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INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Material for April 24th class


Adapted for educational purposes from:  

The word "engineering" is derived from the Latin "ingenium", meaning something like brilliant idea, flash of
genius. It was created in the 16th century and originally described a profession that we would probably call
an artistic inventor. Engineers apply the knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences (biological and
physical), with judgment and creativity to develop ways to utilize the materials and forces of nature for the
benefit of mankind. The subjects are diverse and include names like bioengineering, computer engineering,
electrical and electronics engineering, financial engineering, industrial engineering, internet engineering and
systems engineering, etc.

International Association of Engineers

The International Association of Engineers (IAENG) is a non-profit international association for the
engineers and the computer scientists. IAENG was founded by a group of engineers and computer
scientists in 1968, originally as a private club network for its founding members. Later, with the efforts
from its members, IAENG membership became open to all the members in the engineering and computer
science community.  Nowadays, the IAENG members include research center heads, faculty deans,
department heads, professors, research scientists/engineers, experienced software development directors
and engineers, and university postgraduate and undergraduate students etc., from over one hundred
different countries.

Our goals are to promote the co-operation between the professionals in various fields of the engineering
and to cultivate an environment for the advance and development of the technology. Our objective

    Promoting the interactions between the engineers;

    Advancing the application of engineering techniques from the academics to the industry;

    Facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among the engineers and scientists freely.

Quick IAENG Facts:

The IAENG has (updated on May 16, 2014):

More than 140,000 IAENG members

More than 300 IAENG editorial board members (EL, IJCS, IJAM)
More than 1000 IAENG congress co-chairs and committee members (IMECS, WCE, WCECS)
16 IAENG Societies
44 IAENG conferences and workshops


IAENG publishes scholarly peer-reviewed research journal. The journal can be available online with
full-text content freely.
IAENG organizes conferences to provide venues for the exchange of information and ideas among the
engineers and scientists.
IAENG encourages and supports the formation of various IAENG societies, covering the different
engineering subjects and geographical locations.

IAENG Memberhsip

IAENG welcome all the engineering professionals to join us. There will be no membership fee in according with
our objective to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas freely. There are three types of memberships:
IAENG Member, IAENG Senior Member and IAENG Fellow. Join IAENG now!


A) Leer rápidamente y establecer:

1) Título en castellano: Asociación Internacional de Ingenieros

2) Fuente del texto:
3) Tipo de texto: Descriptivo, Narrativo, Expositivo
4) Audiencia a la que se dirige: Para ingenieros e informáticos.

B) Explicar a qué se refieren los siguientes datos:

IAENG: siglas de la Asociación (Asociación Internacional de Ingenieros)

16: hay 16 sociedades de IAENG
44: se realizaron 44 conferencias de IAENG
16th: fecha del origen de la palabra Ingeniería
2014: año en que se hizo la última actualización

C) Traspone los objetivos y metas expresados en el texto al castellano

Objetivos y metas:
-Promover la cooperación a profesionales de varios campos de ingenierías
-Cultivar un entorno para el avance y desarrollo de la tecnología.
-Promover las interacciones entre los ingenieros:
-Avanzando en la aplicación de técnicas de ingeniería de los académicos a la industria.
-Facilitar el intercambio de información e ideas entre ingenieros y científicos.



a) Párrafo uno: Leer el primer párrafo y completar el siguiente cuadro:

Palabras conceptuales/Categoría Palabras estructurales/ Trasposición al castellano

Engineering (sustantivo) Like (preposición) Ingenieria / como
Genius (adjetivo) And (conjunción) Genio /y
Created (verbo) Of (preposición) Creado / de
Originally (sustantivo) The (articulo) Originalmente / el
Described (verbo) To (preposición) Descrito / a
Brilliant (adjetivo) An (articulo) Brillante / un
Utilize (verbo) In (preposición) Utilizar / en
Names (sustantivo) For (preposición) Nombres / para
Apply (verbo) A (preposición) Aplicar / un
Profession (sustantivo) An (articulo) Profesión / un
Forces (sustantivo) Fuerzas
Materials (sustantivo) Materiales

b) Analizar, desde el punto de vista morfológico, los vocablos en negrita y cursiva en el texto

especificando si poseen prefijos, sufijos o flexiones.

c) Establecer, desde el punto de vista sintáctico, a qué categoría gramatical pertenecen.


e) Emplear guía de teoría si fuera necesario.


 Non-profit: Prefijo. (sustantivo)

 Engineers: sufijo. (sustantivo)

 founding: sufijo (sustantivo)

 membership: sufijo (sustantivo)
 Originally: sufijo (adverbio)
undergraduate: prefijo (sustantivo)
 Different countries: flexion  Technology: sufijo (sustantivo)

(adejtivo/sustantivo)  Includes: sufijo (adjetivo)

 Environment: sufijo (sustantivo)

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