive in to the or cancnelt hte imspuliev htoguths
tht u get tellign u to od unimp thgins.

know how the brain works what goes on i nthe mind the process invoveld soo thth uknow hwo to
ocntrol urslef n nur thogtush ur mind. how ot be in control of ouyr midn once u knwo the process thth
goeso n i nteh mind what geso on what thgisn lead ot what how hte brain works hten oyu know hwo ot
ocntrol it. as u knw othe procssess as to what goes on hwo it works soo u knwo hwo ot use it n ncontrol
it n nuse it to oyur advantage.once u knwo the process how it works

u need t keep in in your mind soo thht u rmemebr n dotn forget u need ot read it at least once a week
soo thth u rmemebr wht u hsud n shud nto do n it reinfrocesi nyoru mdi n n soo hth u dotn forget n
nehcne u do ti n follow it.

You should also remember that

so please bear this in mind.

This in my mind is

I’m not going to

write about a subject that I feel has no place here
responsibility take resoponsibility. knwo waht ur responsibiltiesaretowrds ursleftowrdstoehrsin
yourworketc..earngnn money etc... carry on wit hurreesponsiibltiesdo what uare supposed to od.
u dotn do waht u shudbeedoign u know meet ur commtmentsnadrepsonsiiblites nn u are distracted n
do thigsn u shud nt eb doing.
i will do it later - nope do it now finish it now.
one more page build u know resilience. control on urselfl selfcotrol fight oppose the urges. n othe
thoughts tht tell u to do other things. nope u have tetd soo sit tru n finish. Build practice building self
control regulat t urslf tell ruself nope do one more page! To make urlsff do it n follow it, n regulate n
control ur actosn by telgi nruself givgn out dishing out instructiosn nn commands

knwo inoyur midnwhat to od hwo to go about it

The need to remind yourself constantly is important.

should be remembered.

its in my mind whta i need to do. n hecne i do ti n nfollwo it.

its tehre i nmy midn thth iahve otod this memeory.
in my mind


Message to self note to self / reminder to remind you mke u remebr

With this in mind u need ot reg ursefl

I realised that wht to do nwhy the resonign behind it why tis soo imp

rmemebr tthht.

know n undersatnd what t o do which u relaize urself as ot what ot od or sum1 told u waht to do

when ever u get the thgotuht ot do it say no

knwo whats goin on i nyour mid nwaht are u thinkign of n stop thinkign of otehrh itgns, stop
urslef for mthinkign of other thigsn n make urself gegt to work. n imp thigns, sto pwastign time
thhinkign of otherh tignsn get ot owrk.

Keep in mind that

the last time u didi somethign it felt good the brai nenjoy doign ti n thsi is stored i nthe impulve
mememory, primiteive memeory control say no to the impuslses th e uges the temptations thigsn thht
ur brian enjys doing sooo it tell ur to do it agaign cause it wants to enj y hhthe feelign en experince again
cause it feel s good n soo yu get a thgotuh tellign u to do so... but i nyoru slnenseible memeory u know
tth u hsud nto waste item doign ti caues thths unimp n nwaste of tiem soo ther is internla strugles for
power for control, interanl cflict, say no to these thgotush resists these thgotush impsluses thht tell u to
do otehrh irghntgs u knwo in your sensenivblem emory, active memeory thth u shud nto eb odign ti
sooo u tell urself,
stop doign thht or nope dont do thht now nto give in to the imspulses reste the impsulsese the
thgotush thth tell u instrcut u n commadn u to od thth hte brai nenjyo s ding but are unimp waste of
itme, as u knwo in ur sensneibel memeory thht u shud nto be doign thth sooo u tell urself intentiosnlyl
knwoignly provide thgtsu hcommaands isntrucitosn tellig nurself nope doont waste tiem dgin thth
inroder to trest thse impsivle thgotus h override nn ot ive in to the or cancnelt hte imspuliev htoguths
tht u get tellign u to od unimp thgins.

know how the brain works what goes on i nthe mind the process invoveld soo thth uknow hwo to
ocntrol urslef n nur thogtush ur mind. how ot be in control of ouyr midn once u knwo the process thth
goeso n i nteh mind what geso on what thgisn lead ot what how hte brain works hten oyu know hwo ot
ocntrol it. as u knw othe procssess as to what goes on hwo it works soo u knwo hwo ot use it n ncontrol
it n nuse it to oyur advantage.once u knwo the process how it works.

keep i nmid nrnremebr refresh ur memeory read it every week i ncase u forget soo tht u rmmeber u
knwo i nyoru mid nwhat u need ot od n n uthink nreguate oyursefl acordingly ot maek urself do i n
follow it.

soo mcuh f info stred in the midn as to what to od what nto to do hwo to be etc..etc.. n why the resons
reasonign bheind it

Be aware of the thgoutsh fgoin on i nyour head stop urself from thinkign of unimp thigns wastign time
thinign of unimp thigns n mkae ursefl get to work.

sellf guiding
self directing

you have to bear in mind

prctise thght control, control ur thoughts learn how to be in control of ur thghts

resist impulsive thgts tht tell u to do oter things stp urself frm thinking of sertn thngs mke urself thnk of
certn things, be aware of the thughts goin on in ur head
he who is in control of the mind can use his mind to his advntage n reach where he wnts to rech contrl
of the actions he who is not is a pasenger n is out of contrl ngoes where his mind takes him he knows tht
he is not douing wht he is suppsed to do n doin g wht he is not supposed to do, but he doesnt know how
to mke himself stop din d other thngs n mke himsef do wht he knws is imp n shud be ding, he is a
paasenger helplesss no control goin nending up ewhere the mind driver takes him toas he is not
controlling the driver. the mind... he is like lost in a sram tking him places where hwe doesnt wabnt to
go. helpless addcted knows he shudnt be doin it n doin imp still he ebnds up doin it n not doin tht which
he kbnws is imp due to the impulsive thughts n impulve mind memorytellin him to do .
stop urself frm thinking of other things n unimp things knw whts goin on in ur mind wht are u thnking of
n stop urself frm thinkin of other thngs n unimp thngs, n put uer mind in ur wrk n imp things keep ur
mind in imp things think of u r wrk n mp things stop dont divert n distrct ur mind stop urself from
thinking of other tings n unimp things n get to wrk dnt waste time n mental effrt thinking of unimp
things n get to wrk.
reinforcing in rmind
to rember n not forget
keep it I n ur mind keep ur mind on it

keep in midn what u neeed t odo soo thth u remmeebr waht U need to do n consatnly enage in self-
regulation to maek urself do ti n follow it

I remember

visual reinforcement – cards n so on

techniques to rember

reinforces it in ur mind

either u dirve the car u are in control of the car

or the car drieves u n u are ehlpless passenger takign u goign wheere u dotn want ot go.

temptation n cravingsurges n nimpulsese.

reminding me of

It constantly reminds you of this

With this in mind


but remember to

The thought never occuredto meh.

rmemeber thth cause if its not there in your midn n u have forgotten then it wont occur to oy u
n nu will nto do it cause uhave have forgotten n its nologenr tere inyoru midn what u need to do n soo u
wont od it. How the reg process works, U knw I nur mind soo it either occurs to oyu , or u send out reg
tohguths to make ulef or stop u rself doing it as u knw I nur mid its ther ei nur mind wht u shud n hsud
nto think n n do n soo u send out reg thgotush isnts n ncaommads isntionslly knowingly I norder to make
urslf think of certia nthgin stp thinking of certia nthign or do ceritn thing or stop doing certain thing.

Don’t u knw as to whto t odo u knw hth ur examsare coming right n soo u need ot sotudy u knw thisi
nyoru mid nright n soo oy uthink n tell ruself proidve regulatory thgotush n nmake urslef do it

Tula mahit ahe u know wht to od n soo uthin kaccoridnglyn nehcne u do it

Exercise restraint
few rules to remember
reembr remidn rself soo thtu remebernn udotn forget waht u have to do.

Control internal and external distractions ur thoughts.Be present, watch the tendency to
daydream.drift off from whts imp n thinking of unimp things.

in ur head u shud remember u shud knwo waht ot odn o it accordingly take action

any temptation, urge craving

u need ot be regulated

ddciitve behaviour thth screwed him up. lack of regauiton unregualted nn adcituive impuslvei behaivur
craivngn n impuslese thh screwed him up. notsayigngno, no retstrin

remind yourself that

The important thing to remember is

remind urself of this



Remind yourself that

remmeebr htth u needo t work fast rememebr thht u neeed to owrk cocntinously and sit for 1 hour nn
take 5mins vbreaks. rmemerb all thsi soo thth u rememerb n u odtn forget its therei nyour midn u knwo
i nyour midn whatu need ot od n soo u do it and follwo it, if its nto ther inyourmidn if u haveforgtten
what u need ot do or nto do then u wotn do it nad foloewi t
sooo rmemeebr nad keep it in your mind.

The most important thing to keep in mind

remember that

must be kept in mind at all times.

Remember at all times though

temptations that can be very hard to resist.

remember that
Please remember that
a behaviour that can be controlled or learnt, control the impulses. impulsive addictive beahvior.
unstoppable, not ebign able ot stop adn doign thigsn
thth uwnenjoy doign but are unimp n wont brign u any gain progress beenfit wont help u ot ahciveu
rgoals, and imp thigsn i nlfei hwo ot stop doign em.

Keep in mind that


u kno hht ua he a problem u wnat t ostop but u dotn knw how to stop its lie ebign i an car and u are nto
the drives r ucant go where u wnat ot o u are ehlpelss uare at hte mercy of hte frdrier feelig nehlpelss
out fo ocontrol. u go wehre he takes u or uare in arvier flwign agaisn tu r whises uare helpelss u aodnt
kwn what ot od otu of ocntro ln thth rier takes u to palces u dotn want ot ogo

addciton can be anythi nvideo game addciiton lack of ocntrol etc.. implusive brain.

Always remember that just remember

knw when to let them idn go free nloose to day dream think ponder nad wonder and when to brign ti
back soo thth udotn think of othrheitgnsn and focus o nteh taks at hand n think ony labotu thth thth is
regualte ur thikig nn soo as to get a task or work done.

The mind can be ur friend or ur aenenmy n ntake u for a ride he who controls his mind the mind is his
friend he who doestnot them idn is his enenmy cause then u are out ofcontrol u do thgisn impsulvie
thigsnn do nt od thgisn thht are imp to tahcvie ur goals work n all thth.

impulsese and urges n temptationshave control over them.

note to self : rember tht

U need ot read all thes thgisn soo thth u remmeebr wht u shud n hsud nt be doig ni norder to succeed I
ncase u forget nits no logenr there I nur mid ncause if its nto there I nyour mid n uwont do it or follow it
as it wont occur ot oyu.

you find yourself thinking

of otehrhtisngs then immidiately stop urslef reguatle urself stop urslf form thinkgi nf otehr htgisn
nrefocsu ur midn on it
brign ur mid nback to oit
get back to work

With this in mind I would

remembering n, reminding

Process of Regulation:-
you need to keep in midn whatu sud nshud not be doing and accoridngly u need to ocnsnstnly enage in
self regaultion provide regulatory thoguhts inst n ncommands to reguatle yoursefl make urself do thigsn
thth u knwo i noyur midn u hsud be doign nstop urslef form doign thgisn thht u know in your midn
ushud nt be doing.
u know i nyur mind wht u shud n hsud nto be doign soo acocroignyl ocnsnstly enge i nsfl reguatlin
provide regualtory thgotush instnnsn n commadns to reguale oyurseflto maek urselfdo wht u knwo i
nyour midn u shud be odign n nto stop urslef form doign wht u knwo i nyour midn ushud not be oding.
you knwo i nyour midn wht u shud n nshud nto eb doign so u dont need other ppl to tell u waht to od n t
o direct u n external spervison nad direction, you need ot enenge in internal direction, hthth is u need ot
direct urself, tell urself isntruct yoursefl, driveyourelsfself commandign driivng isntructin slef-reguatling.
u knwo in your midn what u shud n nshud not beodign soo you don need otoerhs to tell u n direct u u
only tell urself instruct urslef direct ursefl nmaek urself do it n nfollwo it. thth is kick urow n ass out of
theb ed, you dotn need otoerhs to tel u u knwo htht u needo t get up n nget oto work soo you only tlel
urslef get up lets get up n get ot owork u only provide htht reguatlorh toguhgt insrtrcutin n commandot
make urslef do it and follwo it.

Understand n know wht u need ot od n wh the reainongbehind it to succeed n remebr keep it in mind

Remind yourself that

All these things get ingraiendi n yoru mind n maek u do wht uare supposed taek action necessary to od
to succeed, its like programmgi nthe mind to uscceed n make u tick

take charge of
your life take control of oyur life over ur impusles be i ncotnrol to stop urself form doignimpsvle thgisn
unimp thgisnn thth u knw in ur sensiblememry mid n ushud not be doing but your impuslv memeroy
tells u to do n mak urslef do imp thgisn thht u know I nur sensenible memeroy u shud bedoing.

know wahtsgoin on i nur midn what u are thinkignofn nstop urself from thinkign of unimp thigsn
n make urslef think of imp thigns.

if uthink of stoppign thne tell urself lets finish onemore page if u think or get a thoguht to
stop doign ti cause u ar e exhausted then tell urslef no finsih one more page, telll urself
instruct urlef thh will help to gain mroe control over urself n ove ride hte impulsese practice building
selfcontrol practice the technique of self-control soot ht u get used to rembrer things n giving out
thoughts orders commands to urself to make urself stop thinking ndoing things nmke urself think of n do
things tht u knw in ur mind u shud be doing.

Feed the informationin ur mind input it in u rind in ur memory bank sensible memory soot ht its there in
ur mind u knw wht to do n wht not to do n soo u reg urself accorngly by providing self reg thoughts insts
or commnds inorderto mke urself do certainthings tht u knw in ur mind u need to be doinor to stop
urself frm doin certain things tht u knw knw in ur mind u shud not be doing. tht way this info gets stred
in r mind u knw in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be doing n soo think n act accordibgly. as u knw in ur
mind wht u shudn shid not be doing soo u dnt need external regulation, to be told by so e one else as to
wht to do u only el urself privde reg thought inst n commnd to regulate urself n hence mke urselfdo it n
follow it. tht is u engnge in self regution.
Wen u are a child u don’t have any understanding as to wht to do n wht not to do n ewhy the reasoning
behind it n so our parents tell u n explin it to u as t o wht u shud do n shu not do n why the reasons
behindit n ur parents also feed it inur mind input it in u rind in ur memory bank sensible memory as to
why u shud n shd not be doingn why by telling it to u reminding it to u n so on, tht way this info gets
stred in r mind u knw in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be doing n soo think n act accordibgly. as u knw
in ur mind wht u shudn shid not be doing soo u dnt need external regulation, to be told by so e one else
as to wht to do u only el urself privde reg thought inst n commnd to regulate urself n hence mke
urselfdo it n follow it. tht is u engnge in self regution.

Why u do wht u are supposed t do n not do wht u shud not be doing? The process behind it wht mkes
u do it r not do certain thing wht goes on in ur mind tht mkesu do it or not do a certain thing u knw
control urself ur actions,understand the process tht goes onbhind it wenu do wht uare supposed to do
n not do wht u are not suppsed to do, tht way u knw wht u need to do to reeg urself consciously
knowingy :-
U do it whtu are supposed to do case u knw uin ur mind thtu need to do it nsoo u think accordingly n reg
urself accordingly by providng reg thoughts insts in commnds n hence u do it n follow it.
U knw in ur mind whtu need to do, n soo u think accrdgly u provide reg thoughts insts n commnds to
mke urself do it n follow it n hence u do it. as u knw in ur mind whtu need to do n soo u think accrdgky u
reg urself acrdgly u prvde reg thoughts insts n commnds n hence u do it.

sow thgoutsh in the mind

understnd these thigsn as to wht to do n wht not to odo n why

reminds u of
external regualtion :- otehrs tellign ur to od it

internal regualtion: u knwo i nyour midn hwat u hsud nshud not do soo u only reguatle yoruesfl
tell urslef cosnntly sefl-tellgn porivd e reguatlory htogtush isntrucitosn n commadns to birng urslef o
nteh irght path everytime u stry keep urslef o nteh right path , corret turself everytiem u stray n make
urslef do htigns hth uknwo i nur midn ushud be odign n stop urslef form doign thigns hth u knwo i nyour
midn i noyur sensible memme u shud not be doign but ur impsuvle mind tells u to do impsulve memeoy
provdes thgotush tlelign u to do thigsn ccause it enjoys odign it but are less importnatn. but more
plesureable fu nn nejoyable over takss thth are nto fun enjoyable at all but instead bindign punishign
cahinign u cant do otherhigns however they are improantnt n ee to eb done to ahcive ur goals nn imp
thigsn i nlfie.

u need external regulation parents to tel isntrcut you nag oyu to do oti some oen to tell u nag u to do it
as u dotn know how ot regualt yorusefl as a result u do impsulvei things n u don’t dowht u are supposed
to be oding.

Thgotuhs n actions

palyign with him

m trying to train him to ru nawawy fro mdanger n ntake cover.
Soo thth he knw s wahts fdanger n whst not n ntake s cover.
u need to reemerb feed in keep i nyour midn what u shud n nshd nto be doign soo thth u knwo i nur
midn what u need ot od n not rforget n nreguatel yorusefl accordingly to make urself do it and follwo it

addictive personality can lead to ones destruction, (as u have no control over
urlef n ur mind ur thogtush ur actions as u don’t know how to, n as aresult u
end up thinking n doing thgisn uknow u are not supposed to n u don’t do
things n think things thth uu know u are supposed to, as you odtn know hwo ot
make urlsfe stop thinking nn doig nceritnan things n amek urslef od n think of
ceertai nthgisn htht uknw u are supposed to n soo uare out of cotnrol) if u dotn
know hwo ot control yorusefl to stop doing thgisn thth uknow I nyour mid n
ushud not be doing but you do it casue u nejoy doing it n n ur impsulve mind
tells you to od it whenever it wants to enjoy hthth feeling derive d from doig
ncertai nthgsin thth are unimp, but pleasurable. And fun. This can eb thgisn like
palyign video games, drgus alcohol addciiton can be anything, wathcign tv
isnteadof studying. Compulsivity,impulsive beahviour cravings, impulses urges
uncontrollable addicive beahviour

whe n udotn kwn ohow ot regulate nn control urslef then it boemces difficult ur mind is ur enenmy,
then n u end up doig nthgisn ukwn ushud nto be doing n not odign thgisn uknw u shud be doing.
Therhe is I nterlnal conflict, it becomes very difficult, but when u knw exactly hwo them idn works, the
process thths inoveld I ncotnrollign rusefl ur mind ur htinkig nur actiosn then it becomes smooth
cakewalk, easy to control yourself you know what oto od , n how it works, the process fo reguatlion t
oocntrol yorusefl, ur mid nru htinkgin ur actiosn what u need ot odo t control yoruesfl.

he was in control of himself n his mind

You should knwo what to do inorder to reguatle yorusefl
u need to be aware of the thoughts going on in your mind, right practise thgouth control
u knwo be more awre r of whats goin o n inur mid n, adn resiits those impulsive thgotuhs
when u get thsoe thgotush then u need ot knwo hwo ot dela iwth them resitst them overcome them
u need ot be aeware of the th ogtush goin on i your head knwo whats goin o n inur head waht thogutsh

knwos he is not supposed to maek a mess it nhe huse, he is smart cat, very intelligent,
lack of reagituion

ur thgotush serve as isntrcuiotns comnds to do actoon to tdo soemthign to take action.

Simsialrly whe n u prodive de an isntruciton to some one , pelase give this to him, then I ntth
persons mind this thgotush beocems an isntruciton n he ends u p doig nti, ththswhy wordsare
soo powerful , u can inflcuen some oen to od soemthig nwith yoru words, and u shu be care ful
what u say to dtoerhs, if oy utell some one, thgisn like I wishu wer r dead ofr go fuckig nkills
urslef then tthh peros nmay get depressed n may strt thinking it go ofukign kills urlsfn nthth
serves as an isntrcuiton n he may as well take hi s own lfie tis called, influencing some one.

keep thth in mind, remember tht.

know whats going thru ur midn hwat u are thinkign whts going htru ur mid wht tghts u get , tht tell u to
do other thingsnso on.

prog the midn to succeed:-

keep in midn soo thht u know i nyour mid nits ther e in your midn htht u have ot od it and soo it occurs
to oyu u remember it you are emidned of it u knwo i nyour mdi n hth u have ot od thsi compelte this nso
it occurs to oyu n su thin kaccoridngly lets get to work n henceu do it
with ne goal one mission i nmind nad no distraction
progrmed ot d certian thgisn osoo thth it occurs to oyu n u are consntly remidned of it!
u knw i nyour mind hwat u need to od!
it s there i nyour mid nhaw t u need oto do u knwo i nyour mid nwhat u need ot od soo it occurs to oyu
n u are occnsntly reominded ofo it nad soo u thin kaccoridnglyn lests get to od othgis lets finish this nw n
hacne u do it

it tirggers thsoe thgotush brign back those memeroes remidns u of it

try nto to think fo lall tht nonsense

u need to observe otehrs waht they do and ape them knowing what to do i nsocial sitautions!

he had a addicitve personality

terh was no self-reguatlion eh didi what he liekd
his addicitvei mpusle nature
drug addcit, drinker ,sexaddcit etc..
no reguatlion did nto do what he didint liek to od.
addicted ot it
get over the addcition
you ogo down i nto an uncontrollabel spiral howl thth u cannto ocme otu of!
no ocntrol over ursefl ur impusles as u dotn knw how to ocntrol ursefl

she didi help uwith sefl-reguation by sayignstop sid n after sometime u strted t ostop ursefl, by saying
stop to oyurslef giving instrcuitosn ncommmand.s sh e was a kidnfriend n n she helped me too kbore my
nsoensen n ntold me to stop ti! N soo n she put up with my nosnsese, whci I hav achved thgisn botu self
control thth helped me to reac hwehre I am n be productvive thanks to her n nthnas to god.

An intelligent way to d oit by expalinign them nada makign them understadn by teachign them ho to sefl
regautle tehmslve n control themselves, i mean rather than telign them ot fish
adn scoldign them nad beatign them if they dont cathc a fish instead teach them how to fish so
thth they know what they need to do to fish n how to fish so thth they can fish themselves,
thth is they knwo hwo toreguatle themselvle n ocntrol themselves so thth the cna cotnrol n reguatel

he relsed that he shud keep the house clean

so he strt ed ot do it outside
he doesnt do toilet i nteh house he does it outsdide
he knws tht he need to keep house clean

u knw i nyour mid n u rmemebr its tehr i nyoru mind wht u shud nshud nto eb doign ti thht
ushud nto be doign ti u knw in ur lselfsinble memeory soo oyu regualt urself restrin u r sefl
erfirn by tellgi nrusfl to stop stop dont do thth now do whats imp n hence ustop urslf formd
oign unimp thgisn by providng reg thgotush isntnst n ncommadns n make urslef do imp thgsin
by tellign ruself to odo ti proivdng reg thgotush isntrtciotnsn ncommadnsnn driectignn
isntrcutign n guindign ursefl

who is t o be blamesd? u knwo htht drinkig n drgis is nto good for u n smokign then god has givne u a
bria nt odeiced hwat s godo for u n whats nto to know. makignworgn choices unehaelthy lifestyle. U
have a brain u shud knw bteer whats good for u n nwahts nto good foro yu.

Keep it in frnt of u to remind u soot ht u remember n dnt forget “ don’t lay dwn dnt sleep u can move
arund but dnt lay dwn if u lay dwn u fal alseeep” eep the vitmin bottle besides ue bed so thtu rember to
tle it after lunch as its in frnt of u n u dnt frget.

Self regulation example:-

the temptation there is a chocolae in the frdge may be u can snatcch it or sneak it.... sooo much for self
control he gave me tempateion

holy thers a chocolate in the frdge with sychedelic mushrooms i soo so want to eat it n enxepnce it n
enjoy it n taste it the cravings of the braimn the impusive side of the brain. n then the brain telling u go
eat tht chocolate giving u thoughts instructins n coomands to get tht chocolate to do tht action. you
know in ur primitive memory impulsive memory thers a chocolate in the frge with psychedelic
mushrooms in it tht temptatin n craving is created u want to eat it the brain wabts to really expernce it
see hw it tastse e n enjoy n feel it n soo this info ois stred in the moind n when u feel hungry u rember it
n soo based on this infrmation stred in the moemory the brain gives or rathe u get the tght in ur mind
ggo n take tht chocolte frm the fridge the tght tht at as commmand n instructions in ur mind for u to do
some action


you know in ur sensible memry tht its ntright to take anything without asking, as it doesnt belong to you
n this information is stiored in your memory, n sooo u tell urself regulate urself ur thinking ur actions by
telling urself n providing self regulatory thoughts instructions n commands on the basis of this
information stored in ur memory sensible memory, noo dont take tht chocolate to over ride or cancel
or control or resist the impulsive tougts commands n instructions tht you get tht tell u to eat tht
chocolate n go n take tht chocolate. to resist tht urge tht craving tht temptation n to cancel those
implsive thoughts coomands n isnstructions tht tell u to take the chocolate n soo u dont take the
chocolate no matteer how much u want to taste it thts how the process of self regulation works

issues with self control n self regulation, ppl who are more imusive n ebage in uncontrollable
impulsive behavior, the are fat cant sto eating, gambling addivction, drugs taking drug or
alcohol addiction, drinking smoking n soo on, kids watching tv playing video games n nt
studying. N soo n.

eg: u knw in ur mind tht smoking is bad for u n cause cancer (programmed not to smoke as info
is fed in the mind by parents) n sooo you say no o it u control when suone oofers you

Eg: u knw th t alcohol is not good it causese liver damage n wehen u drink a lot u are drnk n

Eg:- u know in ur mind ht if u don’t styudy y u will afail u keep it in mind n rember it n sooo u
tell urselfto study obn the basis of this info stred in ur memor.

The process of self regautiong how it works:- 1) know n undrerstand wht u shud n shud not be
doing n why either ur parents told u or u figured it out ursefl or u ealenrt ofrm some eo ne lese
who is siucessful n knows what to od n nwaht nto to do n wnhy reading their interview nso on
2) u keep inmind n rember it wht u shud n shud ot be done n why the resning behibd it soot ht
urememebr it its thehr I nur mid n uknwo inyour mid nwht u shud nnshud nto be doing nwhy 3)
on the basis of it pinetntianly knowingly on the basis of tht info sterd in ur mid as to wht u shud
n shud not be doing tell urself regulate control urself ur sactions n thiking by providng
regulatory thoughts instsns n commans to make urslf do or think wht u knw in u r mind u shud
be doing n think or to stop urself fr m doing n think wht u knw in ur mind u shud not be doing n
thinking, u kow in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be doing n why soo accordingly u only tell
urself regulate urself provide sregultory thoughrs insts n commands to mke urself d o it n
follow it u don’t need external regulation tht is oths to tell u to do it.
Program ur mind rember feed in input in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be doing

How kids are programmed in ther minds n barins by ther parents to do whts right n good for
them n not do whts not right n bad for them, for eg programmed by the parents as to not to
smoke or drink alcohol, parensts tell the jikids exaplin to them n make them yunderstand wht u
shud do n ht u shud not do n why thereasoning ehinnd it eg telling tht smoking is ni t good as it
causes cancer or telling tht drinking alcohol is not good as it causese livr failure. Soo kids
understand as at tht age they don’t have any undresatnding themselves they dnt knw or figure
out wewht s right n wrng n soo parents exaplin to them n make them undrstnd, also parent
feed it in her minds bey telling them soo this information gets stored int her minds memory tht
u shud not smoke as it causese cancer n tht u shud not drink as it causese liver damage, or tht u
shud study relse u will fail, although tis info is stiored in the mind the kids still don’t know how t
regulate themselves as therir impusive mmory tells them to watch cartons instead of studying
they watch cartoons, although they know in ther sensible mem they need to study the
implusive memory tells them to watch carton as the info stre d in impulsive mem the last time I
watched cartoons is felt good to get tht feel good again the impusive me tells them to watch
cartons bn the ave not yet learnt how to enage in self regulation, tht is prvide intentionally
knowingly regulatory thoughts isnsts n commands on the basi s of wht they knw in ther mibnds
they suhud n shud not be doing, as a result the y cant regulate themselves, tey are elpless n
they give in to ther impulve thghts tht tells them to watch cartoons n soo they need external
regulation tht is parents telling them shouting at them nagging them giving instructions n
commands to stop watching cartoons n get to study. now wht parents need to do is intead of
asking the kids to fish , or beathing them if they don’t get fish they shud tech them how to fish,
tht is they shud teach them how to enage in self regulation, etell them how to regulate
tthemsele tell them, you know in r mind in ur sensible memory tht u shud not watch tv n u
need to study soo n the basis of tht only tell urself egultate urslf n tell urself don’t watch tv n
get to stiudy when ever u get the impulsive thought in ur mind on the baisi of primitive
memory. Tth way kis learn t oself regaute n dotn need much of external regautlon.

you get htose thought in your mind cause u think about it... cause u ukeep thinign baotu it ... if oy udotn
think baout it or keep thinking about then you wont get such thoghts in your mind, u to be in controll of
your mind n the thoughts goin on in your head, either yo ube i ncontrol of oyur midn or the mind will be
i ncontrol of oyu, eitehrh you be the driver n control ur midn htth is take the reins otnrol ur midn n ur
htogtush goin o n inyoru head but if oyu dotn cotnrol ur midn n nif oyu let ur mid ngo free to think of
anyhtign n wht it thinks let it think s waht ti thinksn n odnt octnrol the htogtush goin on inyoru head
then u will be out of cotnrol, u will be helpless like a passeger i nthe seat n nthe drier drivign u to palces
n takign u to palces u don t want ot ogo.. u nneed ot have cotnro lover ur midn n ur htogutsh u need to
at will be able to maek urself think of certia nthgisn n stop thinkign of certia nthgisn ro not think of
certia nthigsn. yu get such htoguths as u think of it as you keep thinking of it if you dotn think of it then
u wont get such thoughts. U got those thgotush I ynoru mid ncauseu u think about it n nu keep hinkign
about it if oyu dont think about it then u won’t get those thoughts in your mind. U need to control r u
mind nn ur htinkign n thgouths at will be able to control ur mind n thoguths at will be abl to tohink of
ocertia nthgis ntth h uwant ot think of n nat will not think of htigns thth udotn want to othink ofo have
control over thgotush, at will think of othigsn thth u wnatot outthink of n nat will not think of othgisn tht
hu dotn want ot othink of, or stp thinking fo things thth u dotn want ot ohtink of, intrusive thgotush
aoccur when u loose the control over ur mind n ur htogthsn nthinking, its obsseive thinkgn unwated
thinking, u just get thgose thgotush n you dotn kwn how to stop thinking fo them, bbt u get those
thgotush cause u think of em u keep thignkgn fo them I nyoru mid nif oyu dotn think of them then u
wotn get those thgotush, the mind can be ur friend or ur enenmy, if oyu control the thgotush goin o n
inyoru head n control ur mid nthen the mind is your firend if oyu let ur mid ngo free n loose to think fo
nayhtign nosnen nn u dotn octnrol ur mid nn ur htgotus hthen the mind is ur meenimy it will trouble you
it will think fo thgis n udotn want ot othink fo it wil take u to palces u dotn want to odgo u will eb
helpless n o ut of control u know oy uare going the wrong way out of oocntro lbut oy udotn kwn hwo ot
stop goin there, how to maek urlsef stop thinking nfo certain thgisn or doing certia nthgisn u have n
oocntrol then. Yo uare under the control fo impsulive meery n nthinkign then. U end up doing n think
ign what ur imspulcve prpimtirve part of hthe brian thinks ofr watns u uto od, n I noyurs sensnible
memeory u knw hth ushudnt be thinking nor doing such things u know u are going down stream u ar
beign carried away by the current tth uare goi ndown, n nself desrtyoign n doing things n thinkgi nthgisn
thth u shudnt be dogi n nthinking but u ar out of control but u are helpless as u dotn kwn hwo to ocntor
lur mid n nur thgotush n n ur htinkgin r our actions. Hwo ot make urlse stop thinking or soinfg certia
nthgisn n make urself do n thin kfo certi na things thth uwant to think fo n ndo.

How do oyu wake up early I nteh morning? Tis cause its thehre I nyour mind, its stays I ynour mid n iynor
umemeeor y the thgotus thth u have to wake up early in them ornign as yo uahve work to od, or htth u
have to wake up early I nthe morning nthth uhave got work hth needs to be odnen n nfindisehd, or hth
uhave to wake up early I nteh meonrign to o got school r to work it satys I nyour mmeeory I nyoru mind
u rmmeebr it, its htehr I nyoru mid nwhe n usleep n it occurs to oyu, u are emenided of It n soo yu get
the thgotuht to waek up, its lie kget up wake up u have work to od. N so ooyu wake up.

Practice selfregualtion keep I nmind what u shud n shd nto eb doing n htinkign n accordingly cosntnly
regulate yourself by intnetiosnally knwoignly rpodving self reguatlroy thgotush isntrucitons n ncommnds
to reguatle ur thinking nad ur acitons to maek urslef think what u knw u shud be htinkign to stop urslef
form thinking what u knw I nyoru mind sensneible memeory u hsud nto be thinking to maek urslef do
what u knw in your mid n ushud be doing nn to stop urslef form doing what u know I nyoru mind ushud
nto be doing.

Put o npost cards or notes o nteh wall, t oremind oy what to do so othth u remember nn dotn forge t tis
therh I nyoru mid nwaht t odo eg:-“dotn lay down don’t sleep” “stay focused and keep doing it” thth
way you remember its there in your mid ni nyoru mmemey what u need ot od.
reminders eg psot cards sayign " dont lay down dont sleep" " stay focused n keep workign" soo thth u
remmeebr n dotn forget soo ttht tis ther i nurmind wht u u needto do shud nnshdud not do n hence u
think accordignly reguatle ursefl accordignly on the basis of tht informaion stored in ur mind as to waht
u shu nnshud not do u regualte urself accordignly provide reg hgoutsh instrucitons, n commadns to
make urself do ti n follow it n hence u u do it.
isseus u wnet i nthsi life as to alck of self rgautli o nn control so o tht huamns htht come after u u dotn
ahve ot work o nte hsame isseus n nproblesm they can wrk on otehr issues focus hteir midns o onotehr
hissues n solve oterh isseus
n they odtn ahve ot suffer lack of self ocntrol ldrug addcion gamign addiciton v addciio nn n oterh
problems they knw whaen n how to be slf reguatled at will to contro ltehri brai nn mindn n acio n
nthgotush nwhen nto to be elsf eguatled htth si let hte brean free to thin k nwaneder for creative ideas
thth is impuslvie prpimtive memeory n nsnesneible memeory,
sooo thth u dot nlack ocntrol so othth u are nto carried waay ofr a passenger nn teh brain thths
uncontroleld unrnegulaed will take u o palces u udotn want to og liek a passneger (sennseibel meoreory
n reg thgouths ) i nteh car wh odoeosnt ogive isntruction so teht dirvesr so othte driver takes hi
manywhere n eh is lost oof ut of ocntrol n ndoesnt knw waht to od hwo to ocnor lteh drivier, (impsulve
memeroy n thinkign , as resutl he knws heh is goin to palces he shudnt be goin doign thgisn eh shudn be
doign n not odign thgis neh shud be odign but he is helpelss out of ocntorl as its the drier (teh impsuvle
mmeemory) thth maeks him do hth n he doenst knwo how ot ocntorl ti.

stop ursfl form doign oterh htigsn unimp thgisn n maek urslef do work n nimp thgsn by enggn i nself
reaugltion thth si proviidng reg thgotush isns n ncommands n tellgin rusefl dotn wast ur tiem doign
unimp thgsin get to work inoder t omaek urlfsf stop doign unimp thgisn n maek urlfse do imp thgisn thth
u knw i nur mid n uhsud be oding.

teh last tiem u didi it u enjoyed it n soo htsi information ges stored i nteh memeory n wen ur brian gets
bored it wants to feel nenjy poy tis agisnn n soo u get te htogutsh tellign u to do ti again isntructign oyu
to do ti again "paly the vidoe game get teh video agme out or pcik up the cake n eat it " but I nyour
logical n nsnesible memory u knw the informaio nsis tred tth u shud nto n so oyo uprodied a regualtroy
thgotush instruction n commnd inttieosnlyyl telign rusefl to not do it n hence o stop urslef for mdoign i.
now in ppl who lack self control they have only a one track mind htth is they dotn kwn hwo to ocntro
ltehmslves their impsvle thgotush thht is either therh is lack of understnaidng as to what ot do or they
have the udnerstandign as to what to do but they have forgotten it the information nis nto storodi n the
memeory n soo they dotn do it or they have the udnersnadign nteh informaio nsi stored I nteh
memeoery but they dotn kwn how to maek use of it tth is they odtn knw hwo to reguale themselves
thth is they dotn enneag inself regultio nor pact o ntth information nproivde the regualtroy thgotushs
telling isntrcutign themselves to stop doing it or to od it what they know I ntheri mind need o be doen as
a result they are more ocntorleld by the impsuvle provitve memeory and thignkign nso othey are out of
control n they do wah htei mplvu provimte memeory telles them to od, the impsuvel thgotus h nn sooo
on, n they knw they shudnt be dign ti I ntehr isennseible memeory btu yet they are help less n out of
ocntorl n n end up doing what the impsuvel prpeimtive memery tells then to od, as they do nkwn hwo
ot act o ntth hinformatio nn prodive reguatlroy slfe reguatlroy thgotush inst nn commsnds t ostop
themselves for mdoign ti or maek themselves do what they knw I ntheri mid nthey need otodo thth is
they dotn act on it they odtn enangei n consntlt sfel reguatlio nby intnetioanlyl prodiving slef reuagleory
thgotsu h isntnruitosn n ocmmdns to make uthemseleves do I n nfollow it. ppl who loak self –cotnro lteh
impsuvle prepimtiive memeory nn thinking thgotush si prominent nprvalent nthey don’t kwn hwo ot
contain or ocntro lit nn regaule itt. Als othey odtn kwn hwo the brain works what goesn o n I nthe bran n
why they do otehrhtigns nn not do things thth they shud be doing, why they end u p doin oterh htigsn
why they are helpelsn n out of control n nwhy they don’t do thgisn they ar supposed to od, they dotn
kwn the process thth goes o ni ntehr imidns nn so othey cannot control themselves or thei mind or their
acitons. Ocne u understand the process sthen ukwn what u need o od to ocotnrol rusefl. U knw I nyour
mid nwah u hsud nn shud nto be doing soo itentioanlyl provide reg thgotus hisntrustoiosn n commnds
to amek urself do it n nfolwo ti. Also u recognize het eimpsvuel thgotus htellign uto do tehrh tignsn
nhen syay no to it thht si resit it offer restnce ot oit or cancle thth thgotuh n isntruciton by telign urself
by prodivng regulat thgotush isntsnt n commdns o nteh bssis of ur sensible memory wht u uknw I nur
snsenible memeory u shdu n shdu not be doing.

thank u my lord Krishna for giving me this divine knweldge n nrevelation n revelaign it to me the divine
knweldge , as to hwo the human bran works nn what goes on I tneh brain n saving my life! I kep my
head at ur lotus feet 100o namaskars to oyu, I am eternally greatful to you not on ly I nthsi lfie but I na
trillio lvies more I am just a medium an isntruemtn of the purpseoe flwo of knwoeldge!

u need ot be mre regualted i norder ot be able to do thgisn nachive things get thgis ndoen n soo n n
hence achive thgisn have mreo self-reguatlio n n slf conrotl n so on over urself ur htinkgi nru aciosn I
ndoer to make urself do thgisn so o hh u o thgisn nget hgisn doen n do hgisn thh uneed ot o dot ahcive
ur goals n not d thgis n ushud n eb doing hence acvie your gaols , its called bieign slef-regualedn n sefl
drieven , ell rusfle don awse tiem , work ahrd provide isntruciosn to yourself based o nwaht ukwn I nyor
mdi n ushud n shdu nto be doing I nroder to maek urself do I n follow it.

it tempts u n ncraving the tmepatatiosn ncarvign s n nurges calsls u its stred i nyoru mid ntht las t tiem i
ddii i i flt good n soo i shud do it again wne i am broe u remeebr thth n soo ur brain istnrucsuts u ngive u
htogtush lets get ti n paly its impsulvie beahviosu n naddictions n soo u take up teh video gamm en nu
paly hth is u d o thgisn hth ukwn i nyour senseibel memeroy u shud nnto be doign its cause of ur mpslve

Ppl who cant reugale ursel especially kids hey need cosnsnt aduclt supervision n sum oen to look after
them observewah hthey are doing nnag n ntell them n ninstruct them what thto od hht th is they need
external superison nn direcitos nn istnrucingn n commands. Casue they don’t kwn what ot odo o reguale
themselves. R hwo to regual e themselves ehy dotn kwn whow to make htemslves do what they kwn I
nutheri mind they shud be doing nhow ot stop themselves for mdoign what hthey kwn I nytheri mind
the shud nto eb doing thth is they are out o of ocontrol they odnt een kwn why theyend up doing o
otehrh tigns instead of odoign thgisn thth kwn thye shud be odign n they sit down n o nteh sofa fo hours
and thnk how hey can maek thesmlsvs stop watchgin tv , thth is whth they knw in tehri midns they
shud nto be doing n how they can amek themselves get to sudyign or work. what they k in their mind
they shud be odign. As a result they need external reaugtion som oen telelgi nthem for moutside , ge t
ot study dotn watch tv n nso oon. Isntrucitgn nndirectign them n nagging them. They feel sad hh their
parents have to g thru this but they are ehlpels s they dotn kwn ho t oreguale themselves nn thths why
they ahe to go thru this n their parnts have to go thru cosnsly nagging them nsupervusign them if they
are studying or nto or wahcign tvn n doing oerh hignsn nthen telling nthem to get otostudyn nst p
wathcign tv they need external reauglio nas they dotn kwn hwot to be slf directing nselfrgualtign hwo ot
reguatle themslve. N tell themselves to maek hemslves do ti n nfollow it.

follow the process of seflrgulation:-

1) Realizing n undersatndig wah u dshud n shud not do n nwhy the reasongi bebind it:-
Ether u ufigured it out ursefl, what u shud do or shud nto do, or ur parents told uu nexpleined iti to u
what u husd nshud nto od n nwhy the resonign behind it or u lear it for mpp lwho are successful buy
studying their intervies nn so oon, as to what t ood what things they didi what they fllwoed thth helped
them t o be scussful soo thh uknw whato odo ot succeed caseu they just didit nreach thehr just like
thth they knw osmethigsn as to what ot ood n nn oto od o ot be sucessufl n thht s why they reached
For eg:- realise n understand the imp of time have an undersatnding of the time u have limied time soo
u shud not waste it by doing unmp things th t wnt help u acheve ur gaols instead focus on n do imp
things, tht will help u achieve ur goals spending tht time fdrecting giving tht time to imp things to do imp
things tht will help u achieve u r goals n eing fast n quik, realse n understand the opportnity lost if u dnt
take action,

2) N then Keeping it I nyour mind, keep in mind all thse htigsn as to what u ushud nn shud nto do

feed in your memeory bank, keep in midn waht u ushud n shud not be doing so thth you remebr its
there in your mind waht you need todo, n udotn forget, so tht you know i nyour midn waht you need to
do. you need ot keep all thisi nyourmidn keep i nmind waht u ushudn nshdu not be doing soo thth u
rememebr n notforget itstherhe i nyoru midn wht u shud n nshdu not be oding. you knwo i nyourmid
nwaht u ushud nnshud not be doing, soo thth it occurs to oyu whe n udotn do whtat u uaresuppsoed to
od ordowhat u uare not supposed to od soo thth its therhei nyoru mid nu knwo i your midnwhat u
ushud nshdu nto be odign n hecne u can regualte yoruself accordignyl o nteh absis iof the indof stored i
nyoru mind o nthe basis of waht uknwoi n oyur mid n ushud n nshud not be doing. I nteh process of sefl
regualion its very important to keep all these thgisn I nyoru mid nto rmember all these things what u
shud nn shud nto be doing. Cause if its not thehr in your mind if you dotn rmembr it what u need ot do
then you wont be able to reguale yorusefl accordingly as ti wont occur to oyu, you have forgotten ti
what u nee d to do , n itsn o logner thehre inyoru mind what u need ot od, n soo oyou wont be albbe to
reaugelt yourself accordingly o ntht e basis of hhti nformaion thths not thehre anymore, n soo you wont
do it or follow it.

3) Enage in self-regulation:-
1) and engage in self regualtion accordingly on the basis of htis information stored in your midn o
nteh basis of what u knw i nyour midn u shud be odign enagei nself regualtin that is proivde
regualory thgouhs insruciosn nad caommnds tell yourself cocnsntly, inorder to make urslef do ti
and follow it waht u knw i nyour mind u hsud bedoing by intetionally knwoingly purpsoely
providng sfl-regualtory thgouths, that act as isntrcuiosn n commands inorder ot maekurslefdo
what u kwn i nyour mdi n ushud be oding.
2) Constatnyl eange I nself regualtio nto keep urself o ntrack and prevernt yoruseflfor mstraying,
its lie kself-drvign sefl-guiding self-directing, sefl-correcting, cosntnly eangnei nself reguatlion
that is cosntntly provide reagulroy thgotush th t act as driecions, istnrcutions n ncommadns
inroder to amek urslefsrtop doing what u knw oi nyour mid nsnensenible logical rational
mememory what yo ushud n nshud no be doing, n maek urself do wahtu knw I nyourm
sensneible , rational logialca memeory you shud be doing. Its important to do it constantly
inorder to keep yourself o ntrack, prvent yourselfform straying that I s doing otehr thigns thth u
know I nyoursnenseible memeory u shud nto be odign but oyu end up doing it casueof oyur
impulsive primitive memeroy, and to maek yourself do thigsnthht u know I nyour sensible
memeor oy ushud be oding. (inorder to do an action or stop doig na action you need a thgouths
isntrcution n command telling yourself to d oit or to stop doing it only then you will do ti or stop
doing ti not otehrh wise, te information may be stred I nyor ummeeory thht u need to do it or
nto do tibut tth doenst mean thh uwill do it or nto od it, t maek urslef do it or sto p doing it u
need a thgotush isntrution ncommnd telling rusefl tood it orstop doing ti, thth is jsutcasueu u
kno w I nur mind thth u shdu do a certain nthin or nto do a certia nthign doenst mena htth u will
do it or stop doing ti , inorder for oyu to od it or stop odign it u need a thoguth isntruciton n
command telling oyursel to do it or stop doignti n soo you need o act o nteh information thth s
stored I nyoru memeory o nwaht u knw I nyur mid n ushud n nshud nto be doing act on ti, thht
is inttioanlly knwoignly provide reg thgotush instructions and commands inorder to make urslef
do it and foolow it. ur thgotush act as instruiosn or commands for u to do a certain thgin or sop
doing a certain nthing,) consntly engage i self reguatlion to keep urslf o tne track n nprevent
urself from straying.

Why oy udo oterh tigsn, thth u knw I nyour senseible memeory u shud nto be oding, you do other thgisn
casue of oyur impsuvel memeory, the last tiem u palyed a a video game, u had fun soo this information
is stred in ur isuve meemroy soo the next tiem you get bored u remember this, since this info isstoredi
nyoru ememroy I occurs t oyu u rmemeebr this, the memory is triggerd, and soo you get a thogtuh I
nyoru mind elts paly the video game, lets go grab the video game, (ur thgotush act as instruiosn or
commands for u to do a certain thgin or stop doing a certain nthing) U rmemerb it n soo oyu get a
thgotuh tellignu to od it hth is u r brin tell u n nisntrucs u uto od it n soo udo ti thht is u taek tht action.
(inorder to do an action uneed a a though telling rusefl to od it itonly thenu do it) u know I nyour
sensible memery thth u need ot be studying n not palign the video game but still u end up grabbgi nteh
video game and palyingi t isnead of studying htht is you are ehlpelss, out of ocntorl, n u dotn kwn hwo
ot stop urself or control ursefl, n then uget frustrated as u can maek urself sudy and cant make urslef
stop palyign video games or doing other htignsthht u kwn I nyoru semenseibel memeory ushud nto be
doing n you wonder what do I end u doing othehritngs and not doing what I knw oi nmy mind I shud be
doing? You end up doing torhhtigns cause of oyur impuslvememeroy wich provides imspueveh toguths
tllign you to od otehrtigsn things, and caseu u udont kwn hwo ot stop urslef formdoign toerh htgisn. N
soo u are helpless, n ot of ocntorl tth is u end up doing toerh htigsn inseado f what u kwn u shud be
oidng n n u end up feelgin frustrated as u get nothgin doen as u are nto able to do hgisn thth ukwn in ur
mid nu shud beodign n u end up doing thgisn thth u kwn u shud not be odign thth is end up doing toerh
htigsn unimp thgisnn also u don’t kwn or cant fguere out or realsie why istithth u end up doing oterh
tigsn n not doing the higsn thth uare supposed to be doing thth u knw in urmid n us hdu be oding whay
the reso nwhy u end up doing oterh htigsn n not odign the thgisn u are supposed to od. Cause u don’t
kwn or undersnad hthte process thth goes o ni the mind thht leads out doing otherh tigns, n no odign
the htigsn thht uaresuppsoed to be doing. Soo u kee pthinkign as ot why you end up doing oterh things
instead of doing thgisn thth ukwn I nyour mind u shud be doing n hwo u can maek urslefdo higsn hh u
knw u shud be odign nstop urselffor mdoign thgisn tht u knw u shud not be doing. All this happens
causeu u don’t undertand or have still nto figured out the process hth oges I nyour mind. Ocneu u kwn n
nfigure out the rpeocess hth goes on I nyoru mdi nthth maeksu u do other things n nt odo things thth u
kwn u hsudb e oidng then ukwn hwo to ocnorl urslef.

be aware of the thogths goin o nin your head, kee p ur mind i nwork think ofo wrk and imp thigsn dont
think of other thigsn! stop urseflfor mthinkign ofo otehrh tisgnn u nimp thgisn, n make urslf think fo
oyur wrok n imp thigsn. cotnro yoru thinkgin dotn waste tiem thinikign of unimp thgisn think of owrk n
nimp thgisn.

you need ot keep all thisi nyourmidn keep i nmind waht u ushudn nshdu not be doing soo thth u
rememebr n notforget itstherhe i nyoru midn wht u shud n nshdu not be oding. you knwo i nyourmid
nwaht u ushud nnshud not be doing, soo thth it occurs to oyu whe n udotn do whtat u uaresuppsoed to
od ordowhat u uare not supposed to od soo thth its therhei nyoru mid nu knwo i your midnwhat u
ushud nshdu nto be odign n hecne u can regualte yoruself accordignyl o nteh absis iof the indof stored i
nyoru mind o nthe basis of waht uknwoi n oyur mid n ushud n nshud not be doing. I nteh process of sefl
regualion its very important to keep all these thgisn I nyoru mid nto rmember all these things what u
shud nn shud nto be doing. Cause if its not thehr in your mind if you dotn rmembr it what u need ot do
then you wont be able to reguale yorusefl accordingly as ti wont occur to oyu, you have forgotten ti
what u nee d to do , n itsn o logner thehre inyoru mind what u need ot od, n soo oyou wont be albbe to
reaugelt yourself accordingly o ntht e basis of hhti nformaion thths not thehre anymore, n soo you wont
do it or follow it.
put a check on ursefl on ur htgoutsh n actiosn monitoring, self-supervise, self aware, mindful htth si
beign awawre fo what thgotush are ogin on I nur mdi wnath uare doing nso oo n is it conduceive to
achivng urgoal based o nwaht ukwn I nur senseible memeroy, soo thth ucan control urself ur thinking n
ur action.

Reminder to remind ursefl soo that you don’t forget!

U need to remember keep in mind all these things so that u know in your mind what u need to do, is
there in your mind what u need to do n hence you do it!

keep all these things in ur mind rember it dnt frget it so tht u knw in ur mind wht to do , its there in ur
indwht u need t do n hence u do it.

memories and remembering.

be aware of the thghts goin on in ur mind, wht thghts u get in ur mind, tellin u to do othr things, unimp
thngs, as ur implusive memory enys doing them n soo u get those thghts teling u to do those things
when u ar bored the impuslive memory rembers it tht i did this last time n felt god n enjyed soo u
rember tht nsooo u get the toughttelling urself to do itagain soo tht u acan derive the pleasure enjymnt
by doing it again, be aware of the thghts goin on in ur mind, wht thghts u get in ur mind, tellin u to do
othr things, unimp thngsn resist them say no to those thghts cmnds instructions, telling u to do other
things thghts tht u get due to impulsive memory. as u knw in ur sensible mem u sudnt waste time doing
unimp things to stop urself frm goin ahed n doin those things.

The process of regulation:-

Thths how u ureguatle yorusefl ththswhat u uneed to do to reagulate yorusefl inorder to reguale
yorusefl. U need otrmemebr feed ii nmidn keep I nmidn all this what u shud nn shditn t be dign n why
nsoo tht uknw I nyour mid nwaht ot odo its thehr I nyoru mid nwht uu shud nnshdu not be doing to
sceed, and accaorigdngly on the basis of wah u t knw I nyour md I n ush ud n shud not be doing, consntyl
regulate urself ur actiosn n ur thinking by proovign reg thgotush isntsn n commands to keep urself o
tnrack n make urself do it n follow it wht u knw I nur mdi n ushud n shud nto eb odioing. Thts what u
need to do! (1) Keep ii nmidn soo thth urmemeebr nn knw I nur mid nwaht u eed to od n (2) reguale
urslf accordingly o nteh basis of htht infrmaiotns storedi n urmid nas ot wht uu knw I nurmid n ushud n
shud nt eot be doing, by cocnsntly prpdvign reguatlroty thgoutsh isntsn n commands to make urslef do
it n follow it. u knw wha ot odo soo now the question is hwo to make urslef do ti n follow I n nwaht uu
need to do ot make urslf do ti n follow it.thths hawt u uneedo t odo thth si (1) keep I nmidn soo ht u
remember uu kwn in your mid nwaht uu shud n shud nto be doing and then (2) accordignyl o nteh basis
of htht on the basis iof what u uknw I nur mdi n ushud n husd no be doing concsntly enageii nself
reguatlion thth is occnstly reguatl yoruefl prodive reg tgotush instrautionsn n ocmands inorder to N stop
rslef form doing nthignkgin otherhhtigsn thth wht u ukwn I nyour mid nu shud nto be odign nthinking
kepe ursefl on the track brign urslef back o ntrajk verytiem u stry, prevent urlsffe form devaitignn
straving, to correct turself n brign ruself abck everytiem uustray, r do things u knw I nyour mid n ushud
not be doing or thinking, to make ruself do n think whatu uknw u hsudb de doign n thikign nso oon..
Thths how the process of self-regatuin worksn and htths what u need ot od to maek urself od it b follow
it, be self-drivign be self-startign ni tniating, be self-guiidign ocntrllign n reguatling, thhs hwat u uneed ot

Issues with self-reguatlion:-

If uare odng otherhtigns n if u are not doing what u are supposed to do the its either caseu (1) u dotn
know or udnerstnad or realsiewhat u need to od thth is hsud nn shud not be odingn why the resosn
behind it (2) its not there I nyour mind u hav e forgotten what u need to od or (3) u understand n relasie
what uu need to od n its thehr I nyour mid n uknw in ur mind what u uneed ot od but u dotn act on ti tth
is u don’t eegautel urself accoridnlgy thth is provide regualetry htogutsh commandn nisnt o maek urslef
do it n nfollwo it n to stop ursfel for mdoig ntoerhhtigsn. Thht is u are nto enengini n slef –regualio nthth
is u are not reauglting urself accordingly , inorder tofor oyu to stop doing a certia ntgin thth uare doing
(as the impslvei htoguth has told u to od, impsvle memory ahs told u ot od) u need a thoguth
isntrucitson n ncomnd teellign yourself to stop odign ti if u dotn tell rules n nprodivede thth thought
hthten u will continue ot ood it thht is if oyu don’t regutae urself, isntrut tell, dirct ruself commadnurlsef
then u will continue ot odo even if u knw in ur mind ushud no be odign it, also inorder foro u tot maek
urslef do what iu knw I nyour mid n ushud be odign u need u need a thoguth isntrucitson n ncomnd
teellign yourself to odo ti if u dotn tell rules n nprodivede thth thought hthten u will not ood it thht is if
oyu don’t regutae urself, isntrut tell, dirct ruself commadnurlsef to od it then u will not odo It even if u
knw in ur mind u shud be doign it. constantly tell urself correct urself to keep urself on track keep urself
focused on it for eg “u knw in ur mind u shud not be doing other things” soo u tell urself “dontwaste ur
time dioing uimp things” wen fnd urself doin other things.

why u udo waht u do, why you do it when u do it wht u ar supposed to do understand why how u do
it wht mkes u do it the process tht goeson in the mind, tht mkes u do a certain thing tht u shud be
doing for eg studying or wrking or not do something tht u shu notbe doin:-
u do it caseu u knw i nur mid nwaht to u shud od n soo u think accoridngly “lets d o it” n n ureg ursefl
accoridngly u tell ur self “lets do it” n nehnce u do it.

u need to keep all these things in your mind thigs like “eery sec counts soo not waste a single min doin
unimp things give all ur time direct all ur time give it to ding imp things tht will help u chve ur goal” “u
shud put alarm everytime u go to sleep even for shrt naps soot ht u dnt spnd time over sleeping or u wnt
to nap for 30 mins n u end up nappin like 3 hrs” “u shud nto waste tiem thinking fo oterhhtigsn unimp
thgisn” “ you shud be fast thth is get t owork fast nad wrok fatst” “ you should nt wast a sinlge min,
every singlem in and second counts soo spend it working or doing imp thgisn tth will ehlp u achive ur
desires or acheve ur gaols achive the imp things in life n soo on, waste not even a nsignle min, direct it
towards wokrign doing ur work towards achivgn ur goalsn n imp htigsn in life” u know I nur mid nhtht
uhsudnt be wastigna singlye min doing otehrhtignsn nsoo u dotn do oterh tigns thth is u think
accordingly “lets nto wast tiem doing this” or u tell ruelf reg ursef caccarodingly “don’t waste time odign
toehrigsn “ n soo oyu dotn do it thth si ustop doing toerhhtigsn. U do it caseu u uknw in your mind n soo
you think accrodignly or reg urself aacrodigly n hence you do it. soo rmemeebr keep I nmidn what u
ushud nn shud nto be doing soo thth u knw I nur mind u remember its thehri n ur mid nu knw in ur mid
nwhat uu shud nn shud nto eb doing n hence u will thin kaccoridngly n nreg urself accordingly do ti nn
follow it. If you forget if u uahev forgotten if iits nolonger thehri n yoru mdi n thth information as to
waht u ushud nn shud nto be doing t begin with then since tiis nologner hterei nyoru mid nsoo ti wotn
occur to oyu , n u wont think accoridnglyn or ereg urself accordingly n nsoo you wont od it. when u do
what u uar e supposed ot be doing its casue u do it casueu u knw I nyour mid nwahtu u are supposed ot
do what u shud be doing n hence u uthin kaccoridgly n nregu rself accordingly by prodoivng reg
thgotush n ehnceu u do it n nfollwo it. know the process tht hgoes on I nur mdi ntth htleads to you
taking action thaths favorable conducve to achving urugoals. However alothought u uenjoy doing thth
thth action u knw is unfavorable nonscondusive to ahcivng ur gaols! U knw htht in ur ssisnesibel
memeroy and soo u dotn do htht. U stop urslef form doig nthth by prodivndg reg thgotus h n nenengign
I nself reguatlion. Impulse control to stop urself form doing what u ukwn in ur sensnible memory u shud
not be doing. U knw I nru snesseible memeory itsn to good ofr u n nsoo urega rusefl accordingly by
prodiivng reg thgotush to stop urslef form doing ti. But ot do thht u need ot have it I nur mmmeemry the
information stored ii nur mid nthht its not good for you n soo reg urself accordingly thth is provide reg
thgotush nn soo ou odnt do it.

“memeory-thinkign and action” – the process thth goes on in the mind.

When u do what uare supposed to be odign then why you do it hwo u do it? wht is the prcess thth goes
on I nur mid ntht leads to yo udoign ti, its soo imp to knw hth soo thth u knw hwo ot reg urslef nn make
ursel do it, U do it what u uare supposed to ood as u uknw in ur mid nwht u ushud n nshud nt be doing
nhence u thik accordingly nn u reg ursefl accoridglyn nhenceu udo ti n follow it.
For eg:- whe n ustudy or do u r studes th hu shud be doing then why u udo it?? its causeu u knw I nyoru
mid ntht ifi I u don’t then u will fail nn so oon n soo u thin kacocridnglyn n reg ursefl accordingly nn
ehcne u udo ti.
Its nto slf dccipline it’s a more intelligent wawy of odign it itsn to ebign strict or disciplined with yourself
its kowign the process of how ot control n nreugatle ursefl its called sflfe reguatlion, a more itneeligent
way ot ood it. in order ot be proeductive to make urslef do things n nget things done thht u knw in ru
mdi n u shud be odign u dotn needo tb e docisplined n nstrict wit hurslef you needo to od it intelligently
its called slef-regautlion self control, leanrign hwo to oregualte urself n ncotnrol rusefl, control vs lack of
self control lack of self control means u are out ofo control, u do thgisn u shud nto be odignn u dotn
things u knw u shud be doing due ot impsvle memeoryn n thinking, n having control over urself control
means u do thgisn thth uare supposed to ood n not od things htht u knw o inur sensible memeroy u
shud nto be doing, n u eenagie I inself –cotnrol by enengign I nself-reguatlion, its nto beign strict n
dicispliend with urelf its called self reguatlio n nself control thth will help u udo things thht u wnato tood
n n to do things thht u knw u shud nto e be doing. Its nto selfdcicipline the better mro itneellent term is
self-control n nselfreguatlon am ore intelligent way ofo doing ti, by undertntiandg the process thth goes
on I nyour mind thth leads to action n soo on, n make u docntrol urelf what u udneed ot odo for htth,
discipline is more of a harsher stricte rtemr its associated with punishment to punish yourself nn
dicioplien urself, it’s a more unintelligent way ofo oding it, soo the btter term ot use is selfreauion nself
control. Disicplien elf-dciipline sounds a more harsher words a more nielligen tn word, like beign harsh
nad strtct wit hursefl, giving paisnn s toublen nstress to ursefl, dcisipline is like disciplingin kids, like
using force hitting them spninkign them, using fear to maek them do things like ifi thety odnt do ti then
the will eb beaten, n soo o nsoo thth they fear in their mdin have this fea I r nthier mind that ifi I dotn do
it I will get beaten n soo they do it, well thths a wrongs way to birgn kids up, itsl iek tellgi na child to g o
get a fish and hitting a child for not brignign the fish, instead f teachgin thechild hwo ot fish so othth he
can reguatle himself control himself nn he can do I thimself tht is he can fish. Dicisplien is nto a right
word its anu nimteeligent way of odoign ti nto a smart way of odign ti., cause instilin g fear beatings will
leave memtoiaonl nand metal sars o nteh kid nad the kid will gorw up to be fearful scred afrid abnormal,
scoailly awawkrd and non productive nad acapble I nteh future lackig n thgisn. N mro afrad n nfearful I
tneh future htht he cant be independtn ndo thgisn for the fear sumone might say smtign to him do
something nso oon, he will always be scredn n not be able to expressive himself nn do hgsn he wantso
to do for the fear of others ppl , cocnstly in fear fearsm ma sa semthign do smethign nso oon. Thth will
prvent him fomrm doing th e actin hthth he wantso to od lie kapply for jobs appy l for top psotions be
soial n nou t goin, take the lead, eb the boss he will always be I tneh back dogrund n scoailly naixos n
nfearufl n so oo, not ake the lead n do hgisn he want oso o, he will not aks th e glr out he wants to aks
for htefear whtat others oaroudn will think of him or say loosen n miss out o nthe opportunities he
hasmn so oon.

When u do what u are supposed to be doing then why you do ti? What is the process thth goes on I nur
mind htht make u or lead u to od it! wht is the process thth happens or goes on I nru mdi nthth maeks u
udo ti or leads yo ut odo it! when udo thgisn th are favorable htth uare supposed oto eb doing, whth is
the process behind it thth goes on I nur md I nhtht happens n occusr I nur mid nthth maeksu uod what
uare supposed t odi o its imp to knw udnenrnsntnadn n relasie it soo thth u can intetioanlly reapeat or u
know at will ecue or do thth process in roder to maek urslef do it n follw it what uaure suppseod to od.

soo how willl i do this wht do i need to d o the processtht goes on in ur mind tht lead to action
the thinking write it down tht goes on n ur mindtht lead tou doin wht udo soo thtu are aware as to wht
tothink of n howto think ucan at will replicate tht proess inteionally u knwhow the process wrks
wht goes on in ur mind tht lead to action favorable n conducvee to ur goal thtlead to u ding wtht u do,
wht u shyd be doing ideal action or tht lead to u doing whtu shud not be ding, soo tht u can replicate tht
process do it inteonsly in ur mind soo tht u can take action thts condicive tour goal or thtu shud be tkn, n
stop action resist theprocess tht leads to action thts not conducive to ur goal. or stop action ths non
condusive to ur goal.

soo now hpw o we this wht shud we do now

knwwahht u thik think baout work
wrte down all th et hgotush goin on i nur mid ntht elad t ation to replicate the processs.

soo nw waht do we need to do ?

lets do thsi lets finsih thsi!
so waht shud we be doign next?
lets get thsi thign done nw!
lets d othis lets get thsi thign doen now
the thgotuh precess or patter waht ges on i nyurm id n
think of work waht work ot odo n nthnk of imp tgsn n waht wor ktot od
wath goes o i nyoru midn thht lead to o utakign action doign wrok n doign wht u udo thth s conducive to
ur gaol
beign aware fo hth n nrelasiign thth so othht u can repalciate thth thinking patter th is hitnk of oyur
work n what work ot od kwnwaht otothink fo n what not to think of thigkign about thinking, thin kfo
what ot othink of what shud we think fo now lets think of this at wll be able to think fo certia nthgisn
ntopics n not think f otehrhtis things or stop thinking f other things rpactise thgotuh control n
nreguatlion. Think of wrk n imp htgsn thth s what shsu go o n I nur md not think fo o therhitgnsnn unimp
thgisn soo htht u do ur wrok as u uthin ff uur work n nwhat work do o. if u dotn thik of ourse work thenu
wont do your work or get to odo ur wrok.

Keep in mind remind urself soot ht u don’t foret u reemebr n u knw I nur mind wht u hsud nhud nt
oebdoign n soo it occurs to u u remmeebrwhe n u don’t do what uare suppdsd to otdo n u do what uare
nt o supposed to od, also u knw I nur mind what u need ot odwhat u uhave todo n soo u think
accoridngl n nreg ursel acordingl nn ehnce udoti n nfollwo it. n u knw in ur mind tht u have to d this n as
u knw in ur mind tht u have to do this as u knw in ur mind wt u need to do wht ushud n shud not be
doing the info is strored in ur mind u reber u knw n ur mind wht uneed to do n soou do it n soo u think
accordingly n regulate urself accordgnly n hence u do it. for eg you knw in ur mind tht “you shud not
waste time doing unimp things” soo whever u find urself doing unimp things like say wartching a
documntry on youtuvbe (9whichu strted doing r wching as ur impyulsive memry told u to do as u were
getting bored) then as u knw in ur mind thtu shud t waste time doing unimp things soo u rember it it
occurs to you n soo you tell yourself you automatically think “lets not waste time “ or u automativally
think n tell urself “don’t wase ur time doing unimp things” n soo u stop doing other things n u get t o
work or u intentionally knowingly purposel tell urself tht is enge in self regution tht is tell ur self provide
reg thought commnsds n instrcytion telkll direct n instruct yourself ‘lets not waste time doing other
things” inorder to regulate urself n make urself stop doing other things n mke ur self do ur wrk n imp
things n mke urself stop doingthings thtu knw in ur mind u shud not be doin n mke rself do things thtu
knw in ur mind u shud be doing.

U knw in ur mind wht u shud n shd not be doing tht information is stred in ur mind u keepit in ur mind u
knw in ur mind n rember whtu shud n shid not be doing, n soo u think accrdngl n reg urself accordingly
by rviding reg thoughts insts n commnds n tell urself drect rself instruct t urself to mke urself do it n
follow it, n hence u do it n follow it.

In the normal n automatic process when u do wht u are supposed t do, internally wht gpoes on in ur
mind tht mkes u do it is tht u basically, knw in r mind wht u shudn shu d not be doing n n soo u think
accordingly n hence u do it n follow it. gfor eg”u knw in ur mind thtu shud not aste time n u need to be
working” n soo this info is stred in ur mind u knw this in ur mind u rember this nit occrs to u this
information wen u don’t dour wrk n do other hings n soo u think “lets not waste tuie lets get to wrk” n
soo u get to wrk. Now u knw the process tht goes on in ur mind when u do things tht are favorable n
conducive to achivng ur goal n tht mkes u do things tht are favourable n sooo u intentionally knowingly
eplicatetis process, “tht is u keep in mind soot ht u reber n it occurs to u n u knw in ur mind wht u shud n
shud not be doing tht info is stred in ur mind n it occurs to you wen u don’t do wht ure supposed to d or
do wht u re not suppose t o do n on the basis of the information stred in u rind on the basis o whtu knw
in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing u act on it on the oinfo stred in ur mind, n u reg ur self tht is
intentionally knowingly provide reg thghts tht is u tell urself instruct utsrsself n direct urself it s like u
knw in ur min d wht u shud n shud not be doin g soo u only tell urself drect urself instruct urself, to
correct urselgf keep urself on tract mke iurself do wht u knw u shud be doing ube self rehgutaing self
correcting seldf gudingn seldf driving self directing u don’t need external regutlation or thers to tell u
direct u u keep inmind wht u shud nshd not be doingn u knw in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be dping
soo on the bbsis of the uonl tell urself instruct urself commnd n direct urself tht is tell urself provde
regthoughts instructions fdtrections n commnds to mke urself do wht u knw in ur mind u shud be doing
n stp ursel frm don wht u knw in ur mind u shud not be ding, tell urself provde reg thougs tht act as
intsrtions directions n coomnds to mke uself do certain things tht u knw in ur mind u shud be doing n to
mke urself stop doing things thtu knw in ur mind u shud not be doing. Need to have social skills.

If u lack self-regaution fi oy udot ncocnstly engage I nselfregautlio nthen u will end up doing toerhtigsn
unim ptghsin thgisn thth ushdu nto eb doing caseu f our impusvlememeroy telling r to od othem, n you
will not odthgisn thth uare supoed to be doing thth ukwn I nyour mind sesneibel mmeroy u shud be
oding. U need to constly enage in self regulation self-crecting, inorder to keep urself on the track tht is
stp urself frm doing other things tht u r impulsive mind tells u to do but u knw in ur sensible mem u
shudnot be doing n mke urself do this tht u knw in ur sensible mem u shud be doin. If u lack self
regulation n don’t enge in self regulation then u will be otut ofcontrol u will end up doing things tht u tht
u knw in ur r sensible mem u shud not be doing inspite of kwnwing in ur sensible mem tht u shud not be
doing em, will do it as ur impulve mind tells u to do I t n as u dnt prvde thught commnds on the basis of
the info stred in ur ensible mem tht u shud not be doing it tht is u dnt act on tht info u dnt provde insts
tellin urself to stop doing it n will not do thing tht u knw in ur sensille mem u shud be doing as u are
not are provdin thoughts insts tellin urself to do it, u dnt prvde thught commnds on the basis of the info
stred in ur ensible mem tht u shud be doing it tht is u dnt act on tht info u are not are provdin thoughts
insts tellin urself to do it inspite of knwing in ur sensible mmory tht u shud be doing it, as for u to stop
dim sumhing ir to do sumhthing u need a thght inst cmmnd telling urself to do it or stop ding it n u are
not reguting urself tht is u are not provding tht thught inst n command n soo u don’t d things tht u are
syupposed to do inspite of knwing in ursensible mem tht u shudbe doing it , n u do things tht uare ot
supposed to do inspite of kwin in ursensible mem tht u shud not be doin it. n soo inoder to reg urself u
need to rember keep in mind wht u shud n shud not be doing, soot ht u rember u knw in ur mind its ther
in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be diing n it occurs t u u knw in ur mind wht t do n then u neeed t
constntl enage in self-regulation, tht is act on the info stred in ur memory on wht u knw in ur mind u
shud n shud not be doin tht is cnstly provide self reg thoughs instts n commnds to keep urself n trak to
bring urself back, to ur wrk n inp things to mak e urself do wht u knw in ur mind u shud be doig n stop
urself from doing things tht u kw in ur mind u shud not be doing but u do them as ur impulve mem trigr
or led to impusive tghts telln u to do it, n to mke urslf do things tt u knw in ur sensible mem u shud
bedoing. If u dnt consttntl enage in self reg thn u will be out of control. U wont do things tht u knw I ur
sensibke mem u are suppose dt o bedoing, as u are not rvidng reg thoughts inteructng n telling urself t
do it not acting on thr absis iof the info strecd in urmemory as t wht u shud do, n u will end up doing
things u are not supposed to ebe doing, tht u knw in ur sensible mem u shud n t be doig, but u u do
them a s ur impulve mem prvdes thoughts nsts tellg u to do them, n as u are nt prvidn reg thoughts insts
tellin urself to stop doin em, tht is not actn on the info thst tsred in ur mind as to wht shudnt be doing
tht is not providn reg thoughts insts cmnds telling istrcting urself to stop doigg it inoder to mke urself
stop doing it. in order to make urself do sumthing or stop doing sumthing u need a thght inst cmmnd
tellin urself t stop. Doing it if u dnt provd tht thught the u wnt do it or stop doing it inspite of knwin in ur
mind sensie mem tht u shud e doin it or shud not be doin it. u knw in ur mind sensible mem wht u shud
n shud not ebe doing soo u need to act n it tht is cnstly provde srelf reg thoughts insts ncmmnds t mke
urself do it flooew it wht u knw in ur smind u shud be doing ofr to stop ursf frmdoing wht u kw in ur
mind u shud not be doin.keep urself on trak, crrect ureslf eerytime u stray, selfcrrectig n brng urself bac
k t wht u need t bedoing.

U get bored n sooo this situation triggers the impulsie mem, the impulsive mem is trgerd u rember tht
last time u did it it was funn soot ht tggers impulve thght s u thik r get the thught let s pla vide o game n
soo u do action tht is u get to pla y video games

prgrammign te mid nto suceedn (misison , n nkwnign what otodo n what nto to do feed i nn input)
nthogtuh n action cotnro l n nreguatlion - sefl regtauion
keep in mind tht ‘u shudnt be wastigng ur time lazin n sleepin n u shud get up n get to wrk t get things
dne to achve ur goal” and then tell urslf regulat urself”dnt waste ur time lazing n sleeping get up n get
to wrk wrk hrd to get wrk done get things done, inorder to achve ur goal “, so as to stop urself frm
sleeping n alzing n to make urself get upn et to wrk n achve ur goal.

Hpw pt be seflf dreive nself strtign n sef intiating

Reg urself to make urself do it enforce it on ursefl!

n u dnt have to be cautious, n careful feaful n fosused concentrate taking effrt to focus n cncentrate
regulate n govern ncontrol urself to keep urself at it, n not get dstracted n dvertedn soo on n regulated n
controoling urself inorder to mke urself do it nnot do other thingsn to get it done. once u are dne with it
u can let go tht is not regyulte urself n focusn concentrate control n goven urself n relax tht is not tatke
effrt to focs concentrate n reglate urself n then let loose n u are free to have funn enjy doother things
then. tht is u can let go let loose be unregualte n free . the u have fmore freedom n u are free to do wht
wnt to do u ar strsefree n nwrrry free i nur mdi nas uru work is done nn uare mreo happy nn free to od
waht uuwant to od nelt loose nn ahve fu nthen n edoign the thgisn u njoy doig nthen, n udotn need any
mroe reguatio nat thth moeentn or effrot to focuse urefl preevnet ursefl gettign distrcted tightness nn
keep urself reguatlen ncotnrol ur slf have a grip o nursefl, n keep a hld o nurself nn so on uar free to get
go lt loose also i nur mid n ujwkw n htht the work is doen n finsiehd soo u feel ahppyn nstree free n
rleved i nru mid n als ou are free u ahe mreo freedo mto do what uwuant otod after u have fisniehd ur

Please “work n n be productive n keep doing ti “let this be in our thoughts and be done! Kepe thsii nyoru
toughts think of it consntly soo thth urmemeebr it n not ofrgt it ! n nso otht u will do ti!

practise thgotush control and reagution be aware of theh togtsuh goin on i nurhead knw what u are
thinkign fo stop ursefl form thginkign of ooterhhignsn nocsu our midn o noyur work direct ur
mid nto oyur work tht is think ofo ur wrok n imp thigsn dotn wast tiem thinkign fo oterhtgsn, think of
oyur wrok n imp thgsn so othth u do ur work n get ur wrok done also when u get hthe thgotush i nyoru
midn to do othrhi thgisn then say not ot o it n nresist it so otthh u only do oyurwork nn imp thgisn soo as
to get it odne! foucs ur midn nur work onyl n keep urmind i nyoru work nth tasks at hadn the tasks n
nthgisn thth need oto eb doen to acveh uroal dotnput u r midn divert n ndistract uru midn else
where dotn thignk ofo oerhtigns donet do otehrhtigns dotn invel n nenenge ur mind ii ntothehritngs
think of our worko n ly do ur wokr onl yk epe pur midn i nyoru work onyl ,stop urelf form thignkgin fo
otherhitgnsn n unimp thgis n think of oyur wrok n nimp thgisn keep ur mid ni nyoru work fcosu ur mid
no nur wrk think fo oyur wrokn n imp thigsn n keep ur midn i nyour wok! put ur mid nur mentla
resurces i nyor uwork onyl then u will do our wrok!

Eengei nslf-regualtion I norderot oregnn control ursefl “well lets nto aste tiem” to stopu rslf form dogin
toerh thigsnn n maek urlsef dowaht uwknw I nyour mind u shud be doing. If u uodnt enenge I
nseflregualtoion then u will be ut ofocotnrol, n thehe r will eb soemthign worng with the programming. !
Hthth runiing I nur mid nthth is u are nto enengign I nself rugtiaon thth is thths whats wrogn with the
programming, Thth si uwill end up sdoign unimp thgisn thth u shudntb e dpoign nuwill nto do imp thgisn
tht ushud n need to be doing! U are nto doing ti what uaresupposed ot be doignn u are doig ntoerhtigsn
causeu uare nto driving urslef nn reguatlign urself nn so oy uare out of oconrl u needo too drive urself
control urself nreguatle urslef ot be I nocntrol, its like u are in a car and a passenger nand the driver
takes u place uu dotn want to ogo thth is udo things thth udotn want nto do , n n tot opalces uuwant
otog n not od things thth u want otood, u need to take ctnrl l ncahrge nn commdn thth is drive ruself,
providesefl regautlor thgotush isntrucitosn ncommnds to drive ursefl, take charge of the wheel! U
neneoto occosntly reguatle nn control rusefl “lets not atse tiem doing this lets get t oowrk” “ get up n
nget oto ework dotn lay down nsleep work long hoursn ncosntiously ot get itidone” prodivede regulator
y htgotush isntrcutiosn ncomamands directions ot maek urlsef do it nn follow it! to drive rusefl control
nregualte ursefl. U unee ot ocsntly eneangei nslf regautlio n drive rusefl reuaglte ursefl to maek ursef
ldo it n nfollow it wht u uknw I nur mind u shud be oding, by prdivign reg thgotush isnttn sn ncommnds
“don’t waste ur tiem doing thth get oto work” n so oon. To keep irslf o nth track prvent urself form
stravign pvbrign rusefl back every tiem u sray stop urfrom doing what uukwn I nur mind ushud not be
odign, n make urslfe do whatu knw I ur mdi n ushud be odign, hhtt preg prog shud be cosntly running I
nyour mind, shud be oocosntly working I nyour mind. To keep urslf o ntrack. Just causeu iu knw I nur
mid nwaht to odo deosn mean thht u will autoamtiallly do it n nfoolwo it n execute it do it u need ot
coocsntly provide reg thgotush isnsn ncommndsto mak e urslef od I n nfollwo it! as I nrodoeor ofor u to
od something nor to stop doing soemthign uneed a reg thgotuh isntrectio nn commnd telling ruself to
od so. That prog or softare shud be cosntly runign i nur midn thth is u need ot oocnstly enanege ii nself
regulation, u shud be ocsntly regualting ur self drvie urslef guide command steeer control nn direct
urself otherh wise u will be out of ocntrol.

Keep I n mind so htthh tu kw I nyour mid nwht oodo , n so ou hin kacooridgl n nreg urself accoridgl nn
do it.

u knw i nyour mid nthth u have htese thigsn to od htht is u have ot finsih these thigsn n nsoo u geget u
up n ngeto to owork i norder ot do them nn compelte t them n nfinish them off, its li ke i the mronign u
aresleepign nthen u knw i nyour mid ntth u haev to fsinh n get hthtis work done, its thehr i nour mid n
nsoo oyu immidieatle y get yup n ngeto to owrok " u tell ur slef dotn be lazy get up n ngeto t oowrk n
nget hgisn thign dne " n so oyu do.

Prvdn self reg thoughts tht act as nstrctions ncoomnds telln urself insrctn urself to do sumthing, Givn
instructins to do sumthing givn uself instructions to do sumthing, only then u will do sumthing,

most imp remeber n lkeep i nmidn soo ttht u urememebr what otood n nnto ofrget soo tthh ucan do it.
ifu u forget nn dotn remeebr wht it t oodo then u wotn be able otodo it asu uahev frogtten what tod.

when ugtthe thgoutsh i nur mid ntell ign u to odo toher htigsn then say no
i have work ot ood do otehrtigsn only durign tiem allcaoted for em durign ur work tiem do only ur wrok
gvie uru tiem to ur work onyl n neffrt to work only ,asu u knwo i nyou mind thth if u udo otehrhtigsn n u
watse ur tiem n enffrot odign otehrhtigsn hen work wil nto eb odne n then u odntachveu rugoals, alos u
ahev limited itme so focusi to nly on imp thgisn doent waste it doign nosenenn nimp thgisn!

To keep urself on track n nrpevent ur sefl form straign – self reg enenage I ncosntn self reguatlion

i dont lie kt ouse theword diciispline dicispinlne is soem thg thsery stric had hars hadn psunish, liek self
dciicpline means punsihig rusefl adn diciolining otehrs means punsishing otehrs liek hittign them or u
know causign consqucens n nahrimign them, n so oon stravign them n nwhat nto, tis nto theright word
to use, its an unintellgentway to od it, by disiciplinign means initntelgnet way to do it, hth is do thsi or u
will be punsihed soo i nteh mind htehre is faer if idont do it iwll be hit n nso on thths very unintenligent
way to maek kidsdo thigsn, thaht are imporntt, it destroys ther condifdnces selfw roht causeus emanla
health and psyclogical isseus the areococnstly scred nnafrid nthth s nto the wa ot brign up childerenn so
oon, the more intelligetn word is self regautlion, thth is tachign kids how ot self reagutle thth is
eapaligngin othem why they shud do a certia nthgin and why they shud hnot hwo htey cna reagule
themselves to maek themselves do a certia nthign n so oon. soo thth te dont need externla resultiosn
how hte brain wrks and tehinformaion si stroedi nteh midn and u regauelt ruself o ntht u keep i nmidn
uunederstnand wahtstood n nnto tood n hwy urmeemebr kee i nmidn and u reg urself accoridgnly thths
a mroe itnellgietnway to od it to make kids do thgsin thht are imp. by knwgin hwo the processwroks i
nteh mind. tis a diffrence between askign a hcild o go get a fish nad hitting him if he doest get any vs
actuall y teachign a child how ot fish soo thth he anca fish.

u need to keep i nmind whatu ushud n nshud nto be doing soo htth u rememebr andu dt n forgeet adn
u reg urself accordigny l ot mke urself do it and follow it!
how ot keep in mind:
1) revise reread go over it again
2) maek pst it notes soo thht u see and rememebr! to remind urlefs
waht t oo n not otod!

Self dciispline nn sfl regualtio nare two diffrnet thgisn discipline is osemthign thths inoveld with
Regulation is a more inteleligent awy to odo things thth is understdign nn kwnoign whatu uhsud nshud
nto be odign keeping it in oyur mind n remeebrig n it soo thth uknw what u shud nn shud nt eb odign
nwhy soo thth u rmeeebrn n dotn forget and accordingly based on thth reasoning logic and common
sensen things thh maek sensen to oyu as to why u shud do a cetrtia nthign n hwy u shud not be doing a
certain nthign you reg urself thth is provide self reg thgotush I nstrucitosn n commands to maek yourself
do it and follow it. for eg:- wehre as when it ocems to reguatlion u knw I nyour mid nnad undersntaidn
hth u shud nto be wasting ur tiem palsyign vidogames soo hewever u get a thgotuh I norum idn telling
uto paly video gamse u usay no to ti! N soo on. U arem roe regulated. It’s a more intellgietn way ot
odido ti knwoign hwothe human brain works whatshteh process thth goae s on I tneh brai nthth leads ot
sensnibel action nor action nconducive to oyur gaol nad impuslvev action htth s non conducive to oyur
goal n unwanted, undeurable uncoroalabel, addcitive beahviour and action. Its amroe intellgietn way ot
ood it after figuring out hwo the brain works, the procsss thth goes on I tneh brain n the mind. Thht
elads to oaction, tohts ocnducvie or nonconductive soo htht uknw hwo to sotp the nonconduive action
nad how ot maek urself do action nthth usi conducive to oyur goal, thth u kwn u shud be doing. And it’s
a morei ntellgent way oof odoign ti as its based o nunderstifng what uu shud n hsud nto be odign nwhy
nreasong nand nanalogy nn logic n and common sense. The why is imp, why u shud be odign certia ntgin
n why u shud nto. And ts more [process oriented, based o nfiguring out how the prcess works, the
human brian works tth leads to action, thth is keeping htgisn I nmid I nmemeory n nremeberign what
uuhsud n shud not be odign soo thth u rmemeebr n n udon forget u ukwn in your mid nwhat uu hsud n
hsud nto be odign soo oaocordigny lo nthe basis of hth information n nreasoingn nand knaledge u can
regaute ursel, to maek urslef od it nad follow it. it’s a more easier softer mreo fluid and smooth wa ofo
odign ti, more sensnieble way of odign ti, a way thths more clear, maeks mreo sensen as ot hwo the
human brian works and what u uneed ot odo n so oon the process is more smother n easier nand clear ,
tehr is no ocnfusio nu perfectly knw n undersaind hwo the brain works memeory nn thinking what leads
to action, soo if uu are nto odign certia nthgin u kwn why, if u udo certi nthign thth u are nto suppeod to
be doing u knw why, nn u knw how ot mke uselrf stop, n nhwo to maek urslefod higsn thth u knw u shud
beodign, the processis mreo clear clarity and smooth, n floe u knw exactly wht ot odo nwahts oign on, n
soot is a more clear nand itnellgent way o of odign ti where as whe nit ocems to self dicisplienthehris
ocnfusio nchoas, things ucant figure out, u have no idea as o hwo the brain works n nwhy u end up
odign thgisn u are not supposed to be odign an d u basical, try to putsrtictn nstern restricosn on urslfe to
stop urself form doing ti, but thher are many htigsn tht hare unclear, tehr I s ocnfusio nand chaos, n
uncertianity, causeu u odtn kw nhwo they prces s wokrs wh uy end u dogi nunwanted things, why u do
thgisn thth are conduicsve, u dotn kwn weactly wht u uneed ot od inroder ot mmaek urslef stop doing
certin thgisnn make urself do certin thgins. Theh rei s more nclarity n cofnusio n ncahos n nnot beign
able ot figure out why ? u end up odig notehrhtignsn nwhy u dotn do what u need ot be oding, n soo
uned up putting stern n ahrsh restrictions on urslf as the preocss is nto clearer u dotn kw nhwoit works
nn whatu u dneed ot od n soo u are mreo tougher nadn ahrehr on yourself more puishign o nyoursefl,
inorderoto maek urslef do ti, for eg: if you keep playing video games u uwoul d end up locking ti soo htht
u stop palyign ti, as u udotn kwn exactly any other way ththt o make urslf stop doing ti. Itsm roe a
trscketer harser forceful way of odign it, using force o nyorusefl, more unintelligent way of doing it. as
things are nto lcear to uyou more harseher nn elss smootehr way ofo odign ti, also still thehreh are
quaitosns I nyoru mind tht ucant figure out as to o wahy u uendup dooign toerhthgsin n nwhy u dotn do
thgis no nyoru won thth uare suppose odo to odo n nso on. Soo u feel more insecure thth u may nto be
able to control ursle I tneht ufuuter and u may lose ocntro lany time as uu have nto ofgured out this
rocess n ndotn knw whato otod n nhw ot it works the processtht goes o n itneh mind tht aekmsk u udo
toehrhtigsn, or makes u udo hgisn thh u shud be oding, also u ar ocnfdused thehre is ocnfusio n ncahos
as u are unclear botu thgisn as to why u do otehrhtisnngn n nnto od what uuare suppsoedo to od n s
oon. N soo u end up using mreo harseher striter tougher beig neman n tough o nurslef rocesses to maek
urself do it and its as a mreo unitelllgetn way oof doing ti, ameksg uurselfod it, also its unclear, n even if
u u do it htht awy u are isnecure alwalysys and salso, u have qurestisn o ndnoubtsi nur mid nhtht ucnat
figure out as otwhy why u do oterhhtigsn n nnto od htigsn u are suppseod ot odo. N soo u are mreo
unclear n cont figure out n nconfdsed not uncdernstindg it why? N soo on n oso te process is not smooth
and more unclear and narhsh nand so on and forceful and stricter nadn so oon and unitnellgent.

Where as dicspilien is an iunteillengt wa oto odo it, its lie k put harsh restricitosn o nyoursefl, but u don’t
kwn why the why u are putting g it! its like ohh I paly on my gamign amcihien all the tiem soo ishud lock
it soo htht I don’t paly it! thths nto an intelligent way to ood it! itsm re about punishemtn nadreward or
putting harsh conditions of oursefl . dicisplinei si a strcited n npsunish nn harhsern n untillengt way o to
ood it, putting ahrs h ocnfdiitosn o nyorusefl, its unitellgent way oto od it caseuu u odnt kw nhwothe
brain woks the process thth goes o ni nteh mind, thht maeks uu do cetian thgisn or nto od ocertian
thgisn, or maeksu u do unim toghgsin nso oon , all u kwn is u shud nto be oign certi anthgis nsoo uput
harsh onditosn of n ursel n nuse force tot stop urslef form tryignto od it! but u dotn knw the process sht
hgoes on I tneh mind n cant figure out why u do ceritn hgtigns u hsud nto eb odign, n hwo ucant make
urslefstop odign em, and also, why u udo thgisn ushud be odign, what maeksu udo them, also , uarem
roe insecure causeu ufear thht u may losoe ocntro lanytiem I tneh furute re of ursefl, n need u podign
oterhhtigsn n nto odign whats imp as udotn kw nhw othe prcess wroks the why of it! n so oon.

Develop call lists, posts to ensure a reminders

It helps to reinforce rusefl! To reinforce rusefl, remind and reinforce norusefl what u uened ot od!

How to maek urself do what ku knw u shud n nshud nto be doing: keep ii nm idn what u ushud n nshud
nto be odign soot ht u knw I nyour mid nn rmemeebr its thehre I nyour mid nwaht u ushud n shdu nto
be doing and accordingly coosntly eannge I snefl regautlion to maek urself do tin d adfollw oit to keep
urefl on track… n prevent uruself froem straying to control rusefl ur thinkg nacitons, to stop urself form
doing toerhtignsn n doing tgis nthth u kwn I nyour mdi nwu shud bnto be odign nmaek urslef do things
tthh u knw I nyour mind u hsud be dign to brign ruself back and coorrrect urself eerytime u ustray.

Knwohwo ot ocntorl and regulate lurself in rodrer ot onmaek ursel do whatu kwn u shud be odign nstop
urself for n doing what u knw u shud nto be doing,: to reguatle yourself frst of all keep I n mind what u
ushud nshdu nt ob e doing soo thth u kwn I nyour mid nn remember wht u ushud n nshud not be doig
nand then accordingly o nteh basis of whatu ukw ni nyoru mid n ushud n shud not b be oding, enge I
nself-reagutlion thth is provide regulatory thgotus hand istnnrucitosn nad commands to maek usrlef do
it and follow it. to ocntro ladn reguatle yorusefl to provnet urself form straign brign urself bac k every
time u ustra y keep ursefl o ntrack. Stop or prvent urslef form doig nthgsi ntht u knw u hsud nto be
odign n maek urself do thgsn thth u kw nu shud be doing. Sefl –cererntcign self reguatlign keep I nmidn
what u ushud n shud nto be doing, soo thh urmemeebr what u shud nshud nt obe doing, and
accrdoginy lprodivde reg thgotus hisntnrcutios nnad coomdns to stop ursefl form doig nthgsi n ushud
nto be odig n name ursefl do thgis ntthh u hsud be doig nthht is to control ursefl drvie and rdrectn n
commdnsn nsteer ursefl to prevent ursefl form straign ndoign thgsi nthth u shud not be doing nmaek
urself do thgisn tthh u shud be doing. To keep pursel on tract cosotnyl nd ad coroetu rlef s n brign rusel
back eerytime u ustray, due ot ure impuslvie thgotush and actiosn due ot the prvimtive mememroy.
Coond m direct iurself. Ytell urself wht to do n wht not to do to reg urself n keep ursef on track on the
path doin wht u knw u are siupposed to be doin n prevnt or stop din wht u knw u shud not be doin.

jsu focuso n ti occnstrate o nti n nennage in self regautlio nto get it done say nto tooterh tigsn n focsu n
cocentrate o nti dotn do otehrtignsn get t idoen! ragete urself enange i nself regualio n n nself contorl
to to get iti done!

engegi nself regualtin i nroder to keep urself on track keep ursefl focused on it adn stop urself form
beign distracted diverted n devaite awawy for mti, n doign torheh tigsnn n nmaek ursel do your
work and imp thigsn !

hhow ot reguatle userlf keep i nmind whtu shud nshud ntob e odign os ohth urememebr wht u shud
nshud not be doign adn then accoridngl y as uu kwn i nyour mdi nwhat u shud nshid nto be odign
ocosntly enenge i nselfrgautlio nt omek urself do it and folw oit! reg ursefl accoridngyl correcturself
every itme u stry brign rusefl back kepe urself fcusedo n track nadn doign waht uu shud be doig nt
odoign wht u udshod bnt be doign, by coocstl pporivng self eg thgotus hthth act as itnstruitosn and
commdsn to maek urslef do it nadn follw oit. So o thth u knw I nyour mind what u ushud nshud nto be
odign n u dotn forget casue ifuu forget if its no logne thehr in your mid n wh y u shud nshud nt oeb
doing then it oent occur to oyu and u dotn remember any more tth u shud be doing ti n soo u wont be
able to regu rself accoridgly, n do it and folw oti.

regualte urself to keep ursefl focusedo nti!

Cotro ladn reguatle ur thinking andacitons be aware of the thgotush goi n on I nyoru head and knw what
uare thinkgi nof say no to t thoguths thth tell u to do oterh tigsn n unim pthgsn!

Enenagei nself regautlio nt okeep rsefl on trackandfocsued o ntiandrpvent ursefl formstraying!

U neeed oto dirct urselcontrol ursel drive ursefl, by tellgi nruself instrucin urslef as to what otood.
Proving rsel reg thgotush thth act as isntrucitosn diretiosn and commands a s tto whato tood n what not
tood based o nwhut uu knw I nyumr idn u shud nshud nto be odign inorder tr to maek urslef do it nad
foolwo it.

Either uu (sensible memory) control ruslef nad ouy rmind and driv ruself or be controlled by your mind!
(impulsve memory)

how to regualte ursefl cotnrol ruself make urself do ti and follwo it what u u knw n understnd nad realsie
u hsud nshdu nt oeb doing :
1) u need ot rememebr keep in midn wht u shud n nshud nt oeb doign soo thht urememebr n u knwo in
your mid nwaht u ushud nshud nto eb doing
2) and accoridngly as u ukwn i nyoru midn what u ushud n nshud nto b odign o nthe basis of hth uneed
ot reg urslef driect ursefl cotnrol urself by tellign ruself cosntntly providing self reg thgotush isntrucitosn
ad ocmands to maek urself do it and follwo ti.

Mind prgrammgi not oremidn oy ut oto go after waht yo uwant!

n to remidn u as ot waht otod!
for eg teh song he says "grls "sgrl " "girsl"
gerls gelrs gels “
its lie kremidnign u as to what ur mission si
thth si go after grisl! Pursue them nadn cahse them n nso o ngo after what u uwatn n so on!
left nadn rigth years to remdi nyou to go after grls!
thths what uuwant remid nu of ur goals wht iu wnato toachhve thth is find a gf g o after gilrs
n rmeindign yo uas to wah ot od "i see u in the corner wit hur rub and tan"
get chu now right gonna be a man
gonne get yu wht u want
not tkae far too long
gonna take the oppportuni
right or wrong"
ththsi remidnign u to go after ehr waht to od nad oso on!
Thhs called mind progrmamign!

Remindin u to go after wht u want n wht u r goal is.

Control ur htinkign and your actions, the control should eb not ony lat hthe acitn elvl bu t also ath the
htgotush lvel,inroder otbe able to uscesful regulate yourself, regute ur thinkgi nadn your actins, you
need to saty focsuedo on ti occnsetrate on ti focus means not just dogi nyour work nadn not odign
toerhtigsn, but it also means focsuign yoru mid no nti thth is thinkign of oyur work only nadn nto
thignkign fo ohtehr tigns hth si givign ur midn to oyur work htth is keepign ur mid ni nyoru work htht is
not thinkgn of otherhtigns and focsuign on yoru work onyl thinkign fo oyur work only. your mid nshoud
totally be in yoru work on l hhttit is u shud htink fo oyur work only keep your mid ni ynru work nn thin f
oyur work. notthink of othehrtigns not have otehrtigsn nn thogtush goin o ni nyoru midn, durign ur work
tiem think only ofo yur wrok and do oyur work only not od otehritgns and not inveole nadn neange iyur
midn in otehrhtigns think fo oyur work only keep ur midn i nyoru work only not have otehrhtignst s ogin
o ni nyuoru mind. fosu oyur midn o n ti compeltlely on it be aware of the htgotushgoin o ni nyuru midn
kwn what uuare thinkign fo n nstop urself form thinkgin fo otehr htigsn and unim pthgisn nad focus ur
mid no nyoru work and imp thgisn! tell urself to stop thinkign fo toerhtigsn teh ocntro lshoudl eb
at htheht oguth level, not jsut at hte aciton levle also whenvevr u get a thoguth i ynoru mdn tellign u to
od o theritgnsn nad unim pthgsin say n oto it! if uare thinkign ofo tehrtigsn n ntherh ar otehrh tigsn goin
on i nyour mid nthen ucannot work.

Be awre of theht thogtsuhg s goin on I nyoru mid ntellign yo u to od what the impsuvlei thogutsh hth
uget for the proimtieive memeroy, and say nto toit and resiti em so othh are focused o n yoru work
nadnnto odo otehritgns.

The way to reg urself and control rusefl is to not just control urself at theh action nelvle but to also
contro ladn reg urself at the thinking elvle, tht si be awre of the thgotush goin o ni ynoru mind soo hhtt
u are arwr e yu knw whats goin o ni nyru mid wnath u are htinkign fo or wht impuslvei thgoutsh u get
inyoru mind for mur primitive part fo the brain with the promteiive memeroy thelign you to od what
stiop urslef form thinking nfo oterhtigsn think fo work nad imp thgisn keep ur mdn in yoruwrok and imp
thgisn , amnd rssit n sa not to the the impsuvle thogutsh htht u get telling nyou to od oterhtigns unimp
thgisn thth ukwn in you in yoru siensibel memory u hsud nto eb doing asu uaev other itmp things t odo
and they will only waste tiem and case inturruptio nnad comei nteh way, fo imp thgis ngettign doen.

Yo uare totally nregualted and nto enanging I nsefl-reguatlion hthts why uare out ofocntrol and not
odign the thgisn uaresuppdosed to eb doing ndoign otehrth igsn isntaed.

The process of reguatlion:

U neeed ot mmebr tth si keep I nmidn what u ushud nshudn to be odign soo tthh u know I nyour mind n
u rmmebr what u shud n nshud nto do, Keep I nmid nwhat u ushud and shud nto be odign so tht u knw I
nyour mind waht u hsud nn shud nto be odign n uremeebr it and consntly reg ursefl acoringly to mke
urself do ti and follow it. the frst nadn mosti mp thing is thth uneed ot read every day wahtu ushud
nshud nto do soo thth u remembrer u keep all thse things I ynoru mind cause if its nto their nyoru mid
nthen uwotn reg urslef accordingly nand soo u wotn do it thth sht es frst step toerds self reguatlion. The
next stoep is to act o nwhatuu knw in yoru mid n ushud nnshdutn o beoding thhtsi to reg urself b roving
reg thgotush isntrucitosn andacommadns.

How to makeurself do it andfollow it what u uknw, u understand and have decided u hsud nnshudn to
bedoing ththi s how to cotnro ladn reguatle ursel ur actiosn ur thinking:-
You need to remember and keep I nmid nwaht u ushud n shud nto be doing and constly enage in self
reugaltion thth si diect ocmmadn instruct drive ursefl by providing self reg thgotush instrctionsn
ncommnds to mke urslef od it and ofllwo it.

Keep in mi nthigsn like: - have good memeory, remember keep in mind things like dotn do oterhtigns
during work tiem od otehrthigsn only during the time allocated forit, thth is before goin ot bed two
horus before! Thth s the time to do oterhtigns during work time od only your work nad nothing else. Soo
thth uremeebr its therin your mind uknw I nyoru mid nwaht hu shud nshdud nto ebdoig nand soo
uregualte ursefl acccoidngly to maek ruself do it n folwo ti if u uforget or if u have orgettn and if its no
logner there in yoru mind u dotn rnemeeb r whht u shdu nshdu nto be odign then uwont be albe to
regu altursefl accoridnglyadn oso yo uwotn do it.

Enange I nself reguatlion tell ursefl. "well lets nto waste item doign all this htign letsget to owrk to
gethtigsn done"and correct yorusefl ur behavior whe nu realize htth uare not odign what uuare
supposed o be doing n u are odign toerhtigns thht u shud nto be oding.

I wudnt say self discipline cause discipline is not the rght wrd to use discipline means being strict or
harsh on urself, its like punshing urself like disciplining kids or like depiving urself of something, being
srtct n stern n harsh on urelf this is more bout selfcontrol tht is an inrtelligent way to do it tht is doing it
in an intelligent way by knowingn understing as to wht is good for u n wht is not wht u shud d o n wht u
shud not to do n wy the reasonins resoning behind it n then knowing how to humanbrain wrks how
thghts lead to action, n impulsive behvious n controlling the impulsive beahviour intelligently tht is doing
it intelligently by providing self regulsating thoughts to stop urself f rom doing thtgs tht ur impulsive
mind tells u to do but u knw in ur sensible , logical mem u shud not be doing n provding reg thoughts n
mking urself do things tht u knw in ur logical sensible mem u shud be doing.

Practise thought control and reguatloion tht is u need ot be aware of hteh thgotush goin on I nyoru md
and fous yoru mind on yoru work only no distractiosn and diversions u need to stop urslef from thinking
of oterh htigsn and make urslef think of work and imp things!

You hsud not be thinking of other things your mind shud be totally in it!

Onceu ustrt its hard ot ostop unless u make ursefl stop by rpoviidng g regulatory thguths!

U need to keep I nmind nadn reemebr and not forget indoeor ofr u to be able to do ti, if you forget and
if its nothrhe I nyoru mid nanymro what u need to od then u wont do ti.

U need otbe quick to correct rusefl and nbrign ruseflback o ntrack every time you stray!
Not lose perceptive keep ur goal I nsight, htht is keep I nmidnwaht ur goal and misiso nsiwaht uwatn and
what u udotn want and not lose giht or perespetive of it soo thth u krmemebr u kwn I nyur mid n ure
rpepg u knw I nyour mid n n uodn orget ht huahve this goal to ahcve and focused on doig nthgisn
needed t achve ur gaol.

u need to keep in midn and rememeber waht uneed ot ood waht ur goal isandn soo n remind urslef soo
thth ud otn forget, tell rusefl or keep notes to remidn ursefl waht ur goal is waht u ened ot odo so otth
uermmebr adn u dotn forget, "frst specialziioatn nad hten intenrhsip" soo thth u knw its htehr i nyour
mid nwahtu u need ot ood and waht ur goals is so othth u keep ursefl o ntrack, and focsuedo ndoign
thgisn nthht need oto odbeo oden to ahcve urgoalsnadn do thgisn thth uneed to od, if uu orget if its no
logenr thehr i nyour midn waht u needo t ood andwhatu urgoalsis then u wil lget distracted diverted adn
yo uowtn do thgisn u need oto od ot ahcve ru goals adn u wotn do things htht n u need ot odo as its
nologenr i yoru mid ntth u needo t odit adnso oyu wotn thin kacocoridngly regualteu rself accoridngly
nad hence u owtn do oti. U doti auseu reemebru knw I noyurm idn its thehr soteredi ynoru mmeroy
bank the inforatio ntht hu need ot odo ti thth auveh t oachve this goal and so o udo thgisn needed
otahchve thth goal u kwn I nyour mid ntht uahve ot odo this htigsnand so oyo udo ti, if its not hther I
nyoru mind ifo yu wofrget what ur goalis ismision is or whatu uneed to odthen u wotn do itor yo uownt
do thgis ntth u needoto o dot achve htht mission as its nologner thher inyoru mind the infromations gets
forgototen andn wiped out for myour memery bacnk thht uneed oto od this and u ned to achve this goal
and misio nadnsoo udotn do things , and also soo yu odnt do thgisn thth need oto be oden to achve ur
goal. Ae distracted then. O r it soo ahppesn thth u put ur mind I noterh expretnal things and engemetns
anadn thth u forget what urgoal is and mission si due ot oterh thgsn entering ur mid n memeory thht
informato nsi lsot or forgotten thehr is memry laspse or urmidn is thinkgi nfo otehrtigsn, hth it doesn’t
thin fkf worok and goalsnadn im pthgsinadn then u orget htht u have this thing to od or this goal msiisn
to achve adso ooy u dotn do ti causeu rmid nahs gotten dirstractd else wehre. So ou need ot stay
focused o nti and nto distracted nt oput inveol ur meingdi n oterh htigsn and enenagei notehr acitivites
so thth u knw remember in yoru mind tis hteh ri nyurm id n udotn forget hth uahve htsi goal t oachve
nad his misio nto ahcven nad htehsehtigsn to odso otuhtht u are ofcusedo no doing thgis nt oachve
urgalnsn misionadn so othth udo thgisn thth are needed to be oen as u kwn I nyour mind thht u need ot
odo them. Stay focused nt ito geti ti done doen dirvet ur mid nt ooterh tignsandn enengemetns or oterh
information memeoryes get stored I nur mind otr u strt to thin kfo oterhthigsn and so ou frget what ur
goals iswaht u end dot od ad so o n what u rm isison is thth info gets lost ofmr urmemry and soo o uget
distractednadn dierted fro mwaht uare odign or need otodoand don’t do it then, and htht si why u need
otkep utrm idn I nt itthink fo otit only, not put rusmidn else whee nand not od otehrigns, lest yo
ufroeget. What ur goals is miison is and what u want ot do and achve and so on, of I oyu r forget hthen
u wont doti as tis no longer I nyurm idn htth uneed otodo ti , or yo uwotn do htngsneeed to be dotn to
ahcve urgaols as its nologner hter inyour mind thth u have this goal to achiveve .

tth way yo uare o na msisio nt oget ti ione u kn wi nyour mid ntht u ahve to odo thsi u remeebr it uare
progremd, adn so o oy uare o na msiio nt ogeti tidone adn so ooy uare ofucsedo ngettign ti don ei f oy
uforget itf ttis no logner thehre i nyour mdi n thth u need to do it or oy uahve to ahcve htisgoal oru ahve
to od thsi thign then yo uwont do it. you knw oi nyoru mdi ntht u need oto od it soo ure progremd to od
oti, thht si yo uknw oinoyu midn htth ht is i si oyur msiso n thtsi si waht u need ot ood so o uare back o
ntrack and ofcused o ndoign ti oy uare o nam siio nt odit to get it iodne adn akign actio nt odo ti and get
it ioden. ifoyu forget i tis no lgenr htehr i nyou r mid n oyu wotn odit ofr eg if oyurmidn is in otehr htigsn
thinkig nfo otehr thgisn, or if oy uenenge your midn i notehrh tigns hten new memories are formed
andn yo uforget htht u needotodothsi tist no logenr htehr i nyour mid nand so oyo ulose focuse you, g
ooff track and yo udotn od the thigsn thth uare supposed to odo. casue yo ufvhe forgtten thth uneedto
od this its no logen hehr i nyour mid ntht u dneedot odo it so ooy udotn od it and oy udo otehritgns and
wast etiem idlignand os on, you needo t remidn yourslef reprogrma your midn so oht htu mremebe rits
their in your mdi nthth u need ot do thsi and so o uare focusedo ndoig nti. n get back to doig nti ask oy
ukwn in your mid nthht uhave to odo thsi thth u needo to od this.

u knw oi nyour mid nwaht u need to odo adn dont gforget, htth si u are prepgreemmd i or mid nthth
uneedo to od thsi yo uahve to ahcve thsi goal thsi misision adn so on adn so ooyuare on a misi nt ood it
and ndnetemried ot od it andgeti ti done, adn get after iti ot geit iti doen and ocusedo n doign ti to get ti
odne. whe n u do otehrh igsn nadn distrct uru mid nenege oyur mdi ni notehr htigsn then u forget hth u
neend ot odo thsi o uforget oyur goal oyurmsision yo uwforget what u need to odandso oy u g offtrack
thth si u lose focsu or directo nadn so oy udotn do it you nend ot remprgram your midn rmeidn urself
waht oyur goalsi msiiso nsi waht uwanto toachve waht u need ot ood and so on so othth uare back o
ntrack o ndoign thgisn to achhve ur gaols thth si u are o na maision t oachvhe ou goalls or on am sisio
nto d oti t o get iti done, adn focusedo ndoign ti to geti tidone,
tis lie kteh termiantor TR robot he s i porporgramedi nhsi memeorythth thsi is his miiso nt ofind sarah
ocnnor or to destroy thth othre tbot,
thhs proeprogemrd i nshsi midn and he ahs goodmemer nad doestn forget,
adn whe nhe was donw teh nthe power got redcsitrubuted to otehrh cuirut and came back up adn the
nh erememebrd agian what hsi goal and nmsisio nwas, adn so o he was back o nteh misio nthth is he got
up and got ot owork agian, took aciton t achve h hsi gao land mision or to do htth thing hht he remmebr
i nhsi midn he is supposed ot odo. focsu d agiagn on doign ti to get it ione. focsudedo ndoign ti t oet iit
doen ot ache hsi msiison. u kw i ntoyumr imidn thh uahve ot odo ti and so ooy uget itot od it if your
ofrget if its no logenr thehr i nyour mdi ntht huavhe to od it the nyou ownt do it. for eg weh nyo uget
dsitractednadn ennge your mid n inoterh htign s thinkin of oehtehrhtigns then yo uforget tis nologenr
htehr i nyour mid nthth uhave to od othsi and so ooy uodnt get abck to it doign ti, adn u wast
etiemdoign toerhtigns and u ahve gotten distractedn adn ivertedfor m it for mdogi nti adn u lsoe trac k
and focus, nwo ot reagi nfocuse u need otrmeidn ourslf as to what u nenedto od, so othth ureprogrma
oyur mid nthth yo uahve to do this thth u ahve to fiand a n a job and so oon fidn an palce, so othth u are
o na nmisison tth is ur midn is repprgrmaed, uknw i nyourm midn tht huahve to odo thsi , adn s oy u gt
ot odi t and u are fodcusedo n ton doign t i to geti ti odne, th hsi u are abck o ntrack. t owaht u ushud be
doign , if oy uforget or soem reaso ni oy umput urmid n i notehr htigsn, adn make or form new
mmeeoores then yo uforget agian waht u need ot odo adn s o oyu odtn do it as its nologenr htigere i
nyour mid nthth uneed ot odoti. after ur mdi ngets distracted you forget hth u needot odo thsi thignnda
so o yo udotn do ti , so o uneed ot remmerb program your mid nkep i nmind what uu neeed ot od soo
the nyo uwill do ti, remid nyourself reprgam you mri ndas to ahwat u uneend ot od s oth haure abck o
ntrack to odign ti as u knw i nyour mid ntht unneed ot do it.

itsl ei kteh termmiantort tr robot he was sent wit ha pmsmsi oa npursoe pregrpagemrd to fid srah conn
r or to destroy hte tbot he was o an smsmio one trakcm ind nthth si ofocuesd on doig nthgis n to achhve
htth misiion,
adn when he went donw the nteh power got turnned o nhe suddenly rmemebrd what hsi msisio nis , nd
wht he enends to fdo adn so ohe got up and ngot otowork and was o n a msisio n again adn focsud o
ndoig nthgsi nt oget iti odne.

stay fosued o nit ot get int doen keep i nmidn waht u eend to od odont forget rememebr what yo
unenedo to od soo thth uare progred yo uknw what u neend ot ood asd so otth aur re focuesd o ndoig
nti t oget t i odne
iu ofrget it f its no logenr htehr i nyour midnwath urgoals i s misio n is or waht u need ot ood the yo
udwnt do it as its not hehr i nyour mid nthth u nened ot odit, or oyu ownt do thgis nto acheh ru goal
casue its not hehre ini nyourm idn thth u have htsi goal to ahcve
yo udotn do it cause u forget its nologne r thehr i nyour mid n htht u need ot odo it, once u uknw o
inyour midnn u rmemeebr thth uneed ot od thsi "thth uneed to find a jb" the nyo udo it yo utkae actio
nt o do it.
u are ofcusedo ndoign thgis nto achve thsi goal. or oy udo thigs nthth unee ot odo , fi ytis nologenr
hther i nyoru di nfor eg u r midn get s dsitracted els whehe re u nenege your mid n inotehr hirtgns so
oyo uhave nenw memeoryes formed or say you think fo o thehr tigsn n ur midn is inveold losti i n
otehrhtigsn then n u so oyo uforge t whats ur goals is or wht u enend ot odo so ooy uodnt do thigsn u
nened ot odo ot t achve ur goals n nso oyu odnrt ache ur goals oryo udotn do thigs nu need to be doign
cause its nologenr htehr i nyour mid nthth u need ot odoit,
and thht si why u neneo t rmemebr keep I nmidn what ur goals I swhat ur misiso nsi or what u uneed ot
odo soo thth ur mid nsi prorogedm ou knw I nyoru mid nthh u neend ot oachve htsi and are o na msiiso
to achveh it and soo oy uget ot ood othigs nor od htigsn to ahcve thth goal and nmsisinor u are fousedo
ndoig nthgsi the nto achvhe ru goalnand msisio nor u are focsud o ndoign thigs ntht u kwn u need
oootd. Thht si uare back o ntrack and focseudo nti, u dotn lsoe foues orget distractedna ndiverted, or
lose track ad nndirectio an beocem lost. So otis imp to keep ur sign o n oyur goal or msisio n rowhat u
uenend to od or achveh . I itsn to ther I nyoru mid nteh u wont do it.

be determiend ot get it idoen ge theh work odne thht needs ot be doen to achve urgoaslnbe on a
mssisio nt oget iti doen keep i nmidn thht uahve to get hsihtign doen doen t forget waht u nened ot odo
keep i n mdi nrmmeber waht u enend to doo so othth u knwo i nyour mdi n thth u ahve ot odo thsi and
ou are progremmdto od it and oy uare on a amsisio nt odo oti and be edertemien ot odo ti, if oy uforget
if ur midn gets distracted diverted enaengedi notehrh tigsn the u formget your missio nwaht nu nendto
od its no logner there i nyoru mid nadn so oyo u dont do it . you neeeodt te mremeebr keep i nmidn
waht wht u uneendto odo , thsi is what uu ened ot odo soo othth u r midn si progrmammed to od it adn
oy uare focused o ndoig nti thth is yo uknw o inyour mid nthth uneed oto od it so oyo ugeot to odo ti
and os on, whe n uput urslmind elsle whehe re adn do otehrhtigsn then yo uforget waht u need ot ood
as uyou rmid nsi thinkig nfo oehrhhtisn andn disracted ese lwehhre soo you foroget or new memeories
get formed and s ooy u forget waht u enend ot odo soo its hard oto get back and so o htht si why u
uened ot okeep i nmidnadn rrememebr what u need to do, sooo thth tis thehrei n your mid nwaht u
need ot ood and yo uare baiically pre progremed and no n a misiso ntot odit and get it idoneadn yo uare
focused o ndoig nti and you are detemriend to gdo it and nget iti doen. you kwn o ynour midn
urmemeebr hth uneed oto get iti doenand odnt forget adn s oo oyu get do ti and get iti odne. soo
alwlays rmeemebr keep i nmidnwaht yo uneend ot ood "first speializaiton adn the nintenrnship" soo
thth u are focusedo nyoru gaol oyu knwo in your midn thth thsi is what uu enendot od, u emrmeebr it
you r goaslis i nyour sight oy ukwnwaht otod, yo uare o na miison to do ti get iti doen, and tkae acito nt
ogeti tidoen yo uahve ar proepogremem d i nyoru mdi nyo urmmebr yo ukwn htht yo uenendoto get his
htigsndoen thsi si what uenend ot ood and so oyo uare focusedo ndoign ti fi itsnologenr hehteri n your
mid ni oyu forget waht u ned ot odoor yo ufrogert causeu ur midn gets distractedelse whehe re adn yo
uput u rm idn i ntoethhritnsgs n think fo oehthritgns then ou rmidn gets distracted elsewhere , adn s oo
yo uforget what uu ened to od, or yo ueenagei noterhhtigsn and new memeores get foremdadn so oyu
forget wht uu ned to od the nyou wont do it. as itis nol genr thehr i nyour mid nwathth u need ot odo it.
soo rmemeebr dotn forget keep i nmidn waht u ueedn to odo so otht.

Dotn u know or understnadn or kwn hth u r exam is ocmign and htht u need ot study you do it csue uu
knw or fugre out or understand oro realease htht tht u need ot odo it.

Ou know I nyur id ntth u needt od oit ht huhave oto do it ands oy udoti ,foreg you kwnhtth ur exam is
coming and you nee oto styd for it ands ooyu study, you knw ohtht u need to leave n2 motnsh time and
so oy uare oidgnthgisn tht is workgn ot find a job and so on and to find a plce and so oo nadn you are
atit after it doing nit and focused o nti , n not odign toerh tigsninorder to do it andocmsplete it.

you need otmrmemeebr ttht is keep in mind wahtyo uned to od what urmisision is waht ur goal is waht
u need ot oachve soo thth u know i nyour midn thht u ahve to do htis or yo uahveto acve thsi miission
or yo uahve to achve thisgoal adn so ooy uget t ood it , or u do thigsn to achve ur gaol nad oso n.

dont waste your tiem lazzign sleepign idlign doing unimp thigsn adn soo on give all yoru tiem effort andn
eenrgy to oyur work ot get htigsn doen and work done ot ahcve ur goals rememeb r thigs keep thigs in
your mid nso othth udont forget iti program yorum ind, rmeemebr this keep thsi inyorumidn so ohttu
knwo i nyour mid nwaht u need oto od and hence oy udo it adnfollwo it. if oy uforget iti if its no longer
htere i nyoru mid nwhat ot odo then oy uwotn do it and folwo it.
teh cost of distraction ocne u get distracted ad ndivertedt otehr htigsnand put ur mind i notehrh tigsn
then u forget waht urgaol si misison is waht oy uneedo tood adn so on its no logner therh i ynorumid
nteh memeroy fades and is overwritten and so oy uodnt do thgisn u hth u need oto od as its no logenr
htigenre i nyoru mid nthth u eed ot odo it and thht si why u eed to stay focsued nto nenage and invoele
ur midn i ntoerhthgisn lest oy uforget im pthgisn . it ocems at a prosna lloss adn cost. getitgn distrated
enenagig oyuselrf inotehrh tigsn nand odign otherhtigns. tehn u are no logenr i nteh mood ot odo thigsn
as its nologenr hter inyoru mid ntht uahve to od these thigsn, as u ahve forgotten it, it takes tiem to
reocsue, htht is remidn yorusefl of waht uu need ot odo waht ur goal is and so n htht is not lose
perspective nadn stay focsuedo n oyur goal keep i nmid nwaht ur goals is hawtu uneedo to ahcve wwth
u needo to od soo thth uare focueed o nsodign ti and oy uare back o n track to odign it. if oy uget
dirstracted nadn diverted oy uare htinign fo some tohthritgnsh ur mid nis some where iesle, or, int
oosemnterh tigns invoeldi nsoem otherhtigns, or you are forming new memeryes as afresutl u foregt
what u enedo to odwaht u r gal si its no logenr therei nyoru mid n uodtn rmemeber it any mre ao nad os
ooy udont do ti and oso n. n hth is why u needo tkeep urslef i nti adn do thht onyl and not nnege i
noterhhtigsn and acitivites, nt invoe ur mid n inoterhthigsn or u get distracted nad nlose focus nadn so
oits ahrd ot get bakc to it, adn u dotn do it any mroe then. Onecue put ur mind invovel nadn ennage ur
mid ni ntoerhtigsn by doing toerhhtigsn. once uu enange i noter htgisn adn aciitiivtes an d inveovle
urself i ntoehrtiht igsn ur midn gts distrated and ndierted yo ulsoe focsu as uu forget waht ur goal is u
lose persepctive u forget waht ur goal si what htigsn uneed ot ood and so oy udotn od it , as its
nolonger htehr i nyour mid nthth uahve to od oti , as u think fo ohtherigns hence u uforget ro u create
new mwmweres adn hence u forget and so otis ahrd to get back adn do thigs nthth unee dt o do.. n
ehnce u dotn do whatu u are suppseod to od. n then its hard ot get back to it thth si refocsu your mid
nremidn ruself whatu u needo too d and so oo o nindoer to get back to doign ti. wht uare asusposedo to
od. let him do what he is doign lets ot distrub him adn distrat him for m his misiso nadn waht he is
doign, he is on to soem thign and doign soemthing.

if u wnat to suceed in life hten u need to be selfish, thin kfor urslef do thigs or urslef nadn seee ur own,
dotn care about otehrs, dotn waste your tie meffort and enenrgy doign thgsi nfor people ot try ot
impress them adn pelase them dotn be a ppl pleaser,
adn lick others, and soo on, u dont have to be htht way, y uneed ot think for oyursefl, thht si do thgisn
for yorusefl spend time and effort and enenrgy doign thgsi nfor oyrusefl actiivites and thgisn thth will
help u usucedi nlfie, do oyur own good get ur own good andn bebenfit doen and so on. dont get traped i
nt oal lthth BS tht si oding thgisn for otehrs cause n omatter what uu d ono matter hwo hard you try ot
impresso thers pp lare nenver satisfied adn its nto enoguh and pp lforget easily wht uu ddi for them also
they dotn care abotu you, as logn as thye need u they will use yo uadn the nafter thht the y forget what
u didi for them and then they sidelien oy uand push you aside, thht is why oy uneedo thin k foro urslef
care for oyur own cause n ooen else will! and so thigs nfor utrlse be selfish i fo yu wnat ot osuceeedi n
life see ur own ood dont get i tnt oal ltth BS stay focuesd on yoru ow nthignand stuff and dont get
distracted hehrhe and thehr put ur mid ni ntoerhtigsn and enenge i noterh htigsn adn acitivites! isoalte
yorusel so thth uare ofcusedo n doign oyur own thgisn seeeign yoru own thgis nand fuutuer and
progress and gettign ru own thgis ndoen and so on! akll th is ditstractio n ovce uu get it nto all tht then
noot only it suks your itm e andn effort nadn enenrgy tht u cud have gievn to doign wrok and thigsn t
ocasue ur ow progress but it also distracts yoru mid ans u hinvoe l ur mid n iand nenage and put ur mind
i notehr htigsn ti distracts and ndevaite as and dierts you r mind, and u loose focsu and so oy uotn do
thgis nthth uare supped ot od nad its ahrd ot get back.

oce u uge t trapped n i ntt h BS u are fucked n trapped u goto to see ur ow nlfie nad nfutuure nto only
does it take tiem adn efort form your schdule hth cna be give n to more mp thgis nbut it also idstracts
adn diversts your mind for mm roe imp thgisn, ocen u eenagei n i ntth acitiity unimp thgis ntehn ur
midn get distrated adn diverted, yo ulseo focus nadn eprspective its nol ogenr htehri n your mind waht
ur gaol si what u uneed ot odo and achve and os on, as u think fo othehritngs nad new mmweeories are
formed yo uforget its no longer htehr i nyourmidn waht u udnnend ot odo waht uur goals ias whatu
need ot ahce nd n whathhigsn u enendo to od for it and so oo y dotn do it then , yo ulose trakc nadn tis
ahrd ot get bakc and refocus oyur mid no nti by reemidng ur self as towaht ur gaosl is
u need ot keep ur min d i nti tkee podign thth on yl odnt do otehritgns doen wate item eefrt neengy doig
ntoerhtigsn and distract adn divert oyur mid n by invvolign ru mid ni notehrhtigsnand acitivites keep ur
mid ni nti do htht onyl htink fo thht only and soo sta focsuedo n ti, oce u get distracte diverted deaited
its ahrdo ot et back to it.
htth actually gave me an excuse to focuso nmy own thign nad no t et suked itneh whirl pool or aheve to
imrpess ehr and plesse her any mroe and give al lmy tiem effrot enenrgy and focsu to it! to odign thgisn
thth are imp t me and will lead to my rpogress be sefsih and thin kfor myself nand fdo my own thigsn
and see my onw thigsn nad stuff thth will elad to my own progress . u will nt oget anyhtign by doign al
lthth it will ony lcosntume ur tuem effrot enenergy nadn distrat u ake u lsoe osucs ofrm your goasl and
what uuenedo to od.

you are on a msiso nt oget hgisn doen work doen to ahchve ur gaosl and oso n
thth si pre programmed i noru mdi nto ahcve ur ogals knw in your mid nkeep in mind remeebr wht u
uneedot odo t hte thigsn yo uneed ot odo ot ahcve u goals, or the thigsn thht need ot be doen or get
doen thth si misision, obecitive soo tht udo them keep in mind rmeemebr thht.

Why you feel sociall anxiosu whe n uahveto od soemthign oreprosfrm somehtign infortn fo others
wathcin you, tehn yo ustrt to feelanxious as peopel are lookignat yo uadn you dont want ot look bad
werdawrkd i nfornt of otehrsand so ooy ustrt to worry amiloign ti rightor not lookign good or not or am i
lookign awwakrd or werd! adn oso n.
asu udotn want ot look badi nfornt fo otrhes and embarrsse urseland humaitle urself i nfornt fo others
as u worry waht oterhs thin kfo yu and hwo u look or appear i nfornt fo otehrs nad ho w the y erpvceou i
nf y o ulook bad ewerd andna dward then pp lwill look down o nyou, move aaway for myou, thin k aue
re abnromal awarkdn and werdnadn so on and nto asicate with o unto accept yo uadnso on. stay awy
for myo uand oso n, you don be able to fidn a gf hten as women wonttla kto oyu and what not and os
on.. pp lwil lthin kad nsay hth ul oo kawkr d or wlak wrerd nadn so o on.

how the human bria nworks ifi ti s not thehr I nyour mid nif oy uforget the nyo uwill nt odo ti1

You need to be highly sefl-regualted if you want to o gethgis ndone, sucedd, achvhe your gaols, be self-
driven and controlled and so oo n, hw ot beself reguatled:-

5) The program/software: The program/software that runs I nyoru mind is imp, it will decidewaht
thgisn you do what decions you maek and the actins you take,
- be htoguthful think research reocgnzie what u ushu do and shud nto od otowrds ahcivgn ur
ogals thth is , be htgthful think about ti and recognize identify resrch wht u ushu figure things
out wht u ushud nnshud nt od od nad wahy to succeed nadn so n, do ti thoguthgfuly I n waell
thogtuh out way have technique a process a system and so n ether figured out b urself or learnt
form toehrs
- don’t care or wrry bot uthe out ocem, I man u shud triy n away tht hthe outocemsi siucceful,
causeu if uuse wrng tehcnques and dotn care of the outocem then u wont use right techniques
or perfectly try I na way tht hotu ocem si success and avod failure, thh is most properly o it
proeplry or utocem wile b failure but odtn are baou thteh reustl, it doenst matter ifu ufail and
so on, keep triygn odtn let falrue stopu ur focus shud be ot keep triygn keep wrkign to wrds ur
goals and not stop no matter wahth the failures and rejecitosn , the real fuailurei si when u get
demaotived low moarl and stop trying gritn and iitermainti nt not giveu and keep trying try try
till usueed.
-Dotn waste your item oyur tims is imp make the most productive use of the limited item thath
you have, every min our second is imp and counts dotn waste ti.
-think fo owaht to d next think dnad paln what to odo nexthgis nt odo , words achvign yorugasl
and hten execute, take action et to towork, keep woingget oo action and kee pakignacito nt odo
it and geit iodne and make it happen, ngeti ti to odit ato geiti oden and make iti happen. Gethgis
ndun thth is! Think of wa ot od tnext otwrds achvign ru goal think nn plan nad hten taek acito
tnake it ofr doing ti orto odi t and geiit ioden gethgsi donework doe nand maek things happen
thth is…think paln think of thwhaht to odo next towards achvign ru aols
= the mission objetivei sit o achvhe ru goals and to gethgis ndoe nadn work doen thth nees to eb
ocdne to aochveh ru gaosl and to get them doen fast and to not wste tiem thth si make the max
most produive use fo oenenfitn use nadn tuizaitonf oteh limted item htht uahve , by igigvn ti t
work and im thgisn , how proeduive was uru day? How much u got doen things u need ot get
doen t o ahhdve ur gola,s how mcu htiem didi u ive to wrds ahcivng ru oasl and work getitign
thgisn doen, work tht needso to be odnt ot ahhve uroaglas, what didi u sped n ur item hwo idi u
spend ur tiem doing what tht is.
-you needo t be cocosntly at ti and doing ti , get ot owork, be cocsntly working , yo ushud be
cocosntly working nonstop focus on working odign oyru work and chippignaway, towards
getthgi nthgisn done and nachvgn ur gaosl.
- the goal is to ntojsut gethgisn done but ot gethigs ndoen fas at a record speed rate and n time.
- stay focused on whats imp say no to otherhtigsn unimp thgisn, its highly imp to stay focused,
and not lose perspective, hwo ot ostay focsud?,
-dotn wast ou tri tme soyur item sis limtiend ur tiem sisi limted resource, n havece valuable and
nexptemremly imp, and haence imp every min hour sec is imp n counts, make the most
produive utiizatiosn n use fo the limited tie mtth hu have, by giiggn it to work and imp thgis
nadn not wastitng t I doing unim pthgisn sdont waste your tiem slepein laszing, doing unim
pthgsi tnhkignof unimp thgisand so on give min time ot toerhitngs like lsepeign etc. .ad namx tie
mt oimp thgisn maek the most ofo the 24 hors tht hu have! How porodutive uwas uur day hw
mu h ugo t doen what idi u give uur tie mt owork and imp thgsi ro uim pthgsn dotn squnder awy
the tie mu have
- make the mst of the opprotutneis hth uahve by takig nacito and nactign if oy udotn the
nthhersis iooportunity caose if oy udotn ask grls out or maek the most ofo the oporutintisu u
have u aure wasting u r chancesnadn iooprtunties
-be aware fothe thogtush oign o ni nyor uhead kwn what u ure htinkign fo sop thinking o unm
pgsi and ndoign unim thgsin, giei all yoru item t owork and im pthgsi ndont ast ea single min ro a
sec every min sec counts and so on, t ogethis ndoe nadn wrok doen fast dotn waste tiem make
the most pooretuuve uiliziaotn of the limted item uavhe dotn waste iti doungi nunimp thgisn do
only whats imp.
- dotn asset tiei m geot to oowrk ever y mi n and se isi imp keep chipping lput in all the tiem tht
u avhe I nti igve al lyru tiem too ti put itn horus a day or week, 180 horus a week to do it getit
dennad maek it happen beoocnstly ati ti doing ti and after ti it od ti nad eit iodne nadn maek it
-don’t sleep laze relax and idleand neb comfy the body n tene mind likes to eb confy and relax
and so on, t felels good get up and get to work take pais nadn effrts be ococnsly working
ntakignacito nt od otgis nadn gethigns dun nadn work dun thth si. Memeebr the harder tth h
uwrk the mre scleosr oy uet ot owooyru goals, and the mroesucesfu lyou get nadso on, kep this I
n mind its worth it soo work ahrd and kae ais nadn effrts ot ogethgis ndoen get up and geto to
work take aisn and effrt ot ogethgis ndoe nadn work dun
- if oy uare nt oable too ge nayhtgin done then u need t o aks yourself why? Ae re yo uwastign
your item effrt nadn energy on toerhhtigsn unimp thgisn?
-if oy uwant toto do this now do this online don’t awste tiem effrt energy doin ti outside it wont
wrok… tis very energy dairnign tiring and cosuming wit hero reulst and very few, leds hits and s
ocncentions. Online istis better faster nadn u can create na impress nofflien everyoens the
sanme strger t tehm they dotn kw nhow well to do rich quilifed etc.. uare! Its ahrd ot carete
attractin offline.

Eleimiante all distraciosn and diversions focuso nwaht imp eliminate all unimp thigns thaht is
all uncessary htigsn: say no to otehrigns unimp thgis ndotn od and enenagei nunimp thgisn
focuso n imp tgisn do only imp thgisn, think fo work and impthgisn only, and do work nadn imp
thgis nonly everything else oy ucan do late r on fleave everything else aside frst do hwats imp.
Keep in mind rmemebr what oyur goals is imisio n si dotn lose sight of oyru goal and miison:
Keep in mind rmemebr what oyur goals is imisio n si, and what oy uneedo to od to achve yoru
gaols thgisn you ne dot odo, and what htgis nyo uneed oto od finsi hadn get doene htth is.

6) Memeory keep in mind rmeemebr: Rememebr keep I nmidn the program, the software if ts not
thehr I nyoru mind ifo yu wforget you wotn do ti

7) regulate your htnking and actons:

-Reguatle your htinkign stop your lesf for mthinkign fo therhtigsn things make yorusel think fo
work and imp thgisn only,
-Regualte yoru impsuvlei thoguths thaht make oy udo otherhtigns thgisn thth u like and enjoy
-Regualte your actions stop your slef for mdoig other things and unimp thgisn say not otall
otehrh tigsn

8) Enage in self-reguatlion:

Privde regulatory htoguhs isntrucitonsn and cocamnds regautl yourself to reugatle yoru beahvour and
brign about deiredacti nthth uwant to ahppe nin your snsenible brian provide regatlry thotgusht
istnrucitsn and nocnmsds to ocorect actions and os on keep ur self o nteh tright desrred track auto pilot
nadn prevent aut conrnetio and nrpevnet form straying t mek urslef do thgis ntht u knw I nyour mdin
ushud be odign be itne htdrivesrs seat no the passengers seat,

The impulsive/primitive brain and the logical brain:

The impuslvei/primitive brain: mmeoemry stored I played video games I love it its fun, I nejoy
sisngign, etc.. makes oy od what your bria nenjoys doing
Logcal brain: makesu u od whats imp and necessary
e.g: Impulsive: Eat the cake its soo tasty , logical brain: ohh but if I eat the cake I will get fat.

The process of self reguatlion:

6) Knowgn/recognizing what ot o do nad what not do
7) having thth software thth fame work in palce thth system process laid out as to whatoto od
and what not tood a sytem to follow
8) Keep in mind in memery feed in remember input and don’t forget what yo u shud n nshud
not be doig nadn so on
9) Regaullate yoru thinking/thoguths be I ncotnrol of oyur htogtush and acitosn accourdingly ,
control your htogutsh and actions. Stop yourself form thinkgin fo otehrhtigsn ressit impsulve
thogutsh tht tell u to do otehrhtigsn make ursle think of certain thgisn, stop ur lsef orm
doing otherh tigsn maek ur self do wahts imp what ur snsenible logialca brain tells u to od
and o soon.
10) Enagae in self regautlion by providing self regulatory thgotush instrucitosn and commnds to
command direct regaulete govern and cotnro lyourslef.

Enage in self reugaltion:

3) Enagae in self regautlion by providing self regulatory thgotush instrucitosn and commnds to
command direct regaulete govern and cotnro lyourslef.
4) If oy udotn enenage I nself regualtio nyou will eb out o ocntorl oy uwotn do what u are
suppdosed to od and oy uwil lendu pdoig nthgsi nu are not supposed to odo htth yur
impuslve brain tells oy urot odo you will eb out foocntrol thth si lacking self control

Thought process the process of thinking learning analyzing:

The last time I touch it ti was hot this isfo isstored I nru mid nso you think don’t tough htht thing its hot –

Thought process: contemplation undetsrnign figuring ut hwat to od:

If I admit to my mistakes there will be consequences they will book me or I might get thrwn out as well
or they will seek compensation they will lay out charges against me and stuff … so I better not admit if I
dotnt admit the onsus is o nteh accusers to try ot ocme up with evidnce n prove it was me n not some
oen else who looks like me also they may also get an excuse or a reason to take their complaitn back…
sayin maybe it was nto him… m not sure .. but if I admit it them m doomed.

U know in ur mind htht u need ot be doing ur work n not do other things cause if oyu do other htigns u
will end up wasting ur tme andur work will nt oget doen which his more imp n needs to be done so you
know n undersntad htth u shud not waste ur time doing other things cause u have work ot od more imp
thgisn to finish or else work will remain aside.

thguht proecess flow cahrts

self reg conrol at thguht level

at action level

Programming the mind to succeed, self-regulation and thought control:

The compelte process to regulating yourself:-

1) You need ot now n nunderstnad what u shud n shud nto beodign n why the reasoning behind it
to be suceesful, this oyu either leanr yourself or oyulearn form the advices of others who have
beensucessful as to what ot odo what nto do eetc..etc… its called common sense
orunderstanidng knwoeldge etc..etc… know-how
2) You need to keep in mind what u shud n shud not be doing,that is program your mind always
remember keep in mind, feed in enter input, (kids don’t have any udnerstnaidng asto what ot do
n whtat nto to do , n parents tell them explain it to them, and make them udnerstnad as to what
to do n nwaht not to do, also parents feed it in and input in their kids mind by cocnnstly telign
them as to hat odo n nwhat not to do soo thth they rmeebr its there in their mind as to what ot
od n n what not to do, and soothe reg themselvfves accordingly automatically, say yes to thgsin
they know they shud do n say no to things they know they shud not be doing). Keep in mind
nrmemeebr soo thht u don’t forget. And once its there in your mind, n u don’t forget hten u
know what ot od n whatu shudn ot be oign if u forget nn its nologner there then u wotn follow
it. U know in your mind what u shud nshudn ot be doing soo occnnstly enage I nself regulation
provide self regulatory thoguths commands interacutoions tell yourself, to maekurslefdo it and
follw oit to maek urself do what u know I nyourmid n ushud bedoign n to stop urslef form odign
what u know I nyour mind ushud nto be doing. U know I nur midnwhat u shud n hsud nto
ebdoign soo u dotn need extrenalreguatlon u dotn need oterhs to tell you, instruct u command
u, direct you, steeru, n nag u to do it, or not do certain nthgisn, be self-driven, selfcommanding,
sef;-steering, self-direntign self-correcitng, self-itnrciting, you only tlel rlsef instruct direct n
command yourself by providing, self-reguatlory thgotush thht act as instrcuitons nad
commands, and hencestop urselfform doignhwat uknwo I nyour mid sensneible memeory
ushud not bedoign, but u do themas u enjoy doing n so ur impulsive memeroy and impulsive
thogtush tell u to do n maek ur slef do things thth u know in ur mid nin ur sennsiblemememroy
u shud be oding.
3) You need to consntaly enage inself-reguatlion, thht is provide regulatory thgouths instrauctiosn
and coomannd , inorder to maek urslef do what you know I nyour ind u hsud be doing n to stop
urslef doing what u knw o I nyoru mind u shud not be doing if oyu don’t enage in self regutlaion
you will be out of control.
4) Consntly reguatle your htoguths control ur thgotush by enenagingi nself reguatlion.
5) Consntaly reguatle your actions control your actions by enageing in self-regutiaon.

How the process works, you know I nyour mind what u shud n shud nto be doing and soo accordingly u
automatically or purposely knwognly enangei n self reguatlion you prodivde regulatory ththact as
direcitosn instrucitosn nad commands to make urslef do wht u know I nur mid n ushud be doing or
htinkig or stp urslef fro m doign or thignkign whatu nknwo in ur mind ushud nt o be doing or thinking.

When I was a kid I used to sit in fornt of the television for hours and I used to think and wonder how the
hell am igonna make myself stop wahtchign tv and get back to doing my studies. Thth is make my self
do my studies. What is the process involved I nthe human mind, tht makes them stop doing hwat they
are doing or strt doing some thing thth they do, why do we humans sto p odign a certain thing and strat
doing a certain nthgisn what is the process thth goes on I nthe mind thth makes them do it? As u can see
thth certain ppl are more regulated than oters, certain npp lcan easily maek themselves to od thigns
thth are imp where as oterhs cant they get carrie d away by their impulses and things they enjoy doing
which may not be imp instead of odign things thth rae imp. Also u have humans who totally lakc
ocontrol, some are fat they cant control ttheri eating, some cant control drinking, some cant contro
threir cigaretts habit, at work ppl keep doing toehrh tigns like surfing the net n eneteremaitnemnt
instead of working, this affects u prodicitiivty n then u end u losign and feelgin a sense of frustration as u
are nto getting imp things done, u know htht u shdu nto be doing acertia nthgin and hth u shud be odign
acetain imp thing u know I nyour mid nthth uare drifting away, in the stream, beign carried away against
ur will or want, but uare helpless, u have no control u dotn know hwo to control urslef, how to make
urslef stop doing the thgisn tht u know I nur mid n ushud nto e boding n make urslef do things hthh u
know I nyour mid n ushud beoding. One ereason why u do unimp thgisn iscause ur impuslve mind tells u
to do it cause the last time u didi it u found it enjoyable soo this infor gets stored inyoru implusive
memeory, an soo the mind when it gets bored or if it wants feel the same high n pleasure drieved form
tth activity. U get a thgouth inplusve htogutsh telling u itnrcting u to do it ndad soo you do it. How ever I
nyour selnsiblem meeory uknwo thht u shud nto be doing ti soo u provide another thgotush itnetlioanlyl
telling urself noo odnt do it, inorder to counter resist cancel or over ride the htgotush commadnnad
instruction given by theimpsuvle memory tht is the impsulve thgouhts telling u rot od it.

Impulsive thoguths n impulsivity:- ththoughtsh thth u gte in your mind telling u to od thgisn thht
uknwo I nur snessible memoery u shud nto ebdoing, impuslviity, n compulsivity, or thgotush hth u
simply get n yoru mind impulsive htogtuhs thinking fo certain thing hth udotn want oto think of, how ot
stop doing impuslvei thtinghs or control impsulve thgotush whenever you get suc hthogtush telling u to
do other htigsn say no tell ursfl to stop oidng it nope don’t do htht now as u knw I nur msenseibel
memry u shudn be doing ti soo u provide coutner thgotuht ot control restrai n ncoutner thth thoguth, n
whenever u get thth thought I nyor mind whenever u think fo things u don’t wnt othink fo then tell
urself stop thinking of all thht now, think of oyur work n imp thgisn control ur thoguths rpactise thgouth
regulation n control.

one track mind,some onewho does one thign only or u know thinks of one thign onyl once he taeks it up
he keeps doign thth only with otu stopingipsulvei behaviouras there is onyl one thoguth tellign him to
od it soo tis one track mind where as there is no resistance fro mteh otehr side of the brain tellign him
to stop doign it nope dont do thht whcih happens i ntwo track mind!u haeo nyl on e thoguths form the
impsulve memeory tellign oy uto do itn soo u keep on doign it wihotu stopping or htinkign ti without
stoping (one track maind) n not other htgotush form the senseibel memory, offerign resttnance n
tellign urlsef ot stop doign ti (which happens i ntwo track mind)impuslvie behaoviour happens i none
track mind where ppl dont knw hwo to stop themselvefs form thinkign ro odign certia nthgisn offer
resstnce, cotnrol theri thogtush n nactions,u need to keep in midn rememebr soo thth knw i nyoru
snenseble memeory thht ushud nto be doign certai tnhgisn n when uget a thgotuh form imspuvle
memeroy tellign yo u to do it then u shud tell urself provide a regutlaotry thgotush isnt n ncommadns as
u knw i nyour snnesible meme htht u shud nto eb doign ti soo proive a thoguht tellign rusefl to stop
doign ti! or thinkign fo it! r not ot do it

The process of sefl-regaltion how it works: the process of f regualton how it works and What oy uneed
ot do to regulate yourself
U need to keep in mind what you shud n shud not be doing and accoridnlgy regulate yourself to maek
urselfdo it and follow it

U shud keep I nmidn what u shud nshid not be doing nad regtel yorusflaccoridngly to make urlsefdo ti
and follow it.

U shud keep I nmidn what u shud nshid not be doing so thth u rmmeebr u know I nur mind hwt u shud
nshud not be odign nad u do it accordingly.

U need to keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud not do so thth u rmeber tis tehrh I nur mid nwht u neeed to
do n accoridnlgy regiatue lyourself to make urslef do ti and follow it

Un eed ot knwn understand ht u shd u nshud not do n why the eresoning behind it… things like u hsud
not waste time odign otehrhtignsu nimp things u need to od oterh thgisn at other htime durig the time
allocated for it n during ur wrk time u hsud nly od ur wrk n u need to keep all this I nur mind nreguatle
yourself accordingly ot make urslef do it nad follow it.

U need ot keep I nmind what ushud nshud not be doing so ththt u know I nur mind u remember its
there I nur mind wht u shud nshudn ot be doing and accordingly regulate yourself by proviidngreuglator
y thgouths to make urslef od it and follow it

If tis not there I nyour mind in the firstplace what u need to be doing… ifo yu have forgoteen then you
wont reugatel yourself accordingly.

U need ot keep in mind So htht u remember u don’t forget u know inur mid nwht u shud n shd notbe
doin n accordingly reguatle ursefl… if its nto ther iour mind what u ned to od if u haveforgotten then u
wont be ableto reguatle yourself

Remember keep in mind wht ushud nshudn ot be doing n accorindlgy reguatle urslef o nteh basis of htth
t m ake urlsef od it n follow it if itsn ot ther I nur mind if u have forgotten wht u needo to od hthen u wot
regulate urslef accoridnlgy n hence u wnt do it n follow it. U wont od wht u are supposed to od n thht is
why u hsud keep I nmind refresh urmemeory as to wht shud n hsud nto be doing input feed I nprogram
reprogram ur mind. Remind uerself

Keep I nmidn things like u shud not od othe rhitgns during rwrk timeu need ot be focused do only ur
work all ot her thigsncanebdone at otehrhtimeduirng the time allocated for it

And thignsl ike don’t waste ur time lazing around sleeping doing unimp things or doing nothing do wht
imp n wrk twardsachivng ur goals

You need ot be fast you need ot be focused u need ot wbe hardworking work hard nad cosnntatly
And work smart
U need ot recognizewht isimp nwht is not imp distinguish beteen wht is imp nwht is not imp … n not
waste timesepdnenrgy oidn htgtins htht u may enjoy doing but are nimp n wont help u to ahcive the
imp things I nlfie or goals etc.. r success

U need ot keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud not be doing thigns like u shudnt wast ur time doing unimp
things u shud wrk hr dot ahcive ur gaols n accordingly u ned to reguatle urlesf ot maek urslef do it n
follow it

Its like parents feed I ninput I ntheir kids mind wht they shud nshud nto be doing they not only make
them understand but they also input in their kids memeory feed in the mind the information I nt oteh
memory so th h tht information isstored n so they kid think acoordngly reguatle themselves accordingly
n hence do tin ad follow it n take dieicosn accordingly

Fro eg: parents may ell lkids thingsl iek its wrogn to smoke you get cancer, also thigsnl iek alcohl is nt
goodo it spilosl your liver, also drgsnceu get hooked n ti then u do anything for it u even steal for it ,
cause u cannot live or stay with out it u get addicted o tot I and oso n so hwen osme oen else offers
these kids htsesthigsn they say n o to ti cause this info is storedi tnehri mid theth its nto good hty shud
nto take it… n they udnenrstdn why n this has been fed I ninpttedi ntehri midns by the parent midnsh
ave been programmed and so the kidsk now they hsudnt take it the info is storedi itn he memory n
hence they don’t.

The nthe parent s make the kids understnadn explain ti to them things like u shdnto waste ur tiem doing
nimp thgisn ur time is imp … u need ot decide wht wrk to od , u needo th in kfo wht wrk to od. So they
kids udnenrnstnd hwt they shud hudnt be doing n why n this info is also sstoredi ntehri mind s as its
inputted by hteri parents by telling nthem theisi nfo is sroedi nthe mid ns the mind is progreamaedn
nehcne the kids thin kacoocridnglyn reguatle themselves nad od it nad follw oit. N they are also
reminded of it reprogrammed incase hetey have forgotten it the parents may tell them agin dotn wast
tiem doing unim ptghisn get o to wrok immediately n omeplte it fast.

The process of sefl reguatlion, the process how it works why u do what u do: its cause U know I nur mind
wht u shud nshdun t be doing n so u regulate urslef accordingly and hence u do it and follow it.

keep i nmidn wht u shd nshdu not be odign nreg urself accoridngly if
its not hther in your midn teh nu wont reg urslef accrdngly n u won do
it n follwo it
u knwoi nur mid nwhat u shud nshd not be doing so u htin kaccordingly
ureg urslef accrdignly by prvign reg thusth n henceu do it n follwo it
You needot know hwo ot regualte oyurelf wht u neeed to o dot reguatle yourself: keep in mind wht u
shud nshud not be doing and accordingly connstly reguatle yourself by proivign reg thgotush inst and
commands to driect itnsrect correct urelfsf brign ursefl back o ntrack everytime u stray keep urslefo
nthe right path nprevent userlf from straying, and make urslef do n think wht u know shud be odign
nthinking. Focus ur mid n nactions towards one thing n not get distracted.

knowi nmifnd keep i nmidn wht hsud nshdin not bedoign n acrodingly cosnnstly regualte oyurself by
proviidng reg thgotush comamadns isntrucitosn to make urslef do it nad follow it

the process of regulation: you need to keep I nmind what u shud nshud nt be doing so thth u remember
, u dotn forget , tis hhre I nur mind wht u shud nshud nto be doin u know I nur mind wht u need ot od
wht u shud be odign n I t occurs to oyu wen u don do it…. N accordingly u need to reguatle ursefl by
providing eg thgutsh inst nn commands t make urslef doit n follow it to enforce it upon urslefnn
makeurlef do it n follow it. You ned to keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud not be doin n accordingly reg
urslef to mke urslef od it n ollow it

u need to keep in mind wht u shud nshudn ot be odin and accordingly regulate yourself to make urslef
do it and follow it

the provcess of reg how it works: u know I nur mind wht u shud nshud not be doing so u think
accordingly n reg urself accordingly n maek urslef do tin a follow it for what reg fr what? To reg ur
actiosn stop urslef form doing otehrh tigns mke ursefldo tigsn thht u know I nur mid nu shud be doing na
t ot regurthinking rsest thgotush th ttell uto od otehrh tisgns n mstop ursefl for mthinking of othehr
tignsn make urslef think fo wrk n imp thgisn

keep I nmidn things like u shud wrk consntly, not waste time doing oterh things unimp thgisn, be
focused not waste time doing oterh htigsn unim thigns

feed I ninput it nur mid nwaht u shud nshudn to be dgn sothht u remmerb u knwoi nur mdi nwht u need
ot odo n u reg urself accordingly ot makeurslefod it n follow it

dotn waste u rite in nonsense n unimp thgisn …. Thth will brngu no benefit n ngoain
thigns like fb u shud do ent etc… u shud do it in the end hw muc tiem sepndign doing wht acitivty how
much tiem wrk n how mcu hfor recreation

u need to know what u need to o dot reg ursefl: u need ot keep I nmid wht u hsud nshud not be doing n
accorignly reg urself by rpvidng reg thgotsh isn’t comamadnsto maek urself do ti n follow it
keep I nmidn things n like u need ot wrk hrd u need ot study contiously u shud nto dootehr htigsn n so
on… feed I n input in mememry and accrodignyl eneage I nself reguatlio nreg ursefl occntly to maek
usrlsef do it n follow it
know the process of eg hwo it works nhw ot reg urslef nwht uneed ot odo to reg ursefl
keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud nto do remebe n accordingly reg urself to make urslef do ti n follow it
to control urslef to mke urslef do ur wrk n im toignshh thht needo t be done to ahcvieur gaol
it’s a conflict between being impuslvie wht ur impuslve mind tells you to od internal conflict vs wht ur
sensiebel mind knows u shud be doing

How does this process work?

The process of regulating yourself:

You have got the parts the four parts that make the engine work it’s a matter of figuring out how ot put
htem toghtehr assembling htem th e process:

Process 1:
You need to keep in mind wht u shud nshud nto be doing n accordingly reguatle yorusefl to maekurself
do it and follow it.

Process 2:
Inorder ot reguatle yourself oyu need to kee pi n mind
Inorder to reguatle yourself you need to enage in sefl regautlion
Inorder to reguatle yourself oyu need to reguatle oyur thinking control ur mind
Inorder ot reguatel yourself oyu need ot regautel your actions

Process 3:
You need to keep in mind wht u shud nshud nto be doing n accordingly reguatle yorusefl to maekurself
do it and follow it. And ot reguatel yoru thinking your mind nad oyur actions. Stop urslefform doing
otehrhtigsn maek urslef do wrk n impt hgis nmake urslef od htigsn thht u know I nur mdi n ushud
beoding reguatle your thinking stop urself form thinking of otoerh htigsn unimp things n make ureslf
think ofwrk n imp thgisn. Inorder otreguatle yourself make urslefdo what u know in ur mid n shud not be
odign stoprslef form thinking nfo othrhitngs reguatel yours actios nstop yourself form doing oteh
rhtignsn amek uself do imp thgisn htht u know I nur mdi n ushud be oding.

Process of regautlion and reguatel what? Your thinkgi nandour action

How ot reguatle and reguatel what?

Which process to follow?

Its like 90% done wit hthe four things I npciture to regulate yourself or control urself 1) memeory keep
I nmind prog the mind input feed I nwht u needo to do remebr 2) ccrdongly sefl reguatlion to maek
urslef od it follow it 3) control ur mid nur thinking 4) control u r actions … but how ot put it all tighter
you have the parts hwo to assemble them th process hw it works?

As u know because u know I nur mind what uneed ot do (the info stored I nru mind) so oyu think
accordingly u regulate yourself accordingly as hence you do ti nadfollow it.
Understadnign means thinking knowing n coming to a conclcusion asto wht u shud nshud not bedoign
nwhy if ido this then this will happen ifi do thht then thth will happen os I shud not od this)

U need ot keep I nmidn what u shud nshud not do so thth u rememeebr wht to do and accordingly
reguatle yorusefl tomaeke urself do ti and follow it
U need ot keep I nmid nwht u shud nshud nto be doing so thht u remeebr and dotn forget wht u need to
od u know in ur mid wht u need ot od and u reguatle yourself accordingly to make urslef do ti and
follow it.

You have to follow some process for now! Follow thtis process:-

The process of regulation:

You need ot keep in midn what youshud nshudn ot do so thth u remmrb u know I nur md in what u shud
nshud nt be doing and acrodinlyregautle urself to make urslef do ti and follow it .. os thh urememebr its
therei n ur mid n uknow I nur mid nwhat u need ot od wht u shud n shud nto be doing n so acoridngly
reguatle yourself to maek urlsef od ti and follow it. So thht u rmembr u know in ur mind its therei nur
mid nwaht u shud nshud not be odign n u reg urself accordingly to maek urslef d o tin ad follow it n I t
occrs t oyu wen u dotn do what u u are supposed to be dign n u do things thth u are ot supposed t be

The process of reg how it works: U know I nur mind wht u shud nshdu not be doing so u thnk accordingly
u reg urslef accordingly by rpdoivng reg thgotush inst n commdns n hence u do it nad follw oit

If its not there I nyour mind if u have forgotten what you need to do then if tis no longer there I nur
mind then you wont reguatle yourself accordingly and os oyu wont do it and follow it
Also, just cause you know in ur mind thth u need otdo it doesn’t eman you will think accordingly on ur
won nad do it on your own… u need to enage I nself regulation provide regulatory htogth inst nad
command to maek urself do what oyu know I nur mid n ushud be doing. U need ot act on what you
know I nyour mind u shud be doing and regulate urself accordingly to make urlsef do it and follow it.. u
nowi nur mid nwaht oyu need ot od so oyu only tell urslef instruct urself enage inself-regualtio provide
reg thgotuh I nstrcution and command to amek urself od it nad ofllwo it u dotn need oterhs to tell u u
understand what ot od n u know I nur mind wht u need to od so u only tell urself nad regulate urself n
maek urlsef do it and folwo it.

So tht u know in ur mind wht u shud n shud nt be doin n reg urself accrdlytomke urself do it n floow it

Un eed to keep in mind what yo ushud nshudn ot be doing and accordingly regautel yorusefl to make
urlef do it and follow it cause ifu have forgotten what oyu ned to od n tis not thehre in your mind then u
wont reguatle yourself accordingly hence u wotn do it nad follw oit.. just cause u know I nur mid nwaht
u need ot od doesnto mean thht u will think accordingly on your own automatically and od it nad follw
oit … u need to act on ti u need ot regautel yourself accoridnlgy by providing reguatlory htoguths isn’t sn
commands to maek urle do t I nad follw oit… provide reg thgotus h instructions nad commdnads to
make urlsef do it and follow it.

U need to prog ur mind input fed in the info so tht u knw in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be doing n
accordingly reg urself by provng reg thghts insts n comnds to mke urself do it n follow it.

U need ot kee pin mind things like ushud not be thinking of othe hritngs ushud nto be doing oterh
htigsn u shud be doig nwrk n imp things etc.. and accrodinlgy enge isnefl reguatlion and reg ur thinking
nad your actions stop urself from thinking n doing thigns hth u knowi nur mind ushud nto eb doing n
make urself do thigns htht u know I nur id n ushud be doing.
U need to keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud not be doin n acocridnlgy reguatle yorusefl to make urself do
it andfollow itand accordingly reguatle yoru thinking and your actions.

Once u know understand and figure out what oyu need to do inorder ot regulate ursel then it becomes
U know I nur mid nwhat you shd nhsud nto be odign so accordingly enage I nsefl-regualtion to enforce I
t upn urself ot make urslef do tin ad follow it

U need to keep in mind what u shud nshud not eb doing and accordingly cosnnstaly enage I nself
regautlion to maek urself do ti and follow it!
U need ot keep in mind what u shud nshud nto be doig nand accordingly cosnntslay egultae yorusef to
maek urslef do it and follow it ot enforce it upon urself! Engage I nself regautlion

U need to keep I nmidn rememrb what yo uhsud nshdn otbe doing nad accoridngly regualte yoruself t
maek urself do ti and follow it!

You need to keep I nmidn what oy ushud nshudn ot be doing so thth u rmeebr u know I nyour mind
what u need to do … and acfrodignly reguatel yoruslef enage I nself reguatlion to maek urlsef do it
nad follow it. To enforce it upon uer self n maek urself do ti and follow it.. u know I nur md I nwhat u
needo t od so u only tell urself reguatle yorusefl to make urlsefdo ti andfollwo it. To cntro lruself.

How u canstp ursefl form doing oteh rhitngs unimp thgisn n make ur self do imp thgisnn things thth u
know in u rmi dn u shud be doing… how u can stop urslef form thinking of oterh htigsn nuimp thgisn
make urself think of wrk n imp thgisn….

Why u do unimp things in teh first place? N think fo other htigsn? Its casue you have an impsulvie
memeory tht tells u to do oterh htigsn unimp thgisn tht overrides the sesneible memeory where I nu
know u hsud not be doing to her htigsn n u have imp tgisn to od n u shud be doing imp thgisn the
impsuvle memeory is too strong compare do t the sensible memeory nad so to reguatle yorusefl you
need ot oreguaetl the impuslvei thinking the impsulvie part of the mind and the impsulvieactions tht
u know I nru seensibel memory u shud not be doing n thinking. And reg ur actions amek ursel do
things tht h u know I n ur sensible memory u shdu be doing n thinking.

U need to regulate ur thinking and ur actions, stop ursefl from thinking of other htigsn make urslef
think fo work and imp things , ressits impuslvie thogtsh tht u get I nur mind due to the impulsive htth
tell you to do other things unimp thgisn tht u know I nur senessibelmemory u shud not be doing, u
need to reguatel yoru actions, stop urslef from doing unimp things tht u kow I nur mid n ushud not be
doing but u do as ur impuslvei thogtush tell you to do, make urslf do imp thigns tth u know in ur mid
n ushud be doing. And make urself do thing htht u know I nur mind u hsud be doing.

To stop urself from dign other htigsn thht u know I nr mid n ushud not e doing but why you do other
htigsn I nteh fifrst place? Lack of self control? Why u don’t odimp thgisn tht u know I nur mid n ushud
be odign instead u do other thgisn? Why? Its cause of the impsuvle mind htth tells u to od other thgisn
thth ur berain enjoys doing. So u neeed to enange I nsefl regautlion to stop urself form doing other
htigns impuslve thigns htth ur rbain tells u to od and maek urslef do work and imp things. Hth u know
inur mid n ushud be doing tis like trying to change the flwo of water it takes a lot of effort caue u get
distracted . as ur impusvle thgotush tell u to od otehrh tigsn thh the brain e enjoys doing and so u
need ot constantly enage I nsefl reguatlion.

Selfregualtion is not just about making urslef do what oyu know I nyour mid nu shud be doing! Its also
about cnstnantly ressitign impsuve thgotush htth tell u to od otehrh tigns unimp thgisn, and resisting
impsulve actions thth u o due ot the impsulve thoguths htth tell u to do other htigns uimp thgsin… so
u need ot know what oyu needo to do u need ot ocnsntnatly enage I nself reguatlion to stop
urslefform doing unimp thgisn thht ur impsuvlethogtush tell u tood brign ursel f back o nteh right
track o nteh right path, resists say nto ot impsuvle thogtush thth tell u to do otherh itgns unimp

To reguatle yourself u need ot reugalte yourhtinkign resist impsvle thogtush thht tell u to od oteh
hritngs n reguatle yoru acitosn stop urslef form doing impsuvle thigns .i norder to control and
reguatel yoursefl you need t ocnsntlaty reguatele ur thinking ur htinkgi nad our actions be awrar efo
the thgotsh going on I nur mind and restis say njo to impsuvel thogtus tht tell u t odo other htignsu
nimp things it’s a cosntnat process , resist impsulve acitosn arising form implsuvvie thgotus h thth tell
u to do other htigns.
Know what u need to do ot control ursfel and reguatle yorusefl
To stop urslef from doing otehrhtinsg hth ur impsuvle thogutsh tell u to do
Connslty enagei nselfregualtion to stop urself form doing oteh rhtgisn thht ur impsuvle thgotush tell u
to od but u know in ur sensible memmeory u shud nto be doing. To make ursef do imp things n thigns
thht u know I nur selnsible meme u shud be doing..

If u give in to ur miplivse thogutsh if u dot nresist them if oyu don’t regu urslf then u ill be ut of ocntorl
say no dotn waste ur time doig thht now get ot work u needo to cnsntalty regulate yorusefl.. control
resist be are s of the htogtsh goin o ni n ur mdi nwhat thoguths u get tell ing you to od hwat and
accordingly ressit say no to impuslve thgotush thth tell u to do otehrh itngs unimp thgisn..
If u igve I nto the impsuvel thgotush n dotn resit them n elt yourself go free to od what ur impslvuve
thogtush tell u to od then u will end u doing oteh rhigns unimp thgisn thht u know u shud nto be doing
n u will end up out of control. N so u need ot say not o n resit htose impuvie thgotush retrain refrain
thth tell ut odo othr htigns unimp thgisn!
How to ocntorl urslef reguatle yorusefl stop urslef form thinking ndoing othherh tigns n make urslef
do ur wrk n imp thgisn! What u need ot od how t reg urself hwo the process of reg works!
Say no to other htioguths htht tell u to od otehrh tigns unimp things as u know I nur mid n ushudnt be
doing ti. N u have wrk nad imp thgisn to do !
U know inur mdi nthht u shud not be wasting time odign oterh tigns so tell urslf don’t waste time
doing all tth now focus o nimp things u can o lal tht later on as well do whats imp… n leave everything

U neeed to know what u need to do to regulate ncontrol urself u need to resist say no to implsive
thoughts tht tell u to do otherthing n stop impulsive actions tht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing
n keep in mind wht u need to do to reg urself ht u shud eresist impulve thoughts n actions n accrdgnky
regulate urself enage in self regulatn to resist implsive tghts n actions.

Inorder to regulate yourself u need to control and reguatel yoru thinking and your actions

The process of regulation (Memory and self-regualation) VS something that gets regulate and needs
to be regulated

Why you do other thigns? Unimp thigns? You do other htigsn unimp thgis cause your impsulve mind
tells u to do oterh htigsn cause it enoys doing it althoguhg thgose things are nto imp, n so u need ot
consntantly eange in self regulation to stop urself from doing otherhtigns nimp thgisn tht u knowi nur
mid n u shud not be doing, but u do them as ur impulsive mind nd thogtush tell u to do them, and as
u know I nur mid nthth u need to cosnntalyenage I nself reguatlio t omkae urslelf stop doing them. N
uknwo I nru mid ntthh u need ot eneage I nself reguatlion cosnntaly enage ins elf reguatlion to stop
urself for mdoign those impuslve things thth ur impuslve mind tells u to od and to maek urslef do
things thth u know u shud be odign n so u enage inself reagutio nocnsnatly to keep rslef o ntrack.

Why u do otherh tigns instead of imp things u do other htigns as u r impuslve thogtush tell u to od o
other hitgns u knwoi n ur mid nthth u shud nto be doing toherh tigsn n unimp thgisn as u have work to
odn more impt hgisn to od so cosnntaly enegae I nself-regualtion to stop urself formd oign
otehrhtignsn make urlsef do work nad imp things.

Enage I nself-reagultion to stop urslf from doing impuslve things unimp thgisn thth u do as ur impsulve
mind thgotush tell u to do but thth u know I nur mid n ushud not be doing

U do other htigsn as ur impuslvie mind tells u to od otherhitgns unless and untoill u dotn rpivde
reguatloryh toguths isn’t and ocmmadn telling ruselfto stop doing otherh tigns u will continue ot od
other thigns… u know I nur mind u shud nt be odign tehrh tgns waste time doing otherh thgisn and so
accordingly conancnatly reguatle yourself to stop urslefform doing other htigns and maek urself do
oyur work and imp things .
So accoridnlgy reguatel yourself to stop urslffrom doing otherh tigns unimp thgins thth uknowi nur
mid n shud nto eb doing.

U do other htigns unimp things cause ur impsluve mind ur htgoutsh tell u to do otehrhitgns
U know inur mid nthth u shud not be odig notehr htigsn unimp thgisn so accoidngly reguatle
yoruseflto stop ursefl frm doing unimp thgisn n make urslef do imp thgisn. If u dotn regulate yorusefl
ten u will continue to do it… u need a thoguth telling u to stop doing ti for u to stop doing it.
Consnatly ennage inself-reguatlion to stop urslef frm dign otehrh tigns thth u know I nur mind ushd
not be oding. To stop urslef frm doing otherh itgnsu nimp thgisn thth uknwo I nur mid n ushud not be
odign n maek urself do things thth u know I nur mid n ushud e boding.

U need otocnsntalty enae I nself reguatlio nto stop ursefl from doing htigsn thht uk now in ur mid n
ushud not be odign n maek urslef do things thth u know I nur mind u shud be doing.
U do other htignsh cause ur impsuvle thgoutsh tell u to do them… hw ot st urslef fromd ign unmp thgisn
namek urslefdo wrk n imp things! U need to enage in slef regatlion . to stop urself frm doing otheh

“U need to ocnsntlaty enage inselfregualtion to stop urslef form doing otehrh tigns thth u know I nur
mid n ushud not be doing n maek urlsef do things thth u know I nur mid n uhsud be doing. Inorder to
stp urslef u need a reguatleoryh togtush telling rseufl to stop otherhwise oyu will continue ot od it.”

U need ot enange in cosntnat self-reguatlion to stop urslf ofrm doing ohtehr htigsn nmkaeurlsef do oyur
work and imp thgisn. To eguatle your actions! If oyu odtn enane inself reualgiton you will be out of
control! Lack of selfe-reguatlion and oyu will be out of control u will end up doing things thth u shud not
be doing tht ur impsuvlie thgoutsh thll u to od nad not od things thth u shud be doing

The process of regautlion: U need to keep I nmind what ushudnshud not be doing things like u shud not
waste time doing oterh htigsn unimp thgisn and accordingly reguatelyorusefl t maek utrself do it and
follow it … stop urself form doing otehrh thing n make urslef do u wrk n imp things.

U know I nur midn htht u shud not waste ur item doing other htignsn unimp thgisn n so u reg ursefl
accoidngly n hecne stop urslf rom doing othehritgns unimp thgisn.

U shud keep in mid nwaht u shudn shud nt be odign os thht u know I nur mind what u shud nn shud nt
be doing nad accordingly enage I nself-reguatlion to maek urslef do ti and follow

U shud keep in mid nwaht u shudn shud nt be odign os thht u know I nur mind what u shud nn shud nt
be doing nad accordingly enage I nself-reguatlion to reguatle yor self ur thinking and ur actions and
make urslf do ti and follow it what u know I nur id nu shud be doing n shud not be oding.

U need to remeeber kep in mind wht u shud nshud not be doig so thth u know inur mid nwht u shud
nshud nt be doing n accoridngly enage inself regaultion ot make urlsef do it andfolow it

rmmeber thigsn like u shud not waste ur time doign otehrhtigns unimp thgisn, u shud not sleep ,relax
alze around nad waste ur ime...
u know in ur mindwht u shud n shud notbe doing so accdngly enge ns e;lf regult to mke urself do it n
follow it

u know in ur mnd wht u shud n shud not be doin so accrdnglyconstly enage in self regulatn to mke urself
do it and follow it to stop urself frm doing other things unimp things mke urself do r wrk n imp things tht
u kow in ur mindu shud n shud not be doing.

U know inur mid nthth u shudnot be odign oterh htigns so accoirndgly enage in slefreguatlion to
reguatle yorusfl stop yourself form doing toerh htigns

U need ot remember keep I nmidn what u shud nshd not be doing so htth u remmebr its there I nur
mid nu know I nur mid nwhat yo ushud nshud not be doing thigns like ushud not think of othrhetigns
u shd resist imusvle thgotush htth tell u t odo otehrh tigns u shud not waste tiem doing unimp thgisn
u need ot work fast u shud do otehrhtigns nat otehrh tiems so htht u know I nur mid nu remember its
terheh in ur mid nwhat yo ushud nshud nto be doing n u reguatle yourself accordingly ot maek urlesf
do tin ad follow it if its not hthre in urmidn if u have forgotten then u will nto reguatle yorusefl
accordingly n hence u wont od it nad follow it!

U need to coannstly ennage inself reguatlio nto amek urself do n follow wht u know inur mdi n uhsd
be doing just cause u know doesn’t mean u will do ti u need a thgotush isntruciton commands telling
isntrcutiong urslef ot od it … to maek urself strt or stp doing it ! if u don’t provide theht thgotuh u
wont od it… u need a thgotuh telling u to od it for u to strat or stop doing certia nthgisn!

U need ot resist impsulve thoughts thth tell u t ot d ootehrhtigsn n stop urslef form thinking of
otehrhtigns u need ot resist impsuvel actiosn htth u do due to impsuvle thogtush thth tell u to od
otehrhtigsn unimp thgisn… by enangeing inc osntnat selfregautlion ot stop urslef form thinking tf
otehrhtigns n doing otehrhtigns impsuvle htigsn n stop impulsive thgotush thth tell u to od

Regualte and control your mind ur thinking:-

Inorder to regulate your self u need ot reguatle and control ur mind tht is regulate and control ur
thinking stop urslfform thinking of otherhtigns make urslef think fo wrk and imp things, think of what
ot think of, resist imosuve thgotush thth tell u to do oterh htigns, ur actions are a result of the
thgouths goin on I nur head to regulate your actiosn u need to regulate the thgoutsh htth tell u to do
other htigsn impulsive thigns.

Regualte and control your actions:-

Inorder to regulate your self u need ot reguatle and control ur actions stop ursefl form doing
otehrhtigns unimp things thth ur implsive mind tells u to od, tht u knowi nur mid n ushud not be
doing, but u do them cause ur implsuve mind tells u to ode m, and stop urself from doing other htigsn
htht u know I nur mind u shud not be oding, make urself do thigs thht u know I nur mind u shud be

U know I nur mind thht u shud not be thinking of otherh tigns n think of rk n imp thigns n tht u need
ot enage inself reguatlio nto stop urself form thnkign fo otherh tigns, so accoridngl y eange in self
reguatlion and regulate yourself to stop urself form thinking fo otherh tigns.
U know I nur mid nthht u shud say not otresist impsulve thogtush thth tell u to od ooterh htigsn
unimp thigns thth u know I nur mid nare unimp to prenet urlsef form doing unimp things and htht u
need to reguatle userlsf eange inself reguatlio nt osto resitst thsese thgotsh n stop urself form doing
unimp thiggns so accordingly enage I nslfregauliton to resist say no to impuslve thogtush n stop urslef
form doing other htigsn unimp thgins.

To reguatle yur thinking ur mind u need ot be aware of the htogutsh goin on I nur mind nad
accordingly regautle yoru thinking.

U know I nur mind thht u shud not be doing unimp thigns and tht u need ot enage inself reguatlio
nthth is rpovde reg thgotuh inst n commands to make urlsef stop doing othehr itngs n unimp things
and so accordingly enage I nslfregauliton to resist say no to impuslve thogtush n stop urslef form
doing other htigsn unimp thgins.

U need ot constantly eange ins elf regautlion to regulate your thinking and ur action tht is stop urself
form thiknkign n doing otehrhtigns unimp thgisn thth u knwk in ur mid n ushud not be oding n maek
urself thinkn do thgisn thth u know inur mid n ushud be doing.

U ennaegei ns self reguatlion cause u know I nur mid n uneed ot enage isnelf reguatlion
U resist impuslve thogtush , and stop urself form doing unimp things as u knowi nur mid nthht u need
ot ressit impsulve thgotuhs.

U know I nur mid nthth u shud not do oterh htigns so u need ot connstly enage in self reguatlion to
stop urself from doing oterhhtigns.

U need to cosnnstlya engage ins elf reguatlion inorder to stop ursleffomr doing oterhhtigsn resist
impsuvle thgotush tht tell ur to do othretigns, to maek urself do things tht uknow I nur mid n ushud
be doing etc.. as u kn0ow I nur mind u shud not be doing oterh htigns n say no to thguths tthh tell u to
od other thgisn. If u don’t enage I nself reguatlion uwill be out of control.

U neeed to ocnsnstaly eange isnelf regautlion to control and reguatle yoru thinking and ur actions to
stop urslef form thinking fo otehhrings maek utselr think for k n ip thgisn to resist impsuvle thgotuhs
to stop ruselfform doing oterh htigsn thth u know in ur mid n ushud not be doing r impsuvel thguths
tell u to od to maek urelsf d oyour work and imp thgisn thth u kow I nur mind u shud be oding. If u
don’t enage isnelf-reguatlion u wil be out of control.

The process of reguatlion: u need ot keep I nmidn what u shudn hsudn ot be odign n accordingly
eange isnelf-regauliont ot maek urslef do it and follow it to enforce it upon urlsef n makeurlsefdo it
nad follow it

“Inorder to regaulte yourself u need to control and reguatle your thinking and your actions “

Be aware of the thogtuh s goin o ni n your head what impsulve thogths u get telling u to od what n
resist say no to the impsuvle thgotush thth tell you to do oterhhtgsn unimp things, enage isn
elfreugaltion regautel your thinking no don’t waste your time odign thth now! As u know in ur mind I
nur sensible ememory thth u need ot be oding imp things
U know I nur mind what you shud nshud not be doing, thinking etc… n so accordingly connanstly
enage ins elf reguatlion to reguatle tour thginkign and actiosn na d maek urslef think n do what you
know I nru mid n ushud be thinking n ndoing.

The process of regautlion:-

u need ot keep I nmind what u shud nshud nto be doing so htht u know inr mdi nwhat u need to od n
accordingly enage insefl reguatlion consant selfreguatloion to amek urselfdo ti and follow it. To resist
imspulve thogtush nad actions prevent urslefofrm straying brign urslefbackeverytiem u stray, make
usr elf do what u knowu need ot be doing.

U know I nur mid nthth u hsud not be thinking fo otherhtigns so accordingly regulat oyuslre to sop
urself form thinking fo otehrhtigns. Provide regulatory thgotush isntruciton command to stop urslf for
mthinkign fo other thgisn

U know I nur mind thh u shud not waste tiem doing unimp thgisn so accordingly reguatle yourself stop
urself from doing toerhtignsthigsn thth ur impulvs emind tells you to do .

U need to kee p inmidn so thth u know wht u shud nshdu not be doing and hence accordingly u need
ot enage inself regaltion to amek urself do it n follw oit if its not terhe I nur mid nthe nu wont reguatle
oruself accordingly and so u wont do it

If you dotn cosnntaly enage inself reguatlion then you wlill be out of ocotnrol cause u will end up
thinking ndoign what ur impsuvel thgotush ell u t odo n donign what u know inur mdi n ushud be

U know inur mid nthth u hsud not be wasting tim doing unimp thgisn so saccoridngly reguatel yorusf
provide reg thgotush instrucitosn and ocmmnad to stop urslef form doing otehrhtignsn make urlsef
do ur work nad imp things!

Cosntnalty enage in sefl regautlion to stop urslef form thinking n ndoign otehrhings thth ur imspveil
mind telels u to do tht u know inur mid n ushud not be doing n make urself think n do things tht u
know inru sensible memory u shud be doing.

Why you do what yo udo ? as u know I nur mind wht to od and so you thiknk accordingly u reg urslffe
accordingly n nahce u do
Why u don’t do wht ushudnt do? As u know inur mid nththt u shudnt do thth so u think accordingly
and hece you stop ursleffrom doing it or dotn do what u shudnt do.
U know I nur midn htht u shud not be wasting time doing otehrhtigns os acoridnlgy u enae inself
reguatlion to stop urself from doing otherhtigns unimp thgins!

Final stuff: -

Process of regaultion (memeory and thinking)

If u don’t cosntnalty enage inself reguatlion then you will be out of control u need ot
ocnsatnly eenage I nself regautlion to stop uself form doing oterhitgnsthigns thth ur impsuvle
mind tells u to do to prevent urselfform doing thigsnthth ur impulsive mind teslls u to do … if
u don’t constantly enage in self-reguatlion uwill be out of ocntorl. To keep urslef on the pat h
to oyur goal tht is doing the thgisn working tords ur gols doing things tht u know u hsud be
doing , to brinf g urelf back everytime u straty t ostop urslef form straying getting distracted
doing oterhhtigsn diverted, thinking fo otehrhtigsn focusing urmidn o notehrhtings.

Just cause u know I nur midn destn mean thth u will thin kaccoridnlgy and do ti! U need to act
on it cosnnstly enage inself reguatlion to amek urelf do ti and follow it resist impsulve
thgouhts tahth tell you to do oterhhritgns , to stop urself from doig ntoehrhtigsn unimp thgis
tht ur impslvem ind tells u t o do n cnosntntaly engage in self regautlion.

U know inur mid nthth u shudnt be oding it but how to make urself stop doing ti? U need to
enage in cosntnat self regulation so act on it! To maek urslef stop doing certaint things and
make urself do ur work nad imp thgisn if u dotn enage inself reguatlio nthe n uwill be out od
ofo control uwont do what u are supposed to be doing n u will do things thth uare nto
supposed to be doing!

U know I nur mind thth u shud nt be odign toerhrhignsn thth u need ot enage in self
reagultion provde reguatlory thgotuh command instructions telling usefl to stop doing
othetigsn to force urself to stop doing oterhtigns n maek urslefdo ur work nad imp thgisn so
accordingly u enage I nself regautlion to stop urslef form doing toehrhtigns. Cause t stop
urself u need a thought telling ruself to stop doing it. To amek ulsef stop doing ti provede htth
thought instrucitosn and command telling nruself to stop csntlty eange inself reguatlio
naccoridng to what u know ushud shud nto eb doing nthink t omake urslef stop or do ceatin
things. U neeed to enange in self reagultio nto make urslef stp doing wht u kknwo inur mid n
ushud not be doing or make urself do what u neknwoi nur mdi n ushud be oding. Regaulte
urself accoridngly oterhwsie u wont do it! Just cause u know I nur mid ndoesnt mean u will
thin kauotmatically n do ti u need to act onti cosnntlay enagne inself reguatlion to amek
urself doti and follow it to enforce it upon urslef!. U know in ur mid nthth u hsud not be odign
otehrhtigns so accordingly engage inself reguatlio nt ostop urslef form doing it!

U knoe I nur mid nwht u shud nshud nto be doing soaccoridnlgy enage in self reguatlin to
maek urslef dio ti and follow it! U need to enage inself –regautloion to stop urself frm doing
oterhhtigsn nmake urself do thigs tth u know I nru mdi n uneed otbe doig. How to maek
urslef stop odign wht u know inur mid n ushud not be doing n how ot maek ursefl do things
tht uknowi nur mdi n ushud be doing.
U need to kee p inmidn so thth u know wht u shud nshdu not be doing and accordingly
enage inself regaltion to enforce it onurself to maek urslef do ti and follow it…. amek urself
do it n follw oit if its not terhe I nur mid nthe nu wont reguatle oruself accordingly and so u
wont do it

U know htth u shud not be dign otehrhigngs so accoridngly ocnsnsty enage in sefl reguatlion
provide reg thgouth inst and commnads to stop urlsef form dign otehrhtignsthigsn namek
urlsefdo ur work and imp thigns!

Regautle yorusefl I nroeder to make urself stp doing otherhtign inrder to stop ursfle form
doing otehrhtigsn hth uknow I nur mid n ushud nto be doing namek urslef do thigns thth u
know inur mid n ushud be odign

U know inru mid nwhat u hsud nshud not be odign os accoridngly u only tell ruselfregate
urself isntruct urselfto maek urslef od it nad follw oti! U need ot enage isnelf regulation thth
is provide regulatory htgouth inst command telling urslef ot stop odign otehrhigns n maek
urself u imp thgisn

U know in ur mid nwhat ushud nshud nto be doing os how to make urslfe do it and follow it…
by enageing in sefl –regulation!

Enagein in self reguatlion I norder ot stop urslfform doing thgisn tthh u know I nur mid n
ushud nto be doing n maek urslf od things thht u know in ur mid n ushud bedoing u know
what u hsud nshdu nto d oso u only tellurslef to do it n maek urself do it and follow it

As u know I nur mind thth ushud not be doing toerhhtigsn so accordingly enage isnelf
regulation to stop urself to make urslef stop doing otehrhigns .

Inorder to stop urslf or make urself do certain things uneed a thoguth command instruct
telling ruself to od oso otehrhiwse u will constinue to o do it…

U kniw in ur mid nwht u shud nshudn ot do so accordingly direct urself instruct urself
ocmamadn urlsef to maek urself do ti and follow it

u need ot keep i nmin wht u shud nshud not be doign so thht u remebr u knwo i nur mid nwht
u hsud nshdu nto bbe doign nad accordignly reguatle yosuerl f enage isnelf reguatlion to
enforce I on urslef and to mamek urself do ti and flowo it!
Enage in self regautlion cosnnstly inroder to amek urself do wht u know I nur mind u shud be
What is the issue, where are you going wrong… why are you not doig nwhat you are
supposedto be doing? Is it because you have forgotten what oyu need to od and its no longer
there in your mind what you need to be doing OR you know I nur mind what you need to do
its there I nyur mind what you need to od but you are not acting on ti not regaultign yourself
accroidngly to maek urslef do ti and follow it.

Just cause u know I nur mid nwaht uneed to do doesnto meantht you will think accordingly
and regautle yourself automatically on your oown think accordingly automatically on ur own
and od it and follow it. You need to act o nti you need ot regaule yorusefl accordingly b
itnetionally , knowingly proividngreugaltory htogtush isn’t and command to maek urself do
what oyu know I nur mid n ushud be oding.

Cnsntaly enage in self reguatlio nt ostop urself form dign n thinkgi nfo toerhhtigsn tht u know I nur
mid n ushd not be thinking of n doing n to make urslef do n think of theigns hth uknow I nur mid n
ushud be oding that is to reguatle your thinking nur actiosn n to maek urslef do n thin kwht u know I
nur mdi nu shd be odign nhtinkignn stop urself form doing nthinking what u knw inur mid n ushud
not be doing nthinking.

You need ot know hwo the brain works how the human mind woorsk nad what oyu need ot od I
norder ot reguatle nad octnrol rusefl.

U need to constantly enge in self regult to stop urself frm doin othr things tht u know in ur mind u
shud not bedoing but ur impulsvee mind thghtstell u to do n to mke ursefl do things thht u know I nur
mid n ushud be doing.Direc t urslef instruct urslef command urself reguatle urself .

Keep in mind what u shud n shud not do so tht u know I nur mind wht u shud n shud not be doin… n
accrodingl enage in self-regulation to maek ursefl do ti and follow it… u know in ur mind tht u shud
not be thinking of other things so accordingly tell ursefl stop thinking of other thigns n get to work.

U know inur mid nthth u shud not beodign otehrh tigns unimp thgisn n u need ot be odign ur rwrk n
imp thgisn so enage insefl regautlion tell uresfl otn waste ur doing doing unimp thgisn noe get to wrok
to stop urself frm doing unimp things n maek urself get to work.

U know inur mind what u shud nshdud not b e doing so accoringy legualte yorusefl by enagein I nself
reguatlion to make urself do it and follow it.. Well lets nto waste tiem lets get to wrok

U shud keep in ur mid nwaht ushd nshud nto eb doing things like u need ot work fast and not slow , u
shud nto awste tiem doing unimp things etc.. so thht u remember u knowi nur mind what u shud n
shud not be doing and u need ot reguatle yourelf accordingly to maek urself do it and follow it

Keep in mind htigsn like uneed to work fast u shud nto waste ur time doing oterhhtigns uiimp thgisn u
need ot put ur mind ot it totally think fo ti cosnntlaty.

Keep I nmind what u shud n shud not be doing so thth u know I nur mind what u need to do and
accordingly eguatle yorusefl to enforce it on urslef and to maek urself do ti and follow it
When uthink fo doing oterhhrigns “lets see fb” and the ngo ot do otehrh tigns thth is tun o nfb “ As u
know I nur mid nu shud not be odign otehrhitgns and u need to regutle yorusefl enage in slf –
regautlion inorder to make urself stop doing otehrhtings tht uknow in ur mid nu shud nto be odign so
you tell ursefl “ don’t do oterh htigsn now, it’s a waste of time”

U knowi nur mid nthht u need to reguatle yourself inoreder to maek urself stop doing othehritgns tht
u knowi nur mid n ushud bnot be odign os u tell ruself “don’t wase t yoru time odign all thth get back
to work”
Keep in mind so htth uk now inur mid nwht u shud n shud not be doing n the naccoridngly enaege
inself reguatlion to make ruself do it n follow it
U know I nur mid nthht u need to be wrkin fast so accordingly regulate urself tell urself get t owork
faast be quick get it done fast and quickly to amek ursefl do ti and follow it.

Think f our wrk n imp things like how to od it how to go about it wht wil we do here first how ot od it
how ot go about it and os on dot think of unimp thgisn.

U knowi nur mid nthth u need to ressits impuslve thoguths thth tell u to do oterhhrintgs , n ththu
shud not be doing otehrhtignsn thth u need to enage insefl reguatlion to ressits those thgotush cacnel
or override those timpsuvle thgotush n intrstucions nad so wehnver u get a thgout command inst hi
nur mid nto do oterh htigsn u tell urself no dot n waste your time doing oterhh tigsn now, u provide a
counter regautlroy thgouht cmand isn’t telling urself not ot do it to overired thth impuslve thought
thth tells u to do it.

No don’t waste ur time now ur time is imp u shud nto waste ur time doing oterhhtigsn

Feed I nmidn rmmenr keep I nmidn thht ur time is imp n nu shud nto waste ur time doing unimp
thigsnn accordingly regulate lurself to enforce it on urself.

u know i nr mid nthht u shud not waset ur time lazying sleepign relaxing or thinkign of orehtigs thgisn
or doign oterhtigns
n thht un eed ot reguatle yorusefl to maek urself do it nad follw oit
so accordingly reguatle youresf tell ursefl
get up and get to work dont waste ur time lazing sleepingrealxing stop thinking of o tehr htigns
inorder ot stop uresl f rom sleepign alzing nmake urslef get up and get ot work

u know in ur mid nthth u need to be workign fast n u know htht uneed ot eage inself reaultion provide
reg thgotuhi nst command to regautel yourself to maek ulesf do ti and follwo it so acoridnlgy
enage in self reguatlion n make ursefl do it adn follow it... tell ursefl... work fast get it done quickly no

u knwo inur midn wht u shud nhsud nto be doign so accoridngly eange in self reguatlion i nrodrer to
enfrce it on ursefl make urself do it and follw oti inorder t to make urself stop doign otehr htigsn n
make urslef do thigsn tth

impsulve uncontrollabel behaviour cuse u dotn knwo how ot stop urself form doign therh tigns thth ur
mimplsuve mind tells u too d n make urself od thigsn tthh u knowi nur mid nu hsud be doing.. u dont
knwo hwoot reguatle n control ursefl
cause u dont knwo hwo ot make urslef stop doign thigsn thth ur impsuvel midn tells u to od but u
knwo i nur mid nu hsud not be doign n how ot make urself do thigsn thth u knwo i nur mid n u hsud
be odign u need ot nenage in self -regautlio nfor that provide reg thgouths commadn isnt tellig
nurself ot stop doign it or to do it.

u knwo i nur mid nwhat u shud nshud nto be odign s accoridngly enage isnelfreguatlion inorder ot
maek ulsef do it and follw oti ot enforce it upon urslef

u know i nur mid nwhat ushud n shud not be doign so accoridngly eanfgne in self -reagultion to
enforce it upon urslefn nmaek urself do ti nad follwo it

just cause u know i nur mid nwhat u need ot od wht u shud nshud not be doign doesnt mean thth
uwil think accordingly automatically on ur own reguatel yorusefl accoridngly and do ti on ur own... u
need ot enage in eslf-regautlion t om ake urslef do it and follwo it .. u need to knwoingly intionalylyl
purpose provide regualtory thgouhts inst and commadn to make urlsef do it and folwo it u need ot act
on thht informatio n tht u know i nur mind u shud n shud nto ebodign nad on teh basis of htht enagge
in self reguatlion tht is intioanlly proivde reguatlroy thgotush inst n ocmmand inorder to maek urself
do it and follwo it.

just cause u knwo i nur mid ndoesnto meanth hu will do it u need a thogtuh commadn isnt tellign
ruself to od it for u to od it or to stop doign it for u to stop odign it and by enaging in self reagution u
provide thth thgotush ocammdns direction instrucitons to aek urslef stop doign a cetain thgisn or
make urslefod a certain thigsn thth u know i nur mid n ushud nshud ntobe doing thaht is to cotnrol
urself u enage inself regaulutaion.

its liek Radio ocntrol car u knwo i nur midn thth u neeed ot tur n right then turn leftso oyu mve the jo
stick rgith hten left to give the directions commands to the car to trun right nthen turn left thth is to
ocntro lteh car ou control the car so by enageing in self-regautlion u provide thth thgoutht
instrauction adn commadns nad driectin to direct nad regautle and to ocntrol urself

u knwo inur midnwaht u shud nshud not be odign so accoridngly enage i nself regautlion proviede
rege thgoth insrt and commadns inorder ot enforce it on urself to maek urslef do ti and fllwo it

The rpocess of regatlion:

wht u need to do inorder to regautel yoursefl
u need to feed in input keep in mid in ur memeory waht u shud nshud not be doing os thth u knwo
inur midn what u need to od what ushud nshud nto be doing and accrodignyl consnantly enage in
self regautlion proficvede regautlroy thguht instruction and commadns directions driect ursefl self
inorder to amke rusefl do it and follwo it inorder to enforce it upon urself what u know i nur midn
ushud nshud not be doing.

what is the issue whay are you out of ocntrol why are u doign oterhhtigsn n not doign what u are
supposed to do ?
is it cause u have forgotten waht u need to od tht is its not there in ur mid nwaht u need to do OR u
know i nur mdin what uneed to od but u ar e not actign o nit u are not eangen i nself -regualtion to
enforece it on ursefl to amek urself do ti and follwo it whtu kow i nur mid n u need ot be doin.
just cause u knowi nur mid nwaht to od have this info in u rmidn what oto d dosent meanth ht u will
automatically do it .. cause this info is toredi nur mid ntis static u need ot act on it... the info is jus
stored in ur midn its there ints static .. u need ot act o nthis info .... u need ot enagei nsefl regautlio
nthth is procivdede regulatory thgotus insit commadn direction to maek urself do ti and follw ot u
neeed a thgouht telling urself to do it and follw oit or to make urslef stop doign a certai nthgisn u
need a thgotuh tellign ursefl t sto stop doing it ... by egaing in self regautlion u proivde thth thgout...
by self reugation ucotnrol nad reguatle ursefl. by self regautlion u driect steer command urself u
eneage inself-regautlion to contrl ruself.

the process of regualion:

how ti works and what oyu need to do :
if its not there in ur midn if u have forgotten what u need ot od then you wont reguatle
yourselfaccoridngly nad so u wont do it and folwo it
as u knowi nur mind what u need to od and so oyu reguatle youserlf accoridngly ot make urslefdo it
nadfollw oit nad hence u do ti nad follwo it n so u need ot feed i ninput keep i nmidn waht u need ot
od so thth u rememebr u know i nur mid nwhat u eed ot od nad then reguatle oyuself accotirdngly on
the basis of thht to maek urself do ti and follwo it to enforce it upon urlsef.
what u need to do ot octnrol and reguatle oyursefl.

so keep in mid thigsn lieku need to owrk fast u need ot work cosnntalty t oachvie your goals u shud
not be doign toehrtigns

wh u do what u do n why u stop oding or dont do what u shudnt do

itscaues u know inur mid n waht to do n what not to do so oyu think accoridngly u enage in
slfregautlion acoirdngly u provide regualtoryh togtshcoammnd isnt direction to control and reguatle
yoruself accrdingly n ehcne u do it orstop urself dfor mdoign it.

know what u need ot od inorder to ocntrol urself inroder to reguatle n control ursefl hwo ot rgualte
and ocntrol urself stop urself dfrom doign otehrhintgs make urslef do thigsn thht u know u shd be
increase ur rpdcutivity. know hwo ot ocntor l nregutle ursl.
wht u need ot od ot control nreguatl eyourself .

eenage in self-regautlion i norder ot maek ursefl stop doing the thigsn thth u now i nur mid n ushud
not be doig n nmaek urlsef do thigsn thht u knwo i nur mid n ushud be odign provide a thgotuh isnt
commadns to maek urself sto p doign ti or make urlsef do it n folow it

u need ot ocnsntlay eange in self -regautlion inorder to maek urslef stop doign thigsn thth uknwo i nur
midn us hdu nto be doign ninorder ot amek ulsef do thgisn drive urlsef to od thigns thht u knwo i ur
mdn u shud be doing.

u need t ocostnnatly enage inself regautlion i ndoer to maek urslef stop odign htigns thht uknow i nur
mid nu shud not be doign n to maek urslefdo htigsn thth uknow i nur mid n ushdu be oding.

how ot make urslef do what u knwo i nur mdi n ushud be oding hwo to ocntrol urself reguatle
yoursefl? by enange in i nself reguatlion
cause u nee d soem form of cotnrol in oder to maek urself do the work to ahcvie ur gaol u need some
form odfo cotnrol u need ot kenw ohow ot ocntrol urslf inorder to be prodcutive do the owrk achvie

u know i nur mid nthht uneed ot eange in slf regautlion to maek urlsf do ti and follw oit thth i s
proivde reg thgotush inst comamdns to maek urslfe do it nad ofllwo it and os aoccoridngly enagei
nself regaultn itnetionally proivde reg thgotuh inst nad ocmaamndto maek urselfdoti and follw oit

u need ot enage inself regautlio nconcstly i norder to maek ruslef drive urself do things tht u knwoi
nur midn uhsud be odign n me urself stop doin things tht uknwo i nur mid n ushud not be doign

u knwo in ur mid nthht u ened ot enage inself reg to make urslef do thgisn wht u knwo i nur mid n
ushud be doing n to maek urslf stop doign thigsn thth u now i nur mid n ushud nto be doign so
accridngly enage i nself regautlion.

u knwo i nur mid nwaht ushud n shud not be doign so accrdignly enagei nselfreg to regualte yoursef
cotnrol rusefl n make urslef do it and ofllw oit

u knwo i nur mid nthth u shud not be odign otehr htigns n thht uneed ot enage inself regautlion to
maek urself stop so accoidngly enaege isnelf regautlion tell rusefl dotn waste ur tiem doign
toerhhtigsn now get ot work.

u knwo i nru mid nhth u ned to enage in self regautlio nprvede reg thgout hcommadn isntruction to
maek urslf stop doig o ehtherhigsn n to maek urself do thgisn dirive urself to do thgisn wht u knwo i
nur mdi nu shud be odign so accoridngly engae insefl regautlion htth is provide reg thgotus
hcomamdn n inst to amek urslef do ti or stop oding it

its not hth as u know nur mid nthth u shd be doign certi nthign nad so u enage in self regaution to
maek urself od it nad follwo it and hece u do it nad follwo it NO!

u know in ur mid nthth u shud be doing ceratin thign and u also knowi nur mid nhtht u need ot enegae
in self regautlion provide reg thogtuh ocmmand inst telling urself ot od it inorder ot maeke urself do it
and ofllwo it nad so u enage inself regautlion uintetioanlly proivde hte regulatory htoguht comamnd
instrucitons tel in urself to od it u reguatle ureslf cotnrol urself to maek urself do it and follw oit.
in shot u knwo inur md n u hsud be odign so u nag urself to d o it u dont need othehrs to tell u nag u u
tell urself isntruct urself nag urslef diret urselfto od it . self- tellign self-isntrucion elsfe nagging to get
urass from the bed get up and do it...
u dont have anyoe n to tell u to od it to get ur ass up the bed nad u have t get ur own ass up the bed.

engae in sef-regautlion to motivate ulsef to drive ursefl to do what u know i nur mind waht u shud be
doign. tell urself we need otget thsithings done fast qucikquick quick.

u wont get thsiopportunity aagainsoo make the most of it. take the rsiks no matter how
uncomfprtable u feel if u dotn take htersik if u dont go for it then you wont get anything. if u go for it
even if u are nto good at it ur chanes increase of gettign wht u wnat.
The process of regautlion:

u need ot feed i ninput i nur midn what ushud nshd nto be doign s o htht u know i nur mid nwhat u
shud nshud nto be doing and accoridngly enage in self regautlion thth is reguatle urself provide
reguatlory htgotush instructiosn nad commands to direct ursefl instrcut comamadn urslef inorder to
make urslef do it and follow it wht u knwo i nurmid n ushud be doing.

Early i nteh mornig n whe nu are fresh n energetic ur mid nis fresh eyes are fesh tehn u need to think
fo oyurwork u need to first od what is importnatn thth is u need ot od oyur work,
if u do otehr thgisn early i nthe mrning like exercise recreation etc... then you will get tired exhausted
n dull u end up spendign all ur effort nad enenrgy on oterhhrigsn and unimp thigns... ur eyes starrt to
get tired ur energy levle goes down you strat to fall asleep... ur body gets tired ur mind nolonger
works if you get up early in the mronign andspend all ur energy even thth first one hour exercising
and in recreaiton etc...u get straied ur eyes get straied adn ur enegy lelve gets drained u get basicall
exhauted ur mind gets exahusted and so when u wake up i nthe morning the first thing u shud do
after gettign ready having breakfast nad stuff u shud t immidietely get to work thin k fo ur work what
wrk to od plan ur day and all

the firsthign us hud do whe nu wake up and u hre ready teh nu shud do ur wrk and think fo oyur work
cause thh hsud be most impand thht shud be ur proirity and os u shud spend ur eenrgy and effort
towards that when u arefreash and eenrgetc ... if u do oterh thigns first teh nu will get tired adn
exhausted if u wake up in the morning and exercise the nu have cosnumed most of ur energy u are
drained strained, tired and hten u cannot work also if u wake up i nteh mornign and play gamesand
stuff the u r eyes get straied and u canno t do ur wrk then u fall asleep cause ur eyes nad head
getsstrained ...... so things like execrise recreation etc... u shud keep them for the night ... dotn waste
spend ur energy on thht i nteh morning or hte resot of the day ubecome tird sleepy exhausted slow
tired drianed straied sleepy odtn spend n waste ur energy.
on unimp thigsn early i te h mornngin wrk shud be ur proiroty and whats imp so think of ur wrk psend
ur slefnrgy on urwrok otehrh wise if u do otehrhtigns uwil get tired sleepy exahusted u cannto think
well and u cannto work well.
first thing when uwake up i nte morning when are fresh n ergetic is u need ot do oyurwork thts the
time when uare fresh u can think well
as the day wear out after 5 horus of wakign up u are as good oas tired
so durign the first 5 hours u shud be working not dainig nu energy into otehr thigsn unimp thgisn... n
then work whe nu are tired sleepy exxahusted nad ur mind doenst work u cannto think well nad u
cannot work well.. cannto do ur owrk proeprly as u cannto think properly.

the night tiem shud be kept for recreational aciitivtes and hte mornign tiem for work. keep thisi n
mind n reguatle urself acoridngl y say not ot otehr htigsn i nthe morning dotn do otehrhitngs in the
mornign even if ur brai nimuslve thgotush tell u to od.

u knwo i nur mid nwaht u shud n shud not be doign so accoridngly regautl urself eane i nself-
reguatlion to maek urslef do ti na follwo it
u knwo inur mi nd what u shud nshud nto be doign so accoridngly reguatle oursefl t maek urself do ti
and follwo it proivde regualtory htogtush commadn inst to make urself stop doign certian thgisn n
make urself do thgisn thth uknwo i nur mid n uhsud be doing. to engforce it on ursefl

u know in ur mid nwaht to to od n not todo so hwo ot maek urslef do it? by enage ins elf regualtion
provide reg thgoth comamadn isntrt direct urself ocmmadn istrct utselfto maek uself do it nad follow

enage in self regulation in order to stop uesrself frmd oing thngs tht u know in r mind u shud not e
doing inorder to mke urself stiop n to make urself do thngs tht u knw in ur mind u shud be doing.

u know in ur mind tht u need to enage in self-regulation inorder to contul urself make urself do or
stop doing wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud nt be doigg so enagege in self regatuion to mke urself
do it.

u knwo inur mid ntht u need ot engagae isnelf reagutlio n inorder to octnrol nreguatel yoursefl to
stop urslf to ame k ursefl stop doign what u knwo inur mdin u shud nto be dogin n make urslef do
thigsn thth u knwo i nur mid n ushud be doing.
u knwo inur mid nthth inorder to maek urslef stop doign what u know inur mdi n ushud not be doign
n maek urslef do thigsn thth u knw i nur mdi n ushud be oidng u ned toenage inself regautlion provide
reguat thgotuh commadn isntrcutions tellign ruself do so adn so u enage in self reautlion to ocntrol
nad regautel yorusefl u knwoidnlgy intetinally purspeoyl provide reg thgotu hisnt andcomamdns to
ocntrol and regautle utseerlf stop urslef dfrom doign oterhtignsn nmake urslef do thgsi u knwo i ur
mid n ushud be oding

Consntnly engae insefl reguatlio n inorder tomake urself stop doing wht u know I nur md n ushud nto
eb doing n to amek urslef do things thth u knwoi nur mid n ushd u be oding

U need ot cosnntly enage I nslf regutalion inorder tomake urself stop doing wht u know I nur md n
ushud nto eb doing n to amek urslef do things thth u knwoi nur mid n ushd u be oding inorder ot
control n reguatle ursefl ur actiosn n u r thinking.

What u ned to do ot reguatel urself and control ruslf first of all uneed t okeep I nmid nwhatu shud
nshud nto be doing so thth u know in ur mid nwaht otod and hten u need to enage inself reguatlion to
regaute land control ruslef htth si to maek urslef do ti and follow it.

The process of regulation:

You need ot keep in mind what ushud n shud nto be doing so thth u know I nur mid nwaht u need to
od if its nto rhee in ur mind hten u wont reguatel yourself l accordingly and you need to enage in self-
regautlion inroder to enforce it on urselfl in order ot maek ruslef do it n follw it, to control and
reguatel yorusefl ur thinking nnad action

well leyts not waste tiem lets get to work, focus o nthth don’t waste ur time doing oterhtigns getting

u know I nur mind htht u shud nto be doing other thigns and tht u need ot enage insefl-regautlion I
norder to amek urself stop and so you do when ufidn uselrf doing other htigsn tic curs to oyu tht u
shud not be doing otherh tigns and so unage I nsefl eguatlio nto maek urslef stop doing ti
u knw tht u shud not be doin oth thngs nu knw in ur mnd tht u need too engge in slfreg inorder to mke
urself stop doing it n so u do so unage I nsefl eguatlio nto maek urslef stop doing ti.

The process fo regautlion:

You need to keep inmidn what u shud nshud not be doing, keep I mid nwaht u need ot od so thth u
know I nur mid nwhat u need ot od u rmemebr it , and it occurs to oyu whe n udont do it and u
rmember I twen u dotn do what o yu are suppsoedto od it occurs to oyu, also so thaht u know I nur
what oyu have oto od… and then accordingly enage inself regautlion procivde rega thgotush
instrucitosn and commands inrteioanlly knwoign purpseoly I norder to make ursefl do what u know I
nur mid nu shud be oding inorder to enfcrece it upon yourself inorder to force urself inorder to maek
ureslf do and follow what oyu know in oyur mid n ushud nshudnnto be oding inorder ot reguatle
yourself control nreguatle yoru thinking n actions .

Keep in mind what u shud n hsud not be odign so o thht u know I nurmid nits thehr I nur mind uknwo
in ur mid nwaht uneed ot odo and accordingly o nteh basis of thht eange inself reguatlion inordeer to
maek urlse f d oti nad follow it.

Keep inmind things like u shud not thin kfo oterh htigns u shud not waste tiem doing unm p things

Just ause u know inur mid nwht need to do doesn’t mean htth u will automatically o nur own
thinkavccoridngly and eane nsef lreguatlio nregautel yourself accoridngyl and do it .

U need ot enage insefl regautlion thth is acto nwht u know I nru mid n u need ot od enge I nsefl
regautlio n I nroder to mae ktuserlf do ti and ofllw oit

u need to ocnsntly enage in self regautlio inorder to sstop urseflfrm doin wht uknow inur mid n u
hsudnt be doing n make urself do whatu knwo inur mid n u hsud be oding.

u need to keep i nmidn what uhsud n shud nto be doin... so thht uknow inur midn wht u shud nshud
not be doin... n consntaly engae in self regauliton accoridngly i nodert ot reguatel ursefl accoridngly n
make uselrf doi t nfolwo it
to keep i nmidn so thth u know I nur mid n u remember what u shud nshud not do and tehn regautel
yourself accordingly inorder to maek rusefl do ti and follow it .

keep I nmind so thth u rmemebr u knwoi nur mid nwhat u shud nshud not be doing nu remember it n
it occurs to oyu whe n udont od what u are supposed to od nwhen you do what uare nto supposed to
be doing u know I nur mid n ushdunt be doing it and u know htht uneed ot eguatle yourself to maek
urslef stop doing ti so you neangei n self leguatlio n uprovide regaulatory htogtsuh t I nst command ot
maek urself stop oding it. U rmemeber it wen u don’t do what uar e supposed ot eb doing r od the
thgisn u are nto sipuoosed to be doing and u know u need ot enage inself-regautlio nto maek urself
do it n so oyu enage isnelf egatulion to maek urslef do it .

enage in self-regatulion I nroder to stop urself form doing what u knwoi nru mdin ushud not be doing
nmaek urself do things thth u know I nur mid n ushud be doing
u nee t okeep I nmid nwaht ushud nshud nto eb doignso thht u know I nru mind what uneed to od and
it occurs to oyu weh n udon t do it and u need to enge in self regulation accrdngly inorder to cntrl n
reguatle yorusefl accordingly inorder otmaek ruself do wht u know in ur mind u need ot be oding tin
ad follow it.
Keep in mind So thht u know I nur mid nwhat ushud nshud not do and u engage insefl regautlo to
control and regulate oursefl accrodinlgy n make urlsef do ti and folw oit.

U know inur mid nwhat u shud nshud nto be odign os eange in self reguatlio n accordingly on the
basis of htht to make urslef do ti and ofllwo it.
U know inur mdi nththt u need ot enange inself regautloion inorder to maek urslef do what u kno u
need ot od o nto stop urslef ofmr doig nwhat u know ushud not be doing nso oyu do.

so tht u know in ur mind wht u shud n shu d not bedoing and accordingly enage uin self regulation
inorder to make urself do itand floow it

u need ot keep i nmidn waht u shud nshud not do rememebr keep in midn so thht u know i nur midn
what you shud nshud not be doign adn u enage n accoridngly on th basosi of thht inof u enagei snefl
reguatlio nto maek urself do ti and folow it ot reguatel oursefl self regatulion ccoridngly
on the basis of thth info on the basis of what u knwou hsud nshud not be oding inorder to regautel
yoursefl accoridngly and maek ursefl do ti and follow it

u knwo inur mdi nwaht u shud nshud not be doign so accoridngly u enage i nslef regautlion
acccoridngly on the basis of htaht on the basis of what u knwo inur mid nu shdu nshdu notbeodign in
order to regauel urself accordingly nad make ureslf do it nad follwo it.

u knwo i nur mdi ntthh ud hud not be doig notehrhtigns so u eage inself regualio naccoridngly ot
rguatle oyurself accoridngly n maek urself stop odign oterh htigsn u tell urslef dnt waset tiem donign
otherh tigns n hecne u stop doign oterhhtigns.

As u knwo n so u enge isnelf regautlion acccoridngly to erg urself accrodigly n hence u do

u knwo i nru mid wht u shud nshd not eb doing nand so u eangei nsefl regautlion accoridngly to
reguatle yoursefl accoridngly to amek urlesf do ti and follw oit.

is ti becaseu u know wht u shu n shud not be doing n so u enage i nsefl regutaltion n hecne u do it
is it becaseu you know tht u need ot enage insefl regautlion to maek trself do ti adn so oyu eneagei
nsef lregutlion to maek urslef do it and follwo it.

All possible senarious or processes:-

Process 1:
As uknow in ur mind what u shud be doing n so oyu engae insefl regatulion accrodignly to regulate
lyoursef accordingly n to make urslef do tin ad follow it

As u know I nur mind what u need to do and so u eagei sefl reguatlio anccoridngly to regulate yourself
accordingly nad make urslef oit nad follw it nad hence u do it anf follow it.
U know in ur mid nwaht u shud nshud nto be doing and so it oocurs to oyu n u don’t do it, n as uknow
in ur mid nwaht u shud nsud nto be doing so u reguatle yourelf accordingly by enageing inself

As you know in ur mid nwaht yo ushud n shud nto be doing n so you enage insefl reguatlion
accordingly to make urslef do it and follow it.

Process 2:
U know I nur mid nwaht u shud n shud not be doing, u also know thht u need ot enage inself
regautlion inorder ot mek urself do it nad ofllwo it what u know inru mid n ushud be doing n so u
enage I nsefl reguatlionaccrdingly as per what u know ushud nshud not be doing inroder to make
urlsef do ti and follow it.

U know I nur mid nwaht ushud nshud not be doing n u know htt u need t oenage I nself-reguatlion to
maek urslef do it nad follow it and so oyu negaei nselfegaulion acoridngly to maek urslef do ti an

U know I nur mid nwaht u shud nshud nto be doing nad u know htth u need ot engae insefl regautlion
to make urslef do tin ad follow it to control urself and enforce ti on urself s oyu enagei neself reguatlio
naccoridngly inorder to maek urself do ti and foolow it

The process of reatulon:-

U know I nin ur mid n what u shud nshud nto be doing and you enagegi inself regation accordingly to
make urrslef do ti and folwo it to enforce it on rusefl.

What you need to regautel your self

The process of regulation:-

U need to keep in mind so thht u know I nur mid nwhat you shud nshud not be doing and accordingly
engage in selfregulation to make urself do ti and follow it reguatle yourself.

So thth uknow inur mid nwhat you shud nshud not be doig nand you enage insefl regautlion on the
basis of what u know in ur mind u shud nshud not be doing inorder to regautel yourself accoridnlgy
and maek urslef doti nad folwo it.

What is it thth u are not oing htth u are supposed to be doing is ti not hthere in ur midn or are you not
enaegin reguatlion are you nt reguatling yourself

U need to keep in mind what you shud nshud nto be doing so thth u remember u know inur mind its
thehr in ur mind what u sud n hsud not be doing and so you need to ocnsntalty enage in self
regautlion accordingly on the basi of what u know uhud nshud not be doing I nor der to make trsefl
do what oy uknwo I nur mind ushud be doing nstop ursefl form doing what you know I nur mind
ushud not be doing
What is the connection between the two between the memeory and thinking slef regautlion are they
connected or just totally separate process to keep them connected have a link between the two or to
keep them separate

Asu know I nur mind wht u need to do n not do and so you enagei nself regaultion and
reguatelyoruesfl accoidngly nad hence you do it
Just cause u know I nru mid nwaht u hsud nshud nto eb dogin doesn’t mean htth uwill automatically
enagei n eself regautlio nand so do it .

Just cause u knowi nur mind thth u shud not be odign a certain thing or shud be odign a certain nthing
doesnot mean thht u will automatically on ur own think accordingly and automatically enage insefl
regautlion and reguatleyourself accoridnyl nad ehcen do it.

U know I nur mid nwaht you shud nshudn to e b doing so accoridngl y constantly enage in self
regautlion inorder ot make urself do ti and follow it. If u don’t enage insefl regaultion hten you wotn
do ti. If u odnt act on ti if u dotn eange inself-reguatlion u will be out fo control.

U need ot keep I nmidn so htth u knw o in ur mid nwhatu shudn shudn ot be odign u rmemeber its
thehre in ur mind what oyushud nshud nto be odign and tehn u need ot cocnantly egneain
selfreguatlion accordingly on the basi of what u know uhud nshud not be doing inordeerto make
urslef doti nad follw oti.

U know in ur mid nwaht ushud n shud not be odign so act on it accordingly reguatle yoruesfl enagei
nself reguatlion to maek utrlsef do ti and follw oit.
If udot ncocnsntalty enaege in self reguatlion will be dout of control,
U need to act accordingly on the basis of what u know I nur mind u shudn shud not be doing.

There was a flaw in tht software , process, fix the errors, code, improve it updates, and revisions

But you enage inseflregautlion cause you knw I nur mind tht u need ot engae inseflregautlion to stop
urself make urselfstop doignit

Automatic:- You know I nur mind wht ushud nshu not be doing -- And so u Enage in sfl regautlion
inorder to maek ruself do ti and folw oit - and hence you do it and foolwo it.

Knowing, intentional:- You know I nur mind thth u shud not be doing other thigns-- you alos knowi
nur mid nthh u need to ocnnstaly enage inself-regualtion inorder to maek ruself do tin ad follow it -
Hecne u enage in self regautlion to make urslefdoit and follow it.

Trying to figure out the process how it works:

Memory -> thinking -> Action

You know I nur mid nwaht y ushud nshud not bedoign and you know in ur mind thh u need to
ocnsntalty eange in self-regaultion in order to maek rulsef do it nad follw oit and so oyu engage insefl
regautlion accordingly u provide rega thgouth tinst and command ot maek urlsef do ti and follw oit.

The process fo regatulion-

What you need to od to reguatle yourself

U need to keep oin mind whyt us hud nshud not be doing so thth u know inur mid nwht u need ot od
nad accordingly constnatly enage insefl regautlion to make urself do it andfollow it.

The process fo regatulion how it works:-

You know inur midnwhat ushud nshud not be doing and u also know I nur mid nthht inorder ot maek
ruseldo I and follow it regautlion inorder to maek urself do wht u know I nur mind us hud be odign n
to stop urslfe from doing what u know inur mind ushudnt be doing u need t ocosnntatly enage insefl
inorder ot maek urselfdo tin ad follow it …. and u provide reg thgouth inst n command inorder to
regulate yourself you tell yoruseflto odit to maek urslef do it and so you cosntntly enage inself
regulation accordingly on the basis fo what u know I nur mid n ushdu nshud not be doing inorder to
enforce it on urself n make urslef do hwat uknwo inur mid n shudbe doing n stop urlsef ofrm doing
what u know I nur mid n shud not be doing.

Itsnto as you know in ur mid nwaht ushd nshud not bedoing n so hecen u enagei nself regautlion and
hence you do it

Its u knw I nur mdi nw whtu shud nshud nto be doing n u also know thth u need ot constntly enage
isnelf reguatlion inorder to amek urslfdo it and follw oti and so oyu enagei nself reguatlion accordingly
u provide reg thoguth inst commamdns to amek urelf od it nadfollw oti wht u know I nur mid n ushud
be doing and hcne you doit nad folw oit.

U know I nur mid nwaht u shud nshud not be doing and you know htht u need ot consntly egnae isnefl
regautlion inorfer to maek urseldo tin ad follow it and so oyu enagei nself reuatgulation oyu provdde
regautlroy thgotsh inst nadcommadn to maek urslef do ti and follow it. Wht u know I nur mid nushd
be oding.

U know inur mid nwaht ushud nshudn ot be doing so you only reguatle yourself tell yourself to do it
ou odnt need others to tell you to od it oyu only tell yourself and make urself do it and follow it.

Enage insefl regautlion cosntnatly … Provide regulatory thgouht inst andcommadns inrder to stop
ursleffor mdoign what u know I nurmid n ushud not be doing n make urself do what u know I nur mid
nu hsud be doing.

U know n ur mind tht u need to constntkyenge in self regultn thti s provide reg thught inst n commnd
inorder to mke urself do wht u know in ur mind u shd be doin n stop urself from doing wht u know in
ur mind u shud not be doing n so u enge in self regltn.
What you need to do to regulate yourself: -

U need to keep in midn what u shud n shud not be doing so thth u reemb u know in ur mind what u
need to do and accordingly on the basis of hwat u know I nur mind ushud nshud not be doing on the
basis of the info stored I nyour mind u need to cnstntly enage in sefl-regulation inorder ot maek rusefl
do ti and follow it and reguatel yorusefl accoridnlgy.

Keep in mid nso thth urmemebr u knw in ur mind what ushud nshud not be doing nad accordingly
enae insefl regulation inorder ot enforcei ton urself n make urslf doti and follow it.

Uknowi nur mind wht ushud nshud nto be doing so u dotn need othersto tell you you only tell urself
and maek urslef d o it and follow it.

U know I nur mind htht ushud not be doing oterh htgins


What you need to do ot regulate yourself:-

U need to keep inmidn waht ushud nshud not be doing so thth u remember u don’t forget u know I
nur id n itsthere in ur mind nad accordingly conntstly enegae insefl –regautlio n in order otmaek ruself
do what u know I nur mid nu hsud be doing.

tin and follow it wht uknwo I nur mind ushud be doing n to stop urslef for mdign what u know I nur
mid nu hsud not be doing.

Keep in mind wht u shud n shud not be doing so tht u rember u know in ur mind wht u shud n shud
ntbe dong… n accordingly cinstantlyy enage in self regaultion to enforce it on urself n mke urself do it
n follow it.

The process of Regulation (how it works):

You know inur mind what u shud nshud nto be doing nad u also know thht uneed ot enage insefl
reguatlion I nroder to enforce it o nurself n namek urslef do ti and follw oti and so u enagei nself
reguatlion accordingly to maek rusefl do tin ad follw oti to reguatel yourself ur thinking nand your
actions… stop urself form doing nthinkign what u know ushud not be odig n nmaek urselfod n think
what u know I nur mind u shud be doing.

U know I nur mid nthht ushd nobe odign otehrh tigns and u know in ur mid nhth u neeed ot engae
nsefl regautlion in order to stop irsefl from doig noterhthigsn thth u know u hsud not be doing n make
urslef do things tht u know u shud be doing and reguatel yourself ur action and thinking. And so
accordingly you enagei nsefl reguatlion tomek ursefl do what u knw o in ur mid n ushud be doing. To
reguatle your htinkgi nadn acrtions to stop urself frm doig nwaht uknwo u shud not be doing.

U knw I nur mid nthh u need ot enage in selfregautlion inorder to maek urself do what you know inur
mid n ushud be doing n stop urself formdoign what uknwoi nur mdi nu shud not be doing, and
reguatle your thinking and your actions.
Andu know inr mid nthth uneed ot cosntnatly enage isenlf reguatlion I norder ot maek ursefl do awht
uknwo ushud be odign n stoop ursefl for mdoig nwaht know ushud not be doing and so u engae insefl
regulation. To reguatel yourself accordingly nad make urself do it and follow it.

And u know inur mdi ntthh u need ot enge in selfregautlio constantluy I norder ot maek urselfdo ti
and follow it 2 wht u know in ur mind u shud be doing nad so oyu ngaei nsefl regautlion. N so u enage
in self eergulation bcordingy on the basis of wh t u know in r mind u shud n shudnot be doing inorder
to make urself do t n follow it.

Keep in midn what u shud nshud nto be odign things like ushud not tbe thinking fo other higns, u
shud think fo work n imp things u shud not waste time doing oterhhtigns unimp thgisn, u need ot
work fast etc… so thth uknow inur mid nwhat u shud nshud not be doing, and accordingly on th basis
of thth inof as to wht u shud nshud nto eb doing cnosnntaly enage nseflregaultion inorder ot
maekruself do it and follow it.

U know inur mdi nthht ushud not be doing toehrhtings n thth uneed otenage isnefl reguatlion inorde r
to stop urslf from doing otherhtigns so you enage isnefl regautlion to amek ursel stop doignit.

Normally when oyu do it uncocnoiusly what u are supposed to od its cause u know I nur mid nand so
you think accoidngly u reguatel yorusefl acccoridnlgy by proving regulatory thgouht inst n command
and hence u do it and follow it…but this is the uncocnouius unware process that goes on in ur mid
nwhen u do thigs n thth uare supposed to be doing, however u cant expect this process all the time…
tht is its not all the time thth just cause oyu know os you will think accordingly and hence do it.. at ties
u may not… and so oyun eed ot cocniously knowingly intetioanlly do ti … tht is keep in mid nso thht u
know in ur mid nand then knowingy purposely eange inself reguatlion tell urself to maek urlsef od it
nadfolwo it.

U need to keep I nmidn wht ushud nshud not be doing os thth urmemeber u knw I nur mind what u
shud nshud nto bedoin n accordingly enage insefl-regautlion to maek urself do ti and follw oit.

U need to keep I nmidn wht ushud nshud not be doing os thth urmemeber u knw I nur mind what u
shud nshud nto bedoin and accordingly on the basis of the info stored in ur mind on the basis of what
you know in ur mind u shud nhsud not be doing enage insefl regulation inorder to make urself d ti and
follw oti inorder ot enforce it upon ursefl.

Engaigne in self-regulation I nroder to make urself do what u knowi nur mid n ushud be oding.

U know I nr mid nthh u needot cosntnaly eange inself reguatlion in oroder to drive urslef make urself
do what u knowi nur mid n ushud be oding and so u enge insefl regautlion.

For eg:
U are laying o nthe bed and as you know I nru mind htht u shud not waste time sleeping lazing
relaxing nad doing unimp things nad htht u need ot cocnsntlay be wrokign towards ahcivng ur gaol
and so it occurs t oyou and you also knw hth u need to engage I nself –reguatlion in order to stop
urself ffrom doing what u know I nur mind u shud nto be doing n make urslef do wahtu know inur
mind ushud be doing and so accoridnlgy you enge insefl reguatlion you tell ursefl don’t waste your
time sleeping lazing around get up and get to work you provide htth reguatlory thgotsh comamadns
direction inorder ot stop urslef form doing what you knwi n ur mid n ushud not be oding n mmake
yoursefldo what oy uknow I nur mid nu shud be oidng

For eg
Whever u get an impsuvle thoguth telling u to od other htigns as u know I nur mid nthht u need to
resstit impuslvei thoguts htht tell u to od otehrh things n u also know hth u need ot engage in
selfregautlion to resit those impusvle thoughts to maek ulsef o what u know I nur mind ushud be
oding os u enage insefl reguatlion accoidnlgy u tell urself instruct urselfdirect urself u tell ruself “no
dotn waste your time odign htht things now” n so oyu reist htht impuslve thought n prvent urslef
fromg doing wht ur impsuvel thogutsh tell u tood.

The prceoss of regautlion (how it works):

Fr eg: you are doing unimp thigns, you knwi nur mind htht ushud nto waste time odign unimp thgisn
n htht u need to be doing urwrk n imp thigns n so it occurs to oyu n u also know inur mid nthht u
need ot enagei nself regautlion inorder to in order to stop urself ffrom doing what u know I nur mind
u shud nto be doing n make urslef do wahtu know inur mind ushud be doing and so you enge insefl
reguatlion accoridnlgy on the basis of the info stored in your mind as to what oy uhsud nshdu nto be
oding inorder to make urself do wahtu know inur mind u shud be doing you tell ursefl don’t waste
time doing unimp thigns stop oding unimp tigsn nad get to work u can do other htgns at other time
first do whats imp nad do your work, and so stop urself form doing otehrh itgnsn make urslef do what
u know I n ur mid n ushud be oding by enageing I nself regulation according ot what u know I nur mid
n ushud be oding.

You know in ur mind thth u need ot constantly enagei n sefl regautlion inorder t stop ursef from
thinking things thht u know in ur mid n u shud not be thinking n make urlsef think tigns thth u know In
ur mind u shud be thinking and to resist say no to impulsive thogutsh thth tell u to od otehrh tigns
unimp things n to stop urslef from doing thigns thth ur impuslve mind tells u to odo and tht u know in
ur mind u shud not be doing n to maek ursefl do what you know in ur mind u shud be doing… and so
accordingly oyu enangei nself reguatlion.

U need ot keep in mind what you shud n shud u not be odign so tthh u know in ur midn waht u u need
ot od ou reemebr and accoridngly on the basis of the info stoed I nur mind as to what u shud nshud
nto be doing eagne in self reguatlion direct instruct commands urself provide reguatlory thgouths
insts and commans enage iself-regautlion in order to maek urslef do what u know I nur mid nu hsud
be odign and enforce it upon urself.

And u know I nur mid nthth u ned ot enagei nselfregutaltio I norder ot maekurlsf do what uknwo inru
mid n ushud be odign so oyu enagei nself reugalgtion t maek ruslf do tin ad ofllw oit.

Keep in mid nwaht ushud nshidn not be doing so thht u know I nur mind and urememebr what u need
ot od and accordingly eange isnefl reguatlion to make urself do it and follw oit to maek urself do what
u knw oinur mid n ushud be oding.
U know inru mind thht u need ot consntatly enage insefl reugaltion thth u need ot enage isnefl
regautlion I norder to stop urself form doing the htigns thh ukwno I nr mid n ushud not be odign
nmaek urslef do thigns htht uknwo inur mid nu shud be oding nad so oyu enagei snefl reugaltoion.
U provide rgualtory htgouhts u direct command instruct urself inorder ot maek urslef doti nd ofllwo it.

U know I nur mid nthth u ned to enage insefl reugaltio n in roder ot sop urself fro mdoign thigns htth
uknwo I nur mdin u shud not be odign ninrder ot maek urslef do thigns hth uknwo inur mid n ushud
be odign nhence udo

U need to keep I nmid nso otht huknwo I nur mid nwaht ushud nshud nto be doing cause if its not
thehr in ur mind wht u need to od if u have forgotten what you need to od then it wont occr to oyu
and then you wont reguatle yorusefl accordingly and so oyu ownt do it.

U need ot keep I nmind wht u shud nshud not be doin so thht urememebr u know inur ind wht ushud
nshud not be doig nn accoridnglyo nteh basis of the info stored I nur mind as to what u shud nshud
nto be doing u need ot constnantly enage in sefl –regualtion to maek urself doti nad follow it.

U know I nur mind tht u hsud nt be doing unimp things and u know thht u need to enage insefl
reguatlion inorder ot maek urslef do it nad so accordingly on the basiso f what u knowu shud nshud
nto eb odign oyu enage inself reguatlion to make urlsef do it and follow it.

U knw nur mid nwhat u shud nshud not be odign so accoridngl y on the basis of hth info stored I nur
mid non the basis of what u knw I nur mid nu shud nshud nto be doing engagee insefl-reguatlion tell
rusefl instruct direct urself to drive urself to reguatle yorusefl to maek ursefl do ti and follw it.

With htt info htth is tredi nru md urememebr u know wht u need ot od n u use thht inof to reguatle
yourself n make urself do it and follow it.

U are doing otehrhtigns unimp thgisn uknwo inur mid nthht u shud nt owaste tie odign otherh itgnsn
unimp things and os it occurs to oyu and you know thth u need ot ocnsntatly ebange isnelf reguatlion
inroder ot make urself stop n make urslefodwhat imp n so u enagei nself reugatlio naccoridngly to
reguatly oursefl n maek urslef dowhat u know u hsud be oding.

Well elts not waste time lets get ot work

well lets not waste time lets compelte this quick u need to be focused not distracted n un eed ot b
fast oterh thigsn can eb done later on first do whatsi imp

keep i nmidn so thht u know what u need ot od u rmemebr u knw inur midn and accoridngly enage
inselfreuatlion to get oyurself back on track everytime u stray keep urself on trak prevent urslef form
straing mkae urself do what u knwo i nur mid n ushud be oding.

lets nto watse iteme odign otehrhtignsn unim pthgsin u can do otehrhtigns later on first dowhats imp

eangein self reguatlion cosnntaly to ontrol ruslef regulate yorusefl, keep urlsef ontrack diveu rslef..
steer urself, maek urself do what uknwo i nru mid nushud be doing, keep urlsefo ntrack,
well lets ot waste time lets get to work ot achvie ur gaols

keep Iin mind what u shd nshudn ot be doing so thht uknowi nurmidn what u shud nshud not be doing
n it occurs to oyu and oyu remember and u know what o odo n acoridngly n ht e basis of whatu knw I
nur mind ushd nshud not be doing enage isnefl reguatlion t oamek ruself doti n follw oti drive uresfl
to od it.

keep Iin mind what u shd nshudn ot be doing So htht u know inur min its therhe in ur mind whtu shud
nshud no eb doing n it occurs to u wen u don’t do what u are suppseod ot eb doing u are reminded of
it… N accordingly on the basis of twht u know inur mid wht u hsud nhsud not be doing o nteh basis of
the info storaedi nru mid na s to what ushud nshud nto eb doing engeinself reguatlion cosnntalty
provide reguatlry htgotush I nsts ncomamdns direct command instruct yourself steer yoru boat…
inorder to drive urself ot od it amek urelsf do ti and follow it.

Well lets not waste time lets get to wrk

u need to drie urself cnstntly regulate urself by enageing in self regulatn as per wht u know in ur mind
u shud n duhud not be doing provde reg thughts insts n cmmnd to mssake urself do it n folloew it
to drect drivencontrol cmmnd steer urself

u know in ur mind wht au shud n shud not be doing so accrdngly u only drect regulate conrtrl steer
drve urself tell instruct urself prvde reg thghts insts cnnmnds directns to drive urself to do it to contrl
n reg ulteurself mke urself do it n follow it. by enaging in self regyultions... by telling urself to do it...
prvdn reg thught sinsts drectns n mmnds... make urself do it n follw it.

u know inur mid nwht u shud nshud nt be odign os accoridngly enage insfl reguatlion proivde reg
thogtush instst commands rdrections to direct coomdn driveurslfe steer control urself make urslef
doit andfollwo it.

n ncstsntly enage inself reguatlion ot regulte rself drive stree direct comand ahoy cotnrol ursefl make
urself do what u knwo i nur mdi nu shud be oding.
wel lets not waste time lets get to wrk

consntantly enagei nself -reguatlion in order otmake urself do what u knwo i nur mind u shd be oding.

u need ot consntaly enagei nself reguatlio n inorder ot meak urself do what uknow inur mid n ushud
nshud nt o be doign inroder to drive urself commadn direct cotnrol nad regautel ourself accoridngly as
per wht u knw o inur mid n u shd be oding.

Don’t waste yor ime sleeping laziyign nad relaxing get u p and get ot work immediately
Well lets not waste time lets get to wrk

U rember it n it occurs to you wen u dnt do wht u are suppose d to do n u kno w tht u need to enge in
self regultn provide regulatory thught commnd instructions directions cannmnd direct urself to mke
urself do it n so u regulate urself u enage in self regulation to mke urself do it n follow it
u knwo inr midn th ushud nto waste ur itme odign otehrhrignsn nti occucrs toyou u remrebr it so oyu
tell instruct urselfdont waste your time doign toerhtignsinorder to maek urself stop doign toerhhtigns

u knwo inur mid nwhat u shud nshud nto eb doign so accoirndgly negagei nsefl regautlio nconcslt y to
maek ursefl d toit and follw oti

u need to keep in mind what u shud nshud not be doing… “things like” u shud not waste ur time doing
toerh htigns unimp thgisn, sleeping lazing relaxing and u need ot be foused, u need ot od otehrhtings
at other times, keep serpate time foriit u need to wk fast u need ot wrk continuously u shud nto do
otehrhtigns u need ot be focused o nit, and accordingly enage insefl reguatlion to maek urslef do it
and follw oit

u know inur mind what u shud nshud ntobe doing and u knw thth u need ot enage isnelf reguatlion to
make urslef do it and so accordingly on the basis of what u know I nur mid nu shud n shud nto be
odign the info stored in ur mind enage inself reagultion to maek urslef doti and follow it.

U need ot keep in midnwht u shud nshud not be doing os thht u remmebr u knowi nur midn what
shud nshudnto eb doing naccoridngly enage inseflregautlion to maek urslef do ti and follw oti

u need t okeep in mdin what ushud nshd nto be doign os htth u rmemebr uknwo i nur mid ntis thehre
in ur mid nwhat u need ot od n u reg urself accoridngly engaeine isnelf regautlio naccoridngly to erg
urself accrndgly n mkae urselfod it
if itsn not therh in ur mid nif u have forgoten what u need ot od hten it wont occur to u if udotn
remeebr if its nolonget hehr i nru md in what u need ot od hte nu wont reg urslfee accoridngly n so u
wont do it na dofllwo it.

U know inur mid nthht u need ot ocnsnatly eange insefl reagltion to make ursle odit nad follow ti and
hence you egnei nseflreaugltio nn intionall y providereguatliory htgotush instsn n commands ot maek
urslef odti andfollwo it.

N u know in ur mind thht u need ot enage inself regulation to make ursef do ti and follow it nad so
oyu tell ursefl dont waste ur time doing all this.

Keep in mindwhat u hsud nshud not do so tht u know inurmidn u remember what u shud nshud not
be doing and accordingly on the basis of what u know inur mid n ushud nshud not be doing eange
inself-regualion to regaute yorusefl make urslefdo ti and follow it!

Tryin to get my act together as to wht I need ot od inorder to regulate myself!

Just cause u know in ur mind what u shud n shud not be doing doesn’t mean that you will
automatically on your own enage isnefl-regautlion, provide regulatory thogtush command
instructions to reguatle yourself and make urself do it andfollwo it. You need ot knowingly
intentionally purposely, being fully aware, engage in self-regulaiton to make urslef do what u know I
nurmid nu shud be doing n stop urslefform doing what u know I nur mid nu shud not be doing.
Keep in mind what u need to od so thht u rmemebr n u don’t forget what u need to od and regulate
yorusefl accordingly to mak urself do ti and follow it.

Rememeeer kep I nmidn what u shud nshud nto be dogn so htth u know I nur mid nwhat u need to od
and reguatle yourself acoridngly engaei nself-reguatlion to make ursel do tin a follow it.

The process of regatlion:(what u need ot o dot eguael yoursfl)

You need ot keep I nmind what you shud nshud not be doing so thth urmemebr know inru mind
what u need ot od and accordingly enage insefl –reagultion to maek urself od it an d follw oit.

If its not thehre I nyor mind if oyu dotn remember what oyu need ot od then it wont occur to oyu and
you wont reguatl yorusefl accordingly on the basis of it on the basis of hwat u know I nur mind u shud
nshud not be doing nad os oyu ownt do it.

U know I nur mind htht u cosnntatly need o enage inself-regaution in order to make urself do what u
know I nur mid n ushud be doing nstop ursefl form doing whatu knwoi nr u mind u shud not be doing
nhecen u enage isnefl regulation

U know what u need ot do now inorder to regatel yourself so do it and follow it. U need to keep I
nmidn so thht u rememebr u know in ur mid nwaht u shd n shud nt be oding n acordigny on the
basisof htht of what u know I nur mid nu shud nshud not be doing enage inself regulation to maek
ursle do it and ofllwo it regauel yorusefl accoindlgin.

Keep in mind what u shud n shud not be doin so thth u remember u know in ur mid n wht u shud n
shud not be doing its there in ur mind what u shud n shud not be doing n so uregutel rusefl
accordingly to maek urslefdo ti andfolwo it. If u forget if its no logner there I nur mid nwaht u need to
do if u have forgotten wht unedo t odo then u wont reguale t urself accoridnlgy n the basisof htht n so
oyu wnt do it nad ofllwo it.

U knowi nur mid nthht uneed ot csnsalty eangei nselfreugatlion ot make urself d n thin kwht u knwoi
nru mid n ushud be odgin n thinking n stp urslef frmdoign nthinkign wahtu knw in ur mind u hsud not
be doing n thinking.

Keep in midn remeber wht u need ot od n dont forget so thth uknowi nur mid nwht u shud nshud nto
be doignn regualte yourseflaccoridnlgy to make urlsef do ti and follwo it
if uforget its nolgner threr i nur mid nwaht uneed ot odo then uwont regulateurslfe accrdnlgy andos
u ownt do ti andfollwo it. And that is why oyu need ot remember keep I nmind what u hsud nshud not
be oding oso thh u know I nur mind it occurs to oyu u know what u shud nshu not eb odign n u
reguatle oruself accordingly u enage in self reguatlio naccoridngly inorder to ot maek urslef o ti and
follow it and reguatle yourself accoridnlgy.

Remember keep I nmidn thigns likeu shud not waste ur time doing unimp thgisn u shud nto think of
other htigsn u need to be focsed not distracted nt odo otehrh tigsn during work time etc… and
regautle yorusfelaccoridnlgy eange inself regltion accordingly instruct yoruslef command , driect
provide reguatlory htoguths instrcuitosn ad ncommadns to maek urself do ti follw oti, to reguatle

Remember keep I nmmidn what u need ot do to regaue lt yourself

obsessive compalusive uncontrolable impuslive primitive behaviour ratehr than logical! and rational
and sensibel.although u knowi nur mid nthh u shudnt be doign ti u sdont know hwo to control urslef
nad make rusefl stop doign it andos oyu continue ot od it caues u dont knwo hwo ot enagei nself
regautlio nhwo ot ocntrol nreguatle yoursefl.

U are not doin it cause either u have forgotten what you need to do… tht is its no logenr there I nyou
mind what u need to od or u know I nur mid nwhat u need to do but u are not acting o n it that is
reguateign yourself eafgaging I nsefl regautlion to maek urself do it and follow it.

Remember keep I nmidn thh just cause u know inur mid ndoesnt mean u will automatically o nu r own
enageinself reguatlion reguatelyorusefl provide reg thgtush and do it nad follw oit… uneed to
ocnsnsntatly eange insefl regulation provide reg thgtsuh insts n commands t maek ursefl do it and
follow it.

Rememeber keep in mind htht u need ot reguatle your thinking stop yourself form thinking fo
oetherh tigns not think of othrh tigns resist say no to impulsive thoughts thht tell u to od otehrh
tigns. N u needo treguatel yoruactioons stop urslef from doing toerhh tigns by prvidng regulatory
thgotus. Be aware of ht thoguths goin o ni nur head and say no to impuslve thogutsh thth tell u to do
otehrh tigsn unimp thgins remeebr hth. Know what u are thinking of and whats goin o n I nur head!
Practice thoguth rugelatio nand control, to control urslef u need to control ur thinking nand ur

Remember keep in mind u need ot constantly engage in self reguatlion provide regulatory thgotush
isntnst and commands in order to maek urseflstop thinking ndoign thigns tht uknow in ur mind u
hsud not be doing and thinking and inoreder to make urslef think and do thigns htht u know I nur
mind u hsud be thinking and doing.

Also remember thht u need to regulate your thinkign and ur actions stop urslef form thinking of other
things n make urself think of work and imp thigns! And u need ot reguatle youracitons stop urslfe
form doig oher htigsn n mak urlsef do ur work nad imp things.

1)The process f regautlion:- keep I nmidn what u shud nshud not be doing nad constantly is eangei
nself reuatlion accordingly to reguatle yourefl accorindlgy.

THigns that get regulated:

2) To reguatlee yursefl to be I ncotnrol of yourself You need to regulate lyour htinkign control ur
thikign practice thgouth control nad reguatlion: remember be aware f teht hgouths gin o n I nur mind
and stop rself form thinking of unimp thgisn say no to resit impsulvethgtush thht tell u to od
otehrhtigns and maek urself think fo our work and imp things.
3) to contro land reguatle yourself u need ot eugalte your actions, control n reguatel yorue actions :
stop urself form doing otherhtignsu nimp thgisn n things htht u know I nru mid n ushud nto be doing
and maek urslef do things ththu know I nur mind ushud be doing

shrt attention span on imp things thth is doing imp thgsin s for a sht time and getting distracted to
unimp but fun thigns is mre to do wit hdistractiosn and impulsvie beahviour thigsn ur brain enjoys
lke telvison, socail netwrokign addciitve impulsive beahviour!
instead of behaviour based o nrationality and logic as to what is imp
doign what is imp instead u end u pdoign what u r brai nenjoys doing... the info is stred i nru mid
nthth last tiem i didi this it was fun soo wen uge bored u get a thgotuh lets do this now!
n so u do it. but u knwo i nur raionla memeory thht uhsudnt do it
so u eenagei nsefl reguatlio nt ostiop rusefl form doign it make urself stop doign ti. u cotnrol n
reguatle urthinkig nand acitns!

U need ot keep in mind wahtu shud nshud nto be doing so tt hu rmembr u know I nur mid nwhat u
shud nshud not be odig nand accordingly on the basis of htth information cosnntatly enage in self
regautlion provide reg thgoutsh insts nad commands t maek urself do ti and follw oit.

U need to keep in mind wht u hsud nshd not be doing so thth u know I nur mind u reemebr wht u
shud nshud not be doing… n accordingly cocnsntly enage inself regauion prvide reg thgouths inst ns
comadns to maek urslef do it andfollw oit.

U need ot keep I nmidn what ushud nshud nto be doing soo thth u reemebr dotn forget u remeebr u
know I nur mid nwhat u shud nshud not be doing and it occurs to u n its thehr I nur mid nu know I nur
mid nwhatu need ot odo n accordingly u need to cosnsntalty enage isnelf reguatlion thht is provide
reguatlory htogtuhs inst s nad commdns to direct control n regautle oursefl and maek urlsef do ti and
follow it what u know I nur mid n ushud be oding.

So thh urememebr uknwo I nur mid nwhat u hsud nshud nto be doing thigns like “u shud focus n
cocnetrate u shud nto waste ur tiem doing other htigns, u shud not thnink of othrethgisn wase time
thinking of otherh tigsn, uhsud not waste time sleeping lazing etc…” and u need to accordingly
cocnsntly eagne in sefl reugation to control nregualte urself n make ruself do it and foll ow it.


Trying to figure out the process of self regulation how I can stop myself from doing otherh tigns n
unimp thigns nad how I can get myself to do imp thigns tht is know I nmy mind I need ot be doing.

Sensible and rational vs impuslvei

Self-regulating , self guiding

Programming the mind, self-regulation, thought controland action control for success

You need ot drive yourself be sefl deiven, command guide yourself self-guiding by enageing I
nconstnat self-regution, drvie yourself steer commad regaulte yourself.

You get a thgouth I nyour mind the urge lets otuch the cat and see how it feel…. But oyu know I nyoru
mind thth cats carry bacterias and microspoicworms ad if ou tocuh them tehn these worms will enter
yoru body and eiher make u blind or damadage yoru brain so you tell yoruslef no dotn tocuh the cat
you will get worms u don’t want to go blind or dadmage our brain.

u need to keep i nmindwhat u shud nshud not be doing so thht u know i nur midnwhatu need ot od
and accoridngly cosnnatly enagei nself reguatlion to maek urlsefod it nad follow it

you knwoi n ur mid nwhat u need to od so u dont need otehrs to tell and nag you you only tell
yourself instrecut urself commadns urslef steer yorusefldirect yorusefl provde reguatlory thgotush
cmmadns isntracuiotns to correct ruself everytiem you stray , bring urself back o nteh path to oyur
gaol every time u get distracted deiavted nad stray adn not od what u know i nur mind u are supposed
to od and dotn do what u know i nur mid n u are suppsoed to od
and to keep urself on the path to oyur goal andm ake urlsef od what oy uknow i nur mid n shud be

Sometimes u forget its no longer there in your mind, what u shud n shu n ot be doing and so oyu don’t
reguatle yourself accordingly as its no longer ther I nur mind what uneed to od and hence you don’t
do it.

he who ocntrols hte mind is the pilot in control where as he who lets his mind go freeand is controll ed
by the mind adn iplusies is the passeneger helpless and goesi nteh idrectio nthe midn taek s him he
knwos he shudnt be dioign certian things but he is helpess addcited imspulve caues he doesnt knwo
hwo ot stop doign those thigsn, adn do what he knwos he shud be doing thth is how ot ocntrol the midn
nad soo he is helpelslsy carried awy, liek a beign i na stream, of rever r you have n ocontorl helpelssly
drtifitng away where hte wayves takes you tkaign u palces where u dont wnato dgo, tht is no ocntrol lie
ka passenger and hte midn the driver akign you places where oy dotn want to ogo doign thigsn th u
knwo u hsud nto be odign n not oodgn thigsn thth uknwo u shud be dign elpess cause u odnt knw ohwo
to maeku rslef stop hwo ot control teh midn n make urslfe stop odign impclve htigsn adciivte thgisn and
do thigns thht u knw oare imp nad u shud be doing.

if u dont control you mid nthen oyu are your own enemy the mid ncan e the firnd or the enemy if oyur
mdin is under ur ocntrol n u cotnrol ur mid nththen tis u fridn if oyu dont then its ur eenmy and you
ahve to soave rslefform usflef.
The self-regualtion process:

step1: Input feed in your memory, read every week waht u shud and shd nto eb doing, so thaht you
remember its there in your mind u remeebr what u need to be doin n u dont forget. soo thth u rmemebr
its thehr in your mid n uknw o in yoru midn what shudnshdu nto eb doignn u dont forget it nad u can
use this info otregulate ursefl. N it occurs to oyu whe n udotn od what u are supposed ot od or when
udo wath u kno win your mi n usar e not supposed to od it occurs to oyu and soo yo ureugalte yorusefl.

Step2: you knw i nyour mindwaht u shud n shud no be odign its ther einyoru mind u rmrmebr it, u knw
what ot od, use thath infrmatio nthths stored i nyoru mind, thth u kwn i noyur mid nas to what u shud
nshud nto be odign to reguatle yorusefl, the informatio nhtht u rmrember htht occurs to oyu or gets
retrived recalled every time you dont do what knw in ur midn uare suppsoed ot odo due ot ur u do
thigsn thth uknw i nyoru midn thth uare not supposed to do as ur implive memeory tells u provdes
thgotush to maek u do them, soo use htth infortmatio nthths stored i nyoru meeoty to reguatle yoursefl,
by providign self-reuglatory thgotush taht act as instrucitsnnand commands to regualte yorusefl, your
htinkig nand ur acitosn, overirede adn cancel inplusive htogutsh and comamdnsthht tell u to do otherh
itgns, hence stop urslef form doign toerh htigsn and proivde reguatlory htogtush isntsn n coammadns to
make urself do thgisn thht u knw i nyour mdi n ushud be odign,
u knw i nyour mid nwhat u hsud n hsudn t be odign but ofr oyu to od it u eneedo to provide self-reg
thgotush instruciotnss n nocmmadns for oyu to do it.

the Reg process

lack of impulse control

knw how to control ur impulsies urges, n prmitiive memry
impulsive thgts
addiction over ride the slf contrl of the individual

what you need ot od ot regulate yorusefl the process of self regualtion

you need ot ofcua your mind not think fo other thigns

Self regulation – what you need to do about it – get organized get ur act together

so tht you know in ur mind what u neeed t do n you rember and you regulate yourself accordingy on the
basis of tht n hence yu do t n follow it idf its not thrhe in your mid nif oyu have forgotten hten you wont
reguatel yourself
oyu need to ofcus oyu mind not thiink of otehrh tigns not involeyour mind i notherh thigsn not have
otehrh toguths i in your mid nyou need ot ocncentrate fully on it
Refine the self regulation technique so that you know n remember what you need to do to be in control
of yourself your thoughts and your actions.

you need to not enage in toerh htigsn nad actiivites nt o sepnd oyur time effot energy in otherh tigns
unvncessary unmp thisnns htth will brign you no gain and benefit
he enages in eckless uncontroll unthoughtful and unregulated behaciour out of control behaviour all
nonsense and craziiness and holliganism and madness thaht is no control over self and you know
nonsese waste of time useless behavious... thiller pana... barkign like a dog for no reason at all but just
to have a laugh.. hahah but its useless and wasste of time menainglessp urposeless... unncessary. he
knows its waste of time but doesnt know whato to do about it is helpless nad out of ocntroll tisl iekoyu
know oyu are goin doew nad ot of ocntrol and enenaging in nnosnensn but oyu cant make oyursle f stop
cause oyu odnt know how ot restrain refrain yourself. talking nonsensne, rekelss beahviour, eneage i
nnonseincal behavour goofy ebahoviiur nunncessary out of ocntrol behaviour

distractions not od thigsn otherh tan waht are important... anythign other htna waht is iporant ids a
distraction. dont spend waste yor time energy and effort doign thhat physica and mental ..

you need t keep in mind what oyu shud n shud not be doign os thth you know in your midn what oyu
need ot do you rmeember and oyu reguatle yoursefl accrdingly on the basis of htht information stored i
nyour mind as to what oyu hsud nshudn to be doing

you may know inyour mid nwaht oy ushud nshud not be odign but if oyu dotn act on it oyu dont
reugalte oyurself on the basis of hth t by proviidng reg thoguths then ou wont od it and flllow it

the process of reg how it works... you know i nyour mid nwaht oy ushud nshud not be doign so oyu reg
yourself accoridnglyl on the basis of htth by rpodiivng reg thogtush you reg your htinkign nad oyur
cacitosn to maek yourself od it and follwo it and hence oy udo it nad follwo it.

know what oyu need ot od ot regualte yoursefl

keep in mid nprog your mind
enage i nself regulation
regu your htinkign thought cotnrol & reguatlion
reg your actiosn action control

you need to keep in midn wha t you hsould nd should not be doign os that you know i nyour midn what
you hsould and hsould not be doing... you know in your mind what oyu should andhsould not be odign
ndad so oyu think accordingly and hence you do it and follwo it.

to reg your sefl you needo t ocnnsnntly regulate the thogutsh goin on i nyour head....

you need ot consntantly regualt te your actions

knwow hats goin on i nour midn hte thoguths goin on i nur head...
tell youselrlf to stop thinkign nonse or negative things leanr to reugalte oyur htoguths
There were times when i was smply not understanding how it works and what i needed to d i was totally
out of ocntroll and thinkign how what i need ot od ot make my self get to do it what whare i was goign
wrong how ot regualte myself waht processh ow it orwrks it took a lot of thinkign driving me crazy,
thinkign as to how the process wroks, it took many dry spells of distractions, and no work gettign done
at all only doign otehrh tigns lacking cotnrol and then stoppign everyhtign nad for days doign nothing
but jutst hinkign as to how it works what i need ot do to eregualte my sel f nad ho w hte processs of
regatlion works Thnak you go d for savign me nad helping me nad giivng me the process.

reasonign o do it cause yu iknow tis imp and needs t be done al thoguth your brian doesnot like doign it
that requires more knwoign and regualtions. rather than doig thigsn thath you nejoy doign your bria
ntells you to do those thigns those thgisn done need any reugaltion you do it on your own. cause you
brian enjoys doing it it n this info is stored inthe biarn th e last time you did it it felt good it was fun and
so you get the thoguth t do it as your brain wants to enjoyit agia nand so oyu do it .
just dont sleep late till 11:00
yeah thats what i do ususally during hte vacations
its hard ot control yoursefl elf control regualtion
yeah self control is one of my goals
as an mba its easy to tell others what to d
but its hard to regualte yourself if you cna then its maazing
thnak you sso much it made me think
and decie waht i should do durign hte vacations
it made m e think thank you or givign this idea to me
i never thoguth about it ahat i would be doing
htnaks fr making me thnk about htat
you now what i know what i will do will be apply ign searchgn ofrintership during that time sicne i will
be free
thas maazing thank you for ging htat idea to me and making me think as towhat i should do
i would have just slep t and wasted my time now i know hwat i need ot od during internship thank you
for showing me the direction
rember keep in mind wht u need to do

offer resistnce towht ur impluse thts tell u tpo donoo on t do it now

be awre wht thught s u get i n ur mind n wht ru thinking of

drop in productivity doing unimp thigns distracted

lack of self regulation n self controlln restrain
u nee t o knw wht u need to do regulate ursefl if you dont rascitse self reg n controll u will be out of
controll reg ur thinkign nactions by providng self regulatory thgouths
offer restrin resistance control
you need to practise selfreguaiton

you need to keep in mind

uyou need to regualte yoursefl by regualting your thinking and your actions by providng self eruglatry
thguhts inst commands o nthe bsasis of wht yu know i your mid n you hsud nshd ot be doing otkeep
yorlef on the right path htep ath to oyur goal ncorect yoursefl bring yur sefl back everytimme you stray

think of awhat yu need to do what to d now lets do this lets do that now ge t owork think fo what work
to do
you have to do it in an intelligent way
knowingh ow oyur brain works n stuff
ratehr than in a you know agressive and dicplined way

or thug way fa n stuff n you know nitelgent way

bossy n you know putting othes down n yoursfl up
fake and false way
n u need self regulation n controll

self reg :- get up man get up take effort

Good morning. Please be reminded that we are meeting at 9am tomorrow remebr keep I nmind don’t

let go adn let yourslf go loose n free reguate urself

Regulate your thinking be awre of hteht oguths goin o ni nyour headto be in control of oyur actiosn you
need ot be incontrol fo the thgouth s goin on I nyour head

Regulate yoursefl yr thnking provide regulatory htoguths Don’t think of other things

Don’t think of other thigns, think only of r studies

Keep in mind what you need to do
you need to keep in midn wha t you hsould nd should not be doign os that you know i nyour midn what
you hsould and hsould not be doing... you know in your mind what oyu should andhsould not be odign
ndad so oyu think accordingly and hence you do it and follwo it.

to reg your sefl you needo t ocnnsnntly regulate the thogutsh goin on i nyour head....

you need ot consntantly regualt te your actions

reguatr yourself remind youresfl keep in mind remeber

this and then regualte yourself accordingly
“lets notdo unimp thigns
you need to enage in selfreguatlion constatnly other wise you will be out of ocntrol

you know i nyour midn what oy ushud nad hsud not be doign soo accorindgly you need ot act on ti oyu
need ot regulate yoursefl..

consntaly ot maek yourself od it ofllow it to enforcei t on oyurelf to keep oyur self on the rightpath to
prevent ourself form straiyn to guide oyursfle to beign oyruself back o nthe right path to oyur gaol...
everytiem oyu stray to get yourself back o t doing the task hte endeavour hte eefor to achvie yur goal...
you know i nyour imidn what you shud nshd nto be doign soo oyudont need otehr hs to tell you
consntalty insrtruct you you needo t regualte yoursefl enage in self-reguatlion you only shuld tell
yourself instruct yoursfle... direct comamnd yoursefl... procivde self- regualtry thgotush isnrtrcutions
nad commands... to regualte yorusefl nad reguatle your tignkign nad oyur actions... ur thoughts act as
instructions or cmmands to mke urself do certinthing ors stop doing certain things to make urself think
of certain things or stop thinkingo f certain things unless n untillu provide those regutry hthoughts insts
n comands to contol durect commnd regulte urself u wont follow it u wont do certin things tht u know in
ur mind u shud be doin or u wont stiop doin orthikinfgof certin things tht u knw in ur mind u shud not be
thinking n doigng... u may know in ur mind tht u shud nott do or thnk certain things or u shud do or
think certain things but still u wont do it o think of it or u wont not do it or not think ofit inspiete of
knowing cause u are not instructiong tellingurself to do it follow it u re no proving tht regultry thought
command n inst n telling urself to do it n follow it

u kno in ur mind htht u shufd not waste time watchin tv still u sit n watch tv cause u are not regukting
urself u are not drecting instrcting commanging urself i u are not provingreg thought inst n commnd u
are not telling urself stop watching tv n get to wrk instructing urself regulting urself u need to act on wht
u know in ur mind u need to do .. on the info stred in ur memery... u need to aact on it n regulate rself
accordingly by providing reg hughts

how to regualte yoursefl?

just remeber four thigns understnading knowing memeory hinkign action

memeory: you need to remeebrkeep in midnwhat you shud and shud not do nad not forget.... so tht you
know i nyour mind hat oyu need ot od and oyu think accoridngly reuglate yoursefl accoridngly and
hence you od it and follow it ... also as you know i nyour md nwht u needo t be doign shud nn shud not
do or think and so it occurs to you wen you dont od it and os oyu think n regulte yourslef accoridngly
and you do it and follow it


Self regualtion: you know in yourm id what oyu shud nshdn to be doign os accoridngly ou need ot
engage i ncosntnatn self regualtion you need ot ocnsntatly provede regulatory thgoutsh instrucctiosn
and commads to regualte urself oyur htinking and oyur actions ...if oyu dont enage i slef regualtion if
oyu dont prevde egualtorhy toguths inst andocmmands to drect and urslef cosnntly then you will be out
of cotnrol due ot lack of self regualtion or governance

reuglating your thinkign by provindg self reugaltory htoguts

regulating your actiosn by provoigns self regualtry thoguths

you need to regualte urself by regullating thoguhts to regulate ur thinkign n ur actions

how to regualte yoursefl?

just remeber four thigns understnading knowing memeory hinkign action

memeory: you need to remeebrkeep in midnwhat you shud and shud not do nad not forget.... so tht you
know i nyour mind hat oyu need ot od and oyu think accoridngly reuglate yoursefl accoridngly and
hence you od it and follow it ... also as you know i nyour md nwht u needo t be doign shud nn shud not
do or think and so it occurs to you wen you dont od it and os oyu think n regulte yourslef accoridngly
and you do it and follow it


Self regualtion: you know in yourm id what oyu shud nshdn to be doign os accoridngly ou need ot
engage i ncosntnatn self regualtion you need ot ocnsntatly provede regulatory thgoutsh instrucctiosn
and commads to regualte urself oyur htinking and oyur actions ...if oyu dont enage i slef regualtion if
oyu dont prevde egualtorhy toguths inst andocmmands to drect and urslef cosnntly then you will be out
of cotnrol due ot lack of self regualtion or governance

reuglating your thinkign by provindg self reugaltory htoguts

regulating your actiosn by provoigns self regualtry thoguths

who are you the king of Saudi

you need to oncnstatnly regualte yourself your thignkignand your actions by providng regualtory
htgoutsh if oyu dont then you will be out of control
you need to ocnsnsalt proivde regualtory htgotush isntrucitosn and ocmamands to rreguatleoyurself
direct comamadn your sefl self instruct tell correct oyurefls and hence reguatle oyursefl your htignkign
nad ouyr actions if oyu odnt you will be out of control

you are simply lettign your sefl rfree to do what yu wnat ot od nad htink of what you want to think of
what hte impuslve meind wants to do n htink fo therh esi no reguatlio nno restrainit no resitantce... to it
and os oyu continue ot do it and ou arre out of control u dotn do n thin kofh wat oy uare suppsoed to do
n think of what oy uknow i nur senesibel memeory u are suppsoed to do n think of n you dotn stop
thinkign fo n doign what oyu knwo i nyor u sensenible memory rational memeory oy uare not suppoesd
to do n think of .... you neeed to enage in cosntnat self reguatlion to be in control if oyu jest let go and
odotn engege in self reguatlio nthen you are allowign oyurself to go free... you are nt conrllign yoru
midn ur htinkign u are lettign ur midn go free to do what it awnats htere is no resitancerestriant
oppostion nad os oyu wedn up odign hwat oy uwnat unimp thgigns

progmng the mind ot suceeed and thoguth control

you have become what yo ucall it distracted lost yu need ot get your fcus back toghter towards what is
imp need o t get your attention bakc to what is imp and you know need ot review rmeebrr... as to what
you should nad hsould nto be doign and why the resoaningb ehindi t

reinput in the memory cause oyu have frogottent it all and so you ar e not doign ti what oy uare
supposed to od as its no logner htehri n your mid n as to what oy uneed to be doing.. you needo
temrmeber it so tth ou do it and folow it

you continue to od it what you ar ne ot supposed to do as ause ou are not poiivndghtth thoguth inst and
command tellign yorusefl to stop oyu are not enage i nslef reguatlion...

u aren to oign to stop n u iwll coninue ot d o ti unless nad untill you provide thth regualtoryh toguth
commadni nst telleign yorueflto stop doing ti" lets not waste time doign all thsi lets ge ot work now"

caues you doont have any thgouth istruction commadn tellgn yorsel to sotp odign it so you will cotnune
to od it... hence you need ot engaei nself reguatlion reguatleyorusefl by itnetioanlly providign regualotry
thgotush isnt s and ocammnds to stop rlsef doign o htignkgin certian thgisn thth ou knwo i nyour mid n
ushudn ot be doign or htignkign n to maek urself od or think of certian thgisn thth you knwo i nyour
midn uneed ot be oidng or htignking

doingthignsthth you are notsuppoed to d de to impuslve emeory adn you will nto do thigns n think of
thigs thth you are suppsoed to hink fo cause htere is no control over your mind oyur thinkign.. you are
lettign yourslf go forr to hink and do what your implsuve part of hte mind memeory whnt tosd o and
enjoys doing.... and dyou ar ren ot restraign yoursfl... nto enegaing i nself reguatlion and self control not
regualign yourself your htignkign ru acitosn by proviign regualtoryh sfl reguatloryh toguthsi nst and
comamdns .. you arebasically lettign ursefl go free to huink and do waht oy uwant odo as oyu are nto
enaging i nregualion... self regualtion

things to rememebr and not forget nad keep in mind

thigns to understnad waht to do and not to do and why the reason behind it makes snese why to od it:

you do it cause you know in your midn thth you need ot other wise you are screwed... you know i nyour
mid nthth this is wht oyu need ot od and so you do it

unless and until lyour eguatle youresfl... enage in self erugaltion and proivde reugatlory htogtuhs inst
nad comamadns tellign yorusflto stp doign it you wil continue ot od it cause thehre is no isntruciton and
comamadn regualtion to changehte ocurse of action to stop yourself form doing it or make oyurelf do
otherh imp thgisn teeh is no oppositon restrain... ... you are allowign oyurslf do do what oyu wnat ot do
there is no restrain oppsion... so oyu need o proivde thht thoguth ocmmandsn ad inst tellig nyorusel to
stop oding it nad owhatis imp inoder to maek oyursefl stop doing it

you are gonna contunie to od it unless nad until lyou privde thth regualtoryh toguths inst and
comamand tellig nyrusefl to stp doing ti... to make oyursefl stop doing it... u need ot reeugalteoyursefl
direct yorusefl ocmamdn yorusefl xconsntatly basedo nwhat oyu knwo i nyour mind in your rational
memeory as to u shud nhsud nto be doing.. otehr wise you will bre out of ocntrol u wotn do whato yu
are suppsoed to do and will keep doig n what you ar e not supposed to do du ot hte impuslieve and
memeor tht tells you to do it what i t enjoys doing

you need to focus your midn you need to be aware of the thoguths ogin on i nyour mind yo uneed to
stop wastign oyur time thinkign of otehrhthigns unimp thigsn you know .... stop yourslef for mthinking
of unimp thgisn and think of waht is important..

yor actions are theresultof the thguhts goin o ni nyourhead to strat or stop an action you need a thoguht
tellign you to do so...

to be i ncontrol fo oyur actiosn ou need ot be i ncontrol of hete htioguhts gonin o n uin your head.. first
you thinkfo oding omsethign n then you do it.... so unless and untill you regualteyoursel by proivng
reuglatory htogutsh isnt nad commadns you wont stop doign a cetrtain thing unless you tellyourself to
stop doign it you will continue ot od it unless you stop yousrelsf from doing it bytellig noruslf to stp...

tht is wh oy uneedo terauglteyouresfl... impulsive behaviour is due ot lack of self reguatlion you eed ot
enage isn elfegualtion make oyurslf stp doing it by tellig nyorusefl tostop... igf oyu dont tehn you will be
out of ocntrolandm keyoursefl do the imp thigsn by tellig nyorusefl to do it by proivinghtht regualtoryh
togitshuh commadn nad isntruciton tellig nyorusefl to od it...
so thth you know i nyour midntyou remeebr whatoy uneed ot od and oyu think accoridnlgy andh ence
you do it and follow it

you know i nyor mid nthth you shundt eb odign unimp thgisn and so y think lets not waste time doigng
all this it can be done later on hence you stp doign it nad oyu do what is imp

you need t remember you need ot keep in midn waht you need ot do and not forget so thth ou know
inyour midn what you need ot od and hence you think accoidngly and ehcne you do it... ad ti oocurs to
oyu you areemninded of it every time oyu dotn o id ti or foollow it

inorder to stop doing certia nthgisn orthinkign of cerrtianthigsn you need othat thoguth insrcuiton
command tellign oyurelf to stop if oyu dont provide htht thoguht then you will continue ot od it....

unless you tell yourself to stop by proviidng htth regulatory htoguhts and refrian restrisn yourslef form
doing it

you need ot know how the brai nwoks and what you needo t od so as to reguatle yourself be i ncontrol
of oyur self

u need pt o keep i nmind so thth you know i n urm id nwaht oy uneed to do... and you regualte yoursefl
accoridngly and hence ou od it and follow it

if its not htere i nyour mid nn you dont remeber ti hten it wont occr to oyu and so you wont reglate
oyrusefl accoridngly and you wont do it and follow it

you know inyour midn and so you htiknk accrodngly nad hence you do ti and follow it you know in your
midn hth you hsudn ot do it and os oyu think lets notd oit.... or odnt do it ad so you odnt do it

you know i nyour midn what oy uneed to od u needo t enforce it on usefl by self reguatlion

wthths how the human brian works sooo wudnt hte same princleple apply ot drug addicion as well you
know in yor umind hthth its not good for oyu.. and so whe nyou get hthe thorught ot talke it you ressist
it by saying no to it causethgouth = action your brain wants it and so you get the htoguth tellign you to
take it and so ou take it you need to cancel tath thoguht opposeresit thath thoguht you know...

its hete primitive memeory vs the rational senesbile memeory

be aware of the thoguhts goin on in ur mind know what you are thinking of
and regulate your thinking stop thinking of other htigns
idwntify thoughts n instrutions imp unimp ben unben n cut of f resist
unbenfitial unimp thoguhts tht tell u to od unimp thigns

you need to be in knowledge that wil be useful to you n help u in ur work

stop thinking of otherhitngs

The process of sefl-regaltion how it works: the process of f regualton how it works and What oy uneed
ot do to regulate yourself

U need to keep in mind what you shud n shud not be doing and accoridnlgy regulate yourself to maek
urselfdo it and follow it

U shud keep I nmidn what u shud nshid not be doing nad regtel yorusflaccoridngly to make urlsefdo ti
and follow it.

U shud keep I nmidn what u shud nshid not be doing so thth u rmmeebr u know I nur mind hwt u shud
nshud not be odign nad u do it accordingly.

U need to keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud not do so thth u rmeber tis tehrh I nur mid nwht u neeed to
do n accoridnlgy regiatue lyourself to make urslef do ti and follow it

Un eed ot knwn understand ht u shd u nshud not do n why the eresoning behind it… things like u hsud
not waste time odign otehrhtignsu nimp things u need to od oterh thgisn at other htime durig the time
allocated for it n during ur wrk time u hsud nly od ur wrk n u need to keep all this I nur mind nreguatle
yourself accordingly ot make urslef do it nad follow it.

U need ot keep I nmind what ushud nshud not be doing so ththt u know I nur mind u remember its
there I nur mind wht u shud nshudn ot be doing and accordingly regulate yourself by proviidngreuglator
y thgouths to make urslef od it and follow it

If tis not there I nyour mind in the firstplace what u need to be doing… ifo yu have forgoteen then you
wont reugatel yourself accordingly.

U need ot keep in mind So htht u remember u don’t forget u know inur mid nwht u shud n shd notbe
doin n accordingly reguatle ursefl… if its nto ther iour mind what u ned to od if u haveforgotten then u
wont be ableto reguatle yourself

Remember keep in mind wht ushud nshudn ot be doing n accorindlgy reguatle urslef o nteh basis of htth
t m ake urlsef od it n follow it if itsn ot ther I nur mind if u have forgotten wht u needo to od hthen u wot
regulate urslef accoridnlgy n hence u wnt do it n follow it. U wont od wht u are supposed to od n thht is
why u hsud keep I nmind refresh urmemeory as to wht shud n hsud nto be doing input feed I nprogram
reprogram ur mind. Remind uerself

Keep I nmidn things like u shud not od othe rhitgns during rwrk timeu need ot be focused do only ur
work all ot her thigsncanebdone at otehrhtimeduirng the time allocated for it
And thignsl ike don’t waste ur time lazing around sleeping doing unimp things or doing nothing do wht
imp n wrk twardsachivng ur goals

You need ot be fast you need ot be focused u need ot wbe hardworking work hard nad cosnntatly
And work smart

U need ot recognizewht isimp nwht is not imp distinguish beteen wht is imp nwht is not imp … n not
waste timesepdnenrgy oidn htgtins htht u may enjoy doing but are nimp n wont help u to ahcive the
imp things I nlfie or goals etc.. r success

U need ot keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud not be doing thigns like u shudnt wast ur time doing unimp
things u shud wrk hr dot ahcive ur gaols n accordingly u ned to reguatle urlesf ot maek urslef do it n
follow it

Its like parents feed I ninput I ntheir kids mind wht they shud nshud nto be doing they not only make
them understand but they also input in their kids memeory feed in the mind the information I nt oteh
memory so th h tht information isstored n so they kid think acoordngly reguatle themselves accordingly
n hence do tin ad follow it n take dieicosn accordingly

Fro eg: parents may ell lkids thingsl iek its wrogn to smoke you get cancer, also thigsnl iek alcohl is nt
goodo it spilosl your liver, also drgsnceu get hooked n ti then u do anything for it u even steal for it ,
cause u cannot live or stay with out it u get addicted o tot I and oso n so hwen osme oen else offers
these kids htsesthigsn they say n o to ti cause this info is storedi tnehri mid theth its nto good hty shud
nto take it… n they udnenrstdn why n this has been fed I ninpttedi ntehri midns by the parent midnsh
ave been programmed and so the kidsk now they hsudnt take it the info is storedi itn he memory n
hence they don’t.

The nthe parent s make the kids understnadn explain ti to them things like u shdnto waste ur tiem doing
nimp thgisn ur time is imp … u need ot decide wht wrk to od , u needo th in kfo wht wrk to od. So they
kids udnenrnstnd hwt they shud hudnt be doing n why n this info is also sstoredi ntehri mind s as its
inputted by hteri parents by telling nthem theisi nfo is sroedi nthe mid ns the mind is progreamaedn
nehcne the kids thin kacoocridnglyn reguatle themselves nad od it nad follw oit. N they are also
reminded of it reprogrammed incase hetey have forgotten it the parents may tell them agin dotn wast
tiem doing unim ptghisn get o to wrok immediately n omeplte it fast.

The process of sefl reguatlion, the process how it works why u do what u do: its cause U know I nur mind
wht u shud nshdun t be doing n so u regulate urslef accordingly and hence u do it and follow it.

keep i nmidn wht u shd nshdu not be odign nreg urself accoridngly if
its not hther in your midn teh nu wont reg urslef accrdngly n u won do
it n follwo it
u knwoi nur mid nwhat u shud nshd not be doing so u htin kaccordingly
ureg urslef accrdignly by prvign reg thusth n henceu do it n follwo it
You needot know hwo ot regualte oyurelf wht u neeed to o dot reguatle yourself: keep in mind wht u
shud nshud not be doing and accordingly connstly reguatle yourself by proivign reg thgotush inst and
commands to driect itnsrect correct urelfsf brign ursefl back o ntrack everytime u stray keep urslefo
nthe right path nprevent userlf from straying, and make urslef do n think wht u know shud be odign
nthinking. Focus ur mid n nactions towards one thing n not get distracted.

knowi nmifnd keep i nmidn wht hsud nshdin not bedoign n acrodingly cosnnstly regualte oyurself by
proviidng reg thgotush comamadns isntrucitosn to make urslef do it nad follow it

the process of regulation: you need to keep I nmind what u shud nshud nt be doing so thth u remember
, u dotn forget , tis hhre I nur mind wht u shud nshud nto be doin u know I nur mind wht u need ot od
wht u shud be odign n I t occurs to oyu wen u don do it…. N accordingly u need to reguatle ursefl by
providing eg thgutsh inst nn commands t make urslef doit n follow it to enforce it upon urslefnn
makeurlef do it n follow it. You ned to keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud not be doin n accordingly reg
urslef to mke urslef od it n ollow it

u need to keep in mind wht u shud nshudn ot be odin and accordingly regulate yourself to make urslef
do it and follow it

the provcess of reg how it works: u know I nur mind wht u shud nshud not be doing so u think
accordingly n reg urself accordingly n maek urslef do tin a follow it for what reg fr what? To reg ur
actiosn stop urslef form doing otehrh tigns mke ursefldo tigsn thht u know I nur mid nu shud be doing na
t ot regurthinking rsest thgotush th ttell uto od otehrh tisgns n mstop ursefl for mthinking of othehr
tignsn make urslef think fo wrk n imp thgisn

keep I nmidn things like u shud wrk consntly, not waste time doing oterh things unimp thgisn, be
focused not waste time doing oterh htigsn unim thigns

feed I ninput it nur mid nwaht u shud nshudn to be dgn sothht u remmerb u knwoi nur mdi nwht u need
ot odo n u reg urself accordingly ot makeurslefod it n follow it

dotn waste u rite in nonsense n unimp thgisn …. Thth will brngu no benefit n ngoain
thigns like fb u shud do ent etc… u shud do it in the end hw muc tiem sepndign doing wht acitivty how
much tiem wrk n how mcu hfor recreation

u need to know what u need to o dot reg ursefl: u need ot keep I nmid wht u hsud nshud not be doing n
accorignly reg urself by rpvidng reg thgotsh isn’t comamadnsto maek urself do ti n follow it
keep I nmidn things n like u need ot wrk hrd u need ot study contiously u shud nto dootehr htigsn n so
on… feed I n input in mememry and accrodignyl eneage I nself reguatlio nreg ursefl occntly to maek
usrlsef do it n follow it
know the process of eg hwo it works nhw ot reg urslef nwht uneed ot odo to reg ursefl
keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud nto do remebe n accordingly reg urself to make urslef do ti n follow it
to control urslef to mke urslef do ur wrk n im toignshh thht needo t be done to ahcvieur gaol

it’s a conflict between being impuslvie wht ur impuslve mind tells you to od internal conflict vs wht ur
sensiebel mind knows u shud be doing

How does this process work?

The process of regulating yourself:

You have got the parts the four parts that make the engine work it’s a matter of figuring out how ot put
htem toghtehr assembling htem th e process:

Process 1:
You need to keep in mind wht u shud nshud nto be doing n accordingly reguatle yorusefl to maekurself
do it and follow it.

Process 2:
Inorder ot reguatle yourself oyu need to kee pi n mind
Inorder to reguatle yourself you need to enage in sefl regautlion
Inorder to reguatle yourself oyu need to reguatle oyur thinking control ur mind
Inorder ot reguatel yourself oyu need ot regautel your actions

Process 3:
You need to keep in mind wht u shud nshud nto be doing n accordingly reguatle yorusefl to maekurself
do it and follow it. And ot reguatel yoru thinking your mind nad oyur actions. Stop urslefform doing
otehrhtigsn maek urslef do wrk n impt hgis nmake urslef od htigsn thht u know I nur mdi n ushud
beoding reguatle your thinking stop urself form thinking of otoerh htigsn unimp things n make ureslf
think ofwrk n imp thgisn. Inorder otreguatle yourself make urslefdo what u know in ur mid n shud not be
odign stoprslef form thinking nfo othrhitngs reguatel yours actios nstop yourself form doing oteh
rhtignsn amek uself do imp thgisn htht u know I nur mdi n ushud be oding.

Process of regautlion and reguatel what? Your thinkgi nandour action

How ot reguatle and reguatel what?

Which process to follow?

Its like 90% done wit hthe four things I npciture to regulate yourself or control urself 1) memeory keep
I nmind prog the mind input feed I nwht u needo to do remebr 2) ccrdongly sefl reguatlion to maek
urslef od it follow it 3) control ur mid nur thinking 4) control u r actions … but how ot put it all tighter
you have the parts hwo to assemble them th process hw it works?

As u know because u know I nur mind what uneed ot do (the info stored I nru mind) so oyu think
accordingly u regulate yourself accordingly as hence you do ti nadfollow it.
Understadnign means thinking knowing n coming to a conclcusion asto wht u shud nshud not bedoign
nwhy if ido this then this will happen ifi do thht then thth will happen os I shud not od this)
U need ot keep I nmidn what u shud nshud not do so thth u rememeebr wht to do and accordingly
reguatle yorusefl tomaeke urself do ti and follow it

U need ot keep I nmid nwht u shud nshud nto be doing so thht u remeebr and dotn forget wht u need to
od u know in ur mid wht u need ot od and u reguatle yourself accordingly to make urslef do ti and
follow it.

You have to follow some process for now! Follow thtis process:-

The process of regulation:

You need ot keep in midn what youshud nshudn ot do so thth u remmrb u know I nur md in what u shud
nshud nt be doing and acrodinlyregautle urself to make urslef do ti and follow it .. os thh urememebr its
therei n ur mid n uknow I nur mid nwhat u need ot od wht u shud n shud nto be doing n so acoridngly
reguatle yourself to maek urlsef od ti and follow it. So thht u rmembr u know in ur mind its therei nur
mid nwaht u shud nshud not be odign n u reg urself accordingly to maek urslef d o tin ad follow it n I t
occrs t oyu wen u dotn do what u u are supposed to be dign n u do things thth u are ot supposed t be

The process of reg how it works: U know I nur mind wht u shud nshdu not be doing so u thnk accordingly
u reg urslef accordingly by rpdoivng reg thgotush inst n commdns n hence u do it nad follw oit

If its not there I nyour mind if u have forgotten what you need to do then if tis no longer there I nur
mind then you wont reguatle yourself accordingly and os oyu wont do it and follow it
Also, just cause you know in ur mind thth u need otdo it doesn’t eman you will think accordingly on ur
won nad do it on your own… u need to enage I nself regulation provide regulatory htogth inst nad
command to maek urself do what oyu know I nur mid n ushud be doing. U need ot act on what you
know I nyour mind u shud be doing and regulate urself accordingly to make urlsef do it and follow it.. u
nowi nur mid nwaht oyu need ot od so oyu only tell urslef instruct urself enage inself-regualtio provide
reg thgotuh I nstrcution and command to amek urself od it nad ofllwo it u dotn need oterhs to tell u u
understand what ot od n u know I nur mind wht u need to od so u only tell urself nad regulate urself n
maek urlsef do it and folwo it.

So tht u know in ur mind wht u shud n shud nt be doin n reg urself accrdlytomke urself do it n floow it

Un eed to keep in mind what yo ushud nshudn ot be doing and accordingly regautel yorusefl to make
urlef do it and follow it cause ifu have forgotten what oyu ned to od n tis not thehre in your mind then u
wont reguatle yourself accordingly hence u wotn do it nad follw oit.. just cause u know I nur mid nwaht
u need ot od doesnto mean thht u will think accordingly on your own automatically and od it nad follw
oit … u need to act on ti u need ot regautel yourself accoridnlgy by providing reguatlory htoguths isn’t sn
commands to maek urle do t I nad follw oit… provide reg thgotus h instructions nad commdnads to
make urlsef do it and follow it.

U need to prog ur mind input fed in the info so tht u knw in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be doing n
accordingly reg urself by provng reg thghts insts n comnds to mke urself do it n follow it.
U need ot kee pin mind things like ushud not be thinking of othe hritngs ushud nto be doing oterh
htigsn u shud be doig nwrk n imp things etc.. and accrodinlgy enge isnefl reguatlion and reg ur thinking
nad your actions stop urself from thinking n doing thigns hth u knowi nur mind ushud nto eb doing n
make urself do thigns htht u know I nur id n ushud be doing.

U need to keep I nmidn wht u shud nshud not be doin n acocridnlgy reguatle yorusefl to make urself do
it andfollow itand accordingly reguatle yoru thinking and your actions.

Once u know understand and figure out what oyu need to do inorder ot regulate ursel then it becomes
U know I nur mid nwhat you shd nhsud nto be odign so accordingly enage I nsefl-regualtion to enforce I
t upn urself ot make urslef do tin ad follow it

U need to keep in mind what u shud nshud not eb doing and accordingly cosnnstaly enage I nself
regautlion to maek urself do ti and follow it!
U need ot keep in mind what u shud nshud nto be doig nand accordingly cosnntslay egultae yorusef to
maek urslef do it and follow it ot enforce it upon urself! Engage I nself regautlion

U need to keep I nmidn rememrb what yo uhsud nshdn otbe doing nad accoridngly regualte yoruself t
maek urself do ti and follow it!

You need to keep I nmidn what oy ushud nshudn ot be doing so thth u rmeebr u know I nyour mind
what u need to do … and acfrodignly reguatel yoruslef enage I nself reguatlion to maek urlsef do it
nad follow it. To enforce it upon uer self n maek urself do ti and follow it.. u know I nur md I nwhat u
needo t od so u only tell urself reguatle yorusefl to make urlsefdo ti andfollwo it. To cntro lruself.

How u canstp ursefl form doing oteh rhitngs unimp thgisn n make ur self do imp thgisnn things thth u
know in u rmi dn u shud be doing… how u can stop urslef form thinking of oterh htigsn nuimp thgisn
make urself think of wrk n imp thgisn….

Why u do unimp things in teh first place? N think fo other htigsn? Its casue you have an impsulvie
memeory tht tells u to do oterh htigsn unimp thgisn tht overrides the sesneible memeory where I nu
know u hsud not be doing to her htigsn n u have imp tgisn to od n u shud be doing imp thgisn the
impsuvle memeory is too strong compare do t the sensible memeory nad so to reguatle yorusefl you
need ot oreguaetl the impuslvei thinking the impsulvie part of the mind and the impsulvieactions tht
u know I nru seensibel memory u shud not be doing n thinking. And reg ur actions amek ursel do
things tht h u know I n ur sensible memory u shdu be doing n thinking.

U need to regulate ur thinking and ur actions, stop ursefl from thinking of other htigsn make urslef
think fo work and imp things , ressits impuslvie thogtsh tht u get I nur mind due to the impulsive htth
tell you to do other things unimp thgisn tht u know I nur senessibelmemory u shud not be doing, u
need to reguatel yoru actions, stop urslef from doing unimp things tht u kow I nur mid n ushud not be
doing but u do as ur impuslvei thogtush tell you to do, make urslf do imp thigns tth u know in ur mid
n ushud be doing. And make urself do thing htht u know I nur mind u hsud be doing.
To stop urself from dign other htigsn thht u know I nr mid n ushud not e doing but why you do other
htigsn I nteh fifrst place? Lack of self control? Why u don’t odimp thgisn tht u know I nur mid n ushud
be odign instead u do other thgisn? Why? Its cause of the impsuvle mind htth tells u to od other thgisn
thth ur berain enjoys doing. So u neeed to enange I nsefl regautlion to stop urself form doing other
htigns impuslve thigns htth ur rbain tells u to od and maek urslef do work and imp things. Hth u know
inur mid n ushud be doing tis like trying to change the flwo of water it takes a lot of effort caue u get
distracted . as ur impusvle thgotush tell u to od otehrh tigsn thh the brain e enjoys doing and so u
need ot constantly enage I nsefl reguatlion.

Selfregualtion is not just about making urslef do what oyu know I nyour mid nu shud be doing! Its also
about cnstnantly ressitign impsuve thgotush htth tell u to od otehrh tigns unimp thgisn, and resisting
impsulve actions thth u o due ot the impsulve thoguths htth tell u to do other htigns uimp thgsin… so
u need ot know what oyu needo to do u need ot ocnsntnatly enage I nself reguatlion to stop
urslefform doing unimp thgisn thht ur impsuvlethogtush tell u tood brign ursel f back o nteh right
track o nteh right path, resists say nto ot impsuvle thogtush thth tell u to do otherh itgns unimp

To reguatle yourself u need ot reugalte yourhtinkign resist impsvle thogtush thht tell u to od oteh
hritngs n reguatle yoru acitosn stop urslef form doing impsuvle thigns .i norder to control and
reguatel yoursefl you need t ocnsntlaty reguatele ur thinking ur htinkgi nad our actions be awrar efo
the thgotsh going on I nur mind and restis say njo to impsuvel thogtus tht tell u t odo other htignsu
nimp things it’s a cosntnat process , resist impsulve acitosn arising form implsuvvie thgotus h thth tell
u to do other htigns.
Know what u need to do ot control ursfel and reguatle yorusefl
To stop urslef from doing otehrhtinsg hth ur impsuvle thogutsh tell u to do
Connslty enagei nselfregualtion to stop urself form doing oteh rhtgisn thht ur impsuvle thgotush tell u
to od but u know in ur sensible memmeory u shud nto be doing. To make ursef do imp things n thigns
thht u know I nur selnsible meme u shud be doing..

If u give in to ur miplivse thogutsh if u dot nresist them if oyu don’t regu urslf then u ill be ut of ocntorl
say no dotn waste ur time doig thht now get ot work u needo to cnsntalty regulate yorusefl.. control
resist be are s of the htogtsh goin o ni n ur mdi nwhat thoguths u get tell ing you to od hwat and
accordingly ressit say no to impuslve thgotush thth tell u to do otehrh itngs unimp thgisn..
If u igve I nto the impsuvel thgotush n dotn resit them n elt yourself go free to od what ur impslvuve
thogtush tell u to od then u will end u doing oteh rhigns unimp thgisn thht u know u shud nto be doing
n u will end up out of control. N so u need ot say not o n resit htose impuvie thgotush retrain refrain
thth tell ut odo othr htigns unimp thgisn!
How to ocntorl urslef reguatle yorusefl stop urslef form thinking ndoing othherh tigns n make urslef
do ur wrk n imp thgisn! What u need ot od how t reg urself hwo the process of reg works!
Say no to other htioguths htht tell u to od otehrh tigns unimp things as u know I nur mid n ushudnt be
doing ti. N u have wrk nad imp thgisn to do !

U know inur mdi nthht u shud not be wasting time odign oterh tigns so tell urslf don’t waste time
doing all tth now focus o nimp things u can o lal tht later on as well do whats imp… n leave everything

U neeed to know what u need to do to regulate ncontrol urself u need to resist say no to implsive
thoughts tht tell u to do otherthing n stop impulsive actions tht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing
n keep in mind wht u need to do to reg urself ht u shud eresist impulve thoughts n actions n accrdgnky
regulate urself enage in self regulatn to resist implsive tghts n actions.

Inorder to regulate yourself u need to control and reguatel yoru thinking and your actions

The process of regulation (Memory and self-regualation) VS something that gets regulate and needs
to be regulated

Why you do other thigns? Unimp thigns? You do other htigsn unimp thgis cause your impsulve mind
tells u to do oterh htigsn cause it enoys doing it althoguhg thgose things are nto imp, n so u need ot
consntantly eange in self regulation to stop urself from doing otherhtigns nimp thgisn tht u knowi nur
mid n u shud not be doing, but u do them as ur impulsive mind nd thogtush tell u to do them, and as
u know I nur mid nthth u need to cosnntalyenage I nself reguatlio t omkae urslelf stop doing them. N
uknwo I nru mid ntthh u need ot eneage I nself reguatlion cosnntaly enage ins elf reguatlion to stop
urself for mdoign those impuslve things thth ur impuslve mind tells u to od and to maek urslef do
things thth u know u shud be odign n so u enage inself reagutio nocnsnatly to keep rslef o ntrack.

Why u do otherh tigns instead of imp things u do other htigns as u r impuslve thogtush tell u to od o
other hitgns u knwoi n ur mid nthth u shud nto be doing toherh tigsn n unimp thgisn as u have work to
odn more impt hgisn to od so cosnntaly enegae I nself-regualtion to stop urself formd oign
otehrhtignsn make urlsef do work nad imp things.

Enage I nself-reagultion to stop urslf from doing impuslve things unimp thgisn thth u do as ur impsulve
mind thgotush tell u to do but thth u know I nur mid n ushud not be doing

U do other htigsn as ur impuslvie mind tells u to od otherhitgns unless and untoill u dotn rpivde
reguatloryh toguths isn’t and ocmmadn telling ruselfto stop doing otherh tigns u will continue ot od
other thigns… u know I nur mind u shud nt be odign tehrh tgns waste time doing otherh thgisn and so
accordingly conancnatly reguatle yourself to stop urslefform doing other htigns and maek urself do
oyur work and imp things .
So accoridnlgy reguatel yourself to stop urslffrom doing otherh tigns unimp thgins thth uknowi nur
mid n shud nto eb doing.
U do other htigns unimp things cause ur impsluve mind ur htgoutsh tell u to do otehrhitgns
U know inur mid nthth u shud not be odig notehr htigsn unimp thgisn so accoidngly reguatle
yoruseflto stop ursefl frm doing unimp thgisn n make urslef do imp thgisn. If u dotn regulate yorusefl
ten u will continue to do it… u need a thoguth telling u to stop doing ti for u to stop doing it.
Consnatly ennage inself-reguatlion to stop urslef frm dign otehrh tigns thth u know I nur mind ushd
not be oding. To stop urslef frm doing otherh itgnsu nimp thgisn thth uknwo I nur mid n ushud not be
odign n maek urself do things thth u know I nur mid n ushud e boding.

U need otocnsntalty enae I nself reguatlio nto stop ursefl from doing htigsn thht uk now in ur mid n
ushud not be odign n maek urslef do things thth u know I nur mind u shud be doing.
U do other htignsh cause ur impsuvle thgoutsh tell u to do them… hw ot st urslef fromd ign unmp thgisn
namek urslefdo wrk n imp things! U need to enage in slef regatlion . to stop urself frm doing otheh

“U need to ocnsntlaty enage inselfregualtion to stop urslef form doing otehrh tigns thth u know I nur
mid n ushud not be doing n maek urlsef do things thth u know I nur mid n uhsud be doing. Inorder to
stp urslef u need a reguatleoryh togtush telling rseufl to stop otherhwise oyu will continue ot od it.”

U need ot enange in cosntnat self-reguatlion to stop urslf ofrm doing ohtehr htigsn nmkaeurlsef do oyur
work and imp thgisn. To eguatle your actions! If oyu odtn enane inself reualgiton you will be out of
control! Lack of selfe-reguatlion and oyu will be out of control u will end up doing things thth u shud not
be doing tht ur impsuvlie thgoutsh thll u to od nad not od things thth u shud be doing

The process of regautlion: U need to keep I nmind what ushudnshud not be doing things like u shud not
waste time doing oterh htigsn unimp thgisn and accordingly reguatelyorusefl t maek utrself do it and
follow it … stop urself form doing otehrh thing n make urslef do u wrk n imp things.

U know I nur midn htht u shud not waste ur item doing other htignsn unimp thgisn n so u reg ursefl
accoidngly n hecne stop urslf rom doing othehritgns unimp thgisn.

U shud keep in mid nwaht u shudn shud nt be odign os thht u know I nur mind what u shud nn shud nt
be doing nad accordingly enage I nself-reguatlion to maek urslef do ti and follow

U shud keep in mid nwaht u shudn shud nt be odign os thht u know I nur mind what u shud nn shud nt
be doing nad accordingly enage I nself-reguatlion to reguatle yor self ur thinking and ur actions and
make urslf do ti and follow it what u know I nur id nu shud be doing n shud not be oding.

U need to remeeber kep in mind wht u shud nshud not be doig so thth u know inur mid nwht u shud
nshud nt be doing n accoridngly enage inself regaultion ot make urlsef do it andfolow it
rmmeber thigsn like u shud not waste ur time doign otehrhtigns unimp thgisn, u shud not sleep ,relax
alze around nad waste ur ime...

u know in ur mindwht u shud n shud notbe doing so accdngly enge ns e;lf regult to mke urself do it n
follow it

u know in ur mnd wht u shud n shud not be doin so accrdnglyconstly enage in self regulatn to mke urself
do it and follow it to stop urself frm doing other things unimp things mke urself do r wrk n imp things tht
u kow in ur mindu shud n shud not be doing.

U know inur mid nthth u shudnot be odign oterh htigns so accoirndgly enage in slefreguatlion to
reguatle yorusfl stop yourself form doing toerh htigns

U need ot remember keep I nmidn what u shud nshd not be doing so htth u remmebr its there I nur
mid nu know I nur mid nwhat yo ushud nshud not be doing thigns like ushud not think of othrhetigns
u shd resist imusvle thgotush htth tell u t odo otehrh tigns u shud not waste tiem doing unimp thgisn
u need ot work fast u shud do otehrhtigns nat otehrh tiems so htht u know I nur mid nu remember its
terheh in ur mid nwhat yo ushud nshud nto be doing n u reguatle yourself accordingly ot maek urlesf
do tin ad follow it if its not hthre in urmidn if u have forgotten then u will nto reguatle yorusefl
accordingly n hence u wont od it nad follow it!

U need to coannstly ennage inself reguatlio nto amek urself do n follow wht u know inur mdi n uhsd
be doing just cause u know doesn’t mean u will do ti u need a thgotush isntruciton commands telling
isntrcutiong urslef ot od it … to maek urself strt or stp doing it ! if u don’t provide theht thgotuh u
wont od it… u need a thgotuh telling u to od it for u to strat or stop doing certia nthgisn!

U need ot resist impsulve thoughts thth tell u t ot d ootehrhtigsn n stop urslef form thinking of
otehrhtigns u need ot resist impsuvel actiosn htth u do due to impsuvle thogtush thth tell u to od
otehrhtigsn unimp thgisn… by enangeing inc osntnat selfregautlion ot stop urslef form thinking tf
otehrhtigns n doing otehrhtigns impsuvle htigsn n stop impulsive thgotush thth tell u to od

Regualte and control your mind ur thinking:-

Inorder to regulate your self u need ot reguatle and control ur mind tht is regulate and control ur
thinking stop urslfform thinking of otherhtigns make urslef think fo wrk and imp things, think of what
ot think of, resist imosuve thgotush thth tell u to do oterh htigns, ur actions are a result of the
thgouths goin on I nur head to regulate your actiosn u need to regulate the thgoutsh htth tell u to do
other htigsn impulsive thigns.

Regualte and control your actions:-

Inorder to regulate your self u need ot reguatle and control ur actions stop ursefl form doing
otehrhtigns unimp things thth ur implsive mind tells u to od, tht u knowi nur mid n ushud not be
doing, but u do them cause ur implsuve mind tells u to ode m, and stop urself from doing other htigsn
htht u know I nur mind u shud not be oding, make urself do thigs thht u know I nur mind u shud be

U know I nur mind thht u shud not be thinking of otherh tigns n think of rk n imp thigns n tht u need
ot enage inself reguatlio nto stop urself form thnkign fo otherh tigns, so accoridngl y eange in self
reguatlion and regulate yourself to stop urself form thinking fo otherh tigns.
U know I nur mid nthht u shud say not otresist impsulve thogtush thth tell u to od ooterh htigsn
unimp thigns thth u know I nur mid nare unimp to prenet urlsef form doing unimp things and htht u
need to reguatle userlsf eange inself reguatlio nt osto resitst thsese thgotsh n stop urself form doing
unimp thiggns so accordingly enage I nslfregauliton to resist say no to impuslve thogtush n stop urslef
form doing other htigsn unimp thgins.

To reguatle yur thinking ur mind u need ot be aware of the htogutsh goin on I nur mind nad
accordingly regautle yoru thinking.

U know I nur mind thht u shud not be doing unimp thigns and tht u need ot enage inself reguatlio
nthth is rpovde reg thgotuh inst n commands to make urlsef stop doing othehr itngs n unimp things
and so accordingly enage I nslfregauliton to resist say no to impuslve thogtush n stop urslef form
doing other htigsn unimp thgins.

U need ot constantly eange ins elf regautlion to regulate your thinking and ur action tht is stop urself
form thiknkign n doing otehrhtigns unimp thgisn thth u knwk in ur mid n ushud not be oding n maek
urself thinkn do thgisn thth u know inur mid n ushud be doing.

U ennaegei ns self reguatlion cause u know I nur mid n uneed ot enage isnelf reguatlion
U resist impuslve thogtush , and stop urself form doing unimp things as u knowi nur mid nthht u need
ot ressit impsulve thgotuhs.

U know I nur mid nthth u shud not do oterh htigns so u need ot connstly enage in self reguatlion to
stop urself from doing oterhhtigns.

U need to cosnnstlya engage ins elf reguatlion inorder to stop ursleffomr doing oterhhtigsn resist
impsuvle thgotush tht tell ur to do othretigns, to maek urself do things tht uknow I nur mid n ushud
be doing etc.. as u kn0ow I nur mind u shud not be doing oterh htigns n say no to thguths tthh tell u to
od other thgisn. If u don’t enage I nself reguatlion uwill be out of control.

U neeed to ocnsnstaly eange isnelf regautlion to control and reguatle yoru thinking and ur actions to
stop urslef form thinking fo otehhrings maek utselr think for k n ip thgisn to resist impsuvle thgotuhs
to stop ruselfform doing oterh htigsn thth u know in ur mid n ushud not be doing r impsuvel thguths
tell u to od to maek urelsf d oyour work and imp thgisn thth u kow I nur mind u shud be oding. If u
don’t enage isnelf-reguatlion u wil be out of control.

The process of reguatlion: u need ot keep I nmidn what u shudn hsudn ot be odign n accordingly
eange isnelf-regauliont ot maek urslef do it and follow it to enforce it upon urlsef n makeurlsefdo it
nad follow it

“Inorder to regaulte yourself u need to control and reguatle your thinking and your actions “
Be aware of the thogtuh s goin o ni n your head what impsulve thogths u get telling u to od what n
resist say no to the impsuvle thgotush thth tell you to do oterhhtgsn unimp things, enage isn
elfreugaltion regautel your thinking no don’t waste your time odign thth now! As u know in ur mind I
nur sensible ememory thth u need ot be oding imp things

U know I nur mind what you shud nshud not be doing, thinking etc… n so accordingly connanstly
enage ins elf reguatlion to reguatle tour thginkign and actiosn na d maek urslef think n do what you
know I nru mid n ushud be thinking n ndoing.

The process of regautlion:-

u need ot keep I nmind what u shud nshud nto be doing so htht u know inr mdi nwhat u need to od n
accordingly enage insefl reguatlion consant selfreguatloion to amek urselfdo ti and follow it. To resist
imspulve thogtush nad actions prevent urslefofrm straying brign urslefbackeverytiem u stray, make
usr elf do what u knowu need ot be doing.

U know I nur mid nthth u hsud not be thinking fo otherhtigns so accordingly regulat oyuslre to sop
urself form thinking fo otehrhtigns. Provide regulatory thgotush isntruciton command to stop urslf for
mthinkign fo other thgisn

U know I nur mind thh u shud not waste tiem doing unimp thgisn so accordingly reguatle yourself stop
urself from doing toerhtignsthigsn thth ur impulvs emind tells you to do .

U need to kee p inmidn so thth u know wht u shud nshdu not be doing and hence accordingly u need
ot enage inself regaltion to amek urself do it n follw oit if its not terhe I nur mid nthe nu wont reguatle
oruself accordingly and so u wont do it

If you dotn cosnntaly enage inself reguatlion then you wlill be out of ocotnrol cause u will end up
thinking ndoign what ur impsuvel thgotush ell u t odo n donign what u know inur mdi n ushud be

U know inur mid nthth u hsud not be wasting tim doing unimp thgisn so saccoridngly reguatel yorusf
provide reg thgotush instrucitosn and ocmmnad to stop urslef form doing otehrhtignsn make urlsef
do ur work nad imp things!

Cosntnalty enage in sefl regautlion to stop urslef form thinking n ndoign otehrhings thth ur imspveil
mind telels u to do tht u know inur mid n ushud not be doing n make urself think n do things tht u
know inru sensible memory u shud be doing.

Why you do what yo udo ? as u know I nur mind wht to od and so you thiknk accordingly u reg urslffe
accordingly n nahce u do
Why u don’t do wht ushudnt do? As u know inur mid nththt u shudnt do thth so u think accordingly
and hece you stop ursleffrom doing it or dotn do what u shudnt do.
U know I nur midn htht u shud not be wasting time doing otehrhtigns os acoridnlgy u enae inself
reguatlion to stop urself from doing otherhtigns unimp thgins!


Final stuff: -

Process of regaultion (memeory and thinking)

If u don’t cosntnalty enage inself reguatlion then you will be out of control u need ot
ocnsatnly eenage I nself regautlion to stop uself form doing oterhitgnsthigns thth ur impsuvle
mind tells u to do to prevent urselfform doing thigsnthth ur impulsive mind teslls u to do … if
u don’t constantly enage in self-reguatlion uwill be out of ocntorl. To keep urslef on the pat h
to oyur goal tht is doing the thgisn working tords ur gols doing things tht u know u hsud be
doing , to brinf g urelf back everytime u straty t ostop urslef form straying getting distracted
doing oterhhtigsn diverted, thinking fo otehrhtigsn focusing urmidn o notehrhtings.

Just cause u know I nur midn destn mean thth u will thin kaccoridnlgy and do ti! U need to act
on it cosnnstly enage inself reguatlion to amek urelf do ti and follow it resist impsulve
thgouhts tahth tell you to do oterhhritgns , to stop urself from doig ntoehrhtigsn unimp thgis
tht ur impslvem ind tells u t o do n cnosntntaly engage in self regautlion.

U know inur mid nthth u shudnt be oding it but how to make urself stop doing ti? U need to
enage in cosntnat self regulation so act on it! To maek urslef stop doing certaint things and
make urself do ur work nad imp thgisn if u dotn enage inself reguatlio nthe n uwill be out od
ofo control uwont do what u are supposed to be doing n u will do things thth uare nto
supposed to be doing!

U know I nur mind thth u shud nt be odign toerhrhignsn thth u need ot enage in self
reagultion provde reguatlory thgotuh command instructions telling usefl to stop doing
othetigsn to force urself to stop doing oterhtigns n maek urslefdo ur work nad imp thgisn so
accordingly u enage I nself regautlion to stop urslef form doing toehrhtigns. Cause t stop
urself u need a thought telling ruself to stop doing it. To amek ulsef stop doing ti provede htth
thought instrucitosn and command telling nruself to stop csntlty eange inself reguatlio
naccoridng to what u know ushud shud nto eb doing nthink t omake urslef stop or do ceatin
things. U neeed to enange in self reagultio nto make urslef stp doing wht u kknwo inur mid n
ushud not be doing or make urself do what u neknwoi nur mdi n ushud be oding. Regaulte
urself accoridngly oterhwsie u wont do it! Just cause u know I nur mid ndoesnt mean u will
thin kauotmatically n do ti u need to act onti cosnntlay enagne inself reguatlion to amek
urself doti and follow it to enforce it upon urslef!. U know in ur mid nthth u hsud not be odign
otehrhtigns so accordingly engage inself reguatlio nt ostop urslef form doing it!
U knoe I nur mid nwht u shud nshud nto be doing soaccoridnlgy enage in self reguatlin to
maek urslef dio ti and follow it! U need to enage inself –regautloion to stop urself frm doing
oterhhtigsn nmake urself do thigs tth u know I nru mdi n uneed otbe doig. How to maek
urslef stop odign wht u know inur mid n ushud not be doing n how ot maek ursefl do things
tht uknowi nur mdi n ushud be doing.

U need to kee p inmidn so thth u know wht u shud nshdu not be doing and accordingly
enage inself regaltion to enforce it onurself to maek urslef do ti and follow it…. amek urself
do it n follw oit if its not terhe I nur mid nthe nu wont reguatle oruself accordingly and so u
wont do it

U know htth u shud not be dign otehrhigngs so accoridngly ocnsnsty enage in sefl reguatlion
provide reg thgouth inst and commnads to stop urlsef form dign otehrhtignsthigsn namek
urlsefdo ur work and imp thigns!

Regautle yorusefl I nroeder to make urself stp doing otherhtign inrder to stop ursfle form
doing otehrhtigsn hth uknow I nur mid n ushud nto be doing namek urslef do thigns thth u
know inur mid n ushud be odign

U know inru mid nwhat u hsud nshud not be odign os accoridngly u only tell ruselfregate
urself isntruct urselfto maek urslef od it nad follw oti! U need ot enage isnelf regulation thth
is provide regulatory htgouth inst command telling urslef ot stop odign otehrhigns n maek
urself u imp thgisn

U know in ur mid nwhat ushud nshud nto be doing os how to make urslfe do it and follow it…
by enageing in sefl –regulation!

Enagein in self reguatlion I norder ot stop urslfform doing thgisn tthh u know I nur mid n
ushud nto be doing n maek urslf od things thht u know in ur mid n ushud bedoing u know
what u hsud nshdu nto d oso u only tellurslef to do it n maek urself do it and follow it

As u know I nur mind thth ushud not be doing toerhhtigsn so accordingly enage isnelf
regulation to stop urself to make urslef stop doing otehrhigns .

Inorder to stop urslf or make urself do certain things uneed a thoguth command instruct
telling ruself to od oso otehrhiwse u will constinue to o do it…

U kniw in ur mid nwht u shud nshudn ot do so accordingly direct urself instruct urself
ocmamadn urlsef to maek urself do ti and follow it
u need ot keep i nmin wht u shud nshud not be doign so thht u remebr u knwo i nur mid nwht
u hsud nshdu nto bbe doign nad accordignly reguatle yosuerl f enage isnelf reguatlion to
enforce I on urslef and to mamek urself do ti and flowo it!
Enage in self regautlion cosnnstly inroder to amek urself do wht u know I nur mind u shud be

What is the issue, where are you going wrong… why are you not doig nwhat you are
supposedto be doing? Is it because you have forgotten what oyu need to od and its no longer
there in your mind what you need to be doing OR you know I nur mind what you need to do
its there I nyur mind what you need to od but you are not acting on ti not regaultign yourself
accroidngly to maek urslef do ti and follow it.

Just cause u know I nur mid nwaht uneed to do doesnto meantht you will think accordingly
and regautle yourself automatically on your oown think accordingly automatically on ur own
and od it and follow it. You need to act o nti you need ot regaule yorusefl accordingly b
itnetionally , knowingly proividngreugaltory htogtush isn’t and command to maek urself do
what oyu know I nur mid n ushud be oding.

Cnsntaly enage in self reguatlio nt ostop urself form dign n thinkgi nfo toerhhtigsn tht u know I nur
mid n ushd not be thinking of n doing n to make urslef do n think of theigns hth uknow I nur mid n
ushud be oding that is to reguatle your thinking nur actiosn n to maek urslef do n thin kwht u know I
nur mdi nu shd be odign nhtinkignn stop urself form doing nthinking what u knw inur mid n ushud
not be doing nthinking.

You need ot know hwo the brain works how the human mind woorsk nad what oyu need ot od I
norder ot reguatle nad octnrol rusefl.

U need to constantly enge in self regult to stop urself frm doin othr things tht u know in ur mind u
shud not bedoing but ur impulsvee mind thghtstell u to do n to mke ursefl do things thht u know I nur
mid n ushud be doing.Direc t urslef instruct urslef command urself reguatle urself .

Keep in mind what u shud n shud not do so tht u know I nur mind wht u shud n shud not be doin… n
accrodingl enage in self-regulation to maek ursefl do ti and follow it… u know in ur mind tht u shud
not be thinking of other things so accordingly tell ursefl stop thinking of other thigns n get to work.

U know inur mid nthth u shud not beodign otehrh tigns unimp thgisn n u need ot be odign ur rwrk n
imp thgisn so enage insefl regautlion tell uresfl otn waste ur doing doing unimp thgisn noe get to wrok
to stop urself frm doing unimp things n maek urself get to work.

U know inur mind what u shud nshdud not b e doing so accoringy legualte yorusefl by enagein I nself
reguatlion to make urself do it and follow it.. Well lets nto waste tiem lets get to wrok
U shud keep in ur mid nwaht ushd nshud nto eb doing things like u need ot work fast and not slow , u
shud nto awste tiem doing unimp things etc.. so thht u remember u knowi nur mind what u shud n
shud not be doing and u need ot reguatle yourelf accordingly to maek urself do it and follow it

Keep in mind htigsn like uneed to work fast u shud nto waste ur time doing oterhhtigns uiimp thgisn u
need ot put ur mind ot it totally think fo ti cosnntlaty.

Keep I nmind what u shud n shud not be doing so thth u know I nur mind what u need to do and
accordingly eguatle yorusefl to enforce it on urslef and to maek urself do ti and follow it
When uthink fo doing oterhhrigns “lets see fb” and the ngo ot do otehrh tigns thth is tun o nfb “ As u
know I nur mid nu shud not be odign otehrhitgns and u need to regutle yorusefl enage in slf –
regautlion inorder to make urself stop doing otehrhtings tht uknow in ur mid nu shud nto be odign so
you tell ursefl “ don’t do oterh htigsn now, it’s a waste of time”

U knowi nur mid nthht u need to reguatle yourself inoreder to maek urself stop doing othehritgns tht
u knowi nur mid n ushud bnot be odign os u tell ruself “don’t wase t yoru time odign all thth get back
to work”
Keep in mind so htth uk now inur mid nwht u shud n shud not be doing n the naccoridngly enaege
inself reguatlion to make ruself do it n follow it
U know I nur mid nthht u need to be wrkin fast so accordingly regulate urself tell urself get t owork
faast be quick get it done fast and quickly to amek ursefl do ti and follow it.

Think f our wrk n imp things like how to od it how to go about it wht wil we do here first how ot od it
how ot go about it and os on dot think of unimp thgisn.

U knowi nur mid nthth u need to ressits impuslve thoguths thth tell u to do oterhhrintgs , n ththu
shud not be doing otehrhtignsn thth u need to enage insefl reguatlion to ressits those thgotush cacnel
or override those timpsuvle thgotush n intrstucions nad so wehnver u get a thgout command inst hi
nur mid nto do oterh htigsn u tell urself no dot n waste your time doing oterhh tigsn now, u provide a
counter regautlroy thgouht cmand isn’t telling urself not ot do it to overired thth impuslve thought
thth tells u to do it.

No don’t waste ur time now ur time is imp u shud nto waste ur time doing oterhhtigsn

Feed I nmidn rmmenr keep I nmidn thht ur time is imp n nu shud nto waste ur time doing unimp
thigsnn accordingly regulate lurself to enforce it on urself.

u know i nr mid nthht u shud not waset ur time lazying sleepign relaxing or thinkign of orehtigs thgisn
or doign oterhtigns
n thht un eed ot reguatle yorusefl to maek urself do it nad follw oit
so accordingly reguatle youresf tell ursefl
get up and get to work dont waste ur time lazing sleepingrealxing stop thinking of o tehr htigns
inorder ot stop uresl f rom sleepign alzing nmake urslef get up and get ot work

u know in ur mid nthth u need to be workign fast n u know htht uneed ot eage inself reaultion provide
reg thgotuhi nst command to regautel yourself to maek ulesf do ti and follwo it so acoridnlgy
enage in self reguatlion n make ursefl do it adn follow it... tell ursefl... work fast get it done quickly no
u knwo inur midn wht u shud nhsud nto be doign so accoridngly eange in self reguatlion i nrodrer to
enfrce it on ursefl make urself do it and follw oti inorder t to make urself stop doign otehr htigsn n
make urslef do thigsn tth

impsulve uncontrollabel behaviour cuse u dotn knwo how ot stop urself form doign therh tigns thth ur
mimplsuve mind tells u too d n make urself od thigsn tthh u knowi nur mid nu hsud be doing.. u dont
knwo hwoot reguatle n control ursefl
cause u dont knwo hwo ot make urslef stop doign thigsn thth ur impsuvel midn tells u to od but u
knwo i nur mid nu hsud not be doign n how ot make urself do thigsn thth u knwo i nur mid n u hsud
be odign u need ot nenage in self -regautlio nfor that provide reg thgouths commadn isnt tellig
nurself ot stop doign it or to do it.

u knwo i nur mid nwhat u shud nshud nto be odign s accoridngly enage isnelfreguatlion inorder ot
maek ulsef do it and follw oti ot enforce it upon urslef

u know i nur mid nwhat ushud n shud not be doign so accoridngly eanfgne in self -reagultion to
enforce it upon urslefn nmaek urself do ti nad follwo it

just cause u know i nur mid nwhat u need ot od wht u shud nshud not be doign doesnt mean thth
uwil think accordingly automatically on ur own reguatel yorusefl accoridngly and do ti on ur own... u
need ot enage in eslf-regautlion t om ake urslef do it and follwo it .. u need to knwoingly intionalylyl
purpose provide regualtory thgouhts inst and commadn to make urlsef do it and folwo it u need ot act
on thht informatio n tht u know i nur mind u shud n shud nto ebodign nad on teh basis of htht enagge
in self reguatlion tht is intioanlly proivde reguatlroy thgotush inst n ocmmand inorder to maek urself
do it and follwo it.

just cause u knwo i nur mid ndoesnto meanth hu will do it u need a thogtuh commadn isnt tellign
ruself to od it for u to od it or to stop doign it for u to stop odign it and by enaging in self reagution u
provide thth thgotush ocammdns direction instrucitons to aek urslef stop doign a cetain thgisn or
make urslefod a certain thigsn thth u know i nur mid n ushud nshud ntobe doing thaht is to cotnrol
urself u enage inself regaulutaion.

its liek Radio ocntrol car u knwo i nur midn thth u neeed ot tur n right then turn leftso oyu mve the jo
stick rgith hten left to give the directions commands to the car to trun right nthen turn left thth is to
ocntro lteh car ou control the car so by enageing in self-regautlion u provide thth thgoutht
instrauction adn commadns nad driectin to direct nad regautle and to ocntrol urself

u knwo inur midnwaht u shud nshud not be odign so accoridngly enage i nself regautlion proviede
rege thgoth insrt and commadns inorder ot enforce it on urself to maek urslef do ti and fllwo it

The rpocess of regatlion:

wht u need to do inorder to regautel yoursefl
u need to feed in input keep in mid in ur memeory waht u shud nshud not be doing os thth u knwo
inur midn what u need to od what ushud nshud nto be doing and accrodignyl consnantly enage in
self regautlion proficvede regautlroy thguht instruction and commadns directions driect ursefl self
inorder to amke rusefl do it and follwo it inorder to enforce it upon urself what u know i nur midn
ushud nshud not be doing.

what is the issue whay are you out of ocntrol why are u doign oterhhtigsn n not doign what u are
supposed to do ?
is it cause u have forgotten waht u need to od tht is its not there in ur mid nwaht u need to do OR u
know i nur mdin what uneed to od but u ar e not actign o nit u are not eangen i nself -regualtion to
enforece it on ursefl to amek urself do ti and follwo it whtu kow i nur mid n u need ot be doin.

just cause u knowi nur mid nwaht to od have this info in u rmidn what oto d dosent meanth ht u will
automatically do it .. cause this info is toredi nur mid ntis static u need ot act on it... the info is jus
stored in ur midn its there ints static .. u need ot act o nthis info .... u need ot enagei nsefl regautlio
nthth is procivdede regulatory thgotus insit commadn direction to maek urself do ti and follw ot u
neeed a thgouht telling urself to do it and follw oit or to make urslef stop doign a certai nthgisn u
need a thgotuh tellign ursefl t sto stop doing it ... by egaing in self regautlion u proivde thth thgout...
by self reugation ucotnrol nad reguatle ursefl. by self regautlion u driect steer command urself u
eneage inself-regautlion to contrl ruself.

the process of regualion:

how ti works and what oyu need to do :
if its not there in ur midn if u have forgotten what u need ot od then you wont reguatle
yourselfaccoridngly nad so u wont do it and folwo it
as u knowi nur mind what u need to od and so oyu reguatle youserlf accoridngly ot make urslefdo it
nadfollw oit nad hence u do ti nad follwo it n so u need ot feed i ninput keep i nmidn waht u need ot
od so thth u rememebr u know i nur mid nwhat u eed ot od nad then reguatle oyuself accotirdngly on
the basis of thht to maek urself do ti and follwo it to enforce it upon urlsef.
what u need to do ot octnrol and reguatle oyursefl.

so keep in mid thigsn lieku need to owrk fast u need ot work cosnntalty t oachvie your goals u shud
not be doign toehrtigns

wh u do what u do n why u stop oding or dont do what u shudnt do

itscaues u know inur mid n waht to do n what not to do so oyu think accoridngly u enage in
slfregautlion acoirdngly u provide regualtoryh togtshcoammnd isnt direction to control and reguatle
yoruself accrdingly n ehcne u do it orstop urself dfor mdoign it.

know what u need ot od inorder to ocntrol urself inroder to reguatle n control ursefl hwo ot rgualte
and ocntrol urself stop urself dfrom doign otehrhintgs make urslef do thigsn thht u know u shd be
increase ur rpdcutivity. know hwo ot ocntor l nregutle ursl.
wht u need ot od ot control nreguatl eyourself .

eenage in self-regautlion i norder ot maek ursefl stop doing the thigsn thth u now i nur mid n ushud
not be doig n nmaek urlsef do thigsn thht u knwo i nur mid n ushud be odign provide a thgotuh isnt
commadns to maek urself sto p doign ti or make urlsef do it n folow it
u need ot ocnsntlay eange in self -regautlion inorder to maek urslef stop doign thigsn thth uknwo i nur
midn us hdu nto be doign ninorder ot amek ulsef do thgisn drive urlsef to od thigns thht u knwo i ur
mdn u shud be doing.

u need t ocostnnatly enage inself regautlion i ndoer to maek urslef stop odign htigns thht uknow i nur
mid nu shud not be doign n to maek urslefdo htigsn thth uknow i nur mid n ushdu be oding.

how ot make urslef do what u knwo i nur mdi n ushud be oding hwo to ocntrol urself reguatle
yoursefl? by enange in i nself reguatlion

cause u nee d soem form of cotnrol in oder to maek urself do the work to ahcvie ur gaol u need some
form odfo cotnrol u need ot kenw ohow ot ocntrol urslf inorder to be prodcutive do the owrk achvie

u know i nur mid nthht uneed ot eange in slf regautlion to maek urlsf do ti and follw oit thth i s
proivde reg thgotush inst comamdns to maek urslfe do it nad ofllwo it and os aoccoridngly enagei
nself regaultn itnetionally proivde reg thgotuh inst nad ocmaamndto maek urselfdoti and follw oit

u need ot enage inself regautlio nconcstly i norder to maek ruslef drive urself do things tht u knwoi
nur midn uhsud be odign n me urself stop doin things tht uknwo i nur mid n ushud not be doign

u knwo in ur mid nthht u ened ot enage inself reg to make urslef do thgisn wht u knwo i nur mid n
ushud be doing n to maek urslf stop doign thigsn thth u now i nur mid n ushud nto be doign so
accridngly enage i nself regautlion.

u knwo i nur mid nwaht ushud n shud not be doign so accrdignly enagei nselfreg to regualte yoursef
cotnrol rusefl n make urslef do it and ofllw oit

u knwo i nur mid nthth u shud not be odign otehr htigns n thht uneed ot enage inself regautlion to
maek urself stop so accoidngly enaege isnelf regautlion tell rusefl dotn waste ur tiem doign
toerhhtigsn now get ot work.

u knwo i nru mid nhth u ned to enage in self regautlio nprvede reg thgout hcommadn isntruction to
maek urslf stop doig o ehtherhigsn n to maek urself do thgisn dirive urself to do thgisn wht u knwo i
nur mdi nu shud be odign so accoridngly engae insefl regautlion htth is provide reg thgotus
hcomamdn n inst to amek urslef do ti or stop oding it

its not hth as u know nur mid nthth u shd be doign certi nthign nad so u enage in self regaution to
maek urself od it nad follwo it and hece u do it nad follwo it NO!

u know in ur mid nthth u shud be doing ceratin thign and u also knowi nur mid nhtht u need ot enegae
in self regautlion provide reg thogtuh ocmmand inst telling urself ot od it inorder ot maeke urself do it
and ofllwo it nad so u enage inself regautlion uintetioanlly proivde hte regulatory htoguht comamnd
instrucitons tel in urself to od it u reguatle ureslf cotnrol urself to maek urself do it and follw oit.
in shot u knwo inur md n u hsud be odign so u nag urself to d o it u dont need othehrs to tell u nag u u
tell urself isntruct urself nag urslef diret urselfto od it . self- tellign self-isntrucion elsfe nagging to get
urass from the bed get up and do it...
u dont have anyoe n to tell u to od it to get ur ass up the bed nad u have t get ur own ass up the bed.

engae in sef-regautlion to motivate ulsef to drive ursefl to do what u know i nur mind waht u shud be
doign. tell urself we need otget thsithings done fast qucikquick quick.

u wont get thsiopportunity aagainsoo make the most of it. take the rsiks no matter how
uncomfprtable u feel if u dotn take htersik if u dont go for it then you wont get anything. if u go for it
even if u are nto good at it ur chanes increase of gettign wht u wnat.

The process of regautlion:

u need ot feed i ninput i nur midn what ushud nshd nto be doign s o htht u know i nur mid nwhat u
shud nshud nto be doing and accoridngly enage in self regautlion thth is reguatle urself provide
reguatlory htgotush instructiosn nad commands to direct ursefl instrcut comamadn urslef inorder to
make urslef do it and follow it wht u knwo i nurmid n ushud be doing.

Early i nteh mornig n whe nu are fresh n energetic ur mid nis fresh eyes are fesh tehn u need to think
fo oyurwork u need to first od what is importnatn thth is u need ot od oyur work,
if u do otehr thgisn early i nthe mrning like exercise recreation etc... then you will get tired exhausted
n dull u end up spendign all ur effort nad enenrgy on oterhhrigsn and unimp thigns... ur eyes starrt to
get tired ur energy levle goes down you strat to fall asleep... ur body gets tired ur mind nolonger
works if you get up early in the mronign andspend all ur energy even thth first one hour exercising
and in recreaiton etc...u get straied ur eyes get straied adn ur enegy lelve gets drained u get basicall
exhauted ur mind gets exahusted and so when u wake up i nthe morning the first thing u shud do
after gettign ready having breakfast nad stuff u shud t immidietely get to work thin k fo ur work what
wrk to od plan ur day and all

the firsthign us hud do whe nu wake up and u hre ready teh nu shud do ur wrk and think fo oyur work
cause thh hsud be most impand thht shud be ur proirity and os u shud spend ur eenrgy and effort
towards that when u arefreash and eenrgetc ... if u do oterh thigns first teh nu will get tired adn
exhausted if u wake up in the morning and exercise the nu have cosnumed most of ur energy u are
drained strained, tired and hten u cannot work also if u wake up i nteh mornign and play gamesand
stuff the u r eyes get straied and u canno t do ur wrk then u fall asleep cause ur eyes nad head
getsstrained ...... so things like execrise recreation etc... u shud keep them for the night ... dotn waste
spend ur energy on thht i nteh morning or hte resot of the day ubecome tird sleepy exhausted slow
tired drianed straied sleepy odtn spend n waste ur energy.
on unimp thigsn early i te h mornngin wrk shud be ur proiroty and whats imp so think of ur wrk psend
ur slefnrgy on urwrok otehrh wise if u do otehrhtigns uwil get tired sleepy exahusted u cannto think
well and u cannto work well.
first thing when uwake up i nte morning when are fresh n ergetic is u need ot do oyurwork thts the
time when uare fresh u can think well
as the day wear out after 5 horus of wakign up u are as good oas tired
so durign the first 5 hours u shud be working not dainig nu energy into otehr thigsn unimp thgisn... n
then work whe nu are tired sleepy exxahusted nad ur mind doenst work u cannto think well nad u
cannot work well.. cannto do ur owrk proeprly as u cannto think properly.
the night tiem shud be kept for recreational aciitivtes and hte mornign tiem for work. keep thisi n
mind n reguatle urself acoridngl y say not ot otehr htigsn i nthe morning dotn do otehrhitngs in the
mornign even if ur brai nimuslve thgotush tell u to od.

u knwo i nur mid nwaht u shud n shud not be doign so accoridngly regautl urself eane i nself-
reguatlion to maek urslef do ti na follwo it

u knwo inur mi nd what u shud nshud nto be doign so accoridngly reguatle oursefl t maek urself do ti
and follwo it proivde regualtory htogtush commadn inst to make urself stop doign certian thgisn n
make urself do thgisn thth uknwo i nur mid n uhsud be doing. to engforce it on ursefl

u know in ur mid nwaht to to od n not todo so hwo ot maek urslef do it? by enage ins elf regualtion
provide reg thgoth comamadn isntrt direct urself ocmmadn istrct utselfto maek uself do it nad follow

enage in self regulation in order to stop uesrself frmd oing thngs tht u know in r mind u shud not e
doing inorder to mke urself stiop n to make urself do thngs tht u knw in ur mind u shud be doing.

u know in ur mind tht u need to enage in self-regulation inorder to contul urself make urself do or
stop doing wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud nt be doigg so enagege in self regatuion to mke urself
do it.

u knwo inur mid ntht u need ot engagae isnelf reagutlio n inorder to octnrol nreguatel yoursefl to
stop urslf to ame k ursefl stop doign what u knwo inur mdin u shud nto be dogin n make urslef do
thigsn thth u knwo i nur mid n ushud be doing.
u knwo inur mid nthth inorder to maek urslef stop doign what u know inur mdi n ushud not be doign
n maek urslef do thigsn thth u knw i nur mdi n ushud be oidng u ned toenage inself regautlion provide
reguat thgotuh commadn isntrcutions tellign ruself do so adn so u enage in self reautlion to ocntrol
nad regautel yorusefl u knwoidnlgy intetinally purspeoyl provide reg thgotu hisnt andcomamdns to
ocntrol and regautle utseerlf stop urslef dfrom doign oterhtignsn nmake urslef do thgsi u knwo i ur
mid n ushud be oding

Consntnly engae insefl reguatlio n inorder tomake urself stop doing wht u know I nur md n ushud nto
eb doing n to amek urslef do things thth u knwoi nur mid n ushd u be oding

U need ot cosnntly enage I nslf regutalion inorder tomake urself stop doing wht u know I nur md n
ushud nto eb doing n to amek urslef do things thth u knwoi nur mid n ushd u be oding inorder ot
control n reguatle ursefl ur actiosn n u r thinking.

What u ned to do ot reguatel urself and control ruslf first of all uneed t okeep I nmid nwhatu shud
nshud nto be doing so thth u know in ur mid nwaht otod and hten u need to enage inself reguatlion to
regaute land control ruslef htth si to maek urslef do ti and follow it.

The process of regulation:

You need ot keep in mind what ushud n shud nto be doing so thth u know I nur mid nwaht u need to
od if its nto rhee in ur mind hten u wont reguatel yourself l accordingly and you need to enage in self-
regautlion inroder to enforce it on urselfl in order ot maek ruslef do it n follw it, to control and
reguatel yorusefl ur thinking nnad action

well leyts not waste tiem lets get to work, focus o nthth don’t waste ur time doing oterhtigns getting

u know I nur mind htht u shud nto be doing other thigns and tht u need ot enage insefl-regautlion I
norder to amek urself stop and so you do when ufidn uselrf doing other htigsn tic curs to oyu tht u
shud not be doing otherh tigns and so unage I nsefl eguatlio nto maek urslef stop doing ti
u knw tht u shud not be doin oth thngs nu knw in ur mnd tht u need too engge in slfreg inorder to mke
urself stop doing it n so u do so unage I nsefl eguatlio nto maek urslef stop doing ti.

The process fo regautlion:

You need to keep inmidn what u shud nshud not be doing, keep I mid nwaht u need ot od so thth u
know I nur mid nwhat u need ot od u rmemebr it , and it occurs to oyu whe n udont do it and u
rmember I twen u dotn do what o yu are suppsoedto od it occurs to oyu, also so thaht u know I nur
what oyu have oto od… and then accordingly enage inself regautlion procivde rega thgotush
instrucitosn and commands inrteioanlly knwoign purpseoly I norder to make ursefl do what u know I
nur mid nu shud be oding inorder to enfcrece it upon yourself inorder to force urself inorder to maek
ureslf do and follow what oyu know in oyur mid n ushud nshudnnto be oding inorder ot reguatle
yourself control nreguatle yoru thinking n actions .

Keep in mind what u shud n hsud not be odign so o thht u know I nurmid nits thehr I nur mind uknwo
in ur mid nwaht uneed ot odo and accordingly o nteh basis of thht eange inself reguatlion inordeer to
maek urlse f d oti nad follow it.

Keep inmind things like u shud not thin kfo oterh htigns u shud not waste tiem doing unm p things

Just ause u know inur mid nwht need to do doesn’t mean htth u will automatically o nur own
thinkavccoridngly and eane nsef lreguatlio nregautel yourself accoridngyl and do it .

U need ot enage insefl regautlion thth is acto nwht u know I nru mid n u need ot od enge I nsefl
regautlio n I nroder to mae ktuserlf do ti and ofllw oit

u need to ocnsntly enage in self regautlio inorder to sstop urseflfrm doin wht uknow inur mid n u
hsudnt be doing n make urself do whatu knwo inur mid n u hsud be oding.

u need to keep i nmidn what uhsud n shud nto be doin... so thht uknow inur midn wht u shud nshud
not be doin... n consntaly engae in self regauliton accoridngly i nodert ot reguatel ursefl accoridngly n
make uselrf doi t nfolwo it
to keep i nmidn so thth u know I nur mid n u remember what u shud nshud not do and tehn regautel
yourself accordingly inorder to maek rusefl do ti and follow it .

keep I nmind so thth u rmemebr u knwoi nur mid nwhat u shud nshud not be doing nu remember it n
it occurs to oyu whe n udont od what u are supposed to od nwhen you do what uare nto supposed to
be doing u know I nur mid n ushdunt be doing it and u know htht uneed ot eguatle yourself to maek
urslef stop doing ti so you neangei n self leguatlio n uprovide regaulatory htogtsuh t I nst command ot
maek urself stop oding it. U rmemeber it wen u don’t do what uar e supposed ot eb doing r od the
thgisn u are nto sipuoosed to be doing and u know u need ot enage inself-regautlio nto maek urself
do it n so oyu enage isnelf egatulion to maek urslef do it .

enage in self-regatulion I nroder to stop urself form doing what u knwoi nru mdin ushud not be doing
nmaek urself do things thth u know I nur mid n ushud be doing

u nee t okeep I nmid nwaht ushud nshud nto eb doignso thht u know I nru mind what uneed to od and
it occurs to oyu weh n udon t do it and u need to enge in self regulation accrdngly inorder to cntrl n
reguatle yorusefl accordingly inorder otmaek ruself do wht u know in ur mind u need ot be oding tin
ad follow it.
Keep in mind So thht u know I nur mid nwhat ushud nshud not do and u engage insefl regautlo to
control and regulate oursefl accrodinlgy n make urlsef do ti and folw oit.

U know inur mid nwhat u shud nshud nto be odign os eange in self reguatlio n accordingly on the
basis of htht to make urslef do ti and ofllwo it.
U know inur mdi nththt u need ot enange inself regautloion inorder to maek urslef do what u kno u
need ot od o nto stop urslef ofmr doig nwhat u know ushud not be doing nso oyu do.

so tht u know in ur mind wht u shud n shu d not bedoing and accordingly enage uin self regulation
inorder to make urself do itand floow it

u need ot keep i nmidn waht u shud nshud not do rememebr keep in midn so thht u know i nur midn
what you shud nshud not be doign adn u enage n accoridngly on th basosi of thht inof u enagei snefl
reguatlio nto maek urself do ti and folow it ot reguatel oursefl self regatulion ccoridngly
on the basis of thth info on the basis of what u knwou hsud nshud not be oding inorder to regautel
yoursefl accoridngly and maek ursefl do ti and follow it

u knwo inur mdi nwaht u shud nshud not be doign so accoridngly u enage i nslef regautlion
acccoridngly on the basis of htaht on the basis of what u knwo inur mid nu shdu nshdu notbeodign in
order to regauel urself accordingly nad make ureslf do it nad follwo it.

u knwo i nur mdi ntthh ud hud not be doig notehrhtigns so u eage inself regualio naccoridngly ot
rguatle oyurself accoridngly n maek urself stop odign oterh htigsn u tell urslef dnt waset tiem donign
otherh tigns n hecne u stop doign oterhhtigns.

As u knwo n so u enge isnelf regautlion acccoridngly to erg urself accrodigly n hence u do

u knwo i nru mid wht u shud nshd not eb doing nand so u eangei nsefl regautlion accoridngly to
reguatle yoursefl accoridngly to amek urlesf do ti and follw oit.

is ti becaseu u know wht u shu n shud not be doing n so u enage i nsefl regutaltion n hecne u do it
is it becaseu you know tht u need ot enage insefl regautlion to maek trself do ti adn so oyu eneagei
nsef lregutlion to maek urslef do it and follwo it.
All possible senarious or processes:-

Process 1:
As uknow in ur mind what u shud be doing n so oyu engae insefl regatulion accrodignly to regulate
lyoursef accordingly n to make urslef do tin ad follow it

As u know I nur mind what u need to do and so u eagei sefl reguatlio anccoridngly to regulate yourself
accordingly nad make urslef oit nad follw it nad hence u do it anf follow it.

U know in ur mid nwaht u shud nshud nto be doing and so it oocurs to oyu n u don’t do it, n as uknow
in ur mid nwaht u shud nsud nto be doing so u reguatle yourelf accordingly by enageing inself

As you know in ur mid nwaht yo ushud n shud nto be doing n so you enage insefl reguatlion
accordingly to make urslef do it and follow it.

Process 2:
U know I nur mid nwaht u shud n shud not be doing, u also know thht u need ot enage inself
regautlion inorder ot mek urself do it nad ofllwo it what u know inru mid n ushud be doing n so u
enage I nsefl reguatlionaccrdingly as per what u know ushud nshud not be doing inroder to make
urlsef do ti and follow it.

U know I nur mid nwaht ushud nshud not be doing n u know htt u need t oenage I nself-reguatlion to
maek urslef do it nad follow it and so oyu negaei nselfegaulion acoridngly to maek urslef do ti an

U know I nur mid nwaht u shud nshud nto be doing nad u know htth u need ot engae insefl regautlion
to make urslef do tin ad follow it to control urself and enforce ti on urself s oyu enagei neself reguatlio
naccoridngly inorder to maek urself do ti and foolow it

The process of reatulon:-

U know I nin ur mid n what u shud nshud nto be doing and you enagegi inself regation accordingly to
make urrslef do ti and folwo it to enforce it on rusefl.

What you need to regautel your self

The process of regulation:-

U need to keep in mind so thht u know I nur mid nwhat you shud nshud not be doing and accordingly
engage in selfregulation to make urself do ti and follow it reguatle yourself.

So thth uknow inur mid nwhat you shud nshud not be doig nand you enage insefl regautlion on the
basis of what u know in ur mind u shud nshud not be doing inorder to regautel yourself accoridnlgy
and maek urslef doti nad folwo it.
What is it thth u are not oing htth u are supposed to be doing is ti not hthere in ur midn or are you not
enaegin reguatlion are you nt reguatling yourself

U need to keep in mind what you shud nshud nto be doing so thth u remember u know inur mind its
thehr in ur mind what u sud n hsud not be doing and so you need to ocnsntalty enage in self
regautlion accordingly on the basi of what u know uhud nshud not be doing I nor der to make trsefl
do what oy uknwo I nur mind ushud be doing nstop ursefl form doing what you know I nur mind
ushud not be doing

What is the connection between the two between the memeory and thinking slef regautlion are they
connected or just totally separate process to keep them connected have a link between the two or to
keep them separate

Asu know I nur mind wht u need to do n not do and so you enagei nself regaultion and
reguatelyoruesfl accoidngly nad hence you do it
Just cause u know I nru mid nwaht u hsud nshud nto eb dogin doesn’t mean htth uwill automatically
enagei n eself regautlio nand so do it .

Just cause u knowi nur mind thth u shud not be odign a certain thing or shud be odign a certain nthing
doesnot mean thht u will automatically on ur own think accordingly and automatically enage insefl
regautlion and reguatleyourself accoridnyl nad ehcen do it.

U know I nur mid nwaht you shud nshudn to e b doing so accoridngl y constantly enage in self
regautlion inorder ot make urself do ti and follow it. If u don’t enage insefl regaultion hten you wotn
do ti. If u odnt act on ti if u dotn eange inself-reguatlion u will be out fo control.

U need ot keep I nmidn so htth u knw o in ur mid nwhatu shudn shudn ot be odign u rmemeber its
thehre in ur mind what oyushud nshud nto be odign and tehn u need ot cocnantly egneain
selfreguatlion accordingly on the basi of what u know uhud nshud not be doing inordeerto make
urslef doti nad follw oti.

U know in ur mid nwaht ushud n shud not be odign so act on it accordingly reguatle yoruesfl enagei
nself reguatlion to maek utrlsef do ti and follw oit.
If udot ncocnsntalty enaege in self reguatlion will be dout of control,
U need to act accordingly on the basis of what u know I nur mind u shudn shud not be doing.

There was a flaw in tht software , process, fix the errors, code, improve it updates, and revisions

But you enage inseflregautlion cause you knw I nur mind tht u need ot engae inseflregautlion to stop
urself make urselfstop doignit

Automatic:- You know I nur mind wht ushud nshu not be doing -- And so u Enage in sfl regautlion
inorder to maek ruself do ti and folw oit - and hence you do it and foolwo it.
Knowing, intentional:- You know I nur mind thth u shud not be doing other thigns-- you alos knowi
nur mid nthh u need to ocnnstaly enage inself-regualtion inorder to maek ruself do tin ad follow it -
Hecne u enage in self regautlion to make urslefdoit and follow it.

Trying to figure out the process how it works:

Memory -> thinking -> Action

You know I nur mid nwaht y ushud nshud not bedoign and you know in ur mind thh u need to
ocnsntalty eange in self-regaultion in order to maek rulsef do it nad follw oit and so oyu engage insefl
regautlion accordingly u provide rega thgouth tinst and command ot maek urlsef do ti and follw oit.

The process fo regatulion-

What you need to od to reguatle yourself

U need to keep oin mind whyt us hud nshud not be doing so thth u know inur mid nwht u need ot od
nad accordingly constnatly enage insefl regautlion to make urself do it andfollow it.

The process fo regatulion how it works:-

You know inur midnwhat ushud nshud not be doing and u also know I nur mid nthht inorder ot maek
ruseldo I and follow it regautlion inorder to maek urself do wht u know I nur mind us hud be odign n
to stop urslfe from doing what u know inur mind ushudnt be doing u need t ocosnntatly enage insefl
inorder ot maek urselfdo tin ad follow it …. and u provide reg thgouth inst n command inorder to
regulate yourself you tell yoruseflto odit to maek urslef do it and so you cosntntly enage inself
regulation accordingly on the basis fo what u know I nur mid n ushdu nshud not be doing inorder to
enforce it on urself n make urslef do hwat uknwo inur mid n shudbe doing n stop urlsef ofrm doing
what u know I nur mid n shud not be doing.

Itsnto as you know in ur mid nwaht ushd nshud not bedoing n so hecen u enagei nself regautlion and
hence you do it

Its u knw I nur mdi nw whtu shud nshud nto be doing n u also know thth u need ot constntly enage
isnelf reguatlion inorder to amek urslfdo it and follw oti and so oyu enagei nself reguatlion accordingly
u provide reg thoguth inst commamdns to amek urelf od it nadfollw oti wht u know I nur mid n ushud
be doing and hcne you doit nad folw oit.

U know I nur mid nwaht u shud nshud not be doing and you know htht u need ot consntly egnae isnefl
regautlion inorfer to maek urseldo tin ad follow it and so oyu enagei nself reuatgulation oyu provdde
regautlroy thgotsh inst nadcommadn to maek urslef do ti and follow it. Wht u know I nur mid nushd
be oding.

U know inur mid nwaht ushud nshudn ot be doing so you only reguatle yourself tell yourself to do it
ou odnt need others to tell you to od it oyu only tell yourself and make urself do it and follow it.
Enage insefl regautlion cosntnatly … Provide regulatory thgouht inst andcommadns inrder to stop
ursleffor mdoign what u know I nurmid n ushud not be doing n make urself do what u know I nur mid
nu hsud be doing.

U know n ur mind tht u need to constntkyenge in self regultn thti s provide reg thught inst n commnd
inorder to mke urself do wht u know in ur mind u shd be doin n stop urself from doing wht u know in
ur mind u shud not be doing n so u enge in self regltn.

What you need to do to regulate yourself: -

U need to keep in midn what u shud n shud not be doing so thth u reemb u know in ur mind what u
need to do and accordingly on the basis of hwat u know I nur mind ushud nshud not be doing on the
basis of the info stored I nyour mind u need to cnstntly enage in sefl-regulation inorder ot maek rusefl
do ti and follow it and reguatel yorusefl accoridnlgy.

Keep in mid nso thth urmemebr u knw in ur mind what ushud nshud not be doing nad accordingly
enae insefl regulation inorder ot enforcei ton urself n make urslf doti and follow it.

Uknowi nur mind wht ushud nshud nto be doing so u dotn need othersto tell you you only tell urself
and maek urslef d o it and follow it.

U know I nur mind htht ushud not be doing oterh htgins


What you need to do ot regulate yourself:-

U need to keep inmidn waht ushud nshud not be doing so thth u remember u don’t forget u know I
nur id n itsthere in ur mind nad accordingly conntstly enegae insefl –regautlio n in order otmaek ruself
do what u know I nur mid nu hsud be doing.

tin and follow it wht uknwo I nur mind ushud be doing n to stop urslef for mdign what u know I nur
mid nu hsud not be doing.

Keep in mind wht u shud n shud not be doing so tht u rember u know in ur mind wht u shud n shud
ntbe dong… n accordingly cinstantlyy enage in self regaultion to enforce it on urself n mke urself do it
n follow it.

The process of Regulation (how it works):

You know inur mind what u shud nshud nto be doing nad u also know thht uneed ot enage insefl
reguatlion I nroder to enforce it o nurself n namek urslef do ti and follw oti and so u enagei nself
reguatlion accordingly to maek rusefl do tin ad follw oti to reguatel yourself ur thinking nand your
actions… stop urself form doing nthinkign what u know ushud not be odig n nmaek urselfod n think
what u know I nur mind u shud be doing.
U know I nur mid nthht ushd nobe odign otehrh tigns and u know in ur mid nhth u neeed ot engae
nsefl regautlion in order to stop irsefl from doig noterhthigsn thth u know u hsud not be doing n make
urslef do things tht u know u shud be doing and reguatel yourself ur action and thinking. And so
accordingly you enagei nsefl reguatlion tomek ursefl do what u knw o in ur mid n ushud be doing. To
reguatle your htinkgi nadn acrtions to stop urself frm doig nwaht uknwo u shud not be doing.

U knw I nur mid nthh u need ot enage in selfregautlion inorder to maek urself do what you know inur
mid n ushud be doing n stop urself formdoign what uknwoi nur mdi nu shud not be doing, and
reguatle your thinking and your actions.

Andu know inr mid nthth uneed ot cosntnatly enage isenlf reguatlion I norder ot maek ursefl do awht
uknwo ushud be odign n stoop ursefl for mdoig nwaht know ushud not be doing and so u engae insefl
regulation. To reguatel yourself accordingly nad make urself do it and follow it.

And u know inur mdi ntthh u need ot enge in selfregautlio constantluy I norder ot maek urselfdo ti
and follow it 2 wht u know in ur mind u shud be doing nad so oyu ngaei nsefl regautlion. N so u enage
in self eergulation bcordingy on the basis of wh t u know in r mind u shud n shudnot be doing inorder
to make urself do t n follow it.

Keep in midn what u shud nshud nto be odign things like ushud not tbe thinking fo other higns, u
shud think fo work n imp things u shud not waste time doing oterhhtigns unimp thgisn, u need ot
work fast etc… so thth uknow inur mid nwhat u shud nshud not be doing, and accordingly on th basis
of thth inof as to wht u shud nshud nto eb doing cnosnntaly enage nseflregaultion inorder ot
maekruself do it and follow it.

U know inur mdi nthht ushud not be doing toehrhtings n thth uneed otenage isnefl reguatlion inorde r
to stop urslf from doing otherhtigns so you enage isnefl regautlion to amek ursel stop doignit.

Normally when oyu do it uncocnoiusly what u are supposed to od its cause u know I nur mid nand so
you think accoidngly u reguatel yorusefl acccoridnlgy by proving regulatory thgouht inst n command
and hence u do it and follow it…but this is the uncocnouius unware process that goes on in ur mid
nwhen u do thigs n thth uare supposed to be doing, however u cant expect this process all the time…
tht is its not all the time thth just cause oyu know os you will think accordingly and hence do it.. at ties
u may not… and so oyun eed ot cocniously knowingly intetioanlly do ti … tht is keep in mid nso thht u
know in ur mid nand then knowingy purposely eange inself reguatlion tell urself to maek urlsef od it
nadfolwo it.

U need to keep I nmidn wht ushud nshud not be doing os thth urmemeber u knw I nur mind what u
shud nshud nto bedoin n accordingly enage insefl-regautlion to maek urself do ti and follw oit.

U need to keep I nmidn wht ushud nshud not be doing os thth urmemeber u knw I nur mind what u
shud nshud nto bedoin and accordingly on the basis of the info stored in ur mind on the basis of what
you know in ur mind u shud nhsud not be doing enage insefl regulation inorder to make urself d ti and
follw oti inorder ot enforce it upon ursefl.

Engaigne in self-regulation I nroder to make urself do what u knowi nur mid n ushud be oding.
U know I nr mid nthh u needot cosntnaly eange inself reguatlion in oroder to drive urslef make urself
do what u knowi nur mid n ushud be oding and so u enge insefl regautlion.

For eg:
U are laying o nthe bed and as you know I nru mind htht u shud not waste time sleeping lazing
relaxing nad doing unimp things nad htht u need ot cocnsntlay be wrokign towards ahcivng ur gaol
and so it occurs t oyou and you also knw hth u need to engage I nself –reguatlion in order to stop
urself ffrom doing what u know I nur mind u shud nto be doing n make urslef do wahtu know inur
mind ushud be doing and so accoridnlgy you enge insefl reguatlion you tell ursefl don’t waste your
time sleeping lazing around get up and get to work you provide htth reguatlory thgotsh comamadns
direction inorder ot stop urslef form doing what you knwi n ur mid n ushud not be oding n mmake
yoursefldo what oy uknow I nur mid nu shud be oidng

For eg
Whever u get an impsuvle thoguth telling u to od other htigns as u know I nur mid nthht u need to
resstit impuslvei thoguts htht tell u to od otehrh things n u also know hth u need ot engage in
selfregautlion to resit those impusvle thoughts to maek ulsef o what u know I nur mind ushud be
oding os u enage insefl reguatlion accoidnlgy u tell urself instruct urselfdirect urself u tell ruself “no
dotn waste your time odign htht things now” n so oyu reist htht impuslve thought n prvent urslef
fromg doing wht ur impsuvel thogutsh tell u tood.

The prceoss of regautlion (how it works):

Fr eg: you are doing unimp thigns, you knwi nur mind htht ushud nto waste time odign unimp thgisn
n htht u need to be doing urwrk n imp thigns n so it occurs to oyu n u also know inur mid nthht u
need ot enagei nself regautlion inorder to in order to stop urself ffrom doing what u know I nur mind
u shud nto be doing n make urslef do wahtu know inur mind ushud be doing and so you enge insefl
reguatlion accoridnlgy on the basis of the info stored in your mind as to what oy uhsud nshdu nto be
oding inorder to make urself do wahtu know inur mind u shud be doing you tell ursefl don’t waste
time doing unimp thigns stop oding unimp tigsn nad get to work u can do other htgns at other time
first do whats imp nad do your work, and so stop urself form doing otehrh itgnsn make urslef do what
u know I n ur mid n ushud be oding by enageing I nself regulation according ot what u know I nur mid
n ushud be oding.

You know in ur mind thth u need ot constantly enagei n sefl regautlion inorder t stop ursef from
thinking things thht u know in ur mid n u shud not be thinking n make urlsef think tigns thth u know In
ur mind u shud be thinking and to resist say no to impulsive thogutsh thth tell u to od otehrh tigns
unimp things n to stop urslef from doing thigns thth ur impuslve mind tells u to odo and tht u know in
ur mind u shud not be doing n to maek ursefl do what you know in ur mind u shud be doing… and so
accordingly oyu enangei nself reguatlion.

U need ot keep in mind what you shud n shud u not be odign so tthh u know in ur midn waht u u need
ot od ou reemebr and accoridngly on the basis of the info stoed I nur mind as to what u shud nshud
nto be doing eagne in self reguatlion direct instruct commands urself provide reguatlory thgouths
insts and commans enage iself-regautlion in order to maek urslef do what u know I nur mid nu hsud
be odign and enforce it upon urself.
And u know I nur mid nthth u ned ot enagei nselfregutaltio I norder ot maekurlsf do what uknwo inru
mid n ushud be odign so oyu enagei nself reugalgtion t maek ruslf do tin ad ofllw oit.

Keep in mid nwaht ushud nshidn not be doing so thht u know I nur mind and urememebr what u need
ot od and accordingly eange isnefl reguatlion to make urself do it and follw oit to maek urself do what
u knw oinur mid n ushud be oding.

U know inru mind thht u need ot consntatly enage insefl reugaltion thth u need ot enage isnefl
regautlion I norder to stop urself form doing the htigns thh ukwno I nr mid n ushud not be odign
nmaek urslef do thigns htht uknwo inur mid nu shud be oding nad so oyu enagei snefl reugaltoion.
U provide rgualtory htgouhts u direct command instruct urself inorder ot maek urslef doti nd ofllwo it.

U know I nur mid nthth u ned to enage insefl reugaltio n in roder ot sop urself fro mdoign thigns htth
uknwo I nur mdin u shud not be odign ninrder ot maek urslef do thigns hth uknwo inur mid n ushud
be odign nhence udo

U need to keep I nmid nso otht huknwo I nur mid nwaht ushud nshud nto be doing cause if its not
thehr in ur mind wht u need to od if u have forgotten what you need to od then it wont occr to oyu
and then you wont reguatle yorusefl accordingly and so oyu ownt do it.

U need ot keep I nmind wht u shud nshud not be doin so thht urememebr u know inur ind wht ushud
nshud not be doig nn accoridnglyo nteh basis of the info stored I nur mind as to what u shud nshud
nto be doing u need ot constnantly enage in sefl –regualtion to maek urself doti nad follow it.

U know I nur mind tht u hsud nt be doing unimp things and u know thht u need to enage insefl
reguatlion inorder ot maek urslef do it nad so accordingly on the basiso f what u knowu shud nshud
nto eb odign oyu enage inself reguatlion to make urlsef do it and follow it.

U knw nur mid nwhat u shud nshud not be odign so accoridngl y on the basis of hth info stored I nur
mid non the basis of what u knw I nur mid nu shud nshud nto be doing engagee insefl-reguatlion tell
rusefl instruct direct urself to drive urself to reguatle yorusefl to maek ursefl do ti and follw it.

With htt info htth is tredi nru md urememebr u know wht u need ot od n u use thht inof to reguatle
yourself n make urself do it and follow it.

U are doing otehrhtigns unimp thgisn uknwo inur mid nthht u shud nt owaste tie odign otherh itgnsn
unimp things and os it occurs to oyu and you know thth u need ot ocnsntatly ebange isnelf reguatlion
inroder ot make urself stop n make urslefodwhat imp n so u enagei nself reugatlio naccoridngly to
reguatly oursefl n maek urslef dowhat u know u hsud be oding.

Well elts not waste time lets get ot work

well lets not waste time lets compelte this quick u need to be focused not distracted n un eed ot b
fast oterh thigsn can eb done later on first do whatsi imp

keep i nmidn so thht u know what u need ot od u rmemebr u knw inur midn and accoridngly enage
inselfreuatlion to get oyurself back on track everytime u stray keep urself on trak prevent urslef form
straing mkae urself do what u knwo i nur mid n ushud be oding.

lets nto watse iteme odign otehrhtignsn unim pthgsin u can do otehrhtigns later on first dowhats imp

eangein self reguatlion cosnntaly to ontrol ruslef regulate yorusefl, keep urlsef ontrack diveu rslef..
steer urself, maek urself do what uknwo i nru mid nushud be doing, keep urlsefo ntrack,

well lets ot waste time lets get to work ot achvie ur gaols

keep Iin mind what u shd nshudn ot be doing so thht uknowi nurmidn what u shud nshud not be doing
n it occurs to oyu and oyu remember and u know what o odo n acoridngly n ht e basis of whatu knw I
nur mind ushd nshud not be doing enage isnefl reguatlion t oamek ruself doti n follw oti drive uresfl
to od it.

keep Iin mind what u shd nshudn ot be doing So htht u know inur min its therhe in ur mind whtu shud
nshud no eb doing n it occurs to u wen u don’t do what u are suppseod ot eb doing u are reminded of
it… N accordingly on the basis of twht u know inur mid wht u hsud nhsud not be doing o nteh basis of
the info storaedi nru mid na s to what ushud nshud nto eb doing engeinself reguatlion cosnntalty
provide reguatlry htgotush I nsts ncomamdns direct command instruct yourself steer yoru boat…
inorder to drive urself ot od it amek urelsf do ti and follow it.

Well lets not waste time lets get to wrk

u need to drie urself cnstntly regulate urself by enageing in self regulatn as per wht u know in ur mind
u shud n duhud not be doing provde reg thughts insts n cmmnd to mssake urself do it n folloew it
to drect drivencontrol cmmnd steer urself

u know in ur mind wht au shud n shud not be doing so accrdngly u only drect regulate conrtrl steer
drve urself tell instruct urself prvde reg thghts insts cnnmnds directns to drive urself to do it to contrl
n reg ulteurself mke urself do it n follow it. by enaging in self regyultions... by telling urself to do it...
prvdn reg thught sinsts drectns n mmnds... make urself do it n follw it.

u know inur mid nwht u shud nshud nt be odign os accoridngly enage insfl reguatlion proivde reg
thogtush instst commands rdrections to direct coomdn driveurslfe steer control urself make urslef
doit andfollwo it.

n ncstsntly enage inself reguatlion ot regulte rself drive stree direct comand ahoy cotnrol ursefl make
urself do what u knwo i nur mdi nu shud be oding.
wel lets not waste time lets get to wrk

consntantly enagei nself -reguatlion in order otmake urself do what u knwo i nur mind u shd be oding.
u need ot consntaly enagei nself reguatlio n inorder ot meak urself do what uknow inur mid n ushud
nshud nt o be doign inroder to drive urself commadn direct cotnrol nad regautel ourself accoridngly as
per wht u knw o inur mid n u shd be oding.

Don’t waste yor ime sleeping laziyign nad relaxing get u p and get ot work immediately
Well lets not waste time lets get to wrk

U rember it n it occurs to you wen u dnt do wht u are suppose d to do n u kno w tht u need to enge in
self regultn provide regulatory thught commnd instructions directions cannmnd direct urself to mke
urself do it n so u regulate urself u enage in self regulation to mke urself do it n follow it
u knwo inr midn th ushud nto waste ur itme odign otehrhrignsn nti occucrs toyou u remrebr it so oyu
tell instruct urselfdont waste your time doign toerhtignsinorder to maek urself stop doign toerhhtigns

u knwo inur mid nwhat u shud nshud nto eb doign so accoirndgly negagei nsefl regautlio nconcslt y to
maek ursefl d toit and follw oti

u need to keep in mind what u shud nshud not be doing… “things like” u shud not waste ur time doing
toerh htigns unimp thgisn, sleeping lazing relaxing and u need ot be foused, u need ot od otehrhtings
at other times, keep serpate time foriit u need to wk fast u need ot wrk continuously u shud nto do
otehrhtigns u need ot be focused o nit, and accordingly enage insefl reguatlion to maek urslef do it
and follw oit

u know inur mind what u shud nshud ntobe doing and u knw thth u need ot enage isnelf reguatlion to
make urslef do it and so accordingly on the basis of what u know I nur mid nu shud n shud nto be
odign the info stored in ur mind enage inself reagultion to maek urslef doti and follow it.

U need ot keep in midnwht u shud nshud not be doing os thht u remmebr u knowi nur midn what
shud nshudnto eb doing naccoridngly enage inseflregautlion to maek urslef do ti and follw oti

u need t okeep in mdin what ushud nshd nto be doign os htth u rmemebr uknwo i nur mid ntis thehre
in ur mid nwhat u need ot od n u reg urself accoridngly engaeine isnelf regautlio naccoridngly to erg
urself accrndgly n mkae urselfod it
if itsn not therh in ur mid nif u have forgoten what u need ot od hten it wont occur to u if udotn
remeebr if its nolonget hehr i nru md in what u need ot od hte nu wont reg urslfee accoridngly n so u
wont do it na dofllwo it.

U know inur mid nthht u need ot ocnsnatly eange insefl reagltion to make ursle odit nad follow ti and
hence you egnei nseflreaugltio nn intionall y providereguatliory htgotush instsn n commands ot maek
urslef odti andfollwo it.

N u know in ur mind thht u need ot enage inself regulation to make ursef do ti and follow it nad so
oyu tell ursefl dont waste ur time doing all this.
Keep in mindwhat u hsud nshud not do so tht u know inurmidn u remember what u shud nshud not
be doing and accordingly on the basis of what u know inur mid n ushud nshud not be doing eange
inself-regualion to regaute yorusefl make urslefdo ti and follow it!

Tryin to get my act together as to wht I need ot od inorder to regulate myself!

Just cause u know in ur mind what u shud n shud not be doing doesn’t mean that you will
automatically on your own enage isnefl-regautlion, provide regulatory thogtush command
instructions to reguatle yourself and make urself do it andfollwo it. You need ot knowingly
intentionally purposely, being fully aware, engage in self-regulaiton to make urslef do what u know I
nurmid nu shud be doing n stop urslefform doing what u know I nur mid nu shud not be doing.

Keep in mind what u need to od so thht u rmemebr n u don’t forget what u need to od and regulate
yorusefl accordingly to mak urself do ti and follow it.

Rememeeer kep I nmidn what u shud nshud nto be dogn so htth u know I nur mid nwhat u need to od
and reguatle yourself acoridngly engaei nself-reguatlion to make ursel do tin a follow it.

The process of regatlion:(what u need ot o dot eguael yoursfl)

You need ot keep I nmind what you shud nshud not be doing so thth urmemebr know inru mind
what u need ot od and accordingly enage insefl –reagultion to maek urself od it an d follw oit.

If its not thehre I nyor mind if oyu dotn remember what oyu need ot od then it wont occur to oyu and
you wont reguatl yorusefl accordingly on the basis of it on the basis of hwat u know I nur mind u shud
nshud not be doing nad os oyu ownt do it.

U know I nur mind htht u cosnntatly need o enage inself-regaution in order to make urself do what u
know I nur mid n ushud be doing nstop ursefl form doing whatu knwoi nr u mind u shud not be doing
nhecen u enage isnefl regulation

U know what u need ot do now inorder to regatel yourself so do it and follow it. U need to keep I
nmidn so thht u rememebr u know in ur mid nwaht u shd n shud nt be oding n acordigny on the
basisof htht of what u know I nur mid nu shud nshud not be doing enage inself regulation to maek
ursle do it and ofllwo it regauel yorusefl accoindlgin.

Keep in mind what u shud n shud not be doin so thth u remember u know in ur mid n wht u shud n
shud not be doing its there in ur mind what u shud n shud not be doing n so uregutel rusefl
accordingly to maek urslefdo ti andfolwo it. If u forget if its no logner there I nur mid nwaht u need to
do if u have forgotten wht unedo t odo then u wont reguale t urself accoridnlgy n the basisof htht n so
oyu wnt do it nad ofllwo it.

U knowi nur mid nthht uneed ot csnsalty eangei nselfreugatlion ot make urself d n thin kwht u knwoi
nru mid n ushud be odgin n thinking n stp urslef frmdoign nthinkign wahtu knw in ur mind u hsud not
be doing n thinking.
Keep in midn remeber wht u need ot od n dont forget so thth uknowi nur mid nwht u shud nshud nto
be doignn regualte yourseflaccoridnlgy to make urlsef do ti and follwo it
if uforget its nolgner threr i nur mid nwaht uneed ot odo then uwont regulateurslfe accrdnlgy andos
u ownt do ti andfollwo it. And that is why oyu need ot remember keep I nmind what u hsud nshud not
be oding oso thh u know I nur mind it occurs to oyu u know what u shud nshu not eb odign n u
reguatle oruself accordingly u enage in self reguatlio naccoridngly inorder to ot maek urslef o ti and
follow it and reguatle yourself accoridnlgy.

Remember keep I nmidn thigns likeu shud not waste ur time doing unimp thgisn u shud nto think of
other htigsn u need to be focsed not distracted nt odo otehrh tigsn during work time etc… and
regautle yorusfelaccoridnlgy eange inself regltion accordingly instruct yoruslef command , driect
provide reguatlory htoguths instrcuitosn ad ncommadns to maek urself do ti follw oti, to reguatle

Remember keep I nmmidn what u need ot do to regaue lt yourself

obsessive compalusive uncontrolable impuslive primitive behaviour ratehr than logical! and rational
and sensibel.although u knowi nur mid nthh u shudnt be doign ti u sdont know hwo to control urslef
nad make rusefl stop doign it andos oyu continue ot od it caues u dont knwo hwo ot enagei nself
regautlio nhwo ot ocntrol nreguatle yoursefl.

U are not doin it cause either u have forgotten what you need to do… tht is its no logenr there I nyou
mind what u need to od or u know I nur mid nwhat u need to do but u are not acting o n it that is
reguateign yourself eafgaging I nsefl regautlion to maek urself do it and follow it.

Remember keep I nmidn thh just cause u know inur mid ndoesnt mean u will automatically o nu r own
enageinself reguatlion reguatelyorusefl provide reg thgtush and do it nad follw oit… uneed to
ocnsnsntatly eange insefl regulation provide reg thgtsuh insts n commands t maek ursefl do it and
follow it.

Rememeber keep in mind htht u need ot reguatle your thinking stop yourself form thinking fo
oetherh tigns not think of othrh tigns resist say no to impulsive thoughts thht tell u to od otehrh
tigns. N u needo treguatel yoruactioons stop urslef from doing toerhh tigns by prvidng regulatory
thgotus. Be aware of ht thoguths goin o ni nur head and say no to impuslve thogutsh thth tell u to do
otehrh tigsn unimp thgins remeebr hth. Know what u are thinking of and whats goin o n I nur head!
Practice thoguth rugelatio nand control, to control urslef u need to control ur thinking nand ur

Remember keep in mind u need ot constantly engage in self reguatlion provide regulatory thgotush
isntnst and commands in order to maek urseflstop thinking ndoign thigns tht uknow in ur mind u
hsud not be doing and thinking and inoreder to make urslef think and do thigns htht u know I nur
mind u hsud be thinking and doing.

Also remember thht u need to regulate your thinkign and ur actions stop urslef form thinking of other
things n make urself think of work and imp thigns! And u need ot reguatle youracitons stop urslfe
form doig oher htigsn n mak urlsef do ur work nad imp things.
1)The process f regautlion:- keep I nmidn what u shud nshud not be doing nad constantly is eangei
nself reuatlion accordingly to reguatle yourefl accorindlgy.

THigns that get regulated:

2) To reguatlee yursefl to be I ncotnrol of yourself You need to regulate lyour htinkign control ur
thikign practice thgouth control nad reguatlion: remember be aware f teht hgouths gin o n I nur mind
and stop rself form thinking of unimp thgisn say no to resit impsulvethgtush thht tell u to od
otehrhtigns and maek urself think fo our work and imp things.

3) to contro land reguatle yourself u need ot eugalte your actions, control n reguatel yorue actions :
stop urself form doing otherhtignsu nimp thgisn n things htht u know I nru mid n ushud nto be doing
and maek urslef do things ththu know I nur mind ushud be doing

shrt attention span on imp things thth is doing imp thgsin s for a sht time and getting distracted to
unimp but fun thigns is mre to do wit hdistractiosn and impulsvie beahviour thigsn ur brain enjoys
lke telvison, socail netwrokign addciitve impulsive beahviour!
instead of behaviour based o nrationality and logic as to what is imp
doign what is imp instead u end u pdoign what u r brai nenjoys doing... the info is stred i nru mid
nthth last tiem i didi this it was fun soo wen uge bored u get a thgotuh lets do this now!
n so u do it. but u knwo i nur raionla memeory thht uhsudnt do it
so u eenagei nsefl reguatlio nt ostiop rusefl form doign it make urself stop doign ti. u cotnrol n
reguatle urthinkig nand acitns!

U need ot keep in mind wahtu shud nshud nto be doing so tt hu rmembr u know I nur mid nwhat u
shud nshud not be odig nand accordingly on the basis of htth information cosnntatly enage in self
regautlion provide reg thgoutsh insts nad commands t maek urself do ti and follw oit.

U need to keep in mind wht u hsud nshd not be doing so thth u know I nur mind u reemebr wht u
shud nshud not be doing… n accordingly cocnsntly enage inself regauion prvide reg thgouths inst ns
comadns to maek urslef do it andfollw oit.

U need ot keep I nmidn what ushud nshud nto be doing soo thth u reemebr dotn forget u remeebr u
know I nur mid nwhat u shud nshud not be doing and it occurs to u n its thehr I nur mid nu know I nur
mid nwhatu need ot odo n accordingly u need to cosnsntalty enage isnelf reguatlion thht is provide
reguatlory htogtuhs inst s nad commdns to direct control n regautle oursefl and maek urlsef do ti and
follow it what u know I nur mid n ushud be oding.

So thh urememebr uknwo I nur mid nwhat u hsud nshud nto be doing thigns like “u shud focus n
cocnetrate u shud nto waste ur tiem doing other htigns, u shud not thnink of othrethgisn wase time
thinking of otherh tigsn, uhsud not waste time sleeping lazing etc…” and u need to accordingly
cocnsntly eagne in sefl reugation to control nregualte urself n make ruself do it and foll ow it.

Trying to figure out the process of self regulation how I can stop myself from doing otherh tigns n
unimp thigns nad how I can get myself to do imp thigns tht is know I nmy mind I need ot be doing.

Sensible and rational vs impuslvei

Self-regulating , self guiding

Programming the mind, self-regulation, thought controland action control for success

You need ot drive yourself be sefl deiven, command guide yourself self-guiding by enageing I
nconstnat self-regution, drvie yourself steer commad regaulte yourself.

You get a thgouth I nyour mind the urge lets otuch the cat and see how it feel…. But oyu know I nyoru
mind thth cats carry bacterias and microspoicworms ad if ou tocuh them tehn these worms will enter
yoru body and eiher make u blind or damadage yoru brain so you tell yoruslef no dotn tocuh the cat
you will get worms u don’t want to go blind or dadmage our brain.

u need to keep i nmindwhat u shud nshud not be doing so thht u know i nur midnwhatu need ot od
and accoridngly cosnnatly enagei nself reguatlion to maek urlsefod it nad follow it

you knwoi n ur mid nwhat u need to od so u dont need otehrs to tell and nag you you only tell
yourself instrecut urself commadns urslef steer yorusefldirect yorusefl provde reguatlory thgotush
cmmadns isntracuiotns to correct ruself everytiem you stray , bring urself back o nteh path to oyur
gaol every time u get distracted deiavted nad stray adn not od what u know i nur mind u are supposed
to od and dotn do what u know i nur mid n u are suppsoed to od
and to keep urself on the path to oyur goal andm ake urlsef od what oy uknow i nur mid n shud be

Sometimes u forget its no longer there in your mind, what u shud n shu n ot be doing and so oyu don’t
reguatle yourself accordingly as its no longer ther I nur mind what uneed to od and hence you don’t
do it.

he who ocntrols hte mind is the pilot in control where as he who lets his mind go freeand is controll ed
by the mind adn iplusies is the passeneger helpless and goesi nteh idrectio nthe midn taek s him he
knwos he shudnt be dioign certian things but he is helpess addcited imspulve caues he doesnt knwo
hwo ot stop doign those thigsn, adn do what he knwos he shud be doing thth is how ot ocntrol the midn
nad soo he is helpelslsy carried awy, liek a beign i na stream, of rever r you have n ocontorl helpelssly
drtifitng away where hte wayves takes you tkaign u palces where u dont wnato dgo, tht is no ocntrol lie
ka passenger and hte midn the driver akign you places where oy dotn want to ogo doign thigsn th u
knwo u hsud nto be odign n not oodgn thigsn thth uknwo u shud be dign elpess cause u odnt knw ohwo
to maeku rslef stop hwo ot control teh midn n make urslfe stop odign impclve htigsn adciivte thgisn and
do thigns thht u knw oare imp nad u shud be doing.
if u dont control you mid nthen oyu are your own enemy the mid ncan e the firnd or the enemy if oyur
mdin is under ur ocntrol n u cotnrol ur mid nththen tis u fridn if oyu dont then its ur eenmy and you
ahve to soave rslefform usflef.

Programming the mind to succeed and thought control:-

Know what goes on in your mind and know and understand how the process
works the process that leads to action.

Be in complete control of yourself and your actions by being in control of the

processes that go on in your mind - Total control!

Be super efficient and productive.

Learn how to keep yourself on the path to your goal, constantly working towards
your goal and prevent yourself from getting distracted and diverted towards
unimportant things.

Programming the mind to succeed and thought control:-

Know what goes on in your mind and know and understand how the process
works the process that leads to action.

Be in complete control of yourself and your actions by being in control of the

processes that go on in your mind - Total control!

Be super efficient and productive.

Learn how to keep yourself on the path to your goal, constantly working towards
your goal and prevent yourself from getting distracted and diverted towards
unimportant things.

Programming the mind to succeed and thought control:-

Know what goes on in your mind and know and understand how the process
works the process that leads to action.

Be in complete control of yourself and your actions by being in control of the

processes that go on in your mind - Total control!

Be super efficient and productive.

Learn how to keep yourself on the path to your goal, constantly working towards
your goal and prevent yourself from getting distracted and diverted towards
unimportant things.


Prog your mind feed in input in your mind in ur memory so that u remember whaa you need to od what
your gaols are and what u need to od to achive ur goal what work u need ot od n s o on and so you
regulate uer self n reguatle ur thinking n ur actions accordingly and make urlef do it n follow it what you
know in ur mind you should be doing:-
Keep in mind what your goal is what work u need ot o dot ahive ur gaol so thht u know in ur mind its
ther ein ur memoery u remember tht u have a goal to ahcive n uneedo t wrok har d ot ahcive ur goal n
u need todo so on so work to ahcive ur gaol n tht u shud not waste ur time doing other things n unip
thigs nn u shud do what is imp n ciritcal for ur progress n survival n benefit n goan in life n all other
unimp thigs ncan be done later on u shud not waste ur tiem doing unimpt higsn n ur time is precious
imp n u shud focus ur mind u hsud not think of other htigns n u shud regulate ureslf by providing reg
thoughts on the baiss of what u knw o in ur mind u hsud nhsud not od n hence control n reg ur htinkign
impulsve htoguths htht tell ur to od other htigsn n acitons n u hsud nonly think of ur wrk n not think of
other hitgns stop ur self from thinking fo otehrh tigns by offering resistance counter thoughts n ushud
think only o f ur wrk n imp things n not think of other htigsn only then you will do oyur work not other
wise n so on n u need to work hard n take all pains n efforts n work cotnsntly get after it take all pians n
efforts for the sake of acheiveing ur goal n u need ot keep in mind what oyur gaol is nn soon ntot forget
remeebr keep in ur mind what your gaol is so thht its thehre in ur mid nthth u have this goal ot ahviee n
so on so work to od otahciev ur goal n u work hard ot ahiceve ur goal u get ot wrk to ahcvie ur goal u are
motivated to get up take pains nefforts for th e skaeo f achviei ng thth goagal cause ur goal is in ur sights
in foffrt of oyu in ur midnd u remeebr is htherein ue r mind htht u have htsis goal to ahcvie n u needo t
wrk hard ot ahcive ur goal n u are on a mission to ahcive ur gaol.

How to keep all thse thigns in ur mind feed in n input I nur mmeeory

Understanding: - know what you need ot do

Know the right way to do it cause if you use the wrong techniques you will get the wrong results

Remind yourself:-

Read again all htes things thht u need ot o dot ahcie ur oagal so thth u rmeemebr u know in ur mind its
hteri en ur mememroy wht u need oto d u don’t forget and so you think accordingly and hece you do ti
n follow it u reg urlsef accordingly n make urslef do it n follow it.

Flash cards to remind yourelf of oyur goal n u r mission so thht its there in ru mind htht u have this goal
ot ahcive n u needo t get otwork to ahccive this goal n n ot do other htigns n ur mind is focused on
ahcieving the goal n on track u remmebr its hteri n u r mind hth uahve agoal to ahcive n u needo t get o
work ofri t u have nto forgotten cause if u forget n its no longe hterei n ur mind then oyu wont do it n
you will do otherh unimp things.

Keep in mind what your goal is n what work u need ot do ot achieve ur goal so that ur mind is on track
towards achieving ur goal u remember its there in ur mind that u have a goal to archive n u need ot do
ur wrk to achieve ur goal n so u reguatle n control urself accordingly by providng reguatlatory thgouths
inst n commands n stop ursel f rom doing otehrh tigns n n maek urself do oyur work to ahive ur goal as
you know in ur mind its there in ru mind u rememeber n its thehr ein ur mind tht huahve a goal to
ahcive n so you think nprovede reg thoguths n u tell urself lets not waste tiem now lets get ot work n
ocmpelte this we don’t have time ot do otherh tigns we have a goal to ahcivee n we have this wrk to o
dot ahcive outr goal.. so remind urself constnaly ask yourself hwati s ur goal hwat wrk u need ot od keep
in mind what ur goal is kepe ur goal I nur mind I nru memeory remember what goal u want oahcive n
wht ur mission is n what wrk u need oto do don’t foregt also use other ways to remind oyu like flsh cards
n os on so thth u remember htht u have agoal to ahcive n n so u need to get o wrk to ahive ur gaol n u
have wrk to o dot achvie ur gaol cause if u forget n its nolonger there I nur mind hten u will not do ur
wrk n u will od other hitngs acuase u have forgotten ur mind is distracted ur goal is no longer there in
ur mind in ur sighsts its nolonger hterein ur mind hth u have a gaol to ahciev n so oyu will nto work
towards achvieing ur goal.

Also remember you need ot lave a all other thigns aside not involeve ur brain I noterh htigns thth are of
no importance use to u waste of tiem u need ot see your own thing mind oyur own business do yur won
thigns nad see your own progress why? Cause no one else will.

What have u goto do with the things I nthe country an d the situation I nthe country u cant do anything
aobut it it’s a waste of time you need ot see how you can make oyur ownr progress n nnot invoelve ur
mind I notherh tigns n waste ur tiem or ur progress will be left aside. Also what have oyu got to od with
what others are doing its none of oyur business u need ot see your own what oyu want in lfie nad how
ot get it that s it.

Keep this in ur mind don’t waset your time, workhard and so on.. so thht u rmemeber it its there in ur
mind w uknow in ur mind hwt u need to od n u don’t forget it and u re g urself accordingly recall what
atre the things u need oto do

Keep this I nmind u have limited time ur time is imp n so u shud not waste ur time doing unimp htigsn n
you need ot be fast n quick do oyur wrk to ahcive ur gaol as quickly as you can.

Don’t waste ur time doin unimp things u can do all those thigns later on focus on what is imp

Work hard you will get what you want

What are u putting ur mind in wah t are you putting ur mind to

U ned to start thinking of your work and stop thinking of otherh thgisn only ehten u will do your work

Keep in mind what oyur goals are and what is more important what oyu want o acheveie os thth you are
consntly reminded of it and what oyu need ot do so thth you are contstnstly emidned of it nad ouy don’t
forget and your mind is not distracted else where its htehre in ur mind u know I nur mind htth yo uahve
ot do this n you have otahcieve this goal and its there in ur memeory n u constantly think of oit n u are
reminded of it thth you have ot ahcieeve this you have ot do this and s ooyu dotn dootehrhtigns just like
the terminator who has only one gaol isn his mind ot find srah connor keep ur goal in sight in front of
oyu to remind oyu keep ur goal in ur mund what oyu r goal is what oy uwant oacheive so hth tyou dotn
forget you dotn get disrtarcted you don’t do otherh things cause oyu remember n you know in ur mind
htth you have to acheviei your gaol you have a gaol to achvie e n so oyu get ot wotrk to acheieve your
goal and oyu dot nod othrhe rttigns remidn yourself what is your goal why didi you join college what is
more imp and so on so thth you wor k towards it

Prog the mind to suceed and thought controll:-

Know what you need ot od and how to make yourself do it

Understanding:- knowing nad understanding what to od and what not to do and hwy based o nwaht is
imp what is good for you and what is not goodo for you for ur benefit and gain and progress and so on
as told by others or u figured it out oyurself

Memory:- keep it in mind so thth you rememebr you odnt forget what oyu need to od so hthth its there
in ur mind u reemmeber what you need ot od… and oyu odnt forget it and you are constnnsatly
reminded of it nad you know in ur mind what you hsud n shud not do… and hence oyu think accordignly
and do it and corect yourself wheever u do wrong.. things tth are not good ofr u for achiveieng ur goal
and so on remind urself constnatnly refresh ur mmeoery as to hwat are the thigns thht you need ot be
doing and what is your goal keep iti n mind so htth you know in ur mind oyu don’t forget what oyur goal
is yit there in ur midn oyur mind is programmed its there in ur mmemeory what oyu neeed to od (what
you need ot od for ur goood progress efficieny productiivty achvieing ur goals and so on keep thth in ur
mind so htth is there in ur mind what oyu need ot od oyu don’t forge t it u renemeber it know in ur
midn what oyu need ot od for ur good and progress and what you shoud not od and u are consntatly
reminded of it things like what your goal is what oyu need ot acheivei not waste ur time doing otherh
tigns not think of other ht thigns focus your mind and so on) its hter ein ur mind u know in ur midn what
oyu need ot od and so oyu think accordingly u are contantly reminded of it nd you do it cause if oyu
forget it if its no longer there in urmind if oyu have forgotten it what oyu need ot od then you will nto do
it cause its not there in ur midn you have forgotten it.

Thought controll:-

Focusing and concetrating your mind:-

Be aware of the htoguths going o nin ur mind know what oyu are thinking of tell yourself to stop
thinking of other htigsn stop urself from thinking of unimp things and make urself think of oyur work
and imp thgisn “don’t think of htose htigns now , stop thinking of unimp tgisn, think of oyur work now”
focus chanellize direct and cotntrate your mind to more impthgisn take ur mind out of unim tp thgisn
come out of it… and put your mind I nimp things swuthc off otehrh thgisn and shwithc on imp thgisn
switch ur wimnd off otherh things unimp things n keep ur mind I nimp tigsn think fo imp thgisn ur wrk
and so on what wrk to od and so on only then you will do oyur work if oyu hthink fo oyour work what
work ot od and nso o nnot other htwise if oyu odnt think of oyur work wayou will nto do oyur work

Being In controll of your acitons by being I ncontroll of your thoguhts:-

Controll resistance offering resistance to impulisve thoughts the mind is either the master otr the slave
and if oyu don’t put a control land grip on your mind using your sensible mmemeory and reguatlory
thinking then the mind will be the master and you will be a slave to oyur mind you will eb out of controll
and helpless you know you will end you doing thign s thth yo uknow in ur ensnesible memeory oyu
hsould not be doing still you wotn be able to stop as you don’t know how ot ocntroll your mind hw o
make oyurself sytop oding other htigns and start doing more inmportntn thigns thth you know are
needed for your progress ythose imp things will be left aside nad neglected and you will do unimp things
and give in ot oyur impulsive thoguths thth tell you to do unimp thgisn cause your impulsive mmeeory
enjoys doing it n fidns it fu nand entertaining… if you leyt oyur mind go loose and free tehn the mind will
take you for a ride and you will be helpless like a passenget in a chariot with your mind as your dirver
and making oyu do thigns tht hyou know oyu hsoudl nto be doing taking oyu palces thth you now oyou
should not go …. But when you are the dirver when you are in control ladn take the reins of the vehicle e
fromyour mind then you know oyu are going I nteh right direction…. you should nto give in to oyur
impulsive htoguhts but reisist it you need to know what is going on in ur mind in ur head what thoguths
are oyu gettign and you need to regulate those implusive thoughts htth tell you to od impulsive htengs
say no tot hem off a counter rissitng reguatory thoguths to ocntroll the impulsive htoughts thth tell u to
do unimp thgisn you need ot be in controll you need ot be the master of oyur mind of oyur impulsie
htoguths and urges using your sensible memeory and regualtory thignking resis t say no to impulsive
htoughts idnetify impulsive htougths htth tell you to do other htigsn htth you know in ur sennseible
memory you hsould nto be doing cause its awaste of time and tell to od thigns thth you know in ur
senesible mmemeory you should be doing you need ot be strict put a grip and controll over your mind
resisit the tempttation asay no to the impulsive thoguhts offer resistance to the impulsive no don’t
waset ur time doing thth do ur work now htht is more imp offer controll controll over ur thoguths over
ur mind

Must stop doing unimp things ... n wasting my time cotnroll impulsive thoguths and behavior out of
control, lack of control addiction doing thigns htth you know in ur senseible memory you should nto be
doing but oyu do them cuase you get impulsive htoguths in ur mind telling you to do them (as ur mind
felt good rewar d enjoyed doing it found it entrertianign enjoyable fun activity nad free) offer resistance
break the thoguth instruction and comman thth tell u to od those unimo thgis come out of it talke ursefl
out of it noffer resistance ot it resitst it… have control it takes effort energy control ltake s a lot of effort
and energy say no to ti self control csay no to it cuase u know I nur sensible memory u shud not be
doing htth n htth you hsiud be doing htth less enjoyanble boring thing htth is good of ur progress buth
whcich is good ofr uer progress and imp for eur survival … choosing one acitivity over htie other imp
over the less imp.. kearnign to say no to otherh tigns delay later on prolong one more chapter exercising
sel f control control over oyur mind…c ake experinment developing internal mental control land
resistance no don’t eat the cake eat the cak no don’t eat the cake, stop I am tired now no reado ne more
chapter thts calle d offering resisitance and ocntroll it take s force and effort , if oyu let your mind loose
and free to do what ever it anwats to o dot think what ever it wants to think then oyu will lose control
you will be out of control oyur mid will take you for a ride you will be helpless you will end you doig n
htigsn thth you know oyu should not be doing unimpth gisn thth ur mind enjoys doing and you will leave
aside and not do imp things tht you know in ur sensible memeory you should be doing and is required
for ur benefit gain survivial and progress you will neglect them n leave them saside at the cost of imp
thgis nand ur progress and so oyu will suffer a loss… you need ot put a grip on ur mind not let it go loose
and free you nee to be strict you need ot resist the temptation the urges the impulsive htthiguths htth
tell oyu to do unipo thgisn you need ot say no to them.. u know offer risistance offer a reugaltory
thoguth to resist and curb the impulsive htoguths htht tell oyu to do unimo thgisn thth waste ur tiem wn
hth are not imp for ur progress…. Be internal be aware of the thoguths going on in ur mind have total
control restraint over ur mind identify the ose impulscive htoguths when oyu get htose impulsive
htoguhts what are those thoguths and resist those thoguths. U can do all other htigsn later on first do
what is imp…

U need ot stop urself from doing other unimp things thth will waste ur tiem thth u know in u r sensible
memory are unimp and make urself do imp thigs nthth u know in ur snesibel memeory are critical n
crucial for ur survival improvement progress and so on by providing a resisting regulatory thgiught
command and instrcutionm

Ppl who lack controll donot offer ressitance they give in to their implses they end up doing what their
mind lieks to do and enjoys doing

U neee d to be aware of what is going o ni nur hwead what impulsve htogutsh you are getting and be
aware what oyu are doing is it imp is it what you know I nur sensible memory you shud be doing or shud
not be doing

Know How to ocntroll yor umind and hence your action asn what oyu needo to do nad what to od if oyu
odnt offer resisitance to oyur impulsive thoguths hten you will e be out of control land resisitance takes
efforty you need ot say no to our impulsive thoguths what you need to do how to be in control fo oyur
htoguths and ur mind and hence oyur actions you neeed to first of all be aware of hteth thoguths going
on in your haead and be aware of what oyu are doingand what oyu are htinkig nwhat thoguths
impulsive htoguths oyu get identify them and you need ot resist provide resistance to thouse impulsive
htoguths and say no tot htem provide a regulatory thgoutth to control those impulsive htoguhts based o
nur sensible memeory what you know I nur sensible memeory u shud n nshud not be doing … if oyu let
your mind go loose and free wand dotnoffer fresistatnce to oyur impulsive htogutsh and acitosn then
oyu will become a slave to toyur mind to your impulsive htogutsh and you will end up oding what ever
ur impulsive htoguths tell u to od whatever impulsive htoguths htth you get..

You need ot be aware and know what thoguths are going on I nur mind and oyu need ot offer
resistatnce ot those impulsive htoguths resisitance takes effort to send and provide a regulatory thoguth
and ot curb those impulsive htoguths thth tell you to do unimp thgsin htth your mind finds enjoyable
entretianintg you need ot have control self control control over ur self ur actions by having control over
ur mind

How ot be more in ocntroll fo oyurself and oyur actions by ebeing in controll of oyur mind of oyur
thoughts and thinkign and understanding and mememory keeping certia ndoes n donts and imp thgis
nin ur mind so thth u don’t forget u know I nur midn wht u shud n shd not do and why the reasonign
behind it the reasosn behind it… you need ot know how ot be in controll of your own mind only hten
you will e b in controll fo oyur acitosn cause thoguths lead ot aciton first oyu think fo oding some htign
only then you od it ….

Whenever you find yourself doing unimpthgsn other htigsn ad wasting ur time which oyu know in ur
sensible memory you hsoudl not bedoign cause u need ot od imp things for ur progress then stop urself
form doing unimp thgisn “tell yourself dotn waste ur time doing unimpt htgisn stop now n do ur swrk u
can do all oter hthgisn later on” u need ot stop iurself from oding tht n choose a more imp activity thth
u know u shud be doing as it ismore imp serious ncricial for ur progress over the unimp activity thth will
waste ur time n take awy all ur time by providing a resisng regualtort thogutht

Choosing a less enjoyable but imp activity critical for ur survival gain improvement and progress over a
unimp but enjoyable activity thth wont give u any beneiift or gain…

Control resist the temptation stop ureslf form doing otehrh tigsn and make urself do morei mp thgisn by
providing a resisting regulatory thgouth inst command basedo n ur sensible memeory based o nwaht u
know in ur sensnible memory ushudn n hsud not be doing and why the resonign behind it

What goes on I nur mind be aware of the thgoguths goin o ni nur head know what impulsive htoguths u
are getting n resist say no to those htoguths no don’t do thth u can od it later on

How to be in total controll of oyur mind of oyurself nad oyur actiosn how ot cintentionalyl ocntroll
impulsive behaviour afddicitons and so on by being I ncontroll of oyur thgouths cuase thoguths lelad to
action firs ot yu think fo oding something and get a thoguth to od aosomethign only then you do it no
dotn do htth now

Thth will ehlp humanity to be incotnroll fo their actiosn and ciontroll impulsive behaviour n solve hteir
helpless ness nd problems nd issures and sadness associated with out of contollrll and helpless
ndaimpulsive behaviouer like addcitions over come it where in they do things htth thet know they
hsould nto be doing but are unable to maek htemselves stop or odnt know how to make htemselves
stop , thoguth leads ot action be in controll of oyur acitosn by being aware of the thoguths coming on in
ur head what thogutsh u get and controllilng certain impulsivethoguths reissiting and reguatliong htose
thgoutsh sayign no to htem on the basis of ur sensible mememory wherein u know what oy ushud n
shud not be doing

Thank you god for giving me this knowledge and savingmy life… by the gracw e of god

Be internal internally how your mind works what leads to action hwo ot be in controll fo oyur mind be

waht i ahve learnt from ne and half monrht of wath prn n wasting tmy time

at the expense of work and imp thigsn left aside and sufferign a loss

due ot the delay and work pending and left aside rewuired for my gain beenift and progress

once u lose time u will never eget it back dont waste ur time on unimpthgins

know waht is imp n what is prority in life criritcal n crucail thigns moeny survaival educaiton thth wil
help u make ur life better solve ur problems in life adn make ur life comofrtable n good and u know
acheivei ur goal and what oyu want in lfie ot make u happy have a better life work towrads achevieing

thigsn htht are critical ncrucail for ur survivail

1) Time mgmt keep a seperate time for lal otehr activiites do otehr htgsn at otehr time all problems
issurs u can be concerned and worried of ur time how u are spending ur time whow much tie m tfor
what acitivty odnt waste even a second time all ur activites what is the time now lests do this in os and
so time
deal with alter on ur time is imp once u lose time u wotn get it back so dotn waste time by fdoing unimp

during oyur work time striclty od only ur work o s thth other thigsn dotn ainterefer with it n ur wrk is nto
left aside

2) about x x is drty n unclena n lead to disease so not have multiple xul patrtners

3)how to concetrate n focus ur mind and thoguht controll

not thingk of ther thgis nto be in controll of ut r acitons u need ot be in controll of oyur

thoguths be aware of hte thoguths goin o nin ur head rprovide a regualte ory thought

based on what oyu know n understand i nur mind u shud n shud not be doing

not think of other hthgisn say no to other thigsn do other hitgns later on not invovel ur midn i nother
htigns ofcus ur midn in ur wrk htink n do n invovle ur midn in ur wrk only not thinko f otehrh tigns say
no ot all toehr htigsn u can htink of otehr htigsn at other time

to be in controll of ur actions u need ot be in controll of oyur thoguths and oyur thinking

be i ncontroll of ur mi nd bnot let ur midn free to think of any htign wher eto focus ur midno nwhat are
you thinking of is it imp dont waste ur time thinking of unimpt hgisn be awawre of htoguths goin o nin
ur head whefevr u think of unimpthigsn stop urself form htinking of unimp thigsn n make urslef think of
ur wrk nn imp "tell ur esfl dont think of unimp thigsn dont waste ur time think of imp thigsn" thgisn only
then u will odo ur wrk inovele ur midn i nur wrk n imp thigsn

u need to take ur mind out of other things n focus ur mind on wrk n imp things n achieveing ur goal n
critical n crucial n imp things in life for ur progress benefit n gain comfort survival money edu job biz n so
on wrking towards axchieveing ur goAL

u need to offer resisitance whenver think of doing otherh thgisn or ge ht e thgouth to od otherh thgisn
stop urself form doing so by providing a regualtory ressitng thoguth cause u knwo in ur senesnible
memeory thth thsi is more imp n u need ot od this to acheive ur goal n not do otehr htigns n waste ur
time doin otherh tigsn basedo nthis iknowing nad understndign reguatke ur thinkign

undetrrstanding:- knwowhat ot od n what not to do what is right n wrong good ofr u n ot good ofr u n
wht to do n what not to do n why either as told by tihre s or figured t our t ursefl
mmemery:- keep iti n mind odnt forget consntntly remidn u of it , wht ur goal is imp thigsn (treminders
n so on) so thth its ther in ur midn wht u need to od n u dotn forget it ...

think of ur wrk what shud i do now

be in controll fo oyurselfn ur actions by being i ncontroll of ur htouhgts and understnading what to do n

what not todo n why n keeping iti nu rmind i nur memeory not forget what to do

thought controll:-

be aare of the thoughts going o nin ur head knwo what oyu are htinkign of

isi t imp or is it unimp n waste of time stop urself from thignkign of unimp thgisn n wastign ur itme make
ursefl think of imp thigns like work and so on focus ur mind in ur wrk n imp things keep ur midn i nur
ewrk n imp thgisn

think fo ur wrk what wrk to od n so on what hsiould i do n now lets do htis now htink of ur wrkl onyl the
n u will do ur wrk odnt think of other htigns

keep ur midn in imp n criritcal thigs n req for ur prog gain survival n help u slove u r problems in life

thoguth controll n action:-

when u think or get t hoguth to od other htigsn say no to it stop urslef nmakeur selfdo ur wrk

no dont do hth od ur wrk now stiop wasting ur time doign thth do ur wrk now

provide self regualtory thoguth self controlling self instricitng commanding driinvng n guiding thought

on what u know in ur mmemoery n understnad u shud n shud not do nasedo n ur good imrpov prog
comfort gaols n achviivng imp htigsn i nlife

keep ur mind i nur wrk oy uneed ot think of oyur wrk what wrk to od n so on only hten you will do ur
wrk not think of other htigns otherh tigsn u can thinkof at otehr thime no distractions nto distract
ndievert ur midn ot tohter thigsn

thougths leadd to aciton first you think of doing somehtign only then yo udo it

so to be in controll fo yur acitosn u nee d to be in controll fo oyur htoguths

practise thoght controll

think f oyur work what work to do now... lets do htis now

you will do oyur work only if oyu think of oding it not otehr wise

first oyu think fo oding somehtign onyl then you do it htoughts lead ot action to be in controll fo oyur

you need to be aware of hte thoguths going on in ur head adn regualte and controll oyur htinking

whenever oyu think of oding somehtgin else or get a thoguth to do unimpt higsn stiop yoursefl say no to
it s

top your self from doing unimp thigns nad wastign your time and make ur el s f do ur wrk n imp thgisn

tell yourself"dontwaste ur time doign unimp thgisn do ur wrk htth is more imp n ciritcal n cruical n
priority for ur surivval more imp thgis ni nlife"

wha a rar eyou thinkign of where is oyur mind waht is oyur mind inovvlede in whwat is going on i nur

think of oyur wrk and imp thigsn stop thinkign of other thgisn dont waset ur time thinkign of other

u can achieve anyhtign tif oyu acn put oyur midn to it hth is focus ur mind on it ur htinkign fully on it not
disctarct ur mind not htignk of otehr htigsn not inovel ur mind in otehr htigns ndivert ur midn else where
kee p ur midn u r attention i nur wrk shut everythign else off not think of hter thigsn issues and
probelsms leave everythign else aside n focu s ur mind fully on it think of htth only n noting else
intetnionally on purpose knowingly forcefull

not involve ur midn i notherh tigsn shut off all otehr htigsn say not to otehr htigns not think of otehr
htigsn leave all otehrh thgisn aside for later on not invoel ur mind in orthehr htigsn

what ever humans have achived so farar all progress humans have made o t sovle problems and make
life better it has beeonly possible due to human intelligence and human brain memeory and thinking
proceses.. given blessed to humans by gods grace kindness n mercy… and so you should only enage in
intellectual acitivity do things thth invoels the use of oyur brain knowledge know how thignkign
nmemeory… so thth u know how ot use ur brai nebtter… and know the processe invoelvdn wah t oy
uneed ot od I nterms of therse processes to be more efficient

not invoel ur mind in otehrh thigsn say no to toehr thgins not divert ur mind else where

not odo thehr tigsn do ur wrk n inmp thigsn only wheve r ever u think of doing oehr htigsn say no to it

intneionallyyl on purpose keep ur midn i nur wrk n not invoel ur mind else where to achieve a certain
goal outcome result for ur own good progress adn acheiveing hter imp n crucail n ciritacal htigsn i nlife

u need to focus ur mind not inviovle n engae occupy n absorb ur mind i notherh thigsn not diver tn
distract ur mind else where say no to all other htigsn leave all toehr htigsn aside stop dong all otehr
unimp thigns say no toall otehrh tigns

intenionally on purpose forcefully knwingly purposely keep ur mind in ur work nn ot divert ur mind else
where here n hter

n focus ur midn full o nur work not htink of otherh tings issues n problesms n shut of everyhtig nelse and
leave all otehrh itgns aside for later on all isuues problesms not think of it all otehrh thgisn u can do later
on and do only ur work n imp thigsn htink of thth only think of nothgin else

What's keeping you from whats holding oyu back

thoguhts ogin on in ur head

mmeoriszing understanding

training preparing practise sessions

knowi gn the basincs knwoingn learnigng everyhtig nabout it wht it means

the meaning of it

preparing for ur mba

focsuing urm idn 100% on it n leanving all otehrh tigns aside not think of otehr htigns n invoel urm idn in
otehrh htigsn

say no to all otehrh tigsn

super focus focsu ur mind full yon it only

do thth onlysay no to all otherh tigns

how to focus ur mind and cocnetrate ur mind

n intneionally on purpose keep ur midn n invovle urm ind in it

nn ot to divert n distract ur mind else where

be in total controll o f ur mind

adn hnece ur actions

be awre of hteh thoguhst going on in ur mind

udnerstanding whth to do n what nto to do n why

kjeepi it in mind i nmmeory

when ever ur htink of oding otherh tigns or get a thogut hto do otehrh tigns sya no to it

stop ur self from doing othehr tinghs control restrain ur midn dont let it go free to think anyhtign do

stop ur self form doin og thher thigsn n make urself do oyur work n imp thgisn only

"no odnt do otehr htigsn now do ur wrk dotn waste time doing other htigns"

u anc do otherh tigsn later on so basedo n ur undertandign n knwoing as to wht to don wht not to do
what is goodo ofr u n what is not basedo n ur understandign n knwoing in ur mind n i nur mmemeory
which u are ocntnsnt ly remidnind of whhich is ther i nur mind which u knwo i nur midn wht u need ot
od provide a regualtory thoguht to regualte n ocntroll ur self

n ur htoguths impulsive htoghts

wknow nad be aware of what is going on in ur midn what you are thinkig nof whever u think of other
thigns unimp thigsn issues nprobles stop ur self thinkign of otherh tigns and intentionally make ur self
think fo ur wrk inentionalyly htink fo ur wrl and imp thigsn put ur mind ot imp thgis nn keep ur midn i
nimp htigns tell urself provide a regaultort y thoguht n tell ur sefl"dont waste ur time thinkign fo otehr
htigns think fo our work n imp thigsn what work ot odo and soo o no
only hten you will od ouy r work if oyu htink fo doing it not otehr wise if oyu dont htink fo ur work u will
not od u rw ork"

u shud not waset ur time once u lose tiem u will neve r get it back uneed ot stop al otehr htigsn stop
doing all other htigns say no to toher thgisn make ur self stop otehr htigsn tell urself proveide a ressiting
thoguth regualtory thgouths based o nwaht oyu knwo in ur mind u shud n shud nto od to resist the
impulsive thoguth s n behaivous

tell ursef" dontwaset time doign oterh htigsn do ur work" n focsu ur mind on imp thgis n

dont stop n go keep it in constnant contiunuation otehr hwise the link breaks keep working on it or u
ahve to start all over again

what are u putting ur mind to involving ur mind in

mind controll thoguth nad action controll

amny ppl lack controll adn give in to theri impulsive thoguths nad urges nd as a result they do thigns
they knwo in theri minds they shoudl not be doign at the expense of imp thigsn left aside adn they dotn
do imp thigsn as a result they lose time or nege,lect imp thgis ndont d oimot thigsn htth they knwo i
ntheir midns htey shoud lbe doign and so htey suffer a losss and lack progersss

how ot ocntroll ur midn ur htoguthst and ur actions

resist the impulsive thoughts tht tell u to do unimp thgis nh tht u r brain enjoys doign enetriantinment
and so on triggers the rewards regions of hte brain immeidate reswards reagions of hte brain

hoew to ocntroll and ressit it

be aware of hteh thoguths going on in ur head knwo waht oyu are htignkign of whever u get a thoguth
or htink of doing on unimp htigsn then say no to it resisitr thth thgoiuht impulsvice htguhg t n
tentmptation provede a reguatlorty thoguth say no to it tell ursefl "n odint do htth now do ur wrk thth
is more imp dont waste ur time" i nthsi way basedo nwaht uknw o in ur mind ssnesible memeory what
u shud n shud not do provede a resistin g thoguth a self controllign thoguht regualtory thinguhg
command nad instruction to control urself restrict ur sfl restrain urself intentionally forcefully on
purpose for greater good purpuseose dor achevieing a heighrer cause ogal htth is imp to you like ur
goals and so on ciritucal forur progress and so on thht u knwo i nur mind is imp and ciritalc nafor ur gain
n rprogressand withotu which ur are doomed u r life wil be miserable a nd s oon..

knwo hwo the midn works and what eleads to action

u need ot knwo how ot ocntroll n be in controll

if oyu lack control then you will end up doing htigsn thth u know u shud not be doing n not do htigsn u
knwo u hsud ne doign for ur progresss cause u give in to the impulsicve htoguhts thth tel u to do unim
pthgis nthth ur brain enjoys doing and u dont do imp othgisn at hte expesne of im o thgisn left aside

u need ot offer ersistance keep a grip on ur mind you knwo be strict and stern if oyu let oyur mind loos
e and free

to think fo anyhtign then you will be a slave to ur mind ur mind will be the driver and you will be teh

adn ur mind will take u for a ride n u are help less u are out of controll u ahve no contorll u need to be i
ncontroll of ouyr mind in ur impulsive memeory thsi info is stored hth u felt good n enjoyedn
entertaining when u ddidi a certain acitivty so basedo n thsi memeory u get an impulsive htought to do
do htth activiity again but in ur senseible mmemeory oyu know htth you r eaxams are ocming an you
need ot study adn not waste time doign htth unimp thigsn so oyu are aawre you got thth thoguht in ur
mind to dothth unim tot hgisn so u need ot resist tht thoguth and impuslive htoguht thth instructs u to
do htth unimp thgis n cause iu knw o in ursnesible memory thth to acheive ur goal ur greater good
progress u need to study for ur exam and not do otehr hthgs so basedo n tht porved e a controllign and
resisiting htoguth tell urself "no odnt do thth now dont waset ur time study now" i nthsiway offer a
resisting htought n sto p urself form doing otherh tings n make urself od ur work

similary stop urself from thinkign of otehr htigngs unimp thigsn issues nad problems and make urself
think of ur work what wrk ot od nad imp thigsn only hten u will od ur work

whever u find urself doing otehrhtigns u know i nur sensible meory thth for ur good to ahcieve ur goal n
imp thgis ni nlife for ur gain n progress u need ot be doign ur wrk n not od otherh thgis so proved a
regualtort thoguth tell urself "n oodnt waste ur time doing this stop doign htis now" hence stop ursefl
from doing otehr htigsn
you hsould nto wastre your time doing unimp thgisn thinking of unimp thigns and enagaing and
invovleing ur mind in unimp thgisn and activities and issues problems nd so on no t idvert and distract
and deveiate ur mind away form imp thgis nto unimpt hgis nhtth wil lbrign u no gain prog nad beenift
keep ur mind I nimp thgis nthink of only imp thgisn only imp thought going on I nur mind intentionally
on purpose think fo imp thgis nonly and kee ur mind in imp things only knowingly keep ur imidn I nimp
thigs nonyl and n ot divert and deviate ur mind else where you need ot stop yourself from thinking o f
unimpt higsn and wasting your time and make yourself think of morei mp and crucial things and focus
your mind cocnnetrate ur minmd keep oyur mind in imp things think fo imp things only absorb involve
occupy and enagae ur mind I nimp thgsins only so thth you don’t waste oyur time and u utilize your time
by using it by enenfaign in more impt hgisn thth are critical for ur gain benefit progress and survival this
is what oyu need to do if oyu want ot succeed and progress at some thing and achvieei te h more imp
thgis nin life and you need ot keep all this in ur mind what oy uneed ot be doing keep it inyour
mmemeory so thth you odnt forget about it you know in ur mind its there in ur mind u are araerw in you
mind what oy ushould n should not do and hway htereaosnsing behind it what oyu should be doing so
thth you are consntnatnly remidnedo f it nda you do it and oyu odnt forget what oy uneed ot od… cause
if its no longer there in ur mind if oyu foretget about ti hwat oyu need ot od todo hten you wont be
reminded of it it owtn be htthere in ur mind what oyu needo to do and so oyu wont do it so u need to
keep all this in ur mind what art eth htigsn thth yo uneedo tobe doing and why the reasosn behind it so
htth you do itaccordingly you remeebr it its there in urm idn n u do it accordingly and so thth you don’t
forget yo uneedo t refresh daily by reading it what oyu need oto d so thth you arereminded of it what
oyu needo to do sohtth yo udont forget or keep flash cards so thth yo udotn forget and its therhe in ur
mind conannsntanstly what are the things u shud n dshud not do so thth its there in ur midn u know in
ur mind what you need ot odo and hw hy thereasosn behind it oyu renemmeer b ti and oyu odnt forget
it and its there in ur mind, things like oyu should not waste time doing umnimpthigsn thinking of
umnimthogns cause ur time is imp and once u lose time u ownt get it vback and uhave to acheviei
certain thgisn I na certain time frame cause oyu don’t have whole life ot live…. You are not going to live
etearnally… you need ot do certain thgisn for ur progress comfort siurvvial and a better life… as long as u
are alive to solve ur problems and issues and so o n so thth u are happyi nlife nad ur needs nad
requirenment as are fulfilled nad desrires and want s anre fullifelld working towards getting what you
want… consnntant reminding and os on what oyu shound and hsund nto od so thth you know in ur
mind what oyu need oto d so thth u are in tract and don’t go off tarct and cause ur losss and waste of
time and os on.. suffering and onw misery and ruination and pain and aoso n … u need otkeep certia
nthigsn I nur mind what u neeed ot od nad what yo ushoud not do so hthth u are reminded ofi t
ocnstnantly n its htehrhe in ur mind what oyu need oto od and so oyu do it cause if oyu forget ti its
nolonger there in ur mid nwhat oyu need oto do then oyu wont do it

ur time is limited you are not going to live forever and you need ot achieve certain thgisn I na certain
ntime frame ur time is exteremly limited resource so you should nto waste ur time doing unimp thgisn
you need ot always keep this in mind cause once oyu lose time oyu will neve r ever get it back… and so
ou y should do only what is imp the imthgsin needed for ur progress ebebnift gain comfort surivial
solveur progbelbmsad nissues and so oon working towards thth use ur itme in doingwhat is imp working
towards gainig nth e ciritcal n imp thgisn I nlfeand help u achievei ur wants desires and needs solve ur
problems and u know make ur life better… happy and comfy and more fulfilling ,… I not wasting ur life ur
itme in unimp uinbnenefitatl thgisn thth will brignu n o progress gain n beenftit not od unimp things
keep ur mind in imp thgis nwork towards fgettign only imp thgis nnto distract n divetry urm idn else
where … keep ur mind in imp thigns keep ur mind intentnionalyly focus nad everytiome its distracted
intetnionallyly knowing on purpose for a certain proupose to achieve a certain ngaol and purpose
intentionally bknowingly bforcefiully berign it back and stop urmind for thinking nof unimpt hgisn n
invovleign I nunimpt hgisn….

you need ot keep thisi n mind every day oyu need ot manange oyuer time and day what activity ot od an
dt what time and for how much tiem so thth oyu don’t lose tie m n waste tie m on unimp thgis nso thth
u don’t do other htigsn during ur wrk time u don’t waste time doing unimp tthigsn and so on make a
schedule so thth you don’t oversleep and waste ur time doing something thth is more that n reuquored
kepe a daily cof the time what time it is u needo t be worried and concerned a obut urtime o s htth u
don’t waste ur itme doing unimp thgins ever yminutet counts cocnsntnatly check what time it is what
you are doing and how much ti me to dgive to what acitviity s what is the time so now its so and os o
lwets comelteete this work within this much time so thth yo udont do it slowly and leaurely at ur own
sweet tiem you have set a deadline ot od tsi in so much timeso oyu work faster to compelte it faster

u need ot be very very concnerned and thin kand worry of ur tiem how you arespending oyur time doing
what ? are you doing imp thgisn directing ur time nda ur energy and resources ohysical and mental
resuources effort and endeavour and enegery toeawards achevieing the more imp thigs nin lfie or
wasting time playing video games doing enjoyable and netertianing and fun but falut nonsnensical
useless things hth will brign u no gain or belelfit or progress inllife and wont help u rot acheivei th e
mote re impthgis in life crucial and ciritacl for u r susrivval ebenfit nad gain… and progress u need ot ba
man o na mission nto achevie ith emore imp thgisn in life be serious and sincere and you know nto
waste ur time involve ur time only in imp thgis nnot it n nnonsnsennseical thigs nimp thgisn sn thth wil
help u to solve ur problems make u r life better make u happy and a more better fulfilling life nt o time
passs and wstign ur time and ewhilign away ur time in umnimp thgis nht thwuill nbot brig n u a ny gain
or gbeenfit or solve ur prolbges m in life but increase them

in life u leanr as u fgo and u do regert the things u ddi cause of the thgisn u ddidid not know what you
need and hsud be doing and where u are going wrong and what oy ushould have done nadn not odne all
the time lost nad waste d doing unimp things and hten oyu are more careful lnad sicncnenrne serious
nad caoutios in the fuututer u learn frm ur mistakes and errors u laearn as u go what oy uneed ot be
doing and why the resosn behind it

I was not ready before I was not preoapredd I didn’t know what oto do hwo todo it and what I needo to
do to be in control fo myself and be more effooceintand productive so I didn’t have the ocndfidnecei n
me whtherhi wud be able to od it or not and now iam ready and nw I know what I need ot od yby the
grace help mercy forgiveness and kindness of ogd god saved me by his grace mercy and belssigns and
showed me the right way nad helped many time and saved me not one but many times and showed me
the right way nad the right knowledge as to hwat t od what nto otot do and saved me many thimes send
certain ppl to help me guide me along the way teach me and give me the right knowledge and
neowhow.. other wise I t would be impossible …

U need ot stop wasting u r time doing unimpthgis nthth will brign u no gian benefit or progress and
invivng ur mdid ni nmore unimp thigns and focus on more imp thgisn know what is unimp and hwat is
imp and criritcal crucial and priority all unim pthgsin u can do it later on less imp thigns things thth
cannto b e done later on

You need to keep in mind what your goal I s what is imp and so on so htth ur mind is focused and ur
mind is not distracted else where and if u do get distracted you are conncnstnntsaaly reminded of it
what yo ushud n nshud not be doing what oyou needo to d and what oyur gaol is so thth you do what is
imp and you don’t do otherh tigns

How to be in control of your self hwo t ohave self control have control over ur mind and oyur acitons
hw oto stop ursefl from doing other unimp thigns and impulsive behavior and make urself do ur r wrok
and imp thigns

1) Memory:- keep in mind what your gaol is what is imp to t oyu and what you should and should
not be doing so thth you are constantly reminded of it you know its there in ur mind in ur
memmeory thth yo uahve to do this and so oyu think accordingly and hence oyu od it and also if
you sway and get distracted ad ndo other htigns unimp thgisn then you are reminded of it of
what you should and should nto do basedo n the info stored I nur sensible memory and so
basedo nthsi info stored I nyour selnsible memory as it occurs to you and you are reminded of it
and oyu know I nu r mind what oy ushould and should nn to od and everyti me u do other thgsin
ur mind gets disratcted and diverted u are reminded tht yo uahve a goal to achive n u need ot
bdoign ur wrk wgfor it an working towards it and d not wasting oyur time so you are remnded of
it and so on the basis of ur sensible memory you think and provide and regulatory thoguth and
as it occrs to u and u are remidnedo f it u tell yourself lets not waste time doing unimp things
lets get to work and so oyu do you stop oyursefl from doing otherh tigns and make urself do
oyur work everytime oyu fd oother things and uimpthigns and engage in impulsive behavior you
are reminded of it as its there in ur sensible mememory what oy ushud n shud not do n thth yo
uahve a goal to ahvei e n u need ot be wrokign for it you odnt forget it its there in ur mind keep
ur goal in ur mind n keep in mind what yo ushud n shud not od aos htth u are ocnsntantly
remidnedo fi t thth oy uahve a goal to achieve n u needo t be wrking for it n so oyu shudnt be
wastin ur tiem doing otehrh tigns… keep in mind what your goal is and what oyu need ot do
should nshould not do so thth you don’t forget its ther ei nur memory and oyu are cosntnatly
reminded of it it coours to oyu thth yo uahve ot do it ad n so oyu think of doing it and hence oyu
od if its not here in ur mind if oy uare lost and oyu forget all about ti then you wont do it …
cause its not therhe in ur mind n u are not reminded of it it doesn’t occur to oyu wherever u do
other unimp htigns u need ot b e reminded htth u shud not do oter htitgns u need to od imp
thigs nand hence u shud do imp things and so beased on this info stored in ur sensible memory
u think and provide regualtort thought and tell yourself dotn waste ur tiem doing other htigns
and so u stop doing othehritgns h and oy udo oyur work

You know in ur mind snensible memeory what yo ushud n shudn ot be doing so be aware of the
thoguths going o nin ur mind and provide a regaultiorty thoguth to counter impuscive htoguths htth tell
u to do unimp but enjoyable thgisn

U know in ur mind in ur memeory what oy uneed ot be doing so based o nth toy uneed ot
control your thoguths cause you can control ur actiosn only by cotnrollign ur thoguths be aware
of the thgouthst going on in ur head know hat oyu are htinkign of whenever u think of oding
otherhtigsn stop urself by ressiting saying no providing a reguatling thought whenever u find
urself htinkign of otehrhtigsn stop urselfand make ur self think fo oyur work
U need to be aware of what I sgoin on in ur mind the thoughts goin on in ur mind n how to
regulate ur thinking what is going on in ur mind what am I thinking of is it imp? Focusing ur mind
yur thinking on imp things not hinking gof other unimp things shutting off everything else

You should not think of other thigns during oyour work and oyur studies otehrh tigsn you can think at
other httime during oyur wrok and your studies think only of oyur work and of nothgin else shut off
everything else and concentrate your mind everytime oyu find yourself thinking of other htigsn then
correct yourself by teling oyursef as u know in ur mind u should not think fo other htigsn and it occurs to
oyu tell yourself “l dotn think fo other htigsn unimp thgis ndont waste your time think fo oyur wrok and
studies keep ur mind in ur wrok” and hence stop urself from thinking of oerh r thgisn and make urself
think fo oyur work think of oyur wrk intentionally prupose ly knowing ly to achviei your goal cause or

Think of ur wrk what work to do think n plan ndecide

How to od it how to go about it think n strategize

When u want to stop or quit or be lazy n nit wrk remind urself tell urself based on what u know in ur
mind tell urself no pain no gain if u wont wrk hard day n night n put in the effort you wont get any
reward and hence make urself work hard… by regulating urself and prociding a self regulayory thought

Tell urself prevention is better than cure study before hand itself remind urself based on what u know in
ur mind u shud n shud not do..

How to stop procrastinating stop oding otherh thgisn and make urself do imp things be in control fo

1) keep I nmind what oyur gaol is n what oyu need ot o dot acheviei ur gaol also what work you
need ot be doing to achievei ur goal and so on refocus your mind on it what is your gaol what
you want ot acheviei why oddidi u join college what is ur gaiol awhat you want to ahceivie nur
life n what oyu need to odo t acheviei that… so htaht its htehre in ur mind u know in ur mind
what oy uneed ot od and oyu are constantly reminded of it…thth u have a goal to ahceive u have
to od this wrk and so on and so u don’t od other htigns
everytime u get distracted n do or think of other things u are reminded tht u have a goal to
achieve n u need to wrk hard for it n be doing certain things for it as its there in ur mind u know
in ur mind this info is stored in ur mind so u are reminded of it did u foret tht u have a goal tyo
achieve n u need to be wrking for it keep in mind don’t forget ask ur self wht is ur goal wht u
want t o achieve n wht u need to be doing for it to refresjh ur mind n bring urself back on track
whty did u join college n wht id ur goal what u want to achieve in life n so on… flash cardes
consratant reminders n so on to keep in mind
2) provide a reagultory thought command inst everytiem u saway or get distaracted or do toehr
htigsn think fo other htigsn or don’t do the thigns u are supposed ot be doing…. N brign urslef
on the right path and stop urself form thinking of n doing other htigsn n makeu rsefl do what
oyu know I nur mind u shud be doing
things klike wrking hard tell ursefl”no pain no gian if u want ot achevie ithe reward u need ot
wrk hard for it”

everytime u find yourself wasting ur tiem oding unimp things stop ursefl tell your self no don’t
waste yur time doing unimp things do ur wrk now u have a goal otacheievie n hace stop urself
by providena g a self regulatory and correcting thought command and instruction as you know
in ur mind n u are reminded ofi t thth u shud not waste ur time… n every time u find urself not
doing the thigns u are supposed ot do u knowi n ur mind u hsud be doing n u are reminded of it
tell ursefl “lets not waste tiem lets get to wrok.. focus your mind think of oyur wrk and os ononly
then oyu will do ur work.. no pain n o gain u need ot work hard put in effort”n hence make
ursefl do it

Keep in mind what your goal is n what you need to achieve so that u dont forget
Think of our work what work to do and so on
Every time u think of doing other thgisn and get a thought to do other htigsn or think of other
htigns provide regulatory thogutht tell urself no odnt waste ur time doing all tht hand hence
stop urself from doing thth keep in mind what ur gaol is what oy uwant ot acheviei n what wrk u
need ot do to achevie ur gaol so thth its ther ei nur mid nu remember it nad you don’t od other
htigns everytime u do other htigsn u are reminded of it thh u have to a goal to ahceieve n u
need ot wrk hard for it n so u stop doing other tigsn stop ur self tell ursefl dotn waste ur tiem
doing other htigns u know I nur mind wha t you shud n shdu not od so everytiem u stray n do
otherh tigsn correct ursefl n brign ur self o nthe righ path stop ur sefl for modign other thigs nn
make usefl do theh things u know in ur mind u shud be doing bring urself back on to the right
Make ur self do ur wrk and think of ur wrk n do the htigns u know in ur mid nu shud be doing by
providing self reguatlory thoguths and telling urself “think of our wrk what wrk ot od n so on
only then u will do ur wrk” “wrk ahrd remember no pain no gain if oyu want ot acheviei ur goal u
need ot wrk ahrd for it “ ever ytime u are averse to wrkign hard n odnt want to wr k ahrd tell
this to ur self motivate ureslf and make ur self do it…
Keep ur mind in ur wrk think of ur wrk constantly what wrk to do how to do it n so on , stop
urself from thinking of other things n make usrself think of ur wrk only

We neeed to get this thing done as quickly as possible…

U know in ur mind what ur goal is n wht u shud n shud not do n why so accordingly correct
urself n regulate ur self

What is imp in life to earn money survival n so on u need to wrk hard for it without wrkin hg
hard u wont get any rewaed no effort taken no gain.. u need to wrk consrtantly dayn night dor
long houys only then u get it donr e n achieve success n rewrad n the imp thng sin life

U have forgotten what yo ushud do and thth is why u are not doing it

You should not waste ur time oding unimp thigns keep this in ur mind, you should do only imp
things tht are crucial and critical ofr ur progress survivial and benefit and gain I nlife…

Know n understand how the brain works (understanding , memeory,thinking) and know what
you need to od inorder to be in control fo oyur actions your mind and keep oyur self on the right
path and working towards achieving oyur goal and not get distracted and diverted n stray away
from th path to oyur gaol… Not othink of otherh tigsn or do other thgisn keep ur mind in ur wrk
.. n think of ur gaol ur wrk n do ur wrk only n imp thgisn only…

So understand hwo the brain works na what oyu need to do inorder ot be in control of oyur
actions you r mind and keep ur sefl on the right path working toewwards ur goal n imp thgisn I
nlife consntantly n not stray n divert n deviate to other htigns know how the mind works and
what oyu need ot od htsi is what oyu need to do
A) understanding knowing and understanding as to what ot do n why the reasosn behind it ofr
ur goodn progress
B) keep in mind:- in ur mmemeory so tthh u don’t forget n its there in ur mind what you need
ot od so u are reminded ofi t u rmember it u dotn forget and u are constnantly reminded of
it of what oy uneed ot be doing every time u stray or dot nod the things u know I nur mid nu
need to od … n so u think acoordingly n henvce udo it as u are reminded of it , so htht its
htehr ein ur mind what oyu need to od tht u have a gaol ot ahceivei n u need to be doi ng ur
wrk fori t n not waste time n nson things like tht u rmemeebr it u don’t forget n so u are
reminded ofi it ocnsntantly it occurs to u n u think acocordingly n u do it
C) Regulate ur thinking:- provide self regulatory thoguths comaamnds and instructiosn on the
basis of what u know in ur mind u shud n shdui nnot od to reguarlte ur thginkig nadn ur
actions to stop ursef l from oding thigns thh u know in ur mind u shud not be doing n to
make urself do htigns thth u know in ur mind ush ud nb odign but are not oding…
1) Understanding:- understand what oyu should and should n ot do and why the resaaons
behind it for ur benefit gian n success n progress nto achieve the imp thgis ni nlife solve ur
problems and worries relating to comfortable life fiannace security fiannacial and luv peacr
e of mind and so on findig nl uv n soon … wat ur gaol is what you want ot achieve and what
oyu need to do to achieve ur gaol, thing s like no pain no gain if oyu want ot acheivei ur gaol
u need to work hard for it , be persistent determined, be a fighter never give up keep trying
and persisiting, don’t waste time doing unimp thgisn, not think of unimp thgisn think only of
imp thgis n know hwat is imp in life thigns like edu money wrk biz n soon thth is needed for
ur survivail good life comfort what is critical crucial what you should focus ur energy n mind
on what is imp in life, an what is goofy unimp waste of time no beenift or gain doing which u
will get nothing idle the time know what is unimp in life and wont help u acheivei anything
in life, and focus on what is imp… work consntantly cotninously nonstop without stopping or
uw ill be ourtt of touch if u start n stop… u shud be wrking ocnsnstly towards ur gaol… know
and understand in ur mind hwat you should and should not e be doing and what oyu need
ot od and why the reasons behind it for ur good progress and gain n benefit. As you know
and understnadi n ur mind what oy ushud nad shud not od and hwy and so oyu od it oyu
think accordingly on the basis of tht and you coorect ursefl everytime u stray and u think of
odoing what oy u know u shud be doing n os u do it n ustop urself from oding what oyu
know oyu hsud not be odign and so ou dotn do it… its all on the basis of understndign u
know in ur mind nad understnadi n ur mind htth you need to be doing htsi for so and so
reasosn and so you think of doing it n you od it…

Automatic process how it works:- spme time s u function automatically how does htth
happen u know on ur own ncoiously unaware without force or reguatlion
Knowing n understanding u know in ur mind wat u shud n shud not be doing n its there in
ur mind u rember it u don’t forget and so as u know n understand in u r mind wht u shud n
shud not do n so u think of doing it accordingly and hence u do it for eg:- u know n
understand in ur mind tht ur exams are coming n u need to study so u automatically think
lets not waste time lets get to study now… n u do it automatically. For eg:=- u know tht u
need to do it as its crucial n critical for u r progeress n survival without which u are doomed
n so u think accordingly n hence u do it… for eg:- u want to star a biz n its there in ur mind
stored in ur mind n so u think accordingly u think ‘ ho w shud I go about it lets see how other
sdid t n u learn from them” n o u think accordingly n u do it… u do the research how others
did it n so you do it .for eg:- you know I nur mind and undersnta htth ou have ot appl y
before the deadlines so you think accordingly lets compeltet this now lets see his lets do this
now n so oyu do it…
Automatic mode some time’s you dont have to regulate yourself you do it automatically
what oyu are supposed ot be doing on your own how is that ? for eg:- you know in oyur
mind htht u r exams are coming and you need to study so you are cosntnatly reminded of it
and so oyu think accordingl lets study now lets not waste time and oyu do it automatically…
For eg:- you know in your mind htth you need to submit the applications efore the deadline
its therh ein ur mind oyu remember it its storted in ur mind this information and oyu are
ocnstnatly emindedo it and s oyou think lets not waste tiem lets get this done wuqickly lets
see hwat docs are required oyu think fo it how ot od it what ot do and how to proceed and
what ot od lets see an m ake the unive chart you think what to od n how ot odo it and go
about it you on your own think n deicde and plan aobut it elts see the univ info what are the
things required and organize the data lets get the oducmetn s ready what should we do next
what to od otade lets do this you on you r own think of it cause oyu know I nur mind thth
you ahe evv to send the applications before the dealines its ther ein ur mid nadn so oyu
think accordingly and oyu do it on your own… For eg:- you know in your mind thth you want
to start a business and thths what oyu want ot od its ther in your mind and so oyu think
how should I do it hwo didi otherh s idid it how did hteyt go about it … lets see how other s
didi ti and what didi they do and so oyu get this thoguth and oyu act you do the action you
open up google nad search ad n do the reaseaerch on your own and so on… some time s you
don’t need to reguatle yourself ad n you do reveryhtign automatically thths cause u know in
urmi dn htth you have to od this and why the reasosn behind it for ur good benefit gain
progress n so on as its crcuail n critical u remeemebr it its there in ur mind and so you think
accordingly n hence oy udo it.
You know I nur mind what you need to do what oyu shud n nshudn ot od n why the reasosn
behind t this info is storedi n ur mind u know in ur mend wha ot otod o nwhy n so u hthink
accordingly fo doing ti n hence oyud o it
(Link relation connection between Knowing n Understanding Memory thinking n action )
2) (memory) Keep in mind:- keep in mind what oyur gaol is what oyu want to ahceive n wht oy
uneed ot do to achive ur gaol.. what work oyu need ot od and soon, and things like u shud
not waste tiem doing n thinking of unimp thgisn, you shud think only of ur wrk n imp thgisn
focus ur mind regulate ur thinking, work hard n opain nogain, if oyu want reward u need to
wrk hard for it, u ne dot be persisten be coannstnantly at it and so on keep all these htigsn
in ur mind so tht its tehere in ur mind u know in ur mind what you need to do, u remember I
nur mind wht u hsud n shud not do n so u think accordingly and hence you do it… also
everytime u stray and do other things n unimp things u are reminded of it thht u have a gaol
to achieve in u need to be wrking hard for it n doin son sonwrk for it its there in ur mindn it
occurs to u u are reminded ofi t n so u stop doing other htigsn n u immideately get t ood ur
wrk… n every time u don’t do thethigsn u are supposed to be doing like instead of wrking
hard u alzy around or idle or u feel averse too lazy to take the pains n efforyts aversion to
ahrd wrk cause its painful n binding n not fun at all u are reminded thth if oyu want to
achevie ur gaol n reward u have to take the pain ns n efforts n be wrking cosnntantly n so u
get ot wrk… everytime u dotn do the thgisn u know in ur mind u are supposed to be doing u
are reminded ofi t and hence u do it…. Keep in mind what your gaol is and what you need to
od the things thth oyu need to od the work ythth you need ot do t oachevie your gaol so
thth youa re constantly reminded of it n its hter ein ur mind hhtht u have a goal to ahceive
n u need to do this work for acheiveing this goal and so on and so oyu hthink n oyu get ot
work to achevie ithth goal n you don’t do other htgisn n u don’t od otherh tigns n if oyu do
other thgisn you stop cause u know in ur mid ntht u have a goal to achieve n un eed ot be
doin ur working for it u are reminde d of it.
If u forget it n its no longer ther in ur mind what u need to do n u have forgotten all about it
things like u shudnt waste ytime n so on then u wont do it or follow it it wontt occur to u u
wontthnk accordingly as u have for gotten what u need to do n so u wont do it as its no
longer ther in ur mindwht u are supposed to do
Keep in mind what oyu shud nad shud not od so thth its there in ur mind and oyu remember
it what you need ot odo and so oyu think accordingly and hence oyu od it n u are
coanstnatly reminded f it..
Don’t forget what your goali s nad what oyu want ot acheivei keep in mind what t your gaol
is and what you want ot acheivei so thth you remember it its thre re in ur mind n u are
cosntnatnly reminded of it u remeebr it n its there in ur mind tht u have to acheviei ur goal
nad you need ot od ur work for it and so you thin kaccordignyl and hence oyu do u get to
wrk toahceivei ur goal..
Ask yourself remind oyursefl to refocus urmind nad get ur mind back on track… ask oyursefl
what is our gaol? What is it thth oyu want otacheviei and what you ned to o dot ahceive ur
goa? So don’t pay attention else where leave everything else aside and focus on achevie ing
ur gaol.. keep your goal I nur sight in oytur mind kwwp in mind don’t forge t what your goal
si n what oyu want ot oahceivei n what you need ot o dot hacvie oyur gaol so htth oyur
mind is programmed to ahceivei ur gaol… so htth its ocnanstntly htetrei n ur mind u know in
ur mind u odnt forget htht u have a goal to ahceivei n u needo tobe doing ur wrk ot
ahceiveie ur goal n not do other htinsg n so on
Every day ask yourself what is your goal? N what oy u need ot od th o ahcweiven ur goal
what is more imp ? so thth ur mind is programmed and reficoused on it ur gaol ur attention
is refocused on ur gaol n uits htehr ehin ur mind htth u have this goal to ahceive n u get to
work to acheviei ur goal caue u know in ur mind thth u have ot oaceiveh this goal n u need
ot od so n os thigns ofr it
If its not therh ein ur mid nwaht oyur gaol is n what oyu want o ot acheiven what oyu need
ot be odign to acheviei ur goal if oyu have forgottenth ent you wont think accordingly n
work towards achevieing utr goal… if u forget what oyur goal is what oyu want otoahceive
nn n what you need to o dot acheivei utr gaol n its no longer there in ur mind u have
forgotten hten you wont do it u wont work towards ur gaol cause u are not remidnedo of it
it doesnto occur to u u have forgotten all aobut it .. so keepu r goal in ur mind refocus
reprograme ur mind keep ur goal I nur sight in ur mid nwhat ur gaool is n what u want ot
oachveie so htht u wrk towards it…
Keep ur mind focused n ur goal and impt higsn odnt forget what oyur goal is n what oyu
want to acheive… so thth tis hter ehi n ur mind u know I nur mind hthth u have to
ahevehinve ur goal n u needo t be wrking for it towards it u rmemeber u don’t forget nad u
are cosnntaly remidneod if t nad so o u odnt od other htigns n vry tiem u stray u are
remidnedo f it n u get back stop odign other htigsn cause u know in ur mid n uahve a goal to
ahcevie n be wrking for it n u think accordignyl and so ou do
Keep I nmidn what our goal is n hwat is imp dotn forget what u rgoal is n what oyu want ot
oacheviei so thth u are r consntnsly remidnedo fi t its hter ein ur mid ntht hu have ot
ahcievei ur goal n so u wkr otwards it…
You knwi n ur mind htth oyu have a goal to achieve n u need ot be doing ur work for it os
oyu don’t od other htins g sn u stop doing other htigns n u think fo our work what work ot
od na d so on nad u do oyur work
You knw oi nu r mid nthsi info is stored I nur mind u know I nr mind htht ur exams are
coming n u need ot be studying ofr it and so you dotn do other htigsn u stop doing
otehrtigns n u think of ur studies what ot dstudy and os on and do urstudies…
You know in urmidn htth you need to send the applciaitosn quickly before the deadlines u
know in ur mind what ot od and so u don’t od other htigsns u stop doing otherh tigns n u
think f our applciaitons n what wrk to do n so o n and so u do it… n get to work on it
You know I nur mind what you need to do what oyu shud n nshudn ot od n why the reasosn
behind t this info is storedi n ur mind u know in ur mend wha ot otod o nwhy n so u hthink
accordingly fo doing ti n hence oyud o it
Keep in mind things like don’t waste your time doing unimp thgisn , you should not think of
other htigns you should nly think of oyur work only then you will do oyur work, you need ot
work hard day n night if oyu want to acheviei your gaol no pain no gian o r reward… keep in
mind all these things, with ht in mind… when oyu fins urself not oding the thigns u are
supposed to od reguatle ur self provide self reguatlory thoguths to stop urself from oding
the htigsn u know in ur mid n u shud not be doing n make urself do the things u know in ur
mid nu shud be doing…
Keep in mind what you need to od thigns like u should not waste ur time u shud not od
otehrh tigns ushud nto think of otherh tigns and htin k of oyur work only od oyur work only
and so on n what your gaols are n what oy uneed ot achvieie n what wrk u need oto od to
acheviei ur goal so htth u knwoi nu r mind what u need ot do u remember it nu don’t forget
it its there in ur mind what u need to od and so u think accoredingly and hence u do it so
thth tis therh ein ur mind what u need ot od u know in ur mid nwhat you need to od n so u
think accordingl and henc u do it ad whnever u find usefl nto tdoign the htigns u know in ur
mind ushud be doing or doing htigns u know in ur mind u shud not be doing hten reugate
urself by providing a self regulatory thgousth comman and inst and stop urslef from oding
otehrh tigsn n makeu self do the htigsn u know in ur mid nu shud be doing…
So thth u rmeemeber and u don’t forget its tere in ur mind what oyu need to do things like
u shud nto waste ur time u shud do ur wrk only n not do other htigns u shud think f our
ewrk only n not think of other htigns n what your gaol is n what u need to od otacheviei ur
gaol hth u have a gaol to acheivei n u need to be oding ur wrk ot achieve ur gaol n not od
other things n tht u need to wrk hrd n take pains n efforts no pain nog ian nht uneedto wrk
continuously to acheivei ur gaol n so o n with all this in ur mind keep all this in ur mind so
thth u rmemebr u don’t forget its so thth its hterhe in ur mind u know in ur mind whatoyu
need ot od so u think accordingly n hence u do it… so thth u know I nur mind what u need
ot od u rmemembrer it and so u think accordingly n u do it n everytime u don’t do the htigsn
u know I nur mind u are supposed to be doing or do the things u know in ur mind u shud not
be doing u are reminded of it it occurs to u and so u corret urself n regulate urself by
procivding self regulating thoughts commands instrcutsion. N whene everu don’t do the
thins u know in ur mind u shud be doing or do the things u know in r imind u shud not be
doing things like wasting ur time doing other things thinking of unimp things n so on then it
immediately occurs to u n u are reminded of it n so u regulate n correct userlfe by providing
a self regulatory thught command n inst… also as u know in ur mind tht u have a gaoal to
achieve n u need to be doing ur wrk dfor it n s o u are reminded of it n so u think lets not
waste time lets get to wrk now n so u do it..
Keep in mind the things u need to do thigns like what ur goal is what u need to od the wrk u
neeed ot o dot ahceivei ur goal n nto wasate time doing other htigsn not htik of other htigns
do ur work fast and so on so on cause if you forget or u have forgotten what u need to od n
its nolonger htehre in ur mind then u wont do it as u have forgotten all about it what u
need ot do… n so u wont be reminded of it it wont occur ot u n so u wont think of doing it n
u ownt od it… u knw in ur mind tht u have to achieve this goal n do this wrk n it occurs to u
n so u think lets not waste time lets get to wrk now… n so u do…
Programming the mind refocusing the mind, you need to keep in mind what your gaol si
what you want to achevie n what work oyu need ot do to acheviei ur gaols and what atere
the thgisn u shud n shud not do n why… so htth when yo udont do it then it occurs to you
and oyu are ocnsnsntly reminded of it and so oyu regaulte yourself or oyu think accordingly
as its theh rer in mind htth u have to od this an d so oyu od it… however if oyu forget what
oyu need ot od what oyurgoali s and os on and if its no longer there in ur mind then it will
nto oocur to oyu you will not be reminded of it and so oyu will not do it and ou will nto think
accordingly and you will nto do it… so u need ot refresh those things read htem ask yourself
what is your goal what oyu want to ahcveiei n what oyu needo t do to acheviei ur goal so tht
hits ther ein ur mind htth u have a goal to achevie in u hneedo t do ur wrk so n so things to
achevie in ur goal ur mind is reprogrammed u remember it incase u have forgotten it, and so
its thehre in ur mid nhtth u have ot od this u know in ur mid nu have a goal to aheive n u
need ot be doing urwrkl for it n nto od otherh things and os on and so accordingly you think
of doing urwkr and if u thin kf ododing other htigns or od other htigns u stop urelf s by
saying no to it u think ‘no don’t do htth now lets do our wrk we have to complete this”
cause u know in ur mind its htehreh in ur mid ntht hu have a gaol to acheviei
U need to keep in mind what u need to do things like don’t waste ur time regulate urself and
so on cause if u don’t rember n if u forget what u need to do then u wont do it as it doesnot
ccur to u u arenot reminded of it n so u dont do it… as u have forgotten what u need to do n
its no longer ther e in ur mind what u ned to do so u don’t do it.. if u have forgotten what u
nee d to do n its no longer ther in ur mind what u need to do then u will not do it as its no
longer there in ur mind what u need to do n so it doesn’t occur to u n ur not reminded of it..

3) Regulate ur thinking:-
Thinking and action:- whenever u find ursefl doing other htigsn or not doing the thgisn u know
in ur mind u hsud be doing o r doing the things u know I nur mind u shud not be doing hten
provide a regulatory thought and stop ursefl from doing the things u know in ur mind u hsud not
be doing n make urself do the thgisn u know in ur mind u shud be doing…. By privding a self
regulatory thought and self correcting… consntantly be self commanding self guiding self
minitorign surpervising selfr correcting sefl telling self instructing brign ursefl on the righ path to
ur goal every time u straty keep urself cosntnatly working to wards ur goal… be aware of what
oy uare htinkig nand doing what ami doing what ami thinking of? Is it imp? Criritcal crucial
beenifitail or a waste of time and can be done later on say no to all other htigns unimo thgisn
whenever u find urself hitnkign fo or doing unimp tohgis nstop ursefl n makeu rself think of imp
things n do imp thgisn only… for eg whenever u find ur self not working hard n being aversed
lazy n n reluctant to take htre pains and efforts cause its binding boring and pain ful tell ruself
provide a regaultory thgouth tell ursef “no pain no gain if oy uwnat o ahceivei the reward u need
ot wrk ahrd n og thru the pains nad wrk conanstntly continuosly n nsnonstop or u will achieve
nothing nget nothgin done if u want th e reward u need ot take the pains n efforts n work hard
for it” n hence make urself work hard by provindig na self reguatlory thoguth command and
instruction For eg:- whenever u find urself thinking of other htigns tell urself… stop urslef from
thignkign of other htigns n make uself think of our work tell ursefl “ dotn waste ur time htignkign
of other htigns n unimp things think of ur wrk what wrk to od n so on only then u will do ur wrk”
n hence by providing a self reguatlory thgouth command and inst on the basiso f what oyu
knwoi n ur mind u hsudn nshud not be doing stop urself form thinking of otehrhthgis n nmake
urself think of ur wrk .. u know I nur mind what u shud n nshud not do so u don’t need other s to
tell u u only ttell ursefl n correct ur self n instruct n command urslef For eg:- u know in ur mind
this info si stored in ur mmeoery in ur mind I nur sensible memory thth ur exams are coming n u
need ot obe studying for it so if u are watching tv and wasting ur time tell urself stopurself by
proving a self regulatory thogutht commandn inst o nthe basis of what u know in ur mind u
shud n hsud not do tell ur self “don’t waste ur tiem watching tv u eed to stud y for ur exams so
immeideiately get ot study htth si more imp” for eg:- while studtiyign if oyu think of otherh tins
gs stop urself form thinking nof other htigns n make ursefl intentionally think of ur wrk tell ursefl
“dotn think fo thert htigsn now u can think of totehr thgisn at other time now think of ur studies
keep ur mind I nur studies only focus n connetrate ur mind totally in it” tell ursef l odnt waste ur
time immiditaetly get ot work u shud not spend a lot of time on unim p actiivityies so thth u can
give max time to imp actiivites like wrk and soo n n acheiveing ur gaols n imp n critical things in
lfie needed for ur surviaivl without which u are doomed… n urlife wil be miserable if oy udont
have money nn so on full of suffering s misery and pain so take bath in only 15 mins max time of
ur day shud go towards wrkign for acheiveing imp thgisn in lfei n ur gaols whenever u find urself
thinking fo otherh tings stop urself form thinking fo other htigsn n make urslef think of ur wrk
tell ursefl” stop thinking of other htigsn n think f our wrk focus n connentrate ur mind I nur wrk”
stop urself by providng a self regulatory thoguth command n inst basedo n what u know in ur
mind u shud n nshud not be doing correct ursefl every time u stray n deviate n don’t sdo what u
shud be doing n know I nur sensnible mmemory u shud be doing … u know in ur mid nwhat u
shud be doing nwhat to od so every time u stray or u dotn do what u are supposed ot od what
u know I nur mind u shud do u don’t need other hs to tell u u only tell urself

The science of self regulation and self control:-

The methods and techniques of self reguatlion and self control:-

You know in ur mind what you should and should nto be doing so accordingly on the basis of
thth oyu need to regulate your sefl and make yourself do it by intentionally knowingly on
purpose (with a certain goal n out come in mind for a certain result for ur good progress gain n
soo n) proviidgn self regulatory thogutsh commands and instructions to make ur self do it , to
keep ursefl on the righ path to make ur self do whato tyu know in ur mind u shud be odign to,
to prevent urself form straying…. To keep ursfl o nteh right path working towards ur gaol,,, fo
r a certain beenift gain and higher cause

You know in oyur mind hwhat you should do things like you should nto be wasting your time
doing unimp thgisn ad thinking of uinimp thgisn, you should think only fo your work and imp
thgisn, you need ot work hard contionisuly nion stop day n night if oyu want ot acheivei your
gaol, and say no to all other htigsn leave all other htigns aside and so on… you know in ur
mind what ur goal is what oyu want ot acheviei n what oyu need ot od to acheviei ur gaol so
you know in ur mind what oyu need ot od so make ur lesf do it by providing self reguatlory
thoguths commands nad instructions to make urself od what oyu know in ur mind u shud be
oding, ot provent urslef form straying and oding otehrh tings , to on purpose forcefully
intentionalyly keep urself o nthe path to ur gaol worjkign towards toyu r goal and prvent
oyurslef form getting diverted distracted andf straying You know in ur mind what oyu should
n should not od so on the basis of htht regulate and correct ursfle every time you stray
everytime u find userlf not oding the things u know u shud od or u do theh things u know u
shud not od then correct urself stop urself from oding the things u know in uer mind u shud
not be odign n make ursefl do the things u kow in ur mind u hsuud b e doing be providing a
self regualtatory htoguth command and inst… regulate ursefl n correct urself nkeep urselfon
the right path… so tell oyursefl “if oyu want oto achive ur goal u need ot wrk hard
continuously nonstop day n night dotn lay odwn don’t sleep” make ursefl food it forcefully on
purpose by providing reguatltory thogutsh commanda s and instructions, “dotn waste ur time
and be fast do it as quickly as you can” “think fo our wrk don’t think of other thtigns stop
thinking nof oterh things” “sayt no to otherh tigsn don’t do other htigsn now” and hence oyu
need ot cosnnatntly correct urself everytime oyu stray or u don’t o d the htigsn u know in ur
mind u shud be doing… by providng self regulatory thogutsh commands and instruvctions ot
keep ursaelf on the goal o nthe right path ot ur gaol.. Working to ur goal..

U know in ur mind what you should and should nto od so you don’t need others to tell you
cosntnatly you only should tell yourself and make yourself do it and correct yourself
everytime u don’t do the things you know inu r mind you shud be doing and you do the thigns
oyu know in ur mind u shud nto be doing then stop yourself for mdoinng certain things and
makeurself do certain things you know in ur mind what you shud and shud not be doing so
you only tell yourself and correct yourself, and keep yourself on the right path, you know in ur
mid nwhat o you should be doing so you don’t need otehrhs to tell you should ttell yourself,
and do it on your own… you odnt need others to consntatly nag oyu and tell you to study
complete the work not do other htigns unimp thgis nadn soo n you know in urm ind what tyto
od what oyu hsud n shud not do so oyu only should rtell ursefl and correct ursefl and stop ur
sefl form doing things u know in ur mind u hsud not be doing and make urslef do the htigsn u
know in ur mind u shud be doing by providing self regaultaory thgouths and engaging in self
monitoring ng and self commanding self correcting self instructing and slef reguatlion… so tht
u correct ursefl sadn regulate ursefl and tell uurself and keep urself on the right path and
prvent ursefl form straying and u do it do it on your own, without others telling oyu to do it
and correcting you, you should correct ursefl, you should regulate urself yourself tell yourself
command yourself. You know I nur mind what oyu need ot odo so by self regulation e by
procivingd gn self reguatling thoguths you shud corrcect ur self stop ur self form doing
vcertian thgis nan make ursefl do certain thgisn..

Tell ursefl whenever u find useflrf thinking nof toehrhings tell ursefl as you knw oi nur mind
what u need ot be doing tell ursefl”stop thinking of nonsensical htigsn n wasting u rtime focus
urm ind on ur wrk htignk of ur wrk dotn think fo other htigns n unimp thgisn keep u r focus ur
mind I nur wrk” n hence stop ursefl from doing the things u know in ur mind u shud not be
doing n make urself do ththe things u know in ur mind ur mmemeory u shud be doing … by
providing a self reugatlory thoguth command inst self correcting thoguth command and inst…
o nteh basis of ur sensible memory..

You know in ur mind what oyu need to be odign and so accordingly you need to regulate ur

You r thoguths act as instructions and commands to either do certain thgisn or stop doing
certain nthgisn. Thoughts lead to actions first you think of doing something or get a thoguth to
do something and only then you do it to be in control of your actions you need ot be in control
of oyur implusive thoughts and resist the impulsive thoguths thth tell you ot do other unimp
things that you enjoy doing but are unimp… by providing regulatory thoughts based on what
oyu know in ur mind in ur sensible memory you should and n should not be doing… and hence
stop oyur sefl form doing things tht you know in ur mind u shud not be doing and make urself
do thing shtth you know in ur mind u shud be oding by providing self regulatory thogutsh
commands and instructions…

You know in ur mind what you shud and shud not od so everytime u don’t do it you don’t need
others to tell you you only tell yourself and correct urself and brign urself back on the right path
keep urself on the right path… regualt e ursefl provide a self regulatory thoguth commadnand

U know inure mind wht u shud n shud not od so whenever u find ursefl not odign it hten make
urself do it correct ureslf by provigiidng a self regulatory thosguth command and inst “dotn
think fo toerh thgisn now” tell ursefl make userlf stop oding ecertain thgisn thth u know u shudn
ot be odign n makeu r self do certain things thth u know in ur mind u shud be doing by proving a
regualtiory thgouth command n inst n hence contrioll urselfreguklate urself monitor n command
urself n keep urself on the right path n constantly correct urself..

You need to regulate urself and control yourself you know n understand in ur mind its there in
ur mind what are the things u shud n shud not do n ehy thereasonsn reasoning behind it for ur
good n benefit progress n gain this info is stored in ur sensible memory… so accordingly on the
basis of tht u need to control n regulate urself… that is stop urself from doing other thins n
doing the things u know in ur mind u shud not be doing n make urself do the the thins u know
in ur mind u shud be doing… by providing regulatory thoughts command n inst … u know in ur
mind what u shud n shud not do n why so u don’t need others to tell u … u only tell urself
regulate n control urseldf stop ur self from doing other things n things tht u know in ur mind u
shud be doing n make userself do wht u know in ur mind ushud be doing…

U need to constantly regulate urself monitor urself what u ater ehtinkign n doing n reguatle
ursefl eevery time u find ursefl doing the things u know in ur mind u shud not be ddoign hten
stop urself by provndign s regulatory thoguth and everytime u find urself not odign the thgisn
u know in ur mind u hsud be doing hten make ursefl do it by providing a self regulatory
thoguth command and inst….

Everytime u fin d oyursel f thinking of o r doing other unimp thgisn tght u know in ur mind u
shud no be doing then as u know in ur mid nhht u shud not be doing it n it occurs to u you need
ot stop yourslfse and correct yourself by providing a self reguatlory thoguth command and inst…
and resist it… provide resistance to it… opposition to it n stop urslef form doing it not tolerate it
not let oyursefl continue with it or doit… stop ursefl by provinf self regulatory thoguths
commandns and inst…

Tell ur saelf odnt waste ur time in all tht hwatching the news n whats goin o ni nthew wrld
bothering n worrying urself of htth see ur own life urown progeress do ur wrk ot ahceivei ur
gials u wont get anything by owrryign about hwats ogin o ni nteh wrld it’s a waste of it it wotn
help u progress.

Focusing and concentrating your mind:-

Think fo oyur work what work to do and in how much time so thth you you know in ur mind in
ur memeory in ur sensible memory, its there in ur mid ntht you have ot od this wrk in so n so
time n u are constnaly reminded if…
Once u think fo ur wrk what wrk to odo n so on n u decide hten its therhein ur mind thth u have
to od this wrk nad complete this work and so oyu doi t u think lets do this wrk now lets
complete this wrk n so u do it

Think of oyur work what work to od n so on only then oyu will do ur work when oyu think fo
oyur work “what should I do now lets do this now” when oyu think and decide what to od hten
its herhe in ur mind in ur mmeemory thth u have to do this wrk n complete this wrk and so u are
reminded f it cosntnatly n so u don’t od other htigsn u stop doing oteh rthtigns n u
immdideately get to do ur wrk as u are reminded of it u think lets get this odne now lets do this
now n so u do…

Think of our wrk what wrk to do n in how much time to do it n complete it… so tht this their n ur
mid nin ur memeory htth u have to ocmpelte this wrk in so much time… ns o u dot nod other
htigsn n u wrk faster and not as a slower place cause u know in ur mind in ur memory its there in
ur mememory htth u have to get this wrk odne in so n so time… n so u think “lets not waste tiem
lets get to wrk we need ot ocmpelte this now hwo much time it is now “ n so ou do it… at a faste
rrate n u dotn do other htigsn n u don’t od it at a slow place doing oteh rhtisngi nbetween as u
know in ur mind in ur memmeory htth u have ot od this wrk I n so n so time..

You need to know hwo oyur brain works and what you need ot od in order ot be in control fo
oyur mind and oyur actions ur mind u r thinking nad ur actiosn and keep ursefl on the right path
you know cosntnantly workifg towards ur goal and important thgisn and not divert stary and
deviate away from the path to ur gaol..

Its not that scuessful ppl are more intelligent than you and smarter than you or have better
brains that you sucrsesfful ppl are fcosued they focus their minds on imp thgisn ot on unimp
thgisn they know what they need to od hwo to focus their mind on imp things and not diver and
distract n deviate their mind ot other htigns and even if they get distracted ns tary they are
quick to correct themselves n know how ot brign themselves n immediately correctthemselves n
brign their minds intentionsally knowingly on purpose to achieve their goal n imp thgisn they
know hwo to focus their minds on imp thgisn whereas unsuccessful ppl dotnot focus hteir minds
on imp thgis nthey r minds are dsistractded n idverted to unimp thgisn its where u focus ur mind
on on imp things or unimp thigns what oyu give ur mind to imp thgisn thth are required for ur
beebift gain surviavil nad progress or nunimp thgsin tht will waste ur tiem n berign u no gain or
benenfit … when bill n awarren were asked hwat is the secret of their success they said foucs
focusin og on imp thgisn saying no to unimp thgisn… they spend their hwhole day htinkign f o
imp thgisn only like wrk and so on not thinking of unimp thgisn directinfg hteir minds ot imp imp
things only ur success will depend o nwhere u direct ur mind ot n put ur mind n u attention n ur
thinking nto imp thgisn or unimpt hgisn what u give ur mind ot wheer u put ur midn in

Its there in ur mind wht u shud do tht u shud not wastie ur time edoing other unimp things once
u lose time u wont get it back so everytime u do ohther things u are reminded of it Reminded n
u provide a self regulatory thought o n the basis of wht u know in ur mind u shuyd n shud no t
do Regulatory thought n tell urself “Lets not waste time doing this lets get to work now” n so u
stpop urself from doing other things…

Don’t think fo other htigsn think fo oyur work “so now what work should I do” “lets do this now”
you will do your work only if oyu think fo oyur work what work to od hwo to do it hwo to go
about ti “ only if you think and decide what wor k to od causae hten its therei nur mind thth u
have to do this work… fi oyu don’t think fo your work if oyu don’t think n decide what wor k to
od oyu wont od oyur work cause you have not decided anything indesicion… so its tnot ther in
ur mind thth u have to od this work or u have this wrk ot od n so u will do other htigns or unimp
thgsi nor u will idle n waste ur tiem doing ntohgin when its there in ur mind thth u have this wrk
ot do as u have thoguth n deicded hwt wrk to od then oyu wont do other htigns cause its there
in ur mind tht hu have ot od this n even if u do toehr htisng u will stop as u are reminded htth u
have this wrk to od

U need to be constnanly thinking of ur wrk hwo to earn money ur livign survival what business
to od and so on only thhtght htigsn should be going on in ur mind only htth thgoguth should be
going on I nur mind…

U need to leave all other htgins aside and completely focus n concentrate ur mind on imp thgisn
not od otherh tigsn not think of other htigsn not divert ur mind n attention else where

U need to offer resistance yto your implusive htougths hth tell u to do things thth u enjoy doing
ur impulsive memory (info stored in ur memory of activites thth after doin gave u enjoyment
fulfillment) u need to stop urself from doing other htigsn n form doing things htth ur impulsive
memeory tell s you to od based on ur sensible memory offer resistance to the impulsive
htoguths stop urself form oding otherh thgisn tell ur self don’t waste ur time doing thth do u r
wrk now

Set timilimits within which to complete ur actiivites so htht hits there in ur mind u are
constnantly reminded of it and so ou think “lets do this quickly we have to ocmpelte tthsi in this
much time till Monday and so on … don’t waste time doing other htigsn) there is a sense of
urgency when oyu put time limits within which to complte t an actiiivty other is you don’t htne
oyu will od it at ur won slow pace doing other htigsn in between at a slsow and endless rate…
when u set time limits u know in ur mind htth u have to do this in so much time so oyu cannot
afford to do other htisgn in between as oyu have ot get it done in 2 days so oyu don’t do otherh
itngs as you know this in ur mind so time ur sactiivites set time limits to htem so thth its therhe
in ur mind thht u have ot odo this in so much time n u think “lets not waste any time doing other
htigns we have to get this thing don’te in so much time till moneday and so on” what to od in
how much time time ur acitivity other wise u will od it slowly at an endless ratre once u time it u
know in ur mid nu have ot get this thing done in so and os otime so u ater constnaly worried
about time what time it is lets do this in 4 hours now an d so u don’t do otherh tigsn in between
as ouy know oy uahve ot get htsi fdone in this much time… fif oyu odnt time ur acitivites u will
do it at a very slow and endless pace and u will do other htigsn in between cause thehre in no
time limit within which to complete the acitivites u know in ur mind htht u have to do this get
this things odne n ocmpelte this in som cuh time so u don’t do other htigsn n if u do other tgisn
u are reminded of it so u stop oding other htigns casue Iuc annot afford to waste tiem doing
oterh thigs nas u have decided thth ushud comeplte this in 2 hours forwaht time itr is now its
3:00 lets complete this till 8:00 clcok in 5 hours so oyu know u have ot get it odne in within soo
much time so u don’t od other hthtigsn in between.

U need to constantly think and worry of your work what work to do how to do it and so on

Have somne purpose some clarity whne you are doing something ask yourself why oyu are
doing it? Why oyu are eradign it? What is the purpose iof it of oyu doing it don’t do it just for the
sake of doing it cause u have to od it U are doing it so thth oyu know the porces what oyu need
to od and how to apply and so on

U should know what ot od how the brain works and what you need ot do to be in control of oyur
mind and oyur actions and keep oursefl on the right path working towards oyur goal nad imp
things in lfie and not stray and get diverted and deviated here and there… u know keep ur mind
focused on imp thigns on ur goal and not divert oyur mind else where to other htigsn keep ur
mind focused on imp thgisn and working towards the imp thgisn in life and oyur gaols and so

You nened to work not only consnntatly bn contionously nonstop without interruption but oyu
also need to work fast at a faster paace not at a slow pace keep ths I in mind so thth you finish
and ocmpelte the work as quickly as u can

Storing in mind in memory:- know learn rea d n understand practsise again n again… over n over
again… memory so tht u remer u are not out of tuch refresh refise n it becomes second nature
to u

You know in ur mind what oyu need to do (thigns like hard work , not thignk of other htigsn not
od other htigsn do ur wrk only think of our wrk determination never give up no pain no gain
what ur goals are n what oyu need to o dot ahceveinve ur gaols) you should also know hwo ot
make urself do it … u should also know how to make userlf do it.. by keeping these thgisn in ur
mind I nu r memory and os on reguatling ur thinking and s on..
Once you are in the process and oyu get involved and absorbed n occupied I nit you start
thinking about ti “lets see the Canadian permannnet residency now” l”lets see the canacndian
work permit now” and so on

Whenever u find oyursefl doing the things u shudn ot be doing or thinkign fo thigns thth you
know in ur midn u shud not be thinkig nthen stop ureslf form doing it by providing a self
regulatory thogtu hcommadn and instruction… and whenever u find ursefl not doing the things
thht u know in ur mind u shud be doing tehn make ursefl do the thgisn thth u know in ur mind u
hsud be doing by providng a self reguatlory thgouths commands and instructions… tell ursefl
correct ursefl every time u do other htigsn or u odnt od the things u klnwo in ur mind u shud be
doing regulate ursefl u knw oin ur mid nwaht oy uhsud n shud not be doing so oyu only tell
urself n reguatle ursefl n correct ursefl n make ursefl do it u dotn need toer to tell u n correct u u
only tell u to do it n nag you coantnly you only tell urself and make urself do it self correcting self
reguatling practice self reguatlion u do it on ur own without others telling u to do it oyu know in
ur mid nwhat u shu d n shud not od so u only tellu rsefl regulate urself and corretct urself and
make urself do it… “Let’s not waste time think of your work what work to do dotn think fo other

Un eed to know what oy uneeed to od how the brain works and how to be in control fo yur
mind oyur actions and to keep ursefl on the right oath focuso nthe goal consntatly working
towards achviei ng ur gaol and nto stray divert here and there iadn if you do then brign yourself
back immeidtaely correct yourself…

“Stop thinking of nonsensical things n focus on ur work”

Know what u are thinking of self monitotring being aware “stop thinking nonsense n think of ur
wrk focus ur mind here”

Self correcting self telling self uinstructing self regulating self stopping “don’t do all tht now all
tht is unimp , leave all tht aside and do this now this is more imp”

You know in ur mind what you need to do so accordingly u should self monitor if u are doing it
or not be aware, n self regulate n self correct to make urself do it what u know in ur mind u shud
be doing n stop urself from doing what you know in ur mind u shud not be doing…

You know in ur mind what oyu should be doing so everytime you do the things you should not be doing
or u dotn do the thgsn u shud be odign u are reminded of it and it occurs to oyu and so you tregualte
yourself and provide a self reguatlory thoguth command and inst..

What am I thinking of ? is it imp? Stophtinking of unimp and nonsnesnical things

U need to regulate urself on the basis of what you know in ur mind u shud be doing… for eg if u are
watching tv then as you know in ur mind tht ur exams are coming n so u need to be studying for tht n
not be wasting ur tme dfoing other things so as u know thids in ur mindn it occurs to u n u are reminded
of it so u tell urself u regulate urself n tell urself “lets not waste time watching tv u wont get anything by
doing tht lets immediately get to study foir the exms” n so u stop urself from watching tv n make urself
study by self regulating regulating urself n providing self regulatory thoughts on the basis of wht u know
in ur mind u shud n shud not b e doing….

For eg:- u think and u make a time table n u decide what to do next lets complete this from 5:00 to 7:00
now its ther ein ur mind tht u have to do this and so if u are watching tv at 4:30 u are reminded of this n
so u regulate urself n tell urself “lets not waste time watching tv lets get to wrk immediately n u get to
wrk” tht is u stop urself frm watching tv n doing unimp thing n u make urself do imp things n things tht
uknow in ur mind u shud be doing…

“Lets not waste time lets immidiatelyy get to work” “we cannot afford to waste time” rtell urself
reguatle ursefl you know in ur mind what oyu hshud do so o nthe basis of htht regulate ursefl by
providing self regulatory thoughts commamdd n instructions n keepinga tight grip on utrself stop urself
from doing certain nthgisn n makeu srself do thigns thth u know in ur mind u shud be doing… u know
put a hold get a fgrip on urself not let ursefl loos e n free to do n think fo anything

U know in ur mdi nthth u shidud not waste ur time doing oter things n unimp thgisn and u need ot utilize
n make use of your time to the maximum by oding only imp thgisn “ when ever u are doing unimpthigsn
hten you are reminded f it and you tthink n tell urself n regulate ursefl by telling ureslf n making ursefl
stop doing unimp things by te,ling ursefl “lets not waste time doing unimp thgisn lets get to wrk

U need ot keep everyhtig nelse on a lock down dotn waste ur tiem in everythgin else restrict everythgi
nelse say no to everyhtig nelse not od anyhtig nelse till u get this doen not waste ur tiem n give ur time
ot otherhtigns

U know in ur mind what oyu need to do what u shud n shud not do so on the basis of htth u need ot
regulate yourself u need to srtop urself form odding certain nthgisn n make urslef do certain thgisn by
providing self reguatlory thgotush commemeand sadn inst “ for eg if oyu are oding unim o thgis nthen
tell urself don’t waste ur tiem doing all tht hu wont get any thgin by doing hthth now do u r wrk now
thth is more im p we have to finish this in so much time otherwise then you will not be able to acheviei
ur goal n will cause ur loss nto progree”

U know in ur mind tht you shoul close the door or themoisture will come in and affect the pc so
everythime u open the door u are reminded of it n it occurse tyo u so u think lets close the dor n u do…

Yu know in ur mind tht u shud ntot run the pc for more than 5 hours to prevent it from frying n heating
up n the mobo getting damamged so everytime u approach the 4.5 hours mark it occurs to u n u are
reminded of it n so u start checking at what time u started the pc n how much time it is n u start thinking
ustarte d the pc n how muc htiem it is now and hten you think its 5 hours now lersts switch off the pc
nad u switch ur pc off … .. however after a few months 7 or 8 months you may forget aobut it n its no
longet hterhe in ur mind thth you shud nto run the pc for more htan 5 hours nad so oyu become lax nad
u are nto remidnedo fi t and so oyu run the pc for 7 or 8 hours wit h ocut shutting ti down n as u have
forgotten it n its no longer there in ur md ind so it doesn’t occur to u n u are not remidnedo f it n so u
don’t od it n so hten the mbo starts fryinf gu p..

U know in ur midn what oyu shud n shudn ot be oding so accordingly u need ot regulate urself and stp
urself form doing certia nthgis n make urself do certain nthens thth u know I nur mind u shud be oding
by providing self eguatlory self correcting thoguths commands and instructions.. “ no don’t do thth now
don’t watste ur tiem doing thth now we need to get this thing doen I n no time u can do al ltht later on
lets get to wr k now hthts more imp”

Remember wht u need to do n don’t forget toerh wise then u will ofrge and yto uwon t do it… remind
urelf so htht u dotn forget, thin kf otit cosntnantl y so thth u remember n u don’t forget it n its hterh in
ur mind storedi n ur mind

Say no to unimp things…

U need to think fo your work think and decide what ywork to do and in how much time “so its 2:00 now
lets do this work till 4:00” so thth its therh ein ur mind I nur mmeemoryhtth you have to ocmpelte this
work and focus on it only and comelte this work in 2h ours from 2 to 4 its there in ur mid nstoredi nur
mid nand so oyu dotn wast e ur time doing toerh htigsn n u don’t do other htigns nu immediately get to
do n do this work only cause u know in ur mind htht u have to get this wrk done nad od this work in so
much time u know in ur midn hth toyu have ot ocmplete thtis wrk for 2 to 4 in 2 hours n I nso o n so
time and so u dot nod other htigsn if oyu think fo or ge htthe thgouth to do other things or do other
tgisn u immediately tel ursfl to stop n stop urself from doing it cause u know in ur mind htth u have to
get this doen I n2 horus n so it occurs to u n u are reminded f it ..

As you know in ur mind what u need to do tht u have to do this n so u are reminded of it n hence u think
n and so you think and hence oyu do…

U need to know what is goin on in ur mind what are u thinking of

Remind yourself ask your selfwhat is your goal what odo you want ot acheviei n what oyu need to od
what wrk u need ot odo tot acheviei ur goal so thth u refoacus ur distaracted mind o nur goal n u
rmemebr u don’t forget its thehr eir nu re mind n u know in ur mind htth u have a goal to ahceiveie n u
need ot bre working hard for it n nnot od otherh itngs and so u are constantly reminded of it n it occurs
to oyu and so oyu think “lets do this now lets get t ow rk we need ot od this wrk ot achviei our ogal” n so
u do it also uf u think of oding other htigsn n get a thgout htt o do other htigsn the nas u know I nur mid
nthth u have a gaol to ahceive n u needo t wrk ofri so u are remidnedo fi t n it occurs ot u n so u say no
to it n regaulte urself n tell ursefl “no odnt od thth now we have to od this wrk ot ahceivei our goal we
have a goal to ahceive” n if u find urself doing other htigns then it occurs ot u n u are remidnedo fi t as
its hter ein ur mid n so u are remined of it thth u have agoal to acheviei n u need ot be odign ur wrk for it
so u stop userlf frm doing otehrt hgisn “lets nto waste tiem doing this now” n u get ot wrk..

Understand the process hwo it work s hwo the brain works from memory to thinking to thoguth to
Whever yu find urself thinking of iother things during ur wrk tell urself Tell urself”stop thinking of other
things n think of ur wrk keep ur mind in ur wrk don’t think of otherthings” n regulate urself nn make
urself stop thinking of other things n leave everything ese aside n focus ur mind n think of ur wrk ur full
focus and attention should be in ur wrk only 100% think of ur wrk only and if u find urself thinking nfo
other htigsn u need oto stop urself by proving self ereguatlory thoguths and make usrel f think of uy r
woark not allow or tolerate ur mind ot thinkf of other htigns u know not let the mind go loose and free
to think of antythign tht it wants to any nonses or unimp thgisn focus ur mind full on ur wrk n think of
ur wrk only

U know in ur midn what oy uneed ot od aso u only shoudld stop ur slf odign certain things n make urslef
do certain things by reguatling urself seprovign self reguatlor yn self corrtcting htoguths be self
ogvernigng u don’t need other ts to tell u u only tell urself n correct ursefl n reguatle ursefl as oyu know I
nur mind nunderstndi nur mid nwaht u shud do n shdu n ot do n why… for u r good beenift and

Think of your work what should I do now ? “lets compelte this lets do this now” you will get to od oyur
work only if oyu will think of oyur work and think of hwat work to do n think n decide cause only then
you know in ur mid nthth u have to od this work and so oyu get ot is

Remember dotn forget keep in mind what you need ot od u will do it and follow it only if oyu rmemeber
n u know in ur mind n its hter ein ur mdn what oy uneed to od if you forget if its no longer there in ur
mind then u wont od it..

will perseverance persistent n ready to work hard cause no pain no gain if u dont wk hard constantly day
n night u wont achieveany thing u have to wrk hard only then u will get the reward u know sit thru it
consstantly n take effort hard wrk is boring painful n binging u have to sacrifice all the fun n joy n
enjoyment but hrd work is bitter but the reward the result is sweet... lazyness is sweet but the rewards
and results n outcome ofl azyness is bitter yu need to keep this in mind nrember it thth without wrking
hard u wot achieve anything n so u need to be willng n ready to take the pauinsn efforts n sit thru n wrk
hard to achieveve ur goals n reward...keep this in mind n get to wrk hard to acheve ur goals without
working day n night you will not acheviei anyhtign keepign htis in mind and remembering htis and not
ofrgettign this u shoud l get to work hard n work towrads achvieing your goal consntanly nonstop day n
night... u have to keep this in mind n rember this n not forget tht tht without wrking hard n taking pains
n effforts n wrking contionsuly n day n nigh t u are not goin to achieve anything...n hence start wrking
hrd n get to wrk hard and not forget this n hence get to wrk hard keep this in ur mind

How the brain works:- the interanal process what oges on in the mind… know and understand hwo the
brain works and what oyu need to od.. to be in control fo ursefl.. ur mind and ur actions…

on what basis do oyu regulate yourself and provide self regulatory thgoutsh inst and commands and
correct yourself you do it on the basis of what you know in your gmind you should and should not be
doing tht info stored in ur memoery as to what yo ushud n shud not be doing n why yhe reasnins behind
it for ur good and benefit oy udo it on the basis of ur knwoign and understanding tht is stored in ur
mmeeory as ot what u shud ns hud not do so its very imp to keep certain things in ur mind I nur
memeory and nor forget it cause u regulate ur self on the basis of htth n if its not rtehrhe I nurm ind if u
have forgotten it then oyu wont regulate urself as it wotn occur ot u n u wont be reminded of it nad so u
wont regulate urself n so u wont think accordingly n henece u wont do its ther ein ur mind u know in ur
mind what oyu nee d t ood n u remember its therh in ur mmmeory and so u are reminded fi t
ocnsntnatly and it occurs to u and so u regautle ur sefl and hence oy udo…

You need to keep certain nthgisn in ur mind keep only imp things in ur mind I nur memeory... whats
there on ur mind hwat is ther ein ur mind.. in ur memory

Refocus your mind bring your mind ur attention and ur focus back to your goal.. ask your self what is
your goal what do u want ot achevie iand what do oyu nee d t obe doing to ahcevie ur goal.. and hence
remind yourself make urself rember aht ur gola I s n and what oy uwnat to acheviei n what oy uneed ot
o dot ahciveve ur goal n bring ur mind ur focus ur focu ur attention abck to oyur gaol… I ncase u have
forgotten n its no logner hterei n ru mind thth u have a goal to achevei n wht u need to be doing ot
ahceviei ur goal… brign your mind ur focus ur attention back to ur gaol refocus ur mind reprogramme ur
mid n remind urself of what u r gao lsi n what oyu endd to od to ahcviev iur gaol in case u have forgotten
all aobut it.. so htth u know in ur mind htht u have a gaol to ahceve n u need ot be doin ur wrk for it n u
refocus nreprogramed ur mind n u remember n as its there in ur mind and so oyu think n ur are
remidnedo f it cosnntantly and so u think “lets not wasate time lets get to wrk we have a goal to
achviee” ad so oyu do.. brign ur mind ur focus ur attention back o nthe right track back o nthe path to
oyur gaol…. Refocus nad reprogm you r mind make ur self remember remind urself brign ur m idn u r
focus ur attention back to ur goal so tht u know in ur mind u remember n its hter ein ur mind thth u
have a gaol to achevie n u need ot be working hard ot ahceviei ur goal and so are cosnntatly remidnedo
fi t nad soas u know in ur mind so u think n u u reguatelr ur slef u think “lets not waste tiem lets get to
wrk we have a gaol ot ahcevei “ n u get to wrk…in case u have forgotten all aobut it n its no longet r
there in utr mind what u r goal is n nwhat u need ot be doing to acheviei ur goal bring ur mid nur
attention ur ofcus back to oyur goal make urself remember remind ursefl …. So tth u know in ur mind its
herh ein ur mind stored in ur mind in ur mmemeroy thth u havea gaol to achviei en u neeed ot be doing
ur wrk fo ti n wrking hard of it n so u are refocused n ur mind n ur focus is back on the goal… o nthe path
to oyur gaol… reprog n refocus ur mind n attention to ur goal… urmind is refocused on ur gaol o n
acheiveing ur gaol on working towards acheviei ng ur goal reprogreamed n back o ntrack… u remember
u know I nur mid nits thehre in ur mind tht hu have a gaol to ahcivei n u need ot be doing this wrk for it
n wrking hard ofro it n so u think n regulate lu rself accordingly n hece you do..

U know in ur mind what you need to do and so u are reminded of it and it occurs to u consntnatly as u
remember and its htehr in ur mid in ur memmeory nwaht yo need to be doing n everytime you don’t do
the thgisn u u know in ur mind u need ot od or u do the things u know in ur mind u shud not do or think
fo oding the thgis nu know in ur mind u shud not do then u are reminded of it and it occurs to oyu and
so u regaulte urself stop urslfe provent urself for mdoign certain thgisn and makeu rself do certain
thgisn by providing self sreguatlory thgotush n command s and instructions and make urself do the
things u know in ur mind u hsud be doing bry prviding self regulatory thoguths commands and inst also
as oyu know in ur mid nwhat u needo t odo its herhe in ur mind in ur mememory u remember it and os
it coccurs to u n u are cosnntly reminded fi t n so u think accrodngly “lets od this now we need to be
doig nthsi to chevie our goal we have a goal to achvieie “ and so you get to do it …

For eg: - You read on the notice board on 1st Aug tht the exams are starting from 19th Nov so you know
in ur mind thth the exams are comeing I n2 months and you need ot oimmeideately start studtying and
preparing ofr it otherh wise you wont socre good marks and it s imp for ur future job surviaivl and so u
know in ur mind thth your exams are coming and oyu need ot be studying for it this info is stored in ur
mmeemory, u know in ur mind I thth ur exams are coming nad u need ot be studyign for it u need ot
start studying for it, other wise u will be in toruvble, its therh ein ur mind conasntnatnly and u are
cosntnatly reminded ofi t n n ti occurs to oyu, n so oyu reguatle yourself you think “lets not waste time
lets immideatley get to study now for the exams” n so you get to study and if oyu are wathcign tv then u
are reminded oof it n it occurs to oyu and oyu think “lets not wast e titme watching tv lets gt to study
now for the exams the exams are coming” so as you know and its hterh ein ur mind and s ooyu think
and you regulate urself accordingly .. and hence oyu do…

U know in ur mid nwht u shud n shiud nto do n so when u don’t od it it occurs to u n u re remidnedo if t
n so u thin kaccordignyl and dreguatle urelsf and hence u do it..

U have forgotten what oyu need to od its no longer therhe in ur mind nwaht oyun eed to od and so it
doenst occur to u n so u are not reminded of it and so oyu don’t think accordingly and hence oy udont
do it…

As you know in ur mind what oyu hsud nshuddn ot be odign n so u are reminded ofi t n it occurs to u n
so accordingly u regulate ursefl and oyu thin kaccordingly and hence you do

U knw in ur mind thth u shudn ot be wasting ur tiem doing other hitngs n thth u have a gaol to ahcveii
urgently n u need ot be doin ur wrk to achvie iur gaol and so if oy yu think fo odign otehrhtigsn or ge the
the thoguth to do other thgisn u ar reminded of it and it occurs to u and so you tell urslef or u
automatically thignk oyu think “Wahts the time now its 1:00 lets nto waste tiem lets immediately get to
work “ and so u dotn do other htigsn ustop userlf form odign oterh htigns n dsay no to oterh thgisn n
provent urself from doing oterh thgisn n u get to work cause u know in u r mind htht u have a gaol to
achei urgentkly n u shud nto wste time doing otherh itngs n u need ot be doing ur wkr for it… n utilize ur
tiem cause once u lose tiem u wil enver get it back so u shudn maximize and utilize the thimeh u get in
the day ot the max…

To strat with u need to Have the Knwing and understanding as to what to do what oyu should and
should not do n why the reasosn behid n it for ur good prog benfot and so on the way to od certain
htigsn know hhow and so on Either some one has told oyu or you have figured it out yoursfl or u have
read it some where or some one has told u and fed I nur mind inputted I nur mind what oyu should n
shud not do nhwy so u know in ur mind what oy ushud do and its stored in ur mmemeory… inputeed in
ur memeory…
You knw in ur midn hwat oyu need ot od n its stored I nur mememory its hterhe in ur mid nso
efverytime u do thehthgisn uthth u know I nur mind u shudn ot od or don ht do the htigsn thth u know
in ur mind u shud be doing then you are remidnedo fi t n it occurs to u n so u think accordingly n u
regulate urself and so u do it.. for eg if oyu are wasting ur time doing unim pthgsin htne n when u are
doing unim ot hgisn as you knw oin ur mind tth u shud not waste ur time doing unim pthgsi n nhtht u
need ot be odin ur wrkk ot ahceveing ur goal so it occurs to u , u are remidnedo fi t n it occurse to u n so
u think “lets not waste time doing this no w lets immidirtaely get otwrk to achvei iour gaol” and so as u
knw oin ur mid nwhat oyu needo to d o n u are reminded of it n it occurs to u so u think accordingly and
u regulate urtself and make ureslf do it … u reguatle ursefl n stop urself from doing oterh htigsn n make
ursefl do urwork… by thinking accordingly as yt owhat u know in ur mid nu shud be odign by proving a
self regulatory thoguth comamdn and inst ..and so u teregualte urself n correct urself by thinking
naccorginly u regulate ureslf and mso u do it…

U need to have time to reflect and know what u need to do n prepare urself be ready only then u will be
condfiednt ionce u know how things wrk n u know exactly what u need to do to get the results tht u

I know in ur mind n so u think n hence u do

U know thth ur xams are comin n u need ot study for it don’t u know?

Why don’t u know Thth ur exams are coming n u need ot studty for it odnt u know… why didi nt u study
ididnt u know thn htht ur exams are comin n u nee od t be studying for it

As u knw n so u think n hence udo

As u know n so u think n reguatle ur self n stiop urself rfor mdoign certain thigns n make ursefl do
certain thgisn n so u think n make ursfel do ur wrk”lets not waste teim noew doin other hitngs wartchn
tv we need to study for the exams

How to keep control have cotrnoll over ur mind so thh odnt need otehrhrs to tell u u do it on ur own

U knw in ur mind wht u need to be doin n so u think accrdngly n accrdngly u cntrl urslf regulate urslf n
mke urslf do it
This is not a natural or automatic process that if oy uknwo I nur mid nu will automaitvcally think and od
it .. it’s a forced process u know in ur mind what oy ushud n nshud not od and so u need to forcefulll
intnetionslly on purpose regulate ursefl stop urself from doing oterhtigns nad make urself do your work
by providing self regautlory thogtuhs instand commands you know say no to otehrhtigsn unimp things
and focus urmind fully on ur work n imp thgisn n control and resitst ur impulvsive htoguths
intnetionallyly forcefully knwoign reguatle ur self for a certain gaol result or purpose if oyu dotn reguatle
yoursefl n control ruslf n resist n restrict ursefl n get a grip on tyoureslf thth is stop urslfe from doing
certia nthgis nand make uselrf do certain things by providing self reguatlory htogsuths commands inst
on the basis of wht u know I nur mind in ru sensible memory u shud n shud not be doing u shud n hsudn
ot od hten you will be out of control and u will end up doing what ever thth coems o t ur mind the
implusvie thoguths thth tell u to do …if oyu dotn reguatle urselg on the basis of hwat oyu know I nur
mind in ur sensible emory u shud n shud nto be odign then u will be out of control

So this is what you need to do to be in cotnroll of yourself and o t direct oyur mind and focus urmind on
im tohgsi nand so on

1) Keep in mind what your goal is n what u need to do t oahceive ur gaol the work thth u need to
od… keep in mind the things tht hu shud n shud not be doing and if oyu forget then remind
urself ask urself what your gaol is what work oy uneed ot od to aheve ur goal use flash cards
reminders to remember what you needo to do so htth u don’t forget it n uar e consnatnaly
remidnedo fi t keep certai nthgis ni nur mid nthigsn like u shud not waste ur time and so on so
tht u are reminded of it everytime u stray n waste ur tiem doing unimp thgisn so u regulate
urself and hence u do it…
2) Regulate ursefl:- On the basis of hwat oyu know in ur mind u shud n hsudn ot be odign n the
reasosn behind it you need to regulate yourself.. by proving self regulatory htogutsh commands
nand instructions… and hence stop urslef from doing certain thgisn n make urslf do certain thgis
nthht u know I nur mdi nu hsud be doing restrain n resist ur impulsive htoguth thtstell u to do
other htigns hth ur mind enjoy doing as storedi nteh impulsive memory.. say no to it … n make
urslef do the things u know in ur mid n ush ud be doing

If u are not doing it hten it means that u are lacking something you dotn knw owaht yto od or u
are doing ti wrong or u know what to do but u are not following it or doing it… it means either u
don’t have any understanding and knowing as to what u need to do… or its no longer there in ur
mind u have forgotten it and so u are not doing it… or its there in ur mind u know in ur mind
what u need to be doing but u arenot controlling or regulating urself n making urself do or
follow it…
U know I nur mind thth u are not supposed to do it n u are reminded of it n and so you think “u are not
supposed to this” and hence u don’t do it u stop urself from doing it..

The are only two processes memory and thinking all action is a result of these processes… all action are
a result of these two processes… and all other processes things like (knowing n understanding,
analysizng are a result of thinking) and a result of these two processes…

In order toco ntroll and reguatle yourself and keep ur mind o nteh right path to ur fgaol n imp thgis nall
u need to od is u ned to know what u need to do how to control urself n regulate urself

1) Knowing n understanding:-
2) Memory: - keep certain thgis ni n ur mind so thth u are reminded f it and u don’t forget it n its thehr
ein ur mind n so u are emidnedo f it n so u rthink n hence u do remember so thth u are reminded ofi t n
u think n ehnce u do and don’t forget cause if u forget then it wont occur to u n so u wont do.. and what
you need to do to rember it n keep it inur mind? How to keep it in ur mind u need to remind urself
refresh ur memory refocus ur mind reprogram ur mind ask yourself? What is ur goal what want to
achieve n what work u need to od o to achieve ur goal n what things u need to do to achive ur goal…
read the rukles the does n don’t s everyday things like not waste ur time n so on so tht u know its ther in
ur mind u rember n evrytime u stray u are reminded of it it occurs to u n so u think n eregulate ursel f n
nhence u do… keep flash cards reminder cards so tht u don’t forget so tht everytime u don’t know wht u
eed to do ua re reminded of it ur brain is refocused reprogrammed n u ar e bougt back on track n
working towards ur goal uur attention nfocus u rembe r its there I n ur mind tht u have a goal t achieve n
u need to wrk for it n so u think “lets not waste time lets get to wrk” n hgence u do I have not forgotten
Un eed to trember n keep in mind n not forget thigs like “ushud not awste ur time doing unimot hiing n
other things once u lose tie u ewill never get it back” so tht wen u do other things u are reminded of it it
occurs to u .. n so u think n regulate urself “don’t waste ur time u wont get anything by doing tht ths not
imp get to wrk now” never forget tht
3) Regulate urself:- u need to get a grip on urself n regulate urself stop urself doing from certain things
tht ur impulsive thoughts n thinking tells u to do but tht u know in ur mind in ursensible memory u shud
not be doinn make urslf do certain things tht u know in ur mimd u shud be doing by providng self
regulatory thoughts commands and instruction… if u don’t regulat ur slf n control urseflf if u let ur mind
go free tothink n do what ever it wants if u don’t stop urself frpom doing certain thing n make urself do
vcertiant hings by forcefully inteionally on purpose knowingly providng a self regulatory thoughts insts n
commands then u will be out of contrioll… u nee d to sytop urself from doing certain things “don’t
waste ur time now get to wrk immidietly” its not a natural automatic process uif it was natural then
human beings wud be perfect n not out of control creatures addicted to things u need to forcefull
intentionally on purpose regulate n correct ureself.. for a better putrpose cause n gain reward n benefit
or good… over thins u enjoy doing ..

If you don’t reguatle yourself hthen you will be totally out of control… you will nto od what oy uknow I
nur mid nu are suposedto be odign and u will end up oding what you kwo in ur mid nu shud not be
doing as ur impulsive htogutsh and thinking tell u to od… you may know in ur mind htht u shud not b
doing a certain nthign but still u will end up doing it insppite of knowing cause uri mpulsive thoguths tell
ut o od it as its herh ehin ur impulsive memmeory the last time u did it ur brain felt enteriataned and s o
inspite of knowing in ur mind htth u shud not be odign a certain nthign u will still do it as ur impulsive
htoguths tell u to od it and u will be unable ot make urslef stop simply cause u are not regauting urslef u
are nto proving a thogut hinst n comman d telling urself to stop n u are not making uself stop doing ti by
proving a thogut hinst and ocmmnad n so u are help less… as u know I nur mind u shud not be doing it n
still u are doing it as u rimpulsive thogutsh tell u to do it n u are nto able to make urself stop as u are not
providng a thoguth n inst and command telling urslef to stop so u continue to do it inspite of know in I
nur mifd u shud not do it u are taken o na ride thth u do tn want to go to ur mind is taking u on a ride
thth u dotn want ot go to u are our of control n u are helpless u need to make urself stpop reguatle
urself tell urself to stop provde a sself reguatlory thogut hinst command… also you may knw oin ur mind
tht hu need ot od a certain nthgis nadn still you are not odign it as u are not making urself do it u are not
proving a self regualteruy thoguth inst and comamdn telling urself to od it… if oyu odnt regulate urself
you wont do it so tell uself reguatle urslef make userl f stop oding certia nthigsn n make ursefl do certain
things ht htu know I nur mid nu need ot od y provding a self regualtoery htoguth inst and command if
oyu odtn intenionalyl on purpose forceful maek uresfl stop n make urself do certia nthgis nthen u wont
do it u will be out of control I f oyu don’t reguatle ursefl..

Inputs, teaching learning feedback help:-

Knowing n understanding:- Dad:- tasa nahi ahe tulha mahiti ahe tula the karaycha ahe mahnoon tuh te
karto.. its not like htht u know n udnerstnad in ur mind thth u have to do it andhence oyu do it…
Memeory :- Amey:- keep in mind what oyu goal is and oyu will be cosnntatly reminded ofit
Warren buffett:- keep in mind dotn forget rule no 1
Mark zuker:- reminder “keep shipping”
Sai baba Sid reminder “odnt laydown dotn sleep”
Dada:- keep only imp thgisn I nur mind
Khare:-you have forgotten what oy uneed ot od n used to do and hence you are nto odign it…
Jenny “ stop it sid stop stop stop”
Pk: stop thinkin about tht dont think about it
Meg:- voh sab kuch chod aur yeh le yueh jada imp hai.. leave all tht haside nd do this this is more imp
Bill gates:- what am I thinking of ? is it imp? What is it thth I am thinking nfo hwree ami putting my
energy into is it imp
Waren buffet:- lear n to asay no to avoid at all cost list everything else bocmes thth th is not imp
Sid:- “ u know in ur mid non the basis of thth tell urefl regulate ursefl make usrself do certia nthgisn n
stop doing certain thgisn”
Thinking nadn action first you think of doing some htign or get t hoguth t odo it only then u do it
Htinkign lead st oaction u htin fko starting or stopping anan action only hten u do so thogutsh act as inst
and commands tht htell u to srt soemthign or stiop doing something
Impulsive memory and implusvue htoguths, snesibel memory and reguatlory thoguths
Thoguth reguatlion and control
Block the impuslvie thoguths tregualte ursefl stiop urslf form doingcertia nthgis nregualte urslf cotnroll
ursefl forcefully on purspe knwoign ly on the basis of hwat u kwno in ur mid nu shuid n shdun ot be
doing and for a better cause and hence make userself docertian thigns or stop urself from doing certia
nthigsn by proving a s self regulatory thoguths inst command s coansntly… remindeers “pdnt lay down
don’t sleep” motiaavte urself to do certia nthgisn
U will do ur wrk on ly if u think fo odign u r wrk and thin k ndecide hwat wrk to od n how ot od it no t
oterh wise
Dad:- you need ot keep ur mind I ntht only in ur wrok only
Amey how do oyu get to work immidiatekyl nad dotn stop to want ch tv while drinking tea:- cause I
think fo my work what work ot od next to ahcve my gaol… cause I make a time table I think and diced
hwat work to od next and so I ts therh ein my mind I have ot od this work and so I get up immidiatle y to
do it
Fcousing the mind not thik of other htigsn think only of ur work
Swati focusing ur mind:- while doing ursetudies u should only think f our studies you shoud nto think of
other htigns full focus in it otherh tigns u can think fo at other htime
bill gates:- I am always conenred of what I think of how much time I spend thinking nfo what
what are you focusing ur mind o nwhre reare oyu putting ur mind n ur energy ot mental and physical is
it imp?
Elon:- u need ot ocnsntantly think f our work only

onece its tehrhe in ur mind hthen it will occur ot u n u will e b reminded of it on the basis of thth u need
to control ursefl and reguatle uresfl if oyu odnt reguatle urself n stop urself from doing certain nthgis n
make urself do certin things by proviidign a self regulatory thgout inst ncommamnd hten u will be out of
control/… u will nto do what ou know I nur mid nu are supposed to be oding inspite of knwg it n u will
not stop doing what u know in ur mind u hsd not od inspite of knwiing hth tu shud not od iit unless n
until u don’t rpovdei the thoguth inst nad command telling nurself to stop u wont stop doin it inspite of
kwoin I nur mind tht u shud not do it cause u are not provind thth thgout hinsta nd command n telling n
urslf to stop u needo tmakeu serself tostop oding int n make urself do n think of certia nthigsn by
provindg thogut hin stan d command unless until udotn tell urself n provide the htoguth inst and
command and tell u reslf to od it u wont od it inspite of knwoin u rmidn uhassud do it

if u are not odign it hen irts

u need to know what u need ot od to be in control fo urself

If are not doigng it tht means tht u are lacking in sometinh… either u don’t know wht u need to do n wht
to do or u know what u need to do but u have forgotten it its nolonget ther ein ur mind or u know wht u
nee dto do n u rember it n its ther ein ur mind but u are not doing it n following it n making urselkf do it
by regulating urself

If u are not doing it then either u don’t know what to do n hw to do it n go about it wht to do n wht not
to do n why n have no understanding OR u have forgotten about it it s no longer ther in ur mind hhave
forgotten n its nolonget ther ein ur mind tht u have to do it n wht u u need to do n tht u have a goal to
achieve n u need to wrk for it u have forgotten n all about it n its no longer ther in ur mind OR u know in
ur mind what u need to do but u are not regulating urself u are nto providing hth thoguth inst command
to tell urself rt ostop doin certain thgis n makeu rsefl do certia nthigsn nht u know in ur mind in
ursesnible memeory u hsud be doing n htth occurs to u n u are reminded fi t wen u don’t do the htigsn
u know in ur mind u are supposed ot do or do thethigsn thth u know in ur mind u are not supposed ot

If u have forgotten then remind urself what is ur goal n what u need to do to achieve ur goal wht wrk yu
need to do so tht u rember it its ther in ur mind n ur mind is brought back to achieveing ur goa l n ur
mind is refocused on ur ggoal n remind urself n lkeep in mind things tyt h uknow n understand u shud
do n shud nt do things like don’t waste etime time is imp once u lose ytime u wil never gret it back so tht
if u don’t do what u are supposed to do then u are erminded of it n it occurs to u… n so u thin
accordingly n hence u do it…
Pracitse Thought control provide a self regulatory thought command and instructions to control n
regulate urself ur actions to intentionally n forcefully stop urself from doing certain things n make uself
do certain things tht u know in ur mind u shud n shud not do for ur good benefit n gain nprogress … n to
control n eregulate n resist ur impulsive thoughts tht tell u to do other things or impulsive thingking like
wandering of mind n think of unimp things

Don’t distract ursefl now u shud not distract ursefl

As u knw in ur mnd tht u hav to do it n so u thnk accrdngly n hence u do it

What you need to o doto reguatle yourself be in control of ur slfe ur mind n ur actions , keepu rsefl on
the righ path n not diver or stray away from it..k eep urseslf working towards ur goal.. n not do other
hthgis no think of other htigsn… be in control of urself ur mind n ur acitons:-

1) (memory)
Keep in mind thigns like:-
What is your gaol n what oyu need to od to achevie ur gaol
Thth u shud not waste time doing unimp things
U shud not think of other htigns
U shud reguatle urself u shud kkeep certain thgis ni nmind
U shud wrk ahrd if u want ot succeed and so n…
So tht u don’t foreget u rember it its there in ur mind in ur sensibre mwemory what u need to
do so every time u don’t do thethings u know in ur mind u need to do or do the things u know in
ur mind u shud not do u are erminded of it… So thth everytiem u stary and you don’t do the
thgisn u know in u r mind u shud do or u dothe things uknow in ur mid nu shd not do.. then you
are reminded ofi t and so u regulate ur self
2) (Thinking)

You need ot praoctse thogut hcontroll Your actions are a result of oyut htoguth of oyur htinkign to be in
control fo your actions you need ot be I ncotnroll fo oyur thoguths first you think fo odign something or
get a thoguth to do some thgins only then you do it … so inorder to be in control of ur actiosn u need ot
be in control fo oyur thought cause thoguths lead to actions be aware of the thoguths goin on in ur
mhead know what are oyu thinking of what is it htth I am thinking of is it imp? You neeed to focus and
conscetrate your mind stop urself from thinking fo unimp things and make oyursefl think fo imp thgisn
and work intentionally think nowing ly at will think of oyur work and imp thgisn. Yo will do oyur work
only if oyu think fo oyur work only if oyu think n decide what work to od and so on only hten you will do
oyur work not other hwise if oyu think fo oterh ti thigns u will od other things dotn divert n distract ur
mind here n ther efosucs ur mind on ur work stop urself freom thing kign fo other htigns whever u find
ur self thinking nfo other hritnsg n make urself think fo oyur work tell yourself ‘dotn waste ur time
htinkig nfo unimp thgisn think f our wrok now what work to do and so on” keep ur mmind o nur wrok in
ur work focus ur mind I nur work think of ur work only nto think of otehrhtigns… practice thoguth

Regulate urself:- thought control stop urself form doin g n htinkign of other hgisn n things tht u know in
ur mind u shud nt be doing make urself do n think of imp things… n thos things thht u know in ur mid nu
shud be doing by providing a self regulatory thought command inst… to make urself start or stop doing
wht u know in ur mind u shud or shud not be doin

The process how it works… first of all you know and understand what oyu shud n shudn to do and why
the reasons behind it … secondly you keep it in ur mind you know in ur mind tht you need ot od this and
so oyu think accordingly and henc e you do it..for eg:- you know in ur mind its htehre in ur mind u
rmemeebr I nur mind u know I nur mind htht ur exams are coming n so u shud not be doig notehr
htigns n u only need ot be doing ur studying for it and so you think accordingly “lets not watste etiem
doing otehrt igsn lets get to study noew the exams are coming” nad henc oyu od it …

What oyu need to od how ot keep urself o nthe right path yto oyur gaol and control oyursfle… your mind
and oyur actions and keep ursefl working towards achveieing ur goal nad not get diverted stray or
distracted hehre n there this is what you need ot od…
1) Knowing and understanding: first of all you should know and understand what oyu need to do
what you should n shud not od and why the reasosn behind it..
2) (Memory) keeping it in ur mind I nur memmeory: - you need ot keep it in ur mind I nur
memmeory what yo ushud n shud not od n why so thth its htehr ein urm idn in ur memeory u
rememerbr you don’t forget it cause if u forget it n its nolonger there in ur mid nthen it wont
occur ot u n so u wont do it its no longer ther ein ur mid wht u need ot od nadn so u wont do it…
as u rtember it n as its htehr ein ur mind what oy uneed ot od you know in ur mind what you
need to od and so you think accordingly and hence you do it and also it occurs to u n u are
erminded of it everytime u don’t do the htgns u kneo in ur mind u shud do or od the things u
know I nur mid nu shud not do… n so uregualte ur slef n bring urself on the right path na d u
doit …
Memory keeping in mind rembering techniques n methods:- How to keep I ti nu r mind:-
remind urself by asking rself ask urself to rremind urself refocus reprogram ur midnd n bring ur mind
bacl k on ur goal n imp things:- ask urself in case u forget to remind urself what is ur goal what u want
to achieve n what wrk u need to do to achieve ur gaol n what things u need to do to ahchieve ur goial.
So tt h ur mind attention is refocused on ur goal on achiev ur goal n working toewawards it… ur mind is
reprogrammed ur goal is in ur mind its ther in ur mind tht u have to achieve ur goal n ur mind is
refocused toawards acgihive ing ur goal n so u think k accordingly n hence u do cause if its not ther in ur
mind if u have forgotten then ur mind is distracted n diverted n u no longer ember tht u have a goal to
achieve n u need to wrk to achieve ur goal… n so u don’t do it… bring ur mind backo on ur goal… remind
urself by asking rself… redierect ur mind to ur goal keep ur goal in ur mind keep in mind wht ur goal is
swhat u wan to achieve n what u need to ado to achiev eur goal… so tht its ther in ur mind u know in ur
mind tht u have a goial toa chiev e u nedd to ne doing ur wrk for it…
Reminders: seflf reminding notes incase u forget “dont tn tlay down don’t sleep” wrote it on the board
to see at night when I used to studyt to terember to constatntly remind myself keep in my moind n ot
forget zuker note “keep shipping” so tht its ther in ur mind u know in ur mind what u dneed to do n u
are constantly reminded of it it occurs to u what u need to do n so u think accordingly n u regulate ur
self n u do it… u need ot keep in mind rmemebr it so thth ti occurse to u so thht u know in ur mid nwhat
o yun eed ot od u rememerbr it n so tht hits htehr ein ur mid nn so u rthin kaccordingly n hence u do ti n
so u are reminded fi ti consnntatnly n it occurs to oyuevery tiem u don’t od it n so u regulate urslef n
hence u do it

3) (Thinking)
You need ot praoctse thogut hcontroll Your actions are a result of oyut htoguth of oyur htinkign to be in
control fo your actions you need ot be I ncotnroll fo oyur thoguths first you think fo odign something or
get a thoguth to do some thgins only then you do it … so inorder to be in control of ur actiosn u need ot
be in control fo oyur thought cause thoguths lead to actions be aware of the thoguths goin on in ur
mhead know what are oyu thinking of what is it htth I am thinking of is it imp? You neeed to focus and
conscetrate your mind stop urself from thinking fo unimp things and make oyursefl think fo imp thgisn
and work intentionally think nowing ly at will think of oyur work and imp thgisn. Yo will do oyur work
only if oyu think fo oyur work only if oyu think n decide what work to od and so on only hten you will do
oyur work not other hwise if oyu think fo oterh ti thigns u will od other things dotn divert n distract ur
mind here n ther efosucs ur mind on ur work stop urself freom thing kign fo other htigns whever u find
ur self thinking nfo other hritnsg n make urself think fo oyur work tell yourself ‘dotn waste ur time
htinkig nfo unimp thgisn think f our wrok now what work to do and so on” keep ur mmind o nur wrok in
ur work focus ur mind I nur work think of ur work only nto think of otehrhtigns… practice thoguth
ocntroll… stop urself form thinking nfo oterh things and focus ur mind n attention fully in ur work know
what oyu are htinkign of n what is goin o n in ur head n what thoguths u get what are you thinking fo s I
it imp n control n regulate ur thinking to be in ocntroll ofo yur actions are u thinking nof wrk n imp thigs
nn so on…

Be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head know what u are thinking of whenever u are doing other
things or get a thought in ur mind to do other things then stop urself… control resis those impulsive
thoughts n regultate ur self as u know in ur mind u have imp things to do…

Regualte yourself:- you know in ru mid nwhat oy uneed to od … and so on the basis of tht u need to
regulate urself accordingly knowing ly stop urself from doing certain things n make userlf do ceryttaint
hings by providing a se;lf regulatory thought inst n command on the basis of thtat regulat e urself stop
urself from doing n thinking of things tht u know in ur mind u shud not do n make urself do things tht u
know in ur mind u shud be doing…

Self regulastion techniques n methods How to regulate urself:- when ever u find reslf thin k n doing
things tth tu know in ur mind u shud not be doing or whenever yu find urself not doing the things tht u
know In ur mind iu shud be ding then prooovide a self regu;latory thought command n inst n make
urself do it… also know wht u are thinking of and regulate ur thohutgs ur impulsive houghts nt hinking…

Thought control regulate ur thinking:-

Action control Regulate ur actions:-
Think of ur wrk what wrk to do stop urself from thinking of other things… n ptut ur mind in ur wrk…
xcause u will do ur wrk only if u think of ur wrk n think of doing ur wrk n think of what wrk to do n so on
n think n decide what wrk to do n how to do it u will do ur wrk only idf u think of doing ur wrk so stiop
urself fromt hinkig of other things n make urself think of ur wrk n imp things

Thinking and action:- you will do oyur work only if oyu think fo oding oyurork so control your thgouths
know what is goig on in ur mind stop urslef from thingkign fo oterh thgis nand make urself think fo oyur
worlk what work u need ot od n so on regulate ur thinking contrioll ur thinking

Whenever u think fo oding other htigsn or get a thogut hto do other htigsn resits n control thth thoguth
as u know in urmidn thth u have wrk ot do n so on say not it
U nneed ot forcefully iten tionalyly keep urmidn I nwrk n impo thgis n nsttop urself from getting
disrrtarcted n deiverted n straying to other htisgnur mind nad keep ur mind inur wr kn connstnly wrkign
towards u rgoal

Memory n thinking these are the only two processes of the mind and all actions are a result ofthese two
process… so if you are nto odintg something th u shud do if u are out of control ltehn either u dotn
undertasnd or know what o ot od or there in problem nmmeory you have forgotten what ot odo or I
nthoguth control lreguatlion and thinking..

What to od haow to od it hwo to be in control lfo ouy r mind ur thinking ur acitosn un eed ot have
control lat hthe thoguth level…

Thoguths lead ot actions to ebe in control lfo oyur acctiosn u need ot be in control lf oyur htoguhts

Whenever u think o f oding otehrt higsn or get a n impulsive htoguth to d other htigns then resisit thth
thougth control tht hthoguth as oyu knw oi nru mid ntht hu needo to d wrk n im pthgsi nso provide
reguialteory thoguth n say no tot it offer resisitantce to thth thogut hdont give in … if oyu odnt orffer
resistance ot thh thgotuht n say no then you will give in to it… n u wil lend up doing oterh hitngs say no
to it tell youresfl “no don’t waste tiem doing thth now do ur wor know thth s more imp”

U need ot knw owaht is ogin g on I nur mid nn what oyu neeed to od at the thogut hlevel ot be I
ncotnroll fo your acitons…

Keep in midnd :”wht u r goal n is n wht u need to do m dso on for it to achive ur goal” don’t forget so
tht u are reminded of it “tht u have a goal to achieve or un eed to complret it before the deafdlines n u
need to do ur wtrrk for it” n so u regiulate urself ur sthinking n hence u do it u hthink lets not waste time
we have wrk tro do we need to get his done before the deadlines or we need to study the exams ar e

To be in control of ur actions u need to be in control of ur thoughts cause thoughts lead to action u

know in ur mid what u need t o do n so regulate ur thinking acordingyly Be aware of the thoughts goin
on I n ur mind what are you thinking of what thoughts u get n regulate ur thinking control ur thoughts
whenever u think of or get a thought in ur mind impulsive thoughts in ur mind to do other things then
as u know in ur memory in ur mind tht u need to be doing ur wrk so it occurs to u n so regulate urself
accordingly as u know in ur mind tht u shud not be doing other thing s n u need tob edoing ur wrk
whenever u get a thoug ht o do other ythings regulate urssekf provide aregiualtorty thought n say no
resist restrict ht thought as u know in ur mind tht u shyd not be doing other things n u need t o do ur
erwrk n so regulate urself “tell urself :don’t waste ur time doin other thins do ur wrk now”

Tell urself “stop thinking nonsense” ryuglate ur thinking.. as to what u know in ur mind in ur meemry u
shud n shud not do keep urself nt he right path correct urself… n pat ht o ur goals

U know in u r mind htth u shud not waste time doin unimp thgis nso whenve r u oifnd urself doing other
htigsn regulate urself tell urself don’t waste ur itme odign toerh htigsn now” n hence stop urself form
doing other htigsn
If u don’t regulate urself u will be ourt of control u will not do the things u know in r mind u shud be
doing inspite of knoweing it

What you need to do at the thinking level… you need to regulate rself provide self regulatory thoughts
based on what u know in ur mind u shud n shud ntot do… also u need to focus ur mind stop thinking of
other things n think of ur wrk… n imp things…

U know in r mind what u need to be doing so u neee d to regulate urself accordingly make urself getup n
get to wrk, stop urself from doingn thinking of other things by providing self regulatorty thought
commands n instructions…. Motivate ursel f nmake urself do certain things tht u know in ur midnd u
shuid do by providing self regulatory thoughts commands n instructions… u know in ur mind wht u need
to do so u dont need others to tell u .. u only tell yourself n correct urself n direct ureslf n cammadmd
urself n make urself do it ny providing self regulatory thoughts commands n instructions so tht u will do
it on your own… self managing with out other having to tell u to do it…. Self regulation self managing…
self regulating self governing… stop urself from doing n thinking of other things by provisung self
regulatorty thought sinst n commands n makkr e urself do ur wrkn things u know in ur mind u shud be
doing … by providng self regulatory thoughts commands n isnsturvcutions u know in ur mind what u
need to do n u are reminded of it u rember it so on the basis oftht regulate urself by providng self
regulatory thoughts n inst n commands n make urself do it… so now u know what u need to do for if u
donnt regulate urself if u don’t practice self regulation u will be out of control inspite of knwing in ur
mind tht u shud o r shid not do certain things u will not do it u will do it ony if u tell urself to… u may
know in r mind tht u shud not do a certain thing but iu will continue to do it inspit of knowing in ur mind
tht u shud not n u will be unable to mae urself stiop doing it cause u are no telling urself to stop u are
not providng tht thought n inst n command telling urself to stop doing it n hence u continue to do it
inspit of knowing in u rmind ht u shud not do it as u are not stopping urself by providing tht thought
instruction n command telling urself t o stop lackof self regulation.. self control..yo uknwo in ur mid
nwhat oyu nee d to do so accordingly o nteh basis of htth you need to reguatle tyoursefl n make ursefl
do it by cosnntatly correcting ursfle and keeping urself o nthe right path everytiem u stray n u dotn do
the thgis nu know I nru mid nu shud do by proving self regaultory thoguth isn’t and commands n hence
make ur self do ti .. yo uknw oin u m rind what oyu need to do so on the basis o f thth provide a self
regualotry thoguths inst n commands intnetioanlyly knowing lyo n purpose to make yourself do it ..t
okeep ursefl on the right path to prevent urself form straying to make ursefl do the thgis nu know I nr
mid nu shud be oding to correct ur self every teim u stray or u dotn do the thgisn u kwno in ur mind u
shud be doing …. this si what you need to od lack of self regaultion means lack of control by rpovind
cosnntant saelf egualotry thoguths nisnt and commands o nhet basis of what u know I nur mid nu shud
n shud nto do u need ot ostop ursefl from doing certain tnethigsn n makeu r self docertia nthgisn thth u
know in ur mind u shud be odign nhence prevent usef from straying … keep ur sefl on the right path n
correct ursefl everytiem u stry or don t od the thgsin u know in ur mid n ushd be doing…t his siwhat oyu
need to od yo uamy knw oi nur mid nwaht to od but if u don’t regulate uresfl n privde sefl regulatory
thgouth inst n command o nteh basis fo htth u wont do it.. if u sont reguatle urself u will be out of
Nobody body told me what to do n how to do it I was only told dotn pay attention here nther and just
do your studies only and do nt thin kfo oterh htigsn n so on but how to do it n how to stop myself from
paying attention here n hter en hw oot only stud ny how to nto think fo oterh htigsn stop myself from
thignkng of other htigsn thth no body told me… its like I was told ot just drive the car but how to drive
the car no body told me… u have to learn ti yursfl.. figure it out oyursefl… what o do what oyu need ot
odo to be incomplete control fo oyur mind uractiosn n keep urslf on the right path working to wards ur
goal n prevent ursefl form straying
What to do at the memory level and at the thoguth process thinking nelvel cause oyur actions are a
result of your memory n thinking…

U know in ur mind what u need to do n ahud n shud not do so u need to regulate urself stop urself from
doing cerating things tht u know in ur mind u shud not do forcefully inenionally knowing ly at will
onpurpose uit takes effort effort n make uerself do certain things tht u know in ur mind u shud do by
regulating urself providing self regulatory thoughts inst n commands its not a natural process tht if u
knw in r mind tht u have to do acertain thing n not do certain things tht en u will automatically stop
doing it or not do it… or do it..

U need to figure out what u nee d to do to be in control fo oyur actiosn n kwwp ursefl o nteh right path
n prevent ursefl fomr straying n correct uresfl brignurself back o ntrack every time u stray…. U need to
keep certain nthgsi ni nur mid wnhat you need to od and accordingly u need to reguatle ursefl to make
urself do it…

Once u get into a car u shud knw owaht to od u shud know how ot od it u shud jknwo how to drive hth
car otehrhwise u will be confused n u will not know what ot od n you wont be abel to do it get the right
results tht hu want …. If oyu odtn even knw owaht to do tehn you wont be able to od it … yo un eed to
knw owaht to do hwo to do it n what u need oto d to be in cotnroll fo yourself ur mind ur actions and
keep ursefl on the right path n prevent urself form straying… ppl only tell you thth you have to od htsi u
have to study not pa y attention here n ther en ot htignk of other htigsn but no one tells you how t odo
it hwo to make urslef doit n hwo to get htth result hwo ot make ursfl nto think fo other htigsn what oyu
need otod hwo to make urself study how to stop urslf form n nto distract ur mind here n ther e… he
doesn’t even know what he needs to od …. N what o od o nhow ot do it n go about ti … if you don’t
know what to do the nyo uwill nt obe abel to do it… he doesn’t even know what ot od … if oyu don’t
kwno what todo n how to go about ti you wont be able ot od it… n ge the results tht u want .. first of all
u need to knwow what u need to do.. only then u will get the results u want..

Just cause u know I nur mind hth uneed to do a certain htign doesn’t meant hth u will automatically
think of oding it n do it.. u need t o reguatle urself o nthe basiss of htth n make ursefl do it cause u also
have implusve htoguths hth tell u to od otehrh tinsg thth u brain enjoys doing

U need to know what oyu need to do how to manage urself reguatle urself control ursefl keep ursefl on
the right path n make ursefl do certia nthgis non ur own withoutotehrs telling u rto do it.. hwo to keep
ursefl on the right path and not stray n get diverted… hw ot be in control of ur thogutsh ur acitons … ur
mind and so on…

You know in ur midn what oyu should and should nto do its hterh ein urmdnudnn n u have not
fprporgotten it so accrodingly u need ot regualte ur thinking nur actions by proving self erugaltory
thgoutsh… to make urself do what you know I nur mid nu shud do…

U know in ur mind what need to do so accordingly u need to regulate urself n make urself do it get a
grip on ur mind bring rur mind vbabck on track…
Don’t think o g other thiggns stop urself from thinking of others n make userlf think of ur wrk develop a
habit of resistance n restracnt practice self regulation eat cake don’t eat cake trick… uincerease ur
resuilnce self regulation one more sum one more chapter n self reguylation n controll..”stop ytthinking

U knw in ur mind what u need to be doing so regulate urself n stop urself from doing other things n
make urself do urr wrk control control control… regulate ur impuulsuve thouhhghts n actions…

U knw in urm ind what u shud n hsud not od so accordingly regaulte urself stop urself from doing certain
nthgsi n namke urselsf do certia nthgisn

U need to know what u need to do how to be in total contoroll f ur actions u r mind u know how to
regulate urself.. to wrk towards ur goals n imp things in life…

What you need to do at the thinking level:-

U know in n ur mind what u need to do in ur sensible memory so regulate urself accordingly n make
urself do it..

A) Regualting your htinking:-

Focus n concentrate ur mind stop usrself fro m thinking of certain things n make urself thinlk of mp
things:- u nee d to focus ur mind 100% on it n wen u think of other things then reulate bring urmind
back stop urself fromthinking of other things n make urself think of ur wrk… don’t distract ur mind
divert ur attention ehere n ther ethink of other unimp things think of ur wrk n imp things keep ur
mind fiully in ur wrk
Stop urself frm thinking of other thingsn make urseflf think of ur wrk n imp things

Focsau n concentrate ur mind 100% o ti n whenever u think fo other things bring ur mind back stop
urself from thinking of otherh thgsin by reguatling ursefl… thin kof oyur work only don’t distract divert
urmidn else where keep ur mind I nur wrk only…

You will do oyur work only if oyu think of oyur work and think fo wjaht work to do n how ot od it so
think fo oyur work thin kwaht work to od n how to od it n soo n think n decide… dotn think fo oterh

Resist the impulsive thoughts which are a result of primitive memory (tht tell u to do other things) :-

B) Regualting your actions:-

Stop your sefl from doing certain nthigns (htth u know in u r mind in ur sensible memeory u shud not
do):- don’t do other things … all other things laters on toa void at all cost list larn to say no to it..

Make yourself do certain things (htth u know in u r mind in ur sensible memeory u shud be doin):-
Tell urself” lets get to wrk now lets not waste time we have a goal to achive motivate urwself make
urself do it” do one more sun ome mre chapter one moere problem” “no pain no gain if u want to
achieve ur goal u need to work hard for it” “don’t lay down don’t sleep” tell urself instruct command

So u know now what u need to do

Un derstand hwo the brian wrks an what you need ot do at the memeory lvl n at the thinking lvl

U need to regulate urself otherwise u wont do it if u are out of control then u are not regulating urself…
provide a regulatory thought make urself stpop doing certain things u know in ur mind u shud not do n
make urself do certain things tht u know in ur mind u shud be doing…

U know in ur mind in ur sensible memry as to what is imp n wht u shud n shud not do so accordingly
regulat resflf n make urself do it…

Self monitoring:-
Know what u atre thinking of Be aware of the thought sgoin on in ur head know what are you thinking
of ewaht am I thinking of id s it imp? If not then regulate urself

Know what you are doing… What am I doing? Wehere am I putting my energy to is it imp? Of any
benefit progress or ggain

U need to keep certaint hings in ur mind things like u shud nt be wasting ur time n so on wht ur gaoal is
n sonn wht u need to do for it n so on so tht u don’t forget it and as its ther in ur mind it ovccurs to u n u
are reminded of it n so u thin k accordingly u think “lets not waste time now lets get to wrk now”
regulate ursekf n so you do…

As its ther in rur mind , You remember it its therhe in ur mind I nur memeory what you need to do You
know in ur midn what you need to do and so you think think accordingly and hence you do it…

You knowi n ur mind what you need otod and so when you don’t do the htigsn u aresupposed to be
doing then you are remnded of it n so oyu think n correct ursefl n u do it…

U need ot keep in mind the things thth you need ot do thigns like what oyur goal is what you need ot do
to ahcivei ur goal, thth u shud not wase teime doin unimp thgis nn once u lose time u will never get it
back, n thth u shud not think of oteh rthisgn u shud not divert urmind else where u shud think of wrk
only focus concnetraate keep urmind I nwrk only only h then uwill do ur wrk not other wise u need ot
keep all this in urmind so htht u rmemeeb r it n so thth its ther ein ur mind what oyu nee t odo you
know in ur mind what oyu need to do…

You know in ur mind what oyu need to od and so regulate ursefl and make ursefl doit..
This is what u need to do (to be in control of urself):-
U need ot keep in mind the things thth you need ot do thigns like what oyur goal is what you need ot do
to ahcivei ur goal, thth u shud not wase teime doin unimp thgis nn once u lose time u will never get it
back, n thth u shud not think of oteh rthisgn u shud not divert urmind else where u shud think of wrk
only focus concnetraate keep urmind I nwrk only only h then uwill do ur wrk not other wise u need ot
keep all this in urmind so htht u rmemeeb r it u don’t forget it n so thth its ther ein ur mind what oyu
nee t odo you know in ur mind what oyu need to do… so now tht u know in ur mind what u need to do…
so regulate ureself accordingly to make urself do it n follow it. U know in ur mind what u need to do so
regulate ur eslf accordingly n make urself do it

U need to get a grip on ur mind by regulating urself resisteing ur impulsive thoughts thinking n actions n
make urself do n think of what u know in ur mind in ur sensible memory u shud be doing… n stopiing
urself form doing n thinking of what u know in ur sensible memory u shud not be doing… by providing
self regulatory thought s commands n inst constsntly n hence constantly keeping urself on the right
path correcting urself bringing urself backeverytime u stray.. n keeping urself on the path to ur goal….

Its like this u set out for a lng journey u know in r ind where u want to go tht u want to go to this
destination… butthen as u are walking along tht path to ur goal in the jungle u see beautiful birds and so
u ge distracted n u think lets see what tht is n sio u go in the jungle to see the birds n u are absorbed in
bird watcyhhingn n u forget all about ur goal ur distibnation.. ur mind is distracted its no long ether in
ur midnd then u think u asak urself what is ur goal why did u set out on this jourbney n what u need to
do to achieve ur goal then u rember tht ur goal n what n uneed to do to achive ur goal so now its ther
ein ur mind tht u have this goal t achieve n so u think lets get beack on th path n so u do… then aagain
after some time yousee beautiful flowers n u ge distracted and go back in the jungle check outthe
beautiful floiwers n tress n reivers n u have forgotten all about uer goal ntthen suddenly u rember ut its
there some where in ur mind n it occurs to u tht u have a goal to achieve so u regulate urself u think lets
not waste time lests get back on the path we have a goal to achieve …. Its like tht self correcting
keeping urself on the path to ur goal… reminding yourself so tht u rember wha t you need to do so tht
its ther ein ur mind n u don’t forget n regulating urself accordingly..

Instruction manual on how to use the gbrain.. how the brain works n what u need to do to control the
brain to be in control of urself n ur actions n keep ur mind focused n keep urself on the path to urgoal
say no to aother things not get dostarted n diveted else where n constantly be on the aopath tto ur goal
n working tconstantyly towards achieveing ur goal without getting distracted… total self control nif u get
distracted do get distracted then know what to do how to correct urself how to immidiaetely bring
urself back.. to ur goal the patht to ur goal wrking to ur goal… n so tht u are self managing self initiative
self doigng it u do it on ur ownwithout any one having to tell uto do it… know how to manage urself
know what u need to do so tht other don’t ahave to tell u to do it n u do it on ur own know what u need
to do inorder to make urself do things on r ur own without others having to tell u to do it… how to bring
urself back keep a grip on urself make urself do the things uknow in ur mind u shud do..

U know in ur mind what u need to do but if u don’t act on it if u don’t regulate urseklf on the vbasis of
tht if u dotnt stop urself from doing certain things n mak e urself do certain things forcefully
intentionally kowinglyon purpose by providing a seklf regulatory thought if u don’t regulate urseklf on
the vbasis of tht then u will be out of control…
Thoguht process u need to practise thoguht regualtion n controll know what goes on at th ethgotu
hlevel what u think fo n so on.. n hwo to reguatle ur thinking u need to know what u need to do at the
thougt process level
Think of ur wrk what wrk to od what shud I do now lets do this today think ndecid e u will do u rwrk only
if u thin k fo doing it not oterh htwise

Igf u have forgotten what u need to do n its no longer ther ein ur mind in ur mmemory whaat u need to
do then u wont do it… as you know in urmind n its ther in ur mind what u need to don so u think
accordingly n hence u do it… for eg:- if u are doing other things or start to do other things then as u
know in ur mind tht ushd not wast et ime doing unimp things cause once u lose ytime u will never get it
back so u think “lets not not awaste time doing this now lets get to wrk now” n so u stop doing tht n u
get to do ur wrk…

U need to understand how the brain wrks n u need to know wht u need to u do to be in control of ur
mind ur hthinking ur actions n keep urself on the patht o ur goal l prog ur mind refiocus ur mind on
achieveing ur goal n keep ursekf consttntly wrking to ur goal n n not get diverted n deviated here n there
else where..

How to be in control of ur mind ur thought n ur actions n keep urself on the patht o ur goal n not stray…
U need to know what u need to do at the memory level n at the thinking level

If u have forgotten what you need to od you have forgotten what you need to od n its nolonger there in
ru mind in ur memory then you wont doit cause its no longer there in ur mind n in ur memory tht u
have to do it n so it doesn’t occur to u… n so u don’t think accordingly n so u don’t do it..… so keep in
mind n don’t forget what you need to od

U know in ur mind what u need to do n so it occurs to u n u are reminded of it n so u think accordingly n

hence u do it

U know in ur mind what u need to do n so u think accordingly n hence u do it

As its thre in ur mind tht u have to do this n so u think accrodignly and hence u do it…

At the memory lvl:-

(programming the mind to succeed input in mind I nmemeory so tht hu remebr n not forget store in
mind like terminator keep ur goal in ur sight in foront of u in ur mind what urgaol is so htth u rmemeber
n its htherein ur mid ntht u have a gaol to achveive n u need to wrk to achviei ur gaol)
u need to keep in mind:- u need to keep in mind what you need ot od what ur goals are n what wrk u
need ot od to achevie iur gaol n what u need t od oso thth u don’t forget u rmemeber n its therh ein
urmid nwaht you need to do things like what oyur goal is what you need ot do to ahcivei ur goal, thth u
shud not wase teime doin unimp thgis nn once u lose time u will never get it back, n thth u shud not
think of oteh rthisgn u shud not divert urmind else where u shud think of wrk only focus concnetraate
keep urmind I nwrk only only h then uwill do ur wrk not other wise u need ot keep all this in urmind so
htht u rmemeeb r it u don’t forget it n so thth its ther ein ur mind what oyu nee t odo you know in ur
mind what oyu need to do… so now tht u know in ur mind what u need to do… n u rember utit u know in
urn mind wht u shud n shud not do n so u thin accoedringly n regulate urselfn hence u do it… n also wen
u don’t dot he things u are supposed to do it occrs to u n u r remided of it n u correcturselkf buy thinking
hh dothis oghh ddont do this n hence u do it…
How to keep it in mind(methods n techniques to keep inmind): - 1) by reminding ursefl… 2) by recalling
asking urself self introspection self programming self reallising refociusing ur mind on it on ur goal
bringing ur mind back self reprogramming the mind bringing urself back on track n refocusing
redirecting reseeting reprogramming the mind making urself rember n biroingiu rmind focus n
attetintion back on the goal n bring urself back ion the goal n redirecting ur focus to utr goal.. incase u
have forgotten… self remind n recall what u r goal is wht u need ot od on so on so thth u
remember it n its back I nurm ind I ncase u have forgotten in case u have forgotten it total recall 3)
Refreshing ur memory revising reading the rules instrucitos does n dotn everyday every morning so htht
its hter ein rumind I nur memeory what u need to do n u rember it n u dotn forget u know in ur mind
what u need to do… ttaol recall ask urself what is ur gaol what you want ot achivei n what u need to od
to acheve urgaol n so on… so thth u remember what u r goal is wht u want ot have n what u need to do
to achvei eiur goal n ur mind is refocusedo n ur goal ur goal is in ur sight in front of u n I nur mind… n as
u know I n ur mind so u think I have a gaol to ahcve I n I have to get t work of r it n so u do.. 4) flash
cards with instructions written ton it to remind urself u know reinput in ur memory… so tht u rember it
as u ar reminded of it n u don’t forget wht u need to do its there in ur mind what u need to do “keep
shipping” “don’t laydown don’t sleep”
4) Refreshing the momory reading 4) thinking the more u think about it the more it will get stored
in ur minf 5) practice repitiyion doing it again ana gin
At the thinking level:-

U know in ur mind what u need to do so u don’t need others to tell u .. u only tell urself provide self
regulatory thoughts instructions n commands regulate uyreslf n make urself do it… do it on ur own
without anyone having to tell u to do it…

As its there in ur mind so u rember it n when u do other ythings u are reminded of it n so u think lets not
waste time doing other things now” n regulate urself

U know in ur mind what u need to be doing so regulate n cotnroll ursefl accordingly as per what oyu
know in urm idn u shud n shud not do n make ursefl do ti

This is what oyu need to do:-

You know in your mind what you need to do its there in ur mind thth you should nto waste your time
thinking of otehrhtigsn n tht u shud think of ur wrok only focus ur mind o nur wrk n u shud not waste ur
time odin oteher unimp thgisn n u shud do ur wrk only and so on so regulate urself accordingly by
providing self regulatory thoughts instructions n commands n telling urself n hence making urself stop
doing the things thth u know I nur mind u shud not be oding n making urself do the thgisn thth u know
in ur mind u shud be doing… n regulating yourself correcting urself ocnsnstatly everytime you stray… n u
don’t do the things u know in ur mind u are supposed to be doing… keeping urself on the path to oyur
goal n bringing urself back o nthe apath everytime u stray… stopping urslf form doing thigns hht tu know
in ur mind u shud not be oding n making urself do things thth u know in ur mid nu shud be doing be
regulating urslef providing self reguatlory htogtush inst and commands and telling ursefl..
For eg:- you know in ur mind tht u shud not waste ur time thinking of other unimp thgisn n u shud think
of ur work u will do ur work only if oyu think fo oding u r work… so be aware of the htoguths goin o nin
ur head know what oyu are htinkign of and whenever u find oyursefl dthinkig nfo oterh htigsn … then as
u know in ur mind u shud not waste ur time thinking nfo other htigns so regyualte urself accordingy tell
urself to stop htinkign of other htigsn make urslef stop thinking of oterh htigsn n mmake u rself
itnionally on purpose knowingly at will think fo oyur work by telling ureslf reguatling urself prrovindg a
self regulatory thoguth inst n command n telling urself “stop wasting ur hime thingkig nof oterh htigsn n
think of ur wrk htth is more imp”

You know in ur mind what u need to do n what u shud n shud not od so accordingly reguatle urself to
make ursefl do it to correct ursefl every tiem u don’t od it or u stray or u get diverted to bring urself back
o nthe right path n to cosnntly keep urself on the path to ur goal... n to mak e urself do the things thth u
know in ur mind u shud do n stop odign the things u know in ur mid nu shud n ot od conssntly reguatle
urslef… n keep urself on the right path n prevent urself form straying.. n correct urself brign urself back o
nteh right path everytime u stray n u odnt do the thgisn u know in ur mind u are supposed to od or u do
the things u know in ur mind u shud nto do… correct ursefl… by cosntnatly reguatling ursefl telling urslf
proividng self reguatlory thgouths inst n commands n ccorrectign urself n birignign urslef back on the
right path n making urslef do the thgis nu know in ur mind u shud be oding… n stop doing the htigsn u
know I nru mind u shud not be doing..

U know in ur mind what u need to od so accordingly reguatle ureslf correct urself keep urself on the
right path consntly provide cosntnatl self correcting self controlling self regualtign thoguths inst s n
commands inorder to correct ursefl cosnntaly everyitme u stray u eget divert ed or u don’t do theh
tigns u aknow in urmid nu are supposed to do n make urself do the things u knwoi n urmdin u are
supposed to do keep ureslf o nteh right apth wrking towards u rgaol.

U know in ur mind what u need to do so regulate urself accordingly tell urself providre constnt thoughts
inst commands n make urself do it

U know in ur mid in ur senesibel memory nwaht u need to od what oyu shud n hud not do so accordinlgy
regualte urself n make urslef do it

U know I nur mid nwaht u need ot be doing its hteh rein ur mind htt hur time is very imp n htth u shud
nnot waste ur tiem doing unimp thgisn s owhenever u rdo other htigns tell urself reguatle urself make
urslef stop doing other htingsn make urself do ur wrk..

U know in ur midn what u need ot od n so consntantly regulate urself accordingly procivde self regualtry
htogtush inst n commands ocnanstnsntly to keep urslef o nthe irhgt path prevent uself form straying n
makeu rslef do theht igns u know in ur mid nu shud do n stop urslef form doing things htht u kwnoi n ur
mind u shud not do …

U know in ur mid nwaht oyu need ot od and so u need ot reguatle urself accordingyl nad make urself do
Uknowi n ur mind what u need ot od n so it occurs to u n so u are remindedo f it n so u think accordingly
n hence u do it

U know in ur midn what u need ot od and so oyu think accordingly and hence oyu do ti…

Just cause u know in ur mind tht u need ot be doing a certain nthgis ndoseenot meant ht hu will
automatically think accordingly and on ur own naturalltly do it on ur own… this is a forced process u
know in ur mind what u need ot od so u need ot regulate urself accoedingly and tell ur self ot do it force
ursefl make urself follow it and so it by intentionally knowingly providing thoguths inst n command n
and knowingly intneionalylyl at will on purpose proivede a regaulatroy thoguth instructiosn ndad
command and make urself do ti forcefully on purpose do wahht u know I nur mind u shud be doing…
U need to regulate urself accordingly n make urself do it… follow it

If uare out of control n u are not doing it then its either tht u don’t know or understand what to do n
why (ythe know how the way to do it n go abiut it ) or its not there in ur memory u have forgotten wat
to do wht u r goal is n so on tht u ahave to achieve ur goal n u need to do ur wrk for it or its there in ur
mindn n uknow what to do but u are not acting on it n regulating urself ur actions n thinking

Ur thoughts are the cause of ur actions know how to be in control of ur actions by being in control of ur
thoughts… ur thoughts are ersposnsible for u starting and stopping ur action… first u think of doing
some thing only then u do it… first u think of stopping some thing or doing something else only then u
stop doing it… to be in control f uractions u need to be in control of ur thoughts

Un less n untill u don’t provide a regualtoryhtogut hinstn command tellign relf to stop u will nto stop
inspoite of knwoing in ur mid ntht hu shud nto od it… u will continue to do it cause u are nto ergaultign
urself n prodiving thth thoguth inst command telling nrusefl to stop u are nto making usefl stop malke
urslef stop by proviing thth thoguth inst n ocmamnd

The process of self control nregualtion how it works:-

Its there in ur mind you know in ur mind what you need to do and so it occurs to u u are cosnntsly
reminded of it and so oyu think accordingly ( regulate ursefl) and hence you do it…

You know in ur mind tht hyou should not od oterh tigsn , thth u shud nto waste ur time doing unimp
things thth u shud utilize ur tiem n do ur work only, you know in ur midnd htht u have a goal to achvie ie
n u shud be working har d for it, you knowi n ur mind htth u shud focus ur mind not waste ur time
thinking of oteh rh unimp thgsin hth tu shud nto think of unimp things htht u shud think fo imo thigns n
work only then u will do ur wrk, you know in ur mid ntht u need ot provide reguatlory thogtush to
correct urself n maek ursefl stop thinking n doing certain nthgis n namkeusrself do n think fo certain
thgisn… and so u are reminded fi t I it occurs to oyu ad n so u od it… u follow it n pracitse it…

For eg:- you are watching TV but oyu know in ur mid ntht hur exams are coming n u needo t stiudt y for
it n it occurs to u u are reminded of it n so u think “lets not waste time watching tv lets get to study now
the exams are coming”
For eg:- you know in ur mind htth you r exams are coming nu need ot study fo ri t n so u think “lets get
to stud y hteexams are coming” n os u do
For eg:- you knw in ur mid nthth u hsud not waste ur time doing unimp thgisn n thth u hsud do imp thgis
nonly n so when u do oterh ht unimp thgis n uare reminded fi t it occurs to u n so u think “lets nto waste
time doing uinimpt hgsin lets get to wrk now”
For eg:- you know in ur mind what u need to od htht u hsud nto waste ur time thinking of unimp things n
otehrh tigns n htth u hsud focus your mind o nru ewrk concentrate ur mid on ur wrk n think f our wrk
only think of imp thgisn like wirk on yl then u will do ur work so when eever u find userlf thinking nof
other unimp thigs nu are reminded of it as its hterhe in ur mind in ur sensible memory so it occurs to u
uremeebr it n so u think “dotn waste tiem thinking of unimpth igs think f our work what wrk ot od n so
on” n so u reguatle ursefl n u stop thnking of otehrh tigns n u start thinking of ur wrk

For eg: - You know in ur mind tht you have ot od this n complete this wrk today its there in u mind n so it
occurs to u u are reminded of it its rhe in ur mind htht u have o to do this n complete this n so u think “
lets not waste tiem lets get to do this work now” n so u do…

For eg:- U know in ur mid what you need to od tht u need ot eregualte ur thinking n resist ur impulsive
htoguths n so you do

For eg:- u know I nur mid nhtht ur impulsive thoughts lead ot impulsive acitosn n htht u need ot resitrict
n reugalte ur impulsive thoguts n practice thoguth control n provide reguatlory thogtush to control
nregualte ursefl n so you do

Do oyu even know what to do n how to od it he knows exactly what to do to n how to od it… n how the
voice works do u even know how to isng its nto just do it therh eis a technique a wat to do it tis acraft u
need ot knw ohwo to od it… the way of doing ti what ot do ot ge what result… what you need ot od to
get what outcome or result thth you want .. and what resut u will get if oyu do what.. know how the
voice works and so on.. n what o uneed ot do to get hwat reuguslt ht hu want.. he knwosexactly what he
is doing n why to get what results he know exactly what to do .. hwe know s what he siis doignn what
nhe needs to od to get what result.. do oyu eve n know hwo to odo it n hwat ot od n what you are doing
n what reustl oyu are getting..

U need to know what u need to do

Regulate ur thinking be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head knw wht u are thinking of… resist ur
impulsive thoughts tht tell u to do unimpthings n other things tht u know in ur mind u shudnt be doin

U get an impulsive htoguth I nur mind telling u to other things but u know in ur mid ntht uhave wrk to
od so u ereglate urself n resisit those imoulsve htoguths u control those impulsive htogutshressit say no
to those impulsive thogths by thinking “no we have wrk to od lets nto waste tiem doing oteh htintggs ur
time si imp lets nto waste the aday letrs not do thth now we can do all tht hlater on lets getto wrk
nowthths more imp we have a gaol to achvei” as its hhrehin urmidn u know in ur mind so u think
accordingly n resit htose impulsve I thoughts n u do.. what u know u shud be oding n don’t do what u
know u shud not be doing I nur mind

Ur htoguths lead ot actions to be in control f our acitosn u need ot bein ocnrtol lfo yur thgotush prcatise
thoguth control resist ur impulsive htogtush sayn o tot them
Ur htoguths r d caz of ur actions frst u thk of doin sumthng only thn u do it… to be in control f our
acitosn u need ot bein ocnrtol lfo yur thgotush prcatise thoguth control n regultn… provide slf reg
thoughts to strt n stop action… whenv evr u get implsive thoughts telln u to do thngs u knw in ur
sens9inble memry u shudnot be doi cause u hav imp thngs to do thn resis those thght say no to it by
prvidng self regultry thghts… knw wht r u thnlkn of wht thts are goin on in ur head wht m I thnkn of is it
imp? Am I thkn of wrk n imp thngs …whenvr uu thnk of unimp thngs stp urslf frm thnkn of unimp thngs
n mke urslf thnk of ur wrk n imp providing regultry thghta as u knw in ur sensible memry u
shudnot thnk of other thngs wstre tijme tghnkn of nonsens4e n unimp thngs thtv will giv u no beneft
gain or progress n tjhkn oof ur wrk as u will do ur wrk only if u thnk of ur wrk wht wrk to do n so on …
focus n concntrte ur mijnd don’t put urb mind attntn here n there to othr thngs dnt thnk of othr thngs
thk of ur wrk nt divrt n distrct ur mind n if ur mind does get dstrctd thn bring it back

U know in ur mind thth u hsud nt be wasteing ur time… n so u reguatle urself accordingly… by provoding
self regulatory thoughts inst n commands to make urself do it

Regualte ur thinkign as to what u know I nru mid nu shud n shud nto be doing… oprovidfe a regulatory
thought n make ursel d o it

U knw in ur mind wht u shu d odo so tergulte ur thinking accordingly n provide regulatory thoughts n
make urself do it

Be aware o f hteh thoughts going ion in ur mid nwaht u are htinkig nfo n regulate hn control ur htogutsh
stop urself form thinking nfo toerh things streamline nfioilter ur htoguths
Be awawre of the thoughts going on in ur mind n regulate ur thinking as to what u know in ur minfd u
shud n shud not bedoing

U need to know what u need to do… regulate ur thinking so on as tpo n according to what u know in ur
mind u shud n shud nort be doing provide self regulatory self correctigng thoughts inst n commands to
constantly correct urself keep urself on the right path n make urselfd o what u know in ur mind u shud
be doing n not do wht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing get a grip over ur sekf ur sctions ur
thoughts n ur thinking
Be aware iof thtthoughts going on in ur mind know what thoughts u get telling u to do what n regulate
ur thoughts control rur thoughts based on what u know in ur mind u shud n nshud not be doing n

Provide regulateory thoughts as to what u know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing n to make urself
do it

U know in ur mind wht u need to do so regulate urself accirdingly by procing seklf regulayory thought s
to make urself do it…

U know in ur mind wht u need yto do so regulate ur thinkin accorduingly control ur thoughts to make
urself d o it

After memory the next thing is thinking... you just need to deal withthese two processes n know what
to sdo about these internms of these to processes to be in control of urselfn egulate ursactions
Be aware of hteht toughts going o ni nur mind know what oyu are thinking… reguatle ur thinking nthink
fo your work what work to od n imp thgsin n so on… not of unimp thgsi nregautle ur thinking… get a
groip control on ur mindn ur thoughts…

Rwegulate urself n ur actions accordingly by regulating ur thinking be in controllof ur thoughts

“lets not waste time lrets get to wrk now”

U know I nur mid nwaht u neeed to od so accoedingyl reguatle ureslf by reguatlign ur thinking nmake
urself do it

U need ot regulate ur thinking accordingly as to what you know in ur mid nu shud be doing n have
cotnroll fover ur htogtush think f our ewrk lnot htinkof other htigsn stop urself form thinking of other
hrtisngsn n make urself rthink of oyur work only… ressit ur impulsive htogutsh htth tell ur to od oterh
htigns tht hu know in ur mid nu shud nto boe doing … n make urself do things thht u know I nru mind u
shud be doing by providing self regulatory thgotush inst n c commands on purpose intentionslallt y
providing self regulatory thgostuht st o correct ursefl reguatle ur acitosn n ur thinking no nt htebasisi of
what u know I n urmid n in ur sensible memory u shud n nshud nto be oding

Resgualte ur thinkig ana s to what u know I nru mdi n ushud n shd not be doing … n hence make urself
do it … so now u know what you need to od at hth etwo process of the mind the memory and the
thinking level so dod it n follow it… to be in control of oyturaself n uractions

All of my issuesn problems and lack of control was due ot my lack of self reguatlion control over my
thinkignn mememroy ad n cause I simply didn’t know what to od n so ui was nto abel to be I ncontroll of
my mind my htinkig nn my memory n I was out of control odign things I was not supposed to do
insteadof doing things I am supposed ot od

It was all a result of a lack of self reguatlion not knowing how to control myself and my actions… n
regulate myself… thth is why I lost a lot of time…

I don’t wasn’t to od it nin a tension or worried way but I nand intelligent way with knowledge nknwoign
n understanding n knowing what otodo how ot regulate myself n control myself my mind my memory
thinking n other processes n hence my acitons

For some ppl they see tth texmas are coming they get tionse n worried so its hter ein their mind htht
thoguth n worry nits hthrein their mmemeory the exnams are coming nerves worry tension fear n so
they think lets study now out of worry n fear n n they od it naturally automaitocally without
understnaidng the process thth lead sds t oaciton… I want to od it in an intelligent way at will knowingly
what I need ot od hwo to regtuglate mymsyslef my thogutsh memmeoryn actions knowing the process
how the brain works n what I need oto do to b ie ninc ontroll fo my mind my mind processes memeory n
thinking n what to od what I need oto do how to be incontroll fo therhe s procese n hence make myself
od it be in cotnroll fo my acitosn hwo thehse processes wrk n what I need ot od to be in control fo mt y
mind n acitons n do it in in a knowing way as to hwat otod n what I am doing nah way n in an intelligent
way.. knwoign the process hw otit worksn what ot od to be in full cotnroll fo my mind mental process n
hwo to be inn control n my actions…
For eg u know in ur mind tht once u lose time u will never get it back n so uneed to utilize ur time by
doing ur wrk n make the most of it n not wsaste it n tht u shud not be wasting ur time… u need to do ur
wrk n not waste time doing nothing in sloth lazyness or thinking nonsense or doing unimp th ings tht u
need to make the moset of ur day n do ur wrk n so u think…. “lets not waste time lets get to wrk
immediately” n so u do

U know in ur mind what u need to do n so eregulate uresalf accordingly bb y providing self regulatory
thoughts instructionsn command… n make ursel df do it

Frm knowing n understanding to -> memory to-> thinking to -> action the process how I t works

U know in rur mind tht u shud not weaate time n so u think “lets not waste anymore time lets get to
wrk” n so u regulate urself n so u do..

U know in ur mind what u need to do so accoedrdingly provide rergulatory thoughts to intioonally too
mak e urself do it

U know I n ur mind tht u shudnt be wasting ur time n so u are reminded of it n so u think “lets not waste
time lets ge t to wrk immediately” n so u do..

I need to understand the process so tht I kno what I need to do

U know in ur mind what u need to be doing so regulat urself accordingly by providing self regulatory
thoughts n make ursaeklf do it

U know in ur mind what u need to do n so regulate urself accordingly by provoding a self regulatory
though t instruction n command n make urself do it resist ur impulsieve thoughts

U know in ur mind what u need to do so accordingly intentionally knowingly on purpose provide

regulatory thoughts accordingly to regulate urself direct urself correct urself control make urself do it n
rsis impulsive thoughts tht tell u to do other things say no to them as u know in ur mind what u need to
sddo to stop uself from doing other things practice rthought control self regulationnt to regulate urself u
know what u need t o do in urmind so u sont need others to tell u uonly tweell urself provide self
regultry thoughts n instructions n makes urseflf do it practice thought control provide regulatory
thoughts inst commands to regulate urself regulate ur thinking n actions..

U know in ur mind what u need to do so accordingly provide regulatory thoughts inst command to
make urself do it… practis e thought regulation control to correct urself n keep urself on the right path
If u don’t regulate urself then u will be our t of control u need to stop urself from thinking n oing other
things u need to provide regulatory things n commamds rto make urself do it

U know win ur mind what u need to do so regulate urself accorduingly on the basis of tht to make urself
do it n follow what uknow in ur mind u shud be doing if u don’t regulate urself then u will be out of
control n u wont do it ptovide regulatory thoughts intentionally to regulate ur thinkignn actions…

This is what you need to do:- U know in ur mind what u need to be doing so accordingly on the basis of
tht regulate urself n make urself do it by providng regulatrory thoughts uinstructionsn commamds to
make ursel f do it follow it by inteionally on purpose knowingly providing self regulatory thoughts n
commamds as to what iu know on the basis according to what u know in ur mind u sud be doing so as to
make urseld do it correct urself n n keep urself on the right path… u know in ur mind what u need to do
so u only tell urself n make urself do it u don’tneed others to tell u … u only tell urself… n make urself
do it…

U know in ur mind what u need to do u know it in ur memory so on the basis of tht hintentionalyly on
purpose provide regulatory thgotus hisnt commands to make ursefl do ti n thin kfo certia nthgis nn to
stop ursefl form doing n thinking nfo certia nthgsin

This is what u need ot od o ath the thgotuh leve:- practice though control
U know in ur mid what u need ot od so on the basis of htth … intemtnionalyl on propose knowing ly
provide regulatory htoguth inst n commands ot make ursefl do it

U know I nu rmidn what u need ot od an d so on the basis of htth regulate ursefl n make urself do it by
intentionalyly on puroses proividng a sefl regualtorty thgotush inst n command
If u don’t regulate ursefl n provide self regulatory htogtu htne u will be dout of control

The natural automatic process: - U know in ur mind wah t to do n so u are reminded of it n it occirs ot u
n so u think accoridngyl n regulate n correct urself n hence u do it
For eg:- whne u are doing other htigns as u know I n rum ind u hsud not waste ur time doing other
hrigsn n so it occurs to u .. n so u think” lest nto waste tieem doing toerh htgisn lets get to work now” n
so u regulate urself n so u stop doing it n get to work..

For eg:- you get a impulsive thgout hin u rm idn to od other hrtigsn but aas you know in ur mind thth u
shdu nt owaste itme doing other htigsnn htth u have a gaol to achevie I nso u need t obe doin ur wrk for
it n so u think “lets nto waste time doing other thgisndo ur wrk now” n u regulate ureslf n resist thth
impulsve thogutsh n stop urself form doing ti n u get odo ur work..

U need to know n understand how th emind works and the processes invovled n what oyu eed to do to
be in cotnroll of oyurslf so htht u know what ot od n u have 100% control n u wont stray even if oyu
want to stray
Prog the mind to succeed and thought control:-

U know in ur mind what you need to be doing so accordingly on the basis of tht regaulte urself provide
reguatlory thgouths inst n commands to make urself do things thh u know I nur mdin u shud be doing to
stop urslef form doing htigsn thht u know I nur mind u shud nto be doing to resist urimpulsvie htogutsh
ht tell u to o doter hgins to stop thinking of other htigns to makeu rself think f our work n imp thgisn … u
know in ur mid nwaht u need ot od so accordingly regualt e urslef intneionalyly on pupose provide
regulatory thoguths inst comamdns ot make urself do it n follow it… practice thoguth control… u know I
nur mid nwaht u need otod so u don’t need other to tell u u only tell urself n make urslef doit… if oyu
don’t reguatle urself if oyu odnt porveregualtory thgouth on the baiss of what u know u shud n shud nto
od it u dotn reugalte urself by intentionally providing reguatlory htoguth tto make urslef do what u
knwoi n ur mid nu hsud be oding hten u wont do it Iu will be ourt of control

U know I nur mid nwaht u need to od so reugalte urselfo n the basis of htht by providing a regulatory
htoguth inst n command intentioanlyly n on piurpose knowing ly at will provede a reguatlory thgouth
on the basis of htht according to thth to make ursefl floolw it n do it if you don’t reguatle urself on the
basis of tht n the basis of wht u know in ur mind u shdud be doing if oyu odnt provde a self regaulotry
correcting directing instructing thgotuhs commands n inst u wont do it inspite of knowing in ur mind
wht to do n u will not stop doing things tht u know in ur mind u shudnt do inspite of knowing u shudnt
do it u will be out od f control ,,… cause u are not making urself stop n making urself do it by provisdng
regulatory thoughts ont ht e basis of wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud not do

You r thoguths are the coause of ur acitons so to be in control fo yur thogtush u need ot be in control fo
your acitosn u know I nur mind what un eed ot od so on th e basis of thth itentnetioanlly on purspose
tell ureslf n provide regulatory htogtush instn commands to make ursefl do ti .. practice thogutsh control
be in cotnroll fo oyur htogusht to be I ncotnrol lfo oyur acitosn… provide regaulat toryt hoguth
instntenionalyl knwoinglyn forcefully n on purpose if oyu odnt regautle urself n provide reguatlory
htgotush to correct urself make urself do what u know I n urmidn u shud be odign then u will be out of

U know I nu rm id nwaht u need to od so controll nreguatle urself accordingly by intnetionallly providing

self reguatlory thgoutsh n instn ncommands ot make urself do it keep urself on the right path n correct
urself everytime u stray if u don’t regulate ursefl o nteh basis of hwat u nknw oi n ru mind u shud n
shud nto be doing the nu will be out of control… u wont od it inspite of knowi nit in ur mind what u shud
do.. cause thoguths lead ot acitosn n u need ad athgouth inst n command to d o it correct ursefl.. give
direction to ursefl… instrucitosn to ursefl as to what to do a s to what u know I nur mind u shud do

Practice thoguth control nreugaltion to make urself od what u know I n urmid nu shud be doing

Ur thgoutsh are the cause of ur acitosn so to be in control of ur actiosn u need ot be in control fo oyur
htoguhs practice thoguth control n regulation
Ur thogutsh are the coause of ur acitosn to be in cotnroll f our acitosn u need to be in control f our
htoguths pracitse thgouth ocntroll… u know I nur mind wht u need ot odo so accordingly o npurpose
provide self reguatlory thgoutsh inst n comamdns ot make uresfl do it

U know in ur mind what u need to be doing so accordingly reugalte ursefl to make ursefl do it by
providing self reguatlory htogtush instrucitosnand commands practice thgouth control

U know in ur md I nwaht u need to od so accordingly control ur thoguths n regulate ur htinkign ot make

urself do it.. ur acitosn are a result of ur htginkign to be I ncotnroll f our acitosn u need to be in cotnroll f
our thoguths practis thought ocntroll… regulate ur thinking

Ur thogutsh are the cause of your acitons and so to be I ncontroll fo oyur acitosn u need ot regulate ur
thgouths be aware of theh thoughts going o nin ur mind wknow hwat oy uare htinkign of n reguatle ur
thoguths if oyu think of oding oterhhtigsn then stop ursefl resist htosue thgotush.. think fo your work
only ofcus ur mind… don’t think fo otehrhtigns when u find urself thinking nfo other htigns stopu rself
form thignkign of oteh rhtigns focus ur mind… be aware of the hoguths going o nin ur midnn rugeatle ur
thinking know hwat htogutsh u get to od what … n resisit those thoguths… regulate ur htinkign n ur

The reason u do othehr thgisn unimp thgsins is cause of impulsive thoughts tht htell u to u need toresisit
those impulsive htogutsh pracitse thoguth regulation n ocntroll… ot be in control f our acitosn u need to
be in cotnroll fo oyur hthgouts… know what thoguths u get in ur mid n what are you thinking nof n
regulate ur htoguths n control ur thought to control ur actions impulsieve acitons… ur actiosn are a
result of ur thoguths urh tingkign to be in control fo oyu r acitosn u need ot be in control fo oyur
htoguths pracitse thoguth ocntroll… be aware of theh toughts oign on in ur head know what oyu are
htinkign of n don’t think fo other htigsn think f our work only n when u think of odign ote rhhrtigns
resisit tht thoguth n by providing reugaltory thgouths n when u do other htigns stop urslef b y rpovoindg
eugaltoryh toguth n make urlsef do certia nthgis nbty proividng reugalory htigns
What ami thinking of is it imp? Think f our wrk n imp things

Where ur mind is what is going on in ur mind stop urself fromt hinking of other thigngs ur actions are a
result of ur thinking ur thoughts ur impulsive thoughts s to be in control or fur actions u need to regulate
ur thinking… based on wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing..

U r acitons are a result of ur htinkign ot be in control fo oyur acitosn u need ot be in control fo yur
thgouths practice thoguth ocntroll to be in total 100% control fo oyur aictosn u need ot be in total
control of oyur thgouths practice thoguth regulation n control…

Practice htoguth regulation and control:-

Be awre of hteh oguths going o ni nur mind whenve u rhtinko f doing htigsn or get a thogut to do oterh
htigns thht u know in ru mid nu shud nto do then reisisr t tht hthoguth say no to it “no odint do thth
know” by providing self regulatory htogutsh n hence stop ureslf rom doing other htigsn… know what
htoguth u get I nur mind telling u to od what whnever u think of odoign oteh ritngs thht u know I nur
mind u shud not be odign then stop urslf b y resitistng htose impulsive htoguth thth tell u to do other
htigsn “lets nto do thth now tht his not imp do ur work now” say no to it…

U know I nur mind th hu shud not waste ur time doing otehrh tigsn n u need otod u r work so think
roveide are gualtory htoguht “lets get oto wrk now lets no t waste tiem” n hence make ursefl get ot wrk
n do theht inghs u know in ur mid n ushud do by providing a regulatory htoguth..

When u find urself odign oterh htigsn thh u know in ur mid nu shud not be doing then stop urself by
provodng a reiguloatry rhtoguht “lets not waste tiem doing this now lets get to work now”

Whnever u find urself thinking fo other things stop uresfl tell ureslf stop thinking of otehrhtigns
unimpthngs dnt waste ur time htinkign of other unimp things think of oyur work what work to od and so
on on ly then you will do oyur work… hence stop ureslf form thinking of other htigsn n make urself think
fo oyur work.. keep ur mind focused o nur work…

Practice htoguth regulation n control…

An mind tht is left to think of anything unregulated unrestrained has no leash n left loose to think of
anything is a mind tht is out of controlll.. n u think anything n sdo anything tht ur impulsive thought tell
uto do u need to get argrip on ur mind control ur thoughts… offer resisteance to impulsive thoughts
focus u rmindn thinking… to be in controlll of ur actions…

U cannto be in cotnroll fo oyur acitosn if oyu ar e not in control fo oyur htoguths,.. cause ur acitons are a
byproduct results out put of your htouths it is your thogutsh that lead to acitosn.. to be in total control
of ur actions u need to be in total cotnroll fo your htgousht thoguth process 100% control over ur
htogutsh know what thogutsh are goin on in ur mind what u are htignkign fo an d so on

Provide htoguths isntrucitosn n commands to motivate ursefl n to make urself do certain things thth u
know I nru mid nu shud do … “don’t waste ur time getto wrok now” “dotn lay down don’t sleep” “if oyu
want oacheviei ur goal u have ot work hard for it no pain n ogian” provide htgotush tell ureslf to
motivate utrsefl n make ursefl do it.. make ursefl work hard get up not be lazy and nto sloth provede
htogutsh instructiosn n commands self regulatory htogutsh

Ur htogths act as instrucitosn and comamdns for u to strat or stop odign certain tnhgis nfirst u think of
doing crertai nthgis nonyl then u do it…

Ur actiosn are a result of oyur htignkign to be in controll fo oyur acitosn u need to be in control fo oyur

To be in controll of oyur actions u need ot be in controll fo oyur thoguths:-

Ur actions are a result of oyur thinking (thoughts) to be in control of oyur actions u need to be in control
of oyur thgouths… get a grip over your htoguhts practice thought control.. your actions are a direct
result of oyur htoguths… the only way to be in control of oyur actions is to be in control fo you
rthogutsh… be awre of the htogutsh going on in ur mind know what you think of and what thoguths you
get in ur mind… be care ful of the htgoutsh goin on I nurmind.. when ever u get impulsive thoguths
telling you to do other things th u know in urm ind are unimp n unbenefital to oyu n a waste of time
caus u need ot be odign imp things htne resis t those thoughts say no to htem dotn give in to them… as
u knwoi n ur mid nthth u shud not od unimp thgis n nwaste ur itme n u need ot od more imp thigns so
say no to htose thogutsh resist those thoguths privede regulatory htogutsh “no don’t waste ur time
doing thth now do ur work now”

Why od oyu do other thigns in the first place its cause you get impulsive thooguths in ur mind to do
other things cause u think of doing other thgisn

Be aware of the thgoutsh going on I nur mind Whenever u find ureslf wasting ur time htiniking of unimp
things thth will bringu no gain or benefit… then stop ursaelf practice thoguth control… tell urself provide
a regulatory thgotuh tell urself”don’t waste ur time thinking o f unimp thgis nstop thinking of
unimpthigs n think fo oyur worlk what work to od and so on u will do ur work only if oyu think of doing
ur work” n hence stop urself form thinking of other things n make urself think of ur work… focus ur mind
o nur work… n imp things htht will bring uprigress gain beenift achieve ur survivail and imp critical and
crucial thigns I nlife f our progress and so on…

Why do oyu do otehrtgisn I nteh first place why are oyu our t fo control why oyu odnt do the things u
know in ur mid nu hsud be odign the imp thgisn instead why do oyu do unimo thgisn htth waste ur
time.. udo other htigsn cause u get a thought impulsvei thoguths in ur mind telling u to od other htigns
thth ur brain enjoys odign thth are storeddi n ur primitive memeory thth u enjoy when u didi htth
activity and so you get those impulsve thogtush telling u to od other htigsn n os u do other htigns… and
so u do otherh tings… to be in control of oyur acitosn stop urself form doing other htigsnu n eed to be in
control fo oyur thgoutsh resist those impulsive htoguthst u get thth tell u to od oteh rhtigsn say no to
them.. be aware of the thgosuth going on in ur mind know what thoguths u get whenever u think of or
gteet at hgotuh to do other htigns as u knwoi n ur snesnible memeory in ur mind hth u shud nto do
other htigsn so say no tot htose impulsive htoguths control n resistr htem.. tell ursefl “no odnt waste
urtime doing unimp things ddo ur work now” so be I nc ontroll of your thogutsh consntstly… to be in
control lf our acitosn u need to be in control fo oyur htgoutsh … if you want to be 100% and fully I
ncotnroll of oyur acitosn then you need to oknwo what htogutsh are going on I nur head what htgogutsh
u ge telling u to do what and oyu need ot be in 100% cotnroll fo oyur htgoutsh cause ur acitosn are a
direct result outcome of oyur htogutsh the thgousth goin on I nur head … first u think of odign some
things or get a thgoutsh telling u instructing u comamdnign u to od some htigsn only then you do it…

The brain cannto live without t a min fo rhtinkign its will think fo some htigsn o r otehrh t u need ot
direct ur htoginkign towards imp things what am I thinking of not think of nonsnes n unimp thgisn…
have control over ur mind u r thogutsh ur thinking… don’t wase t ur mental nenergy n effort by thinking
nfo unimp thgsin it takes energy to think.. mentall energy and also time… thinking consumes mental
energy and alos consumes time u need ot be care ful fo what u are thignkign fo what is goin on in ur
head the thgosuth goin on in ur mind n think of imp things only… not unimp things…

Be awre of the thgoush t ogin on I nur head know where u are putting ur mind to know what are you
thinking nfo don’t invovel ur mind in unimphtigsn… put ur mind only to imp things…. Dot waste ur
mental effort and energy band time by thinking fo unimpp things don’t chanellize direct ur mental
energy ot useless n unimp things thth will brign u no beenift n gain keep ur mind in imp thgisn think of
imp thgis nonyl make urself think of im p things oonyl htht u knowi n ur mind will brign u benefit and
gain n progress n helo u acheviei ur survival n imp thgis ni nlife… stop urself form thinking of unimp
thgisn n imkae urself think of imp thgis nintetnioanylly knowingly at will on purpose think f our work n
im p things..
Now where u are inivling putting ur mind to what are you thinking o what is going on in ur head is it imp
stop urself from thinking of unimp thigs ndoing unimpt hgisn invovleing ur mind I n unimp thgisn thgisn
thth u knowi in ur mind u shud not be doing…. N put your mind chanellize ur mental energy n effort to
im thgsin think of imp thgisn only keep ur mind I nimp thgisn…. Intentioonalylly think of imp thgsin only
reugalte n control u r htignking…

Its not mind control its htogutsh control … to be in cotnroll fo oyur actiosn u need to be in control fo
oyur thogutsh uneed ot be in control fo the thgoutsh going on I nur mind… be aware of the thogsuth
going on in ur mind know what oyu are htiinkig nfo …ad cotnroll nregualte ur thinking reugalte urself by
reugatling urthinkign reualte ur actions b y reagutlign ru thinking…. Ur acitosn are a direct result and
outcome of ur thgosuth the thgostuh going on in ur head first u think fo doing a certain thgis non yl then
u do it … so if oyu are doing unim tohigsn n other htigsn htht u know in ur sensneible memeory u shud
nto boe doing then its cause u think fo doing htem or uget an impulsive htogsut hin urmind (on the
bassisi of ur primitivememeory wheet in in its stored thth the laste tiem u did htht cativity u ofund it
enjoying entertaining) telling u to od them..and so oyu do them cause of htth impulsive htogtusht htth
u get in u rmind telling nu to od them.. so be aware of the thgoutsh goino n I nur head know what oyu
are htinkign fo … n reguatle and control ur thinking nteh only way to be in control of oyura ctiosn is to
be in c control fo the thogsuth going on I nur head… first u think of oding soemhtign only then u do it so
to be in control fo oyur acitosn u need ot be in control fo yur htogutsh the htogsuth cgoing on I nur head
practice thogutsh control… and thoguth regulation… ur actiosn are a direct outcome and result of oyur

To be in complete cotnroll of oyur acitosn u need ot be in total complete control fo yur thoguths as you
know I nur mid nhtht u hsud be doing ur wrok n u have agao tot acheivei n u need otb e odign urwork
fori t n so think accordingly “lets nto waste teime lets get to work we have a goal to achivei” n provide
reguatlory thoguths instruction n command ato makeu rlsef do ur work

Inttieonally knowingly o purpose (ota chevei a certa nin goal reward result outcome as u know in ur
minsdselsenivllbe memeory u shud be thinking fo imp thgisn) at will think of our work and inpt hgisn
only … uca nhtink fo a certain tnopic and issue at will what shiuld I think fo now? Lets think of this now….

U need to get a grip over ur mind over ur thoughts goin o n in ur mind regulate urthinking provide
regulatory thought s on the basis of what u know in ur mind in ur sensible memory u shud n shud not do
to regulat urself “lets not do this now lets ge t to work”

Be aware of the thoughs going on in ur mind in ur head telling you to do what… n as u know in ur
sensible memory tht u shud nt be wasting ur time doing it as u need to be doing ur wrk to achieve ur
goal so resis thoese impulsive thoughts tht u get in ur mind telling u to do other things… say no to
them”no don’t do tht now we can do tht at otherthime do ur wrk now” hence control n regulate u
rthinking… by provoding regulatory thoughts… n hence regulate ractiosns…

Be aware of the thoughs going on in ur mind in ur head telling you to do what… n resist those thoughts
tt ht tell u to do other things tht uknow in ur mind sensible memory u shud not be doing as u hav e
impthings to do resist those thoughts bey saying no to them n profovoding regulator thoughts “no stop
dointg tht don’t do tht now do ur work now” n hence correct ursef
U know in ur mind tht u need to be doing ur wrk to achieve ur goal so stop urself frm doing otherthings
n make urself do urswrk n mke urself do things tht u know in ur sesnsible memory u shud be doing by
providng regulatory thought inst n command “lets not waste time doing this now lets get to wrk now “

As u know in ur mind in ursensible memory so Stop urself from doing other things by providing
regulatory thoughts “lets not waste etime doing other things now lets get to work now”

Be aware of te he thoughts going on in ur head wen u get a thought in ur mind telling u to do ithe r
unimp things tht u know in ur sensible memory u shud not be doing then stiop urself dsay no to it”no
stop stop don’t waste time doing other things now”

Aas u know in ur mind so provide a regulator thought to make urself do it”leyt snot waste time let sget
to wrk now” thoughts lead to action practice thought control teergulate ureslf uracytions by regulating
ur thinking cause ur actions are a result of ur thoughts know how rtto stop urself frm sdoing things tht u
know in ur sensible memory u shud not be doing n make ursefkf do things things tht u know in urssensi
ble memory u shud be doing by providing regulatory thoughts …. Thoughts lead to action so use ur
regulatory thoughts to control u regulate ur actions practice thought control

All actions u do area result of ur thinking the thoughts goin on in ur mind first u think of doigng
something or a get athought in ur mind to do something omnly then u do it so to be in control of
uractions u need to be in control of ur thoughts… if u don’t control n regulate ur thoughts on the basis o
ursensible memory on the basis of what u know in ur mind u shud ns hud not bedoing iff u don’t control
ur thoughts u will be out of control… u cannot be in control of ur actions… cause u will end p doing what
ever impulsive tooughts u get… n what ever impulsive thoughts tth come to ur mind…

Ur actiosn are a result of ur thinking the thogsuth ogin o n in ur mind…

U need to know hwo to stop urslf fro mdoign certain nthgsi nthth u know in ur sensible memory u shud
not be doing n make urslef do things htth u know I nur sensnibel memeory u shud be doing by providing
regulatory thgotus hisntrucitosn and acommnds to stop usresfl n make ursel do certain nthgsin..

Ur thogtush act as instrucitosn nad comamdns to start or stop an actions..

U knw in ur mid nwaht u shud n shud nto do… so accordingly privde reguatlory htogtush instrucitosn n
comamdns ot make urself do it…

All ur actiosn are a result of oyur htingkign ur thogutsh the thgotush goin o n I nur head first urthink of
doing somehtgin or get a thgotuh I nur mid nto do something only then u do it to be I ncotnroll fo yur
actiosn u need to be in control fo yur thgouths… if yopu are doing things hth t u know in ur mind u shud
nto be doing instead of doing thigs nhtth u know I nur mind u shud b e oding then oyu are ourt of
control,… u are oding it cause of ur impulsive htogutsh thht tell u to do it the impulsive htogutsh tht u
get in ur head htth tell u to do it… so ot be in control fo oyur acitosn toatal control 100% control u need
ot be I ntotatl cotnroall of oyur htgoutsh be aware of theth oguths goin on I nur head know what
impusliceve thgotush u get telling u t to od what n resisit those thgoutsh n regulate ur htignking….

So now u know aht u need ot od hwo ot be in control f our acitosn by beinfg I ncotnroll f our thogutsh n
reugalting urhtinking… o nteh basis of ursensible memory hewat u know I n urshensibel memeory u
shud n shu du nto do… u r actiosn are nothigsn but a result ourtput of utr htogtusht ur thgotush are the
cause of ura citosn stratign n stopping an acitosn ur acitosn are a result of ur thgotus hwhat thogutsh go
on I nur head to be in control f our acitosn u need ot be in cotnroll fo oyur htgotush

Reguatle ur thignkign o n the basis of urselnsibel memeory on the basis of hwat u know I nur mid n
ushud nshdid not be doing… inorder ot reugalte uracitons the result n out put u need ot regulate ur
thginkig nteh thogtsh going on in urhead I norder to be in control o o f urselfn ureactions u need ot be
in cotnroll fo oyur thoughts nreugalte ur htignking o nht basis of what u know in ur sensible mmeeory u
shdu n shdu nto od as uracitosn are ara direct result of ur htignkign ru htogtsh n to be in cotnroll fo the
outcome output presult n actions u need ot be I ncotnroll fo oyur thgotush… nreauglte ur htgoutsh n
thinking o nthe basisi of hwat u know I nur mid nu shud n hsdun t not od,..

Focus u rm idn on ur work be aware of hteht ogutsh goin on in ur head know what u are htignkign
fowhenever u find urselfthinkig nfo toerh htigsn stop urself tell urself provide reugaltoryh togtuh “Stop
thinking of other higns n think f our wrok what work ot od n so on”

Wahat are you thinking of control nreualgte ur thgotush n ur thinking nby provodg n regaultory
thgotush to control ur htinkgn to stop rself thinking nfo other hgisn n resisit impulsive thgotush thth
tell u rto do other htisngs to make urself thinkf of ur wrk n imp thgisn n stop urself form doig
otherhitgns thth u know I nur sensnible memoery ushud nto e b doing n make ursefl do htigsn thht u
knwoi n ur snnesible memeory u shud ne doing by proving reugaltory thgotuhs

Ur thgoutsh are ht ecause of ur actions to be I ncotnroll f our acitosn u need ot be I ncotnrol lfour
thoguths Be aware of hteh toguths goin on in ur head n reguatle ur htinkign according to ur sensible
memeory according to what u know in ur sensible memeory ushud n shud nto be doing.. be aware of
hteh togutsh goin o ni nur mind know iddnetify what thogutshs u get in ur mind impulsive htogutshs u
get I nur mind n telling u to od what … if oyu think fo doing oterh htigsn or get a thgotuh in ur mind to
od other htigsn thth u knwoi n ur selnsible memory u hsud not bye doing th thu know in ur mind u shud
nto be doing then resits thth thogtuhsay no to it… by prviing regulatory htoguth telling urself.. “no odnt
do th now stop odngn htth now we have work to od now get ot work think of ur wrk what wor k to od “

All ur actions are a result of ur thinking..

U know in urur mind thtu shudnt be wasting ur tie doing other things so provide a sregulatory thought
to make urself stop urself frm doing oyther things n make urself do ur work tel urself “lets not waste
time doing other things lets get to wrk now we have a goal to achieve”

Be aware of the houghts going on in ur mind Stop urself from thinking of other things n make urself
think of ur wrk regulate ur thinking tell urself “don’t think of other things think of ur wrk what work to
do n so on only then u will do ur twrk think of ur wrk don’t waste ur time thinking of other things put ur
mind to ur wrk… think of ur wrk … think n decide what wrk to do”

Ur memory is static once it goes in ur mind it gets stored n itsits htehre its si a simple process once u get
it in ur mind n put it in ur mind as long as u fdont forget n u know how ot remember refresh n lkeep it I
nur mind its very straight forwardsand one way n easy simple process it is ur htoguths tht hare in
motions consntantly occurign and moving and u need ot regulate ur thgoutsh… it is ur htogutsh thth
need ot be regulated …ur thoguths htinkign process is a complex process n it is ur htogutsh th lead ot
action… to be in control of urself n ur acitons u need ot be in control fouyr thgotush n reguatle ur
htgionghts and htht is a difficult process… to ge a grip over ur mind over ur htogtush n control and
regulate ur thoguths to maek urself do certia nthgsi nto be in control fo oyur self nacitosn namke urself
od things th htu know I nru mind u shd u be oding u know to focus urm id nn to channelize n brign ur
attnention o n im pthgsin make urself do imp thgisn… th hu know in ur mid n ushud do ofr u r benenfti
gain surviavil or cause its imp… to do..
The difficult thing is to ocntroll ru thogutsh if u are abpe to control ruthgotush hten u are in cotnroll of
urself and ur acitosn… the mind cannto reamin a min without htinkign I ther are cosntnatly thgotsu
hoccurign on I nru mind thinking fo certia ntoipcs or getting impulsvi htoguths thellign u rt ood other
hitngs hth u mind enjoy doing… instead of doing thigns htth are imp.. u need ot ocntroll ur thgotush….n
reguatle ur htgotus u know focus ur mind o nimp thigs nbrign ur mid nto imp thgisn n be I ncotnroll fo
urlesf n sur acitosn makeu rslefdo impthgisn

Be aware of hteh togutsh going on I n ur head know what u are htinkig nof know what thogutsh u get in
ur mind telling u to o d what ..whenver u think of oding otehrhtgisn n unimp thgisn or get an impulsvive
htoguht I nur mid ntellign u to do other things as u know in ur sensible memory hth ushud nto be odign
ti as u have wrk to o dot achve ur goal u cannto waste ur tiem doing it u have a gaol to aheve n work to
od for it so resist n reguatle thth htogutsh cotnroll thth thoguth by saying no to ti n provind g regulatory
thoguth tell urself”no odnt od thth now… lets not waste tiem doing tht hnow lets get to wrk now”
Pracitse thotuguth control n thoguth reguatlion incorder ot be in 100% cotnroll f our self n ur acitons u
need o bt e in 100% cotnroll f our htogutsh as ur htogsut h lead to action and are the cause of ur

As u know I nur mid nthth u have ag aol to acheivei n u nee od t be doing ur work for it so intentionally
knowing on purpose think n provide a regualory thgotu to make urslfe do it tell ursefl “lets not waste
time lets get t owork k now” to make urself do it ..

Ur acitosn are a result of ur htoguth be aware of theht thoguths going o ni n ur mind know what
thogutsh u get telling ur to do what practice thgotush reguatlion and control whenever u get a thgotuht
or impulsive thgotsh in ur mind telling ur to do oterh htigsn n unimp thgisn thth u know I n ur mind u
hsud not be doing as u have wrk to od other htigsn to o dot acheviei ur gaol n u have agaol to achveie
ithen resisit those thgouths say no ot them by rpoviidng regaultory thgouths tell ursefl “no odint do
thth now wehave work to od” get to work now we can do tht hlate ro n”

Get a grip over ur mind be in controll fo oyur htgouhts reguatle u r htignking

Refgualte ur thinki ng as to according to as per what you know n understand I nur mid ni n ur sensible
memeory u shudn shud not be doing

Identify know what thoguths u get I nu r min d impulsive htogutsh u get telling nu to do what as u know
I nur mid nthth u have a gaol to ahceve n u need t ood ur wrk toahceve ur gaol n not waste teime oding
oterhhtigsn so say no to those timpulsvie htogutsh u get n u think of tht tell urto do other htigsn “no
dotn do thth now”

The natural automatic process:- u know I nur midn th thu have a gaol to acheivei n u need ot urgently
get to wrok for it n it occurs to u n so u think “lets not waste tiem now lets immideately getto do this
ncompelte this” n so you do…
The reugaltory forced intentional process:- u know I nur midn th thu have a gaol to acheivei n u need
ot urgently get to wrok for it n it occurs to u n so u inteionallyly knowingly think n provide a regulatory
thoguths to make urslef do what u know I nur mind u shud do u tell urslf “lets not waste tiem now lets
immideately get to do this n compelte this” n so you do…
U know I nur mid nwhat u need ot be doing n so regulate urself accordingly n make urself do it n stop
ursefl form doing things hth u know I nur mid nu shudn ot be odign by intentionally knowingly forcefully
n on purpose prodiivndg self reguatlory thgotush instrucitosn and commands to make urslf do it do
things thth u knwoi n ru mid nu hsud be oding n stop urslf form oding toerh htigsn thth u know I nur
mid nu shudn ot be oding practice self regaultion slef conttrtion self cotnroll thoguth regulation thoguth
ocntroll o nteh basis of what u know inur mind sensible memory ushud n shd nud nto be oding

U know in ur midn what u need ot be doing u know in ur snesible memory what u need ot obe doing so
accrodingyl intentionalyly on purpose provides self lregaultory htogtsuh instrucitosn commands to
regulate ureslf n make ursefld owhat u know in ur imidn u shud be doing or to stop ursefl form doing
things htht u know in r mind u shud not be doigng…

Fo eg:- u know in ur mind htth u have a goal to acheiei n uneed ot be doing ur work for it and so tell
ursefl provide a regaulorty thgotuht tomake ursefl do ti tell urself “lets not waste tiem les immidieatley
get to work now we have a gaol to achveiei “ n hence reugalte urself n makeurself doit by providing self
reugalotyry n cotreting thogutsh on the basis of what u know I nur mind u shud be doing..

U know I nur mind what u need ot be doing so regulate ursefl accrodingyl n make urslef do it by
inenteionslay on purpose at will knowingly proviidign sefl regulatory htgotush n instraucitosn na
commands ot make urself do ti

U know in ur mind I nur sensnibel emeory what u need ot be doing os accordingly regaulte ursefl
intentionallyly on purpose reguatle urself to make ursefl do it for eg:- when u are slothigand sleeping
and doing ntoehing n lazign as uknow I nur mind thth u have agaol to ahcvieei n u need otb e doing
urwrk for it so to make urslef get up n wrok hard tell ursefl “ get up we have work dt odo don’t lay down
don’t sleep work hard n opain no gain get iup n do ur work now” n so make urself do ur wrk

U know in ur mind what u shud n shud not do n what u need to do so accordingly as per thth o nthe
basis of htht reguatle ursefl… intentionally on purpose provide regaultory htgoutshs instructions and
commands to maek urself do ti… For eg;- you know in ur mid ntht u need ot be working ahrd
constnantly inorder to acheivei ur gaol… so when uare lazing and sleeping and being idle n doing
notherigns as u know in ur mid ntht hu nee od t be working ahrd cosntnatly to achevie iur goal os
regulate urself accoerdingly tell ursefl “get up don’t sleep n waste tiem lazing around nget up n get to
work no pain no gain u need ot work contsntly to ahceivei ur goal” n so motivate urself regulate urself
by providing self regautlory htogtuh on the baissi of hwat u know in ur mnd ushud n shud not do n make
ursefl do ti

Ur actions are a result of ut thoguths ur htinkig nso regulate ur thinking accordingly as to what u know in
ur mid n ushud n hsud nto be doing regulate ur thinking as to what u kno w in ur mind u shud be doing
Regulate ursefl n ur acitosn by reguatlign your htinkign o nteh absis of hwat u knw asper what u know in
ur mind u shud n shud nto be doing

As u know in ur midfn what u sahud n shud nto odo and so accordingly reugalte urself and ur acitons by
regulating ur thinking on the basiso f htht …
So this is what you need to do:-
1) Knowing n understanding:- know n understand what ot do nwhat not to do n why
2) memory (prog the mind):- keep in In mind in urmmeory so thth u remember n u dotn forget n u are
conssntly reminded of it n so u think accordingly n hence u do … n its herhei nru mind know the various
methods of keeping I ti inu r mind
3) practice Thought controll:- ur thogutsh are the cause of ur acitons n to be in control f our acitosn
uneedot be in cotnroll of the thgoutsh going o nin ur mind… uknow in ur mindh wat u need ot od what u
hsud n hsdu nto do so accordingly reguatle ur self n uractions bry reguatling ur thinking n proividng
regualtoryh togtuhs n being I nconttytoll of oteh thgostuh goin on I nur mind
Ur actions are a reslt of ur thinking… so to be in cotnroll of ur acitosn u need to be in cotnroll fo your
thoguths… regulate ur sel f and regulate ur acitons by regautling your htgotush o nthe basis of what oyu
know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing ….

For eg:- u know in ur mind thth u need to eork cosntnatnly n dayt n night to acheivei ur gaol so tell ursefl
intentionalyyl provide ar egaulteory thgotush to motivate ursefl n make ursefl work cxocsntntaly n day
nn night n work hard tell ursefl “don’t lay down ndotn sleep get up n work contionusly nonstop day n
night” n hence make urself work hard…

Difference between ppl who function (do an action) on interest and ppl who function or do an action on
snesniblilit and understanding thht is without interest tht is they are not interested I nacitivty but theut
do it cause they know in their sensuible memory it needs to b done fro their progress those who do
things o nteh basis of interest are moer impulsive natural and automatic and lack control those who do
htigns o nteh basis of sensibility are mro egualted and controlled :-
Some people lack control but they funsiton or get eth results or do certain actiosn pureply o nthe basis
of interst nad addiction and obsseison and hence htyey get successful at it at a certain nacitosn as they
become master s of it .. what is the meaning of intereset … what is interest and how it works? And is it
tht everyrhtign ahs to be done on interest … can things also be done o nthe basis of reasoning knowing
understanding intellgientce n sinsiblibity not cause uare intenrseted I n it or like doing it but cause u
know htth iti si imp for u n so shud be done… tht is u dotn like doing tth activity but I nur sninsble
memeory u know its imp for u to od it ofr ur progress so u regulate urslef n make urself do ti…
If some one tells u wah y are you not odign it are you not interested in ti? Then he simply does not
understand hwo the brain works… every thing should be done with interest and on the basis of interst
only haaa? And so if u are nto interested in it then u shud not od it or if u are doing it it dmeans u are
not interested I nti so u are not oding it itsn ot like htth there are things thth u dotn like to od n u are
notin terested in it but you still do them on the basis of sensibility and udnerstnadign cause u know in ur
mind u shud be doing…. It n its imp for u… its not the everythigns has t o be done o nintereset only as u
are itneresdted in it or with interest… or htth u do certain nthigsn only cause u are interested inti tht
applies ofr singers artists and so on ppl who direve pleasure and enjoyment form doing a certain acitivty
and their rewards regauions of hteh brain
for eg :- singers:- the first time thth person herad a song or sang a sogn he fel t good he enjoyed thth
activity he desirved pleasure fro mtht hactiivity he felt entertained… so now this thignsis stored I nhis
impulsive memeory thth the lastime I did this activity of singing it was fun I enjoyed it I liked it it felt
good n enentertaining… I am interested in it nad I like this activity… this things is stored in his impoulsvie
memeory in which the brain stores the memory of activiitys thth it enjoyed doing n derived pleasure
form doing nfoucnd entertaining and so the next time he gets bored he is reminded f it he remeebr is t
thht the last itme I sang it felt good and entertaining nos he thinks n gets an impuslvie thgouht “lets
turon o nthe msuuic lets sing” and so he does and start e to sing along do thth acitivity it’s a nautral and
automatic process

For eg:- artists and arxchitects:- the last time he draw he felt good n it was creative and fun and
enjoyable poprocess so this inof is stored I nhis impulsive memory and so the next tiem he feel s bored
he remembers it n he thinks or getas an impulsive htoutght I nhis mind “lets do some drawings now lets
draw htsi now as he enjoys the process ” and so he takes he te pen n papper and starts drawing he does
tht haciton… whne ppl enjoy certain nacitivites and like doing them n are interested in it then the
question of ocntroll sensiblility and regulation doesnto arise they do it on their own automatically
naturally… cause they enjoy doing it.. there is not question of self control l nreguatlion… to make
themselves do it they do it nautrall and automaticallty cause they enjoy their brain enjoy s doing thht
acitivit its all basedo nimpulsvie memmeory and impuslvie thinking…
And so artists and singers basicalylyl are ppl who are impulsvi the y alck control… they do this nacitons
out of liking enjoyment and intenrnes cause the y like to odi t … and s o they do it on tehri own
natureally automatically…
For eg: - the last imte thth person watchded tv he felt good n entertained htsi is stored I nhis impulsive
memeoroy tht hthe last itme I watched tv and did this acitivity it was fun n I enjoyed doing it n so the
next tiem he feels broed hwe is reminded fi t n he thinks “lets whatch tv now” n so he does… tht
hacitivity therhe is no question of control its an utomatic natural process uod it ause u enjoy doing ti
nso u thin kf doing it and so u do it on ur own…
Basically ppl who do things like singing aor artists drawing they do theset higsn cause they ewnjyo oding
it n they don’t need ot conroll n regulate themselves at all cause they do it automatically o netheir own
they think of doing it n so they do ti as they enjoy doing htth acitivity n like to od it n are interested I ntui
n are obssed about it n so they beocem very successful I ntheri fileds… they funsiton on the bssi of hteir
impulsive nature memeory nad htignking … they do it cause they enjy odign so they think fo oding it n
do it on their own do tht haciton on their own automatically without any need for reguatlion or control
they so it ause they find joy n enjoyment I ndoing it tehs ppl basically are impulsive I nnatireu and are
totally out of control pp l who only od thigns htth they nejyo doing…. N things thth they are interested
in.. they lack control over their acitosn.. yet they become successful I ntheir fireds and do the acutons of
drawing art or singing automaticcallyly without wany need for reguatlion its cause they funsion o
ninteresnt enjoyment n imuslse cause they wenjyo oding tht hacitivit n y n derive entertainment dofrm
it cause he lieks to od htht acitivty n efinds it enjoyable n so he automatically thinks of odoign it n he
doesot… they are mreo impulsve ppl and they alck self control land self regulation… and so they are
often have many otherhaddicitons…. These ppl lack control and they dotn do or cannto do things thth
they dotn enjoy oding… or are not interested I nor like doig… also they are a slve to their impulsvies
theay are more addicted I nature… n lack control and find it hard ot over come or stop doing thigns htth
they enjoy doing but they know are nto ogodo for them..

Do all actions need ot be done o nthe basis of itnerset only? N so if uare not odign wht u are supposed
ot od then it menas u are nto interested in ti so u are not odign it itsn ot like thhth ….. n if u were
interested in it hten u would have doen it on ur own automatically … its nto like thth .. its not necessary
thth u need ot funsiton o n interest only… or do certia nthgis nonyl cause u are itnernested in it n od
only those thgisn thth u are itnered I nn I f u are not itneredsed I nit then do nt do it its not like thht … a
person who says thth is basically out of ocntorll n functions only o nitnerest n doesn only thgisn thht he
lieks to od n enjoys oding n he lacks self control…. N doesnot understand hwo the human brain works..
its not loke thth u shud not function (or do and action) only o nteh basis of interest u can also do it cause
u don’t lie kdoign it but u know thth it is imp n needs to be done for u r progress… on the bassisi of
sensiblility n understanding… nto cause u like ot od it but cause u know its imp n nhas to be done for ur
goodo Noteverythign should be done o nintersset or hovbby cause u lie kto doit certain nthgis nalos
need to be done o nsensuibility or understanding… what I f u are nto intersed I nan activity and u don’t
like to od it but u know I nur mid ni nur ssensible memoryhtht u need ot od it for ur progress and gain….
And survivail then what…. Thth is called fucstioning on the basis of sensieblirty udnerstaning knwoign
intelligence nto o nimpulse n o nself control nreguatlion
But not all acitivity has to be done out of interest n joty cause it gives u enjoyemnyt n pelause n cause u
enjoy n like doing it…. But not necesaroiyliy thth everything has to be odne with interest only… and htth
if you are not interested I nit then u shud not do it or if you are not doing ac ertia nacitivity thht u know
u shud be doing then it means tht hyou are not oding ti cause u are not interested inti… a person
whosays this doesnot understand how the brain works… n the sicence of self regualtio nand self
control… and he functions thth is does a certa I naction putrely o nteh basis of interest cause he like s to
od it n enjoys doing it n on an impulsive basisi n he lacks self control nregulation… and what I you are
not inetersted I na certia nactiivty u don’t like oding it at all but still u do it cause u know in ur mind htht
it is imp and crucial for ur survivail and u need to od it thes are the ppl who have more slf control and
self regualtio nadn function o nteh basis of sisnebility and knwoingn understanding
U know I nur snesnibel memory thth u need ot do this acitivity as its imp to you n critical to you and so u
accordingly reguatle urself n rpovede a regaultory thgotuhst to make urself do it and so oyu do it …
Not all acitiivtes are a reault of interest … n its odesnt meant htth if u are nto doig n some htigsn tht ne it
means u are not interested I nti… yo ushud not fntuion o nitnerest u need ot ufntion o nsensniblity u do
cerati nthigsn or acitivity nort cause u like ot od it or u are interested I nit but caue us know in ur mind
htht it needs to be done for ur sufuvival.. and os on…
Its stored I ntehir minds las t time I sung it was fun n enntertainig n nenjoyed it so the next tiem they
feel bored thry remember it n they think “lets sing now “ and so they start to think they function or do
an action purely on the basisi of impulse enjoyment n interest… nu they lack self cotnroll nreguatlion
they cannto make themselves do things thth they know they shdu be doing or shud nto be doig… cause
thety function on addiction and itnernest n do htigns they like doing n so signers aretistis nre impuslve n
od things cause they enjoy doing they lack self controlll n reguatlio nstill they are successful I ntheri
fileds and d draw or sing o ntehir on function or od and acitivity o ntehir own n thinkof odoign ti o ntheri
own cause thety enjot oding it… they odnt need regulation.. however as they lack control n function o n
impulse so they also get addictions things they enjot y doing but t is not good ofor htem… the lack
control nare taotally basedo n impulse… n enjoyemtn… n joy n pelsure… some ppl funsiton or do certia
nacitosn puerely o nteh basis of imulse… automatic naturally thin kf oodign it n do it o ntehri own cause
thethy enjot oding it n their brain derives enjoyment form it n so ahtey are obssed bt y hthe actiivit ,n
become successful I nit bu t althoguth they perform they are performinf og n impuslve n interest they
lack cotnroll nreuagltion…
A;;a citosn are done o nteh basis of interest on yl or what? If u thin k thth is the case then u don’t know
hwo the brain works n u don’t know hwo ot regulate n cotnroll urslef n thht u function only o nteh
baissi of itneresrt and impulsive thgoutsh… u lacj self ocntroll n self regautlion …then n dotn know hwo
to regautle uresfl… nu funstuion do an action o nimpuslve enhjoyemnt n isntntninc t nto on sensibility n
self reguatlio nn conrtroll

And others do it o nteh basisi of regualtio nand sesnibliity… cn t cause they like to od it but cauet they
know its imp n needs to be done… so interest in nto the only thing… its nto thth if u are not odign
somethgisn then it menas u don’t have the liking dofor it u don’t enjoty doing it or are nto interested I
nti so u dotn do it… if u thin kthth performance or funtionsing or actiosn are ony lbasedo n interest then
u dotn understand how th tebrain works or how to reguatle ursefl n sfl control
Wher as those ppl who do things on the basis of sinsiblity nto cause they like to od it but cause they
know I ntehir sensible memory they shu d do it they have grester degree of ocntroll…

All ths iwhile they have been funstionign doing thigns thth only things thth they like to od n enjoy oding
they cannot stop doing thing sth ththey like odignn they wont or cannt odo thigns thth they dotn lie kto
od .. ns othey also suffer fro maddicitosn and lack self control cause they are impulsive I nature and have
been so far funtionong o nimpuslve nitnereset n enjoyemtn… n they knw onothign about self control…
or resilience n self regulation… n so they may thin kf osingign n sing n be good asigner ns be obssed
abou t singing u know n be very successful I ntehri fileds… but they do it cause they enjoy oding it out of
imulsve memeory automatically I ntehri own aturally in an obssed way.. they dot nod ti out of sensible
memory and regualtio n and so they odt know anything about control cause so far they have been
funtionsign or odign acitosn on their impuslve memeory n sot hey are more prone to be out of ocntroll n
addictied n have addictions tht they enjoy doing but atre not good for them and so on htth a rtento
goodo for htem… cause so far they have been functioning o nimpuslve n they know nothgis nabout self
reutlaio n self control.. ppl ehwo finstuion on interst n impuls en enjoyment have less controlll n dotn
kwno hwo to reguatle themselves as they have nrever doen it before n so far the hy ave been
functioning on their impulse n sot hey give in to their impuslve thtouthts n impulisvem meory n od
things thth they enjoy odign whthreh its gododo for them or nto they cannto kno w hoewo to develop
self regautlion n control n so they are a little mad and exccentric n carzy come across as obsessive..
Cause they lack self control nregaultio ntehy are out of contoll ppl..

I am talking about control hwo to have more control voer ur aciotns…

They are impuslve I nature n function pursly o nitenenrest not on self control sensiblitiy or self regaution
its therhe in their mind last tiem I didi singing ior drawing I found it entertaining so whenever they get
bored they remember it it occrs t ot htenm ns othey think “lets do singing now lets do drawing now”
and so they do it… they do ti on their own on the basis of their impulsive emmeroy cause they enjoy
oding it…. They do it naturally automatically cause they enjoy odign it easily n smoothly without the
need for self reguatlon self control n forcing u rsefl to od it.. n making urslef doit cause u know thth it is
imp fo r u.. bur t as they function o nitnerst n impulse n nejjoyemnt and so they also alck self octnroll
cause they have neeve regaulted themselves n they dotn know hwo ot function on self cotnroll n self
eragution os far they have been functioning on impulse n itnernesnt n enjoyemntn n only oding htigns
they like orenjyo doing n hence they are eccentric n have ourt of control midns… n addicited minds thth
get addictied to things they enjjyo doing but may not be godod for htem n so they lack control n are
eccentric ppl… cause they function onot ont slf regaution n snesnible memmeory biut on impuslve
mmemroy yet they bcome very suceddsufl I ntehir fuiledds cause they do those htgisn they enjoy oding
it soteyh do it naturally in an obssed addicted manner yet they are out of ocontroll nalck control

Hwot ofucnsiton (do thgisn do acitons) o nsensibility sensible memory cause u know its imp n suhd doit
not on interest cause u enjoy oding it and self control hence make urself do it by provong reguatlory
thgotush as to what u know in ur sensnible memory ushud do … how to e in total cotnroll f our acitosn
thth s what I am thinking of ..

Those who are artists n painters or singer its hrheh in their imind stored itnehr I minds tht the last tie m
id diid drawing or painting or singing I found it enteraitningn enjoyable and so the next tiem they etgt
bored thwy remember it n they think “lets do singing now” “lets do paining now” “lets draw now” and
so they do it.. the y doit automatically on their own… naturally in flow… with out any need for reguatlion
or control or forcible doing it cause they enjoy oding it n they do it to derivehtth nenjoyemtn form thth
activity nentertainment feel good feeling however… as they funsiton purely on the basis of their
impusvle memeory n interest n do things on interest n fuction do action o nitnererst although they are
obssed n do it obsseivel n become suveful I ntehri firleds they still lack sef k control cause they have
never practiced self control they function o nipulse n od theign only htigns thth they enjoy doing.. they
gae upschool to sing or pain cause they don’t llie k school they necever do things thth they don’t like to
od or enjoy oding or find intnrensting n nenjoyable… they do only thgis nthth they enjoy oding n hence
they lakc control as they have never practiced self ocntroll n odnt kwno the process of self control n so
they are addicted to htigsn thth they enjoy oding to drugs to this tot hsht but thth may nor be good for
htem they lack control n connot make themselves stipop doing things htth they enjoy doing but are not
good ofr the,mm as they ahave so far been funtionon in their impuslvei memmeroy n enjoyment doing
actiosn in their imuouslvie memeroy not on sensible memory and o nself reilince n control.. n aos u will
ifnd htth ppl whoa re increativel iens like singing aritsirts and s oo n n who do htigns hthh tthey theenjyo
oding are exxcnetric and crazt htht craziness n madness caomes due to their lack of self regautlio nn

I want ot od thigns not caue ilike ot od htem or enjoy odign htem.. but on total control over my acitosn
cause I know I nmy mind I need ot od it… and so force meyslf n make myself f doit o nthe basis of control
lself control n regulation cause I nknwo thth utis imp n needs to be doine I know this I nmy sensible
memory n so I make yself do it byreugatling my htinkig naccoridngly know how the process fo sel
cotnroll works n to be I tntaol conroll fo urelfsf n ur acitosn.. nto on impuslvie nature but on u nknwo
sensible nature.. doing things on sensiblility nto cause I like ot od it or enjoy doing it or it gives me joy n
pleause n enetertainment doing it not cause I am internerested in it or have fun doing ti but cause I
know in my sensible memeory thth I nee d to do this ot achvei emy goal n cause its imp n for reaward n
tn for my survival nprogress and gain and beenift and I need ot od thigs cause its imp and so I think
accrodinglly prand intentionalyly provide regualotry thgotush to make my self do it thht is do it o nthe
basisi of sensiblility and control.. eslf regualtio nadn control… o nteh baisso f knowing and sensiblitly nad
understanding as I know in my mind htht its imp n needs to be done and o nteh basis of sefl control
controlling myself and mmy actiosn by cotnrollign my thoguths thth is regaulting my thoguths
intentoioanlly on purpose providing regulatory htogtush telling myself ot odi t as I know in my mind I
nmy senensible memeory I need to od it and so o nthe basis of htth itnetnetioanlyy provide reguatlory
htgouts tell myself n make myself od ti … an d to control my thgotuhs on the basis of my sensible
memory as to whati knw oi nm y smseiblememory I shud shnhidu not od .. thth is do it on the bassisi of
self control l nreguatlion by reuagltion nm y thinking… and o nte hbessoais of sensible memeory in a
forced knwoign and regulated process in cotnroll fo my mind thogtush my aciotsn not on the basis of an
automatic impulsive natural and u know addiceted process due to my proimitive urge craving an d
impuslvei memory but on itneelligent nad sensible memeory resasoining memeory.. adnd think control
my thinking o nthe basis of thth n so cotnroll myself n sactions as ur acitosn are a result of ur thinking
Do it on the basis of my sensible nad reasoning mememory not impulsive memory and wiath full aware
ness of the process of how ot control my sel n my sactions by regautling n cotnrollig nmy htignkign o
nthe basis of my sensible memeory

Interest means hat? U ddont know hwo the brain works.. interst emans what it emans addciiton do odo
ift you finsion or do thth acitosn cause ur like to odit u are interested I nti u derive happiness
entertainment joy enjoywmnt form thh cativiity n so u doti thh means interest but ppl who function n
od thigs non interest n liking lack sel control neregautlion…. Ause they have never regaulted
themselves… n so far they have nbeen functioning doing things autiomatically cause ththey enjoy doing
I want t odo it not cause I am interested I nit or I enjoy oding to it or its fun n netertnainign n I derive
plesrue n joy ofrm odign it but on the basisi of knowing n understanding n sensibility cause I know in my
mind I nmy sensible memory thth itsi imp n needs to be done for my progress benift surviavil n so on… n
hence accordingly regulate my self be in cotnroll fo my thgotush n acitosn and make myself dot I by
beign I ncotnrol l fo my thgotus hprovodign self regautlory thgotush to make myseflf od it be I nconroll
fo my acitosn 100% n o nmy self.. n my thinking np as I know nmy sensible memory I need ot od this
and so accordignyl regaulte my thoughts n hence maek myself sdoit … self control lself reguatlion be in
cotnroll fo myy sel nf n my acitosn bry beign I ncotnrol of my thogtush proviidgn self reaultoyry htgotush
o nthe basis of hwat I knw oi nmy mind I hsud do n hence make myself follow it n do it.. self ocntroll
action control thogsuth control I na forced itnentionalty and reagulted way.. with control over my
thoguths n acitosn knwoign hwo to control myself n make myself do ti nto I na impuscive away
automatic way natural way cause I ejyo oding it

U know I nur mid ni nur senesibel memeory what u need ot od so accordingly reguatle urslf
pintentioanlyly on priupose provide regualteoryh togutsh to make urself do it

Ur actios nare a reasutl of ur htignkig ng if u are doing oterhhitgns then it means u ge t impulsive
thoguths I nur mind telling ur to od other higsn u thinkfo doing otherhtigsn n so u do them.. to be in
control fo ura citosn u need ot be I ncotnorll f our htogutsh be aware of hthe thgostu h goino n inr mind
what thoguths u get impulsive thoguth ntellig nu to do hwat.. whne u think or get a thgouth to od
otehrhrigsn then as u know I nur mid nthth u have agaol to ahceivei n u need oto d ur wrk n u shud not
waste ur tiem doing otehrh tigsn so reissit thth thgouths by providing reguatlory thgotush say no to ur
mimpulsvei htogutsh n resist ur impulsive htoguths … n hence stop urself from doing it..n makeu sreslf
do imp thgsin…

Ur acitos nare a result of ur htogutsh a result of ur htignking . to be I ncotnroll f our actions u need to be
I ncotnroll f our thogutsh regulate ur thinking on the basis of hwat u know in ur mind u shud n shud not
be doing… for eg be aware of theh thgotush goin o nin ur mind knwowaht u are htignkig nfo whenever
u get an impulsive thgotus htellig nu to do other htigsn unimp thgisn hten as u know in r um ind in ur
senensible memory thth u have a gaol to ahcevei I n u needo t be doing ur wrk for it n nto waste ur tiem
doing otehrhtigsn so resist those impulsive htoguths n say no to it tell urself “ no don’t do thth now
don’t waste ur time doing thth do ur wrk now tth is more imp”
For eg:- as u know in ur mind I n ur selslenible memory thht u have agoal ot ahceive in u need ot be
doing ur wrk ofri t constntnaly so intentionalyly provide reguatlor thoguth n tell urself “lets ntow aate
tiem lets get to wrk wr e have a fgoal to acjhevei” n hence reugalte ursefl uraciotns n moticvate ursefl n
ahnce make ursefl do it… by intentioanylyl proividng a self regauteory thogusht instructiosn n
ocmmadns o nteh basis of what uknow in ur mind whu hsud do to make ursefl do ti..

Be in ocntroll of oyursefl n ur acitons by being I ncontroll fo oyur thgouths n regulating your htignking
reagulte ur thinking as to as to what u know I nur mind in ursensnible memeory u shud n shud not be
doing regulate regulate urself n ur action s by regulting ur thinking as to wht u know in ur mind
semsnsible memory u shud n shud not do

To be in control lf our acitosn u need ot obe I ncotnroll f our thogtuhs cause ur thgotuhs are the cause of
ur acitons n lead to actiosn … so be aware of the htoguths goino n in ur mind know wht u are thinking of
n regulate ur htgotush n ur thinking… accordingly as to what u know I nur mind u shud n shud not be
U know in ur mid nwaht u nee d otod n so regulate ur sthinkig naccordingly n regautle urself accordingly
n make ursefl do ti For eg:- u know in ur mid nhtth u have agoal to aheeve n u neeed to ocnsntnaly do ur
wrk to achvie ur goal so whenve r u find urslf lazing sleeping then tell ursfl intetnionalyly provide a self
reguatlory htogtuh inst n command n tell uresf “get up getup get ot wrk now don’t lay down don’t sleep
wrk day n night we have agoal toa cheivei “ hence motivate urself n make urself do it by proividng
reugalory thgotuh I nst n ocmamdn o nteh basiso f hwat u kwno in ur mind u shud n shud not do…n
hence force urself n make urself do ti.. by innteionalyly on purpose at will kowinglt y providing a
reagutlory thgotush isn’t n command o nteh basis of what u know in ur mid n ushud be doing to make
urself do ti..

Bea ware of hththt ogutsh goin o ni nur head whenever u get a impulsive thgouth I nur mod n to do
other hitgns unimp thgsin “lets see face book” then as u know I nur mind I nur sensible memory thth u
shud be odign ur wrk to acheivei ur gaol n not waste time doing othrehitngs so accrodignly itentioanlly
knowing ly provide regulatory htogtuhs isn’t n command n so tell urself stop urself say not ot thh
thtgotuht resisit ht ht htgotuhg control thth thoguth n tell ursfl “dot nod thth now do ur work don’t
waste tiem doing th hnow” hence regulate ur htgotush as to what u know in ur mid n ushud n hsud not
be doing n stop ureslf form doing otehrhtigns be in cotnroll f our selfn ur acitos nbty reguatling n
cotnrollig nur thgoutsh

Be I ncontroll fo ursefl n uracitosn by being I ncotnroll of ur thgoutsh cyou thoguths are the caoseu of ur
acitosn n ur acitosn are the result of ur thgouths thth og o ni n ur mind be aware of hthe thgotsh goin o
ni nur mind n be in control f our uself n ur acitosn by being I ncontroll fo utr htgotush be aware of htth
ogutsh goino n I n ur mind n regaulte ur thinking on htebasiss of as per n acccordin to what u knwoi n ur
mind u shud n shud not be odign…

Ur actiosn are a result of ur thoguths and so to be in control fo urself n ur acitosn u bnee d ot be in

cotnroll f our htgouths… be aware of hththtoguhts goino n I nur head know what are you htinkign of and
reuatle ur thinking control ru thignkign n u r thgouths as to what u know in ur mind in ur sensnibel
memeory u shud n shud not be odoing …

Be aware o hth htoguths going o ni n ur head know what u are thignkig nfo whenever u find uself
thinking nof unimpt hgsi ntell urself “stop thinking fo nonsnesthink of urw rk what work to od “ hence
stop urslf from thignkig nfo unim p thgisn n make urslef think of imp thgisn intentionalyly onpurpose at
will knowing think of u r wor k what should I think fo now lets think of this topic hwo ot odo this hwo to
og oaobut this..l ets htignk of what work ot od what work should I do now… lets do this now..

When u are lazing o nthe bed as u know I nur mind thh u have agoal to achevie n u need ot be doing ur
work for it so regaulte urself tell urslf intentionallyly knwoingl y provide a reagultory th gotuh to tell
urself “u need ot be doing urwork ge iup get to work now we have a goal toahvecievei” n hence kick
urself up form the bed… n makeu rslfe get u p n get otwrok.. reagulte ureslf ur acitosn by regaultign u
rthgotush prviidng regualator hy toguhts

What implusive thoughts u get in ur mindtelling u to do wht say no to them

I had plenty of time so far but I did into have cotnroll over myself n my actions I did not know how the
brain works the various processes involved and what I needed t odo to be in control of my actions and
myself… and the various process fo the mind like memory and thinking… you know prog my mind my
memeory and cotnroll my thoguth process thoguth control to be I ncontroll of myself n my actiosn… and
Ias I didn’t know what to od how ot use my brian how to be in control of my actiosn nadm yself and
what tod oi ntermas of the process of the mind like memory and htinkign , prog the mind and thought
cotnroll to be I ncotnroll fo my actiosn and myself and so my lack of performance was due to thth du e
to my lack of contorll over myself n my acitosn and cause I did not know n understand how the brain
wokrs and what I needed to do to be I ncontroll fo my htoguths .. prog my mind my memmeroy n hence
be I ncotnrol lfo my actions n myself

U know in ur mind what oyu need to od so be I ncontroll fo urself n uractions be being I ncontroll of oyur
thoguths by regulating your htoguths according to oyu as per what you know in ur mind in ursnesibel
mememroy you should nshodul not be doing …ur acitosn are a result out put of ur htogutsh ur htignkign
the thogutsh going on in ur head … so to be In controll of yourself n ur acitons u eneed to be in cotnroll
fo oyur htgoutsh and ur htginking process…be aawr eof hteh thgoutsh going o ni nur head know what
oyu are htignkig nof regautle ur htignking control ur htgouths by rpovidign regulatory thgouths
according to what oyu know in ur mid ni n ru sensible memory u should n shud not be doing… u know in
ur mind what u need ot od n so intentionally at will on purpose provde regautlort htyoguths nad
iisntructions telling n uto do it to make uresfl do it or stop doing soemthigsn thth u knwoi n ur mind u
shud not be doing

U know I nur mid nthth u hsud brush ur teeth at night n thth its no use brusing ur teeth in the morning
as the bacteria act o nhte plaque the hwhole night and realease acids tht cause tooth decay… and so
after eating dinner n before going ot bed u are reminded of it n u remebr it as its herh ein ur mind nad
so u regaulte urelsf accordingly b telling urselfn providing a regautlory htgotuh command nad
intstrucitosn on the basis of hwat u know in ur mind u shud be doing and accordingly thinking “lets
brush teeth now brusing teeth in the morning is of no use if u want o bersuh then brush it now” and so
oyu do…

Ur acitosn a re a result of oyur htignkign ur htogtuhs if oyu are doing other htigsn n not oding imp thgisn
thh tu know I nur mind u hsud be doing then it means u get impulsive thoguths telling nu to do other
htigsn n u are not ocntrollign those impulsve thgouths Be awre of the thgoutsh goino n in ur head knkw
what u are htinkig nof whanever u get a thought I nur mind telling nu to do oterhhtigsn or uthink of
doing otehrhitgns hten as you know in ur sensnible mmemeory I nur mid ntht h u need ot be doing ur
wrk as u have a goal to achevie so u hshud n nto be doing otehrhigns… so accordingly o nteh basis of
thth resist ur impulsive htogusth and say no to them o nteh basis of htth of hwat u know I nur sensnibel
memeory us hud n shud nto be doing intentionally provide a regulatory htgouth tell ursefl “no odnt od
thth now do ur work now” hence resist the impuslv ehtogsut hh thth tell u to od other htigns pactise
thoguth control… o nthe basis onf what u know I nur sensnibel memory ushud n shud nto be odign… ot
be I ncotnroll of ur acitosn u need ot be in cotnroll fo uy rhotughts … n reguatle ur thignkign … on the
basis of what u know I nur sensible memeory u shud n hsud not od..

First oyu think of oding some thing or get a thoguth in ur midn to do some htigsn only then u do it.. ur
acitons are a result of oyu r thinking ur actiosn are an out put direct outcome of ouyr htignking…. So to
be I n total controll fo oyursfl and ur acitosn u need ot be in total control fo oyu hr thinking … the
thgotush going o nin ur head… be aware of hteh thgoutsh going on I nur head… know what thogutsh u
get … and regaulte ur thinking cotnroll ur htingking according t owaht oy uknwo I nur mid nu shud n
shud nto be doing.. by providng reguatlory htgotushs… to resist imuslvie htogutsh and stop wanderin g
of mind and impulsive thinking … u know in ur mid nwaht u need ot od and so accordingly intentionally
at will on purpose n knowing porived reguatlorty thgosuth instrucitiosn an d comamdn s to makeu rself
do cerati nthgis nor stop urself fro m oding certain nthgisn.. be I ncotnrol of ursefl n ur actiosn by being I
ncontroll fo oyur thgotush n regulating ur thinking o nteh basis of hwat u know I nru mind accoridn to
what u know I nur mind u hsud n hsund nto be doing…

U know in ur mid nwaht u need ot be doing so accordingly provide eregaulatory thgotush to make ursefl
do certain nt hgisn n to stop urself fro mdoing certain nthgsi n thth u know I nurmidn u shud n shudn t
ot be doing

So now u know what yto do at the memory n htignking level at the memory lelvel u need ot keep
certain things in ur mind and at the thinking lelve as u know in ur mind what u shud n shud nto od so
accordingly u need to regautle ur thinking to make ursefl do it stop urself for mdoign other htigns n
cocotnroll n reguatle ur thinking practice thoguth control las to what u know I nur mind I nur snensnible
memmeory u shud n hsud not do… as ur actiosn are a result of ur htignking and so to be I ncotnroll fo ur
acitosn n usrelf u need ot bei ncotnrol lfo oyur htgotuhs u know I nur mind what u need ot od what u
shud n hsud nt o do so n the basis of htht regulate l ur thignkign to make urself do it ..

Its there I nur mind As u know in ur mind in ur memory what to do what u need ot od n so it occurs to u
u are reminded of it n so u think accordingly n hence u do it…

Knowing n understanding->sensible memory->regulatory thinking -> Action

Impulsive memory -> impulsive thinking -> impulsive action
Internal conflict (clash between regulatory thinking n impulsive thing)
Out of control, helplessness,m lack of control over urself n ur actions (doing things that u know in ur
mind in ur sensibky e memory u suhud not be doing but u do it cause u get impulcisvve e thoughts
telling u to do it which is basically u arteer ntiot regulating ur thinking) Or(not doing things things tht u
know in ur sensible memory u shud be doing whihch is again due to lack of thought regulation n
control) tht at is u are not in control of u r action or urself… tht is u are doing thingsa tht u know in ur
mind u shud not be doing sso u feel helpless out od f cntroll n u don’t know how to make urself stop u
know in ur mind tht u shud not be doing a certain thing but u still continue to do it… or u are nit doing
things tht uknow in ur mind sensible u shud be doing u know in ur mind u need to do this tthing but u
don’t know how t ereguklte urself n make urself do it how th e process works… its all cause u are not
regulating ur thinking …. Ur actions are a result output of ur thoughts ur thinking t o be in control of ur
actions u need to be in control of ur thought.. to be in control over urself n ur actions u need to be in
control of urthought regulate ur thinking rovide regulatory thought s ont h e basis of what u kno w in ur
sensible memory u shud ns hud not be doing on the basis of tht intentionally on purpose at will
knowingly tell urself provide regulatyory thoughts instructions nor commands to make urself do certain
things or stiop iurself from doing certain things on purpose provide regulatory thought to start or stop
an action tht u know in ur mind u shud n shud not do… n to control ur thinking… resis t impulsive
thoughts tht tell uto do other things say no to them resist impulsive thoughts tht tell to do thins tht u
know in ur mind u shud no t be doing resist thouse impylusuve thoughts by prviding regulatory thoughts
… nalso focus ur mind stiop urself frommt hinking of other things n make ueslf think of ur wrk ..
intentionally at will onpurpose knoewingly think of ur wrk thr rbest part of thinking is tht u can think odf
a certain issure ortopic tht u want to think of at will for e: wht shud I trhink of now ? lets think of this
now… how yt6to do it n go about it n so on… so inoreder to b e in control or urself n ur actions u need
to be in control of ur thoughts n ur thinking… cause u r attions are a direct result n output of ur thought
the thoughts going on in ur head so to be in control of ur actions u need to control ur thought be in
control of ur thoughts n regulate ur thinking regulate ur thought control ur thoughts on the basis of
ursensible memory wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud not do according to tht as per tht..
Ability to learn and remember

As u know I nur sensnibel memeory what u shud n shud nto do and so u think accordingly and provide
regaultory thgoutsh and resist n say no to the impulsive thgotush tht hu get I nu r mid nth httell u to od
toerh htigsn tht u know I nursensibelm emory u shud nto be doing … and s o ureaulte urself and u dotn
do it… u odnt od the thgisn tht u know I nur mind I nur snensibel memeory u shud nt ood but thth ur
impuslvie thgotush tell u to od..

U need to know how the brain works and the process involve d the process of the brain memeory
htinkig n nso o n tht llead to results acitons and other hfuntions … n u need to know how to use your
brain… whatu need ot odo I nterms of the processes… u need to know what you need to do to have
taotla control l voer ursefl ur acitons by being I ncontroll of ur mind ur htignkign and rpeog the min n
memeory.. so u tht hu know hoew the brain works n the process invoevld and what you needo to do ot
be I ncotnrol lfo urself. N ur acitons… how to be in control lf out r mind n ur htinkig n… n rpog the mind
the memory

Keep in mind I nur mememor what u need to do dotn forget wha t u need ot od …. U know in ur mind
what u need ot od so accrodignyl regulate ur thignkign practice thgotush cotnroll intentiontioanlyly
provide reguatlory htgoughts and make ursefl do ti..

Ur actiosn are a result of ur htginking the thgosuth going o nin ur mind so be aware of the thgotush
going on I nur mind know what oyu are thinking nfo n what impuslvie thgotush u get telling u to do what
and control n reguatle ur htginking accordingly as to what u know in ur mind in ur sensenibel u shud n
shdu nto od and hence be in cotnroll fo urself n ur acitosn by beign I ncotnotllro of u r htogtush

U need ot know how ot regaulte urself mn make urself do cerati nthgisn t hh tu know I nru mdi n ushd
be doing nhwo to be I ncontroll of ur acitosn by being I ncotnroll f our mind ur htinkign n prog the mind
keeping cerait nthgis ni n urm emeory as to what u needo to do n os on so th hu know in ur mid nwaht
u need ot od its he rhe I nru mdin n it occiurs to u n u are reminded fi ti n so u regaute l ur thinking
naccrodingly an d make urself od it

Know what u are thignkign fo what thogutsh are going o n in ur head n where u r mind is n what are you
thinking of stop ursefl form thinking nfo other htigsn n focus ur mind on ur wrk tell ursefl stop thinking
nof other htigsn n think fo your wrok… you needo t know what oyu need ot od hwo to focus ur mind n
control n regautle ur thgotush ur thinking.. do I t with full focus n concentration keep urm id ni ntht only
stop ursefl form thinkgi nf othwr heintgs think fo thth only and nothgin else if oy uthink of other hrtigns
hten u are inturrupetefd n u rthoguth process si broken which causese dealy and u cannto work fast or
move ahed or understand anything … there in s no continuity or flow its like start stop stop n go.. u
need to know what u need oto d if oyu dotn know what to od how to focus ur mind reguatle ur htinkgi
nn so on then you wont be ablbe to do it … u will get distracted n u wont eneven know whay u are
getting distracted for what reasosn nwhat u are supposed to do to focus on ti n hence be able ot od it..
inshort I f oyu don’t know what u need oto d ghow to focuse ur mind n so on thn you wotn be able to od
it tht activity or wrok cause u iewll be ocnsntantly idistracted …
There are only two processes of the min memeory n thinking nu need ot know what u need ot od
intersm of hterse two processes to make urself efficient and productive to keep urself o nteh right path
toworking towards ur goal prevent urselffrom straing n be control lfo ureslf n ur acitons.. b being I
ncotnrol of ur thgotuh s n keeping things I nur mind as tomemeory hwas towhatu need otodf n
cotnrollign urhtginkign accordingly n hence bei I ncotnrol of urslfe n nuracitons n make urself do things
thth u know I nu rmid nu shud be doing

My alck of performance was cause I was lackign control over myelfn nacitosn I was doing oterh htrigns n
not able to stop make my self stop doing ote rhhtigsn n do my work nwaht I know is imp and I didinot
know hwothe brain worked and what I needed to do to be in control of my mind (thinking) n prog the
mind memeory and hence be I ncotnrol lfo my actiosn n myself…

U know I nur mind tht u have a goal to achieve n u need to be doing ur wrk for it and so u reguatle ur
esfl and think accordingly … “lets nto waste time lets get to work immediately”

Ur eperformance efficiency will depend on how well u can regautle self and ur actions by regautlign u r
thginkign on the basis of hwat u know in ur mind sensible ememory u shud n shud not be doing..

To be in control of urself n ur action u need to be in control of u r thoughts cause ur thoughts are the
cause of ur action Know what are u thinking of what thoughts u get in ur mind n regulate urthinking
accordingly on the basis of what u know in ur mind u shud ns hud not be doing

U know I nur mind tht u have a goal to achieve n u need to be doing ur wrk for it and tht u shudnr be
wasting ur time doing other things so u reguatle ur esfl and think accordingly … “lets nto waste time lets
get to work immediately” “don’t waste ur time now lets get to work immifdiately”

U know in ur mind I nur sensible memeory what u need to od so accordingl regulate ursefl by
intentionally on purpose knowingly proividng regualotry thogutsh instntnrucitons and commands to
stop ursefl doing htigsn thht u know in ur mind u hsud not be doing stop and action nand to make ursefl
do things thth u know in u r mind u shud be doing… hwo to enegage in srelf control land regulation this
is how u regaulte urtsefl.. n cotnroll rusefl n ur acitons… thth s hwo u control nregautle urself u know in
ur mind I nur sensnible memeory hth u ened to od certia nthgsi ncause they are imp for ur good
bebenift and progress so accordingly u set uresfl f right u correct ureslf n u make ursefl doi t by proividng
self regulatory thgotush intsrucitons and commands n telling urself n making urself do the thgisn u know
I nur mind u shud be doing n stop urself form doing thigns hth tu know in ur mid n ushud not be doigmn

Ur actions are a result of oyur htignking a result outcome output of the thgoutsh going on I n ur haead
to be in cotnroll of your actions u need to be in control fo the thoghuts goin on I n ur head … practice
thoguth control according to hwat u know I nur mind u shud n hsud not do… to pracits e thgouth control
n to regulate ur htignking:- be aware of the htgoughts goin on I nur head know what u are htignkign of n
what thgoutsh u get the impuslve thogutsh telling you to do what and regulate ur thinking control ru
thignkign o nteh basis of n accrodign to what u know in ur sensivlbe memeory u shud n shud nto od n so
resist hteimpuls ehtogutsh thth u get in ur mind thth tell u to od thigns otehrh tigsn unimp thgisn things
thth u know I nur mid nu shud not be doing … resits those impuslve htogutsh say no t them by
provifidng reguatlory htgotush telling ureslf “no don’t do thth now do ur wor knoew thth is more imp” n
hence regaulet urself n ur acitosn by regaulting ur htignst n ur htignkig no nt he baisso f what u know in
ur mind u shud n nshdun t o do
Ur actiosn are a result of ur thignkign the thgotush goin o ni nru head to be in control of uresfl n ur
actions u need ot be in control f our thgotush regulate ur thinking o nteh basis of n accrodign t o what u
know in ur mind in ur sensible memory u hsud n shudn ot be doing..

I do it cause I know in my mind htht it is imp and it needs to be doine… ans so I think accordingly I
intentionally tell myself n provide aregaultory thought to regaulte myself… as I know in my mind htht I ti
is imp n needs ot be done ad so I think I intentionally provide a ergaultory thought to regautle myself I
tell myself”lets nto waste tiem doing this now lets get to work now immideiteyl” ansd so o ido it… by
regulating myself be itnetnionalyly on purpose telling myself n proivinddi ng areguatlory thgotush telling
myself to do it n so imake myself do it what I know in my mind I shud be oding

Don’t spend u r pains efforts n enengry I nunimp thigs nhtht will brign u no benefit or gain remember
htth tht is not beenfifital for ur prgogress

Tending (impulse urge thought telling her to draw out of control doing thigns tht u know in ur sensible
memory u shud not be doing as u have other things to do but stillu tend to do it casuse ur impulsive te
thoughts tht u get in ur mind tht tell u to do) to drawing again, but have to restraint myself for lack of
time( stop stop )

Tending (impulse urge thought telling her to draw out of control doing thigns tht u know in ur sensible
memory u shud not be doing as u have other things to do but stillu tend to do it casuse ur impulsive te
thoughts tht u get in ur mind tht tell u to do) to drawing again, but have to restraint myself for lack of
time( stop stop )

Tending to drawing again, but have to restraint myself for lack of time( stop stop ) as she know in her
mind htth there in so time and so whne ever she impulsively thinks of drawing or gets a thgotuht to
draw then she resists thth impuslve thgouths by regulating her self intntiontionally providing a regulator
hy togutht telling her self to stop as there is no time as more imp thgsin eed ot be done… she regulates
herself n provdes regautlory thgotuhs to ressit t he impuslvie thogtuhs as she know in her mind thht
there is no time to waste as imp thgsi nt odo so she intentionally on purpose provides a reagulatory
thgothuhts as she knows in her mind wht she hsd n shud not do according to what asp erwhat she
knows in her mind she shud n shud nto do… n hence resgutles herself n her actions by intentionally
providing regualatory thoguth as to what she knows I nher mind she shudn shud not de..

Self restraint

As u know I nur mind what u need ot od I nur sensnible memory n so u reguatle urself accordingly by
intentionally providing self regualtatory thgotush isn’t commands n thinking accordingly and telling
ureslf to odo it n henc u do ti

A s u know in ur mind what u nee d dto do n so u think accordingly n hence u do it

U know in u rmind what u need to do n so u intentionally on purpose providr e regulatory thought to

reulate ur thinking control ur thinking … n make urself do it wht u know in ur mind u shud do…. U
provide regulatory thoughts intentionally on the basis of wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud ntot do to
regulate ur thinking control ur thinking hence to regulate urself n make urself do it…
U know I nur mind what u need ot od and so accordingly o nthe basis of htht u think accordingly u
regaulte u r htginkign control ur htignkig nand intentioanllyy provde regautlory thgotushs on the baiss
of hwat u know I nur mind u shud nshudn ot od and so u regulate ursefl and makeu rsefl do it..n follow

To be I ncontroll fo ur acitons ur need ot be I ncotnrol lf our htgoutsh cause ur acitosn are a driect result
n our come n out pput of ur htgoutsh … for eg: be aware fof hteh th gotush going on I nur mind know
what htogtush u get what impulsive htogtush u get telling u to od what and whenever u think oof doing
otehrhtigns n unimpt hgsin n get a impulsive thoguth I nur mind to od other htigns thth u know I nur
mind I n ur senesnible memeory u shud not od then as u know I nur mind u shud not be odign ti as u
have more imp thgisn to od and so u intentioanlyly provide aregaultoary htoguth n tell ursefl “no odotn
od thth now don’t waste ur time now doing thth od ur wrk now” and so u reguatle ur thinking no nthe
basiso f n according to what u know I nru mind I nur senseible memory uh hsd n hsud not be doing.. and
hence u reagulte ursefl n ur cacitons by reauglting ur htinkig nn controlling ur thinking no nt the basis of
hwat u know I nru mind u hsud n shud not be doing

Ur actiosn are a result of u rhitnkign ur htogtush the thgostuhs going o ni n ur head to be in control fo
oyur self n uractions u ne dot be in cotnroll of oyur thgotush to reauglte ursefl n ur acitosn u nreed to
regautle ur thgotush… hwo to reguatle n control ur thgonmkign thoguth cotnroll n hewne be I ncotnroll
of urelsf n ur actios nthth is regautle urself n ur aciotns:- be aawrwe e fo ththe thgotuhs going o n in ur
head in ur mind and control u rthgotush n regautle ur thgouths o nthe basis of hwat u know in ur mid nu
hsud n hsud nto be doing … n ehcne reguatle ursefl n ur acitons…

Stop doing htth thing it’s a waste of time u ownt get anyhtign by doing thth

As u know I nur mid ni n ue senseibel memeory hwt u shud nshud nto do so u thin aka ccordingly n
ontentionally on purpose proivede a regautlory htogutht … to reaugulate n control ur htignkign and
hence regaulete and cotnroll ur acitons… make ursefl do cerati nthgis nor stop doing certain nthgis ntht
hu know I nur mid n uhsud n shud nto be doing… u regautle ursefl n uracitons n cotnroll ruself n ur
acitosn by cotnrolli n g and regaulating ur htginking and intentionally proivign reagultory thgotush o
nthe basis of what u knw in ur mind u shud n nshud nto be doing to make ursefl doit what u know I nur
mid n ushud n shud nto od…

U know in ur mind I nur snesnibel memory what u need otod and so accrodingyl u cotnroll and regulate
ur thignkign u rpactise thoguth cotnroll n regulate ur thginkign nprovide regaultory htgoutsh and hence
u reagutle ur acitosn and ursefl u control ru self n ur acitons by reguatling and contollig nur thinking n
inenteionally providng regulatory htgotush o nteh basis of n according to what u know in ur mid nu shud
nshdu nto be doing

U do toehrh tigns cause u get impulsive htogutsh I nur mid n telling u to od those thgins.. to be I
ncotnroll fo oyur self and uractions to regulate ursfl and ur actiosn u need ot be I ncotnroll fo oyur
htgotush nad regulate and control ur htgotush practice thgotuh control reagulte ur thgotush n ur
htignkign as to what u knew I nur mid n ushud n shdu nto be doing…. How ot reguatle ur htoginkign be
aware of hteh htgotus hgoing o ni nur head know what u are thignkig nf on what thogutsh u get… nr
egautle n control ur thinkgi by intentionally on purpose at will providing reguatlortyh toguths provide
regautlort y thgotush o nteh basis of what u know I nru mid n ushud n shudn hnot be doing to resit
impulsive htignkig nmake urslef thinkof certia nthgis nstop thinking nfo cerati nthgis nreissit impulsive
htogutsh th tell u to do oteh rhiggns .. nmake ursefl n stop ursfl frm odign cerait nthgis ntht hu know I
nur mdi nu hsud n shudn to be doing

Ur actiosn ar e a result of ur htgoutsh aresutl of u htr thginkig nthe thgoutsh going o n ur mind to be in
control lfo oyur acitosn ur need ot be in control lf oyoru thgouths… u know I nur mid ni n ur sensnibel
memeroywhat u need ot od .. adnd so regautle n control ru htignkig naccordingly… to make urself do it
n follow it… n hence ebe in control lfo oyurslf n ur actions reagutle uraelf n ur acitosn by reaugtlign
ncotnrollig nur htignkign o nte hbasis of hwat u know I nur mind in ur snesibel memory u shud n n hsudn
ot o do

Learning and memory learn understand know n remember so tt ht u know what to do n so yu

think accordingly as perwhat u know in ur mind u shud do n so u do it…

Ur actiosn a re a idrectresult of your thgoutsh the ur thginkig nteh thgoutsh goin o n I nur head … To be I
ncotnrol lof urasef l nad ur actiosn and reguatle ursefl and ur actions u need ot regautle ur thinkign n
control ur thinking accrodign to what u know I nur snensibel memory u hsu nd nshudn n ot be doing

Its there in my mind what I need to do n how to go about it…

The besyt thinking about thinking is tht u cant hink of some thing some topic issue wrk at will on
purpose what shud I think of now ? Lets think of this now… how to do this how will I do this what todo n
ho w to go about it..

U know in ur mind what u need ot be doing so regualtate urself accordingly provide regulatory htogtus
hcommadsn and instructions nd make urslf do it..

U know in ur mind what u need ot be doing so accordingly regautl ur thignkign intentionally on purpose
provide reguatlory htgotush t omake ursefl do it

How ot get over ur laziness and reluacutance and aversion to work har d and take papins and efforts
cause its painful and uncomfortable and to laze relax and do nothgin cause it feels goodo ad n easy and
comfy nad relaxing:-
Keep I nmind hth t withogt working hard working day n night and continusnly constnatnly you are not
going ot acheviei any htign… keep this I nur mind… so now as u emreebr and u know I nur mind thth u
need ot work hard and take pains anad effort and consntntaly b e working contionusly and dayn naiight
if oyu want ao achievei anyhtigns or get any htign done as uu know this in ur mind I nu rsensnible
memory so accordingly tell urslf rne gualte urself consnttnatly provide aregaultory htogtuht nad tell
urself “there is no use lazing and sleeping n relaxing nad sittign idle and doing nothing if you watnt ot
achevei anhyting u need to work hard for it… adnd take the painsnad the struggleand effort and the
siscomfort o f sititgn cosntnalty and working towards ahceivieng ur gaol” and hence motivate urself and
make urself work hard get up for m the bed and stop boign lazy and make ureslf work hard by reagultign
urself cotnrollong uselr f n ur acitons by proivign regulatiory thgotush on tht ebasois of what u know I
nru mid n ushud n shud not be oding n henvece make urself motivate urslf to odi o it what u know I nur
mid nu shud be odig nby prodving reguatlor htoguths comamdns and isntntracutinons n telling urelfs to
od it u know I nur mid nwaht u needo to do so accoridfdngly tell ur selfintnteionally proieev de a
thgotsuh inst n ocmamdn s to motivate urself n make urself do it hwat u know I nru mid n ushdu be
U know in ur mid nwaht u need ot b e doing and so accordingly u regautle ursefl and ur racitons and
make ursefl do ti by itnentioanlly providing sefl regaulotry thgotush comamdnns n interucitosn and
telling urself to od it … n hence moticvationg and making urself do it..

U know in ur mind what u need to do “tht u need to work day n night n u need to stay awake the whole
night n complete the wrk as its imp to u” and so u tregulate urself by telling urself n constantly providing
a regulatory thoughts “don’t lay down nw n ndont sleep if u lay down u will fall asleep u can move
around but dotnt lay down n don’t sleep we need to complete this wrk tonight to achieve oyur goal or it
wont be done” n so u motivate urself n force utrrself n msake urself stay up ythe whole night n stay
awake to complete the wrk u make urselfforce urseflf n motivate urself to do it… by intentionally on
purpose providing regulatory thought sinstructions n commands n telling urself on the basis of n as u
know in ur mind in ur sensible emory tt h u nneed to do it..n so accordingyly on the basis of tht u
provede self ergulaytory thought st command intentionally n make urself do it..

For eg u are aeatching tv but as u know in ur mind tt u shudd not waste rtime doing unimp things n u
ned to wrk to achive ur goa.. so u regulate rurself n tell urself “llets not waste time doing this u wont get
anything by doing all this lets get to wrk now” n so u make urself do it

The only way to be in cotnroll f our acself n u r aacitons is to be I ncotnroll f our htogutsh u know I nur
mind hthth u need ot obe doin certia nthgisn so tel ursefl provide a thgouths telign u to od so… n hence
forceurslf motivate urself n make urself do it … say no reissit imupoulsvie hthoguths htth tell u tot od

U know in ur mind what oyu need to do… and so accordingly reagutle urself and ur actions cotnroll
ursefl and ur aciotns by regulating your thinking (as ur acitosn are a outcome output n result of oyur
thgouths the only way to be I ncontrol l fo your self nuracitosn is by being in cotnroll controlling and
regaulating ut htgotush) U know in ur mind what oyu need to do… and so accordingly as to what u know
in ur memory in ur sensible memory u shud n shud nto od reagutle urself and ur actions cotnroll ursefl
and ur aciotns by regulating your thinking and cotrolign ur intentionally on purpose at will
knowingly providing self reguatlory thgotush instructions and commands and telling urslf to stop doing it
to stop ursefl frm doing things htth u knowi n ur mind u shud nto be doing or telling urself to od it what
u know I nur mind ushud be doing … and hence motivating urself forcing ursefl and making ursefl ot od
it making urself do what u know in ur mid in ur sensible emeory nu shud br doing by regaulting n
controlling ur thignkig nby provodng self eguatlory htgotush ocmamands and inst o nteh basis of asp
erhwat u know in ur mind u shud n shudn ot do

U know in urmind what u need too do so regulate urself accordingly n regulate ur actions control utself
n ur actions by regulating ur thinking n controllingur thinking… by providing self regulatory thoughts inst
n commands to strat or stop an acton on the basis of n according to wht u know in ur mind u shud be
doing n shud not be doing … n hence making urslf forcing urselfn motivating urself to do it

U know in ur mind wht u need to be doing so accordingly exercise practice self restraint n seldff control
self correction self regulation restrain stop urself frm doing things tht u impulsive thoughts tell ut o do
but u know in ur mind in ursensible memory u shud not be doing… make usrself do thing tht u know in
urur mind u sud be doing be in c ontroll of urself n u r acytions by regulating n controlling ur thoughts n
ur thinking by intentionally providing regulatory thoughts inst commands to regulat urself n make urself
n motivate urself to do wht u know in ur mind u shud b e doing

U know in ur mind “tht u shud not be wastin time u shud nto waet a a min of urs doing unimpt hgisn n
otehrh tigns htth bring no use gain prog n beebnift cause onence u lose time u will never get it back n u
have a gaol to achieve m u need to wrk for it n n do imp things oonyl spnd ur time odin imp thisn only“
so when u are watching tv or doing unimo htigsn then intentionally on purpose knowingly at will provide
self regulatory thought to regulate control n correct urself stop ursetgfl from doin certaint higngs n
make urself do certain things tht u knw in ur mind ushud be doin tell urself “lets not waste time
watching tv lets get to wrk now we have a goal to achieve “ n hence make urself stop watching tv n
make urself do ur wrk by telling urself providng regultry thought inst n commands as per wht u know in
ur mind u shud ns hud not be doing…

The hardest part is dealing with ur htogutsh regualting ur htogutsh and hence cotnrollign ur self if u dotn
know what to od hwo to be inc otnroll fo urself by boign I n control of ur thogtush then u are a victim of
ur impulsive htgotush out of control … n not odign the thgisn u know in ur mid nu shud nbe doing.. n
doing things u kwno I nur mid nu shudnot be doing due ot lack of self regautlion regulating utr actiosn
ursefl by reagulting ur thought practice thgotuh control lack of thgotuh regautlion aand thth affects ur
prodcitviity lack of efficiency doing ununimpt hgisn impulsive addictive behavior and u know ur loss and
frustration depression nnsadness cause u are nto oding imp thgisn htht u know in ur sensible memory u
shud be doing… once u know what u nweed tood how ot ocntroll ur actions urself reguatle ursefl by
regaulting ur htgotush according to what u know in ur mind wht u hsud nshud nto do then u rgain htat
control cause u know what u need tood hw oto be in cotnorll fo urself n ur actiosn amkre urself do
things htht u kwno I nu r mid nu shud be doing n stop urself from doing thigns htht u kwno I nur mid n
ushudn not be doing u know what to od … how to be incontroll of urself n uar actios nby regulating utr
thinking according to what uknwo I nur mid nu shud nshdun t o be doing

All prog of humanity inventions is not coause of memeory thth is storing the inof static thgisn but of
thinking nmovaing process.. constnatn moving process … its cause of thinking nadn reasoning process
thinking and alayzing nadn soon… if oyu can focus ur mifnd u know cotnroll ur thginkign focus ur mind n
direct ur thginkig nto imp htigsn n not think nonsenesn then humanity can make great progress..

To be in cotnroll of ursfl n ur actiosn u need ot be I n control of ur mind be in cotnroll f our thgotush

cause ur acitosn are a result of ur htgotush goin on I n ur head u need to understand and know how the
mind works.. the process es involed nad what oyu need oto d interms of hterse processes… there are
only two processes thth u need to deal with memory and thinking… memory is a static prococess once it
is inputted n ur mid nthen thth inof is tored in ur mind its herhe in ur mind and u remeebr it u know I
nur mind what to od n tis storedi n ur mind n u remember it n it occurs to u cotnantly u are reminded ofi
t unless of course u forget… so u need to know methods and techniques to store it in u r mind so thth u
remember n u dotn forget… thinking is a moving process there are constantly thogutsh going o n I nur
mind.. u need to reguatle ur thingkign and ocntroll ur htgoutsh on the bassis of hwat u know I nur mid n
in ur sensible memory u shud be doing or shud not be doing control nreguatle ur htignkig naccoridngly
to make ursefl do it or stop urself form oding cerait nhgisn… to make urself think of imp thgis nn so on..
ur acitos anre a direct result of out r htignkig the thgotus hgoino n in u r head n so to be in cotnroll fo
oyur acitosn uneed otbe in control of ur htgotush n regaute l ur thinking
Thought control n regulating ur thinking: - ur actions are a result of ur thinking to be in control of ur
actions u need to regaulte ur thought n practice thought control n regulation be in control of ur
How to regulate n control ur thinking method n technique: - Be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur mind
know what you are thinking of ….

Focusn xonctetntrate u r mind in ur work consntatly keep ur mind I nur work think of ur work ony ldont
think fo other higns whe n uthnk of oterh htigns n divert n deaviate sorect ursefl stop urselfn namek u
self think f our wrk n imp thgisn only keep ur mind I nru wrkn I np thgis nonly in this way

U know in ur midn what t un eed tood so regautle n control ruself n uracitons accordingly by
intentioanllyly telling ur selfn proividng reguatlory htgotush isn’t n commadnsd to make urslfe do it

U know in ur mind in ur sensible meemroy what u need to be doing so accordingly regulate nad control
ur htoginkig nand henc me kae urself do it

Yes he had told me how to uset ht softawesrs n various fuctions I rembertht n so I thin k accordingly
“where ddid tht function go lets serch” n so I o it

If you are not oding it then it means only three things either u odnt know or understand what u needo
to do , or its not hreh in ur mind u have forgotten what u needo todo hwat u r gaol is n so on or its here
in ur mind nu know what u need otod by u are not making urself do it as u are not regualatign u r
htignkig n cotrooling ur htoguhts n provding a regulatory thgotuhts as to what u know I nur mind u
hsud n hsudn ot be doing u are nto regualtign urslf by reguatlign ur htignking n to amek u rself do it lack
of reguatlion aur e not reugalting urself by regautling ur htignking … n cotrolig nu r htogutsh u are nto
rteaugltaing utr htignkning..

U know in ur mind what u need to be doin so accrodingyl regautle ursefl byintentionally providing self
reguatlory htgotush inst nn command n making urself do it tell ursfl “lets nto waste time lets get to
waork immidirealty we have agoal to achviei” n hence reugalte urself motivate ursefl n make urself do it
… by procign srlf egaultry thoughts inst nn commands o nthe bassi of what u knw in ur mid n us hd n
shdu nnto od
When u get a thgotuhs I nurmind telling nu r to stop to get up n sop working resit htht thgotuhs tell
ruefls “ no odnt get iup vcompeltet his now si t contounylsy n nfinish don’t waste even a min sit the
whole night n ocmprlelte this” increase ur ressitance n self controlll

Regualte ur self and make urself do what u know I nur mind u shud n hsudn ot be doing by regulating ur
htignkign nad proviindg self egugaltory correcting n directing thogtush inst n commands otnentioanlyyl
on purpose to guidd e ursefl direct ursfl correct ursefl motivate urself n makeu rsefl do what u know I
nru mind u shud be oding n stop ursefl form doing what u know in ur mind u shud not be doing self
reuagltory sefl correcting by provdiign regaulotry thgostuh isn’t n commands to reugalte ursefl n make
ursefl do what u knwoi n ur mdi nu shud n hsudn ot be doing
How to reguatle ur thinking practice thgoutht control:-
Ur actions are a result of ur htignkign to be in cotnroll fo oyur actions u need ot be I ncotnroll fo yur
htogtush cotnroll ur htogutsh and ereagulte ur thinking
Be aware of the thgotush going on in ur head know what oyu are thinking of stop ursefl from thinking fo
unimp things n maek ursefl think of oyur work and impt hgisn… u need to focus ur mind on ur work
concentrate ur mind o nur work keep ur mind I nur work n direct ur mind to ur work… thth is think of
your work only not think of oterh nonsensne and unim pthgisn thth will bring u no use e gain or bebenift
u will do oyur work only if oyu think of ur work what work to od and oso n… be awre of hteht htoguths
ogin oon I nur mind know what u are thignkig nof … whenever u find ursefl thinking of other htigns
intentionally on purpose at will provide a regulatory thgotuhs t tell ureslf to ostop thinking nfo other
thgisn n to think of wrkn imp thgisn… make ur self think of oyur work… focus u rmind o nur work…. think
fo oyur wotk odnt think fo otherh tigns keep ur mind in ur work focus ur mind on ur eowrk stop urself
form thignkig notehrhhtigsn n make urslef think of oyu r wok n imp thgisn only… u need to get ur head
toghther u need ot get ur mind in the rigiht place… sget a grip on ur mind o nur htoguths stop ursefl
form thinking of nonsnense n unimp thgis nn think fo imp things.. be awar eoe fht ethgotush goin on I
nu rhea d ncotnroll nreguate ur thinking focus ur mind

U nee d to controll n reugalte ursef l by reguatlign ur htignkig ncotnrollig nru thignkig nproviidng self
reugaltory htogtush isn’t comamdns o nteh basiso f wht u know I nur mind ushdu nshdun to eb doin ot
correct ursefl n keep urself on hete right path n make urself do what u know in ur mid n ushud be doin

U may have a hard time regulating urself by regaulting ur mind n controlling ur mind thth is rteugalating
ur thgotush… cotnrollign ru impuslvice htoguths and soon ..focusing your mind stop urself form thignkig
nof otehrhitngs nmake urself think of ur work.. but b y practice u will be perfect… if u proactise self
control nregaultion by praciting thgotuh control n cregaultion with ti me u will get better n know what
to od n it will come easily to u thogituh ct control nreugaltio nexercisese… cake and soo n one more
problem and oso n… self reguatlio nexercise … self restrain t exercises to cotnrioll nregulate urself n ur
actions by reuagalting ur htoguths

U know in ur mind tht u shud not wast e ur time doing other things so accordingly regulate ureself
provide self regulatory thoughts n stop urself rm doing other things n make userself do ut r wrk

U know in ur mind what u need to od so accordingly correct ursefl direct urssefl regautle urself n ur
acitons .. n make ursefl motivate tursefl t odo it by providing self regulatory thgotush instrtuins and
commands to make urself do it

U ar on the right track I nterms of memeory n thinkig nand htinkign and actions.. u just need ot regaulte
ur thigniking… to make ursefl do ti to stop ursefl from wasting time thinking of otrhehtisngs n n make
urself think f our wrk n imp things n do ur wrk n imp things … be arweere of the thogtush going on I nur
headn n control n reguatle ur thginkignn hence reguatle ur actions… focus ur mind stop ursefl from
thinking fonf otwhrhtigns n make urslf think of ur wrk n imp thgisn
U knw in ur mind waht u need to od and so regulate ursfle accordingly and maek urself do ti by
providing self regaultory htgotush inst nn commands to make ureslf do ti…

Uknow what in ur mid nwaht u need to do so u sdotn need oterhs to tell u t o do it n nag u to do ti u
only tell ureslf n direct urself comamdn instructut surself monitor and supervise and boss n command
urself namke urself do it… self directing self doing self managing self driven.. sel f correcting self

So now u kno w what u need to do u know in ur mind what u need t o do so accordingly regulate urself
by regulating ur thinking provoding self regulatory thoughts inst n commands n regulating n controlling
ur thoughts ur thinking cause ur actions are a result o f ur thinking te thoughts goin on in ur head..

The hardest part is regulating ur thinking… be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head know wht
thoughts u get in ur mind n wht r u thinking of… u know in ur mind wht u need to do so accordingly
provide regulatory thoughts n insts n commamds to regulate ur thinking n hence ur actions n make
urself do it… make urself do whr t u kow in ur sensibl e memory u shu d be doing keep uesrself on the
right path to ur goals… n prevent urself rm getting diverted n distracted..

Exercise self regulation nself control practice self regulation exercises… provide aself regulatory
hthought intentionally… when uthink of quitting ior stopping tell rself one more problem one more sum
nod ont stop continue to do it… learnt o provide sekflf regulatory thought ont the basis of wht u kno in u
rmind u shud be doing n hence make urself do t force urself to do it… resilence for sce urself to wrk
continusly wrk day n night wrk hard

U knw o I nur mind what u need to od so accoridngl y build sfl control n resilence make urself n force
ursefl to od it… no odnt get up now sit and complete it now.. tell urslf provde sefl reguatlrooy thgotuhst
instn n comamdns to mkake u rsefl do ti ..

U need to learn train pdevelop self regulation so thth the self reguatltory part of ur brain is generated…
u know prpatsie self regautlion so thth u know what ot od u get used to it it becomes second nature to
u initially it will be difficult then ti will come easily to u proactise slfe regautlion learn to reauglte ureslf
by prconstnatly providing slf regaultort y htogtush instn ncomamdns on the baiss of what u know I nur
mind u shud be odign n hence isntrucing directing and ocmmadnign a urself mamnign urself and making
urself do it on ur own.. increase ur resilence … tell urself “no odnt waste tiem now get to work” “stay up
the whole nigh n study “ “ do one more problems read a few more chapters” develop urself control n
self reugaltion technique pracitse it intentioanlyyl provide self regaultory othguths to deevleop self
cpnttroll n be ion control fo oyursefl n ur acitons n make urself do what u know I nru mid nu shud be
oding control urself N make urself o d what u know in ur mind u shud be oding
Lear nthe retahcnique n method of self ocntroll nself reaguiton n learn what u need ot o dot be in
control lfo yurawfl n aur acitos nand practice it so thth u kwno what ot od n so thht u increase the
reguatliory are a of u berain n u get used ot it with practice it comes easily to u at the start it will b
edifificult as u practice it it will come easily to oyu .. how ot control ruself n make ursefl do what u know
I nru mind u shud be doing by intentionalylyl on purpose provoodng self reguatlory correcting thogutsh
instructions directions and commands ot make ureslf do ti… n hence keep urwlr fw rokign towards ur
goal n on the path to ur gao l nprevent ureslf formstrtying..

Know n learn How to control n regulate urself n make urself do whtu know in rur mind u shud be doing
… by inteionally providing a regulatory thought to make uerself do it

Self driven self regaulting self manging doing iton u r own without anyone else telling u to do it cause u
know in ur mind tht it is imp nn needs to bbe done n so accordingly u regulate urself by intentionally
providing regulator y thought tellinguraeself toddo it ito make ursef do it

No don’t get up sit n complete this now build n exercise ur self regulation n selfcontroll n resytaraint…

U know in ur mind what u need to be doing and so accordingly regulate uresfl n make ursefl do it by
intnteionally proviidgn s elf regaultory thgoutsh inst n comamadns to mkick urself up and make urself
get u p instead of realzxing n lazing cause it feels good and easy kick ur self up n make urslef work hard
to acheveii ur gaol …

U know in ur mind what u need to be doing and so accordingly regulate uresfl n make ursefl do it by
intnteionally proviidgn s elf regaultory thgoutsh inst n comamadns to make urteslf do ti n follow it.. to
force ursefl, motivate ursefl , n make ur sef ldo it

U know in ur mind what u need t o do so accordingly regulate urself by intentionally providing self
regulatory thought inst n command to make urself do it to force urself n motivate ur self to do it

Be aware ogf tehe thoughts goin on in ur mind hats goin on in ur mind wht u are thinking of

U need to know how to control n regulate rself kick urself up from the bed make uerself work hard n
make urself do what u know in ur mind u shud be doing… u know in ur mind wht to do so u don’t need
to other sto tell u n nad g u wht tyto do…once u know wht to do u shud know how to make ursekflf do it
on ur own without anyone having to tell u to do it teergulate ureslf to do it u need to do it on ur own be
a self starter… u need to know how to make urself do it … this is how… u knw in ur mind wht u nee d to
do so u don’t need others to tell u uonly tell urself n mke urself do it intetionallyon purpose provde a
regulatory thought inst n command n hen ce tell urself to d it n accordingly make urself do it motivate
urself to do it.. droive urself direct urself instercu commamdd tellu rself n so mortivate urself n mak e
urself do it… self regulated, seldf directing, self instructing, Self commanding … sself ciorrecting… self
starting.. self inititng.. self aneging self controlling self regulating making usrself do it do it on ur own
without anyone having to tell ut o sd o it…know how to make urself do wht u know in r mind u shud be
doing… regaulte yourself n makre yourself do it wht u know in ur mind u shyd be doing by intentionally
providing self regulatory thoughs instructions n commands I o make urslf do it

Some Ppl are Are self manging once they kno w or figure out wht to do they will do it ont hei r own
U know in ur mind what u need to do so accordingly intentionally providre a self regulatory thought inst
n command to regulate ureslf to makre urself do it n follow it

Self regaultion u know I nur mdi wnaht u need otod so hwo to reguatle ureslf n make uresfl do ti .. ur
actiosn are a result of ur htignking ot be I ncontrollfo ur acitosn u neend to be in cotnroll of our thgotuhs
… intentionally provide self regautlory htgotush ninst n comamdns to make urself maotivate uresfl too
do ti

U know in ur mind what u need ot od so accoridnyl g itneionallyly o npurpose provide sefl reguatlory
thgotush isnct ncommadns tell ursefl to motivate urself n make urtself do it n follow it

U know in ur mind what u need to od and so accordingly regulate uresfl by intentionally on purpose
kenoingly at will providing self regaultory thgotush isntrcations and acommnads to make ursefl do ti to
kick uresfl up form bed n make urself wrk hard n to motivate ureslf to od it

The impulsive ememroy impulsive htinkign is the mind the sensible memeory nad reguatlory thginkign is
oyu… porivind g regaultory htgoutsh on the bssis of what u know I nru mid n ushud n shud nto od to
bocntrioll nregualte urtacitons… the mind can be ur fiernd or ur enenmy if ur mind is in control fo urself
by providng regualory htogtush then it is ur firnd but if oyu odnt reagulte ureslf n cotnroll the mind o
nthe baisso fh wat u know I nur mdi n ushud n hsudn ot do then it is ur enenmy nad it will take u to
palces where eu don’t want ot go you will be a passaneger nthe mind a driver n u will end up dogin
palces u dotn watnt ot dg o uneed to tak thereisns n take control lfo yur mind by providng regualotry
htgoutsh inst n commands n controlling nru htinkig n ur acitosn o nteh basis of what uk wno in ur mid n
u shd n shud nto do

U knw oi nur mid nwaht uneed ot do so accoridnlgy reaugalte urself ur acitons by providigns elf
regaultory thgotush isn’t n coammnds tell rusefl “ odnt waste ur time watich I ntv now we have work
oto od lets get o twrok now” n hence stop uresfl fomr doin otehrh tigns n make urself do ur wrk n do
what u know in ur mid nu hsud be doing

Keep in mind what u need ot od nregualate urself accordingly to make urself do it bt y proiving self
regulatory htogtsh I nstrcutiosnn ocmmadn nregualte ut r htignkin g

Ur actions are a direct result of oyur thinking a result of the thgotush going on in ur haed.. to be in
control of oyur actiosn u need to be in control fo oyur thgouths … u knowi n ur mind what you need to
be doing so accrodignyl regaulte urself and uractions by reagulatign and controlling the thgotush going
on in ru head and intentionally on purpose proividng self regaullury self correcting thgotush to makeu
rslef do what oy u knowi nur mid nu shud be oding u know I nur mind what u needo to d so accoridnlgy
reguatle n correct ursefl n ur acitosn by proividng self regaultory self correcting thoguths instructions an

Know what impulsive thoughts u get in ur mind telling u to do what n resist those thoughts as u know in
ur mind in ur sensible memory u shud not be doing it as u have more imp things to do…
How to e in vcpontroll of ur actions by being n control of ur thoughts execrsing self control n regulation
by practicing thought control n regulaytion:

Be aware of the thoughts going on in ur head know what u are thinking of:-
1) Whenever u find urself thinking of other things… stop urself from thinking of othe r things by
providing regulatory thought inst n command n make urself rthink of ur wrk focus u r mind on ur
2) Make urself think of ur wrk n impt thing s by providing regiulatory thoughts teeling urself to
think of ur wrk what wrk to do n do on
3) Whenever u get impulsive thoughts telling u to do other things tht u know in ur mind in ur
mrmory u shud not be doing then resist those impulsive thoughts… n say noto them resist those
impulsive thoughts… by providing regulatory thoughts…
4) Make urself do things tht u kno in ur mind u shud be doing by intentionally on purpose
providing regutlyory thoughts instructions n commands telling urself to do so .. n hence
ergaulting urself crrectigg ureslkf motivating ur sef n making urself do it
5) Stop urself rom doing things tht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing by providing a self
ergaultoryt hought inst n commands teling rself to stop doing it…

Ur actions a re a out come or resiult of ur thgotus hth ur htginkig nthe thgotus hgoin on I nur head to be
in controll fo oyur acitosn u need ot be in cotnroll fo oyur htgotus hn reguatle ur htignking, u know in ur
mind wht u shud n shud not do so accordingly intentionally onpurpose privede regfualtory thgotuhs t
inst nn commands to make ursefl do ti to regautle ursefl n ur acitons… n to correct ursefl everytiem u
stray or dotn do what u knw oi nru mi nd us h ud be doing

Ur actions are a result of ur htignkning the thgotush goin oni n urmind be awre o f hteh togtush ogin on
in ru mind and regautle and cotnroll your thinking to be I ncotnrol lf o ur acitosn acnd regautle and
cotnroll ur acitons u need to be aware of theh thgotush goin on I nur head n rerauglet n control ur
thinking as to wht u know I nur mind u hsud n shud not be doing…

U need t ocorrect urself reguatle ursefl keep urself o tnhe right path prevent urself from straying brign
rusefl back on track by itnentioanlly providing regaultaory thgotushs according to what u knowi n ur
mind u shud b e doing n reugaltign u rthignking ur actiosn are areasult of oyour htignkig nto be I
ncotnroll f our actiosn u need ot be I ncotnroll of ur thgotush itntneionallyyl porivde regaulatory
thgotuhs to make ursefl follow n do things or stop doing htigsn thth u knwoi n ur mid n us hud n hsud
nto be doing

Keep in mind what u r goal is n wht u want t oachieve so thht its ther ein ur mind n u are constnatnly
reminded of it n so u think accordingly u reguatle ursefl n hence u do it… remind urself I ncase uh ave
frogeooten remind urself of wht ur goal is byt asking ursefl… to remember n recall n wht uneed oto do
ot ahcievei ur goal so thth u dot forget its hehrei nur mid n uremebr it thth u have a gaol to ahcevieie n
whwt u needo to do to ahciveei ur goal n so u thin kn reguatle urself accordingly n make urslef do it
Ot be in control of oyur acitosn u need ot be I ncotnroll fo oyur thgouths cause ur actiosn anre a result
of oyur htoguhts … inorder to reguatle urself n regulate n control oyur acitons n keep urself o nteh right
path to your gaolsn n make iursefl do what u need ot od to acheivei ur hgaols n n soon u need ot first of
all keep in mind what ur goal is wht u want o o acheieive n what are the thgisn u need to do ot acheivei
ur gaol… things like work hard work ocntinousl day nn night if u want ot achiveve ur reward… n not
waste ur time and soo n cause ur thime is liited n once u lose tiem u will enver get it back so not waste
ur time doing nthinkign fo unimp thgisn keep all these things in ur mind n if oyu forget it then refersh
remind urself everyday y whaty uneedo to ddo read what u need oto do ask yourself what u need to od
n recall so thth u think fo it n u renemebr n its herh ehin ur mdi nwaht you need ot odo n u are
reminded of it consntnatly when u dot nod it and it occurs to oyu n its thehr ehu know in ur mid n fresh
what you need otodo htth u have a goa to lt achevie iso u shud do ur wrk for iti not waste tie m,m not
thignk of other htigns n nsoo n.. its htehr ein ur mid nwaht u need oto do… and hten reguatle ureslf and
ur acitons control ureslf n ur acitons by regaulating and cotnrollign ur htignkig nadn providing self
regualtort thgostuhs isntrucitosn and commands according to what oyu kwno I nur mind u need ot od …
ad hence make urself do it n follow it ur actiosn are a result or our come of the htoguths goin on in ur
head so control n regualte ur htignking by providing self regulatory thgotus isnt and command… and
hence regulate urself and ur acitosn by regaulting and cotnrollig nru mind ur thingkign ur thgotush an d
proviidgn self regaultroy htgotus hinstn ncomamdns as to what u know I nur mid n us hud nshudn not
be oding

Where ur mind? is what are you thinking of… are you thinking of imp things? Waher esre you putting ur
mind to? Ur mental effort n energy to? Focus ur mind on imp thgisn stop ursefl form thinking of unimp
thgisn n make urself think of oyur work… n imp things control nregualte ur thinking by proving
regualotry htgotus hn inst nn command sto stop ursalef for mthginking of unimp thgisn n make urself
think of imp thgisn. Don’t distaract ur mind don’t divert yur mind else wher don’t think of other things
focus ur mind on ur wrk n imp thigns… think of ur wrk only keep ur mind in ur wrk n imp things don’t
divcvert distract n deviate ur mind else where ..

Also keep in mind wht u r goal in n ewtht u want to achieve keep ur goal in front of u in ur sight th is in
ur mind don’t forget wht u r goal is n wh tr u want to achive e n wht u need to do to achive ur goal so tht
its ther in ur mind n u kow in ur mind tht u have a gaol to achieve ev n u need to be doing so n so wrk for
it.. n it occrs to u n u are constantly reminbnded of it n as u know in ur mind n its there in ur mind tht u
have a gaol to acheve n u need to do so n so things fio r it n ns o u think accordingly n yu regulat urself
by intentionally providing self regulatory thoughts hence u make urself o it… n keep urself n the pat ht o
ur goal

U need to have 100% focus ur mind shud be totally avsorbed n involved into it… u know not distract n
divert ur mind else where shut off everything ele forget aeverything else. Leave aside all other worries n
tensions n thoughts not think of anything else stop urself from thinking of other things n focus ur mind
100% on tht only fully abbsoerbed n involved int t hth tonly think of thint only worry of tht only onyly
imp things wrk goal etc.. n wrk reqd to acjhieve ur goal shud go on in ur mind not think of anything else
avbsorb b n inbolvbe ur mind in tht only fully
Be aware of hteh ogushts goin on I nur head know what are u thinking of stop urself from thgisnkign of
otehrhtigsn nmake urself think of ur wrk by proividgn self regautory htogtush telling ureslf to od oso
U know in ur midn what u need t o do and so accordingly reguatle ursefl n ur actiosn by intenteioanlly
proividign self regaultory thgotsuh instn ncoammdns n make urself do it

Its not tht if u know I n ur mind wht todo then u will automatically on ur own think of doin it n do it…
naturally n on ur own… if tht was the case then no one would have been out of control everyone wud
have been in full control of themselves n their actions… there wud be no fat ppl no addicts.. no
impulsive beahaviour… all students wud have studied well regularly n scored 90% n topped in the class..
u need to eregulate urself n forceureslf to do it make urself do it by regulatin f urself n povidin self
regulatory thought inst n command to make urself do it

Ur actions are a result outcome of oyur thgotuhs To be in ocntroll f our actions u need ot be in control of
ur htoguths… regulate ursefl and ur actions cotnroll urslf and ur actions by regulating and controlling ur
thgoutsh by intentionally on purpose at will knowingly providing self regulatory thoughts inst n
commands n hence stop urself frm doing wht u know in ur mind in ursensible mem u shud not be doin n
making urself do wht u know in ur mind u shud be doing. N inorder to correct urself every time u stray n
u do thing s tht u know in ur mind in ursensible mem u shud not be doing n correct ur seklf everythime u
don’t do the things ht u know in ur sensible mem u shud be doing n make urdsel do things tht u know in
ur sensible mem u shud be doing total control over userself n ur actions… learn how to be in control of
uself n ur actions regulate urself n ur actions keep urse lf on the right path n prevent urself frm straying
by being in control of ur thoughts reguatlating n cotnrollign ur acitosn by reguatlign n controlling ur
thgouths n intentionally on purpose knowingly at will providing self regautlory thgoutsh inst n
commands as to n according to as per what u know in ur mind I nur sensnibel mem u shud nshud not be
doing n hence making ursefl do it n follow it .. n correcitgn urself every time u dotn do it or foolow it or
every tiem u stray n do things thht u know in ur mid nu shud nt o be doing nmakign urself do things htth
u know in u rmidn uiu shd be doing.. n hence keeping urself on the right path .. costnntaly wrking
towards ur goals

Just cause u kno w in ur mind wht u need to do tht doesnot mean tht u will automatically on ur own
naturally think of doing it n do it… automatically on rur own… if tht was the case then no one wud have
been out of control ppl wud have been oi nr total control of them selves n threir actions.. everyone wud
have been in full control of themselves n their actions… there wud be no fat ppl no addicts.. no
impulsive beahaviour… all students wud have studied well regularly n scored 90% n topped in the class..
Just cause u kno w in ur mind wht u need to do tht doesnot mean tht u will automatically on ur own
naturally think of doing it n do it… automatically on rur own natureally … tht is not goint o happen cause
u also have an impyulsive memory n impulsive thoughts thth t tell u to do other more tempting things
tht u brain enjoys doing n like’s to do… and so… u need to regulate urself ura ction n by regauting n
controlling ur thinki gn providing self regaultory thoughts to make urself do tit onlythen u will do it… to
get a grip on ur mind to keep urself ont the right path as to wtht u knw in urmind u shud be doing to
prevent urself frm straying… u need to get a hold over ur thoughts.. n regaulte urself… focus ur mind
cioncentrate ur mind prevent urself dfrm straying only then u will do it if u regaulte urself regulate n
control ur thinking inetttonally on purpose knoewing provide self regaultory thoughts inst n commands
to make urselfd o wht u know in urmind u shud be doin stop urself fdrm doin wht u know in ur mind us
hud not be doin… prevent usrself frm straying focus ue r mind stop thinking of unimpt hings n think of
wrk keep ur mind in ur wrk resust impulisive thoughts tht tell u to do other unimpt things tthjht u know
in r impulsive mem u enjoy doin but u know in ursensible mem u shud not do… u kno w keep urslf on
the right path by consntly correcting urself bring nback ur self on trak everytime u stray n keep ing urself
on the right path focsung ur mind n prevent urself frm straying…
Stop urself frm doing other things unimp things
Make urself do ur wrk n uimp things
Dfocus ur mind stop urself rom thinking of other unimpthings
Make urself think of ur wrk
Resist impulsive thoughts tht u get tht tell u to do other unimp things tht uenjoy doing
Regulate n control ur thinking n u raactions by proving self regulatory thoughts n inst n commands on
accordin to wht u know in urmind u shud be doin
Regulate urself, correct urself everytime ustray or sdont do the things u know in ur mind u shud b doing
or do the things know in urmind us hud no t be doing , keep ur self on the right path, perevent urself
frm strying n doing other things, make urself do ur wrk n imp things,
All by regulating ncontrolling ur thinking n by uintentionally provoding self eragulator y thoughts inst n
command s to regautte urself ur thinking iry actions as to wht u know in rurmind u shud be doing

Thoguth process: ur acitosn are a result of ur thignkig nthe thoutsh fogin on I nur haead to be in cotnroll
of ur actions u needo t be I ncotnroll of u rhtogutsh n reguatle ur thinking get a girp over u r mind o nru
htogutsh u need to correct ur self nregaulte uresfl n ur actions by inteioanlly providing self regulatory
thgouths instn coammdns according to wht u know I nur mind u shud nshud nto od inorder to correct
uresfl elf n stop iurelf form doing or to maek urself do what u know I nur ming u shud be doing …

U know I nur midn htht u shud nt be thinkign of otehrthgsin ushundt be wasting ur time thignkig nfo
oterhhtigsn n hthth u hsud regautle ur thinking n to be in ctnroll of ur acitosn u need ot bein control f ur
htgotush cause u ur thgotush are the coause of ur acitosn so accordingly reguatle ur htignkig nby
providgnself regualoryh tgotush u know I nru mind htht u needo t provede self regaultaory thgotsush so
provide reguatlory htgotush
Uknowi n ur mind ht htu need ot keepop thgis ni nur mind n not forget n how ot make urslef remeebr n
by asking urself n soo n so sodo thth follow thth

In the future all ebeings will be in total controll of their acitons by beinfg I ntotal cotnroll fo their mind n
their thgotush… there will be no fat ppl no addictions no students who are distracted but studty regualry
n score good marks and u know ppl more focused at work an d lress distracted morw in control lfo their

Just casues u know in u mind tht u need to do it doesn’t mean tht u will automatically think of doing it n
hence do it automatically on ur own… u need to cause u have impulsive thoughts telling u to d o ther
things…. N so on … n so u need to get a grip on ur mind… get a hold on ur self ur action get a grip on
urself n ur actions by getting a hold n grip on ur thinking n regaulte urself n make urself do it…

When u get mpulsive thoughts telling u to do ther things tht u know in ur mind in ur sensible mem u
shudnrt be dong as u have other more imp things to do to achieve ur goal then provide aeraugulatory
thought tell urself “no don’t fdo tht now do ur wrk now don’t wawaste time doi n unimp things” n hence
say no to impulsive thought sr esuist oimpulsieve thoughts tht tell u to do other things… n hence
prevent urslf frm dfdoing other things unimpt hings tht the impulsive thoughts tell u to do..
Study of self regulation nself control: - total control over ur actions by being in control f ur mind ur
memory keeping thins in mind n controlling ur thinking ur thoughts n controllong n regulting ur thoughts
Thought proves kno w n understand how the brain works the processe involved n what u need to do to
be in totral control fof ur sekf n ur actions eregulat urself n ur action correct urseflf n ur actions.. keep
urself doing the right thing directed action.. towards a goal wht u need to do to keep urseflf in the right
path wrkng to wards ur goal n prevent urself stop urself from tsttraying n if u do stray then how to
bering urself back on track npath to ur sgaol correct urself self regagulating self drive se;f correcting
doing it o n ur own self realiat n sself managing n soo n n to keep urself on the right path n to prevent
urself frm straying… how the process works the case of ur actions what leads to action how action n
accours what makes an action occurs wht leads o a n action n wht u need to do to be I n control if ur
action by being in control of the cause of action what is the complete process wht leads to to do a
aaction… the total process involved n wht u neeed to do to be in control of ura ctions by controlling the
process involved tht leads to action be in control of tht provcess n hence be in control of ur actions … it’s
the processes goin on in ur mind ttht lead to action from mem to thinking to action..


Thought process
Thgotuht regulation and control

Result action out put:-

U know I nur mind hwtat u need ot be doin so intnetnionally on purpose at will provide a regulate ory
thgotus th t ocorrect ursefl nmake urself doit n prevent urself form dstraing n keep urself o nteh right

Pracitse self regaultion reguatle ureslf by prioviidng sel f reaugltory htgoutsh isn’t ncommadn pracitse
thgotush cotnroll n thgotuh reguatlion reauglte uerslf n uracitos nby trreaugltign n controlling
nurthgotush n itnetionally proicviidng reguatlroy thgotush as to what u know I nur mid nu shud nhsud
nto be doing

Just caue u know in ur mind thth u nee d to do it doesntot mean tht u will think accoridnlgy of doing it
automatically naturally and do it on ur own automatically thsii s not a automatic and natural process
otherh wise everyone wud have ebeni n full control fo their actiosn if this was an automatic process.
This is a manual process… a forced process… a regualated process… u need ot reauglte urself correct
urself keep urslef on the right path prvent urself form straying bring urself back correct ursefl everytiem
u stray make ursefl do it by intnetioanlly proivings regulatory thgotush I nstrucitosn and commands o
nteh basis of hwat u knwoi n ur mind u shud n hsudn ot be odign to maek ursefl do it..
U know I nur mind thth u needo twrok hard sit continuously work ocsnntsly toawards acheuiveing ur
goal so whne u n get a thgotuht to stop tell urself dotn get up now work sit constnanlyl ncompelte ur
work.. we need t aochievie our goal and we ned to wrk continuously for hth

U need ot keep in mind thigns like u shud not waste tiem doing unimp thgisn do ur wrk n imp thgis nn so
on so hth u are reminded of it it occurs to u as its herhe in ur mind … and so u regautle ur self
accordingly n hence make urself do ti

U know in ur mind what u need ot do u know it in ur sensnible memeory so accordingly ru need ot o

regulate urself by intetioanllyy proviidign self regualotry thgotush isntn nocmmadns on the basis of n
according to wht u know in ur mind u hsud n shud not od ..inorder to amek urself do it kwwp ur eslf on
the path prevent urself from straitng n cooreect ureslf n brign urself back o nthe path to ur gaol
everytiem u stray keep urself consntantly wrking to wtrds ur gaol

Understanding tht u will not get anything by doing tht watching nonsemse tv prfgogs it as a waste of
time focus on ur wrk… n progress do imp rthings in life

Memory:- Impulsive memory sensible memory

Thinking:- Impulsive thoughts Regulatory thoughts, wandering thinking, directed thinking
Result out put action:- impulsive action, regulated action,

How to regulate urself n ur action by providing regaulatory thoughts… t o make usrself do wht u know
in ur mind u shud be doing to sytop urself from doing wh t u know in ur mind u shud not do or prevent
ureslf from doing wtth ur impulsive thoughts tell ut o do… to keep urself o n th e right path n prevent
urself from straying n correct urself n bring urself back to the path to urgoal everytime u stray… to
regaulte urself by intentionally on purpose at will providng self correctin self directing self regulating
thoughts intractions n commamds to keep urself on the right path stop urself frm doing things tht u
knw in ur swensiblye mem u shud nt be doing but ur impulsive thoughts tell ut o do to control urself
ersist exercise erestrain n make urself do thing tht u know in ur mind u shu br doing.. know hoew to
regulate urself n control urself n ur actions… by intentionally providing self correcting self reaulatory
thoughts to make urself do wht u know in ur mind u shud be doin

Jus t cause u know in ur mind what u need ot od odsesnto mean htht u wull think accordingly on ur own
n aurtomatically n do it… if htth wast eh case then everyone would have been I nfull cotnroll fo their
acitosn n o one wud have been ut of control.. lack of efffcincy n prodicutuivity .. n perofrmande eveyo
ne wud have perforbed at 100% n been 100% efificent studiesdn worked ocnsntalty but htht is not the
case… caue ue have impuslvie hthtughts thth tell u ot od otherh tignsn cause just cause u know I nur
mind htht uahve ot do certia nthigsn thth doresnto mean u will automatically on ur ownnatiurally think
of oding it n do it… U need to correct urself nr egualte urself n make urslef do it by providing regualotr
yht ogutsh instn comamdns to keep ursefl o nthe right path working towards ur goal.. stop urself form
doing otehrhtigns.. reisisrt impuslve thgotush thth tell ut odo oteh rhtigns focus ur imidn think f our wrk
n im op theitngs only not thignk of otherhitgns.. reguatle urn cotnroll ur thinking provide self regaulotry
htogtush as to wht u know in ur mind u hsud nhsudn o t od n n hence make urslef do it n follow it..
Ur actions are a result of your thinking u need to control n regulate ur actions by controlling n
regaulating ur htignking… n providing sefl reguatlory thgotuhs n inst nc commands as per n according to
what you know in ur mind u shud nshud not be doing… be aware of hth togutsh gioing on in ur mind in
ur head … n cotnroll nregualt ur thignkign by proiving regaultasory htogtush as t owah t u know I nur
mid nu shud n shudn nt o be doing … n hence reguatle ursefl and ur actions be self mamanging self
diriecting … slfe commamndign n isntrucitg … selrf regulating… self correcting self guifiidng sefl

Be awrea of the thgousht goin on I nur head n reguatle urseflf by controlling regaulting u r htignkig
nrpoviidgn sel f eguatlory htogtush as to wht u know I nur mind u shud n hsud nto be doing… n hence
making urself do it

Regulate urself intentionally provide self regaultory thoughts ins t n commands on the basis of what? On
the basis of the info stored in ur mem on the basi s of wht u knw in ur mind u shud n shud not be doin

Why do I do it… cause I know n understand in my mind tht itt is imp n has to be done needs to be done
for my profgres benefit gain n survival work earn money n so on

U need to e concerned about ho u spend ur time doing wht don’t waste ur time doing unimp things u
wotnt geet anything by doing all tht … do wht is imp… don’t waste ur day.. Once u lose time u will never
get it back… so do wht is imp

There are only two processes tht u need to deal with memory and thinking
Memory:- Interms of memory you need to keep certain things In ur mind… things like u shud not waste
time doin unimp thgisn htht will bring u no benefit n gain… once u lose time u ewill never get it back, u
need to work hard day n night consntantly if u want to ahceivei ur goals and so on so thth u are
cosntnantly reminded of it of what oyu need too do it occurs to u u remember it , its there in ur mind in
urmmeory u know in ur mind I nur mmemory what you need to od and so you regaulte urself
accordingly by regaulting ur htignkign and providing self regaulotry thgoutsh inst nand commnds to
correct urself ever y tiem u stray n don’t do the things u are supposed ot od n to make urself do the
thgisn u know in ur mind u shud be doing…
Thinking: - ur actions are a result of oyur thinking a result fo the htgoutsh goin on in ur head… so to be I
ncontroll fo oyur actions u needot be in cotnroll fo our htgouths… reagutl ur actions by regulating nad
cotnrollign ur htignking cotnroll ur thoguths n intentionally providing self regaulatory htogtush and instn
commands on the basis of hwat u know In ur mind in ur seesnnibel memory u shd nshud nto be doing n
hence make urself do ti correcu t rsefl every tiem ustray keep ursfl o nteh right path prevent usefl form
straintg… make ursefl do what u know io n u r mid nu shud be doing stop ureslf form doing wht u kwno
I nuer mind u shud not ebe doing… n focus ur mind n keep urself on the right path to ur gaols… to exert
and enforce on ursefl the htgisn thth u know I nur mind ushud be odign nmake ursefl do it … n cotnroll
ru acitosn by cotnrollig nn regulating ur htogutsh n itnentioanlly proividng regulatory htogutsh s on the
basis of n as to wht u knwoi n ur mid nu hsud be oding n hence maek urelsf do it n follow it..
Ur aciotsn are a result of ur htgoinkign ot be I nconrtroll f our acitons uneed ot be in cotnroll f our
htgouths… be aware of theh togutsh goin on in ur mind know wht u are thignkign of… stop ursefl from
thinking of otehrh tigns unimp things n make ursfl think of oyur work what work to od hwo ot odo it n
so on… by providing regulatory htgouth n telling urself “stop thinking of otehrh itigsn n think of our wrk
what wrk to od and os on u will do ur wrk only if oyu think of uru wwrk wht wrk to od n so on not
otherwise” n hence foucs ur mind o nur wrk… dotn distract ur mind connenctrate ur mind on ur wrk n
imot hgsiins think of ur wrk what wrk to od n soo n how ot od it n soon at will .. what shud I think of now
lets thignk of thins what wrk to od n how ot odo it n n go about ti n soo n… what hsud I do now? Umm
lets do this now n so on thin kn decide htignk n sttartegize u will do ur wrk only if oyu think of oding it
not otehrh wise makw e urself think ofo yur wrok tell ursefl provide a regualatory htoguht “think of your
wrk what wrk to od n soo n… u will do u r wrk only if u think of odin it n ot other hwise” u know stop
ursefl form thinking of other hu nimo thgisn n idveritgn ur idn to other htigns.. n focus urm idn on imp
thgsin think of wrk n imp thgsi nonly the nu will o do ur work treauglte ur htignking… cotnroll ur
htginkign to be in control fo yourself n reualte ureslf n ur acitons cause ur acitosn are a result of ur
htignkign n to be in control lfo oyur acitosn u needo t be in control of ur htgotush thte thgotus hgoin o ni
n ur head n ofcus ur mind on ur wrk nimp thgis nthin k of ur wrk n imp thgsi nonly not other hitgns ..

Ur actions are a result of the thgosuth goinon in ru head ot be in cotnroll of ur acitosn u need ot be in
control fo oyur htoguths… control nregualate ur thinking by itnentioanlyly providing regaultory htogutsh
asto what u know I nur mid nu shd n shud not do to make ursefl do it… be aware of the thought goin ion
in ur mind kknow wht u are thinking of… focus ur min d on ur wrk n imp things stop urself from thinking
f unimp things n make urself think of ur wrk n imp things by intentionally on purpose providing self
eeragultory thoughts inst s n commands… to make uerself t o dtt n to control n rregulate ur thinking
exercise exert enforce self contrll regaulte urself n ur actions by practicing thought control n regaultion..
n controlling n regaulting ur thinkin g providing self ergaultory thoughts inst n commands to control n
regaulte ur thinking thought control n hence regulate ur actions

B awre of the htogutsh goin on I nur head kno what u are thigknkign of stop ursefl form thinking of
unimp thgisn diverting r mind n absorbing urmidn else where n focus ur mind back on ur work n thignk
of oyur work… by providing self regulator y htoguth iisnt n command n regautlign urself n reguatlign ur
htignkign controlling nru thinking focusing ur mind

Regulate uresfl n ur acitons by controlling n regaulting ur thginkign n providing self regaultory htoguths
Be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur mnd stop urseflf romthinkinng of other unimp things n engaging
ur mind in unimp things n make urself think of ur wrk n imp things…. Focus ur mind on ur wrlk
Wher are u putting u mind to what ur mind is engrossed n absorbed in stiop urself frm thhnking of
other things n make urself think of ur wrk nimp thngs focus ur mind in ur wrk n imp thing don’t involve
occupy absorb ur mind in unimpthings n other things think f our wrk n impt hgis nmake ursfl think f our
wrk stop ureslf form thinking of oter higns know ht is goin o ni n ru mid nwhat are u thinking nfo wht
uare putting ur mind itn to ur memntao effort n energy I nto

Ur acitosn are a result of ur htignkign a result o f the thgoutsh goin o ni nur head so regulate ur actions
by reagultign u r htignking the thogutsh ogin on I nur head… n proividng regulatory htgotuhs
Ur actions are a result n outcome of the thought s going on in ur head know wht r u thinking of of doing
wht n wht thoughts u get in ur mind to do wht…. N resist those impulsive thtughts tht tell u to do other
things tht u knoe w in ur mind u shud not be doing... by prviding regaltory thoughts on the basis fif wht
u know I n ur mind u shud n shud not be doing for eg?:- u think of or get a thought impulsve thught I n
ur mind to do other unmp thing to watch tv but iu know in ur mind in ursensible mem thth u need to do
ur wrk to ahcievie ur goal n not waste tiem so itnentioanllyly tell urself n provide aregaultory thgotuh n
tell ursefl “ no odnt do thth now do ur wrk now dotn waste ur tiem u have wrk to od thth is more imp “
n hence ersrist ur impuslve rthgotuhs tht u get I nur mind thth u think of doing thth tell u t odo other
things n prvent ureslf orm doing other higns

There is nothign thth u can do on the outside it’s all internal… ur acitons the outside nad external thigns
are a results and outcomes of your internal processcess tht goes on I nur mind.. are a result fo oyur
htignking the internal processes thth goes on I nur mind.. its all internal so to be in control lfo u r acitons
u need ot be in control fo oyur thinking ur inetnral process thth goes on in ur mind…. U need to contrell
n regautle urself n ur acitons by controlling and Regalaytin ur thought n ur thignkign on the basis of
hwat u know in ur mind u hsud n shudn ot be doing… be aware of he thought goin on in ur mind know
wht are thinking of n regaulte urself n ur actions by contrllin n regulating ur thoughts by proviindg self
regulatory thought s ins t n commands to make uresl f do wht u know in ur mind u sud be doing… n keep
urself on the right path focus ur mind n direct ur thinking n mental effort n focus on imp things involve
u r mind in imp things… so tht u will do only imp things… be aware of the thoughts goin on I n ur head
know wht u are thinking of regulate ur actions n urself by regaulting ur thinking… focus ur mind stop
uterself frm thinking of other things make urself think of ur ewrk provide reaualtoryt hioughts… ur
actions are a result of urthinking hn the thoughts goi n on in ur mind

Keep thi si n ur mind so tht u rember it n u don’t forget it n so it occurs to u n u are reminsded of it n u
know in ur mind its there in ur mind wht u need to do so u regulate urself by providing regaultory
thought accordingly n make urslf do it n follow it…

I have a one track mind one way mind htth is hard ot control n totally on impulsive htinkig nn thgouhts
… witho tu any regautlion fo my thinking process and restsitatnce to imppuslvice thgotush n so I am out
of cotnroll

The goal purpose objective aim is to be in total control of your actions, to make urslf do what u know u
shud be doing to keep urslf on the right path towards your goal n prevent urself from straying n bring
urself back on the path to ur goal every time u stray the goal is to keep urself working towards ur gaol..
not do other unimp things get a grip on urself… keep urself on the right path working towards ur goal…
know how to exerice enforce n exert on urself make urself od what u know u need ot be doing… know
hoew to be I ntaotll cotnroll of urself n ur acitons n keep urself on the path to ur goal
Memory(prog the mind):- Keep in mind what you need ot od what u shud nshud not do n why the
reasosn behind it so htht u rmmeebr it n u ar contsntyl reminded of it n it occurs to oyu every time u dot
nod the htigsn u know in ur mid nu hsud be doing or do the things uknwoi n ur mind u shud not be
doing due to ur impulsve thgoutsh htht tell u to od it… so thth its there in ur mind u are aware u know
inur mind what oyu need ot do and so you regautle ursefl n ur acitosn accordingly by regulating and
controlling nur htoguths n ur htignkign and providing reagultory htogtuhs and hence make urself do it n
follow it.. keep in mind what u need ot odod wht u shud nshud nto od redirect and prog ur mind to it
bring ur focus back on it keep in mind so thth u don’t forget u remember u know wht u need otod and
keep in mind what u need to do s othth u remember it n it occurs to u n u are cosntnaly reminded of it
everytiem udont do it or do wht u shud not do and so accordingly on the basisi of htth u can regautle
urself by providing a regaulaqtory htgouth n make ursefl do it n follow it accordingly… so u reguatle
urself n ru acitosn by reguatlign tu thginkig no nteh basoiss of htth the info storedi n ur mememory aas
to wht u know in ur mind I nu rmmeoetry u shud nshdun ot be oding keep in mind so thth u know I nur
mid nwaht u need ot be doin so u reguatle ur sefl accordingly n make urself do it by providng a
regulatory htgouht on the basis of wht u know in u rind u shud n shud not be doing n hence correct
urself or make urself do it … keep in mind wht u need to be doing so thth u remember it n so
accordingly u think n u intentionally provide a regulatory thgotuh n regautle ursefl n make urslef do it n
follow it… n u do it n follow it …. Ask urself think of tit reacall What are the thgisn I need to od n
follow?… yo ushud not waste time doing unip things u need to wrk hard ncotnionusly to ahcceve I u r
gaol…. So thth u remeebr it .. n its therhe stored in ru mind… reminders and so on … its on the basiss of
this thth u will regautle urself n provide a regaultory thgoutsh if u don’t remember it if u forget it n tis
no longer there in ur mind hten it wont occur to oyu and so you wont think accordingly and provide a
regautlory htgotuh to make urslef do it n so u wont do it… so u need ot keep in mind wht u need otod so
thh u know in ur mind what un eedoto do its htehr in ur mid n uremeembr it.. nso thth it occurs to u u
are reminded f it ocnsntntasly nad so u think accordingly n u intentionally provide aregaulte oryh toguth
n erugalte urself accordingly n make urslef do it..
Keep in mind what u needt od o sothht u know u reemmebr its thehr I ur mind wht u need ot od n so u
think accodtdingly n inttionally on purpose provide a reagulteory htoguth isntn command n regulate
urself accordingly n hence u do it n make urself do it..

Externally there will always be something things tht will tempt u tht ur brain renjoys doing n wants to do
as it finds enetrataining n fin unlike th e boring but more imp things things like work things facebook
music singing watching tv this n tht n other temptations urges n impulses … but the controll has to be
from within u need to know how to reagulate urself n xcontroll urseflf n ur actions… u need to keep in
mind wht is more imp n crucial for ur prog benefit gain success survival n so on n what is not imp wht u
shud n shud not do keep all these things in ur mind sso tht u rembe r it its ther ein ur mind what u need
to do… n so tht u think accordingly u intentionally orovide regulatory thoughts n make urself do whts
borin but is I ois imp ito achieve r ur goal profgressn imp things in life nstead of whts fun n enjoyable
activity entertaining but not imp n waste if time n wht wotnt bring u any bebenfir t n gain
U are going to regaulte urself by thinking accordingyly or intentionally providing regulatory houghts on
the basis of wht u know in ur mind in ur memory u shud n shud not be doing… so u need to keep in mind
stiore in mind so tht u rember it u don’t forget it n u are consatntnly reminded of it…. N u know in ur
mind wht u need to do n so u think accordingly n intentionally provide regulatory thoughts inst n
commands n hence make urself do it… if oyu forget it n its no longer there in ur mind wht u need ot od
nshud n hsud nto od then it wont occur to you uwont reemmener it or be reminded of tit so u wont
think accordingly n u wotn be itnentioanllyy providing a regualotry thgotuhs to make ureslf od it n so u
wont od it or follow… if u have forgotten n its no longe rthere in ur mid nwht u need to od shud nshud
not od hten u wont think accordingly n u wont od it … so u need ot keep it in ru mid ncause only o nthe
basis of htht u are goin to regulate uresfl hwo ot keep it in ur mind … n store it in ur memory prog ur
mind… n not forget it n if u forget it then recall consntnaly so htth u wont forget it n remind urself os
thth u wont forget iot… why od u do I t cause u know in ur ind its hehre hi nur mid nthth u need to od it
n so uthink accordingly n ehnce u do it
1) Think fo it the more u rthignk of ti the more u remeebr it “u hsudn ot waste ur itme ur time is
imp” think fo what are the thgisn u shud be doing
2) Ask yourself what u need otod what is ur gaol.. n so on n recall it ask your aself what are the
things u need ot od ? n recall it… u shud not waste ur tiem u need ot work hard and os on…
work ocnsntnatly to achivei ur goal… n so on
3) Reminders
4) Make a list n read it t orefres ht the info in ur mind wht u shud nshudn ot od nad oso n

Reminders so tht u rember it tht u have to do so n so things n u don’t forget n so u think accordingly n
hence u do it … it occurs to u n so u regulate urself by intentionally providing regulatory thought inst n
command n make urself do it,,, n follow it

Thinking (thought control regulate ur thinking):- ur aactiosn are a result of the hthgotush goin on in ur
head ot be in control of oyur actions to regautle ursefl n ur acitons u need ot be in cotnroll fo yur
htoguths reagulte ur thinking U know in ur mind what you need to do and so accordingly o nteh basiso
fhtht info stored in ur memeory regulate ursefl and ur acitons by regaulting ur thigknkign and
procivindg regualtatory htogtush on the basiso f htht and hence make urself do ti n follow thru it… focus
ur mind, be aware of hteh thoguths goin on in ur mind and stop urtself form thinking of oterhhigsn n
make ursefl think of ur work nimp thgisn ..n reiststi impulsive htogutsh hthtell uto od otherhtigns thth u
know in ur mind u shud not be doin be proviign regaultory htoguths .. n make urself self start doing an
action or stop doing an action thth u know I nur mind u shd or shud not be oding by proviign regaulatory
htoguth … ur acitons are a esult of ur htignkgin the thgoutsh goin on in ur mind first u think of oding
some htigsn or get a thoguths to od some htigsn only hten you do it… first u think of stopping doing
something or think ofo ding something else only then u stop doing it….. ur htogutsh lead ot aocitons to
be in cotnroll fo oyur accitosn u need ot be I ncotnroll fo oyur htogtuhs… to strat or atop an action u
need ot thgouht telling u to o dos… ur thgoutsh act as isntrctions or comaamnds telling u to start or stop
oding a certain thgisn ura citosna are a ersult of oyur htogutsh ur thgotuhs are a cause of oyur action to
be in cotnroll fo oyur acitosn u need ot be in cotnroll four htgoutsh the htgoutsh ogin on in ur head

Whats goin on in ur mind what are u thinking of… where are u putting ur mind to n involving ur mind
to… regulate ur thinking stop ur self frm thinking of other things n make urself think of ur wrk by
intentionally providing ergaultory thought n hecnce focus n concentrate e ur mind..

When u are doing other htigsn as u know in ur mind I nur mememory thth u need ot be doing ur wrk to
ahcievei ur goal n nto waste tiem oding otehrhtigns n so u are rnemindedo fi t n it occurs to you n so u
think “lets not waste tiem now doing oterhhtigsn lets get back ot work now we have work to od “n
nhence ustop doing oteh rhigsn n u get to wrk

Memory and thinking these are the only two processes tht u need to deal with tht leads to action n
figure out how to deal with n what u ned to do in terms of these two proceses to be in control of urself n
ur actions… n keep urself on rthe right path constantly wrking to wards ur goal n prevent urself frm
straying.. keep in mind if u want to achive ur goal u need to wrk hrd for it without hard wrk u wont
achieve anything n u shud not waste time doing unimp things n nonsense… do ur wrk ur time is limited
once u lse time u will never get it back keep this in mindn don’t forget it so tht u know wht u need to do
n so u think accodrngoly n regaulte ureslf accordingly by providing regaultory thought n hence u do it or
make ursel f do it

Ur actions ar re a result of ur thinking be awre of the thoughts oin on in ur mind know ht u are thinking
of n regaute ur thinking stop urselffrm thinking of other unimp thins mak e usreself think of imp things n
wrk… fcus ur mind. When u think of or get athought to do other things tht I u knw in ur sensible memory
in ur mind u suhud not be doing then say no to it eresis ti provide regulatory thought … n sto o irself rm
doing tht n make urself do eht ukne w in ur mind u shud be doing u r thought lead to action so be aware
of the thoughts goin on in ur head know wht thoughts u get in ur mind… n regaulte n control ur thinking
by providing regulatory thoughts as to wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud not do

Be aware of the thought goin on in ur head know wht u are thinking of focus ur mind stop urself frm
thinki ng of unimp things by providing regaultory thought n make urself think of ur wrk n imp things…

Regulate ur acitons by regulating u r thginkign and providng regaulatory htgoutsh on the basis of what
you know in ur mind u shud nshud not be doing

How do u aleep late at 4:-- am and still get up at 10:00 am early with only 6 hours o f slep?
Its cause u know in ur mind its thehre in ur mind htht u have worlk to od and so it occurs to u u are
reminded of it ocnstnatly in sleep and u dotn wasn’t to wake up late n so u are reminded of it it occurs
to u thth u have this wrk to ocmpelte n u needo t get up early of r it n so u think lets get up before it gets
late n so u do

U know in ur mind in ur mmemory wht u need ti do n so u think accoedrindgly n hence u do it

As u know in ur mind what u need to do… and its there in ur memory and so u are constsntly reminded
of it it occurs to u and so u think accordingly and hence u do it

As U know in ur mind its there in ur mind, in ur memory tht u have to do this work complete this wrk
and so as the morning comes u are reminded of it it occurs to you tht u have to do this wrk and so u
need to get up… and so u think “lets get up now other wise it will get late we have to complete this wrk”
and so u ewake up on ur own…

As u know in ur mind what u need to do n u are reminded of it it occurs to u condstntly tht u have to do
this n so u think accordingly regulat e urself n hence iu do it

If its not there in ur mind if u have forgotten wht u need to do then as its no longer ther nin ur mind so t
wont occur to u u wont be reminded of it n so u wotnt hthink accordingly n hence u wont do it…

If it’s not there in ur mind in ur memory if u have forgotten wht ur goal I s n wht work u nedd to doto
achieve ur goal n other things like not waste time wrk hard n so on then u wont be reminded of it it
wont occur to u tht “u have a goal to achieve n u need to do so n so work for it n n ot wsaste time n so
on ” ns o u wont think accordingly “lets get to wrk now we need to do this to achieve our goal n we
sghud not be wasting time ” n u wont regaulte ur self n so u wont do it… in case u have forrgottemn wht
ur goal is n wtht u need to do to achieve ur goal wht wrk n so on then as its no lonegr there in ur mind
tht u have this goalto achiev n so u need to do this wrk gfor it so it wont occur to u u will not be
reminded of it n so u wont think accordingly n u wont do it…. N so if u are not doing it cause u have
forgotten wht ur goal is n wht u need to do to achieve u rgoal n so on.. tht s ur mind is no longer on the
goal distracted its no longer ther ein ur mind wht u need to doto achiev ur goal n so on then u need to
refocus ur mind… reprogram ur mind…. Refocus ir minf back on the goal n things u need to do to achieve
ur goal.. make urself remember… so tht u rember wht u need to do ttis ther ein ur mind n u r mind is
back on nthe path to achieveing ur goal… its again there in ur mind wht ur goal is wht u need to do toa
chieveu r goal n soo n in ur memory ur mind is refocused o acghieeveing ur goal u were misdirected lost
u had forgotten wht ur goalwas n wht u need to do n so it didn’t occur to u n so u did not think
accordingly n so u did not do it… refiocus ur imd bring ur mind ack on the right path refresh ur memory
what ur goal is n wht u need to do so tht ur mind is refocsseid reprogrammed edierected towards ur
gaiol… u rember wht ur gaol is n wht u need to do twht wrk n so on to achieve ur goal its ther in r mind
tht u have a agoal to achiev n u need t o dot his wrk for it n so u think accordingly n hence u do… on
achivng ur goal redfoxuswe ur mind make urself rember bring ur mind direct ur mind back to ur gaol
back on the patht o achiev ur goal ask urself “what is ur goal? Wat u want t achieve n what u need to do
what wrk yu needto do n things u need to fdo toa chievee ur goal? “recall so tht u rember… n its thee re
in uye mind keep in mind so tht u r mind is refocused redirected towards achievnng ur goal its back in ur
memory u know in ur mind watht u nnedd to do… u had forgotten n so u weer not thinking of it n doing
it… bring ur mind back on the path n to dothe things u know u shu be doing

Leave all tht u know in ur mind wht u need to be doin so think accordingly n do all tht

For eg:- you haave t oreach a certain destination its there in ur mind in urmemeory htht u have to go
there .. and so oyu think elts go now …a nd oyu get ready and set out on the path to reach your goal ur
destination how ever as you go along the path after a few days you see beautiful floers and beautiful
palce I nteh forest along the path so oyu think lets check htht out and so oyu go in the forest to check
out the beautiful flowers and trees and fruts and the lake and so on.. and you are lost you ah ve
forgotten all about your gaol all about your destiantio nyou have forgotten uar elost in it ur mind si
distracted diverted u have forgotten tisn olonger there in ur mind tht yo uahve ot reach this destination
u have ofrgottne all aobut it… U are lost ur mind is distracted its nolonger there I nur mid ni nru
memeort y thht u have ot dreach this destination and so oyu nee ot be getting back o nteh path to reach
ur destination and so it doesn’t occur to toyu and so u odnt htin kaccoridngly na hence u dot nod it.. and
you are totally lost and doing something lese exploring the forest. And so on and you no longer feel like
ogin o nteh path aagai nu have found a comfortable palce to be where there is fruits beautiful floewers
and so on and alke and so on… So u are lost u ha eve forgotten all about it… thht uahve to reach
ddestiantion so u need otod this wrk for it n u need ot oget back o nteh path u ahcve forgotten all aobut
it n so u are nto getting back o nthe path .. cause its no longer htreser in ur mind I nru emmeory… ns o
udont think accordingly n hence u are nto odoign it ua re lost … ur mind is diverted n distracted… its
nolonfgere tere I nur miodn … the nyou remind yourself wh y didi you start this jourbey in the first
place… what is your goal what is oyur destination n wht u need to od to ahceivei ur gaol raraecha ur
destination waher oyu want otog oadn suddenly you remmeebr the you need ot rraeah ch tis place and
oyu need to get back on the path nda take the path to reach your destination youa re reminded of it its
hterie nin ur mind … in ur mmemory … ur mind is refocused its back in ur mind u remember u know I
nur ur mind ur mind is redirecte od nit .. its back I nur mind I nu rmmeoey thth u have to reach thgs
destination and you need ot take the path and walk th e path for it.. and os it oocurs to u n u are
contsntly reminded of it thth u have a destiantio nto reach n u need otbe geeting back on the path fori t
n doing this wrk for it n so oyu think accoridnlgy “lets get moving now we have to acheivei n this goal we
need to get moving n get going we have to reach htsi destination”.. and so oyu do… its htehr ein ru mid
ni nru memeory htht u have to reach this destination nwaht u r egaol is n wht u need ot od to acheivei
ur goal n so u think accordingly and hence u are back o nteh path to oyur goal… as its hehrehi nur mid
nur mind is reprogrammed n refocused its herh ei ru mmemeory hth u have to reach this desticnatio
nacheviei this goal n u nee ot od this wrk for it n so oyu think accordingly n hence u do.. u get back o
nteh path to ur goal… its there in ur mind u rember tht u have to reach this destination n tht u need to
get nack on the path fo r it n so u think n so u do
U are lost ur mind is distracted ndiverted its no longer thehr ein r um idn u have forgotten all avbotu it
thht u have agaol to aheve n u have to reach this desrtiantio nn u need ot take this path for it …
N so u dotn think accordingly as it doenst occur to u n so u odnt do it… refocusgn the mind ask urself
what is ur gaol.. n waht u need ot o dot ahceivei ur goal.. why did u join college and os on… refocus n
redirect reprog ur mind …. Its abck I n ur mind u rmeemebr tht u have a gaol to ahcievie n u need oto d
this work ofri it n so it occurs to u contsntly n u are reminded fi t n so u think “lets not waste tiem lets
get to wrk we have a gaol to aacheivei” n so u od
U are lost diverted ditstracted deviated u have forgotten what u r gaol is n what u need to o dot ahceivei
ur goal and so on its no longer thehr ein ur mind I nru mmemory and so it doenst occur to u are are not
remidnedo fi t n so u don’t think accordingly and hence u are not oding it… u need to refocus ur mind….
Ask ursefl what is ur gaol why are u doing this why didi u join college what si ur purpose what is ur goal
what u nwat to achivei n what work u need ot od to ahcievei ur goal n what are the things u need ot o
dot acheivei ur gaol as k this to urselff ot remind ursefl remember recall refocus ur mind… so htht its
back oin ur mind ur mind is refaousd on ur gaol n what u need ot o dot ahcieive ur gaol n redirected to n
refoacuded tao achievieng ur gaol n doing things n thth need ot be doine ot acheivei ur gaol.. its back in
ur mind u remebr thth u hae agaol to ahcievie n u need oto dh tis work to ahceivei ur goal n u need otod
so n so htigsn for it … ur mind is refocud o nacheviei nfg ur goal n redirected to ur aol ga
reprogreammed… u remember its back in ur mind m so ur mind is reprogrammed n redirected towards
achiveeing ur goal htth uahve this goal to ahcievie reinputtedi n ur mid ninfo stroedi n mmeeory.. tht u
have hts gis goal to ahceivei n u need ot be doing this wrk to ahceivnu goal ur mind u ractteintion is back
on it ur mind si redirected n refaoucedo n it n as it herhe in ur mind th huahve to ahceive this goal n u
needo to do so this work for it n u need ot do so o nso htigsn fori t n so u are reminded of it n tit occurs
to ou it s there in ur mind ukwnoi n ur mind u need ot od this n so u think “lets not waste tiem doing all
this now lets get to work we have a gaol to ahveieve n we ned to do this wor kofir it what to od now to
ahceivei our goal lets do this now” n so u do… as u know I nur min d its herhe in ur mid nwht u need
otod n so u htin kaccoridngly n hence u do it

U know I nur mid ntht hu have hts gig gaol to ahciveie n so u think “so now what shud I do now to
acheviei this goal lets do this now” n so ou do

Reminding rememenring refouicsngu ur mind back on the goal so thth its hehre in ur mid n in ur
memeory u are constnly reminded fi t it occurs to u what u need ot o d n u know I nru mid nn n so u
think accordingly n hence u do

U are lost u have forgotten all about ti its nolonger there in ur midn hthh u have agoal to ahveei n what
uneed ot od for it n wht wrk u need otod for it… n so u are not reminded of it it odesnto occur to u its
nologner hter in ur mind n so udotn think accordingly n hence u don’t do it

U need to remind ur self make ursefl rmeemebr refocus ur mind on ur goal n what u need ot od to
ahceivei ur gaol reprog refresh ur memeory redierect ur mid nto ur gaol ask ursefl what is ur gaol what u
want ot acheivei n wht u need otod oto achevie ur gaol… so thth u recall u remeebr n urmidn is back on
trak towards achevieing ur goal… its back I nur mid nhth u have ag aol to achieei n u need ot do certia
nwrk ofri t so now ur mind is refocused o nachievieng ur agaol nredirected towards acheiveing ur goal
backo n track towards achevieing ur gaol… n u rember wht u need ot od to aheivie ur goal what wrk nad
soo n its back I nur mid ni nur memeory thth u have agaol to ahevei n u need otood os on so wrk ofr it u
are reminded ofi t cosntnantyl it occurs to u u know I nur mind in ur memeory n n so u think accorisngly
“lets not wast e tiem lets get to wrk let s compelte this wlrk we need tood this work tpo achivne our gaol
what shud we do now lets do this wrk to ahcievie our goal “ n hence u do
It’s back in ur mind I nur memeory u know in ur mind… u remember it … what u need to od and os on
and so u think accordingly and hence u do it

U have forgotten what u need otod its no logner htehr in ur mid nadn so u don’t thin kaccoridngly and
hence u dotn do it … n uare not oding it

Remind urself.. so thth u rmmeebr n u dotn forget keep I nmind thigns like u shud nto waste tiem wht ur
goal is wht u need oto do ot ahcievie ur goal n so o n.. so thth u member it u know I nru mid nits thherie
n ur mid nwaht u need otod n so uthink accordingly n hence u do it

Ur mind is refoaus on acheiveing ur gaol u remember this info is storedi n ru mind ts back I nur mind
htht u have agaol to ahveiei n u need otod htsi wrok fori t ur mid nsi refocused n on acheiveing ur goal n
things u need oto do tto ahcievie ur goal ur mind is redirected towards ur goal.. its backi n ur mid ni nur
memeory thth u have ag aol ot aheivie n os u thin kacocoridngly n hence u do it

U rememebr its back in ur mid nits htehr ein ur mid nin urmemeory thth u have agaol to acheviei n un
eed otod so n so wkr for it n what u need oto d oto aheiieve ur goal n os uthin kaccoridngly n hene u do

Its no longer thehr ein ur mid nu have forgotten its nologner there in ur mememory what ur goal is n
hwt uneed oto d to acheviei ur goal n so uare lost.. it osdesnt occur ot u u are nto remidnedo fit n u
nolonger htgink accordingly n hevnce u don’t od it

Its nologner therh I nur mid in ur memory n so it odsnt occur to u n so u don’t think accordingly n so u
don’t do it..

Its no longer there in ur mind u have forgotten what you goal is what u want ot ahcivee n what work u
need tood to achieve ur gaol and what ar the thgisn u needo todo ot ahceive ur goal and so as u have
forgotten n its nolonger hterei n ur mind n so you don’t think accordingly and hence u don’t od it …as its
nolonger hteherin ur mind u are not reminded of it it doesn’t occur to you thth u have a gaol to ahceviei
n u need oto d os n so work for it n u need todo certain nthgisn to ahcievie ur gaol n hence u don’t think
accoridnlgy and hence oyu dotn do it … hence oyu are not doing it cause its nolongere there in ur mind

U need to remind urself u neeed ot make urself remeneber recall… ask your self waht is your gaol what
you want to acheivei n what work oyu need otod ot acheivei ur gaol… what are the things u need to od
for it… so thh you remember its back I nur mind the info is stored in ur mind restored in ur mind … n u
remember its back in ur mid nht hu have a goal to ahcivei n u need ot do ur work n achevie ur goal n u
need ot od certain htigsn to ahcievie ur gaol… n ur mind is refocusedo nachveiieng ur goal
reproegrammed .. its heri en ur mid nu remember hth u have a gaol to ahcieie n u need ot do ur wrk for
it u need otod ceertia nthgis nfor it n what u need oto d ot achevie ur gaol n so on n hence u think
accordingly n ehcne oyu do it … n it occurs to u u are contsntly reminded of it thth uhave a gaol to
acheie n u need to od ur wrk for it n wht u need ot od to acheivei ur goal u ned to do cerait ntgsin for it n
so u thin kaccoringly n hence u do it
So htth it’s the ei nur mind thth u have agaol to ahceivie n u need ot od so n so wrk foit u remeebr n u
need ot do certia nthgsi nfor it things like no wste ur time wrk ahrd wrk contionuosly n nsoo n all this
info is stored in ru mimeory u have not forgotten its hehre in ur miidn u know in ur mid its there in ur
mind hth uahve agaol to achieve n wht wrk u need oto do fori t nwaht u need otod n so u are ocsnnstly
reminded ofi t it occurs to u n so u think accordingly nhence u sdo it

U need to remember keep in mind ask urself recall so thh u remember u dot n forge so thth its hther
einu rmid nwaht u need otod n so u thin kaccordingly n henc u do it
U mind is refaced redirected towards achevieing ur goal is htherien um rind u have agaol to ahveiie n
wht wrk u need tood foir it n so u think n hence u do

U are not lost.. sditracted deviated forgetten all about ur goal n demotivated… nto wrking hard n ot
doing the thgisn u need otod ot avehie ur goal.. caus u have forgotten u are nlsot itsn olonger therein ur
mind n hence uit doenst occur ot ou so u odnt thin kaccoridngly n hence u dotn do it

Redirecting reinputting refocusing re prog ur mind so tht u know in ur mind its there in u r min d u
rember wht u need to do n so u think accordginly n hence u dfo it keep in mind
U had forgotten u were lost distracted it was no longer there in ur mind in urmemory n so u were not
thinking accordingly n hence u were not doing it

What u need to do how to make ur self efeficient n prodrcutive n make urself do th the igsn u know u
shud be oding..

U were lost it was no longer therhe in ur mind uahd forgotten everything it wsas nolonger tehrhe I nur
mind htht u have agaol to ahcive e n what wrk u nee d tood nwht u need otod to ahceivei ur goal n so u
were nto thinking accordingly n u wer ento dfoing it

Nn now u are back on track… ur mind is refoauced on acheviei ng ur goal redirected towards achievei
ng ur goal its htehr ein ur mind tht uahve a goal to ahcievie n wht u nedd to do ot ahceivei ur goal n
wht wrk u need otodo n so u think accordingly n hence u do it

You are lost you have forgotten its no logner there in ur mind In ur memory what ur gaol is wht u want
to acheivei n wht u need to do to achieve ur goal n hence it doenst occur to oyou oy udotn think
accordingyl n reguatle ursefl nhence u are not doing it..

You need to remind urslf ask your self what you r goal is what oyu wnatot oahcievie n what u need otod
wht wrk u need otod oot ahcievie ur goal so htht u remember n its back in ur mind ur mind is refocused
on ahceiveing ur goal n redirected toward acheiveing ur gaol u are back on the path towada ahcievieng
ur gaol n back o ntrack working oetwrads achevieign ur gaol… as oyu know inrur mind its hehherin ur
mmeeor hy htth u have agaol to ahcevei n u need tod ocerati nthgsin fori t n u need ot od so n so work
of ir tit n so it occurs to u u are reminded of it n so u thin kaccoridngly n hence oyu do it .. ur mind is
reperogrammed reinputted the info is stored in ur memeory.. redirected towarda cheiveing ur goal.. n
refocused o nacieving ur gaol

Keep in mind what u need tood htigs nlike yo ushud not think of other htigsn u need ot oreguatle ursefl
and oso n provide regulator yhtoguth nad o soon so tht its there in ur mind u rmember wht u need
otood u know in ur mind wht u need to do its there in ur memory u have no t forgotten and os it occurs
ot u n so oyu think accordingly n henc u do it

U are lost diveated n diverted u are no logner doing it cause u have forgotten its no longer hter ien ur
mind what u r goal si n what n need to o dot ahceivei ur gaol and so on… u have forgotten all abou ti t n
so it doesn’t occur to ou its no logner their nur mind nso u odnt htin kaccoridngly and hence u don’t do
U need ot refocus redirect ur mind reprog ur mind input in u r mind again reinput I nur mind brind ur
mind bacl o nur gaol.. on wahcieivng ur goal resest ur mind… ask your self make ursle f remember recall
refocus ur mind ask ursefl what is ur gaol? What oyu nwato ot acheivei? N what u need otod to acheivei
ur goal? What wok r k u need otod for it? And soo n sothth u remember its backi n ru mid nthth u have
agao lto ahceivei n u need to do this wrk for it n do so nso things of ir t .. n so u are cosntnatlyt
reminded of it it occurs to oyu n so you thin kaccoridngly ‘lets not waste tiem we have a gaol to ahvev n
weneed otod this wrk now” n so oyu do .. urm idn is braough t abc ok on it redirected refocused toward
cheiving ur goal n working towards achevieign ur gaol back o nthe right path back on trakc… whne it
wast idverted lost u were not oding it cause u had forgotten all aobut ti ti wanooolonger htehr in ur mdi
ni n ru memeory.. bring ur mind back to oit … refosu ur mind… kwwp in mindi n memeroy reinput…
redirect ur mind

Its there in ur mind I nur mememory thth u have agaol to ahceive n so u need ot be doing ur wrk for it n
not wast teim n so it occurs to u u are reminded of it n so you think accoridgly you think “lets nto wast
etetiem watching t v now lets get to wrok immmidiealtey weaahve agaol to ahveie n we need to od this
wrk n not wast e a single min” n so oyu do it

In case u have forgotten n its nologner there in ur mind n so u are lost n u are not doing it as its no
longer ther in ur mindn it doesn’t occur to u n so u don’t think accordingly n hence u are not doing it
refocus ur mind on ur goal n wht u need to do redirect ur mind… make urslf rember ask urself n recall…
what is ur goal wht u want to achieve… n what wrk u need t doto achive ur goal… n wht things u need to
do… n so on… so htht is back in ru mind what ur gaol is wht u want oacheviei n uwht u needo t od to
ahcevei ur goal wht wrk and so on u rmeemebr thth info is storei dn ur memeory n u are refocused o
nacheivieng u r gaol ur mind is ressetted redirected reprogrammed toward as achvieign ur gaol.. n doing
hteht ings needed to ahcviei ur gaol

Its here in ur mind thh u have agaol to ahcvieeve n so u thin kaccoirndlgy “wht wrk shud I do now ot
ahcviee my gaol” n hence u do

Its hter ei nur mid nthth u have to od this wrk now n so u think “lets o d this now lets comeptle ti n so
oyu do”

Make atime table to plan wht wrk to od thin kn plan n decide n also os thth u rmeemer it n so u think n
hence u do

Its hthere in ur mid nthh u have htsi ogal to ahveiven or u need ot compelte ur app before th e deadline
n so u think “what wrk shud I do nnow to achivei my goal lets od hti now lets complete this” n so u do

U know in ur mind tht u shud not waste urtime thinking of unimp thins u need to think of ur wrk n
regulate ur thinking so when u find urself thinking of other things stop ur self frm thinking of other
things it occurs to u n so make urself think of ur wrk n imp thins b y tekklling urself n intewtionally
providing a regulatory thought on the bsi s of wt ht u kow in ur mind u shud n shud not do …

You need o keep it all in ur mind wht u r goal is wht u want to achieve n wht wrk u need to do for tit n
wht things u need to do fo r it things like not waste urtimeregaulte ur thinking n so on not hink of other
things nthink of wrk n so on so tht urember it it occurs to u n u ar reminded of it n so u thin acoordingly
n hence u do it

U know in ur midn what u need to do os accoridnly regualte urself provide regualtory htoguht n make
ursefl do it

1) Keep in mind what u r goalis wht wrk u need to do to achieve ur goal n so on n what things u
need to do keep in memory fdont foregt reaccall ask urself recall… make urself rember prog ur
mind input store in mond so tt h u rember n its there in ur mind wht ur goal is wht u need to
don soon n so it occurs to u constantly n so u think accordingly regulat e urself regulate ur
thinking provide self regulatory thoughts n make urself do it
2) Regulate ur thinking ur actions are a result of ur thoughts to be in control of ur actions u need to
be in control of ur thoughts… rgegulate urself by regulating ur thinking n providing self
regulatory thoughts on the basis of wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing …
regulate urself n ur action s by regulating ur thinking… keep this in ur mind in urmemory wht u
need to do.. u know in ur mind in ur memory wht u shud n shud not do so accordingly regulat e
urself by regulating ur thinking

Keep this in ur mind u shud not be affected by exterenal events htth occur yo ushud shut everything else
off… not ohtink of other htigns nto get distracted and diverted not think or worky about otherhthgisn
ppl will try ot pick fights with u extermenal events shud not affect you u shud not think fo toehr htgisn if
it affects u n u start to think of oterh hrigngs worrying and thinking of otehrh tigns… thth causese u
harrasement nad trouble then u are affected u lose ofcus form wrk u nolonger htgink of work u end up
thinking nfo other hrigns…. Keep this I nur mind n remmeebr u need ot ofcus ur mind be aware of theht
ogutsh goin on in ur mind know what u are thignkig nfo dotn think of other htigsn.. think o fo your
work… put your mind n focus ur mind in ur work leave everyhtig nelse aside… not get affected by
external events internally.. in ur mind u need to know how ot focus ursefl … not distract n deviate ur
mind and ur attention not think of otehrhtigns… think of ouyr work keep ur mind cool and calm… and
think fo oyur work stop ursefl form thignkign fo other htigs nfocus ur mind o nur work.. if oyu get
affected by external thgisn and events then its means ur mind has fgotten distracted and diverted u
have lost focus n u are htinkig n worrying about thth instead of thinking nn worrying about work… u
shud not be affected by externbal things intetnranlly know how t o in ur mind have control over your
thoughts n wher e to focus ur mind on… not get carried awat bey external things n think of n ebe
affected by external thgisn in ur mind you need to be aware of the htoguths going on In ur head… know
what u are thinking of know how to internally be in control of oyur thogutsh n reguatle ur thinking … u
know not get distracted n diverted not think of otehrh tigns not worry of other htigns shut everything
off. Reguatle ur thinking stop urself form things king of otehrhrigns n cause if oyu think of other hirtgns
hten u wont htin of work n imp things ur mind is affect end distracted nd icveerted so u will lose tie am
nad datys u will nto od oyur work hten… oyu will lose ur mental balance n equilibrium … n ur focus u will
loste tiem an days u willget distracted nad diverted for mu r work.. u will think fo other hrigns goin o nin
ur head… worrying aoubt other hthigsn u need oto regautel ur thignkig nremmeebr stop urself form
thinking fo other hrigns n make ur self thinkfo owork n imp thgisn … keep ur mind focused n ur wrk n
impthgisn know what is goin on I nur mind what u are htignkign of n provide regaultaory htgouth stop
ursefl form thinking of other hitgns make urself focus o nur wrk think of ur wrk only Only then u will be
able to do your work not toerh wise… shut evertyhtign else odnt theink fo oterh hrigns leave all worries
n thinking aside w ew will think of all tht halter now think fo oyur wrk n imp things we don’t have tiem
now we can waste tiem now so now I know what went wrong my mind was distracted n diverted I was
thinking of other hritngs.. u neeed to have control over ur thogutsh over ur mind internally… u shud not
eb affected by external situations.. n incidents n soo n not think of otehrhtigsn think of oyur wrk n imp
thgisn n to waste tiem thinking fo other hrigns… not distract ndivert ur mind oterhwise u will lose ur
days nad time n wont be able to do your wrk focus u r mind keep ur mind in ur wrk rthink of ur wrk only

Keep in mind things like… u shud not waste ur time u need to wrk hard constantly … u shud not think of
other things n so on… so tht it occurs to u u are reminded of it u know in r ur mind wht u need to do n
so u thibnk accordingly n hence u do it

There are only to processes u need to deal with memory and thinking

Keep in mind things like what ur goal is wht u wnt to acheve n wht wrk u need to do to achieve ur goal…
n wht u need to do to achieve ur goal things like wrking hard not waste time wrk contionusly n so on u
need to keep in mind tht if u want the reward n weawan to achieve ur goal u need to wrk hard for it .. n
u need to focus ur mind not think of other things n thin k of ur wrk n htht u need to regulate ur thinking
provide regulatory thoughts n so on on the basis of wht u know u need to do to regualate urself so on..

Regulate ur thinking
U know in ur mind wht u need to do so accordingly eregulte urself by providing regulatory thought to
make urself do it to make urself strat or stop doing things tht u know in ur mind u shud shud no t be
Regulate ur thinking control regulate ur thinking… focus ur mind stiop thinking of other things think of
wrk resis mpulsive thoughts tht tell u to do other things

As u know in ur mind as its hrthereh in u m rind I nur mmeeory htth u ahe agoal to achivei n u need ot
be doing so nso wrk for it n so it occurs to u u are reminded of it ocnstnalty and so you think accordingly
“lets not wast teime lets get to wrk now we have wrk to od we have a gaol to acheivei” n so oyu od

As its there in ur mid nthht u shudn ot waste ur time doing unimpthgsin n so it occurs to oyu when u do
unim pothgsin n u are reminded of it n so oyu think “lets not waste tieme doing all this now lets get
towrk” n so you do

Your reguatlory thgouhts is on the basis of the iof stroed I nur mmeeory as to what u know in ur mind u
hsud n hsunot od as oyu knwoi n ur mind its hreh in urmiodn nur aremindedo f it n so you think
accordingly n correct n reguatle urself n hence u do

If you have forgotten and ints nolonger there in ur mind what you need to od tehn it will not occur to
you, you will nto be reminded of ti and so you will nto thin kaccoridngly and hence you will nto od it…
hence u need ot kep al lthese htgins in ur mind
If you have forgotten and ints nolonger there in ur mind what you need to od htigns like “wht ur goal is
wht wrk u need to o ot acheivei ur goal u shud not waste tiem doing unip thgisn u shud not think fo
other htigsn n soo n u need to wrk hard n constnnstly to achviei ur goal n reward.. u need ot otake effort
n so on move around here n there not sit at home n do nothing nothing ill happen meet pp ln so on”
tehn it will not occur to you, you will nto be reminded of ti and so you will nto thin kaccoridngly and
hence you will nto od it…

U know in ur mind I nur mmeomoryhwat u nee ot od wht u r goal is wht wrk u need to od to ahivei ur
goal… n wht htigns u need oto od things like not waste ur tiem n so on wrk ocnssntaly n soon its hreh
rin urm ind n so u are reminded of it it occurs to oyu thht u have a gaol to ahcievei n thth u sneed ot od
this wrk for it n thth u shud not waste tiem u hsud not think of other hthgisn n u shud wrk hard n so on
n so u think accoridnlgy n reugalte ur slf n hence oy u od it

U think nreguate l urself o nteh basisi of the info stored I nur memeory as to thwat u hsud n shud not od

U know in urmind wht u need to do tht u need to keep certain things in ur mind tht u need to focus ur
mind n regulate ur thinking n not think of other things n think of ur wrk n imp things n regulate ur
thinking by providing regulatory thoughts so on n so u do…

How to focus ur mind.. Focus ur mind by practicing thought regulation n control on the basis ofwht u
know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing

How to focus your mind:-

You were going fine and were focused o nyour work and thinking f o oyur work what work to od and so
on and doing your work but after the fight he intentionally fought with you quarreled with you to instill
fear n maintain his authority and control so thth next time u shud not breach his authority your mind got
distracted n diverted instead of thinking of your work what work to do and so on you were only thinking
of the fight why did the fight happen how did it happen n analyzing it and so on and you lost 5 days in
that you were not able to do any work at all you lost all focus… you were not able to do oyur work cause
your mind got distracted n diverted u were thinking of something else
Your acitons are result of the thogutsh going on in ur head to be I ncontroll fo oyur acitons u need ot be
in control fo oyur thoughts and reguatle and control your thinking
know what oyu are thinking of and what is going on in ur head if your mind is else where n u are htinkign
of other htigns then you willn to be able to do oyur work. Be aware of the thoughts going on in ur head
know what you are thinking of…. Stop ursefl from thinking of other things n make ursefl think of work
and important thigns… by providinng regulator htoguths isntrucitons and commands don’t divert n
distract ur mind away form work by thinking of other thigns… other wise oyu wont be able ot do oyur
work focus your mind concentrate your mind o nyou r work don’t think of oter thgisn stop your self from
thinking fo other htigsn make urself think fo oyur work and inp things htht need ot be done ot achieve e
your gaol and os on… keep ur mind I nur work think of oyur work only what work to o dot ahcvieve ur
goal and os on don’t think fo other htigsn think fo oyur work only only then you will be able to do oyur
work not oterhwise.. u need to keep ur mind In tht only if oyur mind is else where at some other place n
and world if you are thinkig fo other htigns then you will not be able to do oyur work .. if oyu r ind is eles
hwere n nto focued but distracted if oyur mind is not in it n u are thinking fo other thgisn n there are
other thgisn going on in urmind other thgoutsh going on in ur mind then you wont be able to od oyur
work.. you need to inteitonally on purpose focus your mind on ur work at will think fo work only.. what
should I think fo now? Lets think of this now what to od how to do this to ahcivee my goal.. you need to
intetioanlly on purpose knowingly stop urslef for tm htinkign of otehrhtigns and birgn ur mind dorect
your mind to oyur work make yourself think of your work… only then you will be able to od oyur work
practice thgouth regulation and control

If oyur mind is diverted and distracted by external htigns… due to which oyur mind is consumed with
other thougths and consumend In other thigns and then there are other thgouths going on I nur mind..
and so oyu can nol ogner think fof oyur work as you strat thinking of otherh tigns …your mind is
nologner I nit and you cant think fo oyur work and oyu start thinking of other thigns… then you will no
longer be able to do oyur work… you need ot know what you are htinkign fo what is going on I nur
mind… u need to intetioanlly focus urm ind on ur work… stop urslf form thinking of other htigns n make
urself think f oyou work by priovidign slef regaultory htogutsh telling urself ot ostp thinking ofo
thehrtings n to think fo oyur work nad foucs on ur work onl y hten oyu will be albe to od oyur work not
other wise..

This is an intellectual acitivty… where in you need full involvement of oyur mind you need ot know how
to control your mind… and the thoughts going on I nur head and how to fous your mind… when it comes
to physcila work oyu can think of other htigsn there can be oterh tigsn ogin on I nur mind …. But when it
comes to intellectual acitivty you need to be focused you need ot think fo thth thing only not oterh
thgins other wise oyu will nto be able to od it …. Your mind should be fully involved in tht only…

What happened why were u not able to od it afte thth fight

whenver my mind is ofcused nad thinking of owrk nad im doing my work
and strat doing my work oyu come and fight with me and totally messs up my mind and my head with
anger and worried htoguths then i strat to think fo otehr htigns n my mind is no logner i nmy work n i
am not able to do my work and i lose time he doesnt keep a proper atmosphere where i can think fo my
work he will intentionally come na dcause chaos and igve me trouble harrasement and headaches and
cause fights n claish and distract and divert my mind and disturb me so tht hinstead of thinkign of my
work what work ot od and so on i ahve ot think of the fight thth occured divert and distract my mind
distracting and diverting my mind ... bringing otehrhtignsuts in my mind angry thoguths by intentioanlly
tuching my monitor screen to instill fear and worry in my and oteher thgotush harrse and trouble me
thth my monitor will get spoilt and so on other worrying fear ful thgouths in my mind inteintionally to
idvert ndistract my mind... so instraead of htinkign of work and imp thigsn i strat thinkign of thth tht
hmy monitor wirl lget spoilt and about hte fights thth happend n so my mind si diverted now n i man o
longer albe to think fo my work igiicng me tension worry thogutsh in my mind n d head achecs n
taraising my bp... cosntnatnly think fo htth only harrase me n divert me... n drive me mad.. intentioanlly
doing chugli.. to harrase me put other htoguths in my mind htogutsh of anger fear worry tensio nad
haarrsasement... n hence my mind is diverted n distracted n it can no longer hthink of owork... he comes
n does chugli he knwos htht i dont like it it cuase s me stress and headache and worry n ahrrasement os
he does it to inteionally distract my mind so i end up thinkign of n worrying of htth and angry and
distracted thgouths in my mind... instead of thinkign fo my owrk my mind is then ocnsumend in
n gets distracted and diverted.. then mym ond can no longer work cna nolonget r htignk of work..
isnteadit strats to htink of otehr htings there are other thgotsh uhg going on in my mind and so i cannot
do m y work
he will come and push my monitor screen to inteionally harrase me and cause me headaches mazya
dokyala tras hote naa.. then insteeadad of thinking of my work i get angry thgotush n i strat to think of
otehrhtigns n thogutsh of worry n fear thth my monitor will get spoilt ... and my mind gets distracted
and diverted n can nolonger think of my work.. it strats thinkign of other thgisn then it distracts my mids
and diverts my mind for mmy work n i strat t o think of otehr htigns hararsement trouble... haeadache
otehrh togusth..of fear wory nad teniosn u know distract and divert my mind form my work.. and can
nolonger think fo my work
he knows i odnt like it still he will do it on purpsoe to distract my mind
ncause me head ches tenion worry thth my monitor will get spoilt and anger r angery thgoutsh in mym
ind nd idstract my midn for mmy work intetionsonally then i cannot think fo my work

If oyur mind is distracted and diverted away frm ur work.. u are nolonger htignkign f our wrk n imp
thgisn if hter eare other thigns other htgosuth goin on I nur mind hten you will nolongerbe able to od
oyur work u need ot ofcus your mind… know what you are htinkign fo stop ursel f rom thinking of
otehrhtigns nmkae urslef think fo oyur work only bytellign urself intetnioanlly providing reguatlory
thgouths regulate ur thinking keep ur mind I nur work inteitooanlly at will think fo fo work only
prdecided edecide wht to think of what shud I think fo now lets think fo this now…

What you need to do:-

1) (memory) First of all you need to keep in mind what u need to do wht u r goal is wht wrk u need
to do to ahcive iur gaol nad the things u ned to do things like wrk hard nto wast eur time
reguatle ur thinking keep in mind thth u need ot keep in mind certain nthgisn tht u hsud cotnroll
n reguatle urself by reualating ur thinking cause ur actiosn are a result of ur htignkig nad so on u
need to keep all these things in ur mind s o htth its there I nur mind u know in ur mind what u
need to od its there in ur memory n u are reminded of it n it occurs to you and so you think
accoridingly and hence you do it its there in ur mind u know in ur mind wht u need oto od and
os it occurs to oyu and so oyu regaulte ur self by providing a regualaotry thought n make urself
do it … so thth u don’t forget u know in ur mind its thhre in ur mind what u need to do and so u
think accordingly n hence u do it n u n u regulate urself accordingly by providing regulatory
thought n make urself do it … u knw o in ur mind what u need ot od so u think accoridnglyn
hence u do it u know in r u mind what u need ot od so accordingly provide aregualtory thgouht n
make urself do it
2) (thinking) Uractiosn are a result of the thgoutsh going on I nur head to be in control lfo oyur
acitons u need to be in control lfo your thgouths …Regualte ursefl and ur acitons by regautling
ur thinking and providing regulatory htgotush isn’t commands o nthe basis of what oyu know in
ur mind u shud n hsudn ot be doing to make ursefl stop or strat doing things thth u know in urm
idn ushud nhsudn ot be doing … reagulte ur thinking… focus ur mind stop thigsnikign of other
htisn gs n make ursefl think fo oyur work and imp thigns… u nknw in u rr mind tht u have a
gaoal to achieve n u need to do ur ewrk for it so intentuionallly at will think of ur wrk wht wrk
shud I do now to do to achieve my goal lests do this now lets complete this now n how to do it n
go about it n so on only then u will do ur wrk .. ressis timpulsive thoughts tht tell u to do other
things … controll n regulate ur actions by controlling n regulating ur thinking according to what
u know in ur mind u shud n shid not be doing n by providing regulator thoughts ..u know in ur
mind what u need ot be doing so accordingly reguatle ursefl n ur acitosn and retgualte ur
htginkign by providing regulatory htgouths … when uthink fo oding other htigns as u know in ur
mid n ushud not waste time doing unimp thisgsn so stop urself by providing a regulatory
htgouth tell ursefl “don’t waste ur time no w do ur wrk now” … u know in ur midn I nur
mweormory hwat uneed ot be doing (inof stored in ur memeory) so accoridngly reugalte urslf
and oyur actiosn by regaulting your htignkig nadn proviign self reguatlory thgouths inst n
commadns o nteh basis of hwat u know in ur midn u shud nshud not do the i

Theere are only 2 processes tht u n eed to deal with memeory and thinking you need ot ocntroll and
regaulte ur thinking and oyu need ot keep certain things in ur mind so thth u remember wht u need
otod and u don’t forget u need to erguatle ur self nad ur acitosn by regulating ur thignkign cause ur
sacitons are the result of oyur htignkign the thgouths going on in ur head

You know inur mind in ur memeory thth u have work to od its there in ur mind I nur memeory and so
when morning comes it occurs to oyu and u know u need to get up to do thth work are you are
reminded of it an so you think “lets get up now lets not think of other thigns” and so oyu do…

Keep in mind thigns like you should not waste your time doing other htigsn and unimp thigns ur time is
imp and u shud not waste a single second htth u need ot be doing u r wrk and imp things only and so on
and htht u need ot wrk ahd consntantly and htht u need ot reugalte ur thinking so thth uit occurs to oyu
u know u remember u know I nur mind what u need ot od and os u think accordingly regulate urself by
prviiding reugaltoryh toguth n hence u do it

If you are out of control and youa re not doing what you are supposed to do instead you are doing other
htigsn… tehn it means thth either its not there in ur mind what your goal is n hwt u need to do for it n
things u need t odo you have forgotten it and tis nolonger there in ur mind either the problem is at the
memeory level or the problem is at ht e thinking level your mind si distracted u are htignkign of other
things instead of wrk n imp things and you are not regulating ursefl and your actiosn by regaulting your
htignkign and intentionally providing regaultory thgotush inst and command as to n according to what
you know in ur mid u hsud n shud not be doing to keep urse;f on the right path n make urself do what u
know in ur mind u shud be dioing n stop urself from doing wh t u know in ur mind u shud not e doing to
regulate n correct urself n ur action to keep urself on the track n path to ur goal n preven t urself from
straying … n correct urself everytime u stray n do things tht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing or
don’t do the things tht u know in ur mind u shud be doing u are not regualtign your self you are not
stopping rusefl n restraining and resisting n restricting ursfl from doing thigs thth ur impulsive thoguths
tellu to do and tht u know in ur mind u shud not be oding by providing a regulatory thgouth to stop
ursefl form doing it n you are not making urself do thigns thth u know in ur mind u hsud be doing by
providing a regulatory thgouth to make urself do it you are nto ocntrollig n regulating ursefl…

i was to tally focused he came and he distracted me i was thinkig nfo my

work what work to od and so on
then he came and he started to touch my monitor and push it by touching it
on the screen
when he did tht i started to think and worry of what if my monitor gets
spoilt what will i do then.. instead of htinkig nand worrying of work i
started to worry of otehr thigns... he distracted my mind...
tehn when i told him not to tuch the monitor cause it will get spoilt
instead ofsaying ok i wont d othth he came and told me i wi lln ot come i
nur room only od one thign brign a printer as thoguh i didi ah umge mistake
by tellign him not to tuch the pc as thoguh how dare you tell me not totuch
the monitor scrren its like breaching authority hten to instill fear in me
to maintatin his ocntroll over me he inttnetioanlly didi a fight na
quarreled with me ... i t wont get spoilt if it iwl lget spoilt i will bring
new i will repaire but what babotu my one month tht will og in it if it gets
spoilt he doesnt care about my torubles problems and worries and thth it
causese me montal issues and harraesment n head ahces and worry my mind get
distracted adn instead of thinkign of work i start to think n worry of of
what if my monitor gets spoilt waht will i do then my mind gets diverted an
dstracted... he only caerrs of his authority he is self serving he only
cares about maintaing his own authority n cotnroll hwo dare you tell me not
ot tuch hte monitor he doenst care htth it will caue me trouble and worry
adn if it gets spoilt it will waste my time and cause me furhter headaches
an d effort and trouble t o buy anyhtign new... he wont give money but if
it gets spoilt... tehn he iwll give money... not only htht he iwll
intetionally tuch it and spoil it on purpose some htign htth can be avoided
adn perevented prevnetion is better than cure... but he knows thth i odnt
liek i t so he will itnentionally do it to seee if i reply back adn tell him
not ot n whne i do he will start aquarrel n fight to instill fear in me nad
maintatin his authority and controll over me... his game is up tell him let
him know what oyu htin khe is doing it nad why shove it on his face...
expose him tell him hwat you think... befoer hte fight my mind was focused
and htinkign of work..i called him i nth e room he fought with me
intentioanlly and after htefight my mind got distracted adn i was consnntly
thinkign of thth only why did he fight and os on and iw as not able to do my
work i lost focus and lost 5 days in that these are his tactics these thigns are done intentionally to
maintatin his authority nad ocntroll over us … he inttieonally picks up a fight makes loud noises bangs
the door and the chair to increase over heart beat hp and put fear in us… teniosn and worry In us to
sacre us then tals k in a loud harsh voive strict voice… scolds us… and tells us nto to popen it more.. not
ot come in between move aside boss over us... to isntill fear in us and maintatin his authority and
control over us… all ths is done intetentionally… I used tot hink thth it happens cause he was mad or less
intetlligent and he didi not unederstand any htign thth harshad will sell it and cause us problem now I
know htth he understands it very well.. but he doenst care what problems n troubles u will have if they
fall I ncaourcases n ditach let htem fall thth toh u will have to go through no no thth can be avoided if ou
sing on the documents and canel the poa then it will be avoided …. But u are intetioanlly giving the poa
and no sisnign on cancel pao doauvcments nad intetioanlly putting us in trouble and satiyn g thth is
written in ur r destiny he is halkat manoos ahlf of my mental issures feaear worry tension n ahrarsement
has been cause of him cause of this man… doing it intentionally to troubleand ahrrasem e… he has been
expose now and looking down and ashsaedmed hth I have realized what he is doing n fifguereide it out
he is nto dumb he is over smart … he only care of his own control lad nauthority hre si self serving he
doens t care tht hti will cause us problems and issues… nad headaches…. Ghaneda manoos… his s nature
is not good he is nto you either.. if u ask him for help then he will firast of all talk in a harsh
scoldingng screaming and loudly speaking strict authoritative voice… as though I am I nhis office and he
is a boss and as though he is doing some hughe faovur to me… am I oidng this for myself ? and htth I am
wasting his time and I am a hughe burden to him he is never willig nto help me but instead cause
problems and fights if itake up to do anhyting with him first of all there are fights and arugments and
bhandan he will do thth first … and then htht thing remains aside he doenst keep a proper atmosphere
… if I go to do anhyitng then ther is fights and arguments to mainitain his authority he doenst care what
effect it will have on me halkat manoos ahe toh… hwe will insult me and humiliate me and brign down
my self worth self confidence and isntill fear in me and as though
all this cause of his beahviour it c as caused me issues nd problems I am nore fear ful and connot get any
work done oursde.. it takes great effort to og out cause I feel afraid n nerovusi n a corwd n high hp bp
worry panic and tension nget panic attacks n tesion easily spooked to such an extetn its easy to make
me tense worried scared afraid fearful and thht of which when I og out n I am I na crowd I feel nervous
and scred and shaky nad I cannot surivie I nth eoutside world cuase of which I am afraid ot go out and I
am always angery and faearf ul and tesne and worried and I am afraid ot go out I nacrowd and get
anything done cause I feel tense n ot relaxed…
if htigns don’t happen then I will end it all cause I dotn want to stay I ninida and if igo to do anyhitng he
doesn’t care ofme doenst help me he causes fights and then he bahnadan kroon fiskavtat cause he
doesn’t help me he only care of his authority and control

What you need to do:-

there are only two things thth u need to do… 1) in terms of memeory its very simple you just need t
okeep in mind what oyu need to od so thth you know in ur mind what oyu need to do and it occurs to
oyu you are reminded of it n so you think accordingly and hence oy udo it as you know in ur mid nwaht
you need t o do and s o oyu regulate urself accordingly by proving reugaltory htoguths nad make ursefl
do it as you know in ur mind what oyu need to od so u remember it it occurs to you nad so oyu think
acoridngly odn waste ur time don’t think fo othrehrtigns d o oyur work and so oyu do … its there I n ur
mid nwaht oyu need ot od and so it occurs to oyu u are eminded of it nad os oyu think accordingly and
reugalte utrsefl and ence oyu do it 2) in terms of thinking… As you know in ur mind what oyu need to do
so u need ot accordingly reguatle urself n make urself do it by proividng sefl regualoty htogutsh
instructions and commands …ur actiosn are a result of oyur htignkign to be in control fo your acitosn
you need to absolutely be in control fo oyur htogutsh and regulate ur thginkig nstop ursefl form tignkign
of otehrhtigns n focus urm ind on ur work make urself think of oyur work only then you will do ouy work
tell ursefl provide a regaultaoryh togtush and mstop urselff rm thinking of other hings ..regualte ur
thinking focus your mind o nur work be aware of the thoguths ogin on I nur head know what oyu are
htinkign fo and stop urself form thignkign of otehrh tigns by providing regulatory htoguth inst and
command nad make urself think fo oyur work what work ot od and complete and os on to ahceivei ur
goal only hten you will do oyur work.. reguatle ursefl an d oyur acitons by regaulting your thignking be
awawre of hteht thoughts going on in ur mind stop uresfl from htimking of otehrhtings unimp thisgns
make usrelf think fo oyur work focus oyur mind fully on ur work n imp htgisn to acheviei ur goal think of
oyur work only what ywork to o dot ahcievei ur gaol and so on… reguatle urthinkign whenever u find
urself thinking off ther htgsin tell urself stop thinking of otherhgisn n think fo oyur work what work ot od
and os on focus your mind 100% on it leave everything else aside shut off everything else …. Don’t get
distracted n ivereted odfnt einvovel ur mind I notehrh tigns… don’t think fo other hritntgs reugalte ur
thinking by providing regulatory htgouths …reguatle ursefl and your acitosn by regulating oyur htignkign
and providing regulatory htoguths … uneed ot reguatle ursefl by regautlign ur htignkign n proividgn
regulatory htogutsh if oyu odnt regaulte urself u will be out of ocntroll… u need to regulate ur thinking n
have control over ur thinking..

u read on the notice board tht tht the dept is open only till 1:00 so u know in ur mind tht u need to
reach before 1:00 this info is stored in ur mind in ur memory… and so u thought accordingly think and u
plan accordingly u woke up at 10 and it wa s 11:00 u knew u need to leave by 11:30 as it takes 40 mins
to reach there so u didn’t take a bath and decide d to ewaer clothes in 2 mins and leave in 15 mins by
11:30 and so you did…
This is What you need to do to be effiecent n b e in cotntroll of ur actions:-

1) (Memory):- Keep in mind what u need to do So that its there in ur mind what u need to do n so
it occurs to u n u think accordingly u provide regulatory thought n regulate urself n hence u do
it… various techniques n methods to keep in mind in case u forget n its no longer there in ur
mind wht u need to do.. ask urseflf what is ur goal wht u need to do to achieve ur goal what wrk
n ewhat are the thins u need to do n follow for eg not t waste ur time, not think of other tings,
do it fast , regulate ur thinking n u need to provide regaultory thoughts to regulate urself n ur
actions as to wht u know u shud be doing, focus ur mind n think of ur wrk only n so on…. recall
it all wht u ned to do so tt u rember u don’t forget its ther ein ur mind wht u need to do n ur
mind is reprogrammed n refiocsed and so u think accordingly n hence u do it n follow it so tht u
rember its there in urmind in ur memory the info is stored in ur memory as to what u need to
do and so it occurs to u n u are reminded of it u think accordingly n u do it u regulate ureself n
provide regu;atory thoughts n hence u do it… so tht u know in ur mind wht u need to do n it
occurs to u … n so u think accordingly n regulate urself provide eregulatory thoughts n hence u
do it… keep in mind what oyu need to od thnigns like oyu need ot reguatle uresfl and your
acitons by reugaltign your htignkign aon the basis of hwat oyu knw in ur mind u hsud nshdun ot
be doing and so on… keep this in ur mid ni n ur memeory htth u r acitosn are a result of oyur
htingkig nand to be in control fo oyur aciotsn u need ot be I ncontroll fo oyur thogutsh and
reauglte ur thinking … keep in mind so tht u rember n u don’t forget so tht its there in ur mind u
know in ur mind what u need to do n it occurs to u u are constantly reminded of it n so u think
accoerdingl n hence u do it or u intentionally provide a regulatory thought n regulat e urself n
make urself do it…. Its on the basis of the info stored in ur memotry tht u are going to regulate
urself n provde regulatory thought as its there in ur mind n u know in ur mind ht u need to do
adnd so u regulate ureslf n provide a regulatory thought n t hink accordingly n make urself do
it… but if its nolonger there in ur mind n u have forgotten what u need to do… the n it wont
occur to u n so u wont think accordingly or provde aregulatory thought n so u wont do it… so u
need to keep in mind what u need to do.. so tht u rember its there in ur mind…. How to keep in
mind? Recall ask urself what is ur goal wht u need to do to achieve ur goal n so on so tht itst
here in ur mind u know in ur mind what u need to do… make ur self rember… remind urself wht
u r goal is wht u need to do to achieve rur goal incase u have forgptten so thth u rember its back
in ur mind n u ar mind is back on traclk n redirected n erfocused towards achieveing ur goal u
has d forgotten u were lost it was not there in ur mind n so u were not thinking accordingly n
doing it… bring urself back on the path to achieveing ur goal n keep u r goal n wht u need to do
in ur mind… so tht its there in uer mind tht u have a goal to achieve n u ned to do so nso wrk to
acieve ur goal n u need to do so n so things this info is stored in urmemory u know in ur mind so
u thin k accordingly regulate urself n u do it ur mind is refocused n back on track towarda
chieveing ur goal.. urmind is refosued rediereted towardsa chieveing ur goal n doing the things
tht u need to do to achieve u goal n imp things…
2) (Thinking) Practise though control:- Ur actions are a result of ur thinking the thoughts going on
in ur mind to be in control of ur actions u need to be in control of ur thinking n the thoughts goin
on in ur mind… u need to regulat e ur thinking n practse thought control… u know in ur mind in
ur memory what u need to be doing so accordingly intentionally on purpose at will provide
regulatory thought inst n command to make urself do it…. Regulate ur self n ur actions by
regulating ur thinking n providing regulatory thoughts Be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur
head know what u are thinking of stop urself from thinking of unimp things n make urself think
of imp things wrk n so on what work to do n so on kweeep ur mind in ur wrk don’t distract n
divert ur mind relse where by thinking of other things regulate urself whenever u find urself
thinking of other things as u know in ur mind us hud not so tell urself to stop n tell urself to think
of wrk mae urself think of ur wrk … intentionally on purpose at will think of ur wrk… what wrk
to do n so on what shud I think of now? Lets think of wrk what wrk to do n so on how to do it
only then u will do ur wrk … be aware of the thoughts going on in ur head know what u are
thinking of… resist impulsive thoughts tht tell ut o do other thins all ur actions are a direct
outcome ersult of the thoughts going on in uur head so to be in control of ur actions u need to
be in control of ur thoughts n control n regaulte ur thinking… to be in control of ur actions u
need to control n regulate ur thinking…. On the basois of wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud
not e doing provide regulator y thoughts to make urself strat or stop an action… provide
regulatory houghts to regulate ur thinking… stop urself from thinking of other things n make
urself think of wrk n imp things …

u don’t forget vcause fif u foreeget n its nolonget there in ur mind what u need to do then u wont be
reminded of it it wotnt occur to u n so yu wont think accordingly n u won t reaguulte urself by
procinding self regulatory thoughts n so u wont do it n so u are lost … If u have forgotten wht u need
to do wht u r goal is then n then u are lost u wont do it as it wont occur to u … u wont hin accordingly n
u wont do it

In terms of memory u need to keep in mind what u need to do what u shud n shu not do wht u r goal n
mission is and so on so tht u know in urmind what u need to do n it occurs n u are consttntly reminded
of it to u n so u think accordingly n hence u do it n so u regulate urself by providing ergualtory thought
n hence u do it to keep in mind ask urself remind urself eracalll ask uresfl qwhat is u r goal n so on.. what
u need to do n soon read it every day so tht u rember whrt u need to do n u don’t forget.. make flash
cards n so on to remind urself…

To be in control fo oyur self n ur actions There are only two processe thth u need ot deal with in terms
of memeory oyu need to keep I nmind so tht u remember u know in ur mid nwaht oyu need ot od and
interms of htinking you need to reguatle ur htignking according to what oy uknow in ur mid nu shudn be
doing to make urself do ti resist impulsive thogutsh provide regulatory htoguths focus ur mind n stop
irurlsef fro mthignkign fo otehrhtign s and make urself think of ou r work k and imp thgisn thht u knwow
in ur mind u shud be e htignkign fo to acheivei ur goal n what is im pt ot oyu n critical to oyu

U don’t want to perform and do it in an automatic process unknowing process out of teniso ndn a worry
oyu want to do it in a knowing process u do it cuase u know I ru mid nwh ht u nee d to od and so u thin
kaccoridngly reguatle ur thignkign and u do it u want ot od it I na knowing way as to how th e process
worksand what you need to od …

U know in ur mind what u need to be doin so accordingly eregulate urself tell urself by providing
regulatory thoughts n inst n commands… n make urself do it…

How to regulate your htignking and hence your actions:-

Regulate ur actions by regulating ur thinking know what u are thinking of what thoughts u get in urmind
if u think of doing other things or get an impulsive thought in r ur mind telling u to do other things tehen
as u know in urmind tht u shud not waste ur time doing unimp things n u need to do u r wrk n tht is
more imp so provide aregulatory thought to control n resist tht impulsive thought tell urself no don’t do
tht now do ur wrk…

To be in control fo your actions u need to be in control fo your htoguhts cause your acitosn are a direct
result and out ocme of hteh togutsh going o ni nur head and you need a thought to start or stop an
acitosn u need a thought telling you to do so…. So provide reguatlory thgoutsh instrcitosn and
commands on the basis of what you know I nur mid n ushud nshdn nto be doing to make ursefl start or
stop and action

Ur acitosn are a directe result of the thgotush going on I nur head so u need o to reguatle ur thignkig n
ncontrol lru thgoinkig nand ur htogutsh to be in control fo your acitons … be awre of the thogutsh going
on in ur head know what oyu are thinking fo whenever u find urself htignkign fo unimp thgisn… n hence
wasting oyur tiem then as oyu know I nur mid nthth u hsud not waste ur him e htinkig nof unimp thgisn
n thth u need ot think fo work and imp thgisn only then u will do oyur work not other wise so reualte
ursefl provide a regulatory htogtuh tell ursefl “stop thinking of unimp things and thin kfo owork” and
hence stop urself thinking fo unimp thgisn and make urself think fo oyur work and imp things

Intentioanlyl thignk of your wrok make urself think fo oyur work what work to o dot ahcievie ur goal and
os on…. As u know in ur mdin thth u shud think fo oyur work so tell ureslf provide aregualtory htgoutsh
inteionally tell oyuresfl “think fo your work thin kfo what to think of” think of oyur work at will what
should I think fo now lets think of work of what work to od hwo to do I t and os on think n decde what
oyu should be thinking of … what should I think fo now lets thin kfo work inteitonally knowingly on
purpseo atwill inorde t oacheivei a goal or result or outcome knowingly think fo oyur wrok what wiork
to od and os on

Ur acitosn are a direct result and out ocme of the htogtush going on in ur head first oyu think of oding
something or get a thoguth I nu r mind ot od some htigsn impuslve thoguth based o nur impulsve
mmeeroy only hten you do it so tot be incontroll fo yur acitosn you need ot be in control of oyur
thogtuhs and reguatle u r htignking… to regulate n control f ur htignkignfirst of all u need ot be awre of
hteh thgotush going on I nur head know what oyu are thinking…. Tehn ntetionally on purpose knowingly
provide reguatlory htogutsh on the basis of what oyu know in ur mid n ushud nh sund nto be doing or
shud n hsud not be thinking ot make urself do it n follow it n to ocntroll n reugatle ur htignkig and ur
actosn by proving regulatory htogutsh…

U may know in ur mind what oyu hsud n hsnud nto be doing but inspite of knowing I nur mind u will nto
do what u know wu hsud be doing or do htigsn thth u know u hsud not be doing this is cause ua re nto
providing regualotryh toguhts inst and comamdns to make urself do it nad follow it u need to
intetioanlly provide are gualtory htogtush instn ocmamdn just cause u know I nur mid n u are not going
to think aoutomatically of doing ti n doit on ur own u need ot intetioanllyp roivde thth thoguth inst
ncommadn ot make urself do it u need a thgouth n inst n command telling oyu t ood it to od it n follow
it … u may do otherh tigns cause of the impulsive htogutsh thth tell uto do other htigsn and cose of lack
of regulation cuase oyu are not making oyursefl do it or stop doing what you know I nur mid n u hsud or
shud nto be doing by proviign regualttory htogtush inst n commands oyu are not providing regaultory
thgotush inst and commands .. Just cause oyu know I nur mid ntht hu hsud be doin certain thing or shud
nto be odign certain htigsn thth dos not mean thth u will automatically think fo doing it or think of stop
doing it n do it on your own start doing it or stop doing it... u need to to make ursfl do it or stop doing
what oyu know I nur mid n ushud n hsud nto be doiign by inteionally on purpose proividng a regaulktory
thgotush inst and command to make urself force urself to stop or stat doing it reugalte ursefl n make
ursefl start or stop doing ti what u know I nru mid n ushud n shid nto be odign b y intentionally providing
thoguth inst and command …

U know in ur mind what u need to do what u shud n shud not do so accordingly intentionally provide
seklf regulatory thoughts inst n commands to keep urself in check correct urself every time u stray to
make urself do it do things what u know in rurmind u shud be doing or stop doing things what u know in
u rind us hud not be doing u know in ur mind what u need to do so u only tell urself correct urself direct
urself by intentionally on purpose providing regulatory thoughts inst n commands to make urself do it…
u don’t need others to tellu u ony tell urself n drect urself n make urself do it be self guifind self diecting
secf correcting self regulating…

U know in u rind u shud not waste ur time doing other things so whenwver u find urself doing
otherthings tht u do cause u get impulsive thoughts telling u to do r cause u think of doing it then as u
know in ur mind u shud not waste time doing other things so stop urself from doing it by providing a self
regulatory thought inst n command telling urself to stop “no don’t wast ur time doing tht noe w do ur
wrk now” n hence make urself stop doing iti f u don’t regulate ureslff n don t provide tht intentional
thougth inst n command telling uresflf to stop u will not stop u will continue to do it unless n until u
make urself stop control n restrict n urself by telling urself to stop doing doing it… on the basis of wht u
kow in ur mind u shud be doing shud not be ding… unless u intentioanally knowingly u don’t provide
tht thought on the basis o fwhat u know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing telling rrself to stop
doing it u will not stop u will continue to do it as u know in ur mind ththt u shud not waste time doing
ther things so regulate uresflf provide a regulatory thought n tell urselfto stop n make urself stop doing

This is what u need to do interms of ur thinking process: - you need to know how the brain works and
oyu need to know what oyu need to od I nterms of these two processes memeory n thinking… n how t
ocontroll nregaulte urself nur acitosn by regulating ur thinking.

Keep this in mind what u need to do in ters of ur thinking :- U need to regulate and control ur thinking…
ur actions are a result of the thoughts goin on in ur head… to be In control of ur actions u need to be in
control of ur thoughts u need to control n regulate ur thinking… be aware of the thoughts going on in
ur head know what you are thinking of… stop urselffromt hinking of unimp thins make ureslf think of ur
wrk… intentionally knowingly at will on purpose think of ur wrk and imp things to achieve ur goal…
decide what to think of what should I think of now… lets think of work what work to do now to achieve
my goal and how to do it n go about it… think of tht only of imp things… focus ur mind ur mental effort
and thinking direct it ur memtal energy to think of imp things not useless things tht will brin g u no
profgress benefit future survival n gain.,,.. n help u axhieve the imp n critical things in life n help u make
progress n achieve yur goal.. keep a check on how much time u spend thinking of what think of other
things at other times keep a separate time to think of other thigs think time during wrk hours don’t
thuink of other things think of ur wrk only focus ur mind ur mental energy on ur wrk only.. keep a tab n
check on how u spen t ur day thinking ng of what what were the thoughts goin on in ur mind hwat
things issues n topis u thought of make a list.. so tht u know u can monitor control n regaulte n direct
urthinking so tht u don’t awaste time thinking of unimp things… … resist impulsive thoughts tht tell u to
do unimp things…. u know in ur mind what u neeed to do so regulate ur actions n make urself do it …
start or stop an action ny intentionally providing regulatory thoughts instructions and commands to
make urself do what u know in ur mind u shud be doing… u know in ur mind in ur memory what u shud
be doing so u only tell usrself n regulate urself u don’t need others to tell u you only eell urself n
intentionally provide regaultory thoughts n make urself do it m follow it…correct urself n keep urself in
check constantly

Its not tht I was not determined or I didn’t have the will or the desire want or the ambition the drive to
do I t and didn’t want t owork hard and soo n… its not thth I simply did nto have the technology I simply
didi not know the way to do it how to do it how to go abut it how to regautle my mind and my thinking
to make myself perform… and efficient what I needed to o dot be in cotnroll fo myself and my actions
be being I ncotnroll n reugatling my mind n control n regulate the various processes the go on I nthe
mind tht lead to result to action… what I didn’t know need to od intermso fhteese processes to regulate
my self n my actions

You need to regulate ur thinking you need to constnatly reguatle ur thinking…. Ur actiosn are a direct
result of hteh toguths ogin on in ur head and so to be in cotnroll fo oyur acitosn you need to be in
control fo your htogtush you need ot regautel nconroll ur htignkign ur htoinking process u r thgotush
process… know awaht is going on I nur head.. what tthgouths atre goin on I nur head what are you
thinking of…. Be awre of the thoguths going on I nur head know what yare oyu thinking of… n reguatle
ur thinking… u knwi nu r mind what oyu need to do and s oa ccoridngyl intneionally provide regautlory
htgotush instrucitosn and commands to make yourself do it… when ever u find oyursefl thinking nfo
oterh unimp thgisn instead o ur wrk n imp thgisn as you know I nur mid n ushud not think fo
otehrhtigsn n not waste time thinking of other htgins n u need ot think fo oyur work nimp tigsn so
accordingly procivede a regautlory thgoutht tell yourself “stop thinking of other htigns odnt waste u r
time thinking of oteh rhtigns think of oyur work what work to od otaday to ahcievei ur goal
“ hence make urself tstop thinking of other htisnn make ursefl think fo oyu r work what wrk to od n so
on keep ur mind I n iur wrk for onyl then you will do oyur work… whenever u think of oding otehrh
unimp things or get an impulsive htoguth in ur mind telling u to od unimp thgisn then as u knwoi n
urmind in ur memeory thth u shud not be odign unimp thgisn n waste ur hime n u need ot od ur wrk n
imp thgisn so accordingly provide aregualteory htogtuhs tell youresfl “no don’t do htth now do your
work now” n hence resit na d control thth impuslvie htogutsh tht tell uto od otehrhtigns… n prevent
urslef form oding othehritgnsn make urslf do oyur work n imp thgisn…. Swhen hweve r u ar e doing
other unimp thgisn as You know I nur mind tht u hsoud not waste ur time doing other htigsn nhtth u ne
dot od ur wrk to ahcievei ur goal so accordingly te intetinonally on piurpose knowingly provide a
rgaulatory thgouths an d tell yourself “ don’t wase t ur time doing otehrhtigsn now do ur work now u
have agoal to ahcive” hence stop urself form doing otehrhigns n makeu rlsef do u r wrk nwhat oyu know
in ur mdin u hsud be doing…. U know in ur mind htt hur xams ar e coming n u need ot o finish ur wkr n
study day n night n htth u shud not lay down n sleep or u will fall asleep so whenever u think fo laying
down then tell oyursefl “no odnt lay down don’t sleep if oyu aly down u will fall asleep u can move
around or sit but odnt lay down sit n study or move around but don’t lay down or you will fall asleep” n
hence make urself do what oyu know I nru mid n uneed otod m stop urself form doing what oyu know I
nur mdi n u shud not bdo by intentionally proividng reugaltoryh togutsh inst n commands o nthe basis of
n according to what oyu know in ur mind uhsud nshudn nto be doignn hence make ursefldo it ..
consntaly regualtre urself by intetioanllyl knwoingyl on purpose proiivdng self regaultory htgotush inst n
commands o neht basis of what oyu know I nru mind u shud n hsdund nto be doing… n hence to make
urself do it… u kwni un ur mid nwhat oyu need oto d so oyu only tell utrself n makeu rlsef do it u don’t
need others ot tellyou you only diecrct comamdn and instruct n tell urslef n make ursefl do it regulate ur
self correct ursefl keep p ursefl in chenck n hence do it on your own.. with out others hiaving ot tell you
to do it… n nag oy uto od it .. self starter slf regaulting sefl governing… doing it on ur own… self
maamndigng .. with out anyone having to nag oyu and tell u to do it… …

U know in ur mind what you need to do … so accordingly reguatle ur self and make ursefl do it by
intentionally on purpose knowing providing a regulatory thought inst n command to make ursefl do it…
for eg:- when u are odign oterh tgins n unimp thgisnthen as you know in ur mind hht us hud not waste
ur time doing otherhtigsn nunimp thisgsn n thth u need ot od ur wrk so regautle ur sefl tell uresfl
intentionally on purpose provide aregualtory thgouth I nst and command tell ursefl “lets not waste tiem
doing this now lets get to work we have work to do “ and hence reugalte urself reguatle ur actions
control ur actions stop ursefl from doing oterhitngs n make ursefl do oyur work n imp thgisn…. By
inteionally proiving reguatlory thgotsh I ns tan d command on the basis of what u know I nru mid nu
shudn n shdu not od inorder to regaulte ursefl n make ursefl do it ..

Ur actiosn are the result of oyur htignkig nthe thogutsh goin o ni n ur head ot be in control lfo oyursefl n
ur acitosn u need ot reguatle ur thignkig nbe aware of htehtthgoutsh ogin on I nur head stop ursel think
of otehrhtigsn focus n ocnectrate ur mind make ur sefl think of oyur awork n imp thgis b e aware of the
thoughts goin on in ur mind know wht u r thinking of whenever u find ursefl thinking nf ooterh thgisn
as you know I nur mid nthth u shud nto think fo otehrhtignsn n uneed to thin kfo oyur work s ostop
urself from thginkign of oterhhiggns n make userlr f think fo oyur work by intetioanlly proviing
regulatory thoguth in st and comamdn tell ursefl “stop thinking of other things think of wrk what wrk to
do n so on”

U know I nur mind what u need ot od so accordingly regaulte ursefl n ur acitons n make ursefl do it by
intetioanlly knowing ly on purpose at will proving regulatory thgouths inst n ocmmadns ot makeu rsefl
do it … regulate ur thinking… be aware fo the thgostuh goin o ni n ur head d knw owhat oyu are thinking
fo n cosnnstalt y regautle u rthignkig nb y providing regualotyr thgoutsh… stop ursefl form thginkign of
unimp thgsi namke ursefl think fo oyur work n imp thgis nresist impulsive htogutsh thth tell ut o od
otehrhtigns…. Intentionally on puprseo at will kwnoingly think fo oyur work decid what wrok to od how
oto d it n so on think of your work what work to od n so on… think fo wah t oot think fo what should I
think fo now lets think of work… keep this I nmind htht to be I ncontrol lfo your acitosn uneed ot
reguatle ur thinking cosnnytnaly and be I ncotnrol lf o your thignughts …. N hence accordingly reguatel
ur thignkign to reguatel ursefl n ur acitons…

U need ot reguatle urself n amek ursefl do it reguatle urself according to what u know I nru mdi n u shud
n hsudn nto be doing by intentionally prooviidng self regulatory self directing sefl instructions self
guinding self controlling thoughts instructions and commands ot make uresfl d oit to make ursefl start or
stop doing htigsn acitosn thth u know I nru mdi nu shud n shud nto be doing.. practice thoguth control n
regulation… pracitse self ocntroll nregualtion by intetnioanlly on purpose at will providing self
regulatory htogtush I nst n commands o nthe basis of hwat oyu kwno I nru mdi nu shud nshud nto be
doing by telling nureslf instruciitng ursefl n intetioanlly providing self crrectign self reguatlign thgotush
instrauitos nnad commands to regautle n cotrrrect ursefl keep ureslf on the right path stop urself from
doing certain nthgisn n cacitosn thth u kwnoi n ur mid nu shud n nto be doing n make urself do certain
thgisn n acitosn htth u knwoi n ur mid n ushud be doing…

U know what u need ot od I nterms of memeory and htinkgin and how ot regulate ursefl n ur acitons…
so now follow it put ot to proacitse
Ur actions are the result of the thoughts gpoin on in ur head u need to constantly control n regyulate ur
thinking know wht u are thinkin g of wht impulsive thoughts u get in ur mind telling u to do wht… resist
thos e impulsive thoughts focus ur mind think of u r wrk n imp things stioop ursekf from thinking of
unimp things keep ur mind in ur wrlk constantly n s o on…

U knw in ur midn what u need to be doing os accoridngly regautle uresfl precitse sefl regulation n
cotnroll n correctiosn b y intentionally proividng sefl regualtorty self guiding self directing thgouths inst
n commands to stop ursefl from doig thigns htth u know I nur mid nu hsudn nto be oding n make ursefl
do thigns thht u know I nur mind u shud be doing

Go step by step focus complete ly on one thing take on work n don’t do anything else complete htth
thing say no to all other hitngs and only then move on to next… keep this In mind….

What you need to do in terms of your thinking… in terms of ur thinking process … how to regulate
urself n ur actions by regulating ur thinking:-

Ur actions are a result of th the thoughts goin on in ur head to be in cotnroll fo yourself n ur acitons u
need ot be in cotnroll fo the thgouths … n constantly regulate ur thinking… be aware of the thgouths
going on I nur head know what oyu are htinkign of… whenever you fins yourself thinking of other things
instead of oyur work then as you knw in ur mind I nur memeory thth u need ot reguatle ur thinking by
providing regualotry thgotush in tentioanlly n thth u shud not b e thinking of otherhtigns but be thinking
of oyur work so intentionally on purpose provide a regulatory thought tell yourself “stop thinking fo
otherhtigsnn think of work now what work ot od nad os on” n hence make ursefl stop thinking fo otehrh
tigns n make ursef think of oyur work n imp thgisn… whenever u get impulsive htoguths I nur mind
telling u to od othehr htigsn n unimp things… then as you know in ur mid nthth u hsund not do
otehrhtignsn ot waste ur time odign otherhtigns and so intetioanlly provide a regualorty thgotush tell
yourself “ no odnt od htth now do oyur work fdont waste even a second doing otherhtigns ur time is
imp once u lose time u will never get it back” n hence stop ursefl form doing otehrhitngs n make urself
od oyur work.... you know I nur mind what oyu need ot od htth you needo t reguatle ur acitons by
regulating oyur thinking n inteitontioanlly proividng self regulatory thgotush comamadn inst on the basis
of what you know in ur mind u shud nn hsudn ot be doing… so provide self ergualotry htoguths ins tan d
commands to make uresfl od it n to regulate ur thinking n u acitosn…. When u do htigns thth u know I
nur mid nu shud nnot be oding then make urself stop doing it b proivindg self regualory htoguths tell
yourself “stop doing htht now n get oto work” n hwnece regulate l ur self… whne oyu odnt h do hteh
tigsn thh u know I nur mid n ushdu nbe doing or ot make urlsef do thigns ht ht u know in ru mid n
ushudn bedoign provide self regulatory thgouths tell ur self “don’t waste tiem do oyur work now work
hard dotn lay odwn do nt sleep “ n hence make urself do ti… reguatle urself n ur acitosn by ocntsntly
regulating ur thinking… u knwin in ur mind what oyu need ot od s oaccoridngly intetionlaly provide
regaultory htgoutsh to make ur self do it … whenve r u thinkg of or get a thgoutht I nur midn to od
otherhtigns hth u know in ur mid nu shud not be doing then control resist thth thogutsh tell ureslf “no
odnt waste ur time odign thth now odo oyur work now once u lose time u will never get it back so od ur
wrk n od what is imp” u need ot to keep a grip over ur mind control nreguialte ur thgouths .. if oyu odnt
hten you will be out of control n end up oding what ever ur impulsive htogutsh tlel oyu to od … you
know I nur mid nwaht u need oto od so accordingly on the basis of htht as per thth inteitonally
knowingly on purpseo provide self reugalotry self directing self corecitng thgoutsh instructions and
commands to make urself do it n follow it …

Be aware of hteh thgoutsh ooign o ni nur head n reauglte ur thinking …. Know what oyu are htinkign of
what thogutsh are going on I nu hr ead focus n contectrate nu r mind direct ur mind ot imp things think
fo imp thgisn stop urlsef form thignkign fo unimp thisgs nn waseting ur time n make urself think of imp
thgis nfocus n direct ur mind towards important things… like work and so on… n keep ur mind I nur
work. Make urself think of oyuer work what wor to od nad os on… contsntly ereugalte ur htignkig n keep
ur mind I ncheck… focus ur mind n prevent it form getting distracted n diverted…

U need to consntatly regulate urself n ur thinking u know In ur mind waht oyu need ot od soo accridngly
prvide self regaultory self correcting self directing htgotush instruciotns and commands to make ureslf
do it… n follow it … u knwi un ur mind n u derstand what oyu need ot od foro oyur good progress n so
on hway ou hsud n nshud not be doing so oyu only tell urself n make urself do it u don’t need tohers to
t ell u be self regualtign self governing self f strating self doing.. doing it on ur owrn without
anyonetellign u to od it… u know I nur mid nwaht oyu need otod so accordingly reguatle ur self n make
urself do it … by proviings self regautlign self correcting thgoutsh inst n commands

Ur acitons are a result of thet hoguths goin on in ur mind to be I ncotnroll fo oyur actions u need ot be in
cotnroll fo the htgoutsh going on in ur mind u need to ocnsntnaly cotnroal n reguatle the htgotush goin
on I n ur mind.. be aware of hteht thgotush goin on in u hr ead knw what you are htignkig nof n regautle
ur htignkign by proividng regualtoryh togutsh on the basis of what you know I nur mind u shud nshud
not think n shud nshud not b e doing n hence regautel ur acitosn by regautlign ur htinkign nrproivignd
regualtoryh togutsh inst n ocmmadns o nthe basis o hfw aht u know I nru mind u shudn shun dot od n
shu d n shud not think..

What oyu need ot od interms of oyur thinking.. what you need ot od to make urself do what you know I
nur mind u shud be doing..
Ur acitosn are a direct result of the htogutsh goin on in ur head to bein ocntroll fo oyur aciosn you need
ot be in cotnroll fo oyur htoghuths oyu need ot constantly reguatle ur htignking on the basis of what oyu
know in ru mind u hsud nhsud not be doing the inof stored in ur memeory… how to reguatle ur thignkig
n n reguatle urself n ur acitons thisis what you need to od … be aware of hteht oguths goin on in ur
head know what oyu are htinkign fo … n rgualte ur htignkign by intentionally providing resgualtory
htgouth s inst n commands o nteh basis of what oyu know I nru mid n u hsud n shud not be thinking n
doing… n hence reguatel ursefl n ur acitosn… whenever u get impulsive htht hotughts thllig nu to od
other htigns htth u know I nur mind u hsudn ot be oding then as you know in ur mind thth u shud not be
doing those htigsn n hence provde regaulotry thgotush… tell yourself “no odnt do thth now do ur wrk
now” hence preevet urself for mdoign thth n make ureslf od imp thgisn… reguatel ursefl n ur acitons by
pregauting ur htignking by providing regualotry htogutsh on hete basis of hwat u know in ur mid n u
hsud nshud not be doing…
What you need to do in terms of oyur thinking:-

You know in ur mind in ur memeory what you need to od… the informations is stored in ru memeory as
to what you shud nhsud nto do what oyu shud nshud nt think and so on and what oyu need to o dot
reguatle ur sefl how to reguatle urself by reguatling ur htignkign n proivign regulatory htogutsh and so
accordingly reguatle ursefl reguatle ur acitons and reguatle ur thinking by intentionally providing
regaultory thgoutsh instrucitosn and commands in roder t ostop urself fro dmdoign what oyu know in ur
mind u shud not be doing make ur sefl do what you know in ru mid nu shud be doing stop ursefl from
thignkign what oyu know in ur mind u shud not be htinkign n make urself think of what oyu know I nur
mind u shud think fo.. regualte urself n ur actions accoridng ot what oyu know in ur mind u hsud nshudn
not be doing n thinking by itnetionally proviign self regaultorth toughts to make urself do it n follow it n
hence keep ursefl in check prevent urself form straying and oso n keep urself on the right path
consnstatly tht s what you need ot od..

U know I nur mind in ur memeory what you shud nshudn to od n it occrurs to oyu and so accordingly
intentionally provide ergualtory thogutsh to ereugalte ur acitosn and reguatle ur thinking … n hence
make ursefl do it n ofollow it… keep urself on the right path to ur gaol n prevent ursefl form stratyign
U shudn know whato yu need to od interms of memeory and thinking the mental process thth lead t o
action… u shud know what u need ot od to reguatle ursefl… be I ncontroll fo yourself n ur acitosn n keep
urself on the right path working towards ur goal

You will do oyurwork only if oyu think fo oyur work what work to od and oson you need oto focus ur
mind o nur work direct ur mind ur attention ur htinkign to oyur work be aware of hthet htoughst going
on I nur head know what oyu are htignking of stop yourself form thinking of other hrintgs u can think fo
them later think fo work n imp thgisn keep ur mind I nur wrok.. focus your min d drect ur minfd ot ur
work n imp htigsn be are of what is goin on I nur mind what u are thinking of ,, whnever ufind urself
thinking of other htigns stop usrself rform thignkign of other htigns n make urself thinki of ur work n imp

You need to foucs ur mind u need to stop ursefl from thignkign of otehrhtigsn n make ursefl think fo
oyur work… otherh wise u will nt odo oyur wrok you can think of other htigns later on.. keep a sepetrate
tiem to think fo all ot herhtigsn issures think tie m durin g ur work tim e thinko f only ur work ofcus your
mind.. b e aare of htehtogutsh ogin on I nur head know what you are htignking of… whnever u find
oyurslelf thinking of other htigns then stop ursefl form thinking of other htigns and make urself think of
oyur work… n focus your mind on your work… only then you will do oyur work not otherh wise.. u need
ot focus ur mind if you are htinkign fo otehrh tigsn there are other things goin on I nur mind n u are not
thinking fo oyur work then you will not do oyur work you shud nto think gof otherhtisng u van think of
other htigsn at otehrh time keep this in u rm idn I nu rmrmeory whever u find oyuresfl thinking of other
thgins then u need to stop urself from thignkign of otehrh tigsn n make urself think fo oyur wrok… by
providing regaulorty thoguths focus oyur mind regautle ur thinking be are of theht thgoutsh ogin o ni
nur head know what oyu are htinkign of whenever u find ursefl htinkign of otherh itgns then as you
know in ur mid n ushud not think fo othrhigns n u need oto thin kfo oyur wrok so tell yourself “stop
thinking of otherhtigns u can think fo otehrhtigsn at other tiem ofcus ur mind keep ur mind in ur work
think of your work only “ n hence stop urself from thignkig n of oterhtigns nmake ursefl think ofo yuer
work by regaultign ur thinking providing regualotyry thgoutsh telling urslf to stop thinking nfo
otehrhtigns as you nw in ur mind u shud not think fo other htigns n u need ot think fo oyur work … if
oyur mind is else where and oyu are htinkign of otehrh tigns n not htinkign fo oyur work u will nto od
ouyrwrok you need to focus n dire cut rmind stop urself form thinking of other htigsn n make ur self
think fo o yurwork..

Earleir u didn’t know what you need oto d hwo ot manage oyurself regautle urself n ur acitosn y
reaulting your htignking no one told u what to od.. n so althoguth u had the diesre oyu lacked the
cotnroll u didn’t know what to od n so u were not able to od it u alck ed the know how n he te

U know I nur mind in ur memory (inofstored I nur memeory ast o wht u shud do) thth u shud not think
fo otherhtigsn n thth u shud think fo oyur wrok only only then you will do oyu r wrok not otehrhwise so
be awre of theth ogutsh goin on I n ur head n whenever u find ursefl thinking of otehrhtigns tehn as u
know I nur mind htth u shudn ot think fo other htigns n it occurs to oyu and so stop ursefl from thinking
of otehrhthgisn n make ursefl think ofo yur work by itnetionally providing regaultory htogutsh ntellig
nursefl stop thinking of othrehtigsn noew thinkf ooyur wrok… what work to od n so on

U know I nur mind what you need to do and so accrooddignl y regaulte ursef l by providng a reagultory
thgouths I nst na commands n make urself do it n follow it… tell youresfl “stop thinking of otehrhtigsn
now think fo oyurw rok what work to od n so on” n hence make ursefl stop htinkign of otehrhtigsn n
make urseflf think of oyur wrok

U know I nur mind htth u shud notwaste ur time doing other thgisn n htth u need ot od u r wrok so tell
yoursfl “don’t waste ur itme doing oterh tigns now get ot work immidieately” n hence stop urself fro
mdoing otehrhtings n make ursefl do oyur work.. by regulating urslef by proviign regaultoryy thogutsh
inst nn ocmmadns o nthe baiss of hwat u know I nur mind u shud n hsud not be oding

Engage in self regulation as u know in ur mind wht u need to do so tell urself

“Stop thinking of other things n stop doing other things n think of ur wrk now”
“Don’t waste ur time now doing other things do ur wrk now get to wrk to achieve ur goal don’t waste a
single second”

Learn t ofocus your mind tos witch on and off to stop thinkiking of unimp thgisn nthink f omore imp
thgisn you can think fo other thgisn later on keep a separate time for htth … think fo oyur work n imp
thgisn now… other wise u will not be ble to do ur wrk if ur mind is not in it if u are not thinking of ur wrk
if u are thinking of othe r things… during ur wrk think only of ur wrk think of all other problems isues
later on… keep a separate time to think of tht think –time… “tell urself don’t think of tht now focus on ur
wrk u can think of tht later on now think of ur wrk keep ur mind in ur wrk”

Ur time is the most imp thing once u lose tiem u will never ge it back so odnt wast e ur tiem doing unimp
things tht u will gain nothgin form... u wont get anything by doig nall thth whenever u find ureslf doing
unimp htgisn tell urself ‘don’t waste ur time doing unimp thigs sotp doing this now don’t waste a single
U need to focus ur mind if u want to do oyur wrok u shud stop thinking of otehrhtigsn n start thinking fo
oyur wrok what work to o d and soo on n not distract ur mind divert ur mind here n there think of oyur
wrok only not think of otehrhtigsn not put ur mind inolv e ur mind I notherh tigsn keep ur mind in ur
work only ur wrok should go on I nur mind onl y hten u will be abel to od ur work not oterhwise ur mind
should be completetly in it in ur work not else where u shud stop ursefl form thinking fo otherhtigsn n
think of ur wrk only shut off all otehrhitgns … leave all other hoguhts worries aside switch off al
otehrhthgisn not think stop ursefl from thinking fo otehrhtigsn n ofcus n inovleve occupy n enege ur
mind fully I nto it.. think fo thth only n of nothing else

Self regulation… regulate your self… tell yourself “don’t do fb now don’t watch fb now.. don’t waste ur
time … do oyu wrok now to achvie ur goal ur mission tht is more imp than anything else” “don’t waste ur
time oding all thth now your time is imp” “what is more imp f b is not imp it’s a waste of time oyu wont
get anything by doing htth do your work to achevie ur goal n imp thgis ni nlife for ur progress n survival
n benefit n gain tht is more imp,,understand this keep it I nur mid n nreguatle ursefl tell youresfl to make
ursefl follow it n correct uself brign ursefl o nthe right path to oyur gaol everytime u stray”

What si your goal your mission to subit ur application ni n10 days and much before the deadlines keep
this I nur mind and what work you need ot be doing for it to acheviei your goal? Think fo tht… and work
day n night and cosntnatly to achevie your gaol sooo keep htth in mind so thh u remember what your
goal si n what u need o od for it.. and so as u know in ue mind its there I nur mind what you need ot od
and it occurs to u n u are consntal y reminded f it u remember it and so hence u think accoridngly n u
reguatle uresfl by providing a regulatory htgouths and make ursefl do it n follow it

You need to Engagae in self regaultion practice self regaultion and self correction:-
How to regautle your sefl and make ursefl do what you know in ur mid nu shud be doing .. this siwhat
you need ot od…You know in ur mind what you need to do so accordingly on the basis of htat practice
self reguatlion and self correction… intentionally provide self regulatory htogutsh instracutioons and
commands to make ur sefl do what you know I ur mind you should be doing… and hence regautel ursefl
and correct ursefl and n make urself do it what u know in ur mid n uhsud be doing nstop urself from
doing things thth u know I nur mid nu shud not be doing and hence keep urself o nthe right path to oyur

Humans were designed by god for intellectual acitivty acitivty thth inovles e the use of the mind the
mind processes like memory and thinking learning gaining know ledge ad ns o on u should not do
humands should nto od anything other than tht … things like sports and so on intetnse physical actiivt y
and labour and you know dancing around like monkeys all humans should use their brain and
understand how the brain works and learn what they need ot do ot reugalet themselves and hteir
acitons and use heteir brains hwo to use the various process to get the diesred result and be I ncontrol lf
o their acitons.. hwo the brain works and what u need to do I nterms o f the processes of the mind to be
in control fo yourself n ur acitons n be effiecint nad peorcdctuive nad reguatle uself Humans should only
enage I nintellectual acitivty and fcosu their minds brain on intellectual activity acause ththts what
humans were designed to od nad cause humans everything thth humans have acheiveied is cause of the
use of hteir brains

Patent your sefl regaultion technique

You know in ur mind what oyu need to od so accrodignl y regautle and correct ursefl by intetioanlly
proividng self regaultory and correcting thgotush instrucitosn and commands to make ursefl do ti n
follow it n to correct ur self everytiem oyu stray and make ursefl do what you know I nur mind ushud be
odign n keep ursefl o nthe right path thou r gaol n prevent ureslf fro mstraying…

Tell urself” don’t think fo other thgisn now focus urm idn o nru work think fo oyurwork what work ot od
and os on kepe ur mind I nur work think fo oyour work only oyu cnahtink fo otehrhtigsn later on at other
time hthink fo oyurwrok oyur work is mor imp… think fo oyur work on ly thn you will do oyur wrok if
oyur mind is else where distracted idverted n thinking of other thgis nyou will nto be able ot od oyur
work” put ur mind involve ur mind in ur wrk stop ur eself from thinking of other things … think of ur wrk
only only then uwill do ur wrk if there are other thoughts goin on in u rind ur mind is sdictracted n else
where n u don’t hink of ur wrk then u will not do ur wrk

Tell urself “Stop thinking of other things n think of ur wrk wht wrk to do n so on what shud I do now lets
do this now n how to do it n so on…” make urself stop thinking of other thihings n focus ur mind on r
wrk n keep ur mind in ur wrk

U need to be aware of the thgoutsh going on I nur head what thoguths you get I nur mind and know
what you are thignkign of and regautle ur thginkign stop ursefl from thignkign fo other htigsn n make
ursefl think fo oyur wrok n imp things … by provigin regaultory htgotush instrucitosn and commands as u
know I nru mid nwaht ouy need to do n so accordingly provide ergautloryh togtush isn’t n commads to
mreguatle urelfsf n make ursefl do it n follow it

Stop thinking nonsense n focus ur mind o nur work and think fo oyur work

U need to be aware of what u ar theinking of what is goin on I n ur mind n stop ursefl form thinking fo
other thgisn n focus ur mind o nru wrk n imp thgis nmake ursefl think fo oyur work

U know what oyu need to be doing how to regaulte ur sefl:-

U know I nur mind what oyu need to be doing so accoidngly intentionally provide self regulatory
thgoutsh instraucitosn an command to correct ursefl regautle urself n make ursefl do ti.. also cosntnaly
reguatle ur thinking… be awre of the thogutsh goin on in ur head know aht yo u are thinking of n resist
impulsive thogutsh tht tell u to od other thgisn… n focus ur mind stop ur self from thinking of other
htigsn n make ursefl think of oyur wrok what wolr ot od n so on only then you will do your work.. u r
acitosn are a result of the htoguths fgoin on in ur head to be in cotnroll fo oyur acitosn u need otb e in
cotnroll fo the htgotush goin on I nur head by regautling your htignkign constnantly by proviign
regaultoryh togusth

Prog the mind (mission ocntroll):- u need to be on a mission, you need to be in a mission mdoe.. when
they go o na war.. you need to keep in mind what your goal is what you want toachivee what your
mission is.. and be on a mission to achieve a certain goal complete certain ntaks to achieve ur goal
decide what work to od otda ntasks to complete n be on a mission nt ocomplete htose taks
If oyu awnt a happy life hten tie it to a goal not to ppl

To be in control four acitons u need ot be in control fo the thgosuth goin o nin ur head cause ur acitosn
are a result of the thgotush goin on I nur head when oyu get a thgoutht in ur mind to do other htgisn
unimp thgisn then as you know in ur mind htht u shud not waste ur time doing unimp things… so ell
urself reuagalte ur self ur htignkign provide a regulatory thgotush instrucitons and command tell uresfl
“don’t waste ur time doing other things now do ur work now… “hence regautle ursefl n ur acitosn by
regautling ur htinkign by proviidngs self regautlorty htogutsh instrucitosn and commands o nteh basis of
hwat you know in ru mind u hsud nshud not be doing… to make urself do ti n follow it
The only way to be in control fo oyur acitons is to be in control fo the thgouhts goin on I nur head… to
constnatnly regulate and monitor and control oyur htignking be aware of hteh togutsh gs goin on in
urhead.. and reguatleand control ltehm octantly by provdign reguatloryh togtush to make ursefl do n
think what iu know I nur mind u shud nbe doig n nthinking … when ever u get a impulsive thought in ur
mind telling u to do other things or think of doing other things then resist tht thought… tell urself don’t
waste ur time doing other things now… n hence stop n prevent ursef from doing other things… by
regulating ur thinking n resisting impulsive thoughts tht u get in ur mind telling u to do other things…

Stop ursefl from thinking of other things n focus ur mind o nru work think fo oyur wrok …. What work to
do n complete in how much time…. Wahts the time now? Its 1:00 lets sit and compelte this in 3 hours
till 4:00 then we eat food and clean room till 5:00 then from 5:00 to 10:00 again we sit and complete
this work… thin kand plan your day what work to od and comlete I nhow much time …. What acitivty to
od at what time and for how much time plan u r day daily acitivty what to do fro mwaht time to what
time of oyur day.. so thth you do htth only as u know u have to od hth tn u don’t do other htigsn.. as u
know uhave to od htth u know this I nur mind u have made a schedule n tiem table n planned urday n u
have decided what yot odo in what hwat time at what time so oyu know this I nur mid ns o u doont do
othrehtigns So as to ahcievei ur gaol..

Learn to focus ur mind on ur wrk be aware of the htoguths goin on I nur head knw what you are thinking
of… what is going on what thgotush are goin on I nur head… stop urself fro mthginkig nfo thehr htgsin n
make ursefl think fo oyur wrok u know I nur mid nth thu shud not be thinking of otherh tigsn n u need ot
think fo our wrk so accoridnlgy regautle ur thignkign provide a regaultory htgoutsh tell ursefl stop
thinking of other htigns … leave all thth don’t put ur mind I nall thth think fo oyur work now wah t work
to od nad os on… only the n uwill do ur work not other wise“

U need to think and plan your day… think and decide what activity to od and at what time of the day n
for how much time do htht you know I nur mind n its hre I nur mind htht u have to od this at this time n
compelte this by dso much time n u also know what to od n ur day is palned I nadvnced what to od at
wht time n for how muc time.. n os u odnt wast ur time odign other htigns as u know I nur mid n uhave
ot odo this n ocmpelte this
So o thh ti st hre I nur midn awht to do what acitiivy to od till what time and at what time n from what
time t o what tiem and it occurs to oyu tht hfor mthgis time to this time oyu have to od htsi acitivit y and
so u don’t do othrer htigsn.. n u conanstnly look ath the time and keeo acheck o n time its like lets eat
food form 4 to 5 and hten at 5:00 to 10:00 we do this work so at exactly 5:00 you ge to work cause u
know tin ur mind hth tuh aave ot od ihtis.. at this time its there in ur mind n so u think we need to
ocmpelte this thing nwrap this thing up in 3 hrs n so u don’t do other htigsn n don’t focus ur midn else
wher e n shut everthing switch everything else off.. n focus on tht tasks only n u don’t do other htigsn
tiill u complete this task of yours… don’t do thth things now swtcih htht thing of als don’t think of thth
now focus ur mind o nthsi taks do this only focuso n one htign complete it then move to next… thths
what you tell urself cuuse u know I nur mid n uneed ot od this n compelte this taks

Make a time tabel and shedule plan your day hwat acitivit y to do at what time and what acvieitiy to do
form what imte to what time so htth u thin kand decide what tasks and activity to compelte and fro
mwhat time t o what time.. so thth its hter erin urum idn thth u have this wrk to od at this time and os
oyu focus o ntht h task only and don’t od other hthigsn as you know I nur mind n its hter ein ur mind ht
thu have to od this thing at this time n it occurs ot oyu n so oy uodnt do other htigns… u have plannened
n decided your dayn its hre I nur mid nthht form 5:00 to 7:00 for 3 hours you have to ocmpelte this wrk
so oytu don’t waste tiem watching tv or sting to awthc tv as you kwo in ur mind hth tu have ot od htsi
wrk n so u stop watching tv n u get n get goin to od htth wrk

Be awre of htthe hoguths goin on I nur head know what u are htiniking of whever u think fo or get a
thgouth t ot od other htigns then as u know I nur mind htht u hsud not and so tell ursfl to stop doing
htht thing no odnt do thth thing now do oyur wrk n hence by controlling n reguatling ur thoguth by
proviign regaulortry thgotuhs on the basis of hwt u know I nur mind u shud n shud not do regautel ur
actions by regaultign ur thinking

U need to focus ur mind on ur wrk not think of other things… not involve e ur mind in othe r things no
distractions keep ur mind in wrk only think of ur wrk only

Develop resilience n self control practice self regulation exercise tell urself” on e hour more 10 more
problems. No don’t eat cake n so on”
Monitor n regualte ur thinking be aare of what is goin on I nur midn what r u thinking of wha thoguths
you get and s oo n

Think n decde wahat wrk to do n how to do it n o about it for the day wha shud I do today lets do this
then this n so on so u know in ur mind wht u need t o do n so tit occurs to u n so u don’t do ther things
n u do ur wrk… u get to do ur wrk caue su knew in ur mind its ther ein ur mind… n it occurs to u… n so u
do it..

U need to regulaete urself n ur actions by providing regulatory thoughts according to wht u kow in ur
mind u shud n shud not be doing n hence stop urself rm doing things tht u knw in ur sensnible mind
meory u shud not be doing n make urseelf do thing s tht uknow in ur sensible memory u shud be doing

Out of control due to impulsive thoughts n lack of self eregultion not doing the things tht u knw in ur
mind u are supposed to ebe doing n doing tht things tht u knw in ur mind u shud not do

U need to know how o t get a grip on ursefl n ur acitons wht u need ot od for thth …. What are you
thinking of stop thinking of all tht hn focus ur mind o nur wrk think of oyur work dotn distract ur mind
else where tell this to urself regautle ursefl by regautlign r u thinking

Leave al ltht hthth is not imp u wont get anhting by doing thth u can do all tht heven later on do ur wrk
now… thth is moere impn is ur proiority tell this to uresfl regautle ur acitons by prviding rgegualoty

Wht r u thinking of stop tihinking of other things n think of ur wrk

What is ur mind cosnsumed in what processe are going on in ur mind what is ur mind involved n
absorbed in… what are you thinking of … stop urself frm thinking of other things if u think of othe things
n ur mind is absorbed else where u wont be able to think of wrk.. n u wont do ur wrk… stop urself frm
thinking of other things n make ur self think of ur wrk..
Ur mind will be distracted u will constantly be worried n think fo her in a different world in a haze in ur
own thogushts n world ur mind distracte d divereted away for m ur wrk n studies u need to leave her
forget about her n fcosu o nur wrk n ur carrier not think of other htigsn… think fo oyur wrk onyly

If you want a happy life hten tie it to a gaol nto to ppl cause then things are under ur control the way u
want them t obe fi oyu tie it to ppl then you are at the mercy of other ppl u are helpless u cannot be
happy then cause ppl do what they want to od n ot wht u want them to do to make u happy they will
think of themselves not of ur happiness they wil care about themselves n wht they wnt not o f u

Ur actoions are a result of th thoguhts goin on u rmind beaare of hteh thgotush goin on I nur mind
regautel ur thinking n regautle ur sefl n ur acitosn by providing sefl regautlory thgotush o nteh basis of
what uknow I nur mind u shud nhsudn ot be doin n thinking

U need to focus ur mind on ur wrk not ge t distracted else where u need to keep r mind free n clr to
think of ur wrk wht wrk to do how to do it n go about it whht to do n so on in order to achieve ur goal
only then u will do ur wrk think wht shud I do now to achieve my goal lets do this wrk today lets do this
wrk now lets wrp this thing now…

Full focus of ur mind knw wht u are thinking of stop urself frm thinking of other things n make urself
think of ur wrk by providing regulatory thoughts n regulting ur thinking

Ur mind shud be totally inoveld I nit u shud think fo thht only she will be a distraction ur mind will be
else where… u will cosntnaly think fo her.. so its best to leaeve her n ofuscs on ur carrier n think of ur
ewwrk only n nothing else..

U know nur mind what u need to od so accordingly u need to reguatle ursefl stop urself form doin
other thgisn n make ursfelf do ur wrk.. by providing regulatory htgouths n instn commands to make
urefl do ti distraction and control lack of control due to impulsive htogutsh th tell ut to do other htigsn
ndue to lack of regautlion

Lack of control distracted mind doing n htinkign oterh htigsn lack of self regautlion
Not knowing what to do .. how ot reguatle urselfn ot control ruself ur mind un ur acitions
Not having the technolog hy the know how screwed u up cause of thth u lost the time … but u can only
do som muc has u can do with the know ledge know how n technology available ot oyu
Not knwoing what t o od hwo to regautle ur esfl n oson… was ehte cause of my lack of progres
eprformance n downfall but u can do only so muc has u can with the knowledge know how as to what to
od n the technology available ot oyu
U weer out of control lakced the performance nefficney Cause u were not know ing what u ned to do as
to how ot regautle control urself ur acitons n ur thinking u did into have the technology but now by the
grace kindness blessings n mercy of god which I am soo much thankful to I have the technology n I knw
wowaht ineed ot od …
How to keep thigns I nmind tell ruself what you shud nhsud nto od you shud not waste ur time u shud
focus ur mind o nth honly not od other htigsn keep sepsereate tiem for oether htgisn u shud plan you r
day ask yourself what are the htigsn hht ushud do? N recall so tht u rember it or read it os thth u
rmememrber it s thehr in ur mind what u need oto do u know in ur mind hwaht u need ot od it occurs to
oyu u remeebr it n so oyu tell urself nreguatleureslf accordingly n make ursefl do it
U need to keep in mind what wrk u need to od wht ur goal is so thth u rememerbr it u are cosnntalty
reminded of it th u have to od this wrk n u have to ahcviei ur gaol n so oyu think fo ooding it n so u do it
incase u forgte remind ursefl u need to ocnsntaly remebe keep in mind reidn urself wht ur goalk is what
u need ot odo and so on input in ur mid nos thth u rmmeber its there in ur mind n it occurs to you tht u
have this wrk to od n this goal to achevie … n so thin ok of oding it n u do it so tht u rember its there in
ur mind in ur memory tht u have a goal to achieve n u haave this wrk to don so it occurs to you u are
reminded of it u rember it n so u think of doing it n u do it remind urself wht ur goal is wht wrk u need
to do rerfersh ur memor y reprog ur mind reset ur mind reinput in ur mind feed the info so tht u
rember… n its there in ur mind u know wht u need to do reminder n u don’t forget n it occurs to u n
hence u think f doing it n hence u do it…

Self regulation n methofds n techniwques:-

How to regulate urself:-
1) Keep in mind what ur goal is n wht u want to achive n wht wrk uneed to do for it n rules
regulations does ndonts wht u shud n shud not do n so on so tht u rember it n it occurs to u n so
u think accordingly n u do it n u ar eminded of it every time u dotnt do wht u are supposed to
do or do wht u kno in ur mind u shud not do n so u providr e regulatory thought intentionallt to
stop urself frm doing it or mke ur self do it…
2) Regulate ur actions by providing regultorty thought:- When u do things tht u know u sghud not
be doing or don’t dot higns tht u know u shud be doin n to make urself do things tht u know u
shud be doing to mke urself strt or stop an action intentionyly provide regulatory thought inst n
command to make urself do it… provide self regulatory thought inst commad to teergulte urself
to regulate ur actions…
3) Regulate ur actions by regulting ur thinking by providing reg thoughts :- Be awre of the thoughts
goin on in ur mind… know wht u are thinking of wheneer u get impulsive thoughts in ur mind
telling u to do other things then provide regulatory thought n make urself stop resist tht
impulsive thught nhence s tiop urself frm doing tht.. hence resist ur impulsive thought tht u get
in ur mind tht tell u to do other things know n idetntnify wht thoughts u eget in ur mind n resist
those implulsive thoughts as u know in ur mind u shud not do it as u have wrk n imp things to do
so provide regultry thought n make urself stop doing it prevent urself frm doing it by providing
regulotry thought to regulate ur thinking n hence ur actions… thinking process wht goes on in ur
head dfocus ur imind stop urself frm thinking of other things n make urself think of ur wrk n imp
Be in full total control of ur actions by regulting ur thinking providing regulaty thoughts n keeping in
mingd wht u need to do so tht it occurs to y n as u nknow in ur mind so aacordingly provide regulatory
thought s to eregulte ur aself n ur actions

Focus ur mind on imp things only leave all other things asde don’t involve ur mind in othe r

Have conrtroll over urself n ur impulsive thoughts tht tell u to do other hings tht u know in ur
sensibl e mem u shud not be doingn esist those impulsive thoughts by providing regultry
thought n ecercise self reg n elf contrl
What you need to do:-
1) You need to keep in mind what your goal is what you want to achvie n what work u need
to o dot ahcive ur goal n what u need to o dot achive ur gaol , n understaidng as to what u
shud nshud nto do what is imp for ur prog benefit n gain n survival n wht is not what is
unimp n a waste of time n u shud cosnntatly remind these thgis nt ourself read wht oto
od every day wht ur gaiol is wht u need ot od oto ahcivee ur gaol wwht wrk u need ot od
for it n soo n so or ask ursefl nrecall feed n input in ur mind remind ursfl refresh ur
memeory reprog ur mind so thht u remebr u don’t forget its there in ur mind wht u need
to od its there stored in ur memeory u know in ur mid nwht u need ot od n u are cosntntly
remidnedo f it n it occurs to yu and so oyu think accordingly n u do it u provide regaulry
thoughts accordingly as to hwt u know I nru imidn u shud nshudn ot do n hence u do ti….
2) Thinking you need to focus ur mind nto think of unimp thgis nthth are a waste of time n
wont brign u any benefit n gaoin first learn to distinguish between wht isunimp n waste of
time whtwill nto bring u any benefit n gain n what is imp for ur prog surviuavl benefit n
gain…. U shud not waste u tie meffort n energy htinkign of unimp things… you nee d to
clear ur mind of unimpt hoguhts n other htgosuth keep ur mind free to think of imp things
uneed ot focus ur mind stop urself from thignkig nfo unimp thgisn n make ursefl think fo
imp things like wrk and so on tht will help u progress n survival.. n achive ur gaols n oso n..
tell ursefl stop thinking nof all thth its awaset of time u wotn get any thing by thinking of
all tht hn doing all tht keep ur mind I nur rwr kn imop thigns think of only wrk n imp thgis
ninvoelve ur thinking nprcess mental process I nru wrk n imp things apply ur mind ot ur
wrk n imp thgis nthink f our wrk n imp thgisn only… don’t waste ur time doing unimp
thgis n u shud not waste a single min doing unimpt hgisn thth wuill bring u no gain n
benefit once u lose time u wil never get it back so utilize ur time by doing o nyl imp thgisn

Engage in soft wrk tht is intellectutal activity tht takes minimal effort n incolves the use of ur
thinking knowledge information n brain

Mmeory:- keep in mind what your goal is wht u want o oachivee n wht wrk u need oto d n wht
things u needo tood for it doesn n donts n so n why.. htigns like not waste ur tiem n n son so
thht u are reminded of it of wht u need to do n it occurs ot u consntly u are reminded of it it
occurs to I its there in ur mind u know in ur mind wht u need to do (recall ask urself remind
urself flash cards n s on to keep in mind so tht u don’t forget to keep urself on the right track
working towards ur sgoal reprog redirect ur mind) n so u think accoerdingly of doing it n so u do
it… n so u regulate urself n provide regulatory thought hence u do it …
Thinking:- as u know I nur mind wht u need otood so accordingl y regautle ur thignkign n acitons
provide regautlory htogutsh to make ursefl do it … stiop urself frm doing certain nthgisn n make
urself do htigsn htht u know in ur mid n ushud be doing n also control impulsive thgohuts resist
n rfefrain them the impuslvie htogutsh htt tell u to od other htignsgs … nalso ofcus ur minf stop
urself from thinking of oter htigns n make ursefl do ur wrk… keep ur mind I nur wrjk think of ur
wrk only
Self regulation bringing urself back on track n keeping urself o nthe right track wht u need ot od
for it
Intellectual worjk thth invoels the use of ur brian knwoeldg ge intelligence n thinking

How to focus ur mind:- un eed ot be aware of the htogutsh goin on I nur mind know what u are
thinking of and stop uresfl for mthginkign of other thgisn n unimp things n make urself think of
yur wrk n imp things wht work to do to acheviei u r gaol how to odo I tn soo n on yl then u will
do ur wrk.. if oyu think of oding I tn nthink n decide hwt to od n whow ot odo it n soo n..

U need to keep in mind wht ur goal is n wht wrk u need to do to achieve ur goal so tht u r
constantly reminded of it n so u think accordingy n u regulate urself n make urself do ur wrk t
achieve ur goal…

Prog the mind to succeed :- u need to refocus ur mind redirect ur mind o nur goal on ur wrk
towards ur wrk to achviee ur goal… input feed I nur mind so htht u reemebr n u are reminded of
it it s therein ur mind wht ur gaol is thth u wnt to ahcvieie n wht wrk u need ot o dot ahviee ur
gaol so thht u think accordingly u regulate ur htinkign n os oyu do it.. by providing rfegualtory
thgotuhs …. keep in mind what ur gaol is wht wrjk u need to do ot achveie ur gaol ask uyour self
what is ur gaol? What wrk u need ot o dot ahcive ur gaol? So as to reinput refeed in ur mind In
ur memory remind ur self n hence rbign ur mind back on ur wrk…. N on ur goal refocus ur mind
redirect ur mind on ur goal n ur wrk… bring ureslf back on track back o nthe path toahceveing ur
goal n wrking otwards achieving ur gaol… make urself remember input n ur sensible memmeroy
so htht u remember it u ar reminded of it cosntnantly it occurs to u its htre in ur mind I nur
memeory n n so u think n provide regaultory htogtush n regiatle ur self n hence u do… making
urself remebr inputting feeding I nur memeory bank as to wht ur gaol si wht u wrk n wht thigns
u need ot o dot achviee ur gaol… refocusing ur mind so thth u rememr b its htehrein ur mind u
know I nur mind wht ur goal si wht u wnt ot ahcievie n wht wrk u nee d to o dot ahcvieve ur gaol
n so u thin kaccoridngly n reguatle ursefl by provigdng regualtoryh togutsh n hen cue do it …
If u for get if its no longer there I nu r mind then u are lost and u will nt odo it…. Bringin urself
back o nthe right path n right track towards chvieing ur gaol… back o nthe path towards ur gaol
n working toards achvieing ur gaol…

U need to be ambitiou s have a goal a mission cause I ti s rur ambition tht drives u to wrk hard
take paihns n efforts cause everything u do all effort n hard wark n pins utake all wrk u do is for
the sake of achieving ur goal when u are ambitious havcve a desire n a want then you are
mptivated to wrk hard it drives u to take pains n efforts to achieve ur ambitions goals n desires n
wants n mission…. All effort u take u do it for the sake of achieveing ur is ur gaols and
ambitions thth drive u n motivate u to work hard so as to ahcvie ur gaol.. if yo uahve no amtion
no gaol ot achvie the n oyu wont work hard you w ill lack the drive n mitvatinon to work hard
when oy auhve a desire a want a gaol to ahcive whe n you are ambitious n u have a gao lto
achivei only hten will you work hard n strive harder to learn n to improve urslf n put in 3 times
as much effort work contionusly n day n n ight n go through th e pains inorder t o nfor the sake
of ahieiveng your gaol as you know I nur mind hth u have to work hard to achvieie ur gaol n u
have a giaol I nur mid nto ahcivee n so u will be driven n motivated ot wrok hard n take effort
for the sake of achvieing thth gaol… if u don’t hav ea gaol and ambitio nthne oyu have no reason
to work hard for n so oy uwont work hard…

Immerses, what is ur mind consumed in ? Wht are u thinking of? Invlve urself fully in it
Keep in mind tht u r time is imp u shud not waste time in useless n unimp things giv max time to
imp things activtites tht will bring in results help u to achieve ur goal…. Provide reg thoughts
stop ur self frm fdoing n thinking of unimp things.. n make urself think of imp things…

Be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head knw wht u r thinking of stop urself frm thinking

The process of self regaultion:- (memory n thinking = action)you know inur mind I nur memeory
what you need to od and so you think accordingly and hence oyu do it n so oyu reguatle ursefl
accordingly by providing self regautlory thgouths commands and instrucitosn and hence oyu do
it …
You know in ur mind I nur meemor y (wht ur gaol is what wrk u needo to od ot ahciveiur goal
wht u shud n shud not od n oso n) n so you thin kaccoridngyl n u do it … n u reguatle uresfl
accordingly by proividng regulatory thgotush n make urelf do it …

N so you hsud keep I nmind I nur memeory remind urself input store in mind so thth its hter ein
ur meind u remember u don’t forget u knw o I nru mind wht u need ot od n u are cosnntaly
remidnedo fi it it occurs to oyu so oyu think accoridnlgy n u reguatle urself by proividng
regulatory htogutsh n hence oyu do it

Its there in ur mind in ur mmeoruy u know in ur mind wht u need to do tht u have a goal to
achieve n u shud not waste ur time doing other things n u are constantly reminded of it it occurs
to u… n so u think accordingly u regulate urself by proviindg a regulayory thought m hemce u
do it …
U knw in ur mind in ur memory wht u need to do the info is stored in ur memory n so u think
accordingly n hence u do it u regulat e urseflf accordingly by providing regulatory thought n
hence u do it…
N so u need to remind urself recall keep in mind wht u need to do so tht u rember its there in r
mind wht u need to do u don’t forget u knw in ur mind wht u neded to do n u are constantly
remnded of it n it occurs to u….. n u need to regulte urself… provide regultry thought on the
basis of wht u know in ur mind u shud be doing to make urseff do it..
There are soo man y distractions the control ahs to be there I nur mind

Its there in ur mind u know in ur mind in ur memory wht u need to do n so u think acoordginly u
regulate urself by providing self reg thought inst n commands n hence u do it….

Keep in mind wht ur goal is wht wrk u need to do n soon so tht u rember its ther ein ur mind n u
think accordingly n u regulate ureslf provide regulatory thoughts as u kn w in r mind wht u need
to do n hence make urself do it.. how to keep in mind? Reminders.. recall… ask urself .. read
refeed reinpu t in mind in memory th e info so tht u rember n don’t forget… refocusing ur
mind… redirecting ur mind to ur goal…. In case u have fotgotten ur mind is distracted n u are lost
n its no lnger ther ein ur mind… n u are constantly ereminded of it of wht ur goal is n wht u
need to do to achieve ur goal… it occurs to u its ther in ur mind u knw in ur mind n so u think
accordingly n ehence u do it… bring ur mind back on the path to ur goal wrking towars ur goal..
bring ur mind focsus attevntion back on ur goal n toward ds achieving ur goal… keep in minfd
wht u r goal is n wh twrk u need to do to achieve ur goals n wht things u shud n shud not do..
redirect ur mind to ur goal.. rembe reinput in memory.. so tht u don’t forge if u forget if its no
longer there in ur mind if u have forgotten all about ur goal n wht u need to do then u wont do it
u are lost distracted ur mind is away from it is no longe rther in ur mind n so u are lost n u wont
do it..

Keep ur gaol I n ur mind keep I n mind wha t oyu r goal is n wht wrk u need to do ot achviei ur goal n
don’t forge it … so thht u know I nur mind hth u hav ehtis goal t oachivei n this wrk to od n so o n n s o
u are cosntntnyl remidnedo f it n so u thin kaccordinglyn hence u do ti … n u regaulte u rusefl n provide
regaulteoryh togtuh n hence u do ti ..

What u need to do in terms of memory and thinking:-

What you need to od in terms of memeory (static gets stored infogets stored in the mind) :- you need
to keep in mind by reminding urself by recalling asking yourself and so on as to what ur gaol is wht
wrk u need too dot achieve ur gaol wht u shud n shud not do inorder to brign ur mind focus ur
attention back on track back on the path towards achieveing ur gaol… so thht u remebr its there in ur
mind u dotn forget u know I nur mind wha t you need to od n so u think accordingly hence udo ti n so
u regulate urself by providng regualorry thgouths to make urself do it… jkeep in mind htht u shud not
waste ur time doing unimp thingns keep I nmind wht u need ot od so tht hu remeebr n os thth u can
reguatel urself on the baiss I of thth n so it occurs to u as its there I nur mind u rmemerb it I uare
cosnntaly remidnedo f it n so you think n hreguatle ureslf provde regautleory thgotush nhence oyu
What you ned to od in terms of oyur thinking(Dynamic constant process):- practice thought control ….
Be aware of the thgouths … stop uresfl from thinking fo otherh thgisn make urself think fo work n imp
thgisn…. Provide reguatlory thgotush on the basis of what u know I nur mid nu shud n hsud nt o be
doing ot regulate urself n stop urself from doing otherh itgnsn n make urself do oyur work… reauglte
resisit impulsive htoguths htth tell u to od other htigns tht h uknwo in ur mdin u hsud not e b doing…
focus urm ind on ur wrk stop urself fro mthginkign of otehrh tigns make urself think of oyu r wrk n imp
thgisn regulate urse;f n ur actions by regulating u r thinking on the basis of wht u knw in u rmind u shu
dn shud not be doing… u need to regulate urself n ur actiondss by providng regulatory thoughts
commands n instructions on the basis of wht u knw in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing…. Reguatle
ursefl provide regulatory thgouths stop ursefl form carrying out htgns htht hur impuslvie thogtush tell
ut to n make ursefl do thigns tht u know in ur mid nu hsud be doing by providing regulatory htoguths
n hence regulating urself if oyu od n t regulate urself u will be out of control … u know I nur mind what
u shud n shud nto do s ooo accordingly regautle ursefl by providing eregaulory thgotuhs n get a grip o
nurself keep uresfl o nteh right path n doing wht u know I nur mind u hsud be doing by consnttly
proviign self ereugaltory thgoutsh n correcting yourself keep a grip on ursefl…
Th e process of self regautlion:- U know in ur mind thht u shud not be thinking of other htigsn so
whenever u find ursfle thinking of other htigsn provide a regulatoryhtgotush ntell ureslf stop thinking
of other htigsn now n think of oyur wrk…. Focus ur mind o nur wrk n hence stop ursefl fro thignkign f
other htigns n make ursefl think of ur wrk f ocus ur mind o nur wrk …. By regautling ursefl by providing
rereagultory htgotuh io nthe basis of wht u know I nur mid nu shud n shud nto be doing
Ur actions are a resuilt of the htoguhts goin o ni n ur head to be I ncontroll fo oyur action u need to e
bbe in contorll of oyur thgouths
U understand n u know in ur mid nwaht u need to od n so accordingly on the basis of hht reguatle ur
thinking by porividng reugaltory htgotush n ehnce rteagutle ur actions n ursefl.. n make ursefl do it
U know in urm idn what u shud n hsud nto od n so accordingly regautle ur action s by regulating ur
htignkignn providing regaultoryh togutsh

Result (action)

Its not physical work or labour its all itting at one palce and using your brains ur thinking n inrtelellgience
its all intellectual acitivity it I s soft work not thht painful tiring or physically exhausting n labouris
Learn how ot use your brain intelligence enagein in intellectual acitivity
With a cool ncalm head don’t rush up read n understand everything..
U need t od oit cooly quietly calmly with a quiet mind not I na paniced rushed up state… or hurried state
read slowly n fully with patience understand properly and hten move ahead… absorb knoweldgen

Ur actions are a result of the thoughts goin on in ur head to be in control fo your actions u need ot be in
control fo the thoguths goin on in u head… regautle ursefl and focus ur mind stop irself from thinking of
otehrthgisn n make urself think fo work n imp thgisn what worlk k to do to achveie ur goal and so on
only then you will do your work focus ur mind stop ur mind from getting diverted n disrtrateacted from
oyur wrk n ur goal ot other things tell yourself you can think of and do other htigsn at other htime now
od oyur worlk cause thth is more imp n critical and cruscial leave everyhtig nelse asoden focus on ur
work think of oyur work keep ur mifd in ur work do ntthiknk of other htigns stop irsef frm thinking of
other htigsn make urself think of ur wrk n imp thgisn only

Wrk day n night n non stop to achvie ur goal remember keep thigs in ur mind thth if u want ot achvei ur
goal u need ot wrk c onsntanly and day n night towards it .. keeping this in ur mind wrk towards
acheiveing ur gaol

Keep in mind wht ur goal sis n w ht u wnt to achieve n wht wrk u need to do for it n incase u forge t ask
urseflf msake urself recall n rember bring ur mind back on track…. U know in ur mind wht u need to
do…. Wht u shud n shud not do n so accordingly tregulate urself n correct urself every time u stray…
don’t waste ur time work hard day n night sit continuously nonstop dayn ninght n wrk towards
achieveing ur goal..

U need to strive towards dachieveing g ur goal by lazing n relaxing n idling n having fun n doing nothing
u will not achieve ur goal …

The only way to be in ocntroll fo oyur actions is to be in control of oyur htoguths your actions are a
result of the htgoutsh goin on in ur head first you think of oding something or get a thgouths impulsive
thought in ur mind telling you to do something only then you do it… and so oyu need ot say no to
impulsive htogutsh tht tell you d to od o therh thigns as you know in ur sensible memeory thth oyu need
ot od your wrk to achevie your goal n u shud not waste ur time doing other hitgns not even waste a min
n u can od other htigsn later on… so be aar wre of the htgotush goin on I nur haed n whever yo u get
impulsive htogutsh telling you to od otherh tings then say no to it… say no to those impulsive thoughts
… and hence stop oyur self from doing othehr tgisn n make urself do oyur work n imp thgisn by
regulating your htignkign n providing regualtorth y thgotush n hence rferegaulting yourself on the basis
of hwat oyu know I nur mid ni n ur selnssible memeory you should n shodul not be doing… whenever
you are oding orether it=higns htht oyu know I nur mind you shud not be doing then stop urself from
doing otherh tigns by providing regaultory thgouths… and hence stopping oyureslf form doing other
htigns… naming oyursef l do your work enge in self regaultion slef restraint n self control.. your actions
are a direct ersult of the htogutsh goin o ni nur head to be in control fo oyur acitosn u need ot be in
control lfo oyur htgouths n reguatle ur thinking on the basis of hwat you know in ur mindi n ur selnsibel
memeory u shud n shud nto e doing ressit impulsive htogutsh say n o oto thgoutsh tht tell you to od
other htigns htth u know in ur mdi n u shud not be doing.. chosing one htign more imp thgin htth u
know I nur mind u shud be doing to achevie iur goal over entertainment thing thh t gives you enjoyemtn
n pleasure relaxation comfort nan d so o n..

Keep this in mind tht if oyu want to achviei ur goal u need ot work hard for it n work ocnsntly nonstop
day n night … other wise oyu wont acheivei ur goal you needo t constntanyl be working towards
ahceivieng ur goal wirk shoul d go oo n cosntnaly fdayn n night keeping this in mind work hard… n
reminding this to urslef wrk hard…
Also keep ruur mind focused don’t thignkk ofo other htigns don’t inovel ur mind I notherh tigns do oyur
work only

U need to know how to restrain ur self n how to regulate urself n control urself n ur actions be in control
of urself n ur actions by controlling n regaulting ur thinking…. N providing regulatory thoughts resisting
saying no to impulsive thoughts enagaing in self regulation restraint… on the basis of what you know in
ur mind you should n should not be doing

Focus your mind on ur work n imp thgisn be awre of the htogutsh goin on I nur head know what you are
thinking of stop ursefl fro m thignkign fo other htigns n think fo our work what wok to od nad so on..
only hten you will do our work
You need to ocnstnatnly keep your mind focused not think of other htgisn not inovle ur mind I nother
thigns …. Think of oyur work only u need ot ocnstnaly keep ur mind in it not inovel ur mind in other
things or unimp thigns htht will bring you no gain n benefit… u need ot ofcus your mind in it keep ur
mind focused on it not think fo other htinsgs think of thth only inoelve ur mind I nthth only keep ur mind
I nit focused on thth only not idvert n distract ur mind to other htigns.. nto think of other htigns not
invoele ur mind I n otherh tigns n everytime ur mind is distracted n diverted then stop ur self form
inovleing ur mind I notherh tigns n thinking of other things n think of ur work only n inovel ur mind I nur
work only..

Keep this in ur minfd u shud not waste ur time not even a min doing nothing or doing unimp things tht
will bring u no benefit progg or gain u need to be constatntly wrking towards achieveing ur gaol… day n
night continously

You know in ur mid nwhat you shouldn nshould not be doing I nur sensible memeory and so accrodignyl
regautel ursefl correct urself brign urself back o nthe rghit path every tiem you stray by providing
regualatory htgouth

You hae to understand rember n keep in mindn realize this tht u have to work hard constantly day n
night to achieve ur goal if you don’t work hard you will not achieve ur goal
If you want to achieve ur goal then you need to work very very hard for it coinstntly nonstop day n night
wrk shud go on keep this in ur mind…. Other wise u wont achieve ur goal… hard work will not kill u its
pain ful triring exhasusting its bitter … but its fruits results in terms of goal achieved are good… n sweet

There are only three things involved understanding memeory and thinking…
Understanding: - what you should n should not do and why the reasosn behind it what is imp what is
good ofr oyu and so on
Memory: - you need t okeep it in your mind what your goal is n what oyu should n should not od and so
oon to achve I your goal so thth you remember its ther in ur mind
Thinking:- your actions are a result of the htgoutsh goin on in ur head ot be in cotnroll your actions n to
regulate ur self and your actions you need ot regulate your thinking … you know in ur mind what you
should n should not do what your goal is n what oyu need ot od for thath and what you should not od
and os on and so accordingly regautle urself and your actions by regulating your htignkign and providing
regulatory thgouths .. be aware of the htoguths goin on I nur head n regulate ur thinking accordingly u
need to keep urself under consant monitoring n check constanly regulate ur thinking know what
thoughts u get n wht u are thinking of n regulate ur thinking in the basis of wht uknow in ur mind u shud
n shud not be doing if u want to be in control of ur actions.

Keep this in ur mind that your time is most important n once u lose ur time u will never get it back…. N
so u should not waste ur time doing unim things or thinking of unimp things … stop[ urseklf rfrom
ythinking of unimp things n doing unimp things by regulating urself n providing regulatory t hought as u
know n undersytand in ur mind tht u shud not waste ur time so restrain urself n make urself thinkof n
fdo imp things tht are beneftial for ur progress n to achieve the crucial n critiacal n imp things in life…

You need to think fo oyur work what work nto do and complete today to achieve ur goal only then you
will do oyur work not other wise

Time mgmt keep everythgin else all fun activity for night when you are feeling sleepy and oyur brain is I
na haze n it doenst work

Its not only imp to work ocontinously but its also imp to work fast
Solving ur problem
1) Carrier a source of money n income if u want a happy life focus it on ur goals
2) finding the wmn u luv so tht u are happy n in luv n no longer sad n nlonely… n u have the wmn
the grl u luv wh iis exactly the kind of grl u want other wise this life seems dark sad lnely like
traped in a cage incomplete…two pices making u complete … as though u are lost love less
incomplete… lock n key

What you need to do:-

Memory: - you need to keep in mind what your goal is n what wrk u need to do to achieve ur gaol so
thth u remember its ther ien ur mind n udont forget n so accrodignly you can regautle ur tself by
regautlign ur thgins o nthe basis of htat
Thinking:- you need to consntatly reguatle ur thinking on the basis of ehat you know in ur mind u shud
nhsud not be doing be awre of the thgouths goin o ni n ur head n cosntnaly reguatle ur htignking
inoreder to be iin control fo oyur actions cause to be in ocntroll fo oyur acctiosn u need ot be I ncontrol
lfo oyur thoguths as your actions are a direct result of the thgoutsh goin on in ur head

Ur time is most imp once u lose time u will bnever get it back keep this I nmind n don’t forget it

How to stay focused o nur gaol keep ur mind focused o nyour goal and keep your self working on the
path to oyur goal and stop urslef form doing otherhtigns n getting distracted be in control ogfo oyur
selfn ure acitons:-
1)Keep in mind hwat your goal is n what you wnato achieve n what oyu need ot od for it
2)As u know in ur mind what your goal is n what you needo to do what oyu should n should not od and
so reguatle ur self correct urself everytime u stra y brign urself back by providing reguatlory htogths be
awarew of hteh toguths goin on I nur head nad reagulte ur thinking.. provide regaulatory thoguths

What you need ot do to keep ur mind focused n ur work and stop getting distracted n diveted awaty fro
mur goal and stop urself form doing other htigns n keep ur self on the path ht our goal working otwards
achevieign ur gaol

Understand how it works :-

Understand the process of self regulation
Understand how the process works (undersatanding +memory +thinking) = Action
The process of self regulation and keeping yourself o nthe path to your goal working towrs the path to
oyur gaol… and not get distratcted. Know how it wotrks and what you need ot do ot keep ureslf on the
path to oyur goal
Memory:- Keep in mind what ur gaol is what you want ot achvieie what uerr mission is n what you need
oto do to achieve ur goal.. remind recall ask urself so thth u remember n u don’t forget.. keep all these
things in r mind in ur memory (things like u shud not waste ur time doing unimp things n so on) feed in
input in ur mind so tht u rember n u don’t forget n so u regulate urself accordingly n correct
urselfeverytime u stray … u rember wht u shud n shud not d its there in ur mind n it occurs to u
everytime u stray u are reminded of it n u know in ur mind wht u need to do n so u reg urself accordingly
n hence u do it , as uits there in ur mind n u erember it n so it occurs to u n so u think n hence u do it n
so u reg urself n hence u do it… u need to keep in mind wht ur goal is n wht u shud n shud not do so tht
u are constantly reminded of it n its there in ur mind n it occurs to u u know in ur mind wht u need to do
n so u think accordingly n hece u do it … or u regulate urself by providing reg thught n hence u do it.. if u
have forgottem n n its no longer there in ur mind then u wont think accordingly or reg ur self n so u
wont do it…. Cause u reg ur self on the basis of wht u know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing… if
its not there in ur midnd then u wont reg urself
U need to keep in mind things like u shud not ewaste ur time u need to wrk hard consntly day n night, u
shud not think of other things u shud regulate urself n provide eg thoughts u shud resis impulsive
thoughts tht tell u to do other things unimpt hings say no to it… n so on no don’t do tht dotnt waste ur
time doing tht now… oyu should not think fo other thgins … think of your work and imp thigns keep this
in ur mind I nur memeory u need ot focus s your mind
So thth u remember n tis ther in ur mind n so it occurs ot u n u are ocnsntaly reminded of it n hence u
reguatle ursefl by proiviidng regulatory htogutsh cause u will regulate urself on the basis of tht….. the
info stored I nur memeory if oyu have forgotten n its no longer there in ur min d what u need ot od
shudn n shhudn ot od htigns like u shud not waste ur time doing unim pthgisn u shud not think of
ootehrhtigsn u need ot eregu ursefl..what ur goal is thth u nedd to ahcee n wht wrk u needo too dot
achievei ur goal wht u shudn shud not od htigsn like u shud wrk hrd dayn ni ghtn ocntrounously n not
do other hithnsgs not waste item doing unimp thgisn if its not hrhe in urm idn n u have forgotten then it
wont occur to oyu n os oyu wont reg urself or provide reg thoguth n so oyu wont od it so keep in mind
remember don’t forget what u need oto do so thth ur memory serves you far too well its hter ien ur mid
n uknow I nur mnd what u needo to od n it occurs to u n so u reg urself accoridngy l ncorrect ursefl
everytiem u strat n u don’t od what u are supposed ot od u tel prvide reg thgouth n hence u do… you
need to keep in mind… what you should and should not od so thth u remember n it occurs ot oyu and its
there in ur mind u know in ur mid nwaht oyu need oto do its hter ein ur memory and os you
reguatleurself n correct ursefl accordingly o nthe baiss of htht info stoared in ur memeory everytime u
strayt it occurs to oyu n u areeminded of it as you know in ur mid nwaht oyu need oto od n so you
correct ursefl things like u should not even waste a min doing unimp thgisn cause once oyu lpose time
oyu will never get it iback keep all these things I nur mind so tth uremebrr it .. n it occurs to you if oyu
have forgotten what oyu need oto d n its no longer hter ein ur mind hten you wont od it… u wont thin
kaccoridngly and you wont teregualte urself n correct urself and oy uwont od it as it ownt occur ot oyu
you have forgotten all about it n its no lognerh tire in ur mind … n hence u needo t ot keep all these
thgisn I nru mind rmemeber it…. What you need oto d … so thht it occurs to you ku know I nur mid
nwaht u need oto od n hence u think accordingly and heance you do it… u need to keep it all in u mind .
So tht u rember wht u r goal is n wht u eed t do for it n u don’t forget n u don’t get diverted n distracted
away frmurgoal which usually happens when u have frogotton what u r gaol is ur mind is idtracted n its
no longer there in ur mind I nur memeory wht ur goal is thth uwnt to ahcviei n wht u need ot od for it n
wht wrk u need oto od for it …prog ur mind input feed I nso what u shud n shid not od so thth u
remeberi t n so u regulate urelf on the basis of htht by proiivding regulatory toguth inst nocmmand
every tiem u stray .. n to make urslef do it n hence oyu od it…. If its not htehrei n ur mind n u have
forgotten then its no longer hter ien ur mind I n ur memeory hwt u shud n shud nnot od n so it wont
occur to oyu and hence oyu wont think accordingly n reguatle uresfl accrodignly as u have no baiss for
reguatlion n so oyiu wont od it

Keep in mind what you need to od things lke what oyur gaol is what u need ot od to ahcive ur goal
things like you should work hard day n nhight if oyu want to achevie ur gaol not wasast etiem not od
other unip things thigns like u shud think of oyur wrk n not think of other htigsn u shud reguatle ur
htignking resist impulsive htogutsh thth tell you to do otherh tigns kep all this in ur mid nso thth u
remember u know I nur mind what you need oto od its hter ein ur mind what oyu need ot od n u
remember u don’t forget n so oyu think accordingly and uregualte ur self and hence oyu do ti
The process of self regulation:-
Keep in mind thins like u shud not waste ur time doing unimp things … wht ur goal is n wht wrk u need
to do to achieve ur goal… n u shud not dthink of unimp things u need to reg urself resist impulsive
thoughts n s oon so on… so tht u rember n its there in ur in d u know in urmind wht u need to do… n It
occurs to u n so u think accordingly n u regulate urself n hence u do it …
Its cause u know in ur mind wht u shud n shud not do tht it occurs to u n u are reminded of it n so u
think accordingly regulate n correct yourself n provide regulatory thought n hence u do it…
Keep in mind I nur memeory what you need ot odo cause as its there in ur mind I nur memeory hwat
oyu need oto do and so oyu think accordingly n u regulate urself n u provde regulatory htoguths n hence
u do it …. U shuud know in ur imind wht u need to do n keep it it in ur mind cause only as u know in ur
mind wht u need to do n so u think accordingly n reg urself n hence u do it …know n understand the
priocess how it wrks as u know in ur mind what u need to do n u rember n its there in ur mind n s o it
occurs to u n u think accordingly n so u regulate urselfn accordingly on the basis of that nhence u do it…
As u know in ur mind n so it occurs to u n u are reminded of it n so u think accordingly n so u regulate
urself prpvide self reg self correcting thoughts n n hence u do u need to know n keep in mind what u
need to do how to reg ur actions by regulating ur thinking… know how to regg ur self n ur actions byreg
n controlling ur thinking
Thinking:- u know I nur mid nwhat u need o t od so accrodign yl regautle urself n ur actions by regautling
ur htinkign un providing reg thoguths ur acitosn area result of the htoguth goin on I nru head to be in
control l fo yur acitosn u need ot reguatle ur thinking be I ncontroll fo uyr thinking… ressit other
thgoutsh u know restain yourself… say no to impulsvi htoguths provide regu thoguths on the basis of
what oyu know I nru mid n ushud n hsud nto be doing
Ur actions are a direct result of the thgouths goin on I nur head to be in control fo oyur actions u need to
be in control fo oyur thgouhts … be aware of the htgouhts goin on I nur head know what you are
thinking of …. N provide reg thought n stiop urself frm thinking of other things n make urself think of wrk
n imp thngs… focus ur mind on ur ewrk keep ur mind in ur wrk.. think of ur wrk only… also resist the
impulsive hthtughts tht u get in ur mind… tht tell ut o do other things tht u know in ur sensible mem u
shud not be doing by providing regulatory thoughts.. u need to constntly restrain n reguate ur self u
know in ur mind n so u need to regulate urself n stp urself by providing reg thoughts
U need to regulate urself buy providing self regulateory thoughts I f u don’t keep ureslf in check n
regulate urself then u wont do it
How to conrtroll n reg ur actions by reg ur thinking n focusing ur mind… getting a grip on ur thoughts n
so on

You need to get a grip on ur mind on ur thinking oyu should not think fo other thgins … think of your
work and imp thigns keep this in ur mind I nur memeory you need to ofcus your mind whever you find
urself thinking of other thigns n unimp thigns…. Then proivede regulatory thgoutsh n make urself stop
thinking of otherh tigns be aware of hthe thgoutsh goin on in ur head know what oyu are htinkign of
focus your mind think of oyur wrk n imp things only… correct urself bringf rur mind back o ntrack
everytiem it starys cosntnaly regulate ur thinking… practise thoguht regaultion and controll be in control
of ouyr mind n ur htignking… get a grip control over ur mind n over ur thinking don t let ur mind free to
think of anything nosnesn control nregautle ur thinking.. resist say no to impulsive thoughts thth u get
in ur mid nthht tell u t odo things thht u know in ur sensible memeory you should not be doing engaine
in practice thoguth control and reagultion and heance regulate urself n ur acitons… if you dontt regautle
ursfl cnc otnroll n restrain ur htinkign n get a grip over ur mind n urhtinkign then you will end up doing
unimp thgisn wasting ur time n thinking unimp thgisn u need ot regaute ur thinking practice thoguth
regaution n control constantly be aware of the thogutsh goin on I nur head know what oyu are htinkign
of is it imp or unimp stop urself form thignkign of otehrh tigns provide reagulorty thogutsh according o
twat oyu know inu r senesivble memeory toyu should nshould not ebe doing n hence correct ursefl
nregautle ureslf n ur acitons
Whenever u get a thoguths ot od other htigns unimp things tell urself no odnt do thth now don’t waste
time ohh don’t waste ur tiem doing all tht oyu can do it later on do this now htsi is more imp

U need to know how things wrk n what u need to do total control over ur mind n over ur htignking n
knw keep in mind I nur memeory inout program ur mind feed I nto oyur memeory what you should nn
should nto be doing so thth u remember its htehr ein ur mid n n so u correct n regautle urself
accordingly o nthe basis of htth by providing regaultoryh togutsh n rengainign I nself rgualtion
What are oyu thinking of what thogutsh are goin o ni nur head knowing awareness eralisation….

Remember keep thi s in mind tht to be in cotntroll of ur actions u neeed to be in control of the thoughts
goin on in ur head… cause ur actions are the resultof the thoughts goin on in ur head… u need to focus
ur mindn stop urself frm thinking of unimp thingsn make urself think of imp things regulate ur thinking…
Rember keep this in mind tht ur actions are a direct result n outcome of the thoughts goin on in ur head
to be in cointroll of uractions u need to be in conrtroll od the thoughts goin on in ur head know what u
are thinking of what is goin on in ur head n regulate ur thinking stop urself frm thinking nonsense
whenever fidndurself thinking things tht u know in ur sensible mem u shud not be thinking stop urself n
make urself think of wrk n imp things inteionally knowingly think of ur wrk n imp rthings things like what
wrk to do n so on…. Also u need to regulate ur thinking resist impulsive thoughts tht u get in ur mind tht
tell u to do things tht u know in ur sensible memory u shud not be doing… say no to them…. I nt his way
you need to get a grip over ur mind n regalte ur thinking be in control of ur thoughts n ur mind if u don’t
regaulte yur thinking n keep ur thought in check ur mind under control u ewill be out of control if u
don’t regulate ur thinking… u ewill end up doing ehat ever ur impulsive thoughts tell u to do… instead of
doing imp things n u will end up thinking onsense n unimp things…

Its not her fault thth I consnstly spent waste d all my time htinkign of her… its my fault cause I didn’t
know how ot be in control fo of my thinking get a grip o nmy mind o nmy htinkig nreugate l my thoughts
n thinking

What was going through the minds

Eveythigns humans have achived is cause of ther I intellect U need to engagfe in intellectual activity so
hthht u know hwat oyu need to do I nterms of ur intellect to kee p urself working o nteh path to ur goal
n not stray n reagulte ur acitons b ei ncontroll fo yur self n nur acitosn by being I ntoalt control lfo yur
mind ur thinking n what u need to od I nterms of ur memeory n ur thinking regulate ur htignking n
hence be in total control lfo oyru aself n ur acitons ….

Wht u need to do in terms of u r memry n thinking in order to be in control of urself n ur actions…

You kno w how the process works so this what you need to ddo, this is what u need to do :-
1) Keep in mind what ur goal is n wht u need to do to achieve ur goal n wht u shud n shud not do
so tht u remember it n u are constantly reminded of it n itd s there in ur mind u know in ur mind
wht u shud n shud not do things like what ur goal sis n wht u need to do for it so tht u rember it
n so u regulate urself on the basis of tht … keep in mind so tht u rember n its ther in ut r mind n
so u reg urslef on the basis of tht n make urself do it eht u kno w in ur mind u shud be doing
So tht u remberw hat you need to do n it constantly ooccurs to u n u are reminded of it n so u think n
ehence u do n so u regaulte ur thinking provide regthgoughts on the basis of thth n hwence u do
2) You know in ur mind what u shud n shud not do n so accordingly, on the basis of that you need
to regulate urself n ur actions by regulating ur thinking n providing regulatory thoughts to make
urself do what you know in ur mind u shud be doing , to stop ursellf from doing what u know in
ur mind u shud not be doing… if u don’t regulate urself u will be out foif control unneed to
constantly correct urself n keep urself on the right path by regaulting ur thinking n ur thoughts
cause uractions are the result of the thought gioin on in ur head so to be in control of uractions
u need to be in control of ur thoughts n regulate ur thinking … you know in ur mind in ur
sensible memory what u should n should not do so accordingly regulate urself n ur actions by
regaulting ur thinking n providing regaultoary thoughts on th basis of wht u know in ur mind u
shud n shud not be doing… ur actions are a direct result of the thoughts goin on in ur head to be
in control odff ur action s u need to be in control of ur thoughts… restrain or u will be out of
vcontroll if u let go ur mind free to think of anything u will do anything.. those who do wht their
impulsive thoughts tell them to do tht heir brain enjoys doing like singer s n so on… addictive
things they lack self regulation n control… cause they donot know how to control their impulsive
thoughts… whren u wrk 9:00 to 5:00 n u do things cause u know its imp in ur sensible memory
not cuse u enjoy doing it…. Like in ur impyulsive memory… then u develop restrain self
regulation control… where as singers etc… sing cuase they enjoy doing it sio they get impulsive
thoughts telling them to do it again n again… n so they do it… n then they have no restrain… n so
they get in to x n drugs things they enjoy doing the berai nne ejoys doing n they dotnt klnow
how to regulate n control the impulsive thoughts cause the yfunction in their impulsive memory
n thoughts n they don’t kno w how to regulate or control it they give in… you konow in ur mind
ewhat u need to do so wht u shud n shud not do n so accordingly on the basis of tht regaulte
urself n iur actions make urselfdo it by providing reg thought n reg ur thinking n make urself do
it .. if u don’t reg ur thinking u will be out of control u know in ur mind wht u shud nshud not do
so accordingly regu yur thinking to make urself do it… you know in ur mind wht u need to do
wht u shudn shud not do n so accordingly… regulate rurself n ur actioins correct urself keep urslf
on te right path buy providing reg thoughts to make urself do wht u know in ur mind u shud do n
stop urself from doing wht u know in ur mind u shud not do … you knoew in ur mind wht u shud
n shud not do so accordingly regulate urself nmake urself do it n correctyureslf everytime u stary
by regulating urself providing self reg thoughts .. to make urself do t it n follow it practice
thought control self regulation restratin if udont regulate urself u will be out of control
Once you knoe whatr u need to do how ot controlurself n rgualt uresfl f correct tursefl make uresfl do
wht u know in ru mind u hud do n stop doing wht u know I nur mid nu shudnt do how to practice self
regulation n controlll.. nstop ursefl form getting distracted s trayign tehn hten its only a matter of
following it n then things will be finse by the grace of god
You know inur midn what oyu need to od o s accordingly stop urself by doing other things nkick ureslf up
n make urself do oyur work n imp things by reguatling ureslf n proividng regulatory thgotuhs
To be in control of ur actions u need t o be in control of ur ythoughts cause ur actions are a result of ur
How to be in control of urself ur mind n jkeep urself on the pat ht o ur goal
U need to keep in mind what ur goal is n wht u need to do to achieve urgal so tht u rember its ther in ur
mind n so tht u thnk accordingly n hence u do n u regulate urself accordingly n provide self erg thoughts
n hence u do it

What oyu need to od I nterms of oyur thinking :-

You know in ur mind wht u need to do n regulate uesrslf accordingly by providing reg thought s n make
urself do it nn follow it

How ot reguatle ursefl n ura citons by regulating ur htignking:- … -provide reguatloryh togutsh to stop
urself from doing things thht u know in ur mid n ushud not be doing nmake urself do things thth u know
I nur mid nu shud be doing cotnroll n reguae ureslf n ur acitons… provide self reg thoughts to make
urself stop urseflf from doing other things n make ureslf do things tht u know in ur sensible mem u shud
be doing…. Regulate ureslf stop ureslf from doing other things tht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing
n make urself do thing s tht u know in ur mind u shud be doing by providng self regaulatory thoughts….
N hanc emaking urself stop doing things tht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing n make urself do
things tht u knwow in ur mind shud b edoing self reg n control… correct urself everytime u stray…

-Resist say no to impulsive thoughts tht u ge tin ur mind tht tell u to do other unim p things tht u know in
ur sensible mem u shud not be doing
-U need to focus your mind oy uneed ot be aawr eof the thgotush goin on I nur head know what oyu are
htignking of n stop ursefl from thinking of oterh things n make ursefl think fo work n imp things what
work to od and os on o nly the nyo uwill do oyur work not other wise
What oyu need to od I nterms of oyur memory and htingkign you know I nur mid nwaht oyu need to od
and s oregautle ureslf provide regaultory thgotuht you only tell yourself n prestrain yourself.. you odnt
neeed other s to tell you you only correct urself n brign urself on the right path everytime oyu stray you
know I nur mid nwaht oyu need to do and s o provide regaultory thgotush to make urself do certain
htigsn n to stop ursefl form doing certain thigns tht u know I nur mid n ushud n shid not be oding or
htignking know how to be in control of urselfn ur actions make urself start or stop doing things tht u
know in ur mind u shud not be doing or shud be doing n hence correct urself everytime u stray n get
diverted n dicstracted n do things tht u know in ur mind u shudnt be doing no don’t waste ur time doing
tht now do ur wrk now… so now u know ht u need to do how to regulate ureslf… if u don’t regulate
urself n stop urself rfrom doing other things n make urself dot higns tht uknw in ur mind u shud be doing
then you will be out of controll dure to lack of will disciplinen self regulation

Ur actions are a result of the htogutsh goin o ni nur head know what you are htignking of first you think
or get a thgoutht I nur mind to od some thing on lyhren you od it to be in control fo oyur acitons u need
ot be in cotnroll fo the htoguhst goin on I nur head… say no to impuslvie htoguths hth u get I nur mind
thht tell oyu to do other thgisn thth u know I nur sensible memory you should not be doing and hence
reguatle ursef l nur actions by regulating ur thinking n proividng regulatory htoguth first you think of
doing some thing or get an impulsive thought in ur mind telling u todo some thing only then u doo it

Be aware n identify the thought u get in ur mind n as u know in ur sensible memory tht u need to wrk so
resist those thoughts say no to them no don’t do tht now do ur wrk now u can do all tht late ron t this
not imp don’t waste ur time do ur wrk now tht is more imp… n hence stop urself n regulate ursactions
by regaulting ur thinking..

You need to keep in mind what oyu need ot od things like you should not waste ur time doing unimp
thigns , you should not waste ur time thinking of unimp things, and so on so thth you rtemeber its
ther ei nur mid nwaht oyu need todo n u are constantly remninded of it n it occurs to oyu everytime
oyu sdont do htigsn thth u know in ur mid n ushud be oding or do things htht u know I nur mdi nu
should not be doing it occurs to oyu and its ther ein ur mid n uknow I nur mid nwaht oyu need oto d
and s oyou think acoridngly and hence oyu do it and os oyu regulate ureslf by proving regaultory
thgotush n make urself do it n follow it… you nee d to keep in mind remember wha t you need ot od
thigns like not waste ur time odign unimp things… not waste time thinking of imop things and so on…
think of oyur wrk naimp thigs nso thth u remember its there in ur mind oyu know in ur mid nwaht oy
uneed to od …. N you remeebr it you are cosnntalty reminded of it n it occurs to you eevery tiem ur
stray or odnt do things u are supposed ot od n u know I nur mid nwahto yu hsud ns hud nto od n what
oyu need ot od and so oyu regete urself accordingly on the basis of hth by providing self correcting
self reguatlory thgoutsh instrucitosn and telling urself everytiem oyu stra y n n ahavncee meka urself
do it … for eg if oyu are wasting u r tiem wathcih tv instead of wrking ot achvie ur goal then you know
in ur mind thth u shud not wase itme doing u nim pthgsin n u needo to od ur wrk to ahcevi ur goal n u
remember it n u know this in ur mid nn so so oyu tell oyureself n provide regauortry thgouth
intentionally n tell usrself do ntwase tiem watching tv now lets eget o work nad os as u know in ur
mind wht ot od thth u shud not waste item watathcign tv n u rmemebrer it n it occurs to oyu n u knw
in ur mind n n so oyu intentionally provide self regaultory thgotush instraucitosn and commands to
stop urslef form wathcign tv n make urself get ot do oyur work…. Oyu are lazing on bed n thinking
unimp thgis nyou know I nuer mid nthth u hsud nto waste ur tiem thinking no f unimp thgisn and hht
u need ot think of wrk n not laze atround n get to od oyur wrk so you regautle urself you motivate
urslef n makeurself get up n kick u rself up u tell urself stop thignkign of other htigns now n think of
oyur wrok don’t waste time lazing n relaxing n doing nothgin get urp take paisn effeort get ot work to
ahceiveurgoa l don’t wase ur time… you kwo in ur mid nthth u shud nto waset ur tiem doing unim pt
ghisn… n soyu yo uregualte ur self ntell urself n provide regaultory yhtougsh n tell urself dotn wase
tur time oding htt now get to work now and s ooyu do….
Prog ur mind feed in recall input stre in memory bank Keep in mind wht ur goal is tht u need to
achieve wht wrk u need to do n n wht u shud nsuhud not do to achieve ur goal things like not waste
tim e doing unimp things, do im things, not think of unimpthings n s oo n… wht u need to do sot ht u
rember its thee in ur mind n u know in ur mind wht u need to do n so u regaulte urself caiyse u are
goin to regaulte urself on the basis of the info store din ur memory… if u have forgotten n its not ther
in ur mid what u need ot od hten hwo will you regautle ureslf as it ownt occur ot oyu itsnolonget
hehrienur mid nwhat u need ot od so u have no basis to reguatle ureslf on …

You knopw inur mind what oyu need to od and so make urself do it and follow it n correct ursefl
everytiem oyu stray… by reaulgting yourself n providing regaultory thgouths on the basis of haaht you
knw in ur mid noyu should nshould not be odig ninrder to make yourself do it n follow it … you know I
ur mid nwaht oyu need to od so you only tell yourself instrauct rusefl regaulte urelf n correct urself
every time oyu strat n make ur self do it and follow it as you know I nur mid ntell yourself no odnt
waste ur time doig nthth now n hence stop ureslf by regulating ur htignking n resisting ur impulsive
thogutsh.. as you know I nur mid ntht hu shud not waste tiem doing othe rhtigns so whenever u are
doing other htigns tell ursefl don’t wase tur time doing htsi now reaguelte ureslf n stop ureslf form
doing thht .. as oyu know I nur mid nhtht u have ogal ot achive n wrk to od fo r it so however u laze
sleep and os on kick ureslf up tell ureslf regaulte urself provide regulatory htogutsh n tell ureslf don’t
waste ur time lazing get to work now… you know I nur mdi ntht hu shud nt waste ur time odig noteh
rhtigns so whenever u do other htigns oyu intetnioanlly regulate ureslf you knowing ly intentionally
on purpose tell yourself n prinstrauct n comamdn urself n privede regulatory thgouts to correct ursefl
n to stop urself frm oding unimp things n to make urself do things thh tu know I nur md I noyu should
be oding …you know in ur mid ntht hu should not be wasteing time odign unimp thigs nand so oyu
regulate ursefl… by inteionally knopwingly proividg n regulatory thgohuht to ake urself stop doing
oteh rhtigns n make urself do thigs nthh tu know I nur mdi n u shud be odign nto aocrect ursefl

You know in ur mind what u need to do n so intentionally knowingly provide regaultory thougt
instruction command to stiop iureslf from doing other things tht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing
n to make uresklff do things tht u know in ur mind u shud be doing… regulate control urself ur actions
…. To motivate urself kick ur self up make urself dot hings tht u know in ur mind u shud be doing n stop
urself from doing ceratin things.. by intentionally providing ereagultory thought on the basis of whrt u
know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing to regulate ureslfto stop urself frm doing certain things n
start make urseslf do ceratin things … n control urselfn ur actions … u know in ur mind wht u shud n
shud not do so on the basis of tht intentionally knowingly provide reg thought inst n commands to make
urself stop or start an action…
Be aare opf the thought u ge tin ur mind…. Whe n u think of doing other things identify tht thought say
no resisd the thought n hence stop urself from doing other things.. by regualtig ng ur thinking
ptracitiising thought regulation n control.. you know in ur mind what u need to do so accordingly on the
basis of tht regulate ureslf u need to ergaulte urself knowingly intentionally provide regulatory thought
to make urself do it… to stop urself from doing veratint hings to kick urself up get up get up n do r wrk n
motivate urself n make urself do wht u know in ur mind u shud be doing if u don’t regulate urself if u
don’t inteionally on purpose provide reg thought to regulate ureslf then u will be out of control self
regulation n restrain… jknow how to regaulte urself by intentionally knowingly providng self reg
thoughts to make urself stipoop doing certain things n asmke ureslf do certyaint hings u know in r mind
wht u need to do n so you only tell urself crrect ureslf regaulte urself u don’t need othe srs to tell u.. u
know wht to do so u only tell urself keep urself in check n correct urself everytime u starty restatrarinn
reg urself by knowingly n intentionally providing h eregulatory thoughtsif you don’t regu urslf n
itneonally knowingly provde regu thogutsh to make urself stop doing vcerati ntgisn or do certain nthgisn
then you will be out of ocntroll oyu wotn do the things u are supposed to od… ur thgoutsh acta s inst n
commands for u to do cerati nthgisn or stop doing cerait nthgsin… sp o regaute n restain urself… by
intentionally proviindg reg thgotush on the basis of hwtu know I nru mid n ushud n hsd nto be odin g to
make correct urself stop urself form getting distracted n diverted m keep urself on the right path to ur
gaol n stop urslef for mdoign cerait nthgisn n make urself do cerait thgisn …regautl urself intentionally
knowingly procvede regautleory htgotush isn’t ocmamamdns o nteh basis of hwat oyu knw oi nru mdi
nu shud n hsdud nto od to reguatle ureslf control ureslf correct ursefl stop urself from getting
disrtarcted divereted kewweep urelsf conatnly on the path to ur goal owkrign towards otyur goal to stop
urslef form doing things n kick ur self up get up get up, make urself motivate ursefl do cerati nthgisn tht
uknwo I nur mid n ushud be doing… lack of self restrain or regautlion either you dotn know what yt odo
hwo to reguatle urself ur actions stop ursefl from doing cerati nthgisn n make urself doing certain
nthgisn by intetioanlly knowingly onp urpsoe porividng reg thgouths inst command telling urself on the
basis of what oyu know I nur mind u hsud n hsudn nto be odign to reg ursefl correct urself stop getting
distracted n keep ureslf on the right path… OR u know what oto do … but oyu are not oding it or
following it thht is nto reguatling urself n providing reguatloryh toguts…. Or u have forgotten n its nol
onget htehr in ur mind wht u needo to od and os u have no basis to reguatle ureslf on…

Be awre eof hteh togutsh you get in ur mid ntellign u to od what … n resist thosue impuslvie htoguths

Keep in mind what you r goal is what wrk u need ot o dot achieve ur goal n so on recall ask urself so
thth u remember nso uthink accordingly n hence u do n u reugalte urself n provde reg thgouth n hence u
do it …

Your actions are a result of the thoguths goin on in ur head to be I ncotnroll fo oyur acitosn u need ot be
I ncotnroll fo th e thogutsh goin on I nur head…
Ur actions area result of hteht oughts goin o ni n ur head to be on control fo oyur acitons ur need to
ocnsntatly be I ncontroll fo the htogutsh goin on I nur head…. Constnaly be aware of what out y are
thignkign of what is goin on I nru headn control nreguatle ur thinking as to what oyu know I nru mdi n
ushud nshdu not be doing …first u thin kfo doin somrehtign only then u do ti to be incontroll fo
ouracitons u need ot be in cotnroll fo thet hgoutsh goin o ni n urhead … the problem is at the thinking
level u need to get a grip on ur mind… u need to constantly regulate ut r thinking… if u want to be in
control of ura ctions…. U simply cannot let ur mind fgo free to think of anything nonsense… or u will be
out of control…. N end up thinking unimpt hings n doing unimpthings wht ever ur impulsive thoughts tell
u to do… n so u will lack control … be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head know wht u are thinking
of n focus ur mind on ur wrk n imp things stop urself frm thinking nonsense ..all out of control
yuneaawanted action iunregualted bahavious action is a reault of unregulated thinking…. Where in ur
have basically let ur mind free to think of anything… n u don’t resist impulsive thought s n so u think of
nonsenses n wasete ur time n u do whatever ur impulsive thoughts tell u to do.. so restarain to thoughts
no resistance to impulsive thoughts… just gong along with it sub,iting to it… no control or regaultion
resistance… the prob is not at the memory levl the prob is at th te hought level thinking level uneed to
reg ur thinking if u want to be in control of ureslf n r actions u need to focus ur mind…
Reg urslftell urself to make urself stop doing ither things… tell ureslf “leave ebverythigng else aside u
can do it late ron do ur wrk now” reg ur thinking tell urslf” don’t think of allt ht now don’t distract r
mind keep ur mind in ur wrk think of ur wrk u can think of other thins at other time”

Know what you need to do, how to control n regulat ureslf n ur action :-
You know I nur mind what you need to be doing n soo accordingly you need to reguatel urself to make
urself doit by providng reguatlory thgotuhs for ehg when u atere sleeping ng n alying down n relaxing
n idling instead of doing ur wrk to achieve ur goal then as u know in ur mind tht u shud not waste ur
time doing unimp things n so… tell urself “don’t waste ur time now get to work now” n hence regaulte
urself by providing regulatory thoughts if you don’t regulate ureslf by providing regaultory thoughts
then u will be out of control u know in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be doing n thinking so regaulte
ureslf by providing regulatory thoughts to correctureslf everytime u stray n to make urself do it… u
know in urmind what u need to do o n so accordinhly correct urdself revert ime u stray n make urself
o it n follow it by intentionally on purpose at will knowingly providing regaultory thoughts to make
ureslf do it to or make urself think of f certain things ,make urself dstop doing or thinking of certain
things if u don’t regulate urself m enage in regulating urself n provide regulatory thoughts then you
will be out of control.. now you know what oyu need ot o dot control your self you need to kkeep in
mind wht u need ot odo so htht u remember whtot odo n it occurs to oyu n u know in ur mind wht u
need ot oofd n you need to ot regaulet yourself by privding self reg thgouths to keep urself I ncheck
correct urself n keep urself o nthe right path n prevent urlesf from straying if oyu don’t regautle urself
n provide self regulatory htogutsh intentionally knowingly on purpose you will be out of control.. you
know in ur mind what u need to do n so accordingly on th e basis of tht u need t o regulate urself n
make ureslf do it by constantly providing self regulatory thoughts instructions n commamds , you
need to know hwo to regtualte yourself if oyu odnt reguatle ureslf byproviidng self regulatory
htoguths instructions an cd coamamnds if oyu odnt correct ureslf n regautel ureslf hten you will be ou
t of control…. You know in ur mid nwaht oyu needo tood n shud nshdu not od so on the basis of htth
u ne dot oregualte ureslf by providing regaultory htgotush instrucitosn and ocmammnds to
maekurself stop oding n thignkign things htth u know I nur mdin u shud not od or htignk n to
makeurself do things n think of htigsn thht u know in urmid nu shud ndo or think.. if oyu don’t
regulate urself by rpovding regulator hy togusht then you will be out of ocntroll… you should knw
owhat oyu need ot od how ot reguale te urself… you know I nur mdi nwaht oyu needo to od n so
accordingly reguatel ureslf by intetntionally knowingly on purpose forcefully prociividng reguatlry
thgotush to make ursel f stop doing n thinking of certain thgisn n mek urself think n do certain nthgisn
thht u know I nur mind u hsud be oding if oyu don’t reguatle urself n provide reguatloryh toguths then
yo u will be out ofo ocntroll…. you need to know hwo ot reguatle uresfl what you need ot od to
reguatle ureslf stop urslf correct urself everytime u stray bring urself o nthe right pathto wards ur goal
working towards ur goal… … u need to keep in mind what you need oto do so that yo uremmeber its
hter ein ur mind yo uknwo I nur mid nwaht you need ot od n so oyu reguatle ureslf on the basis of
that… by intentionally n knowingly on purpose prociivdng reguatlory htgoutsh so as to forcefully
make urself do thing shtht u know inr mind force urelf s to od htigns htht u know I nur mind u hsud be
oding discoipoline n wil n self reguatlio nn control n stop urself form doing impuslve htigsn acitos out
of ocntroll undesirable acitosn n ot ocnducise to ur goal hth tu kwno in ur mid n uhsud not be odign
but u d o cause ur brain enjoys doing it thth s storedi n ur impuslvei memeory n hernce u get
impuslviev thgoutsh telling n u to od it … ossesive action impuslvie addictive action thth give s
immediate joy n plsure to brain n sits stiored I nur impulsvei emeory n so oyu get thgotus htellig nur
to od it n so oyu od itstop urslef form doing impuslve acitons… stop urself form thignkig numip htigs
nthth u know I nur mid n ushud not be thignkign fo make urslef force ur slef ot n make urself do things
thht u know I nur mid nu hsud n be doing n htignking…. N hence to cororect urself n brign urself o
nthe right path every time oyu stray… if oy udont regulate ur sfl n provde regulatory togutsh u wile b
out of ocntroll
Self regautlion:- know hwo to reguatle uresfl itnetionally kinwingly on purpose whith a purpose at will
providing self egualtory t hoguths in strucitosn an d commands inorde r ot correct urslef inorder to
with the intentionna n purpose of inorder to stiop urself from doing ceratin things n thignkign of
cerati nthgis nthth u know I nur mind u shud not od or thignk n inorder to forcefully force urself ot od
htigsn thth u know I nu rmid n ushud be odin n htignking…. Discipline will self control… by force… to
correct urself… brign urself back on the path every tiem u srtay to bring urslef form one course n path
tht u know u shud not be oding to otherh more imp path htth u know u shud be oding to bring urself
from one course of acitosn impuslve iaciton tht u od cause it gives u joy to other hcourse of action
necessary acitons to reach u r gaol … obsseve impulsive unocltrolled addictive behaivous.. thth igeve
plesue r so u od it to enjoy htht plsure… relaxation enjoyment joy ath te cost n expense of neglecting
not oding imp thgisn htth u know I nur mdio n u hsud be oding…. Know hwo to restrai nurself
forceurself to stop ursfl form doing cerait nthgis nn make urelsf docerita nthigsn … htth u know I nru
mdi nu shud be oding disicipline will restran regulation by intionally knowingly at will o npurpose
providing regulatory htogutsh instructios nn ad commands ot correct ursefl n reguatle ursefl… n make
ureslf do whao yu know I nur mid n ushud be doing… total control overu reslf n uracitosn know hwo
to reguatle ureslf… by intetioanlly providing self reg thgotush cause if oyu dotn regautle urself odnt
proivdee sefl reg thgoutsh then oyu will be out of ocntroll if oyu let og n rento restrai nurself n let
urlsef go free to od anyh tign then ouy will be out ofo ocntorll u will do impusvle addictive acitos nn
beahiveour thht u enjoy doing but is nto imp for ur goal n progress .. n u will think nosnses unimp
thgis nthth u hsud not be thinking fo if oy u don’t reg ur self then u will be out of ocntroll …
You know I nur mid nthth u shud not be thinking of other htigsn s owhever u find urself thignkign of
other htigns stop urself by intentionally proviing eregaultory htgouht to make urself stop thignkign of
otehrehithngs tell urslf” don t think of other htigsn now otehrh tigns u can think of at otherheitme
switch everything else of n focus ur mind o nur wrk n imp thgisn n think of ouyr wrk n imp things” u
need to reguatle ureslf keep this in u mind by intentionally providing self reg thgoutsh if oyu don’t reg
ur self you will be out of ocntroll ememebr htht … regu rations n sreg ur htignkign by providing self reg
thgotush ….
Motivate urself drive urself to work hard Make ursef l work hard kicjk urlsef up make urself do wht
uknwo I nru mind u hsud be odign by regulating urself nad providng a reg thgotuht by telling ur lsef “if
oy uodnt work hard you wont get any thing oyu wont achevie urgoal” as youknw in ru mid nso reg
urself n make urself do ti n follow it by telling ruself n providng self reg thgotuht
Miracle moenth in 10 days I got ovr my prn addiction and in 10 days I learnt n understood how ot
reguatel my self…
U know inur mid nwhat oyu needo tood n wht u hsud nshud nto od so accordingly o nthe basis of htht
reguatle urself by intnetioanlly proividng reguatlorh y tghts to correct urself every tiem u stray n to
make urself do it n to ocnrolll urself… n bring urself onth e right path every tiem u are idstarcted nto
make urself do wht u know I nru mid n ushud be doing to keep urslef in check o n o nthe path to ur
Enage in self regulation ereg ur actiosn n ur htignkign by intetntionally on purpose knowingky proviign
self reg thoguths inst commands to correct urself n makeu rslef do what oyu know I nur mind u shud
be doing…
Also oyu need ot keep I nmidn wht are the thgis u hsud nshud nto od so thth u re,emeebr n its ther
einur mid n uknwo I nur mind wht u need otod n so oyu reg urself accordingly on the basis of htth
So now u know the process fo hwo to reguatle ureslf….
The process fo self regulation: - know how to reguatle urself what oy uneedo to do how to be inc
otnrol lof oyur selfn ur acitons

1) You need to keep in mind what oyu need ot o do so thht u remember it its there in ur mind u
know I nur mind what oyu needo to od n it occurs to toyu n u are consntaly reminded of it you
know inur mind what u shud nshud not od nad so u either think accordingly and so oyu od it
or oyu regulate ureslf accordingly o nteh basis of the by proiving regautleory htogutsh n
hence make urslf e do it keep in minf things likw what ur goal is wht wrk u need to do to
achieve ur goal u shud not waste time doing unimp things n so on.. wht is imp n wht is not u
can do n think of unimp things later on fitrst d wht is imp… focus completely on it don’t waste
time realxingisdling doing nothing doing umnimp things tht will bring u no gai n or benefit or
help u achieve imp crucial crtitical things in life for ur survival not think of unimp things once u
lose time u ewill never get it back. N so on.. so ththt u trember wht u need to do n y regulate
urself accordingly onth e basis of tht by prociidng self correcting self guiding instruction
directing streering commanding regaultor thought sto make uerself do it.. u know n
understand in ur mind wht u need to do so u only tell urself n make urself do it n correct
urself everytime u stray n keep urself on the right path n mke forceurself urselfdo thigns tht u
knw in ur mind u srae supposed t o do by providing erg thoughts … keep in mind sio ytht u
knw in ur mind n rember wht u need to do if u have forgotten wht u need to do n its no long
ether in ur mind wht ur goal is n wht u need to do thern you are lost n u will no longer reg
ursellf as its nolonger there in ur mind so u have notjhing ni basis to regulate urself on n so u
wont do itor follow it wht u are supposed to do… u need ot keep in mind refresh memory
reprog the mind prog the mind input recall feed in ask urself recall so thth u keep it in utmr
ind u remember u know I nur mind what you need t odo its there in ur mid n n so u reg urself
accordingly by intentioanllyy providing reg thgotush to correct ureslf keep ureslf o nthe
thright path n make ursefl n force urself to od it n hence oyu do it .. u need to rember keep in
mind so tht u don’t forget.feed in input in ur mind reprog ur mind refresh ur memory redirect
trefocus ur mind input it back in ur memory the knowledge jkno w how information… refocus
rur mind on it keep ur goal in ur mind.. keep in mind wht ur goal is … remnbe wht goal u wnt
to achieve n wht u need to do for it… bring ur artetion back to iut… refersh ur memoruy re in
ur mind wht ur goal is… don’t lose focus of oyur goal sont get distracted keep I nmidn remeer
what ur goal is n hwat u need oto do to achvie ur gaol.. you know inur mind and so you think
n hence oyu do you know in ur mid n nso u tregaulteuresfl accordingly nad hence you do it

2) You know in ur mind waht you need to od what ur goal is wht wrk u needo to d for it n what
are the things u shud nshud not od and what oyu hsud n shud nto od and so regautel ureslf
accordingly on the basis of htth by intentionally knowingly on purpose proividng reguatlory
htogtus hinstraucitons and commands to make urself od it follow it, ot reasugalte ura citosn n
ur thignkign to force urself to stop doing n htingkign wht u know I nru memeory u shud not od
n think n make urslef do n think htigsn thth u know I nur mmeeory u hsud be doing n htignkin
nto correct ursefl everytiem u stray n don’t ofd things thht u knw oi nur mind u shud bre doing
or do htigsn I nur mid n ushud not be doing… n hence keep urself on the right path towards
oyur goal working towards ur gaol… to kick ursel fu p ot motivate urself to idirect instruct
command urself to make urself forvce urslef to od wht uknwo I nur mind ushud ber eoindg to
beirng urself ack on the right path every time u stray… bring urself on the right path everytiem
oyu stray… make urself do imp things tht u know in ur mind u shud be doing by providing re
thoughts inst n commands to make urself do tit n follow it directing commanding steering
yourself instructing ureslf regulating urself bossing over iurself self ssteering autiomatic you
don’t need other sto tell u correct u n nag u self controlling self regaulting self correcting self
duirecting commanding instractiong self intiative sdoing I on ur own wit h out any one having
to tell uto do it… self driving on the basis of what u know in ur mind u shud n shu d not be
doing.. you know n u understand in ur mind wht u need to do wht u shud n shud not do n so
on the basis of tht u only tell urself commandurself reaulte urself instruct urself n correct
urseklf n bering urself back everytim e u stray n consntly keep urself on the right path by
inteyoitionally knowingly on purose consciously proviising self regulatory thoughts inst n
commands to make urself forceurself motivate urself drive urself to do wht u know in ur mind
u shud be doing… n stpop urself frm doin or thinking wht u know in ur mind in ur sensible
mem u shud not be doing n thinking… inteionally provide reguatlory htogutsh to make ureslf
forceurself n stop ureslf from doing other htigsn nmakeursefl forceurself motivate te urself
dirveureslf to od our wrk n imp thgisn tht u know I nur mid nu shud be oding to correct ureslf
every time u stray if oyu odnt provide reguatloryh togtush then you will be out of ocntroll …
you know in ur mind wht u shud be doing n thinking n wht u shud not be doingn thinking so
accordingly coorect urself dierect ur self control n regulate urself n ur actions by intentionally
providing reg thoughts to force urself make urself do it follow it to dtop urself from doing
certain things tht u knew in ur mind u shudnt ve doing but u do it cause ur impulsive thoughts
tell u to do n make urself do things tht u know in ur mind u suhud be doing total control
know wht u need to do how to control n reg urself if u don’t act on wht u know in ur mind u
shud be doing n if u don’t regu reslf by prociding reg thoughts then u will be out o f control… u
know inur mid nwht u needo todo nso o nthe basis of hthth regulate ureslf by proividng erg
thgouths im hemce makeurself n force urself to od it n follow it if oy uodnt regautle urself
correcturself consntly to keep ureslf on the right path n don’t provide reg thgotush the nu will
be out of ocntroll .. u need to ocnstatly regautle ureslf by intentionally knowingly on purpose
providing reg thgotush o nteh basis of hwat u know I nur mind wht u hsud nshud nto be doing
in order to makeurself n force utresfl to od it n follow it if oyu don’t reg urself n odnt provde
self regautlign self correctinfg instrucitsin directing thgotush instrctuison n commands then
you will be out of cotnroll u will nto do or thignk what u know I nru mid nu are supposed ot od
nthink u will day dream wander be lost n have impulsve unreguatled thginkig nddoign things
thth u r impulsve htgotush thell ur to od n not think n do what u knw oi nur sneisble
memeory u shud be thinking n ndoing out of ocnrtroll lack of control nregulation… you know
in ur mid nwaht oyu need ot od n so on the basis of hht you only contsntly tell yourself
instruct yourself direct urself provide regautlory thgotush to corrct urself every tiem u stray
to brign ureslf back everytiem you stray to keep urself o nthe path towards urgoal…. n
constnatl working toewarda chevieiing ur gaol.. n make urself do thgis nwht u know I nur
mind u are supposed to do n to make urself do ti n follow it… wht u know in ur mind u shud do
n follow.. reg ur sefl get a grip on ur self bring urself under control … u need to consntaly reg
urself by providing self reg self correcting thgouths instructions n command s o nteh baiss of
hwt u know I nur mid n ushud nshdun ot be doing n hence keep ureslf on the right path…
Yiou know I nur mind what oyu need ot od and so u onyk tell urself regautel ursefl n correct ursefl ,
intentionally provide regaultory thgotush inst and commands to kick urself up to regautle ursefl
motivate ur self make urself get up and get to work , drive urself, correct urself every tiem you stray,
or get distracted n diverted brign urself o nht e roight path n keep urlsef o nteh right path working
towards ur gaol… for eg if oy uare sleeping hten as u know I nur mind u have work ot od so kick urself
up motivate urself ge t dotn waste ur tiem sleeping get to work now work hard ot ahveiev ur gioaol
and hence regulate urself make urself et up n kick uralwfe up by proviign self ocrrectign guiding
sdiving reghgaultory htoguth instruciotn and command
You know in ur mid nhtht u need ot stay waake nad compelyette this work so tell ureslf don’t lay
down ndont sleep sit and ocmpetle this work
Work dayn n night ocnionusly ononstop to ahcive ur goal… and hence I nthis mway make urself do
what oy uknwo I nru mid n ushud be oding by providing regulatory htogtush t oforce urself make
urself do it to correct urself to drive urself n motivate uresfl to od it to kick urlsef up n to make urself
get up n get ot work… you need to know how ot reguatle urself… you know in ur mid nwaht u shud
nshud nto od n shud nhsud nt think so accordingly o nthe basis of htth you need ot regaulte urself
stop urslf from doing n thinking of other things n make urself do n think of imp thgisn… by providing
regulatory htgoutsh if oyu don’t regulate urself oyu will be out of ocntroll…
You need to regulate urself when you find urself doing other thgisn as u know in ur mind thth u shud
nto waste tiem doing other htgihngs as u need to od ur wrk to ahceive urg oals so tell ursefl stop
wasting your time now n do oyur wrk n hence stop urself from doing other htigns nhance make ursefl
do oyur wrk by regulating urself ….
Only by keeping this in ur memory wht u shud n shud not do n regulating accordingly on te basis of tht
by providing regulatory thoughts n hrence correcting urself bring urself back everytime u are
distracted keeping urself on the right path to ur goal only by that.. can you regullatre urself
Keep I nn mind htigsn like u shud not waste ur time and so o nso thth u remember n so thth u reguatle
urself accordingly everytiem u stray n hence keep urself on the right path to oyur gaol
Know understand what you need ot od nwhy what you shun d nshud not od…. And keep in mind
what you need oto d and as oyu know what oyu need to od I nur mind things like yo ushud not waste
ur time , you hsud not think fo other htisngs, what is imp n wht is not imp n so on so as its there in ru
mid n n u remember what u need ot od n so oyu reguatle urelfsf accordingly by providing regautloryh
tughts n u keep urslef on the right path n prevent uurself form straying

3) Your action as are a result of the thgoutsh goin on in ur head, first oyu hitnk of odoing some
thing or get a thgotu in ur mid ndo do something o nyl then you do it…. To be in cotnroll of
oyur acitosn u need to be in control fo the thoughts goin on I nur head…. Be aware of httht
gouhts goin o ni n ur head know what oyu are thignkig nfo and hwat impuslvie thgoutsh you
get tellin you to od hwat resisyt say n oto impoulsvei htoguths tht tell u to od otherh tigns
unimp thgis nunbeenifiatal thigns useless thgins thth will waste ur time tht u know n
understand in ur mind you shud not be odign cause u have more imp thgis nto od to achive
urgaol… nachevie more crucial critical necessary n imp thgsi ni n life and hence stop urself for
moding unimp thigns impuslve acitons addictive action unimp taction by resisting n syaign no
to impuslve thgouths tht u get I nur mind thth tell u to do other htigns… why you get such
impuslve thgouths? Its cause your brain enjoys doing cerati nacitosn finds it relaxing conmfy
feels good enjoyment n plsure and so this info is storedi n ur memeory and so oyu get
impuslve htogutsh telling oyu to od it whenever u fell bored and want ot enjoy the same
feeling… whenever u get impulsive thoughts in ur mind tht tell uto do unimpth hings tht u
know in ur mind u shgudnt bedoing as u cannot afford to waste iur time as u have wrk to do to
achieve urgoal nt o achieve more imp things in life then say no to it resist the impulsive
thought n say no to it… n hence by resisting n saying no to impulsive thoughts tht u get in ur
mind tht tell u to do unimpthings … stop uresalf frm doing obsessive addictive impylsive
action n things unimp things tht ur impulsive thoughts tell u to do tht u know in ur sesnbl
mem u shud not be doing “no odnt do tth now do ur work now” whenever u get a thgouth I
nur mid ntellign u t odo unimp thgisn tell uresfl “no odnt od thth now do oyur work now” your
aciotns are the result of the thgouths goin on I nur head to be in control of ur acuions you
need ot be I ncotnroll fo the htoguths goin on I nur head get a grip o nur mind on ur htoguths
and reguatle ur thinking

4) Focus your mind be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head know what you are thinking of….
Whenever u find urself thinking of unimp things then Stop ureslf from thinking of unimp
things n awasting ur time…. Make ureself think of ur wrk n imp things what work to do today
to achvie ur goal how ot od it n og about it n so on … u will do ur wrk only if u think of ur wrk
not other wise… u should not waste ur time and your mental energy n effort I nthignkign of
unimp thgis nonsense thth will bring u no benefit or gain …stop thinking nonsense n think of
ur wrk what wrk to do today to achieve ur goal n how to do it n go about it n so on… rehgualet
ur thinking shut everything else off don’t think of other htigsn cosntnaly regulate n ur
thignkign n contsntlyy keep ur mind in ur wrok focus ur mind o n ur wrk think ofo yur wrk n
imp thgisn only stop your self rom thinking of othert htgisn n un impt hgisn n diverting
distracting n deviating ur mind … don’t distract n divert ur mind don’t think of all that think of
ur wrk n imp things only… be awre of thet hogutsh goin on I nur head know what u are
thinking of n contstly reg urself stop urself from thginkign of nonsneensn n u nimp things keep
urself o nthe right path keep urmind focused on ur wrk n imp thgisn… thiknk of hth only n
nothing else… where u find yourself thinking of other htigsn tell yourself stop thignkign
nonsense directed thinking direct ur thinking where you want to at will .. you need to be
aware o f the htgoutsh goin on I nur head n switch everything else off n focus urm ind on imp
things… n think of imp things only .. u neeed to gte I nthe zone focus ur mind whenever u find
urself thinking of other htigns… as you know in ur mid n ushud not be thinking o f ootehrh
tigns nu need ot regaullte ureslf if oyu od then tell ureslf stop urself thinking of otehrh tigns n
focus ur mind tell ureslf don’t think fo other htigsn…. Focus here now full focus … u need ot
get I nthe zone switch everything else off from your mind and not htignk of other things n
focus your mind o nit fully think of htht only n whever u think of otherthigsn stop urself form
thinking of other htngs apply put your mind ot thht only keep ur mind I nt hth only … u need
ot keep ur mind completely focused o nit not think of other htigns not od od otherh tigns..
not invoel ur mind in other things switch everything else off keep this I nur mid ninvovle ur
midin fully I nthth only… keep this I nur mind remember this nd so accordingly regautle urself
by providng regulatory togtus heverytiem u setray n deviate n dot nod what u knw ow in ur
mid ni n ur mme u are supposed ot od n hence bring urself back… keep urself I nit by providing
self regualatory self correcting htogutsh n regautle urself … you need to keep in mind what is
important and what is not imporatnat what is more importnatn nad beneiftail for u n ur
progresss understand this n what is not importnatn n keep it in ur mind… and accordingly you
need ot regulate ureslf by providing regulatory thgouht and hence make urself do it … you
know in ur mind wahto tyu need oto do its ther ein ur memeory what oyu need oto do and
so oyu think accordingly and hence you do ti…

5) Intentionally knowingly on purpose consciously think of your wrk n imp things think of ur wrk
only like what wrk to don complete to achieve ur goal think n decide n how to do ut wht to do
how to go about it think n strategize you willdo ur wrk onlyif think of doing ur wrk not other

Know What u need to do n terms of urmem n ur thinking to regulat e urself n ur actions cause ur
actions are the result of the thoughts goi on in u r head u ned to know what are the things ur need to
od to reg ursefl n keep it in ur mind n not forget it so tht u do it n follow it
Once yo uknwo hw othe process wrks n the way the techniwque of self regautlion… n once u know
know what you need to do n ua re supposed t od then its easy to figure ourt where u are going wrong
n what u are doing wrong n what u are not oding… tht is causeig yo ut olose control not be in cotnroll
of oyuracitons its cause either its not ther ein ur mind u hacve forgotten or tits ther ein ur mid nbuyt
you rar en ot reguatling urlsefn n providing regu thgoutsh n so on

U need to know what you need to do how to regulate urself n ur actions

Know how ot reguatle urself steer cotnroll direct self driven self inttiative self starting… self doing
without having others to tell you to od it… only then you know hwo to instruct ndirect others
command others… al eadrer is a person hwo knows what to do in his mind nad he accordingly
instructs ntells others what t odo n directs them n oxcmmands them… where as a self driven person is
one who knows in his mind what odo n he accordingly crrects n commands instructs n n tells himself
namkes himself do it…. Its not he who cotnrolls others is great its he who controls himself is great….
Who knows how ot control himself n reguatle himself his own acitons is great… a leader is a person
who know what to od n knows how to get it odne by deleagitng and commanding others … instructing
directing and os on

Thank God for saving my life n showing me the way as to what to od earlier I lacked reguatlio nadn
control… over myself n acitosn I used to think any thing nonsense unimp thghiss n waste my time n I
used to od anything nnonse unimp things htth my impulsive htogutsh told me to od… cause its was
storedi n my memory as my berain enjoyed doing those aciriivtes wither good relaxing and so on… but
those acitivites were unimp n not benefital for my prog n for achieving the imp cruicail critical thgis ni
nlifefor my prog nsurival …thank god now I know wht I need to do how to regulate my self n my

If you think that to ahceive a goal tyo uneed so and so time or you need ot put I nos and s oeffort but
in reality when you go to do it then you need 3 to 4 times more time to compelte the work and 3 to 4
times more effort pains endeavour to do thth work finish compelte tht work than you intilaly thgouth
you needed that is why you should not waste ur time if oyu think it will take one day for oyu to od it
then it will take 3 to 4 days for oyu t odo it… in reality and so oyu need ot be not waste ur time and
work constinously day nad night by willing ready to put I na lot ofeffort I nto it wark cosntnatly
contiously nad day n night

Thought awareness: - Sitting calmly and being aware of what you are thinking of what thoguths are
goin on In ur mind…. Knowing identifying what impulsive htogutsh you get in your mind telling you to
od what so thth you can resit control regaurle say no to impulsive htgouths cancel impuslvie htogutsh
tht tell you to do other htigns thth you know I nur senesibel memory you should nto be doing cause
its not good not conducsive or beefital o r cause u need other hmore imp thgisn to od…. Or knowing
idneitfuying realisng what oyu are thignkign of what is goin on I nur head what topic oyu are htignkign
of whato yu are htignkign about so thth oyu can stop urself form thignkign of things thth u know in ur
mind a re unimp and make urself thignk of imp thgis nby providing regaultory htgotush … to stop
urself form thinking nfo iunimp thgisn nmake urself think of imp thigns And so thth accordingly you
can reguatel your thignkign... what I ma htinkign of what is goin on I nmy head is it imp? Knowing
what you are htignkign of what is goin on in ur head… focusing your mind and stop yourself from
thignkign of other thigns… Its only when you are aware, n you know what you are htinkign fo and
what is goin on I ur head… oyu are conscious n aware of it tht you can reguatel ur thinking according
to what you know I nur sensible meemroy what you shud n shud nto think or do … indentify recognize
wht thoguths u get in ur mid n nwhat you are thignkig nfo so thh tu can resit n control n reguatle n
stop urself for mthginking of unim thgisn ht u know I nur mid n ushud nt I be thinking nof as u ne d to
thin kof imop things n or impusvle htoguths tht htell u to od a cerati nacitons tht u u know I nur mid n
ushud n tot be doig nas u hits nto benefital good for u or giht or correct or u have more imp thgis nto
od choosing on e action over other htiht u know I nru senseible memory u shud be oding but if oyu are
lost in your own thgouths n u think unaware unknowingly unconsciously without realisingh what you
are htinkig nfo being attetnisve what is goin o ni n ur head hten you will find it hard to reguatl e n
control lyour thinking Stop thinking of other htigsn n focus ur mind on it don’t get distracted keep ur
mind I nti inovel ur mind I nt put ur mind to it think of thth only….

Uknwo in ur mind thth u need ot get it done fast n so u think we need ot wrk day n nhgit n wrap thgis
thing fast ocmpelte this thing quick

if they dont see or hear it then how will they know tht such a thing or product exists n if they dont
know then they will not buy how will they buy? consnt reminders to remind them in case they have
forgotten n its nolonger ther in their memory so tht they rember stored in their memory n so they
think n hence they buy

how ot keep ur mind n focus in it whren you read speak thht tlak tht in ur mind , so thth ur mind n
focus is fully I nit n u nderstnad it n u don’t think of other htigsn read it in ur mind each wrd n
understand tit I only then move to next read fast to keep ur attention in it but don’t skip read

Directed thinking ndirect ur htgoutsh to tit h ink of it only focus your mind… onl y thht thigns shud go
o ni n ur mind

Distracted mind htinkign fo other htigns and concentrated and focused mind thinking of ur wrk n imp
thgisn only…. Distractded mind if your mind is distracted n not in ti not inovled in ti otherh tioguths
are goin on I nur mind hten either you will take 10 times more time more ot od it n complete it if oyu
have a hard time focusing oyur mind instead whrne yo uregautel ur thignkign n focus ur mind n think
of htht only then you take less time to do it.. when u do it with a focused mind

Focus ur mind keep ur mind invevolved in it don’t think fo otherhtigns think of htht only think n
decide make a list of htigns to od think what work to od otday toahve ur goal thin kwaht course of
action to take think of oyur work only and nothing else keep ur mind focused n wrk n imp thgisn tht
uknwo I nur mind u shdu think of pudirect ur thinking nmental effort n energy to n sto purself form
getting disrtrated nd ivetedfn thinking nof unim opthgsi nn wasting ur time n mental effort energy

Stop thinking of all this now and involve your mind in ur work now in application process give only 1
hour to this every day.. stop yoursefl from thinking of other htigsn and invoel in action more thatn
discussion and words action regarding what you want
I have sent you a mail please read htat and get back to me…
I have sent oyu a mail please read it and tell me if you have any issues
You need to keep ur midn ckear and free focus ur mind on imp things not think fo other thigns

You need to keep in mind wah are the things you shud nshud not do and accordingly u need ot regautle
useresfl n make urself do it by provding self reg n sef correcting thgouths self instructing comamdnign
dricinvg thoughts instructions and commands on the basis of hwato yu know I nur memory u shud
nshudn ot be doing
Keep I nmind htsings like u shud nto waste ur time ushud not dod oterh htigsn u shud nto thin kfo other
htigsn u shud think fo oyur wrk only and so on keep in min d what ur goal is thht u wantot ahcive and
what wrk u nee d todo for it so thth its there in ur mid n u reguatle ursefl accordingly n make urself do it
n follow it

How to regulate yourself the process of self regulation,know understand what you need to do n have
to do to reguatl ursefl keep ursefl on the right path to oyur goal I ncheck under control, know what y
ou need ot od how ot regulate ursefl what you need ot od in terms of memeory and thinking and
action, (know how the process works form memory to thining to action and what you need ot o dot
be I ncontorlll fo oyur acitnons n reguatle urel f n keep urself o nteh path t oyour goal working
towards ur goal, know what you need o t do at the memory and htinkign lelve to be In control fo oyur
actions :-
Memory: -
1)keep in mind what you need to do (things like you shudn ot waste ur time doing oteh r thgisn nto
think of other htigns what your goal is n what work u need ot o dot achieve ur goal) feed in input
reenter store info, reprogram, recall remember remind keep in mind so htht you odnt forget n its ther
ein ur mind u know in ur mind what o yu need ot od and so accordingly o nthe basis of the info stored
I nur memeory you regulate urself by prvoding self regulatory self instructing guiding comamdnign
dicorrecitng directing thgoutsh to make urself do it … as you know in ur min d in ur sensible memeory
what oyu should nad shudn ot od and so accordingly you reguatle urself and diretctn comamdn n
instrucut ursefl correct urself by prviding self reg thoguth to make urself do it.
(Impulsive memory and sensible memory) , keep in mind remember recall remind so ht u don’t forget
and u know I nur mind what u need ot od and so thth u regulate l urself accordingly by providng
regulatory thoughts to make ursfl od it correct ursel f evrytiem u stray n prevent ursefl from straying

3) you know inur midnw aht oyu need ot od and so accordingly make ursefl do it and follow it
correct yourself and ur acitons reguatle nad control urslef n ur acitons and ur thinking by
intentionally proviindg self correcitn g self regualort y self instructing guindin thoughts
commands to make yourself do it and follow it… and to keep urslf on the right path to ouyr
gaol and ot correct ursefl everytiem oyu stray an d to an d don’t od htigsn u know in urm idn
snesibel memory oyu should be oding coannstly monitoring and correcting urself n controlling
n regutating ur acitons and ur thinking by intentionally rpvodgn regautlory thought to make
urself do what you know in ur mind oyu shud be doing nstop urslef from doing what oyu know
I nur mid n ushu n dot be doing self correcting n regulating directing commadnign g steering
nn instructing cosntnalty provide self reguatlory thgotush on the basis ofhwaht oyu know in ur
mind u shud nshud not do if oyu don’t regulate ursself n enengage I nself regulation n dotn
provide self regautlort y thgoutsh then due ot the lack o nreguatlion you will be out of ocntorll
n do anything thth ur impuslvie thogutsh tell u to od n think any htign , your actions are a
result of the thoughts goin o n in ur head to be in control of ur action n regulate ur actions u
need to regulate ur thinking n be in control of ur thinking regulate ur actions by oproviding
regulatory thoughts u need to practise thought control n regulation u need to know how to
regulate u thinking n ur actions make urse;f stop thinking of or doing a certain action make
urself think of a certain thing or doa certain action by providing regulatory thought u know in
ur mind what u shud n shudn ot do nshid nshiid nto think n so accordingly provide regulatory
htoguths to make ursefl do n think of ceratin htigns n stop urslf from doing n thinking of
ceratin htigns…

u know in ur mind what u need to do thigns like u shud not waste time doing unimp things n
soo n so whenever u find urself doing unimp things tht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing
n regulate urself ur actions by providing regulatory thoughts, make urself stop tell urself lets
not waste time doing unimp things now
lets get to wrk

ur thoguths act as instructions or commands for oyu to od certain nhtigns or stop doing
certain htigns

know the prcess you know in ur mid nu have wrk to od and so oyu think lets not waste tiem
watching tv lets get ot wrk so out swirch the tv off n get to work… htht is u stop one action for
a more important action… first oyu think and tehn you do it stop doing a crratin action or do a
certain naction ur acitons are a result of th ehthgoutsh gon on I nru head

3)you need to ocnstnatly reguatle your thinking your acitons are a result o ht htoguhts goin o ni nur
head ot b e I nocntroll of oyur acitosn you need ot be in control of oteh thgotush goin on I nur head n
conanstlt y rreguatle ur thingking , first you think of oding something or get a thgout hin ur mind ot od
osomehtign on ly heten you do it, resist impulsive htoguths thth tell oyu to od htigns hth u kknow in
ur mind sensible memory u shud not be doing say no to those impulsive htignsoughts n focus ur mind
stop urslef form thinking of unimp htigsn thth will bring u no gian n benefit n waste ur time nad direct
n focus ur mind ot imp thgisn n make urslef hitnki of imp things…
You need to regulate your htignkign and oyur acitons, be aware of the thgoutsh goin on inure had
know what you are htinkign of what thoguths you get and regaute ur htinkign accordingly

What u need to do at the thought level how to regulate urslf n ur actions by regulating ur thinking
nproviding sself regulatory thoughts ur actions ar a result o f the thoughts goin on in ur head frrst u
think of doing something only then u do it or u think of stopping n only then u stop utr thoughts act as
inst n commands fr u to start o r stop amn action n so provide reg thoughts to stipop urself or make
urself do ceratin things
You need to practis e thought control and regulation regulating your thgouhts , self control and
regulation that is regulating your self and your actions,

Regulating ur thinking practice thought regulation n control, control:-

Be aware of the thoughts goin on in r head know what you are thinking of n wht thoughts u get in ur
mindn regulate ur thinking accordingly
Be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head know what you are thinking of what impulsive thoughts u
get so tht u can regulate ur thinking accordingly

Resist say no to impulsive thoughts:- tht u get due to the info storded in ur impulsive memory telling u
to do things that ttell u to do things tht u know n understand in ur sensible mem u shudnt b e doing
amd hence stop urself from doing it prevent urself frm doing it.. thought command instruti n
cancellatoion n rgeulatio resist say no to impulsive htoguths tht tell u to do things tht u know in u
mind are not mp, u can do later on, waste of time, brng u no prog or ebenfit or gain…

Intionally knowingly in purpose at will think of a cerati nhtign what shouldi think of now lets think of
this now htin kof what o think fo …

htoguths stop urself form thinking ng ceratin things make urself think of cerati nthgis nitnentioanlly
think fo imp things, at will think of omimp things focus ur mind direct ur thinking, directe d thinking ,
cosntnatly reguatle ur thinking know how to focus ur mind direct ur thoughts mke urself stop thinking
of unimthins topics issures tht u know in u mind are not mp, u can do later on, waste of time, brng u
no prog or ebenfit or gain… n focus ur mind on imp n critical things think of imp rthings tht are critical
n imp for ur progress benefit n gain n survival… stop ureslf from thinking nonsense

Intentionally think of ur wrk what wrk to do n how to do it n so on only then u will do ur wrk keep ur
mind in ur wrk think of ur wrk n imp things only

Be aware of what is goin on in ur head what are you thinking of n reg ur thinking accordingly
Wht am I thinking of is it imp
Think time to think of other things later on
Switch on n off hrget in the zone switch of forget everything else n think of ur wrk n imp things bre on
amission tp achieve ur goal focus n concentrate ur mind put ur mind to it fdirect ur midnd to it think
of thtonly

Regulating your acitons:- your actions are a result of the htogutsh goin on I nur head, you need a
thoguth t ostart or staop an action, first you think fo coind something or stop doing some htign only
hten you do it or stop doing it so u need ot provide a thgouht regualortry thgouht t ostop urself form
doing certain nthgisn or make urself od certain things ththt u know I nru mid nu hsudn or shud not be
doing… to make ursefl stop doing certain thing s or to maek ursefl do cerati nthgis nmotivate urself to
od cerati nthigns focre urself to od cerait nthigsn kick urself up.. drive urself..n hence reugularte ur
actions bt y providing self correctin self regulatory thoughts inst commadnnds on the basis of wh u
know in ur mind u shud n shud not be doing. Changing utr actions as per wht u know in ur mind u
suhud n shud not be doing… controlling impulsive beahviour action tht arises due to impulsive
thoughts tht u get in ur mid to do certain things tjht h ur brarain enjoys doing aas tstored in mpulsive
memory , for ppl who lack control cause they don’t know how to resist say no to o tr control
impyulsive behavior as u know n understand in ur mind wht ushud nshud not do its ther in ur memory
so accordingly on the basi s of tht say no to resist impulsive actions stop impulsive action obsessive
iout of control action s b y providing reg thoughts.. know how to regulate and control addictive
obsseseive impulsive behavior tht arias due to impulsive thoughts tht tell u to do it and these
impulsive thoughts arises due to proimitive n impulsive memory as info is stored there tht the brain
enjoyed doing a ceratin act… and so u get impulsive thoughts telling u to do it…


Inteionally providing self regulatory self correcitn self directing htogutsh inst or commands on the bsis
of what oyu know inur mind ushdu or shud not be oding or htignking to make ursefl do it correct
urself cdirect instruct command ursefl n keep urself on the right path

Thought control control and regulate ur thinking:- resist say no to impulsive htoguths stop urself form
thinking ng ceratin things make urself think of cerati nthgis nitnentioanlly think fo imp things, at will
think of omimp things focus ur mind direct ur thinking, directe d thinking , cosntnatly reguatle ur
thinking know how to focus ur mind direct ur thoughts

Intentionally think of ur wrk what wrk to do n how to do it n so on only then u will do ur wrk keep ur
mind in ur wrk think of ur wrk n imp things only

Control and reguatle urself and your actions:- stop urself from doing cerati nthgis nmake urself
motivate urself force urlef sto od htigns tht u know inur mind u hsud be doing

Know in ur mind what is imp n what s not imp for ur benefit gain progress … n keep it in ur mnd wwht
Is imp… n reg ureslf accordingly

Internal process:-
External outcome /result of the internal processes:-

When I was in college… I wanted to score good marks, but I was not able to, cause I simply did not know
what to do, I didn’t have the technique, I was out of control, I was not I n control of my acitons, I did not
know how to be in control of my mind and ot reguatle myself and qwaht I needed to od for that, and so I
was not able to get my sefl to study I was easily distracted and diverted min and os on and I also did not
know hhow the mind worked the process worked from meory to htinkign ot action nand what I needed
ot do about it.. and so my performance was poor…

Your actions are a result o hf thethoguths goin on in urhead first you think of doing something or get a
thought to od it only then you do ti to be in control fo oyur acitons you need to be in control of the
htogutsh goin on in ur head you need ot be aware of theht htoguths goin on I nur head and regulate ur

You need to get a grip over ur mind over ur thoguths over ur thinking, you will do oyur wrok only if oyu
think of oyur work, if your mind is ditracted and diverted and you are thinking of unim pothgins nad
othehr itngs thoughts realted too other usless uinimp things topics issues are goin on in ur mind other
hthoughts are goin on I nur mind, then your mind is distracted d n diverted and not in ur work nad so
oyu will nto od oyur work you need ot ofcus your mind and ocnsntrate your mind o nyour work get a
grip on ur mind over ur htoguths over ur htingkign stop urself form thinking of unimo things invovleing
ur mind I nunimp thgisn stop wasting ur time nad mental energy and effort and htiniking on unimop
thigns and focus oyur mind ur thinking direct ur thinking concentrate ur mind keep ur mind involve your
min d I nthigsn thth u know I nur smensible memory are imp and critical for oyur progress to ahciev ur
goal sn ad so o nkeep urm ind in ur wr k and think fo wr k and imp things only… only then you will do
oyur work not other wise…

Be aware of the htoguths goin on I nur head and whenever ufind urself thinking o f unimp thgisn ur
mind divetrted and distracted and not htinkign of oyur wrk and imp things then stop urself from thinking
of unimp thgis nby providing self reguatlory htogtuhs and make ursefl think of oyur wrk n imp thigns ,

Your actions are a direct result and outcome of the thoguths goin on in ur head first you think fo oding
something or get a thgouth I nur mind to od some htign only then you do ti to be in control fo oyur
actions you need ot be in control fothe thgoutsh goin on in ur head know what oyu are htignking of be
aware of what you are thinking of n what thoguths you get in ur mind n what are the thoughts goin on I
nur head… n rgeuate ur htinkig naccoridngly provide reuagltory thgouths on the basis of what oyu know
I nur mind u hsud nshud not be doing n hence reguatle ur htinkign n ur acitons…

Keep ur mind totally absordbed n invoeld in ur wrok think fo oyur wrk only only thgouths related to wrk
shud go on in ur mind odnt idvert and deviate ur mind else where inovel ur mind I nother hunimp
useless things thth eiwill brign u no gain bebnfit or help u to achevie the imp crucial and critical things in
life for ur survival comfortable life happinessn progress andinstead waste ur tiem no value or gain
unimp things foolin g around goofing around doing htigns htth will waste ur tiem misdidrected energy
mind focusing ur ohysicankl and mental energy on unimp thgisn… instaeado f imp thgis nin life… thth
will help to solve ur problems in life

Keeep in mind what u need to od htigns like “if oy uwant to achevie ur goal u need otwrk hard fori t
work consntaly for it nonsetop day n night, n not waste tiem doin unimp thigs nutilizze ur time , by
working towerads ur goal not waste time doing unimp things” and as you know in ur mind what you
need ot od and so accordingly make urself do it motivate urself ot od it kicku rself up by proviignd
regualorty htoguths and telling ursefl “get up and get to work if oyu want otachvie ur goal u need to
work hard fori t” and hence by providing reguatlory thgoutsh direciotns directing instructing guiding
correcting eltelling urself make urself do ti and follow it

Keep this in mind “you should not wase te ur time doing n thinking of unimp thihsn thth will brign u no
gain or beenift… once you lose your time oyu will never get ti back so learn to value your time, ur time is
money every second oyu lose you are losing money, progress tht opportunity to achive ur gaol and
success and progress in lfie ot make ur lif e ocmfy and better, earn money n s o on, ,you should not
waste your tim e doing unimp thigns u wont get anything by doing all that it wont help you achive the
imp and critical and crucial thigns in life, and so you should utilize your time by working toward achiving
ur goal nad ahciveing the imp thgis ni nlife thth will help u achieve the imp t critical and crucial htigsn in
life for ur seluurval happiness comfort progress and so on” u need ot remember all this n keep all this in
ur mid nwaht u need to od a so thth u rmemebr it u know I nur mid nwht u shud nshud not od and why
the reasosn be hind it and it occurs to oyu nda you regulate urself acrodingly, keep this in mind n don’t
forget it so tht u rember u know n understand in ur midnd wht u shud n shud not do n why and so u
regulate urself accordingly, and as you know this in u r mind and remember this, whevenr u find urself
thinking of unimp thgisn doing unimp thigns stop urself by telling urself providing egulatory thoughts n
telling ureself “don’t waste ur time think n do imp things once ulose time u will never get it back” and so
make urself stop doing unimp things n do imp things by regulating urslf … you know in ur mid nwaht oyu
need oto do and so accordingly reguatle urself by rpoving reguatlory htgotuh comamadns isntrucitosn to
make urslfe do it to keep ur self o nteh path to oyur goal working otoyu r goal n to correct ursefl
everytiem oyu stray everytiem you get distracted diverted and do unimp things ht hu know in ur mind
are a awaste of time and u shud not be oding it but oyu do it cause either u enjoy doingi t and u eget
impusvle htgotus htellign u to od it cause of impuslve memeory, every tie mu find ursefl distracte
diverted and oding unimp thgisn tht u know I nur senesibel memory you should not be doing then tell
yourself “don’t waste ur time doing unimp things, you wont get anything by doing all that it wont help u
ahcive the crucial critical nad imp things in life, and hence stop urself form doing unimp things by
regulating ureslf b y provindg reguatlory thgotush instructions and commands

Keep this in mind don’t waset ur time in doing unimp things thth will bring oyu no gain beenift and
progress and wont help u ahvcvee the imp things in life nad so lve ur problems make urself comfy and
better and achive the imp crucial n coritacl things in life like money and os on.. pregrees self impivemetn
learning business information knweldgne ad so on skills and os on… tjob biz nad so on… know awhat is
imp in life and what is not imp and focus oyur mind oyur mental and physical energy on imp thgis no
nahcievieng imp thgisn in life working o towards ahciveing the crucial things in lfie not waseign your
time idling doing nothgin onr doing htinkign of unimp unnecessary useless things htht will brign you no
gian benefit and progress nwont help u achive the imp thgis nin life…. And keeping this in mind reguatle
urslef accordingly so thth every tiem you deviate nad stary or do unim pthgisn you stop ureslf by
prioving regulatory htogutsh intervientng n make ursefl do only imp thigns .. u wont get anhyting by
doing all thth it wont help u in any way no beneoft gain or progress what will u get by oding all thth I t
wont help u achieve imp things in lfie u are idling ur tiem spending wasting ur tiem I ndoing unimp thgis
ntht will brign u no gian or beefit … goofing around idling, aimless wandrign nothing no goal to ahicve
lost no idreciton no purpose doing unim pthgis nthth wont help u ahcivev a definite goal or objective or
imp purpose., direction less aimless wantedring wasting tim e with out setting out o n a path ot achieve
g anty specif imp goal or objective passing tiem which is imp losign time which is imp instead of utilizing
ur time using ur tiem by doing imp things thth will help u achie ve ur golas n im pthgins in life needed
ofor your survival, doing ur work n imp thgisn thht will help u ahiviei the imp thgis nin life , its like goin
around wandering aimless ley wasting tiem whtiout know where to og, goofing fooling wround nto
serious wasting your tiem, with out a defiicnt e set prupose goal mission or objective doing htigns htth
will brign u no gain or ebefit waste of tiem, have a set purpose goal imp objective to ahviecve uselss and
faltu… wastig n your precious time , doing un im thigns thth will bring u no beefit gai nrpogress folling
around goofing around, idling doing nothing or oding unimp things, is like wandering and seetign out
and wandering aimlessly with out a deifint purpose or a goal or distination to reach..

Keep in midn what oyur gaol is what oyu wnato to haiveh w nwhat wrk you need to o dot ahieve ur goal
what you hsud nshud not od , what is imp n what is not imp beebnfitial or unbebnfitail and accordingly
regulate urself , to maek uself do it follow it, nad to keep urself working toewards achvieiuign ur goal
keep ureslf o nthe path ot our goal and misisio nand objective

Total regualtio nand controll over your mind oyur thignkign and oyur actions
Keep in mind what your goal is, don’t forget what your goal is…. What you watnt to achvie so htth you
remember its hter in ur mind htht u have ot achvie ur goal n u need oto wrk for it and so oyu think
accorindgly and reguatle ureslf na you od thht is oyu wrok towards achevieign ur goal cause u know in ur
mind its hthere in ur mind thth u have this goal to acvheive n u needo t wrk for it and so oyu think
accordingly n hence you do it…

You need to keep in mind what you need to do,remember input feed I nur memory, ask urself remind
recall, so thath its there in ur mind what oyu need to od , what you r gaol is n what wrk u need ot od
things u need ot o dot achieve ur goal so that , you know in ur mind what you need to od, and u are
cosntnatly reminded of it n it occurs to oyu n so you think accordingly and hence oyu od it you and you
regulate your self accordingly by providng regaultory self ocrrectign thoguths and hence you make
yourself do it.

By default automatically doing it on your own n without any one having ot tell you to od it self regaulting
managing commanding governing self correcting instrcutiong self driven
Understing n knowing hwat ot o od keeping it I nur mind so thth u remember n u knw in ur mind what
oyu need ot od and regulating toyurself accordingly by providing sefl reguatlory htogtush to make
yourself do it … so thth u know in ur mdin what u need ot od n it occurs to u n you regulate urself
accordingly by providng regulator thgoutsh and make urself do it n correct urself
You know in ur mid nwhat oyu need o ot do and know how to make urself do it nad follow it by
provoding regulatory thgotush teulating ur htinkig nrpacitsin g thgotush reguatlio nan d ocntroll how to
make urself od it and follow it by controlling n rgualting your htignkign prodividng reguatlory htogtush
n hence bei n control fo oyur acitons by being I ncontrol fo yo ur thghouts n preactising ocnsnant
thgoutht reguatlio nadn control to be in control fo oyur acitons thoguths control techniques to keep
urself doing what oyu know in u mid nu shud do stop urslef form oding otehrhtings to focus n
contrctrate ur mind n direct ur htigniking … to keep urself o nthe path to oyur goal wrking ot our goal
How to be I ncontroll fo oyur actions by being in control fo the htgotush goin on I nur head hwo ot
regaulte ursefl n ur acitosn by providing regautlory thoguths instrucitosn and commands ot make urself
do and follow hwat oyu know in ur mid nu shud be doing to stop urlsef form odign otehrh tigns hwo to b
e inc otnrol lfo oyur acitos nby regautlign ur htignkign rpactisign thoguth controtroll n getting a grip o n
the thgotus hgoing on I nur head cause if oyu leave ur mind ot think fo anything you will be out of
ocntroll know what oyu ne dot odo how ot regulate ur acitons by regautlig nur htignkign hwo to direct
ur htignkign focus your mind and os on o nimp thgisn only hteny ou will od oyur work know how ot get a
grip over ur mind control over ur mid nover ur htignking know what oyu need oto od hwo to reguatle
ureslf n ur acitosn by reguatlign ur htignking cause ur acitosn are a fdirect ersult of hteht ogutsh ogin o
ni n ur head know hwo to reguatle ur sefl… n hwat oyu need ot od … at the htignking level… how ot be in
control fo oyur acitosn by proivign self reguatloryh toguths n controlling nregualtign ur thinking the
htoguths goin on I nru head constantly t imake ursefl do n follow what u knw oin ur selnsibel memory u
hsud be doing total control .. thoguth control nself regulation technique..take controll fo oyr mind hwo
ot reguatle n be in controll fo oyur acitons by being I ncontrol lfo t hthe htgoutsh goin on in ur head n
how to regulate rurself

How to regulate ur actions by regulatin ur htignking.. contnstly reguatlign yoru thignkign hwo ot make
ureslf do it n follow hwat oyukn ow in u e mid nu shud be doing by providng eguatorty thgotush n
commands hwo to make ureslf do it n follow it total control fo oyur acitons
How to regulate ur actiosn by regautling your thinking constnatnly n privindg reguatlort htghuts

Be awre of hteh tgouhst goin on I nur head know what you are htignkign fo what impuslvie htogutsh you
get telling u to do what say not to impuslve htgotush tht ell u to od otherh tigns thth u know I nur mind
u hsud not be doing… n hence prevent ureslf form doing it
Know what o yu need to od hwo to regulate ursefl n ur actions by constnly controlling nreguatlign ur
thginkign n providng self reguatlory htogutsh commands n ninstrcutions accoridn g to what you know in
ur mind u hsud n husnd to be doing to make ureslf do it cause uracitosn a re a resut l of th the thoughts
goin o ni nur head … n to be in cotnroll fo oyur acitosn u need ot be in cotnsnt control fo the htgotush
goin on I nur head n reugatle ur thignkig nn provide eeugaltoryh togtush inst commands to make urself
do n follow hwat yo uknwo I nu rm id nu shud nbe doing to correct urself nkeep urself o nthe right path
to ur goal

Your acitosn are a result of hteht htgoutsh goin on I ur head to be in control lf ooyur acitosn u need ot
ocnstnalty b e in control lfo the htgoutsh goin on I n urhead n reguatle ur thignkign nprovide regulator
yh toguths to make urslef do n follow what u know I nru sennesiblbe memeory u shud be doing

What you need to od at the thignkign level to regulate ursefl :-

You know in ur mind what you need to do and so accordingly regulate ursefl and your actions, by
intentionally on purpose knowingly providing reguatlorty thgotuhs that act as instructions and
commands to force urself and make ursefl do what oyu know I nur mind you should be doing ot stop
urself from doing htigsn thht u know in ur mind u shud not be doing to correct uresfl everytiem you
stray and to keep urself o nthe right path to oyur goal working towards oyur sgaol self disciplne will and
selc ontroll that’s how oyu should regulate ureslf…

Your actions are a result of hteh toguhts ogin on In ur head, to be in control of oyura citons you need ot
be in cotnroll fo the thoguths goin on I nur head, and constantly reguatle and ocntroll your htignkign and
provide Self - regulatory htogutsh instructions and commands to direct coammdns nad reguatle uresfl
provide instrucitosn to make urslef strat or stop doing or thinking nceratin things to regulate ursefl..

Know how ot reguatle ureslf and oyur actions n how ot be in control of oyour self and your acitosn
bybeing I ncontroll fo oyur htgotush practicing htgotush ocnroll n intentionally providing regualtaory
thgotushs on the vbasis of wht u know in r sensible mem u shud n shud not be doing thoughts that act
as instruction ncommnds to control n eregulate urself ur thinking actions..

If oyu don’t reguatle urself and stop your srelf from doing n thinking of certain nthgis nn make ursefl do
n think fo certia nthgisn thth u know I nur mind memmeory u sud nshud nto bre doing if oyu don’t
intentionally at will onp urpsoe porivde self reguatlory htogutsh to maek urself stop doing n thinking
ncerait nthgisn n nmakeu rslef do n think of cerati nthgis nthen you will be out of oyuntrol lyou wil have
no control over ur htgotuhs n actions… u wil be a slave to ur impusvle htogutsh you r mind wil be out of
contoll n think nosnesne n u will do what u r impusvle htogtus htell you to od due ot lack of self

As tyo uknow I nur mid n n uare remidned of it and os reguatle urself make urelf sstop doing otehrh
tigns by intetionally oknowingly on purpsoe proividng reguatloryh togutsh to make ursefl stop doing
certain nthgisn tell yourself “well lets not w aste any more time lets get t owork now”

Know what oyu need ot od I nterms of oyur htignkign how to reguatle urself make urslf stop doing cerati
nhtigsn n make urlsef do cerati tnhgisn thth u know in ur mind u hsud be doing hwo to self mamange
self govern self coammnd Guide instruct control disciple direct and os on…
Know what oyu need ot od at the thinking level… you r memeory is a static mprocess unmoving once its
stored int eht mind the information it stay s there unless s focurse you forget where as you r thinking is
a cosntnat process thgotush ar e cosntnalyt goin on I nu rhead and some ofo yur htoguths tare linked
related to the minformation stored in ur memeory.. thth is logically based on the information stored I
nur memeory, your acitosn are a direct result of hteh togutsh ogin on I nru head ot be in control lfo yur
acitosn you ened ot be in control lfo the thgotus hfgoin o ni n urhead n regulate ur htignkign nknwo hwo
ot reguatle ur htignkign process…. And hwo ot use your thinking provde reguatlory htogtush ot stop
urslef or makeu rlsef do certain thgis nor to stop utselrf or make ureslf think of cetarinh things or resist
impuslve thgotush … know what oyu need ot od at the thinking nlevel of to control your acitos nand
thoughts… n cotnroll ur acutosn ands and thogutsh by intentionally proivdn g reugaltoryh tgotush on
purpseo a t will with an objective on the basis of hwat u kwno I nur mid nu shud nhsudn ot b e doing and
ot ocntroll n reugalte urself n amek ursefl do it n follow it cause ur thogutsh act as intstrutions nad
commands for u to do cerait nthgis nor stop odinf g cerati nthgisn

You need to keep in mind what you need to do, so tht you remember what you need tod oits there in ur
mind you know in ur mind what you need to o d and you are constantly reminded of it and when you
don’t do the thigns htht u know in ur mind u shud od or u do thign thigns htht u know in ur mind u shud
not od it occurs to oyu and you are emeinded of itn so u think accordingly and hence ouy do it or u
reguatle urself by providing regualtorty thgotuhs and so make urslfe do it n follow it

You need ot be aware of htheth goutsh goin on I nur head know what oy uare htinign of and regulate ur
thinking resist impulsive thoughts tt tell u to do oother things, focus ur mind n make urself think of wrk
n imp things not of nonsense things
Intentionally at will knowingly think of ur wrk n imp things… think of what to think of what should I think
of now? Lets think of wrk what wrk to do n sson… how to do it n so on… think n decide what you shud
think of

You need to know hwo to reguatle youresfl :-

You know I nur mid nwaht oy uneed to od and so accordingly provide reuagltory htgotsht s instracuitosn
commands intetentionally on purpose at will knwoiengly to make urself o ti n follow it to reguatel ru
acitosn n u rh tignking to control ur accitosn n ur htignkign to stop ursefl doing nthignking oth ehrt ignsh
n make urself do n think of imp thgisn .. you know I nur mind what oyu need to od so reguatle urself
accordingly by providng self regulatorty thgouths commands n instrucitosn to correct ursefl every time
u stray to keep ureslf o nthe right path ot u r goal to make urself do what u know I nur mind u shud be
Prog the mind to succeed:-
The process of self regulation:
You need t o keep in mind what you need ot do things like “what your goal is what work you need ot o
dot achieve ur goal, you shudnt waste ur time doing unimp htigns, you shud not think fo other thgisn
and so on” so tht oyu remember you know in ur mind what oyu need to do and you are reminded of it
constantly and it occurs to every time you don’t od the thgis nu know I nur mind u are supposed otod
otr od the things you know in ur mind u hsud not od so it it cocurs to oyu and so you think accoridngl
nay and hence oy udo it you reguatle urself accordingly by providng regulatory htogutsh and hence oyu
do it …

Know wha u need to do to be I n control of ur mind n ur action ur thinking n ur actions get a grip on ur
mind n thought going on in ur head if u let yu rmind gor gfree unreagualted restrained n fre t think of
anything u will be out of control … know how to regulate ur actions n ur thinking practice thought
regulatoion ncontroll

You know in ur mind what you need ot od and so accordingly reualrete urself to make ureslf do it and
follow it by providing regulatory htoguths isntrucitons and commands to correct rurself every time u
stray to stop urself from getting distracted n diverted , to keep urself on the right path to your goal
working otwars your gaol…

Be aware of the htgotush goin on I nyour head know what you are htignkign of n reguatle urself thinkign
stop yourself from wasting your time thinking of nosnne n unimp htigsn… n make yourself think of work
and imp thigns…

Your actions are a result of the thgouths goin on I nur head first you think of doing something only then
you do it… to be in control lfo oyur actions be I ncontroll of the thgotush goin o ni nur head ,b ea ware of
htht htoguths goin on I n urhead what thoguths you get what imuopulsve htogtush you get in ur mid
ntellign yo ut ood what… and regulate ur impuslve htogtsh ut hressit them say no to them

Think fo oyur work what work ot od and os on n think of imp thgisn

Think fo what work to od think of doing ur wrok what should I do now do totday to achieve ur gaol let d
odthis now and so on you will do oyur work only if oyu think fo oyu r wek n think ndecide what work to
od not other wise..

Practice htgouth regulation and control reuglaute ur thoguths nad oyu acitosn by prviidng regualotryh
toguths o nthe bassis of what oyu know I nur mind u hsud n shud not be doing

Your htgouths act as instrucitonsw and comamdns for oyu to strat or stop an acitons … so inteionally on
puprpose at will provide self reugaltroy htgotus hto make urelf s do cerati nthgis to matiavate urself to
do certain things nthht u know I nru mid n ush ud be oding or to stop urself form oding certia nthgis
nthth u know I nru mid n ushud not be oding..

Provide reugaltor yhtoguhts to reugtate and ontroll you r thinking to stop urself ro mthinking cerait
nthgis n nto make urself think of certain nthgsin
Intentionally think fo oyur work and imp thigs nthink of what to think of what hould I think fo now let
sthink of this now contcetrate ur mind focus rur mind on im othgis nkeep ur mind I nimp things directed
thinking at will knowingly htinkign of a cerati n topic imp thgisn… drecitng ur htoguth sto it… thinking of
im to htigsn

Know what u need to do interms of ur thinking n regulate ur thinking

What goin on In ur head know what oyu are htignking of what thgotush are goin on I n ur head stop
ursefl from thignkign fo ninsensen invoveling ur mind I nunimp thisgns ennagein g n occupying ur mind I
nunimp htigsn thth will bring u n o progress benefit or gain and make ureslf thiknk of imp things ur
acitosn are a result of hteht htgostu hgoin on in ur head so be aware of hteh thgotus hgoinon I n urhead
know what oyu think of what thogtush you get in ur mid n reguatle ur thignkign
Think f our wrk n imp thgis nlike hawt work to od tofday n compelte to ahcevie ur gaol, and how ot od it
n go about it and os on reguatle n control ur htignking pracitse thgotush regulation and thgouth control

U need to know what you need to do how to regulate urself

U need to know what u need to od how to reguale t ur self and your actions keep ur mind o nthe path
tto your gaol… you need o t know hwwo the process works what goes o ni nur mind I nterms of
memeory and htignking thaht lead to actions and how to reguatle these process to be in control fo your
actions know what you need ot od I nterms of these processes to be I ncontroll of oyur acitons….

You need t o keep in mind what you need to do things like what oyur gaol si what oy uwant ot achvie
what wrk u need ot od otto achveie ur gaol… and htigsn like u shud not waste ur time not thignkign fo
other htigns egualte urself and os on n u need ot keep in mind so on … so tht u remember what you
need to od its ther ien ur mind n u are reminded of it n it occurs to you ever y tiem u stray n u dotn do
what you know in ru mind u are supposed to od it occurs to you and so oyu think accordingly n hence oy
udo it or reguatle ursefl accordingly by providing regualort y thgoutsh n so oyu do it …
Know the thechniques to keeo p I nmind n to remind yourself to keep urm id n o nth epath to ur gaol n
make urself remember what you need t odo

Udnerstnad the process how it works… fro memory to thingkign ot acton n what you need ot od aobut
the process that go on I nur mind memeory and htignkign wahich lead ot action onl yhrthetn oyu know
hwo t ot rgualte ur acitons

The process of reguatlion

Your acitosn are the result of the thgotush goin on I nurhead you need ot ostnantly reugalte ur thinking
n htogtuhs ogoin on I nur headn control ur thingking

Reguatlion exersies
Cakexericse eat the cake (impulsive thoughts) no odnt eat the cake

The process fo reguatlion

Keep in mind what oy uneed to do .. things like control n reguatle ur thignkign constantly, stop urseflf
rfrom thginkign of other htigns, maek urslef think ofo yur wrk procivde reguatloryh togtush resist
impulsive thgouths
You need to keep I nmidn what u hsud nhsud nto do so thth the info is stored I nru mind ists hre ein ur
mind u remmebr what u need ot od n it occurs to u n u are cosntyl reminded ofi t cause u are goin to
reugalte urself n provide reugaaltotrhy thgotush o nthe baiss of this info stored I nur mmemeory if it s
not hter ei nur mind wht u hsud nshud nto do n why if oy uhave forgotten and itsn ol onget there in ur
mind then you will nto od it cause u have forgotten what u need oto od n its no longe hr tere I nur
memeory… and so oyu wont reugalte urself nprovde regulatory htgotush n so oyu wont od it

You need to keep in mind what are the thgins tht u need ot od htigsn like what ur gaol is what wrk u
need ot o dot achieve ur goal n things like u shud not waste ur tiem doing otherh tigns u shud not think
of otherh tigns n so on … so thth urememebr its there in ur mind u know I nur mind what u need ot od …
And so u think accordingly n hence u do it n u reugalte urself accordingly by intentionally providing
regualotryh togutsh n mke ursefl do ti… u need ot keep I nmi nd so thth u reemebr and u don’t forget
and u knew in ur mid nwaht u need to od cause iti is on the baisss of f this info stored in ru memeroy
thth u are going to reguatle ursefl… n privde reg thgoutsh n make urself o it n follow it… if you dotn
remeebr n u have forgotten what uneedo to d hwt u shud nshud nto od n its no longer hter ein ur mind
hten u will not do it cause u have forgotten hwat u need ot od its nolonger hter ei nur mdi nand so u wil
nto reguatle urself accordingly or htignk accordingly n os you wotn do it
Way s techniquest o keep in ind refersh ur mmeoery prog ur mind d ,input I nur mind what une ed to od
hwt u shud nshud nto do:-
So htth u rmemeber and its htrer I nru memoery hwat u shud n hsiud not od and so oy ureguatle urelf
accoridngly by poprividng reguatlory htogstu Io n the basiso f this info stored I nur memeory and so oyu
od it nfollow it.. so keep I nmind
You are goin to reugalte urself nad provide reguatlory htogtush on the basis of the info stoered I nru
memeory as to whay ot yo uknwo I nur mind u hsud nshud not do, if its nto htehr in ur mind I nur
memeor y wht u shud nshud nto if ou y have forgotten it if its nologner htehr in ur mid then it wont
occur to to ouy and so u wont think accordingly or reguatle urself accordingly by providng regualory
thgouth nad so you wil nt odo it and so u need otrmeemebr n keep I t I nru mind hwt us hud nhsudn ot

Who toh deemag mein rehata hi hai ki subhae ko uthnekahai aur kamm hai isli mein rraat kno soch ta
hon thogtuh ata hai yaad ata hai aur htoguth ata hai aur uth ta hoon..
The more u think fo it the more u wil lremebr it n dwell o nit the more it gets etched I nru mind
So recall wht u hsudn hsud not do wht are hthe things u shudn hsdn to d o sothth u rmeemebr it…
total l recall
refersh memeory a
and so on…
so tth u know I nur mind its thehr ein ur mind u remember u know I n ur mind what u need oto d n u
regulate ureslf accordingly by providing regualtry htgotush n make urlsef do it n follow it
you need ot keep I nm ind what u need ot od n why hwt u shud n hsud nto od n why the reasosn behind
it so thth uknow in ur mid nwht u needo to od n u rmeemebr it n so oyu think accordingly n reguatle
ursefl accordingly n make urself do ti n follow it if u have forgotten n its nolongerh there I nurm idn wht
u need ot od then it wont occur to oyu n n so u wotn thin kaccoridngly n so u wont do it n follow it u
wont reguatle urself by proivdng reg thogtush n so yo uwotn o it
you know I nur midn I n ur memeory hwat you need to od what you shud nshud not do… and so yo think
accrodinllgy yo uregualte urself accordingly by providing regulatory htgotush n u make urself do it n
follow it

you know in ur mind what you need to od so accordingly you need ot regulate yourself to make urself
do it and follow it… you know in ur mind what you need ot od what you shud n shudnot do so you only
tell urself and regulate urself n make ursefl do it and follow it.. you don’t need others to tell u and
regulate u. u only regulate ursefl… correct urself every tiem u stray n dieviate from what u hsud be
doingn keep ursel o nthe path to ur goal and correct ur self ever yimte u diver t o r get distracted or u
don’t do what u are supposed o t od and so on…. Bring urself back o nthe path ot your goal working ot
oyur goal by proivign sefl reguatlory htgotus on the basis of what you know I nur mid nwhat u shudn
shud not be doing self ergualtoryh togutsh tht hth act as command s and instructions to keep ureslf o
nthe path to ur goal if ouy don’t reugatle ursefl then you will be out of control n u wont do what you
know I nru mind u shud be doing inspite of know in g it and so keep I nmidn what oy uneed to od and on
the basis of htht reguatle ursefl by proividng regulatory htoguths .. lack o fs elf reguatlion and you will
be out of control.. so reguatel yourself maek urself stop thinking of n doing otherh itngs nmkeae urslef
think of nad do things thh u know I nru mid nu shud be doing by providing self goevening correcting
regulatory htogsuth commands and isntruciorns t yo uknwo I nur mid nwhat oyu need oto do so oyu
only tell urself n make urself do it n reguatleu rsefl.. if oy udont reugatle ursefl by providing self
regualatory htgotush isntrucitons nad commands to direct isntrcut command urself on the basis of what
oyu know I nur mid nu shud n shud not be oding hten you will be out of controlll … due ot lack of self
governance n self regulation… you need to practice self regulation self corrections self driven self
instrucintg self directing self governing self commanding if oyu don’t restrain and regulate urself on the
baiss of what you know I nur mid nwhat you should and should not be doing and you elt yourself go free
lack of restrain and sefl reguatlion then you will be out of ocntroll and you will not do what you know I
nur mind ushud be doing isnpite of knowi ng I nur mind th htush ud not be doing a cerati nthgin or u
shud be odign a cerati nthign you will nto od it it cause oyu are not regautliong urslef oyu are not acitng
o nwhat u know I n ur mind u hsudn n hsud not be doing u are no t telling ureslf proiviidng self
regulatory htgotush istnrucitosn directions and commands self monitoring supervision and commanding
oyu know in ur mid nwht u need oto od and os oyu only monitor urelf supervise yourself know whterh u
are odoing it or not n intrcunt command urslef by prvoviidng reugalotry htgotush n motivating n
directing ureslf o m take urlesf do it n follow it n to bring urself back o ntrack every tiem your stray to
prvent yourself from getting idverted n ndistracted n to correct urself everytiem you stray.. to keep
urself o nth epath to oyur goal.. and hence make urself od it nad follow it if oyu don’t reguatle ursefl and
restrain yourself then you will be out of ocntroll… you wont od what you knowi nru mind u h ar
supposed ot od inspite of know in ur mid nhtht u shud do a cerati nthgis or u shud not do a cerati n thing
u will nto od it a feeling of helplessness nlack of control why? Cause u are not regulating oyuself.. u are
not acting o nwht u know I nru mind u hsud nshud nto b e doing… and so oyu are out of control du e to
lack of self reguatlio nad self restraint… you lack control u are out of control cuase either itsn ot hter ein
ur mid nwaht you need ot od or u are not reguatling urself … self regulation is self diisipline motivation
sefl restrain self control.. know hwo ot regulate uerself ay no to cerait nhthgisn b and make ureslf do
certain nthgisn thht u kwno in ur mid nu hsud nshud not be doing correct urelf every tiem you stray or
get diverted brign ureslf back o nteh righ t path cosntnatct self monitoring superiviison and self
correcting… by proividng reguatlor htoutghts instrucitosn nad coommnade.. if oy ule t yourself go free n
there is lack of self reguatlion then you are out of ocntroll oy uwotn do what u know I nru mid nu husd
be doing n u will do thgisn htht u know I nru mind u shud no be oding.. n so oyu need ot regulate ursefl
act o nthe basis fo wht u know I nru m id nu shud nshud nto be doing ncorrect urself n reguatle ureslf
by providing self reguatloryth hgtosuhgt sinstrcutiosn nad commands ocnsnntly to maek urelf od what
oy ukwno I nur mid nu hsud be doing nstop urself from doin g htigsn thth u know in ru mid nu shud not
be doing.. to correct ureslf self ever yit me u stray or ge t diverted idstractedn deviated n keep urslef o
nteh path to oyur goal… so now oyu know what oyu need to od and how ot reguatle urelf… so follow it..
lack of self reguatlio nadn you will be out of ocntroll …
you need to keep I nmdnid nwhat u shud nshud not do so thth u know I nur mid n hwt u hsud nshud not
do n u remember and it occurs to oyo uand so you reguatel urself accordingly o nthe baiss of htth by
providing self reguatloryh togutsh istnrcuitons nad commands ot make urself od it nad follow it.. n kepe
ursefl o nteh path to oyu r goal n brign urself back every tiem u stray or oyu are distracted n diverted.. if
yo uodnt reguatle urself n make ursefl stop by telling nurself to sotp u will continue ot od it … inspite of
know in ur mid n ushud not be doing ti u will be helpless out of control nto knowing hwoto amek urself
stop doing it inspite of know inrg I nru mind thth ushudn ot do it u continue to od it as urimpulsve
thoughts tell u t od o it n u feel sad deprressd helpless nad lost n out of control n u don’t know hwo to
regulate urself… how ot make ureslf sop doing cerati nthgisn n make urlsef do ur wrk n imp things… you
need to know hwo to reguatle urself… force urslef to stop oding otehrh tigns m n mkeu rsefl do imp
thgisn by reguatlign urslef n proviindg ergualtoryh toguhts on the basis of hawt u know I nur mid n
ushud nshdu nto be oding if oyu don’t regulate urself n u let urslef dog free n odnt restrain n reguatle
urself the nyo uwill be out of ocntroll due ot lack of slf reguatlion… hwen oyu are sleeping then as u
know I nur mid nhtht u nee od t oto wrk so kick yourself up mativete uerelfs n make urself do it by
regulating ureslef n telling nurself get uu p get up n workhard get ot work now n hence make urelf do
your work..

just cause you know in ur mind what oy uneed to od doesn’t meant hth u will think accordingly and
hence do it automatically on ur own by default cause there are impulsve thoguths thth tell u to do other
htigns htt may be unimpt but your brain enjoys doing it… and thths when reguatlioon comes in t oplay…
u need to regulate urself… n make urself do it n follow it by providing regulatory thoughts nst n
commands uinteionally knowingly forfully n on purpose to mae urself do it n follow it finally a break
through thank god!

When you are doing unimp thgisn then as you know I nur mid nthht u shud not waste ur tiem doing
unimp things as u have imp thgisn to od so tell yorueslf stop urself from doing unimp thgisn by
regulating urself by providing regulatory htgotush n telling nurself “Lets not waset tiem lets get to work
now” and hence stop urself from doing it
Lack of self reguatlio nn u w ill be out of ocntroll
So now you know hwo to reguatle ursefl n make urself do what u know in ur mind ushudn hsudn to be
doing so do it n follow it put it into prctise
Just cause u know I nur mind thht ushud be odign n a cerait nthgis nor u shud not be doing a cerati
nthgis ntdoesnot meant hth u will automatically by default htinkik of doing it and do it autoamtticallyb
ey default nad o nyour own cause there are alos impulsive htogutsh th u get in ur mid ntellign u to do
other hitngs hth t may be unimp but uur brain enjtos doing tehm… and so you need ot reguatle ursefl n
provide regualtoryh togutsh

Itsn ot about ineterst passion n enjoyment impulsive behavior n memory liking its about understnadaig
nas to what is imp (money and so on..) and sensible memeory and regautlion

Be aware of the htgotush goin on I nur head know what you are htignkign of what impuslve thogtuhs
you get an d regulate ureslf “no don’t do thaht now dotn waste ur tiem doing htaht now” “stop
thignsking of thath now don’t waste ur tiem thignkign fo all thaht think of your wrk what work to od and
os on”
This is what you need ot od:-
You need to keep in mind what oyu need oto do and you need to reguatle urself accordingly o nthe
basis of htht by intnetioanlly on purpose knowingly providing regualatory htgotush commands
ninstrucitons to make urslfe do ti and follow it if oy udont regulate urself then you will nt odo it or follow
it due ot lack of reguatlion..

Regualte ursefl stop urslffe from doing unimp things well lets nto waste tiem I nall this

Keep this in mind get this velar I nur mid nthat if oyu want o t achieve ur goal then you need ot work
hard for it take pains effort work day n night contiounsly cosnntatly be after it if oyu wont work hard you
wont achieve any htign know ing this I nur mind having this clear I nur min d keeping this I nur mind
understanding this nn getting this clear in ur head motivate yourself n reguatle urselrf make ureslf work
hard by kicking urself up making urself ge t up by providing regualoatory htgotush so thth uknow n u
understnadi n in ur mind htht with out hard wrk u wont ahcveie any htign and so u ar nto reluctant to
wrok hard n take the pains n efforts

Keep this in mind input feed in and never forget this… that ur time is very impotant n limited (not
forever ur time is limited u have to achieve certain things in a certain time frame once time goes u will
never get t back and that is why u need to be fast n not waste ur time on unimp things u wont get
anything by doing all tt it’s a waste of time) so don’t waste ur time in unimp unnecessary things.. keep
this in ur mind so tht u rember its there in ur mind wht u need to do n it occurs to u n so u regulate
urself accordingly to make ureslf do itn folow it you nee d to keep all this I nru mid nin urmemeory so
thth u know u understand what u needo to d n why the reasoning behind it u remember it occurs to oyu
ever ytiem u don’t do wht u need to od u know in ur mid nwaht u need to do n and so oyu can correct
urself n reguatle urself accordingly by intentionally providing regulatory htgotush n hence make urself
do it and follow it

U need to know and understand hwat you need to od and why the reasoning be ihnd it cause its good
for you and so on, and you need to keep in mind what oyu need ot od so thath you rmemebr it and you
odnt forget it, you know in ur mdi nwaht oyu need ot do what yo ushoudl nhsould nto od and so thth u
reguatleuresfl accoridnhly by intentionally proividng regulatory htgotush to make ursefl do ti and follow

U know I nur mid nhtht u need ot wrk har d ot achiev ur goal so drive ureslf n motivate ursfl to wrk
heard br reguatlign urself n proividng regualtoryh togtush n telling ureslf instruciotns n commands “you
need o tot wrk to ahcive ur gaol wrk hard ot ahchive ur goal os get to wrok”
U need to constantly continuously be working on it be after it only then will u be able to complete it te
wrk to achieve ur goal its not easy un ed to drive urself crazy working… to ge it don e right
There are only 2 processes that you need to deal with that lead to action, and htat is memory and

You shuld not waste time thignkign of unimp things, you need to consntatnly think fo oyur wrok… what
should I think of now elts think of what work to od nad how ot od it ngo about ti what work to od today
and os on…. Intentionally knowingly at will on purpose think of oyur work and imporatntn things... on ly
then you will do oyur work not other hwise keep this I nur mind… and regautle urself accordingly by
intetioannyll proicivdng regualatoryh togutsh to maek urself do it and follow it..

Ur acitosn are a result of hteh thgotus hgoin on I nur head first you think of oding something only then
you do it ot be I ncontroll of oyur acitosn u need ot reguatle urse thinking n be in control of the htgosut
hgoin on I nur head keep I nmind I nmeemory hwat you shud nshud nto do n why the resons behind it
and accordingly reguatle ur htignking the impuslve htogutsh theth tell u to od htigns thth u get in ur mid
ntellig n u to od thigns htht are eunimp thth u know I nur mind u hsud not be doing but your get
imopuslve htogtus has u r berain enjos doing it and regulate ur htignoughts acocoridngly resist say not
ot them

To be I ncontroll fo our acitosn u need to be I ncontroll fo the htogutsh goin on I nru head first uthink fo
oding a cerati nthgin or get a thgotuh in ur mind ot do a certain htign on ly hten u do it … so be aware of
hteht goutsh goin on I nur head what impuslve htogutsh u get I nur mind telling u to do what … and as u
know I nur mid n ushudn ot be oding it so resist tht impuslve htgotus hsay no to it by prpoividng
regualotrty thgotuhs n telling nruself no don’t waste ur tiem doing thht now gt et to wrk n hence
prevent urself rm doing htht

There will always be some distraction or the other in the ofrm of (TV, music, net FB or sitting idle lazing
and relaxing ) things thath your mind enjoys doing and so wants to od nad provides impuslve thogutsh
to do it but things that are unimp and wont help u achive your goal and imp cirictcal things in life for ur
survival and progress .. the control has to be there I nur mind you need ot kee ur mind I n controll…

Prog (input feed in remember) the mind to succeed and htoguhts control:-
You need to keep in mind what is good ofr u n hwat is nto godo ofr u what you hsud od and wha t you
shudn ot do n why ther reasons behind it cause its good ofr u or not good for you so tht u know I nu m
rind u rmemeebr its hter ei nur mid nwhat u hsud nshud nto od n it occurs to you and so you reguatle
urself accoridnlgy by providing self reguatlory htgotuhs unsts n commands to correct ursefl to make
ureslf do and follow what u know I nu mind u hsud nshud not be doing

Rmemeebr what oy uneed ot od ack yourself and recall wht u dhud nhsud nbot do sot hth u know I nur
mind wht u hsud nshud not od its ther I nur mind uremeber I nur mind inout feed in so httht its hter in
ur memoery wht u hsud nshudn to be doing n why the reaossn be hidn it n so you regulate urself
accordingly o nthe baiss of htth n make rself do it n follow it

Keep I nmidn wht un eed ot od htigsn like u hsud nnot waste tiem doing ote rhhtigsn u shud wrk
cosnntatly day n night if oyu want to achieve ur goal and so on so thth u rmemeebr its ththere I nur
mind wht u need to od n it occurs to u uknow I n ur mid nwht u shud n hsud not do I know n understand
wht u hsud nshud not do n why and os oyu reguatel urself accordingly by proiving reuglatorh t y
thgotush t omake urself od it n follow it n correct urself n bring urself backo nthe right path everytiem
you stray

As Its thehrei n ur mid n as u kno w I nur mind hth tu have this goal to ahceve n uhave this work to o dot
achevie ur goal u needo to do this work and so oyu reguatle urself accordingly by providing reg thgotush
n make urself do ti and follow It

Make a to od list so tht h u know in ur mind u have decided wht u need oto do n so its ther I nur mid nu
know I nur mind thht u have ot od this wrk today and so as u know I nur mid n nits hthre in ur memory
sensible memory htt u have ot od so n os wrk otaday n so oyu think accordignyl n u reguatle ursefl
accordingly and make ursel f do it and follow it ..

The process of self regautlion:-

Keep I nmind so thth u remember its ther ein ur mind u know I nur mid nwht u need otod what u shud
nshud not od and why the reaossn reasoning behind it for ur good whts good ofr u n what is not feed I
ninput prog so thth u remember u know I nru mdi nwht u need ot od and so oyu reg ursfl accordingly by
providing reg thgotush n make urslf do ti n follow it

Keep all these htigsn I nur mid n nreguatle and motivate ursefl accordingly by providing reg thgotush t
omaek ursefl do ti and follow it
You should not waste tiem doing unimp thgis nur time is limited
Yo uhsould do every thgin fast
You need ot work ahrd cosntnatl contionsuly day n night if oy uwant to ahcive ur goal u neredo to take
pains and effort get after it only then you will be able to get it odne compoelte t ht e work reduted to
ahcive ur gaol not other wise , its not easy oy uahve ot ocnstnly work on it u have to work on it , be
chained ot it cosntnalty be working towards it other wise it wont be odine totally absorb n put urself
engross urself invoel urself in it… terheh is a lot of work to do … its painful its not wasy… but uhave ot
od it to aheive ur goal.. other wise oyu ownt get it done its uniceversal rule htht u needo to wrk hard

Don’t waste ur time distracting ur mental energy n thinking to unip thigs talking nonsense n goofing
around focus ur mental enrgy ur thinking on imp things think of ur wrk n imp things put ur mind ur
thinking to imp thigs to wrk towewards ur goal

The process of self regulation:-

As You know In ur mind what you need to do what you shudn shund not do and so it occurs to oyu you
are reminded of it ocsnntalty everytime you don’t do what you know in ur mid nu hsu d be oding or do
htigsn thht u know in ur mind u hsudn ot be doing u are reminded of it as you know I nur mind u
rmeeber its hter ienur mid nwaht u need ot od what you need ot od and so you think accoridnlgy and
hence oyu od it nad you reguatle urself accordingly by itnetnioanlly proividng reguatloryhy htgotush to
make urself do it nad follow it …

You need ot keep I nmind wha t you needo to d and not forget it so thth u know in ru mid nhwt u shud
nhsudn ot do its therhein ur mid nn u are cosntnatly reminded of it n it occurs to oyu when u don’t do
the things u know u are supposed to do or u dothe things thht u knkwo I nur mdin u hsud not do and as
its herher in ur mind u know in ur mind what u hsud nshud nto od and os oyu reguatle urself accordingly
by intetionallyly providing reg thgotush to make ursefl do it and follow it .. keep I nmidn so tht
uremember and u don’t forget… and u know in ur mid nwht u needo to do and so u regulate urself
accordingly and provide reg thgotush to make uresfl do it
Pro g th e mind to succeed ad n thought control.. you need to keep in mind that you should not waste
your time cause once oyu lose time oyu will enver get it back… cause your tiem is imporantt you have
limited time within which to do and achieve important thigns in life… your tiem is the most imporatn
resourse so oyu should never waste u time keep this in mind and reguatle urself accordingly by
providing reugaltory htgouths to stop urself form twasitng ur time by thignkign n doing unimp thihgns n
make urself do imp thgisn in lfie for ur prog and survival

If u want to achieve ur goal then u need to wrk hard constantly n be constantly after it

You know I nur mind what u shudn hsudn ot be doing tht u shud not waste ur tiem doing unimp things
thht will bring u no beenifit and gain and u need to make the most of the time u have utilize it wisely
properly how u spend u r tiem odign what utilize it properly by ododing imp thgis nto ahivve ur goal n
imp thgsin I nlif efe fr u survival n progress as ur time is limited and u have to ahcie e many thigns wihtn
a certain time limit… and so as u know this in ur mi nd when u watch tv and u don’t do what u know I
nur midnu are supposed to od so you are remindeo d of it and so you regulate urself accordingly by
providing regualotry h toguths u tell urself “lets not waste tiem ur tiem is limited” and so oyu stop urslf
form watching t v n u get to work

As you know I nur mid nwhat u shudn hsudn ot od n so ti occurs to oyu ever ytiem u don’t do wht u are
suppose d ot od and hence u reugalteurself by providing reg thgouths and so oyu do it
It s inputted feed in ur mind either told to oyu or u figured it out ursefl its inpusttted I nur mind made u
realize wht u shud nshud not d o and why the reasosn be hind it … things like u hsud not waste ur tiem
as u r tiem is imp , know wht is imp in life n wht is not all these things are inputted feed in ur mind by ur
parents teachers and so on who explained ot oyu and made e u nunderstnad nad realize nad so as its
rthere in ur mind n uremeebr wht u need oto d shud nhsud nto od so it occurs to oyu and u rregulate
urself accoridnlgy and make urself do it n follow it

Refocus ur mind bring ur mind beac k on track ask urslf make urself recall remind urself what u r goal is n
wht wrk u neeed ot o dot ahcive ur gaol os thth u reemmeebr its hter ien ur mid n so u regulate urself
accordingly by proving reg thgotuh n make urself do ti n follow it

U know in ur mind thh u hsudnt be waisting ur time thinking of unimp thgisn n so when u find ureslf
thinking of other unimp thgisn instead of imp things u are reminded fi ti n it occurs to you and so you
think accordingly n reg ur self nby providing reg thoguths to make urself stop thinking of other htigns n
make ursefl think of imp thigs n ndo imp things thht u know I nur mind u hsudn be doing

U know in ur mind tht u need t o wrk constanty contionusly n n onstop take pains n efforts only then u
will get the rk fdone properly its not easy u have to be after it get after it n be after it to complete it
well… involve ur mental enrgy ur mind ur thinking direct ur thinking to it… n soo on.. n so u reg urself
accordingly by providing reg thoughts n telling urself “ u have to wrk if u want t o get the wrk don e
properly n achieve ur goal” n hence u motivate urself n ame urself do it to make urself do it n follow it…

You need to feed in n input in certain thigns in ur brain… so tht u rmeeber u know I nur mid nwht u need
ot od n u reg urslf accordingly by providing reg thgouths n make urself do it n follow it

Think n decide what wrk to do n complete how to do it n wht to do how to go about it n once its clear to
u u have thought wht to do then proceed to do it..
Its there I nur mind I nur memeory what you need to od and so u think accoirdingly n regulat e ursefl by
providing regulaoryh toguths n hecne u do it

Programming the mind:-

You need to feed in, input, in ur mind what you need ot od.. things like “you should not waste ur time
even a single second doing other thigns unimp thgisn, you need ot make the most of the time tht u
have the 24 hrs tht u have the 24 hrs thth u get I nthe day make the most of it , utilize the time that you
have, by doing imp things to ahcive ur gaol and imp n cortical thgis ni nru life for ur progress n survival…
n what your goal is wht is imp n critical in life n whati is not what will nto give u any htign waste of itme
no gain or beneoft wht u need ot od wht wrk u need to do to achviee ur gaol n imp thigns I n lfie… n tht
u shud not think of other thigns… not waste ur tiem thignkign of unimp thgins… and os on u need to
feed in imput all this in ur mid nprog ur mind so thth u remember its hteri en ur mid nwhat u needo to
od wht u shud nshud not do and why the reasosn behind it so hthth it occurs to oyu evey tiem u don’t
do wht u are suppose d ot od or od wht uknwo I nur mdin u hsud nt o do it occurs to oyu n u are
consntlay reminded of it u don’t forget it its theire iin ur mind u remebr it in ur mind u know I nur mind
wht u neeed ot od n so accordingly u reguatle ursefl n corrrec ut rsefl ever yirtm e u stray n u privde
regulatory htogtsuh inst n ncommands accordingly on the basis of ht inof stored I nur mind o nthe basisi
of haw t you know in ur mind u shdun shudn ot od u provide reg thogutsh inst n ocmmadns to make
urself do it n follow it … make ur self od it n follow it … as u know I nur mind wht u hsud nshud not od u
remember it iits their e nur mind n so it occurs ot oyu ewhen u don’t do hwt u know I nur mind u are
supposed ot od or u do wht u know I nur mind u arento supposed to od it occurs to oyu u are reminded
fi ti … cosntnantly and os oyu correct urself n make urselrf do it n follow it by proividng egualotry
htgotush intentionally knowilngly on purpose tom ake urself do it and follow it..

She tries to distract n deviate divert my mind destabilize my mind intentionally so thth I think of other
htigsn instead of wrk n imp things

I ntellectual actvvitivy:-

Your actions are a result of ur mmeeory and htignking , u need t o know what you need to od at an
intellectual level I ntermso f your memeory and htignkign to make urself productive and efficient nmake
urslef do cerati nactions to ahcive ur goal n imp things I nlife keep urlesf o nthe gaol on track you know
wahwt goes on in ur mind what lead to action and ow t control or what oy uneed ot do I nterms of the
various processes thth go on in urm ind like memory n thinking htht lead ot actions hwo ot use it wht u
need ot od I nterms of it to make urself do cerait nacitosn to acheviie ung ur gaol…

How ot make urself work hard and remove the reluactance to work hard… or deviation form hard work
and instead make ursefl looking forward n willing n earge r to work haerd n ntake pains and efforts:-
Hard work is painful chinign not fun and not enjoyable and os u postpone it you don’t feel like doing it
and oyu are reluctant to work hard… you need ot understand and know thht if you want ot ahciev ur
gaol u need ot otake pains nefforts and work harder if oyu don’t work hard oyou wont achieve ur gaols…
you need ot be working cosntnaly fday n night n be cosntnatly afet r ti only then u will be able to
complete the wrk properly to achiev ur goals.. knowing this keep ing this in ur mind so thth u
rmemebevr u know wht u need oto d reguatle ursefl by providing regualotry thgouths to maek ureslf
drive ureslf motiavate urself ot wrok hard… once u know and understand this u will e b eager n willing n
looking for wrd ot work hard ot ahcevei ur gaol and be happy the harder oyu work the more u work the
better u will feel the more pains n efforts u take cause u know u are doing it to ahciev ur goal n u are
moving close r to oyur goal reward the more you work.. and so u will be eager n willig nto work hard er
inorder for the sake of ahciveng ur oagal cause u know n understand I nur mid nthth u need ot wrk hard
if oyu want ot ahcvie ur gaol n its hter ein ur mind u know in ur mind what u need ot od ever forget htsi
keep in ind this “tht u need ot wrk hard ot ahciev ur gaol” n reg urself accordingly to maek ursefl wrk
hard ..u need ot work on it

U know In ur mind its hter ein ur mind thth u shud not be wasting tiem n so it occurs to oyu u are
reminded of it thth u shundt be wastig n ur time when u get distracted n diverted n do other htigsn n so
u regulateurself accordingly “ lets nto wast eteim lets get to wrk” n so oyu make urslef stop doing oteh
rhtigsn n make ursefl do ur wrk by providing reg thgotuhs

You need to regulate ur sefl and stop youresfl from doing n thinking of things thth u know in ur mind u
shud not do n think of n make urself do certain things tht u know I nu r mind u need ot be doing by
regulating ursefl n intionalyy on purpose at will knowingly providing reg thoughts inst nn commands to
make urself do ti n follow it

How to regulate ursefl n motivate urslfe n make uresf l do cerati nthgisn keep ursel of on the path to
your goal o nthe right track to oyur goal and be in control of ursefl n ur acitons n prvent urself form
straying :-
You need ot keep I nmidn what ur goal ius wht wrk u needo to do to ahcie ve ur goal n what u shud n
shudn not od things like nto waste tiem doing unimp thgisnn htinkign of unimp thgisn as ur teim is
limited u need ot make the most of 24 hrs u get n achvei things in limited time.. and os on.. you needo t
odo ur wrk n think of rur wk n take pains n effort to ahcive ur goal wrk hard ot achvie ur goal u need ot
othink of ouy r wrok n so on.. keep in mind things like ur tiem I s imp n limited n u shudn ot wast e ur
time doing unimp thigns so thth u rmeber its ther in ur mid nu don’t forget u know in ur mind wht u
needo to d n it occurs to ouy n u are remnded of it n so u reg urself accordingly by providing reg
thoguths to make urself do it n follow it keep all this in mind so thht u remember wht u need oto d n so
thht its ther ein ur mind htth u have a gaol to ahcive n u need todo cerati wnork to achive ur gaol.. n its
ther I nur mind wht u shud nshud nto od so thth it occurs to oyu when u don’t od it or od htigsn thth u
know I nur mind u shud not od u are cosntnatly reminded of it its therh ein ur mind wht u need ot od
hwt ur goal is n nwht wrk u need oto d oto ahcive ur gaol… and so as its there in ur mind u know I nur
mind wht u needo todo so on the baiss of htth u need ot reg urself n make urslef do it n follow it n stop
urself form doing n thignkngin of other htigsn by pintetnionally knowingly on purpose providing
regulatory htogutsh inst n commands to make urself do ti n follow it
As u know I nur mid nwht u shud nshud not od its therh ein ur mid nso accordingly u regulaete urself n
correct ur self n make urself od it n follow it n stop uresfl form doig nthigsn thh u know I nur mind u
shud not be oding by regulating urself by intentionally knowingly on purpose at will providing reg
thgotush to make ursefl do it n follow it

As u know in ur mind htht u shudnt be wasting ur tiem doing unimp thgis nn u need ot do ur wrk to
ahcveie ur gaol and so u regulate urself accordingly whenever u are doing oterh tgins it occurs to you n u
reg urself n tell urself “lets not waste time doing unimp htgis nlets get to work now” n hence u stop
urslef form doing other things n u get to work

U know I nur mind its there in ur memeory what you need ot do and so accordingly reuagelt urself n ur
acitosn by providing reguatlory htgotush to make urself do it n follow it ..
U know I n urm id nhtht u need ot be aware of the htogtush goin on I nur head n resist impuslve
thgotush tht tell u to do other htgisn as thgotush lead to action u know htht u shudn ot waste time doing
other htigsn u know ushud nto think of unimp thigs n nu need ot think of imp thgisn s o reg ur thinking n
u r actions by intetioanlly on purpose at will proving reg thgotushs on the basis of wht u know I nur
mind u hsud nshud not be doing to make urself do ti n follo w ti

You know wht u need oto d how to reg urself n reg ur htignking

Remember this u shud not work slowly u need ot work fast get every thgin done as quickly aas u can
why? Cause ur time is imp n u needo tget everything done quickly achive htigsn in a hsorter period of
time ur tiem is limited …. So work at a faster rate np ace and work contionsl y fo longet hours so thth u
get more work done I nlesser time if you work slow then it will take u a longe r time and so thht wont
produce results so u need ot work at a fsster rate,.. get htign s done quickly not work at a slow pace…
work at a quicker pace… dot nt spend a lot of time o neprfection cause hten things fget delayed improve
as u go don’t spend too much time on ti wok r at a quicker pace if u do it slowlty it will take you months
to compelte it if out work faster and cintionusly hten it will be done in a weeks time.. so u ahcive ur goal
at a faster rate and don’t wait start now… if oy uwait for a few years tehn you wont wahcive ur goal you
need ot start now get to act now.. immediately a feeling of impatience n urgency get it done as fast as
possible at a quixker super fast pace rush pace not work slowly pace ffaster pace also u need to start
immediately not wait for years to statrt it start now or u wont get it donre wever do the reaseracg n
start the wrk or biz now don’t wait the longer u wait the difficult it will get cause u have responsibilities
n so on so u need to do it quickly the sooner the better as quickly as u can

Once u know how the process wrks I ntermso f ur memeory n thinking n once u know wht u need oto d
in termso f meme n ur thinking ur internal process tht lead to action then you know how to be in
cotnroll fo ursefl nur acitosn cotnroll nreg urself n ur acciotns by reg ur internal processes emempry
nthignking n wht u kow u need ot od interms o f them to keep urslef o nthe right path n cotnroll nreg ur
self ur thignkig n naciotsn …

Internal: - (memory and thinking) what goes on in ur brain, the processes s that lead to action
External, result, out put: - action

You know I nur mid nwhat you shudn shud nnot do what u shudn shud not think ad n how action occurs
result of hthe thgoutsh goin oni n urhead n u need ot reg ur htignkkign n provide thoguth I nst n
commands to make urself do it n follow it n resist impulsive htoguths n not hitnk of unimp thgisn nthink
f our work and so on u know what u needo to d n thht u needo tporvide reg thgotush to reg ur thinking
n ur actions… on the basiso f wht u know I nur mind u hsud nshudn ot od and so provide reg thgotush to
stop urself from doing nthinking cerati nthigsn n make urself do n think fo cerati nthigsn

U know I nur mind what u shud nshudn ot do n wht u shud nhsud not think n wth u need ot od interms
of ur thinking hwo to reg ursefl ur acitosn by cotnrlolling ur thinking so on the basis of htht provide reg
thogtush t oreg ur acitosn n ur thinkignn make ur self do n think wht u know I nur mid n ushudn be
doing n thinking

Controll Thinking Intentional Regulatiory thought inst command

Controll Action

U know I nur mid nwht u shudn shudn ot od n hwt u need oto din terms of ur thinking … wht u shud
nshund ot thinkso accridngly regulate ursefl n ur acitoons n make usereslf d oit n by controlling n
regulating ur htignking n providing reg thoguths to reg u r thinking ur acitosn o nteh baiss of wht u
know I nur mind u hsudn hsudn t nod n thiknk

U know in ur mind what you need ot od interms of ur thinking wht u hsund hsudn to think of reisit
impulsve thgotush n soo on what u need ot od I nterms of ur thinking to regulate n cotnroll ur actiosn
and ur thignkign by providing reg thgotush o nthe basis of wht uknow I nur mind

U know I nur mind what u need ot be doing I nterms of u r thinking (iinorder to be in control odf ur
actions n ur thinking) how to control ur htignking n hence be in cotnroll uf ru aciotns by being I ncontroll
of oyur htigongsht n providing reg thgouths instn n commadns to reg ur action n ur thinking

Controll nreguatle ur thinking by providng eg thgouhts:-

For eg:-

Be awre of the htgouhts goin on in u rhea.d…. u know in urm ind thth ushudn not waste ur time thinking
of unimp things so when u find ursfl thinking of unimp thgsin stop ursefl n make ursefl think of imp
things by intentionally knowingly on purpose providng reg thgotush to make urself stop thinking nof
toehr thigns n hence focus ur mind .. u need to be aware ofwha t is goin on I nur mind what thgouths
are goin on I nur mind n reg ur thinking aaccordingly

U know I nur mind htht ushudnt be wasting ur time doing unimp thigns so when u find ursefl doing
other thigns n unimp thigns then stop urself by intentionally lknowingly on purpose providing reg
thgouhts n reg urself n stop ursefl

U know I nur mind thh u have a goal to achvie n uneed to be working hard for it so when u find urself
sleeping n lazing hten motivate urself n make urself get up n get ot wrok by iteionall p proiving reg
thgotush self reg self correcting thoguths inst n ocmmadns ot make urself stop lazing n make urself
motivate urself drive urself to get up nfget to wrk to achieve ur goal

Know wht u need to do reg ur thinking

You know I nur mind what you need to do, what you should and shud not do and so you think
accordingly and u reg ursefl accordingly by intentionally on purpose providng reg thoughts to make
urself do it and follow it

What you need to do In terms of your thinking:-

Your actions area result of the thoguths goin on I nur head ot be in control of oyu aractions u need to be
in control fo th ethgouhst goin on in ur head, uneed to ocnsnatly cotnroll restrain reg the thgoutsh goin
on in ur head, be aware of the htogutsh goin on in ur haead know wha t you are thinking of stop ursefl
from thinking of unimp thgis tht u know in ru mind u shud nto be htnking of n nwasteing ur time, make
ursefl think of ur wrok ni mp thgisn only then you will do oyur wrok, ressiist impulsive htoguths the tell
ur to do other htigns unimp thigs nthth u know inu rmind u hsudn nto be doing, if oy udont control the
thgotuhs goin on I nur head n let your self free to think of anyh itng nonsnensnes n unimp n impulsve
htogtush nun regulated ressted restraind, regautled , tehn you will be out of conroll, yo u will think an
hytign n do anything n unimp thgisn uneed ot focus and concentrate n direct ru mind n thinking
regulate ur thinking ocntroll your thinking if oyu want ot be I ncotnroll fo oyur acitons.. be aware of the
htgotush goin on I nu rhead know what thogutsh you get I nur mind and control ur thignkig naccoridngly
as to what oyu know I nru mind memeory u shud nhsudn to be thinking of … u need ot ocntroll ur
htignkign direct ur thignkign to imp thgisn stop ursel f rom thinking of nonsse n focus ur mind
concentrate ur mind on imp things think fo imp things…

You should not think of other thigns duirgn ur work, during your work you should only think of oyur
work , other htigsn u can think fo at other time, like during ur free time, but during oyur wrok n ur study
time oyu should only think of oyur work n ur studies n not think fo other htigsn…. As you know this in ur
mind thth ushud nto eb htinkign of otherhtins and so when you find u rself thinking of othehr things n
unimp things then resist urself stop urself restrain ursefl refrain ursefl by intentionally on purpose
knowingl y proviignd reg thgoutsh instructions nad direction n commands and hence maakign yourself
stop thinking of other htigsnn think of imp thgisn tell urslef “dont waste ur time thinking of all ththt
unimp thgisn ur time is imp n precious , stop thinking of all that, think fo oyur work n imp things”

Your memory is a static process, once information is stored in ur mind tehn it sits there, it stays there
and ou remember it it occurs to oyu your are reminded of it consntatly, you can recall n rember
whenever u want t o access ti, its hrhe in ru mind u know I nur mid nwaht u need ot osdo shudn shud
nto do n why, once the info is stored I nur mind it stays ther ei t sits there unless ofcourse you forget…

Where as your thinking is a dynamic process, your htoguths are cosnntaly moving and rushing in ur
mind, the mind cannot even remain for a second without thinking of something or the other the mnind
needs something some topic or the other to think of… thoguths are oconstantly goin on in ur mind… the
mind is always sthinkign of some thing or the other … the mind is not only a memeory and information
storage machine but also information processing, analyzing and thinking machine… your actions are a
result of the htgoutsh goin on I nur mind and oyu thoughts are also a result of ht e information stored I
nur mmeeory linkied ot the information stored I nur memeory … your actions are a result of the
htogutsh goin on I nur head.. thinking is a cosnntat process.. thgouths are constantly goin on in ur head
and so you need ot consntatly reguatle ur thinking if oyu want ot be I ncontroll fo oyur acitons you need
to constantly reguatle ur thinking process s the thgotush goin o ni n ruhead… be aware fo the thgotshuh
goin on I nur head know what oyu are thinking of stop uresfl from thgisn of un imp htigsn n make urself
think of imp thgisn focus n contcetrate ur mind n direct ur htoguths ur mind ot imp thgis nthink fo imp
thgisn only then you will do oyu r wr k nimp things.. dotn waste ur time n mental effort energy req to
think by thinking of nonsense ..ressit uimpusvle thogutsh th u get in ur mind based o n ur impuslve
memeory thoughts thth tell u to od other unimop thgisn resist them by providing erg thgotush o nteh
basis of hwt u know I nur mind sensible mem u shudn hsudn ot be thinking nfo u needo t ocnsntatly reg
the thgotush goin o I nur head if oy uwant otbe in control fo oyur self n ur acitons.. ur thinking nsis a
consntat process thgouths are ocnsntaly goin on in ur head ur acitosn are a result of heht htoguhts goin
on I nru head u need ot ocnsnatly control n reg ur htinkign be aware of hteh thgotush goin on I nur
head… know what u are htinkig nfo and reg ur thinking naccoridngly o nteh basis of wht u know I nur
mind ushund nshud nto be thinking of thin k of imp thgisn at will.. learn how to control rneg ur htinkign
to be I ncotnroll of oyur mind n ur htinkign process n ur acitosn .practise contstant thoguth reg n
cotnroll… focus n direct ur mind n thinking into imp things to imp things think of imp things… not
nonsense n unimp things

You know I nur mind what ur gaol is what wrk u nee d to o dot ahicve ur gaol n thth u shud not waste ur
time thinking of unimp thgisn n doing unimp thgisn n thht u shud utilize ru tiem by thinking of imp
things n doin imp thgisn t oachvie th imp n critical thgisn I nlfie as ur time is limited n u need ot ahcive
imp thgisn I nlife and htth u needo t wrk towards achvieng u r goal n imp things I nlfie u know all this I
nur mind and os accordingly reguatle ursefl and make ursefl do ti and follow it n stop ur self for mdoing
u nimmp thgisn n maek urself do things n think fo things thth uknow in ur mid n u hsud be doing n
thinking of by intentuionally providing self regulatory self commaning sefl guiding self correcting
steering motivating ccontrollign thgotush to make ureslf think do n follow wht u know in ru mind u shud
be thinking of n stop urself from thinking ndoing wht uknow I nur mind u hsud not be thinking n doing
U know I nur mind hth tuhav a gaol to achvie n u h ave work to o dot achvie ur gaol and os oyu reg ureslf
accordingly by providing reg thgotush to make urself do ti and follow it

U need to be aware of the thgotush consntaly goin on in ur mind n stop ursefl from thinking of unimp
things n make ursefl think of our work and imp things

u need to be very very very fast ur time is imp u shud not waste ur time u need ot hurry up n dfo
everythign quickly practise thgoutsh regulation n controll to be in conroll of oyur midn ur actiosn ur
thinking n keep all thesese thgisn i nur memeory so thth u remeber what you need ot do its there in ur
midn i nur memory waht you need to do u knwo i nru mid ntht u shud not waste ur tiem not think of
oterh thigsn u needo t hink fo ur wrk wht wrk to od n do ur wrk n not waste ur tiem cause ur tiem is
limtied u knwo all this in ur mind n so you reguatle urself accordingly by providing reg thgotus hto make
urself thgink n do waht u knwo i nur mind u hsu d be thinkign of n doing... n hence controll ru acitosn n
ur htinking accordingly… jeep all this I nur mid nso thth u know I nru mind its thehr in ur mememroy
what oyu need oto do wht u hsud nshud not od … hw oto reg urself ur thinking and actions.. and so oyu
reguatle uresfl accordingly by providing reguatlory htogutsh as u know I nru mind I n ur memeor y what
u hsud nshud not od so wheneer u stray n udont think or od what u are supposed to od then you
correct urself by prociign regulatory htogutsh n regulating urself accordingly
u need ot keep ur mind focused keep in midn what ur gaol is wht u want to achvie n wht wrk u needo to
do and don’t forget it … so thth u don’t get divatead n diverted n its htehr in ur mind n so u think u reg
urself by proviign reg thogutsh n hence you do it

Constantly be working in ur mind on that not be distracted concentrate n focus on imp things

Ur control o nur self n ur actions will depend on how well ua re able to reguatle ur thinking n control ur
htogutsh n ur thinking

If you want ob e inc ontroll f our actions then there are only two processes thth u need to deal with that
is memory and thinking cause ur acitons are a result of these two processes
Be aware of the htogusth goin on I nur head know wht u are thinking of n stop urself rom thinking of
unimpo p thigsnn n wasting ur time don’t think fo htht no w u can think of all hthth later on think of
more imp thgis nlike what wrk to do and soo n… make urself think of ur wrk n imop thgisn… control n
regulate rthinking constantly

Also keep in mind what u need t o do wht ur goals are wht wrk u need ot od owht u shud nshudnt do n
think n wht u shudd do n think… and os on keep all thth in ur mind s o htht u remember wht uneed to
od n it occurs to you n so think acoridnglyn u doit n u regulate urself by proving re g htogsut
haccoridngly ot make urself do it n follow it to cotnroll u htinkignn ura citonso n the basis ofh wt uknwo I
nru mind u hsud nshudn ot think n do…

Be aware of hteth ogutsh goin on in ur mind have presesn awareness consciousness of the thoughts goin
on I nu mind noticing awake omega alert, attentive of the thgotus hgoin on I nur head not unaware…
be awre of hteht oguths goin on I nru ehad know what impuslve thoughts you get n know what u are
thinking of… stop usrelf fro mthinkign of unim pthgsin nmake urself think fo oyur wrok only things like
what work to od? Hwo to od it? Stragy planning n ndeciidng and os on…
U neeed to be in control of oyur thgouths stop urself frm thinking of other htigsnn make urself think fo
oyur work only then u will do oyur work if your mind is avosrvbed n occupied in oterh htigsnn u are
thinking of other thgisntehn u cannot think fo oyur work nimp thigsnn so u will nto od oyur wrok …if oyu
odnt think of oyur wrok like what work to od and complete lets do this now and oso n… you will do you
rwrok only if oyu think of oyur work wrk what wrk to od n wha hwo to od it n os on lets do this lets
compelte ths now what shud I do now lets do this now now wht to od lets complete this now think of ur

Think of what to think fo what shud I think of now? Lets think of work what work to od how ot od it..
intentionally thinking of something at will knowingly
If you want obe in ocntroll fo ur acitons u need ot be more I ncontroll fo oyur thgouhts
Tell yourself Stop thinking nonsense and think of your work and focus o noyur work

U need tobe aware of whats goin on in ur mind, the htogutsh goin on in ru mind in order to reg ur
htignking control ur thinking
Its therei nur midn u know I nur mind hwat u need to do n so oyu think accordingly and hence you do it
To be in control of oyur actions u need ot be in cotnroll fo the htogutsh goin on I nur head be in
control of oyur htoguths be aware of the thogusht goin on I nur head know what you are htinkign of
stop urself form thinking nonsen n make urself think of work n imp thgisn like what worlk to od n
complete hoe w to od it and oso n on lyhten you will do oyur work not other wise

Prog the mind input I nthe mind feed I nthe instraucitons so thth urememebr its hter ein ur memory u
know I nur mind what to do n what not to od and so you thin kaccoridngly n u reg ursefl accroidngly by
proiving reg thgotush n hence u do

Be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head know what u are thinking of and where your mind is
diverted and distracted, and tell urself “stop thinking of other htigsnn think f our wrk n imp thigns only”
focus ur mind on ur work regautle urself as you know inur mind u shud not waste time htinkign of
nonsnes so when you find urself thinking of nonsense then stop urslef n make urslef think of ur wrk n
imp thgins by providing self reg thgouths inst s and commands

You need to focus your mind, not think of other things, keep ur mind in ur wrok think of ur work what
wrk to od and so on, how to od it and so on, onl y then u will do oyur work, if your mind is dirstracted n
diverted n thinking of other htigsn u cannto do oyur work, yo uneesd o t consntaly regutalte n cotnroll
ur thinking, u need to keep this in mind htth u shud nto think of other things, and accordingly reg ur
thinking as u know I nru mind htht u shud not think fo otherh tigns n u needs to think f our wrk n imp
things, so wheever you find urself thinking of other htigns u need ot stop urself by provgn reg htogutsh,
be aware of the thgoutsh goin on I nur head know what u are htinkign of wheever you find urself
thinking of other htigns u need ot stop urself by provgn reg htogutsh n hence stop usresfl frm thinkin of
other htigsn nmake urself think of ur wrk n imp thgisn

Incase u have forgotten then remind urself of haw toyu gaol is so thth u remebr reinput in ur memory
rerpog ur mind bring urself back o tnracjk to wards achivng ur goal u have forgotten wht yu n suhd n
shud nt do wht ur goal is n wht wrk u neeed to do to achieve ur goal n so u are not doing it, its no longet
there I n ur mind so bering ue r mind back on it., in case u have forgotten n its no longet ther in ur mind
tht u have a goal to achiev en u need to do so ns o wrk for it, n hence u are not doing it as u have
forgotten it its nolinger ther in ur mind n so then remind urself ask urseflf reacall, input feed it back in
ur memory n bring ur mind back on the right track n path to achieving ur goal.

You should not think fo other unimp things n ot consume absorb budsy occupy ur mind with other
thgoutsh keep ur mind free to think of oyur wrk n inmp things think of oyur work, what work to od how
to od it and so on, think o f oyur wrok, stop urself from thinking of other htigns, don’t think of other
htigsn don’t waste ur time thinking of unimp thgisn,be aware of the hthogutsh goin on I nur head know
what you are thinking of n stop urself from thinking of other things and think fo oyur wrok and
important things only,

What you need to do:-

Memory: - keep in mind what ur gaol is what u shud n shud not do, n so onso thht u remebr its hter ein
ur mind , bring ur mind back on track reefed in reinput in ur mind remind urself incase u have forgotten
wht ur goakl is mission is wht u need to aschieve n weht wrk u need to do for it reprog ur mind, so tht u
rember n ur mind is brought back on ytrack towards achieveing ur goals, if u have for gotten it n its no
longer there in ur mind wht ur goal is n ewht u need to do then u will not think accordingly n reg ur self
n u will not do it, bring ur mind refocus ur mind back on it bring ur focus back on it.
Regulation:- u know I nur mind what u shud nshud not od n think so accordingly reg ur actions n u
rhtinking correct usrsel keep ur selfo n the right path stop urself rffor mdoing things htht u know in ur
mid n ushud not be doing n make urself motivate urself to od htigns rtht u know in ur mind u shudn be
doing make urself do wht u know I nur mind u shud nbe doing by proving reg thgotush
Thinking:- stop ur self from thinking of unimp thigns make urself think fo oyur wrk n imp thigns, resist
say no to impulsve thgoutsh tght tell ur to od other htigsn unimp things. Whenver u get a thgouth or u
think fo doing other htigns tell urself don waste ur time doing unimp things do u r wrk to ahcive ur goal
dnt wasete ur time in fun n renjoymetn relaxation odelness or enetratin ment n unimp thgis nthth will
bring u no gain n benefit or progress or hwelp u achvei the imp things In life, ur time is limited utilize it
by working towars achvieing ur goals make the most of it.

Tell your self stop thinking of otherh tigns focus your mind o n ur work think fo oyur work don’t waste
tiem thinking of unimp things.
What you need to od:- (u neeed to know hwaht u need ot od how thigns wrk n how to reg urself keep
urelf o nthe path ot oyur goal)
You know in ur mind what you shud nshudn ot do wht ur goal is and so on and so accordingly reguatle
urself ur thinking n ur actions by providing reguatlory htgotush instn n commands to make urself do ti n
follow it.

Be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head know what u are thinking of n tell urself stop thinking of
other things focus ur mind think of ur wrk now. Concentrate e n focus ur midnd on ur wrlk n imp thins
think of ur wrk font distract divert n deviate ur mind.

Refoxus ur mind onur goals n on ur wrk get ur mind back on track I nterms of memory thinking n
regulation, make a list of htigns to do so thth u knowi n ur mind wht u need to do for the day its there in
ur memeory u have to od this today u have decided n know wht to od n u get ot do each and every work
finish u take to ocpelt iet one by one. N fast
It depends o nur mind what u are thinking of what is goin on I ur mind hwat thoughts are goin on I n

Keep in mind ask youself what is your gaol what u need to do to ahcive ur goal? N so on so thth u
remember its ther ein ur mind input in ur memeory its stored I nur memeory what u need to do things
like u hsud not think fo unimp things u shudn ot waste ur time doing unimp things n so onu need ot wrk
towards achvieing ur gaol n so on… now as u know in ur mind what u shud nshudn to do so accordingly
regulate n correct ur self by providing regulatory htgotuhs to control ur thinking nu r actions n hence
make urself do n follow what uknow in ur mind u shud do n follow have laze r focus. Be aware of the
htoguths goin o nin ur mind know what u are thinking of n stop urself from thinking of unimp things nto
divert n distract ur mind else where keep ur mind I nru wrk n imp thgis nto achvie ur goal, know keep in
mind what ur mission n goal is n what u want ot achvie rmemeebr hth n wrk towars achieving htth
accordingly. U need to hurry n not waste ur time u need ot keep in mind what ur gaol is n remember this
always keep o nworking towards ur gaol as u know this I nur mind n so u need to reg urself accordingly n
hence u do it. U need ot consnstlay be working to wards achieving ur goal n u needo t wrk fast get
weveryhtign done fast not slow remeebr this n keep this in ur mind
Prepare for MBA. Study study study day n night slog work hard towards achieving ur goals. Dip urself
into getting knowledge study methods and so on. Focus on gaining imp knowledge the will help u in wrk
carrier n business.

Fix a daily schedule change u schedule time to time. How muc h tiem to study n what activity to do at
what tiem n in how much time time mfmt n how to minize waste age of tiem so thth u igve maxx time to
imp things

Focus on ur career on making money on ur education n the rest everything will just follow.

Don’t waste ur time I ndoing unimp things thth will give u no benefit n gaoin n will nto help u achvei imp
things I nlfie or make progress n waste ur tiem keep this I nru mind rmeeber htigsn nso whever u think
of oding unimp thgis n or find urself doing unimp thigns so as u know I nur mind u hsudnt be doing
unimp thigs ntht hwill bring u no benefoit gain n prog n wasting ur time n so reg urself n stop urself form
doing so by proving reg thoguths inst n commands .

You need ot keep in mind what ur goal is n what u need to o dot achvie ur goal thigns like u shud not
waste tiem u shudn ot think of unimp thgisn nso on os thht u remember n its hterhe in ur mind what u
needo to do n so u reguatel urself accordingly ncorrect urself by providing reg thogutsh every tiem u
stray n u don’t do what u know in ur mind u shud be doing… inorder to keep in mind n to remind ureslf
make falsh cards reminder sheets and os on os thth its inputted I nru brain n its stays I nur mind n u are
reminded consnastly of it n u don’t forget what u need to od n so as u knw in ur mind n its there in ur
mind wht u need ot od n so u reg urself accordingly by providng reg thogutsh n u do it.

You should not worry about women tere are plenty of beau wmn I nthis wrld ecorts n this n that.. you
need to docus your mind on making ur carrier not distract n divert your mind here n there n u need ot
ofcus all your time give all your time towards achvieing ur gaol n making a career for oyru self by which u
can earn your living ur comfort money working capital cash liuq asset required for ur surviaval n buy the
things u need tht is more imp focus on that the rest everything will just follow. And considering hth u
just need one grl it shudnt be a problem.

You should not focus your energy and oyur mind only on imp things things hth will lead to your progress
benefit and gain not focus your time ur mind n energy o nthigsn thth u will get not benefit and gain
from… nito fcosu ur mind n effort n energy o nthgis nwhere ur efforts will not b e rewarded. Whats the
point whne ur efforts are not rewrded spending ur time n energy there where ur efforts will nto be
rewarded, Cause then its all a waste of time energy n effort . Focus on imp thgisn of life. Keep tht in ur
mindn nnever forget hth.

Your time is imp u shud not waste ur time in doin unimp things keep this in ur mind.
God has given u a brain the human brain is the most powerful instrucment every u need ot know how to
use it how to direct it towards the right thigns n how to ocntroll ur self ur mind ur thinking processes n
ur actions n the processes goin o nin ur mind.


1)You know in ur mind what ur goal is n wht u shud nshunot think or shudn d hsund not o dos
accordingly reguatle urself correct ursefl brign urself back o nright path every tiem u stray nodnt whdo
what u know I nur mind u are supposed ot think n od sel f regulation, ur htignking n actiosn by
providing reg htogtush to make urself do n think what u know I nur mind u shud n stop urslef form
doing thigns n thinking of things htht u know I nur mind u hsud not.

2)keep in mind si thht u rmemeebr ti s there I nru mind what u r gaol is n wht are the things u hsud
nhsudn ot tdo n shud n hsud not think to achvie ur goal. So thth ure member u know I nru mind n u reg
uself accordingly n as u know so u provide reg thgotus hto make urself od it nfoloow it.


Providing regulatory thgouths:-

1)you know inur mind what ur goal is, what you shud n shud not think of, what you shud nshud not do, n
so accordingly reguatle ursefl, correct urself rvery tiem you stray n odnt do what u know I nur mind u
are supposed to think or do, regulate n control ur thinking regulate n control ur actions by providing
regulatory thgoutsh to make urself think or do what u know I nur mind u hsud think or do n stop ureslf
from thinking or doing what u know I nur mind u shud not be thinking or doing.

Reguatling n controlling ur thinking:-

1) Be aware of hteht oguths goin on I nur head know wht u are thinking of when you find ureslf
thinking of unimp thgisn tehn as uknwo in ur mind hth u shud not be thinking of unimp htigsn n
so reg ureslf correct urself stop urself form thinking fu nimp thgisn by telling urslef inst n
commanding urself n providing reg aware of htet hgouths goin on in ur head knw
what is goin on in ur head what are you thinking of is it imp? Stop urself from thinking of unimp
thgisn n make urself think fo imp thgisn like wrok what work to od n complete today to ahcive ur
goal what work to o do now how ot od it n soo no nly then you will get ot do oyur work not
other iwse if oyu don’t think fo doing it u wont do it. Know what is goin on in ur mind what are
oyu thinking of? Is it imp? Be ware of the thogutsh goin on in ur mind know wht u are thinking of
U shud nto waste ur time thinking of unimp things stop urself from thinking of unimp things n
make urself think f our wrk n imp thigns like what wrk to od n how ot od it only the nu will do ur
wrk not other wise.
2) Intentionally think of oyur work knowing on purpose with awareness think fo oyur work think fo
what to think of what shud I think of now lets think of what wrk to od nhwo to od it n so on.
3) Be aware of hteh oguths goin on in ur head whenever ugetimpulsvie htogutsh in ur mind telling
u instructing u to od unimp things htht u know in ur mind u shudn ot be odign shud notwaste ur
time doing hten resit those impulsve htogutsh tht tell u to od unimp thgis nsay no to them
cancle them by proividng reg thogutsh n telling urself not ot od such htigns. Ur actions ar ea
result of the htoguths goin on I nur head know wht thoguths u get in ur mind telling u to od
what , if oyu get a thgotuht to od unimp thgisn is it imp? Ask urself or just a waste of tiem as u
know I nur mind thth u shud nto waste tiem doing unimp thgisn so whever u get a thgouht I
nur mind ot od unimp thgisn nor things thth u enjoy doing but are unimp n will nto help u to
achvie ur goal n imp thgis nin life n waste ur tiem then as u know htth u nshud not wase te itme
n uneed ot od imp thgisn so stop urself from doing unimp thgins as u know in ru mind u hsudn
to wst tetime doing unim pthgisn as u have imp thigns to o dot ahcvie ur goal. Regulate ur
actions reg urself n ur actions, Stop urself form doing unimp thigns by providng reg thgouhts.

Reguating n ocntolling ur actions:-

1) Whenever u find urslef doing unimp things thht u know in ur mind u hsud not be doing, tehn
stop urself form doing unimp htigsn thth waste ur tiem by providng reg thoughst inst n
commands to make uresfl stop.
2) U know in ur mind hth u need ot be doing certain nimp thigs nto ahcive ur goals n nso on so
make urself do those htigns motivate urself to od those thigns by providng reg thgoutsh inst n
commands to make utrself do it n follow itt.
3) You know in ur mind thth u needo t wrk hardn wrk continuously n os on os make urself od it by
pmotivate urslef to od it by providng reg thoguths instn n commnads.

To be in control fo yourself n ur actions is not a nautral process its is not something htht will happen
automatically on ti own on urown u will get ot do ur work wihto ut any regulation its not lkike htaht you
need ot know what oyu needo to do to be I ncotnroll fo oyurslef n ur aciosn n ur mind uwneed ot know
hwo to od it wht u need to od n you need ot practice it enofre and follow it thigns like prog the mind
keep certain n thing si n ur mind as to what u r faol is wht u shud nshud not od n so on things like u need
ot wrk hard n os on not think of other htigns n so on not od other htigns not waste ur tiem think of imp
things only not do unimp things tht will waste ur time n no t lead to any prog n so on keep all this in
mind n reg urself ur acitosn n ur thinking accordingly by proviignd reg thogutsh to make urself do ti n
follow it n to control ur actiosn n ur thinking n ur hthoughts ur umpualise ve htogutsh as wlrell thth tell u
to do unim pthgis n nto make urself n motivarete urself to do things htht u know I nru mind u need ot be

Keep in mind what oyur goal is decide every day paln think n plan n decide hwat work ot do thigs nto do
today ot ahcive ur goal towards achvieing ur goal n how ot od it and os on.

Your actions are a result of the thoughts goin on I nru head, first u think of oding something or get a
thought nur mind ot od some thing only hten you do it so be aware of theht oughts goin on I nur head,
what thgouths u get in ur mind telling you to do what n regulate ur thinking accordingly.

Be aware of the thoughts goin on I nur head know what oyu are thinking of stop urself form thinking of
unimp htigsn n make urself think of wrk n imp things think of oyur wrok what work to do n complete
today to ahcive ur goal only then you will get ot do your work if oyu think fo doing it not toher wise.

You need ot ofcus completely on what is imp n on your progress n not get in to other htigsn unimp
thigns tht wont lead ot ur progress cause ts a waste of time

Programming the mind ot succeed: - feed in input understand remember put in your mind keep in mind
don’t forget what you need ot do store I nur memeory cosnntaly remind what oyu needo t odo to
succeed so tht you don’t forget so thth tis there in ur mind what oyu need oto od u know I nur mind u
rmeemebr and so you follow it accordinlg y n regulate ureslf accordingly by rpovidng reg thgouths n
hence u od it n I u remember it things like, don’t waste ur time doing unimp things, work hard, hard
work you need ot work hard to ahcive ur goals and os on.

You are lacking self- regulation , thaht is self control you know in ur mind what you should nad should
not do and so accordignyl regulate yourself control yourself ur acitons ur thinking by proviindg self
regulatory htogutsh instructions and commands you know in ru mind what u shud nshud not od n what
oyu shud nshud not think and so accordingly u only tell yourself and control n reg urself by providng self
reg thogtush inst n commands to make urself do ti n follow it n to correct urself every tiem u stray n do
things hht th u know I nru mind u hsud not be doing you know in ur mid nwaht u needot do and so you
only tell urelfsf n reg urself control urself n make ureslf do it you don’t need others to tell you.

You odnt understand ht e urgency n criticality of the situation you need ot be 100% focused nto idvert
urmind here n thre not thin k of otehrh tigns you shud not waste ur tiem ur tiem is limited you need ot
have a sense of urgency n criticality ot get everyhtigns done within a short span of tiem , you need ot
know what is more imp wht is more urgent what is more ciritcal for ur progress n survival n do htht only
all other unimp thgisn usles things tht will brign u no gain benefit n waste ur item u can do it later on.

One track mind impulsive memory impulsive htinkign and impulsive acitons no resistance to it and no
control or self regulation

Two track mind impulsive memory impulsive htinkign and impulsive acitons are conuntered n blocked n
controlled by offering ressiantace to them by sensible memeory reugatlory n control thoughts
instructions nad commands to regulate urself yr actiosn n ur thinking n make urself do what u know I
nru mind snnesibel memeroy u hsud be doingn thinking n stop urself form doin nthinking what u know I
nru sesnibel emmeory u shud not do n think.

Undesratnding as to what to do n what not to od memeory and thinking.

Self ananlysis where am I going wrong

You need to keep certain things I nmidn os htth u reemebr n u regulate urlsef accoridnlg y o nteh baisso
f htht

Have a goal: know what your gaol is decide hwat your goal is so thaht you know what you want toahcive
where you want toreach your destintation, you know what is it that yu want ot ahcive and what oyu
need ot do ot ahcvie it , andwhy you are working hard what is the reason and purpose for oyu working
hard, you know what isi t that oyu want otahcive an why you are doing all this putting I nall the effort
and working hardwhat for? To ahcive what.

To gain knowledge and knowhow that will help me in my work,

You need to work towards achieving your goal, put I neffort take pains and effort sit cosntnatly get after
it do your work work hard towards ahciveign your goal.
Don’t waste your time sleeping lazing around and doing nothing if you snooze you loose, get up and get
t owork towards achievieng your goals

Don’t lydown don’t sleep remind yourself if oyu sleep and laydown then you will fall asleep strgaight for
4 or 5 hours

Time your activites this activity needs to be done in so mauch time os that you don’t od it infinitely as if
you have a lot of time, and lsowly instead you speed up your pace cause you know that yu have to do it
in so much time.

Yo need t be working ocnsntalty not wast time br focseud not get distracted and diverted nto do tohehr
tigns focuso nthat only caue there is a lot of wr kinvovled work contiously and day n night

Work hard ot gain knowledge and know ow n to achvei your goal

Be I nknowledge seek to gain knowledge human brain intelligence be in knowledge everything humans
have achived is due ot knowledge information knowhow ability to gain knwoeldge nad due ot the
human brain and intelligence.

You know in ur mind tht you have other thigns to do and more imp things to do and so you need to
restrain regaulte refrain control stop ursefl offer resitance say no to impulsve thogutsh tht tell u to od
other htigsn no odnt do it now do oyur work now and once oyu complete ur work you have kep a time
to od this so do it during tht time only now do oyur wrok now. Do it during htth time only durign the
time alloted dfor it don’t waste ur time now do oyur work do what is imp al lotehr unimp things can be
done later on. Have self control and reguatlion u know I nru mind htht u shud not waste ur tiem doing
unimp thgis n nu have work to od n more imp n critical thigs nto od n thht u can do unimp things later
on n tht u have kept sep time to od unimp thgis nthth u enjoy oding but are unimp n waste of time so
refrain say no reist impuslve htgotush tht tell u to do unimp things by proviidn g reg thgotus inst nn
commands you know I nue r mind th u have imp things to od so tell urself provde reg thgotush stop
urself form doing otherh tinsgs reresit say no to impulsve thogutsh don’t waset ur imte I nall this you
can do all this later on first do what is imp.

When u think fo oding otehrhtigns hten reguatle No don’t od thht now you know I nur mid n hth u hsud
do thht only during the time allotted ofr it time mgmt n u shud nt o waste tiem so reguatel say no to
thgoutsh tht tell uto od other htigns

Be aware of the htoguths goin on I nur head know what you are thinking of and regaute ur thinking tell
urself stop thinking of all thht thht is unimp think of imp thigns like work and so on what work to od and
so on
Where am I goin wrong? Why I am out of control n enagaing in impulsive enhaviour n not doing things
tht I am supposed to be doing:-

1) U have for gotten keep in mind remind urslf of wht ur goal is wht u shud n shud not do
2) There are onyly two things memory n thinking tht u need to be in control of in order be in
control of the output n ur actions
3) You arenot enagaing inself regulation, thought reguationn control, lack of self reguatlion self
telling self chiding self goeverance, self nagging ,self telling according to what u know I nru mind
u shud nshud not be doing, lack of self control keeping check on urself, regulating urself by
providing self reg self coreecting thoughts on the basis fof wht u know in urmind u shud nshid
not be doing in order to keep urself on the right track on the right path to ur goal n prevent
urself from straying . n make urself motivate urself instruct urself to do the right thing wht u
know in ur mind u shud be doingn prevent urself from straying n foing thigs thht u knw in ur
mind ushud not be doing.offer resistance stop wasting urtim de doing all tht, if you want ot be I
ncontroll fo oy ur actions hen u need o practice thgouth ocntroll nreguatlion be awaere of hteh
htgoutsh goin on I nru head say no to thoughts htht tell uto od otehrh tigsn thht u know in ur
mind u shud nnot be doing be more aware of the process thinking n memeorry htath goaes on I
nur mind and its out comes in terms of action

That s boring hath is a waste of time focus o nwhat is imp

Practice thought control nreguatlion to ebe in cotnroll of ur actiosn u needo tb e in cotnroll fo oyur
thogutsh be area of what thoguths u get in ur mind telling you to do what and so accordingly as you
know in ur mind I n urmemeory hwat u shud nshdu nto do so accordingly provde regulatory htogutsh to
cancel oppose resist thoguths htt tell u o do othrehting s

Know what thought u get in ur mind telln u to do what n ressis those thoughts say no to them by
providing regulatory thoughts on the asis of wht u know I n ur mind u shud n shud n shud nor be doin

When you think of doing other things or get a thgouht I nur mind to do otherh tigns then tell yourself no
don’t od thaht now tis a distraction a waste of time it intere feres with your thinking process you cannot
do two things at a time focus on ly o none thing at a time do only one thing at a time

U need to think of that only constsntly not think of other things not distract n divert ur mind here n
there to other things not do other things not involve ur mind in other activities not distract n divert ur
mind ur thinking.

To be in control fo oyur actiosnu need ot be in contoll of the thoughts goin on in ur head if you fail to be
in control fo the htogusht goin on I nur head hten you will be out of control you will od thigns thth come
ot oyur mind what ever your impulsive htogusht tell you to od u will do.
Lack of sself regulation providing self regulatory thoughts to stop urself doing things tht u know in ur
mind u shudnt be doing.

Its called self control or self reugaltion u know in ur mind wht u shud nshud nto be doing so accordingly
provide reg thgoutsh to regulate urself everytime u stray bring urself back stop ur self f rom doing
otehrh tigns n make urself do thigns htht u know I nru mind u hsud be doing by providing self regautlroy
thogtsh inst n commands

Its in ur mind its in ur thinking u need ot understand what you think what thoguth syou get in ur
mind why u get agitated and so on
Stop thinking of othe hrtigns think of ur work know what oyu are thinking of practice thgouths
regaulation nocntroll

Forget about all other things all other htigsn will happen automatically when it has to happen
and are bywyond ur control it takes two to tango to say yes t odance focus on ur work and
important things whats in ur hands what you can work towards achiving htaht on more imp
things in life… and on making n earning ur living rest eevery thing else will ahappen when it has
to happen

Make the kids sit down and understadn program their mind feed into their mind hwat they should and
hosuld not do why yhte reasosnbehind it so that their mind is programmed its fed into their mind
inputted stored I nthier mind what they shud n hsud not do nwhy the reasons behind it… they know
they unsdertansd they remember its stored I ntheir mind what they should n shouldn to do and why

Eg: you should nto take gdrugs its addictive then ppl do anything for the craving the addiction they steal,
they ot get money fofr drugs. Dotn take alcohol it cauaes cancer burns inside spils liver, then it can also
cause on to lose ones manrtal baleancce, intoxicated and lose ones reflexes and stuff and drink n drive
nac kill people and oyuserlf.. don’t take cigarettes cause smoking cases cancer.

Therir brains get hooked on to ti tis dopamine, all th knowledge knoew how info stored I nteh mind,
they feel the carving and if they don’t then they feel the withdrawal symptoms, dopanmine or hapy fel
good feeling. The brain enjoys it and wants more.
Have a goal:-

Work hard to achieve your goal

Know what is imp n what not imp is

Focus on what is imp

Work constantly

Make a schedule to control regulate yourself


Be determined to ahcvie your goal

Work conststnly

Study day n night to ward achieving your goal

Don’t waste your time doing unimp thigns

Don’t waste your time thinking of unimp thigns think fo work imp thigns

Think fo oyur work what work to do n so on thnink n deicde what work to do today hw ot od it n so on

And hwat about actions and expressions, do oy u decide what actions to do and what expressions to
give… Is it intentional knowingly or on purpose predecided that I should do this or is it … natural.

Time ur activites you have to od htisi n this much time so htat you know I nyou m rind thth you have to
do this finish this tll this time so you do it fast and morec concentrated way rater than slow and lazy way
when there is no time factore involved.

You need to be in a meditative state focus completely on it and not get distracted or diverted

The process of self regulation: (understanding, memory, thinking, action)

1) You need to keep in mind what you need to do what you should and should not do so that you
remember and its there in yor mind you know in your mind what you need to od and you don’t
forget and so it occurs to you whne you don’t od what you are supposed to do. And you knyoow
in yor mind hwat you need to od so you think accordingly , if its not here inyour mind if you have
forgotten what you ned to do then you wont do it it wont occur to you you know what you need
ot odo so you think accordingly n hence you do it . you need to keep in mind what u need to do
so that you know what you need ot od its there in your mind you know I nyour mind what you
need to od and os oyu think accordingly and you regulate yourself na hence you do it if you have
forgotten if its nolonger there if you don’t remember if you have forgotten what you need ot be
doing then you wont do it. So keep in mind things like you should not think of otherh thgisn you
should not od oterh htigns during work time you should regulate your thinking and o soon so
tht you knowi yur mind hwat to od and oyu rmeber.
2) As you now I nyour mind what you should be doing so accordingly regulate yourself by
regulating your thinking and your actions by providing self regulatory thgouths insts and

Ypu know I nyour mind and so it occurs to you when you become aware thtat you are doing
unimp thigns or you realse tht you are doing thigns y th t yo u know I nyour idn you shudnt be
doing and you tel yourself don’t waste your time doing unimp things now

Memory Keep in mind what you should n

should not do and why the
reasons behind it so that its
there in your mind and it occurs
to you every time you don’t do it
and you know in your mind what
you should be doing n you
regulate yourself accordingly.

Thinking Your actions are a result of the

thoughts going on in your head
to be in control of your actions
you need to be in control of the
thoughts going on in your head
and regulate your thinking be
aware of the thoughts going on
in your head know what you are
thinking of what is going on in
your head know what impulsive
thoughts you get telling you to
do what. Know what thoughts
you get in your mind nd
regualteyour thining accoridnly
by providing regulatory thgouhts
on the basis of hwat oyu know in
your mind you should and
should not od. Practice thought


The process of regulation: know what you need to do to regulate yourself

Where are you going wrong what you need to do get your act together?

Self regulation: regulting your self your thinking and our actions by provding self regulatory
thgouhts inst and commands on the basis of what you know in your mind you hsudn shud not be doing.

Practice thought control and regulation

Regulate your thinking by providing regulatory thoughts

Regulate your actions by providing regulatory thoughts

Controlling or Regulatory thoughts: provide regulatory thoughts that act as instructions and commands
to cancel other thoughts to stop yourself form thinking or doing other things make yourself think or do
certain things to control and to regulate your thinking and your actions on the basis of what you know
in your mind you should and should not be doing . Regulating your thinking and regulating your actions
by providing regulatory thoughts.
Practice Thought control: to control the thoughts going on in your head

Thought regulation: to regulate the thoughts going on in your head

Action regulation: to regulate your actions

The processs fo sefl regulation how t works : you kow in your mind what yo ushud and hsud not be
doing nad so you think accordingly oyu reguale ourself by proviignd regulatory htoguths instructions
and comamdns and hence you do it and follow it.

Eg: you know n your mind hhat you should not waste your time doing unimp things and so yu tell
yourself… lets not wase t ime now lets get to work and so oyu do you stop doing otehrh tigns nad oyu
get ot work. Don’t waste yor time doing all this all this you can do ti later on as well first do what I s
imp that will ehlp you to achvie your goal nad imp thgsn I nlife crucial ciriitcal thigns I nlife

The four step process for regulating yourself:

1) Keep in mind hwat you hsud nshud not be doing

2) Engage I nself reguatlion, provide regulatory toguthsi nst s and comamadns to make yourself
do it and follow it
3) Regulat yoru thinking
4) Regulate your actions.

So now you know how the process of regulating yorusefl works and What you need to do to regulate

Should keeping in mind be a part of, self regulation or should it be a part of regulating oyursefl.

Self regulation also goes in regulating yourself, you need ot engage I nself regulation to regulate

Regulating oyur hinking goes in regulating yourself, you eed to regulate yourself t regulate your

Regulating your actions goes in regulating yourself, you need to geulate youractions to regulate

The process of regulation how it works: why you do what oyu do:

You know I nyour mind what oyu shuld nad should nto be odign nad so oyu thnk accordingly, you
provide regulatory htogutsh inst nad commands accordingly to regulate yourself to make yourself od
it and follow it.
You need to keep in mind what you should and hsould not be doing so thath you know in your mind
what you need ot od and you reguatle yourself accordingly by proviin regulatory htgotuhs commands
isntrucitons to make yourself do it and follow it.

If you have forgotten if its not ther e in your mind what ou need o tot d othen you have no basis ot
regulate yorusefl on. And so you wont do it orfollwo it what oyu aare supposed to od cause its nolonger
ther ei nyour mind what you need to od.

Keep in mind htigns like

You need ot keep everything I nyour mind

You need to provide regualtroy htoguths to reguatle yourseflfm, that is you need to enage inself
reguatlinon, that oyu need oteregualte oyur htinkign nad oyur actions.

You should nto think fo other htigns unimp things , you need ot think f work and imp thgins

You should not waste your time doing unimp thigns, you need ot od what I s imp.

And so forth so thath you know I nyour mind what oyu need ot od oand so oyu reguatle yorusefl
accordingly on the basis of htaht information provide reugaltoryh togutsh inst s and coammdns to maek
yursefl do ti and follow it.

You need to keep in mind what you shud nshudn ot be doing os thaht you know I nyour mid nwaht you
need to od and you can regulate yourself accordingly by providing regulatory htoguthsi nstructions nad
commandsto make yoruslelf do it and follow it.

If yu have forgotten if its not ther I nyour mid nthen you wont regulate yoursafl accordingly, you need to
keep in you mind and not forge so thath you remeebr what oyu need ot do its there I nyor mid nyou
know I nyour mind wahto yushud n hsudn nto be odign and os oyu regulate yoruseflaccoridngly, by
proviign regulatory toguths by thinkgn accordingly “letsn ot waste time lets et ot work now” to maek
yourself do it and follow it. You need ot remind yourself whato y need ot be doing n not forget.

You need otemeberkeep in mind what oyu should nad should not be doing os thaht oy uremeebr its
there inyour mind what you shud nshdn to be doing nad ou reguatle youseelrf accordingly o nteh basis
of thaht by proving reugaltoryh toguths instrucitosn and ocmaamdns to make yourself do it and follow

Keep in mind thigns like oyu should nto wast your time doing other thgins thinking of other htigns, you
needo tregualte yorusfl provide regualtoryh toguths reuatel yoru thinkgi nand actions.

You need ot keep in mind what you should na should not be doing os haht yo u know I nyour mind what
you neeed to do and you regulate yourself accordingly by providing regulatory htoguths to make
yourself do ti and follow it and hence you do it and follow it, if oyu have forgoteen and its no longer
there in your mind what you need ot od thenyou no longer know I nyour midnwhat oyu need ot od and
so you ownt regulate yourself accordingly nad os you wont od it or follow it.
You need to keep in mind what you shudn shudn nto be doing os thth you know in your mind what you
shud nshud not beodign nyou regulateyoruslf accordingly

If you visualize the whole process draw diagrams and os on then it will help to make things clear and
help you to understand the process better.

You need to engage I nsefl-regulation if you don’t engage in sefl-regulation you will be out of control
provide regulatory toguthsi nstructiosn nad ocmmadnsto regualtoyursefl, your thinking nand oyur
actions, you may know I nyour mid nwhat you shud nshudn ot be odign but if oyu odnt act on ti if oyu
odtn reguatel yorusefl by providing regulatory thgouths then you wont do it or follow it.

How the process of selfregutlation works you know inyour mind what you should be doing and so oyu
reugalte yourself accordingly by poviidng erugaltoryh toguths you think accoidngly and hence you do
ti an d follow it.

You know in yourm idn whatoy uneedo t be doing haht oyu hsud not be thinkig fo other itngs, thath
you ned oteist the thoguths htht oyu nneed ot reugalte your thinking thth you need to pregualte
yourself by proviign reuglatorhy toguhts and os oyu od it .

You need ot keep in mind what oyu shud nshudn ot be doing so thth you know in your mind what oyu
need ot od and u regulate oruself acccrodingly

Also remember hth if oyu dotn regulate yorusefl you will be out of control so keep thht I nmidn as
well and sreguatleyo rusefl provide the thgouths commamdns instructions to stop ursefl n makeurlsef
do what oy knw u hsun hndd not be doing also remember thth you need ot rmemebr and keep in urm

You need to reemebr, keep I mind whatoyu hsouldand should notbedoing os thtat you remember
know inyour mind what you need ot od nad hence you reualte yourself accordingly and hence you do
it nad follow it, if its not threrinyour mind then you wont regualteyourself accoridnlgyn ad you wont
do it.

So keep in mind things like :

During yor work time you should on ly od oyur work nad not od otheh r thgisn all otherh ithgsn should
be done later on entertainment and all that during tetime allocated for it.

You should nto waste your thime thinking and doing otehrhtigns

You should on ly do oyur work and imp thigns

Don’t waste your time lazing sleeping

First do what is imp

It’s a slow process trial error lots of thinking you need to nt only write it the teachniqueas but put it to
practice to see it works. If it doesnot then there is something wrong with it it needs to be improved
upon, something missing, something not understaood or clear.

Total Self Control - Programming the mind ot succeed and thought control – how the human brain

How to Achieve your Goals – keep this all this in your mind and think dn act accordingly

How the brain works:

Understanding -> memory -> thinking ->action

The five step prcess to regulate yorusef;

1) Understandin, knowing, ealiizzng, learning, commonssnese, reaseanin as to what to do nad

not to do and why
2) Memory: keeping in mind what you nned to od remembering it, you know inyour mind what
oyu need ot od and so you think accordingly and hence you do it
3) Thinking: regualtign yourself your tignking and your actions by providng regulatory htoghts o
the basos of hwat you know inyo urm idn oyu should nad nshould not be doing
4) Practsing thoguths contoal nad regulation regulating our thinking
5) Practising action control and reugaltion regulating oyur actions.

So oyu know what to do now, how the mind workds and how to regulateyoursefl sonow itsjust a
matter of doing itfollwoign itputting itintopractise… execute it ..

Make them understand.. that its not good for you what are the consequences n effects it has put
htefear in the mind, or to explain toit to them and make them understand the side effects of it the
harmful consequences of it and oso n… what they shud nshudn ot do nad why… you havekids you
have responsibilite,s the harmful effects it has on your body, afddiction it makes you addicted and
carvings then you steal get money to bu the drugs not not good for oyu… you become depend o
nthem your handshake and os on… cant lve without drugs.. then.. your life revolves around thaht
only.. all you re concerned of is getting high… you don’t care for nayhtign else.. feed all this thigns into
their minds.. nce you tske it you get addicted t it and you cant live iwhto tu it hten you steal to get
money to sisutain your drug habit.. they cacan live witout taking drugs… they cant stay withot tkaign
drgs..they need it its highly addictive.. the craving and stuff explain meake htem understand feed in
to their minds.

Then its all abpout self control you do get obssesd about htigns self restraint…

Although I haven’t had grapes like sice a year or soo m starving nad would love to have those grapes
hwen she asked me would you like ot have those grapes I said NO (ohhgood you know whne to say No
at least other wise some ppl just leave thers hagging around they say yes n then they don’t do it no I
cant do ti learn to say no) I said no cause I know in my mind the indofrmation is tsotredi nmy mind
tht If I eat those grapes wit the moss on ti I will fuckingdie or fall sick.. this info is stored in my mind I
read it omewhere tht a mna ate it and he was hospitalized for poisoning tht green growth o nfood or
tht moss grey moss growing on it.. so tisi nfo is stored I nym mind plus m y mom tell s me its bad be
acrefu l what oyu put in your body.,.. it s ot good for oyu throw it away tis better ot thowi t awy than
put it in your body and fall fresh food not stle and rotten it will maek you flal seriously ill and
sick..s oth is info Is store d in my mind I know if I eat thth I will flall sik s o when she asked me I wyou
would like to eat htosegrapes ithought man if I say es I will fall ick so I said no.. good I will trow it
then… why oy udo it you know I nyour mind wht yo uhsud nshudn t do n why the reasoning behind t n
so oyu think accordingly and hence you do it.

Know howhte brain works firs t only then oyu will eb ale to regulate yourself

Self reglation you need ot it every where work studies etc,, aching yor goal mission if employees are
self reugalted they odtn need uspervvison you need self control foraddicitons food addictions weight
gain, impulsive obsessive behavior drug addiction, video game telveiosn, addiction, sex addiction and
what not… makingyourslef do imp things over things thth ou would like to and enjoy doing impulsive

The process of srelf regulation:- how it works what goes o nand know what oyu need ot od to regulate

How do oyu know what you should and should not e doing, by udnersatndign, common sense,
learning from others, learning form reading, learning fom others as to what oyu hsud nhsudn ot do
and why, some one has tod oyu what oyu nee d to do nad not do nad why and by your easoning,
rationality, understanding nand thinking yo find it ot be correct, by learning from your own mistakes.
Self taught.

You got ot figure out where does the problem lie, what is it that you should be doing thaht you arenot
doing or proactising putting it into practice everything else isdone and perfect, the problem lies I
nslelf regulation certain thgisn are notclearly explained and so confusing as to how it works and
whatoyu need to do. Also ou are not practisign it you are not enageing nself regulation you need to
keep everything all this in your mind. Eiher thee are somethigns that are not clear as to what yo u
eneed tobe doing, not properly defiend or explained so cant figure out how it works related to elf
reguatlion thaht iswy you are nto aboe to do it the problem lies there in practisign self regulation
what you need otdoand how it works.youare not practisignself reguatlion, that is the issue. Yiu need
ot know what ot od how ti works and os on, practice selfreguatlion research go more into it.

Knowing and understand:

what to do nad wht not to do and why the reasoningbehind t

Memory: (Keep in mind)

Firstly: you need to keep in mind what you should and should not do so thaht oyu remember its ther
in your mind you know in your mind what oy ushd nshud not do n it occurs to oyu when you don’t do
it, you are reminded of it , its on the basis of this thaht you ar re goin to regulate yourelf if oits not
there in your mind if you have forgotten hwat oyu need ot od its no logner there I nyour mind then it
ownt occur ot oyu you ownt be reminded f it and so you wont reugalte oyurslef accoridnlgy and oyu
wont d it you need ot keep in midn what oyu need oto do so thth you rmeemrbi t its thehr I nyour
mind nad oy udont forget. Keep in mind, so htth you rmeebr you don’t forget, you know its there
inyour mind I nyour memeory what oyu needo t od nad you are reminded of it consntalty, and it
occurs ot oyu hwen you don’t do it orfollow it. Know what oyu need to do what oy ushud n shud not
do nad why and regulate yourself accordingly to make yourself do it and follow it. You eed ot keep in
mind if it ot ther ei nyour mind if oyu have forgotten it and its no onger ther ei nyour mind hten you
wont be able to regulate yourself, cause you are gonna regulate yourself on the basis of hthat and it
wont occur to oyu so you wont think accordingly and oyu wont do it. Cause I you have forgotten what
oy unee ot od its no longet her I nyour mind so it wont occr ot oyu nad oy uown t regulate yourself
accoridnly and yu ownt do it.

A stiky note rite it down to remin urself so tht u don’t forget

Programming the mind to succeed: when kids are small the have to be told by their arents and
explained as to what they should and should nto o d and why te reasoning behind it, so that they
understand, parents tell the kids what is right and hwat is wrong, they programme their minds and
this information stays in their mind parents teah tell their children thignsl ike you should nto hur any
one and so on,whne kids are small they programme their minds and as they grow up thisi nformations
stays in the mind nad kids think and behave accoridlngy as to twhat hteir parents havetod them to
od… as you grow up you know nad understand clearly what oy ushould nad should not be doing
nadwhy so you eed to programme your own mind, keep all this information I nyour mind as to what
oy should nad should nto be oding and not forget it.

How to make yourefl get to work and do oyur studies and do imp thigns, how ot be I ncontrol of
oyursefl. Why do you do it what makes you do ti:

You know in your mind and hence you think accordingly and so oyu do…

Eg; you know I nyour mind thth if ou don’t study you will get les amrks sdn so oyu think accordilgy and
hence you do

Eg: you know I nyour mid nhtth you hsund not have sex with manyppl as it can elad to stdshiv,
diseases transfer from body fluids and os on and so you think accordingly you say no to casual sex and
hence you don’t do it.. its cause you know in your mind tht you hsud or shdn not nad why n o oyu thin
kaccoridngly n nhecne you do it.

Why you do it? You know inyour mind what you should and should nto do and why and os oyu think
accoridnly and hence you d it and follow it.

How to keep in mind: read it,

Keep in mind feed in input in your mind so thaht you know in oyur mind what you need ot od you
remember itsthere I nyour mind nad os you think accordingly and ehcneyou do it. And it occurs to you
you ar remended of it every time you dotn dowhat you know in your mind u are supposed ot be doing
nad henceou rthink accorindgly yo rgeguatle youresfl by proviidg reugatoryhtoguths on the basis
ofwht you know I nyour mind u shud nhsudn ot be doing. You need to keep allthese thingsi n your
mind htigns ike you hsd not waste your time odign other hitgns, yo hsud only do imp things andso
on… you hsud not think of otrhehtignsyou can think fo otrhe htigns at oterh time you neeed to focus
and so on keep it all in oru mind

Notes t oremind yourself what oy uneed ot od what oyu shud nhsdn to be doing so tht you remember
and dotn forget if you ahveforgotten what oyu need ot od if oyu don’t remember hten you wont do it
and follow it as u have fogtten and its nolonger hter in your mind what oy uneed ot odadn so you
wotn do it or follow it.

Keep all these things I nyou mind and think and act accordingly.


Practise Self regulation:

Or provide sefl regulatory htoguths to regulate yourself (which title to keep here?)

OR providing self regulatory thoughts itnentioanlly knowingly cociously on the baiss ofwhat oyu know
I nyour mind you hsudn hsudn ot be doing inorrder to reguslte yoru thinking nad oyur actions and
hence regulate yourself ,diret control reugalte instruct guide command remind yourself by providing
regulatory htoguths what oy hsudn hsund nto be doing..

Regulate yourefl your htignkign your actions by providing regulatory thoguths

Self regulation is the process of regulating yourself by constantly regulating your thinking and oyur
actions by knowingly intentionally consntly providng self regulatory thoguths that act as instruvctions
and commands on the basis of what oyu know and understand I nyour mind oyu hsold and should not
be doing or thinking.

Self regulation is a process of knowingly intentionally consntly providng self regulatory thoguths that
act as instruvctions and commands on the basis of what oyu know and understand I nyour mind oyu
hsold and should not be doing or thinking in order to regulate yourself by condntalty regulsting your
thinking and yor ations.

You need to intentionally knowingly provide regulatory thgouths inorder to reguale yourself direct
command yourself , keep yourself on the right apth, prevent yourself form straying bring yourself
back everytime yur stray, regulate yourthignkign and our actions. To make yourself force yursefl to do
what oyu know I nyour mind you hsud be thinkignadn doing ot enforce it upon yureslf. I fo yu don’t
rpivde regulatory thgouthth if oyu don’t eguale t youresfl your htinkign and your actionsthen you will
be out of control. Regulate yourefl your htignkign your actions by providing regulatory thoguths
In order to regulate yourself, You needto consntatly provide regulatory htoguths to reguatl yoru
thinking and oyu r actions on the basis of what oy uknwo in your mid nyo uhsould and should not be
thinking or doing. I f you don’t rovide regulatory thgouths if oyu dot act or talke action on what you
know in your idn oyu hsoudl n hsoudl not be doing then you will be out of control, you may know
inyour mid nthath you should not be thinking or doing certianh tigns, but ifo yu don’t act on it, take
action o nthat aware nessk nwoeldge information and provde reguatlery thgotuhst otreguatl your
thignkig nnda actiosni norder to stop yousefl frm thinking ndoign certitn higsn nmake oyurelf think n
od certsin thignst hen you wont do it and follow it inspite of knwoign in your mind thth you need ot
od it and thus you will be out of control

just caue you know inyour mid nthth you hsud do certianthignsn think certitn higsn n not od certaitn
thigns n not thin kcertaitn htigns doesn’t mean you will automatically on your won n naturally think
ofthose thigns, or not think of umip things or do impt higsn n not do unimp thigns , you need ot
knowingly intentionally and cosntnatly provide reuglatoryh toughts to make yourself enforce it
onyoruf to make oyuresfl od it and follow ti. To make oyursrfl stop tinkign of certain htngnns thin kf
ocertitn thigns. You need ot force yoursfl to do it n follow it enforce yorusfl to do it and follow it by
rovidg n reulgatory htoguths to maek oyursefl do I t nad folllwo ti to stop thinking of unimpthgisn
nthink ofimp thgisn and stop doing unimptgisnn do imp thgisn.

You need to tell yourself direct yursefl command yourself instruct yourself as to what oyu know I
nyour mid nu should and should nto be doing,

Resist impulsive thoguths tht tell you to do other htigns, m stop yourself form doing nad htining of
certain things make yourself do and think of certia nthigns. Tell yourself instruct oyursefl don’t waste
yourself don’t waste your time doing this now all this you can od later o ndo what is important, you
know I nyour mid nwhat oyu needo t od accordingly you need to reguatle yourself you r htignkgi nand
oyr actiosn by inteteionally providing regualtoryh toguths h that act as instructiosn and ocammnds,
tell yourself instruct oyursefl direct oyursefl.

How to regulate yourself:

You need to consnatnly regulate your thinkignand your actions by providing regulator y htoguths if
you don’t then you will be out of control.

You need to be aware fo the thoguths goin o ni nyour mind be consntatly awaere fo what oyu are
thinkignadn what you are doing is it imp, and provide reguatlory htogutsh t reguatle your thinking and
your actions o nteh basis of what you know in your mind you should nhsould not be oding.

You know I nyour mind what you should and hsoudn not be thinking nad doing accordingly on the
basis of that provide regulatory htogutsh to reugalte your thignkign nad oyuractions.

Just cause you know I yn oyur mind doesn’t mean haht oyu will automatically think of doing it and do
it, you need to act o nwhat oy uknow in yor mind you shud nshdud nto be doing by intentionally
knwioignly concoiusly providinge regualtoryh toguths to make your sefl do it and follow it, to force
yoursfl self to od it and follow it to enforce it upon yoursfle. If you know in yor mind what you needo t
odo but if oy don’t act on ti if oy odnt provide regualorthy otughts if oyu don’t rtell yourself direct
instruct command yursefl then you wont do it and follow it if oyu odnt provide htaht thgouths hata
instructions, those thouthgst that act as isntructiosn if oyu dotn instruct oyursefl then you wont do it
and follow it.

When oy are a kid you don’t know and understand anything so you are told by your parents, as to
what you need to doand wh the reaons behind it you are explained, made ot understaind, as to what
oy ushould nd should nto do it is fed inputted in to oyur mind, tour mind is programmed os thth you
kwo htth infof is stored inyour mind as to what oyu shud nhsidn ot do and why, also you are
consntatly told by oyur parents, nagged by your parents to d o certain nthigsn nad not od certain
nthigsn causeoyu lack understnadign and oyu lack the self reguatlion, but as you grow up you nknow
nad u realize and understaind everything you know as to what oyu shud nhusdn to bedoign and why
htereaosns behind it so you have to tell yourself regulate oyurelsf oyu odnt need others to tellyou
andregualteyou to do certain things you have to regulate yourself tell oyursfl as to what to do and not
to do.

There is no one ot kick you out od the bed and geto towork you have to tel lyoursefl, kick yourself out
of the bed.

Whati s the issue twaht isi t htat oyu needo tb e doing hat oyu are not doing, the process fo regualtin
how ot reguatle yourself: what oy uneedo tod to regulate toyureflsf.

Parents need tp supervise their kids watch over them as to what they are doing simialryl you needo tb
e aware know what oyu are hinkgi nadn doing so thah t oyu reguatle yourself accordingly everytime
you stray and yo uodnt think or do what oyu are supposed ot be thinkgi nadn doing oyu reguatle
yourslfe by proviign reugalteory htogutsh that act as isntructiosn nad commands by telling nyourself,
instructing guidng yourself, directing commanding oyursefl self diecting.

You know in your mid nwhat oy uhsud nhsd nto be thignkign and hwt o shd nshudn t be doing and
why, so accordingly, tell yourself, instruct direct command regulate yourself, correct oyursefl, keep
yourself on the right path , prvent yourself from straying, brign yourasefl back everytime yu stray.

Proividng the regualtoryh otguths tah act as isntrcutions, self telling, telling yourself, on the basis of
hawa to yu know inyourm id nyou shoud land should not be doing , instructionfg yourself, as to what
o ot d ao nda what not ot do , directing mc ontriollign regulating yourself oyu rh tignkign and your
actions. According to what oy uknwo I nyour mid nyo ushud nshud nto be doing, enforcing it upon
yourself, self guiding, commanding, correcting, managing, initiating, keeping yurslefo tn eh right path
nad precvnetign youtself from straying.

Havigna hard time reugaltign yorusefl,

No dotnwaste your time doing htisnow ge t t owork , come o nget up and get ot work
Self reguatlied doing ti oyurelfs telling yourself without being told by some oen welse to do it, telling
yourself, beign sefl regulated.

Intentionally provde regulatory thgoutsh htaht act as isntructiosn and commands to reguatlle
yourself, self telling, tell yourself, instruct yourself, no don’t od this do this, get up and get to work
thoughts that act as isntrucitons to direct , yourself command, yorusfl, guide yourself on the basis of
what oyu know in your mid noy ushoudl and hsoudl nto be doing.

Your actions are the results of the thgotush goin o nin your mind, first you think of doing some htign
oyu ge a thgoutsh to do it onl heten you do it your thogutsh ac as instrcuitosn and commands foro yu
to do certain nthgisn,

For eg: when you feel thirsty you think lets drin k water nad then oyu go get u p and drink it, your
actiosn are a result of the thgotush goin o nin your head, its your thgoutsh that lead ot action.

Prodivde a counter thgout, t cancel or resit that thoguth tht tells you to d o things tht ou know I nyour
mid n ushud not be doing, tth thoguth ht you get in your mind telling you t o dothth unimp thgin
oppose that though offer resistance restrain opposition, to stop yourself from doing it, no dot n do
thaht now, do what I s imporatn. Self driven slef intitng, no need to be told by others to do it, and
what to do, oyu know in your mid nwhat oyu shoud land should nto do so you tell yourself instruct
yourself regulate yourself, by telling yourself sefl, by itnentioanlly providing regulatory toguths. Direct
and command yourself.

Tell yourself reguatle yorusefl instruct direct command youtserlf as to what oyu should think what
oyu should and should not be doing. Regulate yourself be self regualtign and doirectign and
commanding, guing correctin, correct yourself everytime your stray, bring yoursfl back everytiem oyu

You know in your mid nwhat oyu should and shuld nto be doing so accoridnly provide regulatory
thoguths to tell yourself, instruct yourself, direct yourself. As to what oy uneeed to do, reugalete
yourself. Intentionally knowingly provide the regulatory htgouths to regulate yourself enforce it on
yourself keep yourself nteh rightpath, your htogutsh act as isntruaitons nad coammnsds for oyu to sto
doing acertai nthgisn or thinking nceratin thgisn or do certain nthgis nand think fo certain nthigsn
maek yourself.

Regualte yourelsf by regulating your thignkign and your actions by proividng self regualtorh
otughtson that act as instructions and commands directing, inordert ocommand govern oyursefl ,
direct and regulate yourself. Be self regulating self commanding self governing, on the the basis of
hawt oyu know in your mind oyu should and should not be doing

Secondly: lyou need ot regulate yourself by consntntly providing regulatory htoguhts insrtrucitons and
commands to consntalyt regulate your thinking and oyur actions, as to on the basis of what oyu know
in your mid nyou should nadn should not be doing, if you odnt reugalte yourself consntalty then you
will be out of control you need ot act oon the baiss of hwat oyu know I nyour mid noyu hsud nhsud
not be doing youknow I nyor mind hwat oyu need ot od oso accordingly regulate yourself consntalty
by prvidng self regualtort yhtoguthsi snrt and commands to reugalte your thinking and oyue r actiosn
yt okeep toyreflo n the right path to brign yourself back from impluaisve thinking nand acitons to
prvent yourself from strain g and beirgn oyurlsf back everytime you stray, you nend to reugslte
yourself consntallty if oyu odnt oyu will be out of control, you need to cnstnalty practice self
regulation by proiving regulatory htguths you need ot consntalty reguately ourh tingkign and our
actions. If you don’t regulate yourself if you don’t provide self regulatory thoguths to regulate your
thinking and your actions then you will be out of ontrol, you know in yor u mind what oyu need ot
doshud nshudn ot be doing osyou neeed to act on it accordingly. You need to rguatle ureslf govern
yourself, you know and understand in your mindwaht you should n should not be doing so oyu odnt
need others to tell you to do it, you only should tell yourself to do it and follow it, by providng
selfreugaltiry thgouths nstrucitonsand commadnsto keep utrself on the right track, to correct urlsef
everytime oyu stray, to bring yourselfback on the right track, to prevent yoself from straying nad
thinking and doing what oy uknow oyu hsud not be thinking n doing nmake yourself think n dowhat
oyu know in your mind you hsudn be thinking of n doing, if you odnt reuglste yourself if oyu odnt act
o what oy uknow I nyur mnind u hsudn be doing hten you wll be out of control if oyu don’t provde
reugaltoryh toguhts to regulate your htnkgin and your actions then you will eb out of control. U need
to consntaly rreugeate yourself by provindg regulatory htoguths if you don’t then you will be out of
control, if you don’t regulate yourself if oyu odnt provide regulatory htoguths then you will be out of
control. Kids don’t know what ot do they dnt understand they have to be explained if oyu do this then
this will happen, n that s why you hsud not od this and they don’t know how ot regulate themselves ,
they have to be told by others what ot od and nagged cosntnaly, when you grow up you know thigns
like if oyu odnt study oty will get lwess marks and os on you know what oy ushud nhsudn to do nad
why the reasoning behind it and so, you need ot tell yourself, goern yourself regulate yoursfl by
procivindg self regulating selfcorrecting thoughts that act as isntrcutiosn and commands on the basis
ofhwt you know in your mind oy uhsould nad should bnot be doing, if you don’t act o nit on what oy
uknow I nyour mind u hsud nshudn ot be doing, lack of self reguaton, if oyu don’t provide regualtoryh
oguths and regulate yourself oyur htignkignand oyur action s then you will be out of control due ot
lack of selfregualtion. You Know in ur mind what oyu need to do what oy ushud n shud not do nad
why soand regulate yourself acco rdingly to make yourself do it and follow it.

Just cause you know inyour mid n doesnot mena thhta t you will automatically think accordingly and
do it and follow it, you need t oconciously act on it consciously knowingly reugalte yourself forcefully
regulate yourself, to enforece it on your meslf make yourself do it and follow it. Yo f oyu dt regulate
yourself if oyu don’t regulate your htignkign nad oyur actions by rpovidng regulatory togths if oyu
don’t provide regulateory thgouths to egualte yourself your thignkign and oyur actions, if oyu let
yourself free to think anything oyu want and do anything ythat you want thht yourimplsuve minds
tells you to thigk and do then you will be out of control. You need ot keep yourself in check restrain

To be in control of oyursefl you need ot consntatly regulate your thinking and your acitons by
providing regulatory htoguths on the basis ofwhat oyu know in your mind oyu hsudn hsudn ot be
doing. If you don’t regulate your htinkign and oyur actions cosntnalty then you will be out of control
oyu need to practice thoguth control and regulation dna oyu need to practice regualtign your actions.

You need to pratise sefl regulation, you need ot ocnsnttl provide regltroy htoguths to regulate your
htinkign and actions on the basis of hwat oyu know oyu should and hsuld not be doing if oyu don’t
enage I nslf regulation if oyu don’t act o nth basis of whato y know I nur mid nu hsud n hsudn ot be
odign then you will be out of control, if oyu don’t eneage I nself regualtio if oyu dot n provide
regulatory toguths t o rgualte oyr htinkig nnad oyu r actions then you will be out of ocontrol. You
know I nyour mind hwat oyu need to od right but just cuase you know I nyourm idn odesnot mean
htht oyu will automatically thinkof oding it and hence od it, you know in oyur mind hwat you need ot
od and so accordingly oyu need ot consciously, knowingly, intentionally, provide regulatory thoguths
inorder to reuglt your htignkign nad oyur actions. To enforece it on yourelf make oyur self think and
do what oyu know in your mind oyu should be htinkign nad doing, to force yourself to make our slf od
and think what oyu know I nyour mind yo uhsould be odign nad htinkign. If oyu don’t regulate your
sel f if oyu don’t provde regusltory htoguths toregulate your thinkgin nad oyu r actions then you will
be out of control if oyu leave yourself free to think and do nayhtign htt oyu want ot htnk nad do
impulsive thoguths thinking nad actions hwatevr comes to oyur impulsicve mind. There is n restanc
opposition, saying no, you give in to what your impuslve part of the maind wants to think and do, and
enjoys doing, your reasoning part of the mind knows that oy ushould not be doing but still you do it
since oyu don’t act on it and provide regulatory htoguths and offer resatnce opposition ot te impulsve
part to say no to ti. And since oyu give in and os you are out of control. You need ot learn t os say no ,
resist those impuslvie thoguths htinkging and actions, since oyur barin enjoys doing it , so it tell oyu to
od it to derive and get the pleasure that it craves, bt oyur reasoning part of the mind knows that you
should be doing n thinking of more impotratn thigns, so accordingly you need ot act on it nad provide
regualtryh togiths to regulat your htinkign and actions to control resisti the impsvle htinig nadn
actions. If oyu let your mind go free to think any htign thst it wants and let yourself go free to do
anything that oyu want to do that the oimplsuve part of the brain tells you to do then you will be out
of ocntorl if oyu don’t offer ressutitnce ot it opposition ot ito it, refrain, restrain yourself, you need ot
be self regulating, if you don’t provide reglstory htoguths to regulate you thinking nad actiosn t ostop
yourself from doing nad thinking of cetrtian things nad make yourself od and think important htigns
hten you will be ot of control.

It’s the concept of how the brian works, self control, and what oyu need ot do to be in control of
oyursefl, and oyur actons.

Memory is static: the informations stays there I nyour mind

Thinking is dynamic: in motion, oyu ar csnntatly thinking. And so you needo t reugalte your htignkign
cosntnatly. Be arware of the thgoutsh goin on I nyour mind knowwhat oyu are htignkign of and
regulate your htignign cosntnalty, thinking at will of osthing probiivndg regualtoryh toguhts at will
knowingly, consciously to regulate yoursfl, stp youresf from thinking or doing certain nthgisnnad
make oyursefl think n do certain nthigns thth you know I nyour mind you hsudn be thinkignof n doing.
If oyu don’t exercise sefl rguegltion if oyu let yoursfl go free ot think and do anything then you will be
out of control.

they are helpless the craving n addiction from rthe brain demand is soo
strong tht they are impulsuive thy annot resist that thought to take it
or refrain n retstrin themeseklves n stop it... the craving is rtoo
strng... they have no other option but to give in to the tempataion n the
impyulsive part of the brain tht has the memory stored in it tht last
time i too it tit was fun sooo take it again it send thoughts commands to
take it again n sio you do.. addiction lack of self contrl

Rational part of the brain n irrational or impulsive part of the brain

Reuglationg oyur actions:

Motivating oyursefl eg: tell yourself geup and get ot work, you need to work hard ot achive oyur goals
remind yourself, you succeed only by brinig the midnight oil, no pisn no gian keep working ot
wardsoyur gaol.

You need ot reugalte yourself for certsin tasks if oyu wanto t study, if oyu wnato todo important
things like work, if oyu want to do business then you have loto f work ot od nad if oyu are not self
regulated you are istractedyo uwill get nothing odne. If oyu need ot osuceed oyu need self contro land
regulation to get thigns done to do your work thaht is mimpornt nad will help you achieve important
thignsi nlife,

There are other thimes whne oyu needot let yourself go free and loose, have fun, enjoy entratinment,
do thigns oyu like doing enjoy doing, or day dream and think of certia nthigns, a wnatderign day
dreaming mind lead ot creativity, ideas and oso on but at other times you need ot reugale yourself be
ocused not distracted not think nad do unimp thigns focus oyu r mind think and do imp thigns do
things thth you may not enjoy doing but you know oyu needo to do htem cause they are improatnt to
achvie imp thgisn in mlife critical crucial thigns I nlife like money business etcc.. or studying dn so

Think know what oyu need ot od , get your priorities right, get oyour act toghther, think and self
instrospect hwere are you going wrong what oyu need ot od and so on.

Regulate your thinking:

You need to practice thought control and regulation, you need to constantly regulate your thinking
focus your mind stop yourself frm thinking of other unimp things and make yourself think of work and
important things

By rpovding eregulatory htoguths Resist say no to, oppose impulsie hothgts that tell you to do other
impulsive thigns that are unimp over thigns htat are importntat. You know inyourmi nd thht you
should not do unimp thgins as it is a waste of time nad as you havem roe important htigsn to od and
oyu needot be odign those important htigns so say no to other htignsh tth are unimp ortnat say o to
the thgouthst aht tell you to do those unimp thigns, that you enjoy doing and are fun, and
entertianign but are unimp as they wont help you achive imp thgisn I nlife you can d those thigns
during the time allotted ofr them

To be I ncontro lfo oyur self and oyur actions you need ot be in control fo the htoguths gin o ni nyour
hed oyu need to consnttaly reguatle your thinking you need ot practice thgouth control ad n
regulation ntht too constantly, iyou need ot regulate your htgiking by providing regulatory htgouths
on the basis of hwat oyu know I nyour mid nu shudn shud not be doing… if oyu let your mind ot think
of any thing that it want to then you will be out of control you need ot focus your mind nad not get
distracted think onylof imp things andresist impuslev thoughts thth tell you to do unimp thgins… tht u
know inur midnare unimp say no to them,

Inorder toreguslte yoursfl and oyur actions you need to be in control fo the thoguths goin on I nyour
head, you need ot practice thought chout control and regualteoion you need ot ocnsnntly reugalte
your thinking, on the basis of what oyu know I nyour mind yo ushd nhsud not be thinking or oding, yu
need ot be aware and cocnious of the thoguths goin o ni nyour mind know what you are htinkign fo
andwahth thoguths yo get nad you need ot regualt your thignkign thsht is focus your mind and stp
yoursfl from thinking of unimp things nad make yourself think fo imp thigns and resist say no to
impulsive thoughts thth tell you to do unimp thigns thth you know in your mind you hsud not be

How to treugalte your htinkgi the process with example:

1) Inorder ot reugalte oyur thignkign first of all you need ot be aware of the htoguths goin on I
nyour head know what oyu are htignkign of what is goin on I nyour mind, what kind
ofthoguths you gettelling you to od what, if oyu are thinking subconiously or unaware lost I
nyour thoguths, alpha and beta alpha mans you are aware of whar t you are htinkg nof ask
oyurelf hat am I thinking of what is goin o ni nmy head ebta is day dreaming mode with oyu
let oursfl loos and free to think of anything alpha mode you become more aware of what oyu
re htkign of ask yourself wht ma I thinking f what is goin o nin my head know whato yu are
thingking of beta suvbcounsiously unaware… you need the beta mode ofr creativity
daydreaming when you let oyu r mind go lose and free to think of anything it watns but for
taks thht need selfregualtion and attention you need to get itn othe alpha mofde auethese
taks need toy r mind to be here be there on ti think about that only and nothing else these
taks nee d your cocnetration and mental focus. You need ot know when to let oyur mind go
free to think fo what ever ti wants and hwen to tame it brign ti under contrlll and under your
reins rein over it. For taks tht require focus and attention.Ask yoruelf tis question so thth you
become more are as ot wht oy ure htinkig fo what m I thinking of? Wats goin o ni n myhead
and oso n… so htht oyu havem roe realization and awreness oy know you are ocniosu what
oy are thinking of
2) Then oyu provide reugaltoryh toguths to reuglte your thignkign and to reist impusvlet
hoguthsth thtell uy to do unimp thgins

Regulating your actions:

To regualt yoursfle you need ot be I ncotnrol your actiosn ndcosntnatly reuglte oyuractions by
providing seflregualtory htoguths and ocmmadns and inst and hence stp ursefl from doing certain
thigsnand malek yourself motivate yoursfl to od certia nthigsn htht oyu know I nyour mind oyu hsud
nbe doing.

How to regulate your acitons;

1) be awre of what oy r doing know what oyyar e doing ask yourself what I am doing is it imp? Will ti
help me ot achvie thte im to thgisn is nlife or is ti a waste of time? So thht oy ure more ware ofwhat
you are doing and you relaise tht hwat you are doing relaizatio ntth what oy ar doing is unimp.

If you don’t provide the reuglstory htgouths telling oyursfl to stop doing unimp thgisn then you will
continue to that unimp thing that you are doing without stopping unless and until you restrain
youresfl and make yourself stop doing it by providing reugalory thgouht you will continue to do it
aand you will be out of control.

and provide regulatory otghts to make oyursefl od htigns hthat are important
Regulating yor htinkgin be aware of the thoguth s goin on I nyourmind, know what you are thinking of
what thoguths you get in your mind telling oyu ti o od what

Know what oyu need to do what oy ushud n shud not do nad why and regulate yourself accordingly to
make yourself do it and follow it

First of all you ned to know and understand what oy ushould and should not be doing and why the
reasons resaning behind it, then You need ot keep in mind what are the thigns you needo t do nad
reuglte your self accordingly to make oyurslef do it and follow it. Cause you know inyour mdn
doesnot mean you will actomatically think accoridnlgy and od it oyu have to knowingly, consciously
make an effort to regulate yoursl by providngl regualory htoguhsto reguae yo rhitngking nad actions
to make oyuslf do and follow what you know inyour mid nyou hsold be doing or thignkign.

Knowing understanding, learning or realization. Realizing

Know how ht process works what goeso ni nyor mind how the rocess ofreglaiton works how oyur
mind work,s lack of regulation is due ot either oyu don’t know or nderstnad whto od or its not her ei
nyour mind ouy have forgtton it its ther ein your mid noyu know what oyu needo t o but oyu don’t
know how ot regulate yourself how ot act on it oyu are not regulating oyursefl by providing
reugaltoryh toguths to direct command nad govern yourself. Or You are not reugalting your htignking
or oyur actions.

Kids don’t understand what oto do they have to be made understood why you hsud not do this and so
on by their parents and they have to be told what to do , when you grow up you know nad oyu
understand what you hsudn hsudn to od nad why the resons behind it for eg you hsud not do this
because it will lead ot this if oyu don’t stfduy you will get lessm arks and oso n, so you knw in your
mid nwhat oy ushud nhsudn to be doing so accordingly you only should tell yourlsef and reuglaate
yourself by providing regualtorhy otguhts inst and commands, you odnt need otherhs to tell you and
ot nag you you know I nour mdn what ot do what oyu hsudn hsdn to do so oyu only tell yourself and
reugalte yourself accoridnly.

You need to keep in mind what oy ushud nhsdn nto be doing os that yo uremeber it and odnt forget it
so thth you know in your mid nwhat yo ushudn hsud not be doing n why the reasons behind it and it
occurs to oyu you are reminded of it and then you need to accordingly reguale yourself by regulating
your htignkign and your actions by providng self regulatory htoguths to make yourself do and follow

Where am I goin wownrg ? what am I not fdoign tht I masupposed ot be doing? Why I am pout of
control my productivity s low? Doing other htigns? Not odign thigns hhat are imp and I ma supposed
ot be doing? Doing unimp thigns? Why am I out of control? What is the issue? Why am I lseeping for
15 hours instead of sleeping only for 7 and working? Why am I not able to control myself? Wny am I
out ofocntrol? Wasting my time doing otherh itgns? How can I be more incontrol of myself? So tht I
can do thgisn thth are imp and increase mty own productivity and efficcnecy by doing imp thgisn tht
will help me ot ahcive my goal? Where am I goin wrong ? what is it htt h I need ot od ? to be more in
control what isi t tht I ma not dioing htht I am supposed t be doing to be I ncontrol of myself. What is
it tht u shusd be doin tht u are not doing.

You odnt need othe s to tell you and kick you up the bed you have to kick yourself up the bed nad get
to work by regualtign oyursefl nda telling yourself to get up and eto toeork.

What you need to do: Know what you need to do how t oregualte oyursefl, what you need to do to
reugalte yorusefl:

1) Keep in mind what you shud nhsud not be doing so thth you know I nyour mind what you
need ot do and oy uremeber and I occurs to you when you don’t do it what you are usppoesed
to be doing, you need to keep in mind what you should and should not be doing, so that oyu
remember its there in your mind what u needo tsdo wht u shud nhsud n tot be doing, so thaht
you know I nyour mind hwat you should n shoud not be doing nad oy uthink accordingly you
reguatle yourself accordingly and make yourself do it and ofollow it and so tht it occurs to oyu
when you don’t do what you are supposed to od and so u reguatleoyurelf n make urselfod it
and follow it. If oyu don’t rmemebr ti if its nto hhere in your mind, then as you have
forgottren ti then you wotn do it as its nolonger ther inyour mind what oyu need ot od nad a s
ti doesn’t occur ot oyu what u needo t od.
2) You know inyour mnd hwat you shd nshud ntit be doing so accordingly regulate yourself your
thigning and your actions by providng regulatory htoguhts to keep yourself on the track and to
stop yourself from getting distracted diverted or straying nad brign yourself back vevrytime
oyu stray away for what oyu needo t be doing, if you don’t regulate yourself you will be out of
control, so cosnntalty provide self regulatory thoguths inst and commands to reualte your
thignkign and oyur actiosn o nthe bsis of what oyu know I nyour mind oy uhsud be doing,
practice thoguth control and regulation reguale your thinking. You know in your mind what
oyu shud nhsudn ot be oing os you only have to tell yourself and regulate yoursefl, isnruct
direct command yourself provide regulatory htgotsh tth act as instructions commands, slef
commanding governing reugalting directing, if you don’t regulate yoursfl then you will be out
of control and end up doing what ever impulsive thought ht comes to your mind and hat ever
your feel like doing you will continue to do do it unless you tell yourself ot stop doing it. If oyu
don’t regulate oyurslef if oyu don’t etell yourself to stop doing it you wil lcontiue to od it and
be out of control. You know in your mind what you need ot do what oy ushud nhsudn to be
doing os cacooridngly regulate ourself provide regualtoryh toguths to make yourself od it and
follow it. You will continue to od it unless you tell yourself to stop, by regulating yourself
providing htth self regulatory thgout inst nda command, you don’t need other to tell ou to
stop or what to od, you are nto a kid you know and understand what is right nwrong hwt u
shud nhsudn nto be odign os accordingly oyu have to tell yourself to do it. You have to
regulate yourself. Lack fo self control is due ot lack of self reguatlion or forgetiing what oyu ne
dot do not ther ein your mind and os oyu don’t thnhin accordingly and odnt doi t. you have to
regulate yourself you know in your mind what you shud nshud not be doing so accordingly
provide sefl regulatory htoguht inst and command, to stop fom doing n thinking certain things
nadm ake yourself do nad think certain things if oyu dot n reguatlel yourself n prvd e htohse
thgouths then you will ocntinue ot do what you are doing without stopping its only whrn you
offer resistance na opposing force telling yourself to ostop you will contue to od it unless and
until you offer eesiatnce and oppiosing to it, by telling yourself ot stop by providing
regualtoryh toguthsi snt and command telling yourself to stop oding it. Its acalled self

Keep thisi n mind what you need ot do remebr you ned to keep I nmind what oyu ned to od
andyou need ot reguatle yourself keep tis in mind thth you need ot regulate yourself. Your
htignkign na your actions. Practice thoguths control reguatle your thignkign ad oyur actions by
roviign regulatory toguhts.

A quiet place to think ananlyze where you are goin wrong, get your act together, do some
soulsearching, slef introspection, where am I going wrong, what I need ot be doing, what is it theat I
am not oding, why am I not alble ot gem t yselfi ncontrol, amnd make my self do what I am supposed
to be doing, n instead wasting my tiem doing otehrh tigns, hwere ma I going wrong what do I need ot
be doing. How can I stop getting distracted stop doing other things nad get myself to work.

Self help books

Laeanr nad jknow hwat ot odo solve the probles ur problems nad issures

First o whati s imp do oyru work nad do what is imp say no to otherh irtngs everything else all fun,
entertainment later on

U need to be aware of the thoguths goin o ni nyour head kow what htoguths you get telling you to od
what know be aware not be unconscious be awre of what is goin on I nur mind what are you hinking
of, and regulate yoru thignkign say no to certain nthgotuhs tht tell you to do certain things to regulate
yourself and control yourself ot be fully in contro l fo oyur actions u need to be in control of the
thogutsh goin o ni nur head nad constnantly regualteyour htingking, practice thought control and
Egeulate urself b y providng regulatory thgouths to stop ursefl fomr doig certiant higsn if oy don’t
offer resistnace odnt reguatle yourself you will continue to do htem cause tehe iers is no oppoton ot ir
. no restrain no refrain. Unlessu sodnt tell urself to stop mn make urslef stop u iwl continue ot odo it

When you go to work, you have to simply do what you aredirectied to do , you have to take
thedirctionsform your supervisors, managers superiosrs and they give you deadlines that you need o t
do this in this much itme finish it till this much time and oyu ahvet o simply follow the instrucitosn oyu
are forced to od it once you go ot work thee areno distractions around and oyu just have to od it or
when you go ot a lirary there are no distracitions around oyu have to do nothing but study…. But its
for htose you lack sefl control who donot know hwo ot regulate themselves, the fact is at work I
nlibrary studying you don’t learn the propess of self regulation when you are at home and you have
ot do some work make oyusrself do it then there are distractiosn around hter is no one ot tell you nd
oyu odnt do the work then oyu try figuring it out why oyu are no woking, thts when you figure out the
process of slfe reguatlion htts when you learn to t regualtrete yorelf and once you learn to t reguatle
yourselg then you know what tit takes what you needo t od to get htemost work done form yourself
and hten you can regulate yourself and make yourself work and be your own boss then you can start a
business and a company then you know how ot get yourass up and get ot work by reugatign yourself
by providing reugaltoryh toguhts then you can start a busnienss of yourself and once you know how
ot ereugalte yourslfi t beocems easy toreguatel others as well give instrucitosn directionsa s to what
to do and stuff mamange others onece oyu can control and manafege yourself you can manage
others, onvece you k now hwo ot regulate yourself then you can star a biz a company canuse you
know how to make yousrlsf do the work cause starting a ocmapny inovels loto f work and theei sno
one to tell you to do it you have o do ti yourself proactive, selfi ntitate, without anyone else telling
you to od it. You ownt understandh te process of reguatlion by goin to work or by studyin I nthe
liberar y cause these palces you have to automatically of d the work ou are amide ot od it the
environmenti s such htaht oyu have to od nothing but work, when oyu a re on your won at home no
one ot tell you environment is such htth you are free to do anything, disarctions around hten you
don’t od any work hten you start to think why why am I not oding itthen you relaise where you are
lacking where the issue is. Hten you leanr and understndad the process of self reugalion that you nee
otreguatle yourself. By providing regualtoryh toguths. N then you cknow hwo you can what oyu
needo t od to make yourself get to work, to maekyourself work, then you can be oyurs won boss
adnstart your won busness once oyu areselfreguatled cause in suchpositoionsthere is no one above
you no one ot toell tyou to do the work oyu ahvet o toell yourself. Reuglateyoursefl. An there is a lot
of work invield and oyu nedd to be self directions, commanding isntructiong.

You need to quickly get your act together.

The Process: You need to keep in mind what you should and should not be doing, also remember keep
in mind think and decide what work you need to do and regulate yourself accordingly by providing self
regulatory thoughts instructions and commands. To be in control of your actions you need to be in
control of the thoughts goin on in your mind for that You need to be aware of the thoughts goin on in
your mind, and practice thought control and regulation stop yourself from thinking of certain thigns and
make yourself think of certain things, reist thoughts that tell you to do unim thigns and make oyursefl
think of doing imp thigns, and you need to be aware of your actions, and regulate your actions top
yourself from doing certain things make yourself do certain things by providing regulatory thoughts.
Regulate your htinkign your actions are a eresult of the htoghuhts goin o ni nyour head, you need to
regulate and control your thinking practice thgouht control nad regulation to be in control of oyur
actions, you need to be in control of the thoughts goin on I nyoru mind , prvide regulatory htoguths inst
and commands to stop yourself from doigncertain thgisn and make yourself od certain thigns, regulate
your thinking, apply your mind keep yourmind in imp things invove engagen your mind put your min nd
and mental effort thinking in imp thigns, stop yourelfsf from thinking of unimp thgisn know where you
are putting yur mind I nto, stop yourself from thigking of unimp thgisn nad make yourself think of imp
thigns. Not be aloof from it be totally engaged in it.

You need to know what you need to do how t regulate yourself

They are people who think a lot, they like to analyze hmmm why did this happen, how did this happen,
what went wrong, what you could have done better, why is this so, then they give suggestions and
recommendations you should be doing this you should be doing that, and they are highly detailed
people, they kind of want many things in detail they go into details tiny details.

Know what you need to od. And you need to know where you are going wrong what you are doing
wrong why you are out of control, what is it that you hsuldb e doing to be in control of oyursefl your
actions, self control, how ot regulate and control yourself, n mae yourelsf do the htigns tht oy uknow
oyu should be doing nad not od unimp thigns, that oyu like t n ur brai nenjys doing but are unimp and
yo uhsould not be doing, n instead do things hat are boring bt are imp to ahcveo your goal and achieve
the imp things crucial thignsi nlife. Know what oy uneeed to od.

You know now what oyu need to od how ot regulate yourself so put it to pratise implement it follow it.

You need t be focused stay focsed not get get distracted its easy to get distracted, you need to really
keep yoursfl under control ur mind under control and not let ti get diverted to thinking of oding otherh
tigns, and doing other thigns, by beign aware the thoguths thth yiou et in your ind telling oyu to do what
saying no, regulating your thinking nad oyur actions by proviing self regulatory thoughts, during your
study time do only your studies and don’t od anything else think and dicede what wrk or study to do, all
otherh tigns you can think of and do during other time. You need to constantly supervise yourself, keep
yourself in check, control over your mind and your actions, to keep toyursefl on the right path and
prevent yurslf form straying by providing self regulatory thoguths instructions and commands on the
basis of what you know I nyour mind u shudn shund nto be doing. You need to focus your mind
completely on it, not distract adnd divert your mind else where, not let it go free but keep in under
control tame it keep it on the right path and trakc and not elt it divert elsewhere by regulating yourself
cosntnatly continuously, and not letting ti divert or get distracted here and hter costnat self regulation
be awre of the htoguths goin on I nur head and regulate your thinking.
You need to sit specially for studying oyu need ot be focused not get distracted anddiverted here
andther leave all other thigns aside and focus completely on it only. Not do othrr htignsn ot inovle in
otehrh tignsn to inovel your mind I notherh tings, not enage I notehr actiivtes do oyur studies only.
While studying you need to be I na meditative dtate focued conetrsted state, not do ther htigns fgiceup
and renounce all toehr acitivtes and d that only not think of otherh tigns, think only of oyur work and

studies other htigns you canthink of at other hime you need ot be I n a trance like stt more involvement
in to it rather than being aloof. Totally involved in ti rather than being disinterested and aloof. Totally
into it lost into ti.

Time to get your act together

The process of sef regulation:

Memory u need to keep in mind wht u shud shud not be doing sotht it occurs to u when u don’t do it

Firsto f all you need to keep I nmind hwat are the thigns that you should and should not od so that you
know I nyour mind what you need ot od its ther I nor mind y uknow I nyor mid nwhatt you need ot od
how to reguatle yourself what you shud n hsud nto be doing nad os on. And os oyu thin kaccoridgly and
hence you make yourself od it nad follow it,

Understanding: Know and understand what you should and should not do and why the
reasons behind them. E.g.: Know and understand that you should not be wasting your time cause you
have limited time, it’s a limited resource, and so you should do only those things that are imp and will
help you achieve the imp things in life like money, knowledge, education and so on and things that will
lead to your progress and development, socially and so forth gain knowledge and know how that will
solve your problems and help you to make progress or make your life better.

Keep in mind: what you should and should not be doing so that you remember it’s there in
your mind stored in your mind, you know in your mind what you need to do, and so it occurs to you
whenever you don’t do it, and as you know in your mind what you need to do so you think accordingly
and hence you do it, if you have forgotten and it’s no longer there in your mind what you need to do
then it won’t occur to you and you won’t do it as it’s no longer there in your mind and you have
forgotten what you need to be doing and so you are not doing it. You need to keep in mind what yun
eed to do so that oyu don’t forget, if you forget tisn olonger ther I nyour mind then it wont occur to oyu
and oyu wont od it, how to keep in mind, by revising, by reading it over and over again and
understanding, by reminding yourself, by recalling. You need to keep in mind what you should and
should not do so that you remember its there I nyour mind you know I nyour ind what oyu need to bed
doing and it occurs to you every time you don’t od it n so accordingly on the basis of it oy u regulate
yourself accordingly by providing regulatory thgouths.

Know what you need to do:

What you need to do ? how to regulate oursefl n make your self do what you
know in your mind you should be doin. You know in your mind u need ot od this
so the question is howto make youself od it

1) You need to practice self regulation: you need t oocnstantly regulate your
thinking nand your action by providing self regulatory htoguths inst and
commands, you neeed to engage in self regulation by consntatly rprovidgng
self regulatory thoguths tht act as isnts and commands on the baiss of what
you know in ur mind u shud nshud not be doing. If you don’t enage in slef
regulation if oyu dontprovide regulatory thoguths to reguatle your
htignkign and actions you will be out of control, you need ot wenage in slef
regulation that is consntatlly provide self eregulatory htgouths that act s
inst nd ocmammadns to regulate your thingking and your actions on the
basis of what oyu know in your mind oyu shud nshud nto be thinking oe r
doing. If oyu odnt enage in self regulation if oyu dotn constantly provide
regulatory htoguths to regulate yourhtignking n your actoiosn on the basis
of what oy u know in your mdn what you hsud nshud not be doing then you
will eb out f control.
2) You need t oractise thogutcontroll and regulation: you need to control,
regulate your thinking by providng regulatory htoguths, focus your mind on
imp thignsn otlet your mind gofree to think of any thing. If you don’t
practice thoguth control if oyu don’t regulate your htignking b yprovindg
reugaltory htoguths that act as inst and ocmammdns to stop thinking fo
certain hgisn to maek yourlf think of cerati thigns to say no to impulsive
thogutsh thth tell you instruct you to do other htigns to reist impulsive
thoguths and cance limpulsveh togthst oht tell uto do other hritgns then
you will be out of control fi oyu let your mid n go free to thinki of anhting
impulve thinking, and os you need ot enage in thought control nregulation
that is rpeguate your htgnking by providng reugaltoryh toguhts inst nd
acomadns to stop youelf from thignkign ofcertait nthgisn n make oyurlef
think of certiant hgins. You need to control and regualt your thinking if oyu
le t your mind go free to think fo anything you will be out of control. You
need ot practice thgouths control and regulation, you need ot control and
regulate your htignking b providng regulatory htoguths. You need to
practice thogut regualtio nadn control that is regulate you thingking by
providng regulatory htoguths if oyu don’t regulate your thignkign fi oyu let
your mind go free to think of anything you will g out of ocntroll
3) You need to practice action regulation: regulate your actions by providing
regulatory thgouths, regulate your actions, stop oyurefl from doing certain
nthgisn and enageing in certin thgisn and make yourself do certain thigns
motivate yourself to do cerati nthgins by proving regulatory thoguths that
act as inst and ocmmadns on the basis of what yuou know in your mind yo
uhsould nshould not be doing. If you don’t reguatle your actions then you
will end up doing impulsvei things with out stopping cuse you are not
telling yourelf to stop, and oyu wont do imp thigns, tht oyu need ot be
doing cause oyu are not instructing yourself n telling oyurelfe to doiit, tht is
wy oyu need ot regulate your actions by provind gregultry htoguths to stop
oyusefl from doing certain things and make yourself do certain thigns. You
need to regulate your actions stop yourself from doing cerati nthgis and
make yousefl do certit nhtigns by providng reugaltory htoguths. You need
ot pracise action regaltion you need ot reguatle your actons if oyu don’t
regulate your actiosn by providng reugaltory htogths fi you don’t regulate
your actions u will be out of control,

What is the issue?

The issue is lack of self regulation, you know and
understand in your mind what you need to od thigns like
“you should nto waste your time doing otherh tigns,
sleeping, lazing nget to work”, you should not think of
othehri gns and think fo work and imp thigns so
accordingly you don’t need other s to tell you what ot od
you should tell yourself regulate youselrf correct youresfl
direct yourself be self tellgn selfcommanding instructing
directing, self nagging, you need ot regualt yourself, by
procvindg regulatory thgouhts tht act as instructions and
ocmmadns, to mske yourslff do it and follow it. If you
lack regulation if oyu don’t regulate yourelf your
thignkign and actiosn if oyu don’t provide regulatory
htogutsh to reugalte your htignking and oyr actiosn then
you will be out of ocnntrol. Lack of self regulation and
oyu will be out f control,
For eg: if oyu are sleeping and lazing, you tell your sefl,
you provide r regualtoryh toguths saying get up don’t
wase your time laing get ot work to achive your goal
For eg: if you find yourself thignkingo f other thgisn then
asyou knowi n ur mindu shud not so oyu tell yourself,
don’t think of other thigns think fo oyur ork andimp
Know how to regulate yoursfl I fyou don’t reguatel your
self you will be out ofcontrol. Regulate yoursfl
constnatnly to keep yoursefl on track to peovent oyurlsef
You will continue ot od what oyu aredoing cause you are
not regulating yourself, you are not offering n opposition
to it. You need to stop yourself from doing hat nmake
urself do oyur work by or=ffring restianct objection to
what oyu aere doing now, b y porviidng regulatory
htoguths that act as isntrucitosn and commands no stop
doing this sef telling n do what is imp
Positive selftalk, posistve affirmation

Self regulation (providing Self regulatory thoguths on the basis

of what oyu know I nyour mind you should and should not be doing and that act as insts and
commands to regulate your thinking and your actions ) : You understand what you should nad should
not be doing you know in your mind what you should and should not be doing its stored in your mind its
there in your mind, so accordingly on the basis of that you need to regulate youresfl your thinking and
oyur actions by providing self regulatory thgouths instrcitons and commands on the basis of what you
know in your mind you should nad should not e b doing tell yourself, command yourself, direct yourself
supervise yourself, instruct yourself. Lack of self regulations if you don’t regulate youresfl if you don’t
provide self regulatory htogutsh isn’t and commands, to change your behavior or to make yursefl thik n
do what oyu need ot be ding n thinking, then you will be out of control if oyu let oyur mind t o think
what it wants to htnink and do what you nwat to do lack of self regulation then you wil beout of
control. You need to constantly reulate your htinkign and your actions by providing sefl regulating
thoguths inst and commands. Not let your mind go free to think whatever it wants and not elt yourself
go free to do what ever you want. I f you dotn reugalte your elsf if oyu don’t provide self reugalotry
htgouths if oyu odnt pratise sefl regulation then you will be out of control. Due to lack of self regulation
your mind will be free to think whatever it wants there will be no resistance no control or hange I
nebhaviour, or obstructions, you will bre free to do what ever you want to do there will be no resstance
to it and so oyu will be out of ocntroll. You need ot cosnatnly practice self regulation by providing self
regulator y thoguths inst and commands to egultte your thinking and your acions. You need to
constantly reglate your esfl regalte your thinking and ur actions you need to provide regulatory thgouths
ithat act as directions, isn’t nad commands to regulate your htignkign and oyur actions to reguale
youresfl if you don’t hten you will be out of control, you know I nyour mind what you need to od and yo
u understand right what yo ushoudl n hsoudln ot be doing oyu have this understanding you are a grown
p now not a kid you don’t have to be told by others or explained or made to understand or put I nyour
head what you should nshound not be n why, kids have lower nderstnadig n level they need ot be
explained nad made t understand, you know I nyour mind what you need to be doing hsudn shudn nto
be doing soo accordingly you only tell yourself correct yourself brign yourself back everytime you ttstary
bring about change modification of oyur behavious as to what oyu know I nyor mind you hsud nshudn ot
be thinking or doing, brign oyurelfs o nthe right path, you know I nyour mid nwhat oy uneed ot do what
oy ushud nshud not be odign so oyu only tell yourself provide self regulatory thgouths that act as insts
and commands to regulate yourself your thinking nand your cactions.

This is nt a natural process you are not going to think of oyur work or get to work on your own,
automatically, by your own accord, cause of the impulsive nature of the mind as it wants to do thignsn
ad tells you to od thigns that it enjoys doing thigns that may not be important but it enjoys doing, and so
you need to focrce yourself to stop doing otherh tings and make yourself do what is imp by provindg
regulatory thoguths, knowingly intentionally, its not a ntural process that on your own you will think fo
oding your work and get ot do oyur work, in your mind the info is stored htath the last itme it did this
activity it enjoyed doing it and derived pleasure for it and so it will tll yu to do it again you will get the
thgouths to do it again although that activity I not imp and is a waste of time, but since r the mind
enjoys doing it so it will tell you to od it oyu will think of oding it and oyu will do tht instead of doing the
work which is boring but imp the mind doesn t enjoy doing but is imp, so onyour own you wont be oding
it oyu have to force yourself to do it, by providing regualtry htogutsh make yourself do it. Say no to
otherh tignsrestrain youresfl, keep yourself under check.

You know in your mid nthat this is imp and needs to be done yu know I nyour mind what you eedo t do
nad so you think accordingly and hence you do it and follow it.

plus focusing your mind on a certain thing and concentrating your mind on a certain thing that is stop
thinking of otherh tigns and stop enaging the mind in other htigns is not a natural process, cause of the
wandering nature of htem ind the mind keeps thinking of something or the other, to make it think of a
certain nip thing and think of that only hold your focus o nthat only and not think of otherh tigns equires
extra effort focre restrain and is nto a natural process its an intentional process you have to knowingly
focus your mind and stoo p yourself from thinking of otherh tignsn nad make yourself think of work nad
imp thigns by providng regulatory thgouhts… you have to focrebly knowingly intentionally keep your
focus on it by restraining the mind by providing regulatory thoguths to prvent yourself stop yourself
form thinign of otehrh tignsn and make yoursfl think fo work n imp tigsn you need to keep your mind
under control.

You need to regulate yourself regulate your thinking your mind keep it under ocntroll not let it go free or
loose to think of any thing do anything inovleve nad enage in anything but focus it restrain ti and fous it
on imp things keep your mind I nmip things think involve enagiene oyur mind nad keep your mind your
htingking I nimp thigns not divert it distratct it else wahre keep it fcused o nimp thgins not let it stray get
distrcacted or dicvreted or woander or get novled I nunimp thigns restrain our mind have a leash ove
your ind on your mind keep it n control tame it. By sefl regulation

You know in your mind what you should and should not be doing so accordingly regulate yourself by
regulating your thinking and your actions by providing regulatory thoughts that act as, directions
instructions and commands or self reminders, provide regulatory thoughts on the basis of what you
know and understand in your mind as to what you should and should not be doing. You know in your
mind what you should and should nto be doing so accordingly regulate yourself by profivnng regulatory
thoguths inst and commands, to make yourself do ti and follow it, to regulate your thinking and actions,
to stop yourlf from thinking and doing certain thins and make yourself think and do certain thigns.

Lack of self regulation if oyu don’t regulate yourself, restrain stop yourefl, then
you will be out of control lack of sefl control, I got carried away I nthe process
didn’t restrain and refrain myself, you need to ocnstnatly regulate yourself by
providnfg self regualtoey htoguths inst and commands to stop yourself from
thinking and doing certain thigs and make oyurslf think fo and do certain htigsn
oyu need ot constantly regulate otuyrelsf by prodivindg esflregultory htgouth s
incst and commands to regulate your htignkign and your actions on the basis of
hwat oyu know in your mind u shud nshd not be doing or thinking. If oyu don’t
offer ressitatnce , if oyudont regulate yourself if oyu dotn provide self
regualtoryh toguths then you will be out of ocntroll.

What is the issue what is it that oyu are not doing that you are supposed ot be

You know I nyour mind what oyu should n hsoudl not be doing nthinkign so
accordingly costnaly regulate yourself our thinking nad oyur actions by provindg
sefl regualtoryh toguths intst and commands
Learn how ot focus oyur midn stop oyursfl form thignkign n doing otherh tigns
nad do oyour work and imp thigns… u need to regulate and restrain yourself

You need to regualt e yourself by providing regulatory htoguths to stop yourself

from doing ceratin htigsnn thinking of certain thigns n make yourself do certain
things nthink of certati nthgins. Yregualte yourself, regulate your thignkign nda
our actions by cosntnatly providing egualroty htoguths inst ncommands o nteh
basis of what oyu know in your mind you should nshoud not be doing. Practice
self regulation, preguatle oyur selfur actiosn n ut thingking by providng self
rgulaeotryh toughst inst n commands t o, keep ursfl under control under check,
prevent oyurefl frm stryign berign ursefl back everytime u stray correct ursefl, if
oyu don’t practice sefl reguatlio nn don’t provide reualtory htogtush coansntly to
regute ur thinking n ur actions then u will be out of control.

If oy don’t regalte yourefl if oyu don’t prvide regulatory htoguths to modify oyur
behavior and correct ur behavior connstlalty the yn ou lalow oyuresfl free to think
what oyu want n do what oy uwnat impulsively what your bari nenjoys doing and
due to thislack ofrestrsin rresistance, opposition you go out of ocntroll. THAAT IS
THEN you will be out of ocntroll. If you don’t consntalty practise sfl reugaltion, tf
oyu don’t reguatle ourefl by provindg regaltory htgouths to reuglet your htignkign
and our atiosn then you will be out of control land end up doing things n thignkig
nthigsn thth ur impusvle thguths tell you to od n think, and as there is no restrin
and oppstitoion, and resitantce u eil be our t fo control and not stop doing it as
ther e is no u are nto offirng sefl regatory htoguthst to stop or prevent urefl fornm
doing it u will end up thinking n doing what ur impulsive thgoutsh tell u to do nad
hwat you want to think .

Motivate ursefl to work hard to take pains nefforts to ahcive ur goal by providng
regulatory thoguths insts n commands tell ursefl… work hard take pains and
efforts fro thr sake of achvieng ur goal.
You need ot regulate ursfl yby regulating ur thignkign n ur acitons by providng
regultroy thoguths consntly to stop ursefl from thinking d=certain nthgisn and
doing certitn thgisn n make ursefl think n do certati nth gins as t owaht you know I
nur mind u shud nn shud nt be thiking or doing.

If you don’t roactieself regulation, if oyu odnt provede reugaltory htogutsh

ocnstnlay to regutle your htignkignn our actions y will be out of control.

You need ot practice self reguatlion, provide sefl regulatory thgutsh tht act as isn’t
s andocmmands to stop urself fro mthgin n doing certait nthgisn nmaek urslf do n
think of certait nthgisn. If oyu don’t regulate yorusfl by providng regulatory
htgoutsh u will be out of control

You need to regulate yourself. That’s what you need to do.

Regulate your thinking:

Regulate what? Regulate your thinking and your actions,

Regulating your tigniking: you need to practice thoguths control and regulation,
constantly reguatle the thogutsh goin o ni nyoruh ead, focus your mind stop
yourself from thinking of unimp things and make oyursefl think fo imp thigns.
You need to practice thought regulation adnocnrtroll u need to constantly regulate the thoguth goin
on I nur mind, be aware of the htoguths goin o ni nur mind n regulate them.

You need to practices thought control and regulation, you need to constnantly regulate and contro
the thoughts goin o ni nyour head, by providng regulatory thgouths. If you dnt regulate and control
your thinking if oyu don’t practice thought control and regualtin if oyu let your nmind g free to think
of anything then you will be distracted to unimp thigns and issues nad you will end up doing unimp
thigns yu will be out of control you need to have control over your mind over what oyu think, refrain
stop yoursfl form thignkign imp thgisn nto let your mind go free to think fo anything fcus your mind
brign your mind to imp thigns cosntnatly control nregulate oyur htigniking by providng regulatory
REGUALTE YOUR THINKING you need to practice thoguth contrl and ocnstntly regulate your thinking.

Know what you need ot do to regulate your thinking, how ot regulate your thinking,

Be aware of the htoguths going o ni nyr mind know what thoguths your get telling you to od what
know what you are thinking of what is goin o ni nyour mind ,say no to thoguths telling yu to od thigns
that you know are unimp other htigs, don’t waste time doing other unimptgins, resirts say no to
thoguts that tell you to od thigns other htigsn that are unimp, resits say no to the thgotush that you
get in your mind telling you to do oter unimp thgis,

Be aware know whtas goin on I nyour mindwhat are you thinking of: First of all to regulate your
thinking you need to be aware of what is goin on I nyour mind what you are htinkign of and what
thoguths you get Be aware of the thoughts going on in your mind know what you are thinking of be
awre know what is going on I nyour mind what you are thinking of and what thoguths you get telling you
to od hwat, don’t think unconiuously or unknowingly, think knowingly. Know whatsgoing on I nyour
head and what you are thinking of. Don’t think unaware be aware of what s goin o ni nyour mind. Know
what you are thinking of what am I thinking of si it imp? What thoguths I get in my mind telling me to do

Stop yourself from thinking of other things focus your mind on your work, invovlemnt, think of oyur
work and imp things only dotn waste your time thinking of others thigns, dotn waste your time thinking
of unimp thigns, stop yourself from thinking of unimp thigns and wasting your time and get to work.
Other hirtgns you can think of at other times during work think only about work. Whenever you find
yourself thinking of torhe thigns as you know I nyour mind that you should not so stop yourself from
thignkng of other htigns by telling yourself by proving regulatory thgouth inst and commands:
don’twaste your time thignkingo f other umnip things now other htigns you can think of at other time
first do what is imp. Know what is going o ni nyour mind what issue or topic oy are thinking of stop
yourself from thignkign of unimp things and keep your mind I nyour work, focus your mind o nyour work
make yourself think of imp thigns. You need to be super focsed and lazer focused not waste your time
thinking and doing other things, not get distracted and diverted from your main purpose towards to
othher things, leave all pleasue fun enjyoemnt and relaxation lesure aside and get serios nad get ot work
get to biz t oachve your goal to ahcive your ambitions to ahcive the imp things n life, be driven to achvie
yor goal, be on a missison to ahcive your goal your objective, to ahcive your goal and mission to ahcive
the imp thigns I nlife.

Escapism trying to find activites to invole your mind in physical and mental effort to distract them ind
from the real problems of life. These thigns and topics wont help you to solve the real problems of life…
for eg aliens trying to learn about aliens aliens wont help you to come and solve your problems I nlife
youarewastign tme doing that learning about aliens, you have to solve your own real problems I nlife.

Think of what to think of; what should I think of now? Lets think of this
Intentional thinking: intentionally knowingly think of a certain imp thing or topic like work and stuff lets
think of this now.

Think of what work to do; think and decide what work to do lets do this work now. If you don’t think
and decide wht work to od then you wont do ti as you don’t know what ot od, ocne you decie you know
oyu have ot od this and so you think fo doing it nad you od it. Snce you have not thought of what o do
and you have not odeiced taken a dicison so you will wast your time as its nto ther inyour mind hthat
you have soemthign to od so you will do other hrigns unimp thigns. But once its ther in your ind you
have ot do this then you will stop doing other htigns as you know I nyour mid ntht you have to do this
thing that’s mre o imp. Think of what thigns to od what should I do now, make a list, first tehn , then let
s do this.

Regulate your actions:

Provide regulatory htgouths that act as insts n commands to stop yourefl from doing certin thgisn that
are unimp and makeyour motivate yoursfl drive yourself to do certain imp thgins.

Your actions are the result of the thoguths goin on I nyour mind to regulate your actions you need to
regulate yourthinking and provide regulatory thoguths

Its stored I nyoru mind that you did something and you enjoyed doing it and os you get a thought I
nyour mind to od it again implsive thought on the basis of theat info stroed I nyour memory, so
Whenever you get a thoguth to do unimp thigns say no to it cancel that thoguth inst and command, by
providng a regulatory thought as you know in your mind that you shud not waste your time doing it as
its unimp nad you need to do more imp thigns.

When you find yourself doing unimp thigns then as you know I n your mind hth you shoud not waste
your time doing unimp things nad you ha eve moreimp thgisn to od so o nteh basis of thht procivde a
regulatory thgoutht inst and comammand to stop yourself from doing unimop thigns and make to make
yourself do imp thgisn

Kick yourself up, motivate yourself, Make yourself, force yourself ot odo imp things by telling yourself,
by providing regulatory htoguths ints and commands to do what what you know in your mind is imp and
you should be doing.

You need to practice self rgualtion , you know I nyour mind what you should and should not be doing
so accordingly you need ot regulate yourself by telling yourself providing regulatory thgotush
instructiosn and commands to direct yorusefl instruct oyursefl make yourself do it and follow it … yu
know and understand I nyour mid nwhat oy ushud nad shud not be doing so you don’t need others to
tell you nag you instruct oyu and direct oyu you have to tell oyursefl. Instruct direct commandregualte
yourself provide regulatory htgotush that act as commands and instructions ot make yourself do it
and follow it regulate yourself cnsntnatly by p orividng regulatory toguths to keep oyurslefo n the
right path and repvent yourself form straying nad brign yorusel back everytiem oyu stray to keep
yourself I ncontrol if oyu dotn enage I nself regulation if oyu don’t cocnsntnalty ereuglte yourself
provide regualtoryh toguths inst and commands if oyu odnt ennage I nsefl reguatlio nyou will be out
of control. You need ot ocnsntalty enage I nself regualtion to keep yourself on the rightpath… if oyu
don’t then oyu will be out of control. Due ot lack ofself regutlation.

The process of selfregualtion:

Know what you need to do:

keep in mind what you should and should not b e doing and accordingly , on the basis f that on the
basis of what you know in your mind you shud n shud not be doing, knowingly intentionally
constantly provide regulatory thoughts instructions and commands to regulate yourself you thinking
and your actions, to make yourself think and do certain thigns and stop yourself dfrom thinking and
oidng certain things thaht you know I nyour mind you shud or sud not be thinking f an ddoing.

You need to know how the human brain works, so that you know what you need to od to be prodctive
t o make tyourself productive and ot be I ncotnrol fo yourself nda egualteyoursefl

You need to Keep in mind what you should and should not d and accordingly on the basis of that
regulate yourself by providing regualotry thoguthsto enforece it on yourself and make yourself do ti
and follow it.

You need to program our mind feed in input in your mind, keep in your mind as to what you should
and should nt be doing, the does and the donts,so that you know in your mind what you need to do ,
and accordingly on the basis of that you reguatle yourself by providing regulate yourself.

You need to keep in mind for oyu to do ti, memeory ledas to thinking and action, that information
stored I nyour mind as to what oyu should and should nto do. If its not there in your mind if oyu have
forgotten ahwa t you need to od then you ave no basis to regulate yourself on, and so ou wont do ti
and follow it what you are supposed to be dioing.

Why you do it and follow it, why you act? Why you take action? Whay you are productive? How does
action work? What makes you do it? Its cause You know in your mind what you need t odo nad so
you regulate yourself by providing regulatory h toguths and hence you do it and follow it. Since you
know in your mind what oyu shud nad hsud nto do ad n what ot do as this information is tored I
nyour memory and so o nteh basis of thaht oyu regate ly ourslf by proving regulatrty htogutshand
hence you do ti and follow it. That is why yu need to absolutely keep in mind what oyu shud nad hsud
nto b e oding nad enver frget it, so thath you know inyour mind what oyu need ot od, what oyu
should nad should nto be doing and you think accordingly and egulate yourself by providing
regualtoryh toguhts and make yourself do ti and follow it.

If its nto there in yoru mid nif ou have forgtton what oyu need ot d o then you have no information no
bssie o regulate yourself on, you don’t know in your mind what oy uneed ot od and so you have
nothing to regulate yourself on an d so you wont do it and follow it.

What makes you do it wh y oyu do it and ho w ti works the process of action… prodictiiveityty tis
memeory thinking action… know how the process works how oyr mnd works how the human brain
works. Its like you know I nyour mind what oyu need to do, and so you think accordingly and regulate
yorusel accordingly by providng reugaltory htoguths and hence ou do it and follow it.

And the process of not doing something or stop doing something, Its like you know I nyour mind what
you shud nad hsud not be doing and so you think accordingly and regulate yorusel accordingly by
providng reugaltory htoguths and hence ou don’t it or follow it.

You know what to do right s othink accordingly regulate yourself on the basis of thht ad n make
yourself do it and follow it.

its ther ein your mind

or have your forgotten

what makes you do ti? Its memeory-thinkign – action its actually a process a sequence step by step
you canno speretate one form the other.

You need ot program your mid n feed I nyour mid ninput in your mind the information, skeep in mind
so thaht you remember its ther ei noyur mid nthe rules the regulations what t you shud nad hsud not
be doing the does and dotns so that oyu remeebr it and don’t forget it and its there I nour mind what
t you need ot do sotaht you thi kaccoridngly and reugalte yourself accordingly o nteh basis of theth by
providng regulatory thgouths to maek yoursfle do it and follow it.

How the process works: why you do ti why oyu engae in action:- whay you do whay oyu d or not do
what you don’t do: You know I nyour mid nwaht oyu hsoudl and should not be doing its there in your
mind and so you thin kaccordngly reguatle yourself accordingly by proving rguatloryh togutsh nad
instructiosn nad hence you do it and follow it.

How the process roks: whay ou do it: why oyu od hwat oyu are supposed to od wahy yu eage in
action: you know inyour mind what oyu shud be doing an d so u thinin accordingly , accordingly you
reualte yorusefl tll yourself prvide regulate ory htogutsh instructions nad commands to make yourself
do ti and follw oti and hence you do itand fllowit.
Always keep in mind what you shud nshudn ot be ding, so that you remeebr you know I nyour mind
hwat you need to od and oyu reugalte yourself accordingly to make yourself od it and follow it.

Keep in mind what you shud and shud not be doing os thth you know I nyour mind what you shud nad
hsud nto be doing and you regulate yoruseflaccoridngly to maek urself do ti and follow it.

I knw what I need t obe dign its in my mind and so accordingly you need ot rgualte yorseilf tell
yourself “don’t waste your time odign all these things lets get ot work now do what is important
thigns first everything else later money and all tahth imp things, work to wahcvie your goals and inmp
thgisn I nlife make mone y do progress

Keep in mind what are the things you need t o od ask yourself nad recall, so that your etireve so thath
you know that its ther einyour mid thath you know that know what you nee d to do, remind yourself
what oyu need ot od keep post cards, tell yourself remind outsefl so thath you dotn forget. Cause if
oyu oregt if oyu have foregotten what oyu needo o d and its no longe hrtet r I nyour mid then you
wont regualteoyursefl accordingly and you wotn do it.

You know I nyour mind thsht yo need ot reugalte yor thnkign nad yor actiosn nad yo need ot provide
regulatory htoguths to reugektate yoruefl your thinking nad oyu r actoions nad make ourself do itand
dfollwo it what you know I nur mind u shud or shud nt be doing be doing and os oyou do and so you
rgualte your htinkign nad oyur cation and you provide regualtorhy toguths to reugalte oyursefl oyur
thinking nad acions.

You know in your mid nththa toyu need to regulate your thinking and oyur actions and so you do

The two-step process of regulation:

You know inyourm idn thaht you should nto waste your time doing things like lazing around erelaxing
anddoing unimp thigns and you need to make use of the time oyu have by doing what is imp, workifg
towards achieving the imp , critical thigns in life. And s oaccrodingly oyu regulate oursefl you tell
yourself, you intetioanlly provide regulatory thogutsh command instructions telling yourself “lets not
waste timedoign unimp things letsget to work fast”

The two step process of regulation, keep in mind what oyu should and should nto eb doing and
accroingly provide regulatory thgouths inst and comamdns to regulate yourself oyur htinkign and
youtr actions.
The two sep process f p regaultion as ot what you need ot od you need ot keep in mind what oyu need
ot do what you shud nshud not be doing and accordingly provide regualtoryh togutsh isntrciutins nad
commands to regulate yourself your thinking and actions.

How the process fo self reguatlio works: you know I nyour mind what oyu hsoud nad shud nti be
doing, and so oyu think accoridngyl tyouregulateyoursefl accordingly by rpocividng reugaltoryh
toguths and hence you do it.


The four step process of self-regualtion:

You need ot keep in mind what you should nad hsuld not be doing n accordingly provide regulatory
htgouths inst and commands to reugalte yourself your thinking nad your actions.

So now you know how the process works what leads t o action why oyu do it, cause you know
inyourmindhwat oyu needo t od nad accordingly oyu regulate yourself provide reg thoguths to make
oyursel od it and follow it, so now oyu know what oyu neeod to od thaht is keep in mind, what oyu
need to do and accoridngl y provide reguatlotry thgouths and regulate your htinkign nad your
actionsand hence regulate yourelf.

Inorder to regulate yourself you needo tfirst of all keep in mind what you hsud nshdu nt e doing and
accordingly provide regualtoryh toughts and regulate your htinkign and oyur actions if oyu don’t
regulate your htignkign nad oyur actiosn then you will be out of control.

Somethings certain things you do ti unconciouslywithout thinking, cause you know inyour mind what
you need ot od its called muscle memeory, cause its stored I nyoru mindwhat oyu need ot od like
tying a shoe lace, driving a car, playing sports and so on.

You need ot know what goes on I nyour mind what leads to action, why oy what you actually do.
Being thoguthful havinga thinking mind.

The process of egulation you know inyour mind what you should and should not be doing andhence
you regulate yourself by proivign self rgualtory houghts instructions nad commands to maek yourself
do it and follow it and so you do it.

Reasoning the sensible part of yur mind, stored in your memeory, understanding reasonsignssneibel
part, if I don’t do this then I am screwed, thisi s morei mporatnt, and impulsive part I didthis last time
and enjoyed doing it so oyur brain tells you tpo doi it again,

The rpcess of selfregualtion how I works, you know inyourm idn what you shud nshudn ot be doing
and so on the basis of that you regulate yourself accordingly by proviign reuglatoryhtoguths
instructiosn and comammadns and telling yourself to make yourself do it and follow it nadhence you
do it.
Iwhere does this keeping in mind stand with respect t self reguatlion? Itsacause you know inyour
mind what oyu need ot od and so on the baiss of haht oyu reugalte yourself by proviign reugaltory
thoguts. And so oyu need ot keep in mind rmemebrwhat ouy need to be doing.

You know inyour mind what oyu should nad should not be doing nad so you think accordingly you
provide reugaltory htogutsh isntructiosn nad comamadns to maek yourself do ti and follow it.

Ou know inyour mind what oyu should and should nto be doing nad so you eneage I nself reguatlion
that is you provide regualtroy htoguths istnruciotnsn ad ocmamadns accordingly to make yourself do
ti and follow it.

What is self regulation: self reguatlion is the act or the process fo provdign regulatory thogtush istn
and commands to reguatle yourself tyour htinkig nand your actions.

You regulate yourself on the basis of the info stored iynoru mind as you kow inyour mind and soyou
regulate yourself by providing reg thoguths

Its a comaplicated process to figure it out as to hw oyur brain works, it can drive ou mad crazy
thinkgn and trying to undersand what goes on I nyour mind how it works and os on… but you need ot
keep on trying thinking ot udnerstadn it as to how it works. What oyu need ot od and so on.

There are only four things to it:

Keep in mind

Regulate yorueslf provide regulatory htoguths

Regulate your hitnkign

Regualte your actions

Reguating yourself, to be in control yourself, to reguatle yorusefl. What coems I nwhich part? Doesi t
all come under self regulation or does it com e under controlling yourself. I am fuking hell gonna go
mad trying to figure all this out how it orwrks, but you need ot keep thinking ot figure our understand
how it works.

Be a thinker an intelelctula intellectual activity not physical activity, thinking reasoning nad so on
using your brain, humans were designed otgain knowledge think and so on soleveproblems, look
around yu whatever everything humans haveachived is due ottheir intelligence, due to the brain, less
physical effortand more intellectual mental effort. Humanswere not designed ot run around like or
enage I n strenuous physical exhersion and effrtsl iek animals can. This s like a puzzle you have got
the pieces togheter its about putting it all together mang the connetion. Wha fits wehre and used for
what relaes to what. This is getting pretty complicated, to figure out what goes where and how it fits I
nall toghther and what goes under which catergory sefl reguatlion ro something else. Its all confusing.
You need to keep in mind what you should and should not be doing and htinkign and so on, as you
reguatle yourself o nteh basis of this information, that is you know inyour mid nwhat oy ushoudl and
should nto e odign nad so oyu reguatleyoursefl you provide regulatory htogutsh o nteh bsis if his

You know I nyour mid nwhat oy should and should nto be doing so accordingly reguatle yourself by
proviign regualtroyh toguthsi sntrcutiosn nad coamamdns to maek yourself od ti and follow it. You
know I nyour mind what oyu need ot od and so on the basis of that oyu reugatle yourself by providing
regulatory thgouhts if you don’t knw oi nyour mid nif oyu have forgotton what oyu need to od then
oyu have no information basis to regulate yoruesfl on, nad so you wont reguatle yorusefl.

If you want to be I ncontrol of oyursefl you need ot be in control fo the htogths goin on I nyour head
htaht is reguatle your thinking

If you want t be I ncotnrol fo oyursefl you need to be in contol fo yu actions that is

regulateyouractions. What is self reguatlio nmeans you telling yourself instructing yourself providing
reugaltoryh toguths instrucitosn and comamdns ou reguatlign yourself no need for oterhs to tell you
you know what oyun eedo t od so touy etell yourself instruct yoruseflcomamnds yoursfl direct
yorusefl tell yourself, rpfove regaultroythogtsh isntrucitons , to correct yourself, brign yorusefl back
everytime yourstry amek yourself do what oyu nknw yo uneedo t be doing n thinking.

Why keep in mind? Cause you know what ot od and so you reguatle oyrsefl to maek yourself do it and
follow it.

Provide regulatory htoguths to Regulate what? Regulate oyur htinkign, yourself and your actions

The process of self regulation:

You need to keep in mind what you should and should not be doing and accordingly provide
regulatory thoguths instructions and commands to regulate yourself yor thinking and your actons.

What is selfregulation?

It is the act of providing regulatory thoguths instructions and commands inorder to regulate
yourseflyor thinking nad your actions. Engaging I nself reguatlion means proviign regulatory thoguths
instrucitosn and comamadns to reguatle yourself driect command yorusefl. It means you only reugatle
yourself you don’t need oterhs to regulate ouy esxternal reguatlion it means you only regulate
yoruesfl, sel f regautlion, you only direct isntrut rell yourself comamadns yourself reguatle yourself. It
means Self directing slf commanding self-telling self instructing. Slef regulating. Regulate yourself
your thoughts your thinking youractions by providing regulatory htoguths instructiosnnad coammnds,
if oyu know I nyour mid nwhat o od but oyu don’t act o nti oyu don’t regulate yoruesfl , you don’t
enenage in self regulation you don’t provie the regulatory toguhts inst and comamdns to regulate
yourelf your thinking your acitosn then you will be ut of control. Self regulation is the act of providing
regulatory toguths inorder to regulate yorelsf ur htinkignand r actions.
You thinking and oyur actions is something that gets regulated thati s getting regulated you need ot
regulate it. Your thinking and actions is something that needs To be regulated to regulate yorsefl.

Self regulation is the process of procviign regualotry thgouths instrucitosn nadcommands to reguatle
yourself you thinkignnad your actions.

The 4-step process involved in regulating yourself:

You need to keep in mind what you shud and hsun ot be doing, and enage I nself regulation by
proviign regulatory htoguths inst and coammandsto regulate your thinking your actins nad hence
regulate yourself.

The process of regulating yourself: why you do what you do

You know in your mind what you should and should not be doing and so accordingly on the basis that
you engage in self regulation, that is you think accordingly you provide regualtry thoguths instructiosn
and comamamdns to make oyursefl do ti and follow it.

The steps involved in regulating yourself:

You need to keep in mind what oyu should and should not be doing and accordingly on the basis of
thath engage I nself reguatlion thaht is provide regulatory htogtush instructions and coammadns to
regulate our thinking an d your actions to make yourself od it and follow it.

The process of regulating yourself how it works:

You know I noyur mind what you should and should not be doing nad so accordingly o nteh basis of
thath you enage I nself reguatlion thath is you provide reugaltoryh toguthsi nst nad comammands to
reguatle your thinking nad your actions and make yourself do and follow what you need to be doing
and ence reguatle yourself.

The 4 step process for reguatling yourself:

You need to keep in mind what oyu should and should not be doing and accordingly o nteh basso s fit
hath you need to enage I nself-reguatling hataht is provide regulatroth y thgotush issructns and
commands to regulate yoru htinkign and oyur actions and reguatle yourself.

Keep in mind what you hsouldb e oding

Engage I nself regaltion provide regulatory htoguthsi nst s and commands o regualteour thinking and
your actions.

Regulate your thinking

Regulate your actions

The process of regulating yourself how it works , why oyu dowaht you do why oyu do it and follow it:

You know I nyour mind what oyu shud be doing and so accordingly on the basisof that you engage I
nself regulation thath is you think accoridnlgy you provide regulatory thgoutsh intrcutionsn ad
commands accordingly ot make yourself do it and follow it.

The process of regulating yourself how it works:

You know I nyour mid nwhat you should nad should not be doing so accordingly o nteh basis of that
information you eneage I nself regulation thaht is you think accordingly you proivede regulatory
thoguths inst s and cmmadns to reguatleyoursefl and make yourself do it and follow it.

How you regulate yourself: the process of regulating your self:

You know I nyour mind what you should and should not be doing and so accordingly o nteh basis of
thaht you enage I nself regulation thaht is you think accordingly you provide regulatory htoguthsi nst
and commands to make yourself od it and follow it.

Practise it:

Now that oyu know what ar ehte thigns thaht oyu ened to od to vcotnrol yourself and regulate lyursefl
you need ot put it all into practice thath is implement it if oyu don’t put it inot praoctise and use these
methods thecniques if oyu don’t folwo I t and do it or use it then you will be out of control.

If oyu are ot of control then it means either oyu don’t know or understand what oyu need ot od, or you
have forgotten it its no longer hter ein your mind and you are not keeping it in your mind, and hence
you are nto doing it, or you know in your mind its ther ei nyour mind what oyu needo t odo but you are
nto acting o nit you are not regulating oyurlsef or providing reuglatoryh toghts, to regulate yourself
toyur hiking nad yur actiosn nad make yourself do it nad follow it, or yu are not regulating yor htinkign
or you are not regulating your actions.


You need ot know and understand what oyu need ot od, its not just do it there is a way to do it, know
the right way to do it know and understand what oy should and should not be doignand whay the
reasoning behind it, you ne dot have htaht understanding, that common sense, also, you either learn
yoursle what oyu shud nadh sun ot be odign or oyu learn t form others form idols, form people who
have been successful their, advices what they do what they follow you learn form them and oyu
implement it.

Yo need t ep in id what oyu should and should not do, o that you know I nyour mdn what you ned to do
and yo regualeorsulf accordingly by providing gulatory htoguths, telling yoruslef instructing yoursfl, nad
amek yourself do ti and follow it.and as its there I your midnhat oyu ned to od it occurs to you every
time you stray and you don’t do what you are supposed to do it occurs o oyu you are rended of it and so
you regualteyoself by telling yourself, instructing yourself, proving regualtaorythogutsh to maek yourself
do ti and follow it.

Recall what are the thgins we need ot od? Reteuive thath information form your memeory, recall total
recall, okay we need otod this you should not waste oyu tie sleeping lazing, doing other htigns, unim p
thgisn, thnking of other htigns, your time is important. Ask your self what are the thigns we need ot od?
You hsud not waste time doing unimp thigns… etc.. etc… and recall retrieve the information so thaht you
know, you confirm thaht oyu know.

If you have forgotten if its no longer there in your mind what you need ot od then since you have
forgotten and you no longer know in your mind what oyu need to do its not there and so oyu wont
regulate yourself accordingly and you wont do it.

You need ot keep in mind what oyu need ot od so thaht oyu knowi nyouemr midn what oyu need ot od
you remeebr its there in your mid nand oyu dontforget, so that you knw n your mind exactly what yu
hsud n hsudn ot be doing nad you can regualteyourself accordingly on the basis of this stored
information and make oyourslef do it an d follow it.

Its not just do ti there is a way to do it know what oyu need oto do, rember it keep it in your mind and
then reguatle yourself accordingly to maek yourself od it and follow it.

Keep in mind what oyu need ot do so thth t becomes easier for oyu to regulate yourself as you know I
nyour mid nwhat oyu ned to od.

You need ot be focused you should nto od oterh htigns o think of oterhhtigns unimp thgins not waste
your time do what its imp do oyur wrok.

How to keep in mind ask yourself the question nad recall and retive the information form oyur memory
bank, as to what oy uneed ot od, recall so thaht you know that its there I nyour mind.

Make em understand explainto them what oyu should and should not be dign and whay the reasons
behind it tell thme, puti t in their minds so thath they dotn forget input it I ntheir minds tell them again
nadagian instruct them.

You need ot remember keep in mind wat oyu need ot od so thath you dot n foget nad you know I nyour
mind what oyu need to do and your regulate yourself la ccoridngliy direct oyurelf accordingly by
providing regualtroy htogtus ih instructions nand comamadns to maek oyursel f do it and follow it and
ot enforce it upon yourself, o t forc e yorusefl to od it and folwo it nadto keep yourself o nteh path and
prevent yourself form straying. Keep yourself undercotnrol in check and not go out of control,
deirstractedm diverted and straying. To wards impsulcive thigns.
The process of self-regulation:

You need otk eep in mind what oyu need to do what oyu shud nad hsud not be doig n and accordingly
on the basis of thaht provide regulatory htoguths to make oyurslf do ti and follow it.

Yu know I nyour mind what oy ushould and should not be thinking nad doing so accordingly provide
regulatory toguhts to reguating your hitnkign and oyur actions and hence regulate yorusefl.

Provide regulatory htoguths to regulate your htinkignto stop yourself form thinkignof ofthehritngs to
maek yourself think of work and imp things, to resist say no to impuslvethgouths to hat tell you to do
other htigns provide reuglatoryh toguhts ot regulate your actiosn to stop yourself form doing unimp
thigns to make yourself do im tahing motiavate yourself driveyourself ot do certia nthgisn thh you know
I nyour mind oy uneedo t be doing.

Your thoguths act as instructions and commands for oyu to stop thinking or doing certain nthgisn or
think of and do certain nthgins.

Yo know I nyour mid nwhat oy ushoudl and hsuld nto be doing so you need ot ocnsntaly and knowingly
intetioanlly provide regualtoryh toguths t o consntalty regalte your actons and oyur thinking, if ouy
don’t porivde regualoroyh togths ot reguatle oyur thignkig nand our actions and if yu don’t regulate
your htignkign and oyur atiosn then you will eb out of control. Due to lack of sefl regulation lack of
rpovideg reugaltorhy toguths, and lack of regulation of oyur thinking or your actions.

You need to enage I nself regulation htah is cosnntatly provide regualory thoughts on the basis of hwat
oyu know I nyour mind you should nshould nto be thinking or doing, in order to regulate yoru thignkign
and your actions.

You know in yor mind what you shud nshdn ot be doing os accordingly, contnstly provde reugaltory
htoguths to reguatle your thignign and your actions, keep yourself on the right path and prevent
yourself from straying tell yousefl, sntruct yursefl, direct yorusefl command yourself, as to what you
shudn n hsudn ot be doing, eneige in self

You know what you need ot odo so oyu don’t need others to tell you toyu needo t tell yourself, direct
yoursl, regukate yursefl.

If you are nto enagein I nself sregualtio if oyu are not providn the regualort htoguths, you if oy dot n act
on what oyu know in your mind u shud nshud not be doing then you will be out of control.

U needto constantly roved regatory thoughtstellurself instryct urself, to make ur self think n do wht u
know in ur mind u nee to be thinking n doing
It is somethig that you should be e doing tht you are not doing.

The wmn who taugh me self regulation jenny jane god bless her, I was cosntnatly posting funny nad
nonsense thigns on her message box and I was out of control helpless impulsively posting messages
instead f doing imp things I owe soo much to her, until she told me stop it sid, all others were blocking
me but she helped me shewas nice ot me she saved me and she said stop it sid, that’s when I realsied
holy! I need ot to tlel myself to stop it to regulate myself to be in controltl! She saved my life.

Unless and until you provede that regulatory thought command and instruction telling urself to sytop
doing it you will continue to do it.

Resis cancel that thought command instruction tht tlls you to do other things by providing a regulatory
thought command instructions itetionally telling yourself not to do it. As yu know in ure sensible and
rational memory that ou should not b doing unimp things

Provide regulatory though t command nstruction telling yourself to do the impratnt hthings tell

You need to practice engage in cnstatnt self regulation, you know I nyourmind ywhat youhsould n
should not be thinking and doing so accordingly you needo to intentionally knowingly, purposely provide
regulatory thgoutsh commands instructions, tell yourself to do it, instruct yourself to do it, inorder to
make yourself do it and follow it.

You need to be aware of the thoguths goin on I nyour head, kenow what oyu are thinking of, what kind
of thoguths you get telling you to od what and oyu need ot be aware of what you are doing, and hence
accordingly provide regulatory htoguths intestiutions and commands to regulate your htinkign and your
actions, tell yourself instruct yourself, to stop yourself form thinking of certain nthigns, make yourself
think of certain things, ressit impulsive htogutshthth tell you to do unimp thigns, stop yourself from
doing certain thigns , make yourself motivate yorusefl to do certain thgisn hth oyu know in your mind
oyu shud nbe thinking or odign o you shudn ot be thinking o doig.

If you don’t enege I nsefregualtion if oyu don’t intionallyprovde regulatory thogutsh instrutiosn and
commands to regulate yourself, tell yourself insurct yourself then you will be out of control.

You know I nyour mind what you should and should not be doing should and should nto be thinking
osaccoridngly provide regulatory htogtush instrucitosn and commands tell yourself instruct yourself to
make yourself do it and follow it if oyu odnt then you will be out of control. If oyu don’t enege I nself
To direct oyureslf guide yourself command yorusefl, correct youresfl , keep yourelf on the right path, as
to whto y uknwo I nyourm idn you need ot be doing, prevent yourself from straying.

You need ot tell yoursfl instruct youreslf command yourself drive yoursefl, provide regulatory htoguths
to make yourself do it focre yorusefl to do it follow it enforce ti upon yourself make yourself think n do
what oy know I nyour mid nyou shud nbe thinking and doing just cause you knw inyoru mid nthth you
neeo d to do certain nthgis ndoesnot mean you will automatically think of doing it and do it an d follow
it its not a automatic provcess, you need to force your self to do it enforce it upon yursfel by rpovidign
reugaltory htgoutsh instructions an commands itnientionally knwoindlgy to conreotl yourself your
htinkgi nyur actiosn to reugalte yourself oyur thinking and actions nad make yourself do it and follow it.

You need ot intentionally knowingly provide regulatory htogutsh comams instructions to make yourself
do ti and follow it, tell yourself instruct yourself. To regulate yourself make yourself o and follow what
oy uknwo I nyoru mid nyo uneed ot be doing, preene toyueslrlf from straying. Keep yourself on the path
to oyur goal, make oyur self think k and do and follow what oy uknwo I nyour mid ny oi u need ot be
doing . if you don’t act o nwhat yo uknwo I nyour mid nyou needo t be doing , if oyu odnt regulate
yourself, if oyu don’t, provide regualotry thogtush isntrctuions nad ocmmandsi f oy odnt tell yourself
then you will be out of control . provide regulatory htogtsh intionally purposely and knowindgly, tell
yourself, itneruct yourself, command and direct yourself. Yor thoughts ac as itnstrucitons and
commands telling oyu to docertai nthgisn or stop doing certain nthgisn . privde those thoughts
regulatory thgotush to reguatle oursefl, provide those isntructiosn nad comamdns to make yourself do it
and follow it if oyu don’t then you wont do it, if oyu know I nyour mid nwhat oyu needo t be doing but if
oyu don’t act on ti if oyu don’t privde htose regualtoryh toguthsi sntrucitosn and comamdns then you
will nto od it. Cause oyu are not telling yourself intrusting yourself ot do it and foloow it, just cause you
know doesn’t mean oyu will think automatically on your own of doing it and o it , no youyou needo t
intetioanlly purpseoyl provide the htoguths telling you to od it only then youw ill do it and follow it.
Provide the htgoutsh to make oyuselrf do it nad follow it.

You know inyour mind what yo ushuld nad should nto be doing so accorindlgy you tell yourself to od it
instruct yourself to od it and follow it, you only tell yourself to od it and follow it, you odnt needo toerhs
to tell you, provide the regualtoryh toguths isntructiosn nad commands to keep yourelf on the right path
to regulate yourself your htinkgi nad oyur actiosn to enforce it uopon yourelsf, corrt yourself every tiem
your stray, to make yourself do it and follow it. To keep yourself under control and reulaget oursefl our
htignkign and oyur actions. Practice constnatl self reguatlion you needo t oregualte yourelsf ocannstallty
to stop yourself form odign other htigns thinking fo other hitngsnad getting distracted nad make
yourself do whawhat is imp nad think of what is imp.

It’s a very difficult process you will have a hard time controlling nad regulating oyursefl, but with
pracitse you get use ot it oyu know what oyu are doing and what oyu need ot od how to regulate
yourself and control toyursefl the goal is total control, you nend to consntalty and intetioanlly knowingly
provide regulatory htoguths istrucitosnand commands tell yoursfl instruct yousersfl, inorder to treguatle
yourself your htinkig nand your actions.
Don’t waste yoru time doing oterh unimp things now first do what is imp.

If you don’t practice self regulation, if oyu don’t rpvide regualtoryh toguthsi nsrtucitosn and commands,
tell yourself instruct yourself, to stop yourself from doing certain nthgisn tht hyou know in your mid nare
nimp make youserlf do certain nthgis nthth you know u needo t be doing stop yourself form thinking of
certain nthgisn amek yourself think fo certain hgisn, resist impuslvice thoughts then you will be out
ofcontrol due ot lack of self reguatlion, tyou wont do it follow it what oyu know I nyour mid noyu need
to be doing cause you are not telling yourself instructiong yourself providing the regulatory htogutsh
commands instrucitosn to do it and follow it.

So now you know what oyu need ot od , what is it that oyu were not doing, now oyu know how it all
works, so do it follow it paracisstse it

Lets not was te tiem lets get ot work now.

Unless and until you maek youserlf stop doing it by providing thaht regulateoyry htgoutsh telling yoursl
to stop doing it you are not gonna stop doing and oyu will continue ot do it inspite of know ing inyour
mind htat oy shud not be doing ti. You need a thoguths an intsrution and a command telling yourself ot
stop doing it only the n you will stop doing it not otherh wise. So inteitoanlly knowingly provide
reugaltory htogutsh commands intsrutions telling yourself to doceertian thgisn and not do certain
nthgisn o nteh basis of hwat oy uknwo I nyorm idn oyu shudn shud not be doing. Practsei self
regulation, provide regaultoty htoguthsi ntsructiosna nad commandstellign yoruseflto do certia nthgisn
nto od certain things think focertain thgisn not hik of certain htgisnand so on onylthen your will do it and
follow it.

Tell your self instruct your self provide regualtor htoguths ocmmamadnsi sntructions to make yoursefl
do it and followi t

Drive urself instsruct yourself tell yourself command yourself by proivivng

regulatory htoguths

You should not waste your time waste ot a single minute your time is very important. And you need to
spend oyur tie on achveign hete important things in lfie nt enge I nunimp thgisn.

U know in ur mind what u shud n shold nt be fdoing so accordingly regulate urself by providing
regulatory thoughts instructions n commands to make urself do it and follow it.

Kids are small and they don’t understand anything they need t be told parents need to tell them as to
qwhat they shud do n shud not do n why the reason behind it to make them understand, also they need
to be constantly supervised, and told instructed nagged, as to what to do and what not to do you need
to tell tehm give them instructoions diot do this dot do that d this do thtat to make them do it and
follow it constantly nag them they lack self regulation they are impulsive and notty, they need external
supervision regulating and instructing, to make them do things they need to be be constantly told and
As yu grow up you understand know realize everything as to what you should n should not b e doing n
why the reasoning behind it, so you need to tell youself regulate yourseff instruct yourself to make
yourself do it and follow it you don’t eed others to tell you what to do you eed to enage in self
regulation and tell yourself instruct yourself on the basis of what you know in your mind you need to
ebe doing thus regulate and control yourself to make yourself do r t and follow it.

You know in your mind what you shud nshud not be doing so accordingly you need to regulate yourself
practisee self regulation engein self regulation, provide regulatory thoughts instructions and command
to make yourself do it ad follow it , stop doing things that you know yu shud not be doing, to control
yourself regulate yourself direct, yourself, prevent yourself from straying, k ep yourself on the path to
your goal, creect yourself bring yourself back everytime you stray, tame your mind, bring it under ur
control, to keep yourself I ncheck, to control ad regulate yourself ypur thinking ad your actions to sto
yourself from doing n think other things nmake urself do and think mp things, make yourself do it follow
it what you know in your mind you should be ding, correct urself everytime you stray, enforce it on
yourself, retrain yourself, refrain yourself jeep ourself under control in check, cange modifuy your
actions your thinking, as to what you knw in your mid in yoyur rational memory you shud be thinking
and doing.

Your thoughts act as ntructions and commnds to ake yourself do certain thigs or stop yourself from
doing certain things, you eed that thought tha t instruction and command for you to eithr stop doing or
thinking f certain thing or do and think of certain things if you don’t provide that thought instricution
and command if you don’t tell yourself to do certan things and stp doing ceratin thing then you will
continue to do what you arenot supposed to do or not do what you are supposed to do inspite of
knowing thatin your mind tht you shud not do it or you shud be doing t, cause, you need a though t an
instruction telling yourself to stop doing or tnkingit or doing or thinking it, for you to stop dioing it or fr
yuu to do it, if you don’t provide tht thought instruction ad command you wont do it. Inspite yf know ign
yin your mind thaht oyu need to , you thgouths act as istnructions and commands for oyu to stsart doing
thirnkgin soemthign or stop doing r thnkign some thigns.

Unless and until you odnt provide thath regulator y htgouths ocammnd dna instruction telling yorseflto
either stop thining or doing certain thgi or start thinking or doing certain nthging, you will not stop doing
it or strat doing it, inspite of know ing you r mid nthth you shudn nto be thinking ofo t or doing t I or you
hsud nbe thinking of it or doing it. You need a thgouht tellgin you to od so a thoguth command
instruction telling yout ood so for oyu to odit, your htoguths act as instructions and commands to make
yourself stop or strat doing or thinking certaint thigns.

You need ot reguatle yourself proriced thaht regulatory thgotush commands nad instruction, tell
youresfl instruct oyursefl to either start oign ti orstop oding it for oyu to start doing it or stop doing or
thinking of it.

If you don’t provde thath regualtoy thgouht telliny oursefl to do it or stop doing it then you will not do it
or stop doing it.
You need to provide that regulatory htoguths command instructions telling yourself ot to do it or stop
doing it for oyu to do it or stop doing it or thinking fo it.

Tell yourself:

Lets not waste time doing this now lets get to work, no don’t do thaht now do oyur work do what is

Reguatle yourself enenage I snelf-reguatlion, practice ocstnatl serlf reguatlion, intentionally knowingly
provide regualtoryh toguth, isntruciton dnad comamadnsto reguatle yourself control yourself, keep
yourself on the right path, reatrain oyursefl, prevent yourself from straiyn,g conrrect yourself, bring
yourself back to the right path to what you know oyu need ot be doing, to make yourself think and do
what oy uknow oyu needo tb e thinking and foidng and stop yourself from thinking nand doing hwat oyu
know oyu shud not be hinkign and doing, to prevent yourself from getting diverted distracted, from
doing other htigns unimpthigsn to keep yourself o nteh path yot oyur goal and do what is needed to
achvie your keep yourself under control. To reguatle and control yourself your thigngi nand your
actions. Keep a gri o p hold over yourself control, over yourself, self correting, self driving self drieting,
self itnitating, self reguatling self managing. Don’t nteed others to tell you what to od you do it ouresfl
tell your self, rdret isntrut command yourself on the basis of hwat oy uknwo I nyour mind yo usud nshud
not eb doing. Engage I nself reguatlion.

So now oyu know what oy u need ot od you nneeed ot regulate yourself, control yourself, cosntnatl and
intentionally knowingly proide regulatory htogutsh isntrrcuitosn nad comamads tell yourself what ot od
what not ot do inorder to reulte yourself control yourself your htinkig nyour actions, keep yorsif l
undercotnrol, self reguatlion enage I self reguatlion, be slf e commanding, self directing, in control fo
oyursefl, if you don’t enage I nself reguatlion you will be out fo ocntorl, if oyu don’t provde regualtry
thgotush instraucitosn and command s if you don’t cosntnatly tell yourself isntrct yourself what to od
and not to do tthen you will end up thinking and doing thigns thth you are not supposedto without
stopping and oyu will not od the things n think of thigns thth you are supposed to do and think of, you
will be helpless, out of control taken for a ride by our impuslve thinking thoguths memeory and actions.
Yo uwill lack self control and reguatlion, and be givenrend by implusvice thignsinkg and behaicvour due
ot lackofselfcontrol, self restrain opposition, monitoring, and resitaince. Its like oy ulet yourself go free
to think and do what ever you want ot od cause you are not enage I ing I nself reguatlion you are not
proviidgn the regualtorhytogutsh instructions and commands telling yourselfto stop doing ertian thgisn
nthinkig fo certain nthgisn and astrat doing certain nthgis nad thinking of certain nthigns. Due to
lakcofresist ance opostion and restrain. Due ot alck of ressi tance self retainr opposion to that impuslvie
behavior, by proviing reugaloty thgoutsh instructions nad comamamdns to stop doing ti and do what is

Nless n until yo regulate yourself f you tell yourself to stop doing it provide thth regulatory thoguth
command instruction telling yourself to stop doing it oyu are not gonna stop doing it and oyu will
continue ot do it.
You needto practice self regulation provide reguatleory thgoutsh isntrucctiosn comamadns to regulate
yorusefl if oyu odnt engage I nself reguatlio n fi you dotn provide regualtaory htogtush isntrucitosn and
comamdns, tehn you will be out of control. Fi yo don’t regulate yoruesfl.

Initially it was not clear it was just “provide regulatory thought to regulate urself ur thinking n ur
actions” since it was not clear you were condfused as to what do you mean by regulatory thoughts , how
it works? What effect that wwill have, how it workds or produces te results and is effective, why its
needed, wahat you need to do what is it tht u are not doing wht is self regulation is it providing reg
thugt or reg ur tinkng n action r does it involve the memory part sas well now you know what self
regulation is it’s the act of proving reg thouhyts knowingly constalty intestinally providing reg thoughts
inst s n commands to make urself do it n follow I t to reg rself.

But now its more clear, yeah but what do you mean by egulatory thought “tell yourself instruct yourself”

N how does it work “ your thought act as instructios and command for u to start hinking or doing certain
things or stop thnking or doing certin things”

N now you kno what you need to do what self rehgulation is about “you need to enage in self regulation
you need to constantly provide self regulatory thoughts instructions commands to regulate urself to
mke urself thnk n do certain things n stop ureself frm thinking n doing certain things”.

What is self regulation:- the act of providing regulatory htoguths isntrucitons commands telling
yourself, inroder to direct yourself, drive yourself, prvent oyureslf from straying, keep yourself otnehe
right apth, bring ruslef abck everytime you stray reguatel yorusefl your htignkignnad oyur actions, make
oyursel d owat oyu know inyour mind you should be doignnad thinking, stop yourselffrom doignand
htinkign wha to yu knw oy uhsud not be doing nad thinking.

Practise self Regulation:

You now I nyour mind what oyu should and should not be doing soo accordingly provide ereuglatoryh
toguths instructions and commands to reguatle yorusefl your thinking nad oyur actions, to make
yourself thin kand do what oyu know in yourm id nyou needo tbe thnkign nad doing, to make oyursefl
do and follow what oyu know u need ot be doing.
You need to practice sefl regulation,that is provide regulatory htoguths instructions and commands to
reugalte yourself, your thinking oyur actions, maek yourself do certain tnhgisn stop yourself form thing
and doing things thth ou kknow in yomr mind oyu hsu or shud not be e oding. Direct yourself, keep
yourself o nteh right path bring youself back everytime oyu stray and so on.

If oyu don’t practice selfregutlation you will be out ofocntrol if oyu dontproivde the regualatory
thgoutsh instracuions and commands to ereuglate yourself your thinkignad oyur actions then you will be
out of control, enage in self reguatlion you need ot consntatly intentionally provide reguatlory thoguths
instrcuitons and commands tell yourself hwat ot od and not to do in orer to reguatle oyursefl, keep
yourslefo nteh right path and prevent yourself form straying.

If you don’t practsie selfreguatlion thaht is provide reguatloryh toguhtsi nstrcitosn nad coammnds tell
yorusefl what ot do what not ot do inorder ot reguatle yourself oyut hitnkgn nad oyur actions then you
will be out of control. Uw ot lack of sefl reguatlion. You need ott ocnnastly tell yourself instruct yourself
provide regualtoryh toguths commands and isntrucitons to prevent oyrslf form straying make oyurslef
do what o yu know inyor mind you needo to be doing stop oyurslf form doing otehrtigns n thinking
other htigns. Keep oyursefl on the path to oyurgoal.

Be bossy, give instructions directions, you need otb e good but at the same time assertive, n tell what
you feel, give directions, get yoru act together mate, complete it till this time mate , did you get this
thing done okay so do this mate.

tell yousefrlf there is not hig n wrogn with you you are looking goo,d reassure yourself, self-ellign, sef;
-reminindg you are looking good, dotn htik negative, think positive tellyourself, remind yourself.
Instruct oyursel f what to do.

You need to practice self regulation, if oyu don’t hten you will be out of control. You need to cosntnatly
tell yourself instruct oyurslfe remind yourself, provide regualtoryh toguthsi nstructios and commands to
reugalte yourself your thinkgin your actions, to keep yursefl on the right wath, to prevent oyuserlf from
straying, practice self reguatlion, that is porivde reguatlroyh togtsh isntrtucitosn and commands if oyu
don’t then you will eb out fo control. Know what oyuneedo tb e oding so now you know what oyu need
ot be doing, you need to ocnsatnly prcatis selfreguatlion, tell yourself, direct yourself, instruct yoursfle,
remind ourelf, if you don’t practis cosntnat self reguatlion if ou don’t eneage I nself reguatlion you will
be out of control you need to consntatly inteionally knowinwlgy and cosntntaly enage I self reguatlio
ntaht is provide regulatory htoguts isnterucitosnna comamdns to reugalte yorusefl direct yorusefl keep
oyurslef ont eh right path brign yorusefl back everytime you stray prevent yorusfl from straying make
yourself do what oyu know I nyour mind oyu need ot be doing.

You need ot praoctise self regulation that is cintionally knowingly and constntaly provide regualtoryh
toguths isntructiosn and commands tell yorusefl instruct t yorsefl inorder ot keep yourself o nteh right
path, direct yourself prevent oyureslf form straying make yourse lf think and do what oy uknwo ou shud
be thinking and doing, if you don’t practice self reguatlion if you don’t enage in sefl reguatlion then you
eill be out of control if oy odnt regulate otuself due t lack of self reguatlio n you will be ot of control.
Cause there is no restistance no restraint, you end up doignwhat ever you want ot od you let yourself go
feret othiknk and do what oy uwnat ot do you don’t offer opposition restratin eresitance to it via self
reguatlion to make oyurslef think and o what oyu know you nee o t bbe doing, and stop yourselffrom
thinkignand doing what you know you shud nt be thinking and doing. If oyu odnt practiseself reguatlion
then it means you are letting yourself go free to think and do whatever you wnato todo impuslveive,
enjoy odin and stuff, and there is no resstantce and restrint to it, as a result you will be out of control
you wont be doing what ou shoud be thinking ad n doing inspite of knowing I nyourm ind oyu should be
thinking and doing it cause oyu are not providing htaht regualtoryhtoguhts ocmmamdns instruction
telling yourself to odit or stop doing it , you need thaht istruciton thoguth commands telling yourself to
od it or stiop thinking or doing it for oyu to stop or strat thinking or doing it.

If you don’t enage in sefl reguatlion if you don’t consntatly provide regulatory thgouths instructions and
commands to regulate yoursfl your thinkignand your actions and make yourself do and follow what oyu
know I nyour mind oy uneed to be doing then you will be out of control.

To regualete yourself you need ot :

You need ot ocnsntatly procivde Regulate provide regualtoryh toguths inorder to reguatle oyur thignkgi
nand oyur actions
You ned to cosntnatly reguatle your thigking by providing regualtorythoguths
And oyu need ot ocnsntaly regulate your actions by providng regualtoryh toguths

You need ot ocnsntalty provide regualtorhy toguths to regulate your htignkign and oyur actiosn if oyu
don’t oyu will be ut of contol, you know I nyour mind what oyu need ot od sointetionally provide
regualtoryh toguths to make yourself do it and follow it to regulate oyursefl, your htignkign nad oyur
atiosn to enforce it on yourself, to prevent yourself form straying, to keep yourself on the right path nad
brign yourself back everytime oyu stray and nto odwhat oy uare supposed ot be doing.

To be I ncontrol of your self and oyur actiosn you need ot be I ncontro lof heht otghts gin on I nyour
head regulate yoru thinking

Your actiosn are a direct result oftheh tgoutsh gonin o nin your head know what you are thinking fo
what htoguths yo get telling you to do what, resists say no to impuslve thgotush that ell oyu to od htigns
hth yo uknwo I nu rm id nare unimp. Whever you think of odign unimp tigns or get a thgout in your mid
nto do unimp thigns tell yourself “no don’t waste your time oding unimp tigsn ow, reiss thath thgouht
cancel it say no to it, provide regualtoryh toguths to resit thath thought cancel thaht thought inst and
commands that tell you to od other tigns”

Prove reguatlroy htoguths, to make oyursfel do imp thigns, motivate yourself to do certia nthgisn that
you kw oinyoru mid n u need ot be doing, provide regualto hy toguths that act as instructiosnnad
ocmands to make your self do certain nthgisn ththa oyu know I nyour mid n uneedo t be doig your
htogtush ac t as instructiosn and commands to make yourself do or think certain nthgisn or stop thinkgn
of donign certain nthgns.
Providing regulatory htogtuhs to regulate your thignkignand your actions. On the basis of what o uy
know I nyour min d you shud nhsud not be thinking nad doing.

You need to constantly enage I nself regulation, that is cosnnstlaty provide regulatory thgouths to
reugalte yoru thinkignand oyur actions on the basis of what oy uknow in your mind oy ushul n should
not be doing. If you don’t enage I nself regulation, if oyu don’t regulate yourself, by providing regulatory
thoughts then you will be out of control.

Yo need to ocnsntalty provide regulatory htogutsh to regulate your thignkingadn yoursactions. If you
don’t you will be out f o control.

Ou need to ocnsntalty engage I nself regulation thaht is conanstly provide regulatory thgotush to
regulate your htinkgin and our actiosn if oyu don’t, reguale yourself, if oyu dotn provide regualtoryh
thgotuhs then you will be out of control. If you dot n engage I nself reguatlon.

You know I nyour mind what o yu should and should not be thinking nad doing so accoridnly provide
regualtoryh toguht to reugalte yoru self your htinkginad your actions.

You know I nyour mind what you should nad should not be oding so accordingly regulate yourelf your
htignkign and oyur actions by proviing regulatory thgouths cosntntalty. If oyu don’t the n you will eb out
of control enage in self regulation.

On the basis of hwat oyu know I nyour mid nyou should n hsoudl nto be doing you need ot act on that
You need to regulate yorusefl provide regulatory thgoths, tell yourself, instruct yourself, direct oyursfl,
command yourself, keep yourself o nteh right path prvent yourself rom straying as to what oyushoudl
and should nto be thinking or doing.

You know in your mind what you should and should not be doingso you need ot reguatle yourself
cosntnatly, you need ot constalty provide regulatory htogtush instructions and commands, tell yourself,
instruct yourself direct yourself to make yourself do it and follow it, to enforce it upon yourself, to keep
yourself on the right path to prevent yourself from straying, to bring oyurslef back and correct yourself
everytiem you stray.

Your thoguths act as intereuctions and commands for oyu to do ertain thigns or stop doing or thinking of
certain nthigns, you know in yor mnd what you eneed ot be doing so oyu don’t need others to rell you
or regulate you or direct you give firections to oyu or nag you you need ot tell yourself, instruct
command and direct yourself,

Intonally knowingly provide reugaltory htoguths to regulate yourself to keep oyursefl o nteh right path t
o provevnt yourself form strayin to brign yourself back everytime you stray, if oyu don’t eneage I nself
regulation if oyu don’t provide regulatory hotughts instrucitosn and commands if oyu odnt reguatle
yourself you will be out of control.

You need ot cosnntaly regulate yourself, tell yourself instruct oyursfel direct yourself provide regulatory
htoguths isntructiosn and commands, to kepe ypourlsef o nteh right path to prevent yourefl form
strayin. To make yourself follow ndad do what oyu know I nyour mind you needo t be doing, cosntntaly
tell yoursfl instruct yorsefl intetionallyp roivde the regulatory htoguths commadnsfirectiosn intrsctions
as to what oy uhsund hasudn not be doing and thinking. On the basis of hwat oy know I nyour mind u
hsud nshudn ot be doing, to stop yourself form doing certia nthigns, to make yourself do certain thigns,
to stop yourself fro mthinkign ofcertia nthgisn to make oyurselfthik of certain nthigns.

If you dnt provde that regualtoryh toguht command and intstrution inorder to regulate oyursefl then
you wont do it and follow it, unless and untell you tell yourself to od it follow it intsrut oyusrel provide
thaht regulatory htogutsh commadnsn ad instruction telling yourself to do it you wont do it or follow it,
your thoguths act as isntructiosn and commands telling nyorusefl to do it and follo w it. If oyu don’t
provide thaht instrcitosn you wotn do it. You may know inyourm id nthth you shud do certain tnhgis nn
u shud not be doing certain things but still you wont think fo doing it automatically, still you wont do it
and follow it cause oyu need a thoguth instratuion command telling nyorusefl to od it and follow or
stop doing it , you needo t provide thath thgouths, instructiona and command, to either maek yourself
do it or sop doing certia nthgisn,

Your thoguths act as instructins and coammnds telling toyou to do certain thgisn or stop doing certain
nthgisn, telling you to think of ertian things or stop thinking of certain things.

Unless and until lyou privde htath reugaltoryh toguths telling yourself to od it or tstop doing ti you wont
do it or stop doing it. You will continue to od it. You nened thath thoguths stnructio nand command to
change your acousrse of wacion that oyu are doing. Unless nad until you make yourself stop doing ti by
porividng a reguatlory htoguths commandand instruction telign yotrslef to stop doing it, you wont stop
doing ti woyu will be out of control and continue ot od it.

Inrder for oyu to strat doing a certain tnhgisn or stop doing certain nthgisn start thinking or stop
thignkign of certia tnhgis nyou need a thoguth isntruciton comamdns telling nyourself o t odit only the
nyou will do ti and follow it not otherwise unless and until you don’t proevidethaht ythoguth you wont
do it or follow it. Even if oyu know iynour mind haht you shud nnot do it oyu wil continue ot od it cause
oyu are nto acting on what oyu know I nyoru mid nyou are not providing the thoguths ocmamands
itnrstuoionteling oyrself to stop doing it and do what is imp.

For oyu to etiher start doing or thinking of something or stop doing o thinking of something you need a
thought command instruction telling yourelf to stop doing ti or stop doing it. Other wise you will
continue ot do what you are not supoed to od and not do what oyu are supposed to do inspite of
knowing in your mid nthth you shud do it or you shud not do it.

Your thogutsh act as instructions an commands for oyu to either r star t doing something or stop doing

tell ursel f dierect urself instruct yourself as to what oy ushold and hsould nto eb doing to regulate
yorusefl to make yourself do it and follow it. to neforce it upon yoursefl, to focrecyourslef to stp oding
unimp thigsn ndo imp thgns.
You need to ocnsntaly pracitse self regulation if oyu don yu will be out ofcontrol. You need to practice
self regulsation that is constantly regulate urself by providing regulatory thoughts otherwise you will be
out of control.

What is self regulation?

1) does self regulation means regulating yourself and provding regulatory thoguts is just a method to
regulate yourself OR

2) Self regulation is the process of providing regulatory toguths engaging I nreguatlion, regulation thht is
the process of proving reuglatoryh toguhts tehact of regulation. That is you regulating oyurslef you
ourslef engaging I nregulation.

Self regulation is the process, the action theact of intentionally knowingly purposely proviingregualtoy
thoguthsi nstructions nad comammadns, self tellgn, telling yourself, inordeer to reguaetle your self
reugate your thinking, regulate yor actions, to prvevent oyurslef from straying, to bring yourslefback
everytime you stray, to correct yourself, to make yoursle do and think what you know I nyour mind
you should be doing nadhtinking tostop youreslffrom thinkignan d oding what oyu know in your mind
you should be not e thinkignand doing.

You know nyour mind what you shud and hsud not be doingso yu odnt need externa l regulation you
don’t need others to tell you nag oyu what to od, its all internal you only tell yourself instruct yourself
comamadn yourself provide intentionally purposely knowingly, consciously, and coansntly the
regulatory thogutsh comamdns and instructions ot makeoyurself od it and follow it, to consntatly
keep tyousreslf on the right path, prent oyurslef frm straying nad brign yourself back to the path to
your gaol everyitme oyu stray get distracted and wander into the forest looking at flowers or berries.

You need ot constnantly eneage I nself-regulation you need ot knowingly intentionally constnaly provide
regualtroytoguths instrautionsnad coammandss to keep yourself on the rightpath prevent oyurslefform
staryign beirng yourself back every itmeyou stray if you don’t engage in self-regulation then you will be
out of control.

You know what you need to do, rgualte yoruslf enage I nself reguatlion constantly, provide reugaltory
thoguths, cosnntaly and intentionally to regulate yorsel if oyu don’t enage in self –rgulation if y u don’t
provde regulatory htgotsh to regulate yourself drive oursefl, motivate yourself, guifde yuserf , drect,
cmamn yourself, maek yourself do it follow it, enforece it upon yourself, what oyu know I nyour mid nyo
shud nn shd not be oding, make yourself thik and do and follow what oyu know I nyour mind what oyu
shud nad shud not be doing, then you will be out of control.

Self -correcting
Regulating your thinking:

If you don’t regulate ur thinking, if you don’t have control over the thoughts goin on in ur head, if you
leet you mind go free to think of anything tt it wants to think then you wll be out of control.

Inorder to be in control of oyuself you need t ob e I ncontrol fo the htoguths goin on in your head thaht
is control and regulate your thinking by proividng regulatory thoguths. If you don’t regulate your
thinking then you will be out of control.

To be I ncontrol of oyur sefl you need ot be in control fo the thguths goin o nin your head, you need ot
regulate yru thignkign practice thought control ad rn regulation

You need to stop yourself from thinking of unimp thgisn , make yourself think of imp tigns and resist say
no to impulsive thogutsh that tell you to od unimp things.

To be I ncontrol of yourself you need ot be in control fo the thgouths gin on I nyour head you need ot
practice thought control and regualtin control nad reugalte het hgouths goin on I nyour head.

Your actions are the resultso f the thoguths goin on I nyour head, your thoguths act as instructions or
commans for oyu to start doing something or stop doing something, first yo u think fo doing something
or get a thought I nyour mind to do something only then you do it and follow it, for eg… wen yo feel
thirsty, you first think lets drink some water then you get up and go to drink water.

Be awre of theh toguths goin o ni nyour mind know what impulscive thoughts oyu get in ur mind telling
you, instructing oyu to do what, resist that htoguth by providng regulatory htoguths, syain no, no don’t
waste your tiem doing that noe prodivng reguatlory thgotush coammnds instructions.

How ot regulate your thinking:

You need ot be aware of hteh tgouths goin on I nyour head, knowwhat oyu are thinking of , whenever
yo find yourself thinking of otehrh tings then tell yourself to stop thignkign of other htigns, what is goin
o nin your head what you are thinking of is it imp?

Make oyursefl think fo work and imp things, tell yourself stop thikgin of otehrh tigns nad think of oyur
work nad mp thgins decide what ot othink of what should I think of now, think of whato to thnk of, lets
think of this intetioanl thining knowingly think fo a certain nthigns r topic.

Whnever you get impulsive thoguths telling ou to do other htigns then resist those thoguths cancel say
no to those thoughts by telling yourself no odnt waste your time doing unimp things do what is imp.

You actions are aresult of hthe thgoutsh goin o ni nyour head first oy uge a thgouht or think fo oding a
certain nthign only then you do it, resisi those impuslve thgoutsh that tell you to od things tt h hyou
know I nyour mind are unimp.

Regualting your actions:

To be I ncontrol fo oyurslf you need to be in control of your actions, that is control and regulate your
actions by providing regulatory htoguths. If you don’t regulate your actions the nyou will be out of

You need to stop doing unimp thigns and you need ot do what is imp, motivate yourself to do what is
imp and stop yourself from doing unimp thgins.

How to regulate your actions:

Be aware of what oyu are doing, know what oy are doing is it important or unimp.

Whenever you find yourself doing unimp thigns then tell yourself to stop doing unimp thigns wasting
your time doing unimp thigns

Motivate yourself to do imp thigns, tell yourself, dotn lay down dotn sleep get up and study, get up and
get ot oork dontwaste oyur time.

Self introspectinon- itnroverstion take yor time to think itthroguh do it well right, know whato t odo
hwo to do it , if oy udo ehawt what result you get a well thought out technique, doing it thoughtfully, ,
by thinking it through as to what you need ot do how to do it, tis nto just do tit her ei s a way to do it,
the right way to do it that gives right results:-

time to sit down laydaown, meditiate, sakin,the sunlisht, be calm, quiet, still and go within introverted in
your mind touhts daydream, wonder go some place quiet and think, self intrspect, think, what you need
to do how to do it how to go about it, analyze research ho w it works and so on, if you do what what
result you get, what the proble m is, what you need to do to solveit, how it works and so on, and ten
once you are dine with all the thinking and figure utwhat you need t do how it works and so on then its
time to get back to work to action ad impliment it all. a quiet place wehere there is no noise no
disturbance so that you can quietly thinkn fgure oyut, wahat you need to do how it works where the
problem lies annd so on and then apply it to see if works if it desnt then thinkagain wha t is wrong what
is the issue and wha t you need to do and so on.ina calm peacef quiet cool warm and serene place, to
think it thogurhg as to whato yu need t odo and os on. Looking out of the window and day dreaming and
thinking ,introverted quiet I nyour own world and thoguths I nyour own. Take your time think it
thoguhrugh as to how ot od it and os on and od it right.

Thought control and regulation:

When ever you find yourself thinking of otherh tings tell yourself stop thinking of othehrthigns , be
aware fo theht oguths goin on I nur head

The process of self regulation:-

You have n understanding of owhat oyu need ot od you know in your mind its there in your mind You
know in your mind wht oyu should n should not do n it occurs to you every time you don’t do it or follow
it … so accordingly regulate your actions nd your thinking by proviign regulatory htoguhts insts n
commands, resist your impulsive thoughts nd ctions by providing selfl regulatory thoughts… provide
regulatory htoguths insts n commands to stop yourself from doing otehrh tigns n mke yourself od imp
thigns thigns thth you know I nyour mind you hsud be doing and to stop yourself from thignkign ofo
therh tingsn nmke yourself think of ywork and imp thigns to resist say no to the impulsive thogutsh totht
tell you to do other htigns to roivde thgouths instn ncommands to mke oyurslef od imp thigns

Steps and techniques of self regulation:

Keep in mind what you should n should not od things like: during sudy time you should not do otherh
tigns, you should not wast your time lazying nd sleeping round get up nad work hard t hcive your goal,
you should sy no to tohrer thigns… as oyu know in your mind wht you should n should not od so it will
ccur to oyu you knw I nur mind wht you hsud nshudn ot think n do nd so accoridnly regulate yoru
thinking nad actions by providing self regualory htoguths instn ncommnds to stop yourself from thinking
n doing certin thigsnn mke yourselfthink n do certin thigns. Practice self regulation if you don’t hten you
will be out of control. You know in your mind what you hsud nshusd not do n suhd n hsud nto think os
basically the goal is to resit the impulsive thogutsh tht tell you to do otherh tigns, sto p yousefl fro
mthginkign of nimp thgisn n focus your mind, resist your imppuslve actions stop or prevent yourself
from doing certain things n make yourself, forceyourself do certain things n think of certain things tht
you know in your mid nyou hsud be doing by providng regulatory htoguths.

Autmatic process (its automatic and more unaware, however it does not happen always) you know I
nyour mind and so you think and hence you do eg: you know in your mid nthth your exms are coming its
there in your mind this info and os oyu think “lets not waste time lets get to work now” and hence you
do. However the thignsi s you re not gonn automatically think and od cause if htt ws the cse then you
would hve been I perfect control of oyur actiosn tht is not the case just cause you know in your mind
ndtht doesn’t menthth you will think n do it automatically… you don’t think nd do automatically. Cause
your mind is too occupied I nthikig ofr doing otherh tgns. So oyu need ot on purpose provide a
regualotry thoguths o t force your slf to stp doing n thinking otrhh itgns nmake yourself do n think imp

Intentional regulatory process: (you know I nyour mind nd ti coccurs to oyu and so you knowingly and
inyteionally tell yourlesf to either od or nto od think or not think by proviidgn regulatory htoguths by
intetionlly providing knowingly on purposely provisign regualorty htogths tell yourself inst command
direct yourself by proidvign regualorty htoguthsi nst or command ot stop ypourslf from doing certin
thgisn or make your self od certain thigns). You need to know wht you need to od and you need to
remember it what you need to od not forget it, you need to keep in mind what you need to do
thigsnlike you need to regulat yoursfl nd s o on.

The process of self regulation what you need to do to regulate yourself:- know what oyu needto do to
reguatle yourself n keep that in mnd nfollow it put it to practice constantly. You need to keep in mind
wat yo ushud nhsudn to be doing n ccordingly you need to prctise reglation if you don’t regulate
yourself oyu will be out of control.

For personal productivity, efficiency ,self driven self manign self conroll self regulating self giding self
commaning slef know how your brain works what leads to action control your thoguts that tell you o t
do unimp things, reg your thoguhtsn actions practice thought reg n control

You are not on your free time you are onyur work time leave that aside its not the time to od it do ti
whe n you arefre military discipline get to work dowhat s im p you areo n a mission now no fun n o free
time on business
Knw the proess of what goes on I nyour mind what leads t oaction so that yo know what tou need to do
how to regulate yourself so on how he mind works n so on .
So that you know what you need to do how to regulate yourself
You know how the brain works the process hw it works what leads to action and so you know what you
need ot od how to egulate yourefl

Get to work to acieveyour golas work consntaly day n night

You need to learn to take effort nd learn to work hrd without hrdwork you re not gonn achive any thing

The process of self regulation:-

Understanding:- you need to have an understanding a sense of what you should n should not do to
succeed and why the reasons behind it

You know you understand n you know I n your mind what u shud nshudn not od n so oyu think
accordingly nhence you do
Make yourself understand understandwhat oyu should nshould not d o way put in the brian feed in
them ind make them understand as kids when you grow up kid s need to be told what to do n whatnot
to do n wh y cause they have no undersntading you needo t feed in their mind as you grow up you know
on yourown what you need to do
Realiazation as to what you need to do and why realize what you need to do right you kwo aht you need
ot do right then, don’t you know what oy uned ot od odnt oyu know thaht thereis exam coming so oyu
need ot study


Keep in mind what you should n should not do n why, don’t forget
Remebr it, dontforget it , keep in mind, by reading rereading, recalling, what you need to do and so on
how to keep in mind

Keep in mind what you should n should not do so that you remember n you don’t forget it n you do it
oyu regulate yourelf accordingl a s you know in your mind what you should nshould nt od n what you
need todo n so oyu think accordingly n henceyou do

Keep in mind what you need to do don’t forget

You know in your mind wh t you shud nshud not do n so when you do unimp thigns you are eminded of
it it occurs to you n so oyu think accordingly regulate n hence you do it eg you are doing other tigns you
remember it ocucrsto you u hsudnt wast time n s o you think “ lets not wast time” n hence you do

Keep in mind what you should n should not be doing n why the reasons behind it, so that you know
what you shud nsud not do its there in your mind u remember it n it occurs to you when you don’t do
the thigns you are supposed to do or when you do the things that you are not supposed to do, n so you
think accordingly n hence you do or you regulate yourself accordingly by providng self regulator y
thoguths commands instructions to make yourself do the things you know in your mind you shud be
doing or to stop yourself from doing things that you know in your mind that you shud not be doing.
You need to keep in mind what you should and should not do n why the reasons behind it

You know in your mind that your exam is coming n so you need to study otherwise you will fail n s o you
study think of studying and hence you do

Things like don’t waste your time your time is imp once you lose time you will enver get it back you
should notwaste your time

You eed to manage your time

You need to keep in mind remember what you need to do what you should n should not do n why, so
that you remebr you know in your mind its therein yor mindwhat you ned to od and so it occursto oyu
and hence you think accordingly andhence you od itand hence you regulate yourself by providing n
regulatory htoghts to make yourself do it and follow it what you know in your mind you shoul doing. If
yu forget what you need to do if its nolonger there in your mind then itwont occur to you as its no
longer ther in your mindwhat oyu need ot od and so it wont occur to you and you wont think
accordingly and so you wont od it and you wont follow it. So keep in mind knowwhat to do.

How to keep in mind n not forget so that you remember its there in yor mind wht you need to od :-
You need to know what oyu ned to do what you hsud nshud nto od n keep it in mid not forget it sotaht
you know wht you need ot od n its stored in your mind its there in your mind wht you shud nshud not
od prepare yur mind keep in mind wht you shudn shud not do, sotht you remeebr it n it occurs to oyu
when you don’t do it wht you are supposed to od or when yo do what oyu know in yourm idn you shud
nto be ding know in in your mind wht you need ot od n why n so you reguatel yourself accordingly
proive regulatory self correcting thogutsh to regulate yourself accordingly n make yourself do ti n folwo
it n you think kaccoridngly n hece you do it

Know what ou need to do n keep it in your mind I nyour mmemeory so that you rmeber hwat you
need ot od you don’t forget it n you foolow it this is what oyu need to do

1) Understnaidn
2) Keep in mind
3) Regulate yourself what do yo mena by reg yourself? your thinking your actions by providing
regulatory thoguths cosnntaly A) provide reg thgouths fif oyu odnt you will be out of control
regu yoursfl your htinkign nacitosn by providing reg thgoutsh constnly cosntn process to keep
yourself I ncheck
4) Regaulte your thinking :- cnsntaly tregultate your htining by providng regulatory htoguths don’t
let yur mind go free thgouths gofreet o think of any thing, keep them under ocntroll
B) don’t think of unimpthigns don’t wase time thinking of unimp thgins get to work otherh tings
you can think fo at other htimes
a) how to be in complete control fo oyurslf self control nregualtion to be nore efficient focused
n prodctive be aware of hth toguhts gioin o ni nyour jhead know what oyu are htinkng of
whenever you find yourself thinking of thignsyo uhsud not be htinkng of stiop yourself what am
I thinking of is it imp what I s goin on I nmy head? Ghow to be more aware question… ask
yourself n notice
c) focus your mind don’t thin of otherh tigns think fo oyur work n imp thigns , you shud not think
of other htigns other htigsn you can think fo at other time
d) think fo what work to od iplan decide whatot do , think fo how to od it how to go about it
strategize lets do it this way
c) think fo what work to do now wht shoud l ido now? Lets do this now if oy udont think fo what
to do oyu wont do it thought = action
d) think fo what to think of tintenionallyyl knowingly conciosuly think of a certain thing being
ware you are thinking of it
how ot keep in mind remind oyurslf

you need to regulate yourself yo thinking nactiosn provide regulatory htoguths or lese you will
be uout of ocntroll stop thinkingof other htigns don’t don’t waste your time wht are you doin
every min is imp

keep the above in mind

keep in mind what oyu need to do thigns like:-

1) Your time is imp n once you lose time you will never get it back so don’t waste our time doing
uimp thignsdo what is imp what is in your hands not what has to do with luck
2) Work hard to achive your gaol no pain n gain n o reward work toward achieving your goal be
willing to take pains fn effort for the sake of achiveg n your goal motivated to warok ard to
ahcvie yoru goal your goal motivates oyu to work hard n take pains n efforts al for the sake of
achvieing your goal
3) Know what your goal is what is your purpose what you want to ahcive n work constnalty
toewards it fday n night
4) Take all painsn efforts n strive work hard towards achvieing your goal work cosntnaly continouls
toawards achieving oyur gaol
5) Give up all joy pleasure enjoyment fun, relaxartion n get ot work
6) Think fo oyurwro kfocus your mind on your work don’t think fo otehrhtigns think fo what work
to do n how ot od it and os on don’t have otehrh tigouhts I nyour mind keep your mind I nyour
work nly tofocsu your mind to ahcvei your gaol n focus your time n enrgy to it to im p thigns
7) Manage your time do only imp things at the time allote d for it other htgsn at ortehr time
8) Think fo otehrhitgns at aother thime not during work
9) Involvement go completely inot it lost into it deeply in vovled in ti
10) Know what is imp nwhat I not imp
11) Focus your mind donto d other htigns don’t think fo other htigns
12) Don’t laydown don’t sleep
13) Provide reugatory thgouthst to regulate your self your actions n your thinking f you don’t
provide regulatory thgouths you will be out of control
14) Regulate your thinking by providing regulatory thoguths if oy udont egualte your thinking then
you will be out of ocntroll regulate your thinkgn the thoguths goin o ni nyour mind to ocntroll
and regulate your self and oyyour actions and your thoughts and focus your mind your thinking
o nimporatnt thigns think of imporatn thigns if you don’t regulate you will be ou t of control
how ot reguatle oyur thinking be aware of the thgoutsh goin on I nyour mind know hat
thgotush you get in your mind and what are oyu thinking of and regautle by providing regulatory
htoguths to oppose a thought action thoguth or to stop thinking of certain nthigsn nmake
yourself think of certain things. Ask yourself what am I thinking of? What ia am thinking of is it
imp? Know how much time you spend thinking of what make a log thinking log do oyu think fo
imp things or unimp thigsn you spend your time thinking nf what
15) Reguatle your actions by proving regulatory htogutsh if oyudont then you will be out of control
How ot regulate your actions:- be aware of what you are doing, know what oyu are doing be
Also ask yourself self what am I doing? Shouldi be doing this now? Is theis the right time allotted
for it? What I ma doing is it imp? Can it be done later on? Make a activity log how mch time you
spend doing what acitivty , regulate your actions by providng reg thgoutsh whrn e you find
yourself doing unimp thigns or oding hitngs you shud nto be doing. N not doing htisn you shud
be doing. Correct youresfl bring yourself on the right path
16) Read emails every day
17) Realize what you need to do what you need to submit and when , you realize you ended to subit
it right then
18) Don’t be ditsrtacted be fouced don’t do otherh tigns and think of other htigns don’t distract n
divert your mind ot other hthigns don’t waste your time and energy and effort physical ad
nmental doing unnecessary thigns puttiing I nunnecesary actiivtes you ned to be focused odnt
distract and divert oyur mind to other things by doing unimp things and thinkning of unimp
things do oyur work and think of our work and imp things do what is imp first all oterh tgisn can
be done later on be focused stay focused don’t distract n ivert yourself to toerh t unimp things
and if oyu get distracted then bringyour mind back ot it
19) Dnt procrastinate the time to od t iis now get to wrok on it get to work immediately don’t wait
get ot do it and work on ti and fiish it now yo usould get itdone like 10 days before submission
dates not wati till the alst moment be fast be quick get to work immeadelt y on it take action

keep all these things in mind so that you remember what you need to do you know in your mind what
you need to do n it occurs to you every time you don’t do what you are supposed to or what you are not
supposed to do keep it in your mind so that you remeebr you know in your midnwhat you shud nshud
not do n why n you regulate yourself accoeirdngly

how to keep in mind? Read every week to refersh your mind what you shouldn should not od
so that you remeebr what to do nyou dot n forget you know in your mind its there in your mind what
you need ot od n so you reg yourself accordingly n you do ti n it occurs to oyu what you need ot od we u
don’t do it n u reg urself n hence u do it n you do it

Thoguht control and self regulation:-

What is thought control? To control your thinking by providing regulatory thoguths or providng
regulatory thgouhts to control oyur action and thinking , is it controlling your thinking or I si t procving
regulatory htogutsht to control
Don’t think uncousily or unaware be aware of the thoughts goi n n I nr mnd know wh t u are thinking of
don’t thik of other things during ur wrk time think ny of oyur wrok n don’t od other htigns know what
you are doing whthher it is ipm p or not don’t od htigns unaware know be awre wht u are doing what
am I thinking is it imp wht Iam I doing is it imp dtop ursef l from thinking of otherh tings and unimp
thignsn doing unimp thigns.

You know u nderstadn I nur mind what you shud nshdud not od so you only tell yourself nag ursfl
regulateursefl command instruct tell yourself correct urself supervise ursefl t omake usrsefl do hwt u
knw u shud be doing don’t need ootherst otell you u know wht ot od so you only regulate urself tell
urslf and keep urslefo n the right path.

What is the problem or the issue y u are facing: lack of productivity , thinking n ndoing otherh itngs
instead of imp thigns
What is the solution identified: what is ihte issue identified: lack of self regulation yo are not regulating
yourself your htinkign n ur actions

You need to prevent yourself n stop urself from doing n thinking of unimp things n make urslfe do n
think of imp things by prodviidng sefl regulatory thoguths inst n ncommands to regulate your thinking n
nur actions

You hav e forgotten what you need to od its no onger there in your mind what oyu need ot od the
proceso f self regulation how ot regulate yourthinkign n your actions n so oy are not odign it n hence
you are out of octroll

You need to proactise self reguatlion to keep yourself on the track n prevenyt oyurslef from straying
from thinking n doing othehr things n brign urself back everytiem you stray if yo udont pracitse self
regulation you will be out of control

Be awre of the thoguths goin on in ur head when you think of doing osemthign lese or get a thoguth to
do unimp thigns tel yourself no don’t do thth now resit cancel that thoguths stop urslef from doing it by
proviidgn self regulatory toguths as you know in r mind htht oyu hsud not waste ur time doing unimp
thigns as you have more imp thingsto ood

Yo know in ur mid nhth yu hsud not waste time doing unimp htigns lazing sleeping so make urslef do it
by providing selreg thogutsh inst n commands to makek yourself do it tell yourself get up n get to work
don’t lwate time lazing wround kck yourself up by providing self regulatory htogtsh inst n commands

Your perfoemance has gone down prdcutiivty has redced un eed ot figure out hwere you are ogin wrong
where the issue lies and what oyu need ot od to get your act together… why its gone down what is it tht
you are nto doing n why what is it th oyu are oding n why why oyu re out of control cuase u are nto
regulating urlsef
You know I nur mind wht u shud nshdn ot think of n wht u hsud n nshd not od so accordingly regulate
yourself by proviidgn self regulatory htoguths sefl regulation is a cosntnat process you have to constnaly
regulate yourself by providing self regulatory toguths inst n commands

He is quiet nad very thgouth ful n obselvant keep s o nthinkign n trying ot figure it out nunderstnadh t
precoess thinking mind asking questions why? How? N alsoalso bvery obssessvie nad curousi wnatso
tget ot the bottom of it to the deepest part of it hwo it owkrs and so on…
There is no time ot loose

Where is the problem why your productivity has gone low what is it ht you are not oding where you are
going wrong what is tit h you aren to doing hth you are supposed to do…

Be moe re aawawre know ho w it workls the process wroks do it I nan intelligent way thoguth ful way
know if you do hwat what result yo will get… know what oyu need to od its not just do itthrere is a way
to od it learn the way or technique.

Sel regulatin:- you know in yoru mind what you need ot od thigns like not htin k of otherh tigsn n sstuff
htequestion ishow t o enforce it on your self n make yourself do it n follow it and keep yourself under
control and correct yourself everytime you stray , constantly regulate your self your thinking and your
actions by providngn regulatory thoguths if you don’t regulate yorslf yo will be out of control, in order to
keep yourself in control, enforece it on yourselfwha t oyu know oyu need ot od nad in order to correct
yourself brign yourself back everytime you stray, on the basis of what you kow in yourmid you hsud n
hsud notbe doing provide regulat yeory thoguths to reguatl yourself to control n regulate your thinking
nyour actions.”lets not waste time doing this now” be self regulatory telligyour sefl instructing yourself,
you know I nyour mind what y ushud nshud not do so othe basi of that tell ourself instruct yourself to
maek yourself do it n follow it. You don’t need oterhs to t tell you you know what ot do n wat not to do
so oyu only tellyourself instruct guide command to regualteyourself keep yourself under cotnroll maek
yourself do or foolow it enforce it on yourself keep yourlesf I ncheck, correct yourself rvrytime you stray
brig n yourself back to wht I is mp n so on.

You need to constnalty regulate yourself inorder to enforece this on yourself n make your elf fdo it n
follow it n correct yourself keep yurslef on the path t o yur gola o nthe right trac k n make ourslef do
what oyu know you should be doing regulate yourself tell yourself work hard tak e effort take pains n
efforts no pain no gain. Think fo oyur work think of wha to od what should I do now lets do this then
this thent this think ohow you willg oabout it what I need ot do todsy n tom n day after tom how will I
study hwat I need to od lets do this tiday do that tom n so on…
Reguatle yourself be strict with yourself to keep youselfe under cotnroll nenforecethigno n yourself be
ssertive on yourself – no don’t sleep now get up and study if oyu laydown you will fall asleep, stop
thinking of otherh itgnsn get to work we have no time, dotn wast ietitem doing nunimp thigns
Correct yourself keep yourself I ncheck under control brign yourself back ervry time you stray by being
stric on yourself by providing self regulatory htiughts

U know in ur mind what yo sud n shud not be doing n wht u shud n shud nto be thinking n s oo n so
accordingly regulate urself by providing reualtoy htoguths inst n commands if oyu odnt reg urself u will
be out of control

The rocess ofself control nregualtion

Why are you out of controll, not doing n thinking of the things you are supposed to do n think of and
doing things n thinking of the things that you are not supposed to do or think of. Where are you going
wrong? You need to know what you need to do to be in control of yourself.

Be aware of the thoughts goin on I nur mind know what you are thinking of, don’t waste time thinking
ofo other htigns unimp thigns think of what is imp
Regulate thoguths tht tell you to do unimp things say no

Intentional thinking Think fowhat to think of what should I think fo now decide watht to think of letst
hink of this what work to odn so on

Think fo your work onlywork should go on in your mind keep your mind in work n imp thigns

Think fo what work to od decidewhato od what shouldi do now lets od this now, plan what work to od

Think fo how to do it how to go about it strtegize how should I do this n s on

Constantly be thinking ofyour work nad imp thignso nly

U know in urmidn wht u shudn nshudn not do so accordingly regulate yourself by providng regulatory
htogutshi nst n commands to make ursefl do it n follow it.

Self Regulation

You know in your mind what you should n should not do so regulate yourself accordingly by providing
self regulating, self driving self commanding, slef correcting, self instructing self directing slef guiding
thoughts insts n commands to make yourself do n think wht you know you shud be doing nn thinking nn
stop yourself from doin nthinkin wht you know you shud nto be doin nthinking , by providng regulatory
htoguhts ot regulate yourself.

you know in your mind what you should nshould nt od n what you need todo n so oyu think accordingly
n henceyou do

yu need to ocnstnalty regualte yorself oyu htinkng n ur actions by providing self regualtorty htoguths
if you don’t reuglateurslf you will be out of control if you et your eslf go free by not regualtig not
proving regulatory htoguths to regulate your thinking actions, you neeed to put a leash o nyourself.

You know in your mind what you should do so matvivate yourself by providng reg thoguth command
inst tod do it self inst telling reminding instrutiong thought inst command self commanding driving eg:-
don’t lay down don’t sleep, work ahrd to ahcive yourgoal, if you snooze you loose. Don’t sleep n relax
come on wrok hard to ahcive our goal work hard take effort sit n stdy no pia n n o gain get o work igeveu
p relsation sacrifice fun pleaursrerelacxiton actiicvtsn geto work take effort

You cando ti later on don’t wast your time now

How to be in control of yourself, make your self do n think of important things like your work and
studies and stop yourself from doing and thinking of unimp thigns.
Keep in mind what work you need to do and complete, ask yourefl recall what I need to do now? So that
you remeebr its there in your mind and you don’t forget and os you thiknk n hence you do

You need to offer resistance to your impulsive e thoguthsn impulsive actions… you need to resist your
impulsive thoguths n actions by providing self regulatory thgouths inst n commands and hence restain
yourself keep ursefl in control if oyu odnt practice self regulation then oyu will be out of control self
control n self restrain… if you let yourself go free to think of anything n do nhting with out offering
resistance and opposition then you will be out control… you need to keep yourself undercontroll if you
don’t offer resitsnace to your impulsive thoguths inst n commands thth tell you to do otherh tigns n ur
mimplsive actions then you will be out of ocntroll you will end up doing otherh tigns unimp things htth
your impuslvie thogutsh tell you to od nthink of unimp things you need to offer resistance by providing
self regulatory htogths instn commands n say no to wht your impulsive htogthst tell you to od offer
opposition no don’t do thth now.. when oyu think of oding otherhitngsn nhence stop yourself from
doing n thinking of otherh tignsn prevent yourself form doing nhtinkign of oterh tignsn n make urslef do
n think of htigsn tht oyu know u need ot odo by prodivng slef regulatory slefcomamndign guiding
thoguths insit n commands on the basis of hwt you know n understand noin ur mind wht you hsud n
hsudn to bbe doing n hence keep urslfe on the right track to oyur goal n prevent ursefl from straign n
ndoing other htigns n brign urslf back evrytime ou stray by rrstainign yourself ressitng offering resitsance
say no to wht your impsulve htogutsh tell you to od resist ur implisve htogutsh n actions by providngself
regulatory self guiding superivisgn commanding isntrcutiong directing self ocrreting sefl driving thoguths
inst n commands on the basis of what u know I nru mind u hsud nshud not be doing to to stop urslef
from doing nthinkign oher things n make urslf do wrk n imp thigns. You know in ur mind wht u shud n
hsdn ot be doing n it occurs o oyu when yu don’t do it n so accordingly provide regulatory toguths inst n
commands to stop yourself from thinking n ndoing othehr itngsn n to make urself thin k ndo imp things
htth you know I nyour mind u hsud be doing… n hence regulate yourself resist imuslcve thgoutsh n
actions restrin yourself stop prevent yourself from doing nthingkign othehr itgnsn n make urself od
nthink imp things restrain resit yourself orrfer resitisnce by providing reghtogutsh to resist yurseklf frm
enaging in implavie thgotus h n actions stop n preevnet urself form enaging I nimpulaive behavior …

U need to get ur act together if u don’t offer resisytance to ur impulsive thoughts n actions then u will
beout of contrll u will end up doing whtever ur impulsive thoughts tell u to do n end up thigkig
unimpthigs impulsive things n not imphings hence u will be out of control u nee d to stop urself pevenrt
frm enging in impulvie thingiking n actions resiest th impulsive thoughts n actions by providing slf
resgulatory self dribing sefl directing elsef guiding self commangin slef supervising self instructing
htogutsh inst n commandso nt he basis of hwt u nknw in ur mid nu hsud nshud nto be doing n hence
keep urslf o nthe right path n prevent yourself from dstaryign keep urslef on the right path beirng urself
back every time oyu srtay stop n prevent yuourself form thinking n doing unimp things make urslef
motivate command direct instruct yourself to do n think imp things htth you know I nur mid nu shud nbe
oding, offer resitantce opposition to impulsive thoguths nactions say no to them , if oyu don’t regulate
yourself then you will be out of conrol lyou need ot practice sefl regulation conantnly if oyu odnt hten
you will be out of control

Practice thought control and regulation:-

Be aware of the thoughts goin on in your head, know what you are thinking of, whats goin on in your
mind, thought = action , to be in control fo your action you need to be in control fo the thoughts goin on
in your mindknowwhats goin on I nyour mindwhatare you thinkngof

Regulate your thinking, whenever you find yourself thinkingof other thigns unimp things stop yourself
form thinking of other things wasting your time thinking of other things, focus n your work think fo oyur
work other thigns you cnathink of at other time. provide regulatory thoughtsto stop yourself from
thiking of other things nmake yourself think fo oyur work and imporatn thigns

Make yourself think fo oyurwork andimporatnatthignsl ike whatwork to od n how ot id t and so on.

when ever you get a thought to do unimp thigns then as you know in your mind htat you shud not wast
time doing unimp thignsn n u need to od imp thigns so provi e regulatory thought to resist that thought,

Regulate your actions:-

Provide regulateory thogutsh to make yourself do certain imp thigns tell yourself , lets not waste time
tlets get to work now,
Motivate yourself do do what you know oyu should be doing by providing self regulatory elf directing
self commanding thoguthd inst commands on the basis of what you know in your mind you should and
should not be doing, get up now wake up if you snooze you looze, don’t sleep wake up you have to go to
Don’t lay down don’t sleep
Make yourself wkr hard “no pain no gain, if oyou don’t take effort you wont ahcvie anything:”
“don’t sleep now you can move around but don’t sleep”
Your actions re the result of the toguht s goin on I nyor mind be aware what thoughts you get in your
mind telling you to do what, are they imp things or unimp thigns resist those thoughts say no to them,
by providng regulatory thoughts.
U know I nyor mind wat you shud nshudn ot do so on thebasis of that Prvide self regualtory thoguths
that act as inst n ommands to stop yoursfl from doing unimp thigns n make yourself do imp thigns

“lets get t work now lets not wate time”

“everythign else you can do ater on first do what is imp”
Be aware what thoguhts you get in yor mind telling you to do what
All otherh tings like planning etc… is of no use until oyu know how the brain works and how to ocntroll
nregulate yourself n make yourself do it n follow through what you have planned stp yourself omr doing
nthinking unimp thigns

Sel regulation is a constntal process its moving its dnamic you needo t constantly regulate yoursfl
Crrect yourself keep yourself on the right path every time you stray, if you don’t practice elf regulation,
if oy don’t provide regulatory thoughts to regulate yourslfocnstatly you will be out of control and ed up
ding n thinking things you rare not supposed to do if n think of.

Practise constant movingthought ocntroll

Well letsgett o work now we odnt havetime to waste
Don’t waste your time sleeping no time to sleep now
Youkno w in your ind wht u need to do so accordingly you constantly keep telling yourself instructing n
regulating yourself based on wht you knowu shud n shud not do don’t pay attention t all tht now dpo
your wrk to mke yourself dp o it n follow it.
You know in your mind what you shud nshud not do so on the basis of htt you need to ocnstatly
regulate yourself to correct yourself n keep yourself on the right path everytime you stray it’s a constant
ncontinous process. If you don’t rrgulate yourself tell yourself instruct yourself to make your elsef do
what you know in your mind you shud be doing if you don’t keep yourself I ncheck n let yourself go
loose n unregualtedd that ois don’t regulate yourself you will be out ofcontroll and end up ding htags
wahteverthatcoemst oyour mind whatever your impulsveithoughts tell you to od impulsive thuhts that
s tht tell you to do
If you don’t regulate yourself then you will be out of control

Ypu nee d t o practise self regualtion if oyu don’t hten you will be out of ocntroll you know in ur midn
htht oy hsud not waste your time doing unimp thigns so whenever you are aware n realize tht you are
doing unimp thigns then stop yourself from doing unimp things restrain urslef by prodivng self
tregualtory htogthuhs tell yourself stop dwastign your time ding unim tp htigsn you can do all this later
on get back t work now… hence stop urself from doing nunimp things n ake urslef do imp things by
providing self regulatory htoguths inst n commands process of self regulation undersnad how it works

To regulate your thignkign n action :

1)be aware of the htognuhgt s goin on in ur head know what you are htignkign of so tht ht you know
what thogutsh your are getting you are awre you don’t hinki uncouclsy or unknowingly or unaware you
are aware of the htoguths goin on I nur head oyu are ware of what is goin on I nur mind oyu are aware
of what oyu are thinking n you are doing so htth you are aaware of wht you r thignkign of n wht
thogutsh anre goin on I nur mind n wht imuslve thogutsh you get based o nimpsulvem emeory htigns ur
mind enjoys doing… n wht u are doing what am I oding is it imp? As k youself what am I thinking? Is it
imp to gain more awreness
2) kweep in mind what you shud nshud nnto think of n what oyu shudn shud not do so thth it occurs to
oyu you know I ur mind its thehre in your memery stored I nur mid nthe inof as to what oyu hsud nshud
not do n think n so it accours to oyu are you remeer youas you know in u mind as its there in ur mind
what you hsud nshud not do so accordingly on the basis of htth oyu resutle ur self by proiidvng self
regualtorhy tgouths keep in mind keep in mind what oyu hsudn hsudn ot do to be successful thigns like
“oyu need ot be focused n not do other htigns n do only otyur work you shud not think ofo other
htignsn thinkonly of wrk n nimp tigns” n accoridnlgy regualt yourself by proviindg regualtoryh tgouths
instns n commands.

Understand the process of self regulation hw the huma brain works mememory htignkign action

Regulate yourelf:- you need to regulate yourself your thinking and your actions by providing self
regulatory thoguths on the basis of what o yu know in your mind yo hsud nshudn ot be doing nwaht you
shud nhsud not be thinking. So as to correct your slf n make your slef do n think what you know oyu
hsud be doignn thinking every time you stray or notdo or think wht you aresupposed ot do or think
consntaly regulate yourself by providing regulatory thoguths to keep your self on theright path prevent
yourself from straying self monitoring self cmmanidng directing instructing on th bssi of hwat you know
in youer mind you shund shudn ot bedoing constanly keep yourslfi ncheck self spervison self instructing
self gind correcting self reugalting every time you stray brign yourself back to the right path vonstly
regulate yourself to keep yourself on the right path. If you don’t regulate yourself constnaly if oyu don’t
prvde regulatory thguths then you will be out of control self ocntroll efficiency productivity n end up
doing htigns nthinkign thigns you ar not spposedto n wating your time doing unimp thigns n thinking of

Reguate your thinking:- it’s a mvoigng process you are ocnstlaty getting thoguths in your mind oyu need
ot constantly regulate your thinking to be in control of oyurslef nyour actions n thoguths goin on I nyour
head, your actiosn ar a result of the thoguths goin on I n your head, you need to constantly regulate
your thinking by providing regulatory htoguths
Be I nocntroll fo your mind of thet thethoughts goin on inyourhead by regualtign your thingking by
proving regulator thgoutsh to ocntroll nregulateyour thinking. Get your mind under control fi you are I
nocntroll fo oyur mind nyour thinking then you are in control of oyurslf if you let your mind go free to
think ofanythign nonsnes then you will end up foding unimp things n thinking unimp things n you will be
out ofcontroll so you should nnot let your mind go free nloose you ened to regulate your mind cnsntaly
by procvinfgdregualtory htogutsh commandsn ninstrucitns to control n reg l your thiking.
n what is goin on I nyour head
Be aware of the thgouths goin o ni nyour head know whaat you are thinking of

Bea aeere analyze go interna l know what you are thinking of internally what is goin on I nyour mind be
intellectual what are you thinkingof the thoguths goin on I nyour head what s goin on I nyour mind. Not
think uncoicusly unaware lost be coius know what htguths are goin on I nyour head

unknowing what ou ar thinking of lost, thinking it doing it ncously unaware that oyu are doing ti lostinto
u know wht to do wht u hsud n hsd notdo so accordingly regualteu rsefl make ursefl do it n follow it

Focus and concentrate our mind:- you hsud not waste your time thinking of unimp thigns… whenever
you find yourself thinking of oterh tigns n unimp thigns stop yourself from thinking of otherhtigns by
providing reg thgouths tellyoursefl don’t waste your time thinking of unimp thigns gret to work.. think fo
oyur work put your mind I nyour work only that should go on in your mind think fo oyur work n imp
things don’t awaste your time thinking of unimp thigns focus your mind o nyour work kepe your mind I
nyour work n imp things only that should go o I nyur mind get your attention back to work stop thignsk
of other things get back to work. Prep your mind as to hwat to do n what not otdo. Keep in mind n
remember wht you shud nshud not do n shud nshud nto think of n why not wastetime thinking of inimp
things keep thisi n imind.

How does th process work you know in ur mind what u shud n hsud not be doing soo accordingly
regulate yourself by providing regulatory thguhts to keep urself o nthe track n brign ursself back every
time u stray n u don’t do wht u or suppose d to od or u do wht u are not supposed ot od if you don’t
regulate urslef if you let ursefl go free if oyu odnt restrain yourself hen you will be out of control if you
don’t offer resistance to your impulsive thinkignn actions. lAck of self control
Fous:- other thigns you can think fo at other time during your work think only of oyur work n nothing
else. Focus your mind completely on ti ful ivnovlement n rnagemrnt in it, get fully deeply in to it to
thebosttom of it lost into it. Full focus n concentration.

Make yourself think of your work and important thigns:- tell yourself stop thingking of otherh tigns
nthink fo oyur wrok nad important higns

Intentionally think fo your work and important thigns:- decide what shoukdl I think of now think fo
wha to think fo , lets think fo this now, intentionally knowingly think fo a certain thing issue topic or

Think fo what work to do n how to do it:- plan think fo what work to od? Think and decide whatshould I
do today lets do this today, think fo how ot od it how ot go about it strategy how should I do this hw
should I go about it lets do it thisway… think fo what work to od now what should I do now? Lets do this
now regulate toyuserlf tell oyursefl think of oyur wrok what work to od if ouy don’t think fo oyur wotk
what work to od then you will nto get ot do it , thinking = action .first oyu think fo doing it then you do it

Say no to thoguths that tellyou to do other htigns:- be ware of the htoguths goin on I nyour head whrn
you get a thgouth telling you to do other htigns then say no to it learn to say no…

Regulat your actionsby proving regulatory htoguhts :-

Be aware know what oyu are doing, whatam I doig? Is itimp?

Stop yourself from doing umnimp thigns:- by providng reg thoguths

Regualte your actions by procving regulatory htoguths

God gives the intelligence n the power ot work hard when the time is right slog to ahcive your goal n
ahcvie things n make progress

Ot regulate yourself to reualt your actions nad your thinking be ware of what you are htinkig nwaht is
goin on I nyour mind and what you ar e doing what am I doing is it correct conducive to my gal and what
I am supposed ot be doing is it imp? Necessary or just a waste of time.

Cause you know I nyour mind that you hsudnt be doing other htigns wasting your time doing otherh
tigns nso you regulate urself

Understnadd hwo the process of slf reualtio nworks how the mind works thoguths n actions
then you will know what ot od n how ot regulate oyuseflrf your actionsn nur thinking

Be ambitious:-
Know your purpseo wht oyu are doing why you are doing it htereaosn behind it

You need to practice self regulation:- practice self regulation cnstnatly regulate yourself by regulating
your thinking and actions by providng self regulatory, thgouths inst n commands, to stop yourself from
doig nthinking htigns that you know I ynour mind you shud nshud not be doing, to correct yourself every
time you stray to enforce on yourself and make yourself do what you know in your mind you shud be
doing it you don’t regulate yousrself then you will be out of ocntroll.t correct yourself consntantly every
time oyu stray to bring yoursfl back on track t make yourself do what yu know in your mind you hsud be
doig you know in your mind what you shud nshud not be doing you remeebr it and so it occurs to oyu so
accordingly regulate yourself by proving regulatory thoguths “lets not waste time lets get back to work
now” self commanding controlling instructing directing supervisiong you now in your mind what you
shud nshud nto od so correct yourself bring yourself back every time you stray regulate yourself.

You need to keep in mind as you know iny or mind and you remember and so it occurs to you and so
oyu thiknk accordingly n hence you do so you regulate yourself accordingly n hence you do it n follow it,
if its no longer there in you mind if oyu have forgotton what yu need ot od then it wont ccur to you and
os oyu wont think acocoridngly you wont regulate youresfl by proving regulatory thoguths n you wont
do it.

How ot make yourself do it follow it implement what you know you hsud be doing:-

1) regulate yourself:- you needt oconstatnyl reugalte and correct yourself keep yourself on the
right path what oyu know in your mind you hsud be doing make yourself do ti, correct yourself
bring youtrsefl back every time you stray b y proicivngself correcting slf ocntroling sefl
regulating thogutsh inst n commands , don’t let yourself go loose and free to do anything n you
want to do impulsive thigns keep yourself in grip under ocntroll by proviign self regulatory self
correcting sefl directing self instructing self controlling thogutsh instructions and commands, if
oyu don’t engage in cosntnat self regulation if oyu odnt regulate yourself consntly you will be
out of control and end u p oding thigns haatever that comes to oyur mind what every ou think
the impulsvei thatoughts tell you to od stop yourself tell yourself lets nt waste time lets get ot
work now
2) Regulate your thinking, practis thoguth control and reglaton
3) Regulate your actions

self regulated
The gaol is tot lself control: control lof oyur actions by controlling nd rgulting your thinking

Your ations are a result of the thgouths goin on I nyor head to be I ncontrol lof oyur ctiosn you need to
regulate your thinking and the thoughts goin on in your head… be aware of the thgouths goin on I nyour
head know what thoughts you get know wht you are thinking of and regulate your thinking accordingly.
When you get the thgoutsh to do otherh tigns then say no no don’t do tht now. Provide thgotust to
make yourself do certain things tht you know in your mind u shud be doing nstop yourself fro mdoign
certain thigns no odnt od tht don’t waste your time now, get up nd geto t work work work hrd to hcevoe
your goals provide thogthsi nstrutions nd commands you thgouths ct s instrucitosn nd commands for
oyu to do the ction, to regualt your actiosn you need ot regualt your thinking for tht you need t first be
awre of th thgouths goin on I nyour head be mindful know what thgths you get be conscious ofh teht
hoguths you get I nyour mind and hwt you re thingkign of and wht thoguths re goin on I nyour mind and
when you think of doing otehrh tignsn get impulsive thgouths to do otherh tigns sy no no provide
restrinign opposing thgoutht to resit tht impulsive thgouths no don’t od htht now don’t wste your time
doing thth now. If oyu don’t provide the restringin resisting cancellign opposing htoigtuht then you will
follow up and carry on with tht ction impulsive behavior nd ction. Know how the process wroks and
what goes o ni nyour mind from memory ot thinking to action. Be aware of the thoguths goin on I nyour
mnd know wht you are thinking of stop your sefl from thinkgin of otherh tigns. Thoughts are constantly
moving. Memeory is sttic it stays n sits ni nthe mind the info is sotered you remember you recall…
thogtuhs is a cosntnat moving provc=ess you think you get thoguths consnttly .

total self conrol technqiue

regulated behaviour

15 years of self-research and discovery and findings into how the human brain works. And techniques
and methods veloped by me inorder to ahcive total control over your mind. To help you achive your goal
be more selfregualted havetoatla control over yourmidn and your actions , understand howthe brain
worlks and what oyu needo td oto make the most of it and focus and direct it towardsthe impratnt
thgins, and have total control over your mind.

I ahe sepent 15 years trying to nderstand how the hman brain works, using various eself invented m
ethods and techniques by tairal and error and putting it to practice to see if they work or not and if they
don’t work then why they don’t work and and what needs to be done, what is it that I need ot do and
am not doing inorder ot have total self control and self reguatin over myself, and my actions, developed
a process and echnique ofr selfreguation and self control by which oyu can dvelop 100% control over
yourselfand yoru actions, and yo thinking, nderstnad the process invoveld I nself regulation and
aeselfcontrol how the human brian works what goeso n I nteh human mind, what leads to actions and
so on. What are the processthat go on I nteh human mind, which lead ot what results. The human mind
is the greatest the most valuable instrument ever, if one knosws hwoti works and functions and can
ontrol the mind to ouse it a 100% tehn one canachive everythgin, animals are given claws and but
humans have ntohgins liektaht hanimals can run fast the have teeth the only thing that hmans have is
the human brain, and look around you everyhtin thth humans have eveloped so fatr an d orrpcgress
thath they ahvemade is due ot the human brian, thehuman brain is the most valuble instrument ever,
once you know how the human brian works the processes thath go on in the mind and how to be more
self regulated, and self control, progarmme the mind ho successes and be I ncontrol of oyur thgouths
mind and oyur actions then you you can direct and foucs youmind to anything you want and achvie your

When your mind is not I nyour control then you are like a passenger taken for a ride by your mind you
can never reach your goal and destination but he who has the reins to his mind and is I nconrol fo his
mind and kowsh ow the mind works nad how to control it can easily use the mind to hais advantage
focus it o nthe improatn thigns whenever he wants to, andl et it loose free to wander be
creativewhenver ti wants to for taks thath rewuqre self control and focus beirng back unsdr the reins
and control and let go for the ind to think freely whenever he wants ot day draem and wander to ahcive
his goal. If oyu are not I ncontrol of your mind then you will be like a passenger helpless lack of
selfcontrol not being albe to do what oyu wnato tod or go where oyu want ot go, depndyt on drugs
what to leave them nbt cannto, wnatot get ot work but cannot dueot lackof self control, want to stop
complsuicely easting ro gambling but cannot, lack of self control, butwhen you are in control fo oyur
mind and have the riens to yorm ind, then you can direct and focus your mind on impthigsncontrol your
mind and prog your mind to help yourself ot ahcive your gaol. And do things need ed to be doneto ahcie
yoru gaols make yourself fod thignsthaht need ot be done to ahcive oyur gaol.

Thank you god ofr giving m e this knwoeldgeand saving my life.

Thegoal is tatl self control

For task thaht require selfegualtion and control. Like

To understand how the human brain works

For developing AI (Ariticficial intelligence)

At places where you need self –regualtion like work,

Yto develop more self control and regulation and hel you ahceive your goals

Employees are more self regulated and their output isincreased by a 100%

Students can be more in control of themselves and theriactions , self regulated so that they can study
To help deal with addciitons, like drugs, alcholosim cure addictions, by greater self regutlation an d sefl
control cure impulsive behavior, anger amanemgent, impulsive uncotnrollale behavior and addictions
like, vieo games, dmrugs, alcoholism,lack of self control, gambling, obesity ovbssevie eating etc…

To dela with mental helath issues ike, social anxiety

Deal with mental helth issues like schinzophernia, and mental illness by the process fo thguth control

Cure impulscive unwanted beahviour and actions, lack of self control, obsseveice behaviours, addictive

Be I ctaotla control fo oyur mind and your actiosn and make yourself do what what you know is
important over impulsive and unimportant thigns.

me htis knowledge and savign my lfe helping me usendttand how hte human brain worksnad what i
needo t od to be in control fo my mind nad direct my mind to mp thigsn to help me ahcive my goals and
to make yslefdo what endd to be doen be in control fo mylsef my htignkign my m actioions

identify what thoughts yo get in ur mind tellin u to do what

this will never happen for the folln reasons:-

Programmign the mind to scedd and thogth control :

1) Prog the mind, self-regulation, thoguht control nad action control for sucess - intellectual

-Prog them mind to suceed thogtuht n action control n nrgutlaion

Programmign the mind to scedd and thogth control :

1) Prog the mind, self-regulation, thoguht control nad action control for sucess - intellectua

if youwant to be in controll fo oyur actions then you need to be ncotrol fo your thguths n regulat your
htinking consntaly n be aawre fo tehthoguthsgoin on in your head regualeyourselfb y regualtign your
thinkingocnsntantly n being aware of hte htogutsh goin o nin your headn n providign self commandign
ocreectiongdriecting nruglatory htgouhts to make yourself sto p doing or do certian thigns on thebass of
what oyu know in your mind you shud nshud nt bedoing
Cause: Thoughts
Result: Actions

Refine the self regulation technique so that you know n remember what you need to do to be in control
of yourself your thoughts and your actions.
Regulate your thinking be awre of hteht oguths goin o ni nyour headto be in control of oyur actiosn you
need ot be incontrol fo the thgouth s goin on I nyour head
Self regulation – what you need to do about it – get organized get ur act together
Refine the self regulation technique so that you know n remember what you need to do to be in control
of yourself your thoughts and your actions.
first being I nocntroll fo yourself n your actiosn

i dont want todo it but, hten you haeve to literally force oursefl to do it, make uruslf o it self rguatle
make urself get up kick urslef ou of bed nn get ot owork! tell yoursfl to! self regautleththh is isntruct

to finally understand the prcesses discobver

hwo the human brain wroks . it has more to do wit hhte softwrare part of the brain the various
processes that go on I nthe brain, everything that is created is due to the human brain, what humans
have achived all the progress is the result of the human brainfor the benefit n progress of humanity?

working so II will devote my life and time to research and things ahth are important to me, for progress
of humanity and fo r the things thaht interest me the most.

There are many people in this world who uffer from social anxiety, lack of self control, lack of prodcitivty
and efficiency , lack of control, its all cause they donot understand how the human brain works, and how
to use the brain to their advantage all these things are curable social anxiety, lack of self control,
impulsive behavior , lack of productive and efficney cause these are the result of the human mind.

to give back and contribute to society and solve problems that plague the human race, to make life
better for the future generations so that they are better at dealing with the issues that we face in all
areas of life including technology,

be a researcher and a teacher and

you need ot ocnsntaly reguatle yoursefl by poviidng regualtoryh toguths correct oyursefl brign yoursefl
back o ntrack everytiem oyu stray by telign yoursefl proving regulatory htoguthsocmmands isntrucitosn
to maek ursefl stop doign otehrh tigns namke yourslf do oyur work and imp thigns
The leacturer speaker n the listener n thinking/ thoughts in the listners mind:-

Active listening:- you listen to it activeky conciously with attention n interest knowingly n awareness
when you listen to it actively you automatically think about it there is talk conversation chatter speech
thinking about it going on in your mind.... You can listen to it actively but at the same time not think talk
chatter about it in your mind but it is harder n takes more control n effort.

Passive listening:- you listen to it unconcioiys unkneingly passively unaware.

Actively Ignore:- let them talk n chatter n do what they want to do don't listen to it... N Soo you
don't think talk speak chatter in your mind about it

Passively ignore it:- they talk n you think of something else n not listen to it

The speaker:- tries to hook you n make you listen by trying to gain your interest n attention n make you
an active listner n put thoughts/speech/talk/chatter/thinking in your head that is his thinking or speech
in your head by talking about things that are of interest to you... or making it sound fascinating
interesting for eg;- that is by gainng your interest about how useful the software is how majical it is what
things it can do... okr by talking about topics or personalities places of your interest....

- You shud ignore... neither shud u listen to those things..Nor shud u think such things... don't thing bout

-The chatter talk thinking in your brain must stop

- practise mindfulness Close your eyes n be aware n recognize know identify the thoughts talk chatter
speech thinking goin on in ur mind.

- tell yourself... Don't think about it stop it, don't think about such things

- how do you know that you are not thinking about it... Be aware know concious of the thoughts thinking
noise chatter speech goin on in your mind... The thoughts in your mind stop there is quietness no noise
talk speech chatter in your mind...

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