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A Literary Analysis of

Charlotte Aninion-De Guzman’s

“Morsels of Memory”

In partial fulfillment of the course:

21st Century Literature
from the Philippines and the World

August 20, 2020

I. Introduction

“Morsels of Memory” is a story by Charlotte Aninion-De Guzman that shows how compassion

teaches people to look past their own troubles to see others’. It tells the narrative of a generous mother

and her deeds to provide food for her hungry neighbors. It is told from the point of view of the mother’s

child who witnessed every person who ate in their home, warmly welcomed by the mother. The narrator

reminisces their neighbors who visited their home almost every day, sharing their experiences and

ambitions in life whilst sharing a meal together.

II. Discussion

Compassion is a beautiful concept that links everyone together; disregarding social, economic, or

religious background. As simple as it sounds, only few are able to apply it in their lives for it requires

purity of one’s soul. In her case, the mother heartily showed compassion for her neighbors. “She

welcomed them with a smile, a warm coffee and with the delicious smell of food that was always slowly

cooking on our stove”. No questions were asked, no judgments were made. It was a mother and her

cooking that served as an epitome of compassion for others, filling not only the stomachs but also the

hearts of the ones who sit around their table.

“There were countless others who sat in our small round kitchen table while my mother fed their

hunger.” Although not mentioned, one can evaluate the mother’s socioeconomic status. Small round

kitchen table, the shaking of their house due to laughter, perhaps because it was small and simple, all

these suggests that they themselves do not have so much. Despite her situation, however, she chose to

share what little she has. The compassion in the mother’s heart urges her to help her neighbors in what

may seem a simple deed, but for her neighbors it might be life-changing. It is not just the food she gives.

She makes them feel loved, she makes them feel special.
“Perhaps that was my mother’s tragedy… her nose was too soft and her heart too open.” The

mother’s compassion gave her the courage to look beyond her own troubles to see other people’s troubles.

It taught her sympathy and kindness. It opened her heart to reaching to the needy and lifting them up,

helping them as if they were family. Her strength of helping others also grew to be her weakness. She

spent money and resources sympathizing with the people, sacrificing her own desires in the process.

Perhaps, it is not the material things she desires. Seeing her neighbors smile and thank her was more than

enough. Compassion made her heart pure, it cleansed her soul.

III. Conclusion

Being compassionate is not a responsibility but a decision, a choice. A person choosing to be not

compassionate is absolutely acceptable. One cannot force it to people because it is completely up to the

individual. It depends on the perception of the person on whether they feel the need to help others or that

they can afford to help. If a person chooses to be compassionate, however, that means that they have

achieved self-actualization. Reaching others and helping them had become a lifestyle. These days,

encountering compassionate is uncommon. People usually do not bother helping others because they have

enough personal problems to deal with. However, by turning our focus on other people’s problems, our

perspective broadens, helping us work through our own problems.

Thesis statement: Compassion teaches us to look past our own troubles to see others’.

1. How is compassion manifested in the story?

2. What own troubles did the character look beyond?
3. How does compassion teach us to look past our own troubles to see others’?

Mata, Emilou Lindsay I., et. al. (2016). 21st century literature from the Philippines and the world for
senior high school. Malabon City, Philippines: Mutya Publishing House Incorporated. page 48
Rubric for Text Analysis Simplified

General subject The paper focuses on a The paper contains a The paper has no clear _____ x 3
and specific focus precise topic and all the general subject and focus.
supporting ideas provided relevant supporting details.
are relevance and in
congruence with the
general subject.

Evidence (quotes) The paper uses more than The paper uses two specific The paper uses details _____ x 1
two specific details from details from the text which that have no relation to
the text which matches the matches the general the subject..
general subject. subject.

Evidence The evidence given has The paper was able to The paper failed to _____ x 3
(commentary and been effectively discussed. discuss the evidence discuss any evidence.
connection to ) The wording is excellently provided. The wording is The wording is average.
chosen. good.

Conventions Grammar, punctuation and Grammar, punctuation and Grammar, punctuation _____ x 2
spelling are flawless spelling are acceptable and spelling are poor

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