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National Service AY 2021 - 2022

Training Program (NSTP)

Common Module: 04
Part 1
Duration :3 hours
Civic Welfare and LTS1

Training Service 1/
Literacy Training Service 1
 The Relevance of R.A 10121 also known as
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act
of 2010

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________

Year & Section: ________________ Date Received: __________________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________________________

Commission on Higher Education

Ligao City
I. Title


R.A 10121

.II. Introduction/Overview

Every one of us has the responsibility to protect other and ourselves to any
possible harm. Safety and security of people are everybody concerns. In this Module 4
Part 1 will focus on the relevance of RA 10121 also known as Disaster Awareness,
Preparedness and Management act of 2010.It will help any individual to be aware and
prepared in any calamities or disaster that might come. Under the R.A 10121 also known
as “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 you will understand
the policies and the agencies of the government in charge in promoting and protecting the
health of every individual.

III. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. Explain the relevance of R.A 10121 also known as Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act of 2010.

IV. Self-Assessment Question

1. In your own words how do you define disaster?

2. Give an example of disaster you’ve encountered and what strategy you have
done to overcome that disaster.

V. Activity/ Discussion/Lesson

A. Preliminary Activity
Directions: Read the quotation below and reflect.
“We cannot stop natural disaster but we can arm ourselves with knowledge:
so many lives wouldn’t have to be lost if there was enough disaster
B. Analysis (Questions for the Activity)
1. In your own understanding what is the quotation all about
2. As an individual how can you help your community in preparing for natural

The Act shifted the policy environment and the way the country deals with disasters from
mere response to preparedness. RA 10121 provides a comprehensive, all-hazard, multi-sectoral,
inter-agency, and community-based approach to disaster risk management through the
formulation of the National Disaster Risk Management Framework.
A 10121 also recognizes local risk patterns and trends and decentralization of resources
and responsibilities and thus encourages the participation of NGOs, private sectors, community-
based organizations, and community members in disaster management. It inhibits the full
participation of the Local Government Units (LGUs) and communities in governance. The
approach tends to be 'response-oriented' or 'reactive.' This is evidenced by the widespread
emphasis on post-disaster relief and short-term preparedness, such as forecasting and evacuation,
rather than on mitigation and post- disaster support for economic recovery.
Definition of Disaster under R.A10121 Section 3-h
Under section 3-h of R.A 10121 disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a
community or a society involving wide spread human material, economic or environmental
losses and impacts which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope
using its own resources.
a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of
life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and
economic disruption, or environmental damage
A disaster can be classified into two;

Human Induced
• Fire
• Accident
Natural • Aircraft crush
• Pollution
• Typhoons • Civil disturbance
• Floods • Terrorists Attacks
• Storm Surges • Explosions
• Earthquakes • Armed conflict
• Tsunamis
• Volcanic Eruptions
• Landslides

Figure 1: Classification of Disaster

Vulnerability may arise from various physical, social, economic, and environmental factors
such as poor design and construction of buildings, inadequate protection of assets, lack of public
information and awareness, limited official recognition of risks and preparedness measures, and
disregard for wise environmental
Characteristic and Circumstances of community system or asset that make it susceptible to
the damaging effects of a hazard. Examples of vulnerability are the ff:
1. Attitude of helplessness dependence and indifference –
2. Conflicts in the community
3. Unsafe housing design and construction
4. Lack of knowledge and skills on preparedness and protective measures
5. Lack of education
6. Social inequity and poverty and,
7. Lack of settlements planning and policy.
Combination of all the strengths attributes and resources available within a community,
society or organization. The ff; are the examples of capacity:
1. Permanent Housing
2. Adequate food and income sources
3. Ownership of Land
4. Family and Community Support
5. Local knowledge and skills
6. Responsive local government
7. Strong community organization

C. Application
1. What is the importance of R.A 10121?

VI. Summary /Key Points

 A National Disaster Risk Management Plan (NDRMP) is being formulated, developed,

and implemented as the master plan that will provide the strategies, organization, tasks of
concerned agencies and local government units, and other guidelines in dealing with
disasters or emergencies. Through this plan, a coherent, integrated, efficient, and
responsive disaster risk management at all levels will hopefully be achieved.

VII. End of Module Assessment (EMA)

1. How can we apply R.A 10121 in our daily life?

2. As an individual how can you help your community in preparing for natural

VIII. Looking Ahead

1. In one whole sheet of paper draw a map indicating the location of your house and
what disaster you are vulnerable? Below of your output please indicate your

IX. Self-Learning Module Evaluation

Rate your learning experience in using this module according to the following scale. Put
a check mark on your response.
 4 – I learned a lot from this module.
 3 – I learned just right.
 2 – I still need guidance on certain topics.
 1 – I did not understand anything.

X. References/Suggested Readings

 R.A 10121 also known as Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010

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