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Received: 3 June 2019    Accepted: 12 July 2019

DOI: 10.1111/jocd.13093


Polyphenols as natural antioxidants in cosmetics applications

Débora Jackeline de Lima Cherubim MSc1  | Cleide Viviane Buzanello Martins PhD2 |

Luciana Oliveira Fariña PhD1 | Rosemeire Aparecida da Silva de Lucca PhD1,2

Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Center, Western Paraná State University, Abstract
Cascavel, Brazil Background: Currently, there is a great interest in cosmetics prepared on natural
Engineering and Exact Sciences
resources bases and this may restrict the use of synthetic substances. Plants play
Center, Western Paraná State University,
Toledo, Brasil a relevant role as a source of biologically active natural products with cosmetic and
dermatological importance. According to this context, polyphenolic extracts are
Rosemeire Aparecida da Silva de Lucca, highlighted because they have proven antioxidant, anti‐inflammatory, anti‐aging, an‐
Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná –
timicrobial, and supporting activity in solar photoprotection.
UNIOESTE, Rua da Faculdade, 645 ‐ Jardim
La Salle, Toledo, Paraná 85903‐000, Brasil. Aims: The purpose this study were reviewed at reporting the antioxidant activity of
phenolic compounds, mainly applied to dermatological therapy, and highlighting the
Funding information action mechanisms and structure‐activity relationship.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Methodology: In September 2017, we performed a literature search in PubMed and
Pessoal de Nível Superior
Scielo for scientific researches, antioxidant studies, and systemic reviews. The search
“PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS” (from 2000). As inclusion criteria were used relevant
original articles, scientific research in the area of interest, and crucial reference ar‐
ticles. Exclusion criteria were: duplicate publications, non‐relevant articles and not
published in English.
Results: The potential cosmetic application of phenolic compounds as natural anti‐
oxidants has been attributed to the chemical structure of these compounds, which to
interfere in different phases of the oxidation mechanism.
Conclusion: The use of phenolic extracts emerges as a viable alternative for cosmetic
application, ensuring a commitment to sustainability. However, it is of crucial impor‐
tance to evaluate the toxicity risks of raw materials and finished products.

antioxidant activity, cosmetics, polyphenols

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N as a prophylactic measure, resulting in normal production of struc‐

tural proteins of the skin.1,4 Polyphenolic compounds are substances
Reactive oxygen species take part in several degenerative processes widely distributed in nature, related to the plant survival and its spe‐
to the organism. Epidemiological and experimental studies have cies perpetuation. Several studies associated the chemical structure
provided an effective evidence of a critical association between of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Phenolic nucleus
free radicals and the development of early aging. 2,3
Some applied presence acts out as an efficient sensor of reactive species, which
antioxidants are able to block the harmful effects of free radicals also reduces and chelates ferric ions that catalyze lipid peroxidation.5

J Cosmet Dermatol. 2019;00:1–5. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. |  1  
2       de LIMA CHERUBIM et al.

Nowadays, the importance of Brazilian biodiversity has stimu‐ of trans‐epidermal water, resulting in skin dryness. In addition, the
lated consumers to prefer products of natural origin as an alterna‐ lipid peroxidation process leads to the expression of phospholipases
tive when compared to synthetic products application.6-8 According and cyclooxygenase with subsequent production of prostaglandins,
to this scenario, the beneficial effects of polyphenols have become which are responsible for epithelial inflammation.3,4
newsworthy to the cosmetics industry regarding the development of The damages caused by radicals can be controlled by antioxidant
ecological products rich in green raw material, especially to products compounds, which may have an endogenous origin, such as glutathi‐
for therapy and to prevent skin premature aging.8,9 one peroxidase, glutathione dismutase, catalase, and superoxide dis‐
So, this paper aimed at describing, based on scientific literature, mutase or exogenous, mainly supplied by diet and the use of topical
the effects of polyphenolic extracts regarding antioxidant activity, products.12 The main classes of compounds with antioxidant activity
addressing anti‐aging, photoprotective, antimicrobial, and anti‐in‐ include vitamins, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds.13
flammatory action.

Plants represent an important source of natural products that are
The term free radical includes any chemical species that have one or biologically active and classified as secondary metabolites, among
more unpaired electrons in its last electron layer. They comprise reactive which phenolic and polyphenolic compounds are outstanding.5,13
oxygen species; radical species, such as superoxide radical (O2), hydroxyl The term phenol or polyphenol is characterized by the presence
radical (HO), and peroxyl radical (ROO); and nonradical species, such as of one or more aromatic nuclei containing hydroxylated substitu‐
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and singlet oxygen (1O2), often generated as ents and/or functional derivatives, such as esters, ethers, and gly‐
byproducts of biological reactions or exogenous factors, mainly due to cosides. These compounds can be divided, according to the number
the exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke, and ultraviolet radiation.4,10 and arrangement of carbon atoms present in the main structure of
Radical species cause oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, carbo‐ a molecule, into two large groups: flavonoids and nonflavonoids
hydrates, and DNA. They also stimulate matrix metalloproteinases (Table 1).
formation (MMP‐1, MMP‐3, MMP‐8, and MMP‐9), as well as activate In the nonflavonoid class, gallic acid is one of the most relevant
enzymes such as collagenase, elastase, tyrosinase, and xanthine oxi‐ substances and represents phenolic acids class derived from benzoic
dase, resulting in degradation of collagen and elastin, damage to the acid; caffeic and ferulic acids are derived from cinnamic acid and res‐
dermal connective tissue, and consequent premature skin aging. 2,11 veratrol belongs to the stilbenes.13
Free radicals can also interact with lipids of extracellular matrix; Flavonoids are the most important and diversified class of
consequently, there are changes on the epidermal barrier and loss polyphenols, widely distributed in fruits, vegetables, berries, and

TA B L E 1   Basic structures of the main

Basic structure Class of phenolic compounds Chemical structure
classes of phenolic compounds
C6–C1 Benzoic acid derivatives

C6–C3 Cinnamic acid derivatives

C6–C2–C6 Stilbenes

C6–C3–C6 Flavonoids
de LIMA CHERUBIM et al. |

seeds.5,14 The main representative ones of this class have two aro‐ white tea showed the highest inhibitory activity, as well as the high‐
matic rings linked among themselves by an oxygenated heterocycle. est antioxidant activity and phenolic content.
Hydrogenation degree and heterocycle substitution will differenti‐
ate the components of this group into flavonols, flavones, anthocya‐
4.2 | Solar photoprotection
nins, and isoflavones.13,14
The antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds is mainly de‐ The phenolic compounds can absorb ultraviolet radiation due to
termined by their chemical structure, especially by the number and the presence of chromophores in their structure. Thus, they avoid
position of hydroxyl groups and the presence of an aromatic ring.5 solar radiation penetrate into the skin. This fact enhances the sun
These compounds work as efficient reactants of oxygen reactive protection of the product and neutralizes the harmful effects of
species, reduce and chelate ferric ions that catalyze lipid peroxida‐ oxidative stress after sun exposure. 2,18-20 Besides, the pretreatment
tion, and they are also able to inactivate free radicals by transferring of epidermal cells with phenolic extracts, such as resveratrol and
hydrogen atoms to these molecules (1) or by donating an electron to quercetin, allows a proven decrease in free radicals formation and
the radical (2).5,14 The mechanisms of radical inactivation action are consequently prevents DNA damage. 21 Phenolic derivatives, espe‐
expressed below, where ArOH represents the antioxidant molecule cially stilbenes, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic acids, present high
and R, the free radical: UV absorption with sun protection factor (SPF) from 7 to 29. This
corresponds to an SPF between minimum (SPF 2 to 12) to moderate
⋅ ⋅
ArOH + R → ArO + RH
(SPF from 12 a 30). 22 Rosa et al23 carried out a study, and they ob‐
tained SPF 8 for mille leaves (Achillea millefolium), SPF 6 for cabbage

ArOH + R → ArOH + R
+⋅ −
(Brassica oleracea var. capitata), SPF 5 for “tiririca” (Cyperus rotundus),
The intermediates formed by phenolic antioxidants (ArO e · SPF 5 for Brazilian gooseberry (Plectranthus barbatus), SPF 2 for “ar‐

ArOH ) action are relatively stable due to the resonance of the aro‐ nica paulista” (Porophyllum ruderale (jacq.) Cass), and SPF 1 for “ser‐
matic ring present in the structure of these substances. 5,12 ralha” (Sonchus oleraceus).
The photoprotective effect of Malaxis acuminata was promising
due to the presence of several phenolic compounds in the extract.
4 | COS M E TI C A PPLI C ATI O N S O F This suggests a new active for cosmetic application. 2
4.3 | Antimicrobial activity
The cosmetic and dermatological importance of phenolic com‐
pounds is mainly based on antioxidant action. The application of The study of antimicrobial agents has a wide scope, and it is crucial
antioxidants in cosmetics reduces oxidative damage, constituting a in several sectors of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic areas. 24 The
good alternative in therapy and prevention of premature aging. It use of substances with antimicrobial activity in the cosmetic indus‐
also provides photoprotective action and helps on the treatment of try is intended to minimize deterioration caused by microorganisms
sensitive or sun‐stressed skin by anti‐inflammatory activity. 14
The in order to keep the microbiological purity of a product during its
antioxidant compounds are also applied to prevent or reduce oxida‐ manufacture, packaging, and storage. It also extends the shelf‐life
tive deterioration of active constituents of the cosmetic and to avoid formulation and ensures consumer's safety against possible health
oxidation of oily content present in the formulation. 7,15 risks. 25-27 In addition, the development of bacterial resistance can be
minimized using vegetables raw materials. 25
Daglia28 reports about some microorganisms that have shown
4.1 | Anti‐aging activity
sensitivity to phenolic compounds action, such as Streptococcus
More recently, phenolic extracts are proposed as one of the most ef‐ mutans, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori,
fective functional raw materials for anti‐aging cosmetics.4 Moreira et Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, influ‐
al8 have determined the anti‐collagenase activity and anti‐elastase enza A, HSV‐1 and HSV‐2 (herpes), Adenovirus, Candida albicans, and
activity of phenolic compounds, especially quercetin and gallic acid, Trichophyton mentagrophytes.
present in Eugenia dysenterica, which has proved the anti‐aging activ‐ The antibacterial efficacy of phenolic substances has been re‐
ity of these compounds. lated to their ability to causing damage to the cytoplasmic mem‐
The freeze‐dried fruit juice of Cucumis sativus, in a study carried brane as well as on inhibiting nucleic acids synthesis and restraining
out by Nema et al,16 also showed an inhibitory effect of elastase and the energetic metabolism of microorganisms. 29,30 Therefore, the
hyaluronidase activity, an enzyme that catalyzes hyaluronic acid promising antifungal activity can be explained by its ability to cause
degradation in the extracellular matrix. cell wall biosynthesis rupture, to impair folate metabolism synthe‐
Thring, Hili, and Naughton17 tested twenty‐three plant extracts, sis, and consequently to inhibit ergosterol production, as well as to
and the answers were as follows: 10 extracts showed anti‐elastase reduce biofilms formation and to increase ionic permeability of the
activity, 12 presented collagenase inhibition, and six showed inhib‐ membrane.31,32 Regarding antiviral activity, hypotheses are raised
itory activity against both enzymes. Among the studied extracts, about the ability to prevent the fusion between the membrane of
4       de LIMA CHERUBIM et al.

an infectious agent and the host membrane, linking glycoproteins of AC K N OW L E D G M E N T

virus and their receptors.
To CAPES—Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement.
Sardi et al33 already described the antifungal activity of extracts
of seeds, pulp, and leaves of different species when compared to
Candida albicans. The most active extracts were E leitonii seeds, ORCID
E brasiliensis leaves and seeds, justifying their activity by the pres‐
Débora Jackeline Cherubim  https://orcid.
ence of epicatechin and gallic acid as the main constituents of the
Plundrich et al34 studied polyphenols present in grape and
gooseberry, and they were effective in inhibiting the tyrosi‐ REFERENCES
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