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Visage is an underestimated hero of Dire, with main attribute – intelligence. In Dota2 he plays
roles of support and nuker. Players usually don’t pick him, because you need a good micro
control to play him well. But still his spells are very strong and useful. Our guide will help you
learn this hero.



Guide for Visage - the Necro'lic in Dota 2 v 6.84c

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

 6

 7
 8

 9

 10

 11

 12

 13

 14

 15
 16

 17

 18

 19

 20

 21

 22

 23
 24

 25

Grave Chill

This spell has two goals; Slow down the enemy or speed up our hero. We should use this to initiate
fights. Great addition is that we increase attack speed for 64%, sucking it from the enemy. That will
help us to deal with such heroes like Drow Ranger or Lifestealer.

This is interesting

 Great spell that won’t let our enemy to get away.

 We shall use it on enemy’s carry if he has huge attack speed and damage.
 Buff for visage and buff for the enemy will dispel separately.
 the speed that Visage gets won’t depend on whether the target was slowed down or not.

Soul Assumption

With this incredible spell, Visage can give 410 magical damage every 4 second. The mana cost is
just 140 mana. This spell is charged from the damage done in range of 1375. For every 110
damage we get 1 charge. Maximal number of charges = 6. This is just amazing spell in team fights.
This is interesting

 The counter of souls will increase only from damage that heroes do, Roshan does. The
damage that is given to yourself, or the damage from Soul Assumption does not count.
 Charge lasts for 6 seconds.
 When you hit the enemy, your attack does 20+65*(amount of charges on counter). It flies
with speed 1000.
 You better use this spell with maximal amount of charges.

Gravekeeper's Cloak

This passive will give us +20 armor and 64% magical resistance. On 4th level it will give us 4 layers
of protection, each of them gives us 5 armor and 16% magic resistance. But each attack of enemy
cancels one layer. The restore of layer takes 6 seconds. This spell helps us to tank a lot of damage
in early game. But be careful because you won’t be able to hold for long time if you will get focused.

This is interesting

 The layer will go down only from attack of hero. That means we can farm the woods and
get very low damage from creeps.
 Damage to oneself does not destroy the layer too.
 Every layer restores per 12/10/8/6 seconds after being broken.
 The lower the amount of layers the easier it is to kill us. Be careful!
 Visage has 10% basic magic resist instead of 25% as everyone else has.

Summon Familiars

This spell can summon 2 Familiars. With 7 charges their damage will be 154, but be careful
because with each attack charges go down. Without charges damage is only 10. They have very
powerful 1st spell Stone Form. They will drop on the ground with 1 second delay and stun the
enemy or 1.5 seconds. They are immune in that form. They will be able to fly again in 8 seconds.
With leveling, familiars have more move speed, HP, damage and stun time.

It’s not very hard to control those creatures, as it may seem. You can learn to control them as a
group or as single units pressing tab. We can also bind every Familiar to different buttons like from
1 to 9. You need to pick unit and press Ctrl+number.

Our Familiars can be used in different ways: control runes, scout the area, chase the enemy or
even cancel the ultimate with stun. But remember that they are not units that you should just hang
on some hero and forget about them, you need to control them.

This is interesting

 As any summoned creatures, they may be destroyed with  Hand of Midas or [Diffusal
 With good micro we may stun enemy for 3 seconds.
 Aghanim's Scepter will give us another familiar.
 Don’t forget that Stone Form does damage. Two Familiar will deal 280 damage.
 Familiar has 100% magical resist. The spells that work only for heroes will work on
 If we will summon new Familiar when we have old one alive, the old one will die.

Early game for Visage(up to 15 minute)

What I should do?

First items:  Ring of Protection /  Observer Ward /  Animal Courier, 2x  Clarity,
2x  Tango, 3x  Iron Branch.

Don’t forget that if we are the only support we should buy  Animal Courier instead of 
Ring of Protection, or  Observer Ward. Later we need to upgrade  Ring of
Protection to  Ring of Basilius. On first levels we need to be close to tower, and better not to
take farm from our carry. But later we will be more aggressive.

With our first spell the First Blood won’t be a problem.

With level 6 we will spawn Familiar and go to gank. But don’t forget that our goal is to help
team with wards, we are support. They will give us great bonus in map and rune control. The
picture shows all the basic places for wards.

Middle game for Necro'lic(from 15 till 35 minute)

What I should do?

Now it’s time to get Boots, it may be  Arcane Boots or  Power Treads. If we have a lot of
supports with  Arcane Boots we should buy  Power Treads, in other way we should go
for mana boots.

If no one is going to buy  Mekansm, we will do that. If there is one in our team, then it’s
reasonable to buy  Medallion of Courage, it’s great item for Visage, it gives additional armor
and mana.

We are very useful for the team on this Stage. We will place wards, take part in fights, cover
our carry, and try to give our life for him. If we did everything right, the victory is close.

Late game for Visage(from 35 minute)


What I should do?

Now we are not that strong as before but we are still important.

If everything goes great we should have  Aghanim's Scepter till late game, it will give us
another 1.5 seconds of stun in fights.

If the game still carries on and we have the money, we can try to buy either  Scythe of
Vyse or  Eye of Skadi. First item will give us control, and second – incredibly strong
slowdown, and it will increase our attributes that is also good.

Full inventory view

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