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NAME: Alob, Denisse Daniele P.

DATE: September 29, 2021


1. Son Seigneur osservatissime.

- His Lord Osservatissime
2. Charles V was elected Emperor the 28th June, 1519.
3. Ohiuricato. Milan edition.

4. Clement VII (Medici) was elected Pontiff in 1523, and died in 1534.

5. Monterosi. Milan edition.

6. The Milan edition attributes this desire to the Pope.

7. Fortunes.
8. Jonq.
9. Estrenque, made of esparta.
10. Bonnette=stun sail, formerly added below the square sail.
11. Groupade.
12. Milan edition adds here, formerly.
13. Garbin and Libeccio.
14. South-east. "- Donnassent a travels.
15. La grande gabbe. 2 N'avoyent point de fondement.
- The Great Gabbe
16. In reality this bird swallows the fish which it forces the fishing
bird to disgorge. The Milan edition has " flesh of the Anta, like that of a cow";
and a note says the anta is the tapir.

17. Haim.
- Are.
18. Aigueillette, same as esquillette.
19. Coffin.
20. Haveau, for navette.
21. Le jour de Saincte Luoie aux auantz de Noel.
22. Rabotent.
23. Papegaulx.
24. Fabre's French printed edition, and the Italian edition of 1536,
both include the women and children:—
" Quasi tous tant homes que femmes que enfants ont trois pertuis en la
levre dembas," etc. " Tutti gli huomini donne et fanciulli hanno tre
buchi," etc
25. Tane.
26. De petites chattes maymounes.
27. Leur lombric sur leschine.
28. Milan edition calls it wood of Brasile.
29. Musser.
*-* This passage is from MS. No. 68, the Regent Louisa's copy,
for whom it appears to have been adapted ; that in No. 5650, and in
Amoretti and Fabre's editions, is less fit for publication: the words from
* to2 are omitted in No. 68.
a The 1536 edition omits the story of the girl, and instead says:—

" Nella prima costa di terra che ariuamnio, ad alcune femine schiave
che haueuanio leuate ne le naui d'altri paesi, & erano grauide vennero
le doglie del parto, per il che loro sole si uscirono di naue, & smontorono
in terra, & partorito che hebbero con li figluoli in braccio se ne ritorna
rono subito in nave."
Fabre says:—

" En la premiere coste que passerent aulcunes eselaves enfanterent et

30. Canibali.
- Cannibals.
31. Solis.
32. " Oontremont."
33. Falkner (1774, Hereford) in his account of Patagonia, says he saw
men among the Puelches seven feet six inches high.
34. " Combien."
35. The guanaco, a kind of Lama. s u Empanees."
36. " Besongnes." ! " Brasse."
37. " Sayon." » " Bragues marinieres."
38. " Bouffer", to be angry, also to blow, to puff.
39. Setebos, though represented by the Spaniards as a demon, would,
no doubt, be the Patagonian name of the Deity. Shakespeare has twice
brought in Setebos in the Tempest, as invoked by Caliban. There can
be no doubt of his having got the name of Setebos from the account of
Magellan's voyage.
40. Carvalho." 2 1 u< " Escouppetes." » " Collere."
- Anger.
41. " Et lient leur membre dedans le corps pour le tres grand froid."
42. On account of their large feet. 3 " Egiptiens." * Coffin.
- Egypt.
43. Milan edition calls him " vehadore", overseer or purveyor.
44. "Contador." Milan edition. s " Quesada."
45. Maximilian, the Transylvanian, relates that when Gomez abandoned
Magellan in the Straits, he returned by this spot and picked up these
two men.
" Capres," mussels or oysters; the Milan edition adds, that they
were not eatable. « " Conning.
46. "Pluspetitesassezque lesnotres:" "assai phi picooli". Milan edition.
47. " Seameux."
- In love.
48. The MS. is thus divided, but without numbers to the chapters.
49. " Et quasi autant de largeur moins de demye lieue."
- And almost as much width less than half a league
50. " La mer paisible."
- The peaceful sea. "
51. " Surgir."
- To emerge.
52. •' De mettre les proysses en terre."
- To put the priests in the ground.
53. Martin Behaim, who lived at Fayal and Nuremberg. A globe was
constructed at Nuremberg under the instructions of Martin Behaim in
1492, and given by him to the town of Nuremberg. This globe dis
proves the idea that Martin Behaim or his maps had indicated to
Magellan any straits, for the whole continent of America is absent
from it.
54. "Trauerse." » " Chevaucher." • " Entrer a sec."
- Mourning, Ride
55. "Canton." B ("Comnic abandonnans.")
56. " Souspeoon."
57. His name was Estevan Gomez. 3 Cousin.
58. "A la fin."
- At last.
59. "Apium dulce."
- Sweet Apium.
60. Golondrina in Spanish, a swallow.
61. Iu the Milan edition " Barba", the beard.
62. " Flairer, odorat," to smell.
63. A parrot, not in the Milan edition.
64. " Lapis lazuli", in the Milan edition " Gemma".
65. In the Milan edition " nieve", snow.
66. In the Milan edition " coprire, couvrir".
' An ostrich, not in the Milan edition.
67. Not in the Milan edition. s Food, the root used as bread.
68. This passage is not quite clear:—" Quand il me veyt esoripre ces
noms apres luy demandant des aultres il mentendoit auecq la plume en
69. The printed edition of Milan has: " ammalato dell' infermita di cui
mori." a a Antena magiore." < « Sartia."

1 " Segature de asse." " Segature di tavole." Milan.

* " Escu, mezzo-ducato." Milan edition. - Sawing of boards
3 Effects of scurvy. Gama's seamen suffered in the same way, after

passing the Cape of Good Hope. " Nous allasmes en ung goulfe." - We went in ung goulfe
5 " En tirant au vent haustral." For these islands, see the log book

of Francisco Albo.
• The Milan edition has here: "According to the reckoning we made
with the chain astern."
' " Aulcunesfoys a lorce ou autrement."
70. The Milan edition has here the words: "All round the earth,"
which makes the meaning clearer.
71. " Car on y veoit plusieurs estoilles petites congregees ensemble qui
sont en guise de deux nuees ung peu separ6es l'une de l'autre, et ung
peu obfusquees." The Magellanic clouds.
- Because we see several starfishes, small, elderly conger together which
are in the form of two clouds a little separated from each other, and one
slightly obfuscated. "The Magellanic clouds.

72. " Au milieu desquelles sont deux estelles non trop grandes ne moult
reluysantes, et petitement se mouvent." The Milan edition has: " Due
stelle molto grande e rilucenti, che hanno poco moto."
- In the middle of which are two estelles that are not too large and do not
reluysantes, and little move. "The Milan edition has:" Due
stelle molto grande e rilucenti, che hanno poco moto

73. " Nostre calamiteung peu tiroit toujours a son pol arctique. Neant
moins navoit point tant de force comme de son coste et sa bande."
Milan edition has : " La nostra calamita volgeasi sempre al polo artico,
deviando pero alcun poco dal punto del settentrione."
s " Goulfe, in mezzo al mare."

- "Our calamiteung little shot always had its arctic pole. Nothing
less navoit point as much force as of its cost and band. "
Milan edition has: "Our magnet always turned to the Arctic pole,
but deviating a little from the point of the north. "
s "Goulfe, in the middle of the sea."

74. " Le captaine-general demanda a tous les pillotz allant tousiours a

la voyle par quel chemyn nauigant on puntuast es cartes. Lesquelz
tous respondirent par sa voye punctuellement donnee. Et il respondit
quilz punctuoyent faulsement (chose qui estoit ainsi), et quil conuenoit
- "The captain-general asked all the pillots going to
the voyle by which route nauigant one puntuast es cards. Lesquelz
all responded by his punctually given sight. And he replied
that they falsely punctuated (something that was thus), and that he knew

75. "Etsont tres justes l'une avecques laultre." Milan: " Ed esatta
mente disposte in forma di croce." Dante may have heard of the S.
Cross through Marco Polo.
- Etsont tres justes l'une avecques laultre. "Milan:" And exact
mind arranged in the form of a cross. "Dante may have heard of the S.
Cross through Marco Polo.
76. " Du vent de midy." ! " Le mydy."
- Of the midday wind, The mydy. "
77. " Vers le leuant"; it should be "ponant."
78. Cattigara. Cape Comorin, in 8 deg. 27 min. N. latitude.
79. The Milan edition has seventy.
" La volte du vent de maestral."
80.The Milan edition has here: " Which did not fail to cause com- passion." 2 The Milan edition has for " I
believe", " certainly".
81. Bauanas, or plantains.
82. Stores.
83. "Nattes." * " Baston."
84. Milan edition, " fusiniere": boats named after Fusine, from which
people are ferried to Venice. • For paddles.
85. Now called Samar, in the Philippine group.
86. Instead of these words the Milan edition has: " Which later we
learned was named Humuuit." Amoretti says this island is situated
near Cape Guigan of the Island of Samar.
87. Amoretti presumes this sow was brought from the Ladrones. Des
brosses, t. n, p. 55.
88. "Conge." s "Apparant." Milan edition, " principale".
' " Apparant." Milan edition, " ornati".
89. The Milan edition adds here : " We learned that the island which
they came from was named Zuluan, and it is a small island."
90. Milan: "Sociable."
91. Arrak.
92. Bananas. The Milan edition has: " More than a palm in length.
93. " Cocoa-nuts. t " Verdeur."
s Here the Milan edition adds : " And reduced it to flour."

* Milan edition has: " Takes the consistency of honey." Milan edition has: "
Thick as butter."
3 Here the Milan edition adds: " But its trunk, without being smooth,

is less knotty."
* Milan edition has : " We were told that one of these trees lasts,"
* Here omitted in Milan edition. " Matia.
s 6

94. " Aquade des bons signes."

- Aquade of good signs
95. This word is not in the Milan edition, nor in the Tagal Dictionary.
96. " Picquetez", not in Ste. Palaye's Glossary.
- Picquet "
97. "Tanez."
98. " Giongioli.''
99. "Fascines," " faxina." " Foscine," Milan edition.
100. Milan edition: " Like our rizali."
101. "Chambre des munitions." "Mezza de guarnigione." Milan edition.
' "' Ponnant et 1c ararbin."

!"Aez=ais."Milan edition : " Tavola."

102. " Sporta", Milan edition : "basket."
103. " Intimate friends," Tagal Dictionary.
104. The Milan edition represents the King as making the request, and
the captain-general consenting to it.
105. The Milan edition adds here: "At each mouthful we drank a cup
of wine, and whatever remained in the cup, though that rarely happened,
was put into another vase."
* " Brouet." " Brodo," Milan edition.

It will be seen further on that these brothers were kings or lords of

two cities on the coast of Mindanao, of which one was named Butuan,
the other Calagan. The first place retains its name, the other is named
Caragua. The King of Butuan was also King of the Island of Massaua,
between Mindanao and Saniar. TSTote, Milan edition.

106. The Milan edition adds here : " On each of his teeth he had three
spots of gold, so that his teeth appeared to be bound with gold."
107. Massaua. * Milan edition : " Siagu."

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