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Section: 12 STEM 9

Subject: FCL 11
A. Draw a symbol on the part of the puzzle man corresponding to the number: 
1. Your purpose or mission in life 
2. Your faith in God 
3. What your family means to you 
4. The meaning of love 
5. What do you want to be in the future? 
6. One of your strengths 
7. One of your weaknesses 

B. After drawing your symbols, you will share their meanings. Why did you choose
that symbols? What events in your life led to your choosing of the symbol? Talk
about your similarities and differences. 

First, the symbols I chose for my mission in life is a man helping an old
lady and a light bulb. I aim to be a person who lends a hand and helps people in need.
A light bulb symbolizes light which I want to become for the people who experience
darkness or problems in their lives. Second, my faith in God is shown thru a strong
and burning symbol to show how I have a big and overflowing trust in Him. Third,
my family is my happiness as shown as the ‘smiley face’. They are the ones who
believe and wish the best for me. I am happy and grateful to have them. The meaning
of love for me is sharing or giving to others. This is how we can show love and bring
love to the world. In the future, I want to be a successful business owner with the
field I am passionate about. One of my main strengths is God and His promises. It is
true that I get all my strength from him and especially hold on to His words. Lastly,
one of my weaknesses is my insecurities. I do my best to fight them and be better
each day.

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