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SAS #12

Drawsheet- A draw sheet is a thin bed sheet positioned crosswise over the center of the bottom sheet of
a mattress to cover the space between the person's upper back and thighs, often used by medical
professionals to move patients. It can be made of plastic, rubber, or cotton, and is around half the size of
a standard board.

Floor- The bottom surface of a space or vehicle is called the floor. From plain dirt in a cave to
multilayered surfaces created with modern technology, floors come in all shapes and sizes. Stone, wood,
bamboo, metal, or any other material that can support the anticipated load can be used for floors.

Gloves- Gloves are the most effective protection in avoiding contamination with potentially infectious
biological material (such as blood, body fluids, secretions, mucous membranes, and non-intact skin of
patients) and lowering the risk of microorganism transmission.

Hamper- A hamper is one of many basket-like objects that belong together. It refers to a large wicker
basket used for transporting objects, most commonly food, in mainly British use.

Loosening- Making something looser or less secure. For example, the patient's gowns must be loosen to
feel relaxed.

Miter- The base unit of length in the International System of Units that is equal to the distance traveled
in a vacuum by light in 1/299,792,458 second or to about 39.37 inches.

Pillowcase- Pillows are used by a wide variety of animals, including humans. Throw pillows, body pillows,
decorative pillows, and several other styles of pillows are available. Pillows for sleeping are a form of
bedding that supports the head and neck while sleeping.

Shaking- Shaking or shivering - A person's feelings may cause them to shake or shiver. This is often
caused by an increase in adrenaline in the body. Adrenaline is a hormone that activates the fight-orflight
response in the body. After the adrenaline has left the body, the shivering should cease.

Wrinkles- Wrinkles are folds in your skin that are also known as rhytides. Collagen and elastin are
proteins that your skin contains less of when you get older. Your skin will become thinner and less
resistant to damage as a result of this. Environmental factors, dehydration, and toxins may all contribute
to the development of wrinkles on your face.

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