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Question 2..

Let’s consider the population of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the

state of Kentucky.
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) sets
guidelines for hunting and
fishing in the state. Before the hunting season of 2004, it estimated a population
of 900,000 deer.
This observation corresponds to a rate of increase r=ln(2)3=0.2311, so the
growth rate
 is 23.11% per year. (This assumes that the population grows exponentially,
which is reasonable––
at least in the short term
––with plentiful food supply and no predators.) The KDFWR also reports deer
population densities for
32 counties in Kentucky, the average of which is approximately 27 deer per
square mile. Suppose this
is the deer density for the whole state (39,732 square miles). The carrying
 KK is 39,732 square miles times 27 deer per square mile, or 1,072,764 deer.
a. For this application, we have P0=900,000, K=1,072,764, P0=900,000,
K=1,072,764, and r=0.2311
Substitute these values into Equation and form the initial-value problem.

b. Solve the initial-value problem from part a.

c. According to this model, what will be the population in 3 years? Recall that the 
doubling time.


This is far short of twice the initial population of 900,000.900,000. Remember that the doubling time is based on the
assumption that the growth rate never
changes, but the logistic model takes this possibility into account .
In the logistic growth model, our key assumption is that the relative growth rate of the population is a linear function
of P.
dP/dt = P(a – bP);
A quick expansion of the logistic growth equation shows that this is a non-linear differential equation.
Solving above linear equation.(by variable separable method)
dP/dt = P(a – bP)
(1/a*p + b/a*(a-bP))dP=dt
1/a ln|p/a-bp|= t+c1
P(t) = aC /bC + e^−at
Question 3.
A rabbit population of 50 is transplanted to an isolated valley. The rabbit’s population has an
initial growth rate of 0.50 rabbits per month.
If the valley can only support a population of 5000 rabbits, find the logistic function modeling
this situation and determine when the valley
will reach 90% of its capacity.
=dP /dt = P ( 0.50 – P/ 10, 000)
= P(t) = 50.51 /0.01 + e−0.5t
= P(t) = 0.90(5000) = 4500
=4500= 50.51 /0.01 + e−0.5t

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