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Rencana Perkuliahan

Minggu Topik Topik

Ke- (Revisi Kurikulum 2013-2018) (Realisasi)
1 • Pendahuluan o Aturan perkuliahan, komponen penilaian,
(7/2/2024) materi dan rencana perkuliahan, dan
informasi buku referensi.

• Peran Rekayasa dan Desain
o Pengantar
dalam Masyarakat dan Profesi o Pengertian rekayasa dan desain
Insinyur o Peran insinyur dan lingkupnya
o Penciri insinyur yang baik
o Profesi insinyur di Indonesia dan di dunia
o ..Perenungan
2 Elemen Kunci dalam Analisis o Pengantar analisis engineering
(14/2/2024) Rekayasa o Numbers, Variables, Dimension, Unit (SI
dll) dan konversi (Satuan)
o Gaya, berat dan massa
o Angka penting
(15/2/2024) o Komunikasi teknik
o Standar teknik, patent, trade mark,
copyright, trade secret
Rencana Perkuliahan
Minggu Topik Topik
Ke- (Revisi Kurikulum 2013-2018) (Realisasi)
3 Elemen Kunci - Hak Cipta dan
(21/2/2024) Paten

Pemberian tugas proyek o Pembagian kelompok
o Penjelasan tugas proyek dan Kriteria penilaian
4 Konversi energi & konservasi o Penggunaan energi
(28/2/2024) energi o Energi adalah kemampuan untuk melakukan
o Bentuk-bentuk energi
o Konversi energi
o Konservasi energi

(29/2/2024) Pengecekan rencana proyek o Mahasiswa dikelompokkan, kemudian setiap

(Tahap Pendefinisian masalah) kelompok menentukan satu topik masalah untuk
dipelajari dan dikerjakan. Pendifinisian masalah
sesuai dengan pilihan topik (topik ini dapat
dipecah menjadi beberapa topik kecil yang
diberikan pada satu kelompok, sehingga
mahasiswa dapat mengerjakannnya dengan lebih
o Presentasi rencana proyek kelompok 1-5. Setiap
kelompok @10 menit
Peran Rekayasa dan Desain
dalam Masyarakat dan Profesi Insinyur

~ What Engineers Do ~
(from Kosky, P., Balmer, R., Keat, W., and Wise, G., Exploring Engineering : An Introduction to Engineering and Design,
4th Edition, Academic Press, 2016)

1. Pengantar
2. Pengertian Rekayasa dan Desain
3. Peran Insinyur dan Lingkupnya
4. Penciri Insinyur yang Baik
5. Profesi Insinyur di Indonesia dan di Dunia

~ What Engineers Do ~
1. Introduction
2. What Do Engineers Do?
3. What Makes a "Good" Engineer?
4. What This Book Covers?
5. Personal and Professional Ethics
6. What Are Professional Ethics?
7. Engineering Ethics Decision Matrix
8. What You Should Expect from This Book
(1) Pengantar


❑ Latin : technología :
o téchnē : an 'art', 'skill' or 'craft'
o logía : the study of something, or the branch of knowledge of a discipline.

❑ Teknologi adalah cara atau metode serta proses atau produk

yang dihasilkan dari penerapan dan pemanfaatan dari berbagai
disiplin ilmu pengetahuan yang menghasilkan nilai bagi pemenuhan
kebutuhan, kelangsungan dan peningkatan mutu kehidupan
(UU 18/2002 Sisnas Iptek)
❑ “Berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan yang menghasilkan nilai“
dikelompokan dalam lima unsur Teknologi :

✓ Seni Rupa (Art)

✓ Ilmu Pengetahuan (Science)
✓ Rekayasa (Engineering)
✓ Ekonomi (Economics)
✓ Bisnis (Business) Technology is a perfect
fusion of Arts, Science,
Engineering, Economics
and Business
Sumber : Prof. Said D. Jenie
(Kepala BPPT 2006-2008)

❖ Seni rupa adalah karya seni yang bisa dilihat dan dirasakan oleh manusia.
❖ Ekonomi memiliki pengertian sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari bagaimana cara
manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka dengan menggunakan sumber
daya yang tersedia.
❖ Bisnis adalah serangkaian usaha yang dilakukan individu atau kelompok dengan
menawarkan barang dan jasa untuk mendapatkan keuntungan (laba).
Sains dan Rekayasa

Sains Rekayasa
(science) (engineering)

kebenaran perbaikan
Tujuan (truth) (improvement)

Hasil knowing that Know how

Theodore von study the world as create the world
Karman it is that has never been

In real world …..

scientist has to be engineer and engineer has to be scientist
 Kegiatan Teknologi adalah pentahapan kegiatan yang
berkaitan dengan Teknologi yang secara runtun
meliputi :
 Penelitian
 Pengembangan
 Rekayasa
 Pengoperasian
 KegiatanTeknologi

Sumber : Prof. Said D. Jenie

Fenomena Gunung Es

Umpan Balik
Hasil Perekayasaan:
Prototipe,TR, TN,
Hasil Pengembangan : Pengembangan
Proof of new concept
Penelitian terapan
Hasil Penelitian:
Metode, software, Penelitian dasar
informasi data aktual Pen
(2) Pengertian Rekayasa dan Desain

What Is Engineering?
Rekayasa atau teknik (engineering) adalah penerapan ilmu
dan teknologi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan manusia.

❑ Engineers can be classified according to the kind of work they do—administration,

construction, consulting, design, development, teaching, planning, production, research, sales,
service, and test engineers.

❑ Because engineering deals with the world around us, the number of engineering
disciplines is very large. The table below lists some of the many engineering fields.

Aerospace Ceramic Electrical Mechanical Petroleum

Agricultural Chemical Environmental Metallurgical Sanitary

Architectural Civil Geological Mining Systems

Automotive Computer Manufacturing Nuclear Textile

Biomedical Ecological Marine Ocean Transportation

What Is Engineering Technology?

❑ Engineering technology is the profession in which a knowledge of

mathematics and natural sciences gained by higher education,
experience, and practice is devoted primarily to the implementation
and extension of existing technology for the benefit of humanity.

❑ Engineering technologists work closely with engineers in

coordinating people, material, and machinery to achieve the specific
goals of a particular project. The engineering technologist is often
responsible for design and development.
 National Council of Engineering Examiners:
 “Engineer shall mean a person who, by reason of his special
knowledge and use of mathematical, physical,and engineering
sciences and the principles of engineering analysis and design,
acquired by education and experience, is qualified to practice

 Kosky at all :
 What is an engineer?
 An engineer is a creative, ingenious person.
 What does an engineer do?
 Engineers create ingenious solutions to societal problems.
(3) Peran Insinyur dan Lingkupnya

Top 20 Engineering Achievements Of The 20th Century

1. Electrification 11. Highways
2. Automobile 12. Spacecraft
3. Airplane 13. Internet
4. Water Supply and Distribution 14. Imaging
5. Electronics 15. HouseholdAppliances
6. Radio andTelevision 16. HealthTechnologies
7. Agricultural Mechanization 17. Petroleum and Petrochemical
8. Computers Technologies
9. Telephone 18. Laser and Fiber Optics
10. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 19. NuclearTechnologies
20. High-performance Materials

Distinguished engineers may be elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE); it is the
singular highest national honor for engineers.
Engineering Challenges For The 21st Century

1. Make solar energy economical

2. Provide energy from fusion
3. Develop carbon sequestration methods
4. Manage the nitrogen cycle
5. Provide access to clean water
6. Restore and improve urban infrastructure
7.Advance health informatics
8. Engineer better medicines
9. Reverse-engineer the brain
10. Prevent nuclear terror
11. Secure cyberspace
12. Enhance virtual reality
13.Advance personalized learning
14. Engineer the tools of scientific discovery
What Do Engineers Do?

❖ Engineers work in industry and government, in laboratories and

manufacturing plants, in universities, on construction sites, and as
entrepreneurs. They work in an office most of the time, and occasionally
travel around the world to manufacturing or construction or equipment test
sites. Civil engineers often work outdoors part of the time.
❖ Engineers usually work in teams.
❖ Engineers are capable of designing the processes and
equipment needed for a project, and sometimes that
involves inventing new technologies. Engineers must also test
their work carefully before it is used by trying to anticipate all the things
that could go wrong, and make sure that their products perform safely and
❖ An engineering degree also opens doors to other careers.
(4) Penciri Insinyur yang Baik

Profil Rekayasawan
 THINK GLOBALLY (hollistic, multi aspect, multi discipline).. ACT
LOCALLY (detail,precise,codes,..)

 Communication skills (team work, oral,written)

 Creative

 Problem solver

(disarikan dari Top 10 Qualities of an Engineer

 Personal and Professional Ethics
❑ Personal Ethics (vary over time and from culture to culture)
✓ Personal ethics are the standards of human behavior that individuals
of different cultures have constructed to make moral judgments
about personal or group situations.

❑ Professional Ethics (honesty and integrity)

✓ Having a code of ethics enables an engineer to resist the pressure
o to produce substandard work
o to allow concerns such as personal desires, greed, ideology, religion,
o or politics to override professional ethics.
The Five Cornerstones of Ethical Behavior

Here are some examples of codes of personal ethics. At this point you
might want to compare your own personal code of ethics with the ones
listed here.

1. Do what you say you will do.

2. Never divulge information given to you in
3. Accept responsibility for your mistakes.
4. Never become involved in a lie.
5. Never accept gifts that compromise your ability to
perform in the best interests of your organization.
(5) Profesi Insinyur di Indonesia dan di Dunia

National Society of Professional Engineers

Code of Ethics

❑ Fundamental canons

✓ Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties,shall

o Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.

o Perform services only in areas of their competence.
o Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
o Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
o Avoid deceptive acts.
o Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as
to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.


 Mengutamakan keluhuran budi.
 Menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemampuannya untuk kepentingan kesejahteraanumat
 Bekerja secara sungguh-sungguh untuk kepentingan masyarakat,sesuai dengan tugas dan
tanggung jawabnya.
 Meningkatkan kompetensi dan martabat berdasarkan keahlian profesional keinsinyuran.
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa mengutamakan keselamatan,kesehatan dan kesejahteraan
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa bekerja sesuai dengankompetensinya.
 Insinyur Indinesia hanya menyatakan pendapat yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa menghindari terjadinya pertentangan kepentingan dalam
tanggung jawab tugasnya.
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa membangun reputasi profesi berdasarkan kemampuan
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa memegang teguh kehormatan,integritas dan martabat profesi.
 Insinyur Indonesia senantiasa mengembangkan kemampuan profesionalnya.
➢ Apa peran dirimu dalam masyarakat Indonesia dan dunia..??

➢ Bagaimana pengaruh karya professional terhadap

kehidupan dan kesejahteraan umat manusia..??

➢ Bagaimana memulai peran dan karya professional sebagai

rekayasawan dalam bidang sumber daya mineral dan migas ..??

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