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Customer targeted to almost small, medium and large-scale industries.

Customer base was divided under Two groups : -

1. Owner Ollies : -
a. 73% of total customer base.
b. Has around 1-25 members
c. Absence of marketing professionals.
d. Primary objective is to general more leads.
e. Churn rate is : - 4.3 %
2. Market Mary : -
a. 27% of total customer base.
b. Consists around 26-100 members.
c. Marketing professionals.
d. Analytics and reports
e. Churn rate : - 3.2%
3. Ideal customers would be medium sized companies having a marketing department.
4. They would be able to utilise full utility services of HubSpot, have low churn rate and
acquisition cost is around $5000.

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