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Pronunciation Word List


1.blew― brё w
2.‖ ght― 百ght

3.sti‖ ―stir

4.well― were

5日 a‖ are

6. lake‐ ―rake

7.late― rate

8口 ly― fry

9: glass― grass

10口 lead― read

P「 onunciation Practice"‐ Lauren OSOWSki(2012)

“ 17
L vS.R

To say the[II SOundi the tip 6f yourtongu9 rnakes contact vvith your mouth,just
behind you「 top teeth.

To say the[rl SOunl,the Jp of your tongue should not make 9ontact wtth your

Minimal Pairs
rё d led raw law
limb ttm iight right

berry be‖ y bowling boring

lot 「ot free nee

iё lly lerry clirnb c「 ime

spool spoo「

Lucky Larry
Vゞ hen Lari… y lived in Albertal he loved to rlde the「 ange.He「 egula「 ly left earlソ in the
mo「 ning and「 ode until he saw the lovely lake on his land. Larry then required his horse,
Lady,to wait whne he ran into the lake and did seve「 al laps, Luckily,thё weathe「 is ra「 ely

「ainy in AIbetta.So La「ry could nde and swirll eVery mO「 nin9。 Lucky Larryl

Lucky Laurle
Laurie is a lawyer in the Northwest Te「 「itorles, She loves law and w「 ites many articles
ab9ut「 ight and w「 ong.Lots of otherlawyers like Lau「 le because she「 a「 ely loses a case
Actua‖ y, Lau「 ie was so popula「 that she ran in the provincial electiorl. ∪nfottunately,
Lau「 le lost the election.But she believes that wlnning isnt everrhin9.Luckily,she learned

that lesson early in life.Lucky Lauriel

[rl The respective rnerits of frogs and rabbits

Roge「 :卜1ly rabbit can rQarlike a「 hinoceros.
Ba「 ry:Rubbish!Rabbits dont roari Roger.
Ro99「 :Youlre vv「 ong, Barry,My rabbit!s an Arabian rabbit.Theylre very rare.Vゞ hen hels
angry he races,「 Ound and round his rabbl「 りn,Andげ ぃ
eiS in a real「 ageぃ e mShes
on lo the roof and「 oars,
Barry:How hor百 d!Really,l prefer mソ frOg,live ch面 stened him Fred.
Roge「 :Freddle F「 91 How「 idiculousl

Ba「 ry:An ell you「 emembe「 when l rescued him from the
abbreviaJσ n for FFede面 ck,い ′
「ive「 last February?、 H9was crying like a canary.He was d「 o、 ′ning.

Roge「 :Really,Barryl F「 ogs dont drown.

From htps:〃∠ 180408-chantv― shops.htmi

lhe First L(dy Of lceland′ EHza Reid′ has tuFned heads()a TOVie awards

ceremOny. Fashion reporters sald Ms Reid wOre a nstunning" black jacket

to the Eaaョ Awa'ds_Icelandls version of Hollywoodis AcaOこ my Awards.

Ms Reid wore black to shOw her support for the #rnetoo movement.
However′ unlike most people who attend glamorous avvards shows′ Ms
Reid did not spend a fortune on her clothes, When rep嚇 「s aSked her
where she had purchased herjacketr she sald she bougmin a local Red
Cross charlity stOre in lcelandis ca“ tal cr'` 丁he lcelandic Red Cross was

very happy about thls nevvs, It told its fo‖ ovvers on T、

γltor that the firsli
lこ looked′ "awesome in a gorgeous jacket fFOrln the Red Cross・ ,

Eliza Reid is onginally from Can可 晶 and WOrks as a journalist.She met

her husband′ Pre早 能 nt Gudni ]ohannesson′ when she was stu6ying O

Oxford Univer了 i:レ .` 高s Reid told the Hit lceland website in 2017 that she
a blind date with the future presi3ontく
3> rOWing club event. She
had no tta she WOuld one day become First Lda〉 of lceland. Both she
and her husband are very popt」 lar in lceland for being just like norrmal
peoplet They both have a very down― to― earth oude and can oten be
seen in the dil) shopping vvith their four ch‖ dren and going to

restaurants. 丁he Red Cross also likes Ms Reidi lt hopes more people vvill

fO‖ ow her fashion sense and buy clothes from its cha〔 モ
hЁ ps://ice13nd機 onitor.な bl`is/neWS/c」 lture_and_living/2013/02/27/■ rsl lady_wear_Sithrit
htp://"開 /neWs/bl。 9S― news― rrOm― elsewhere‐ 43228332

Leve1 3 lcelandis First Lady wears charity― shop」 acket-81ylス ρri17 2θ ゴ8

More free les50nS at breakinclnewsencl‖ sh,com― Copy「 ight Sean 13anville 2018

F「 om htPs:〃 breakinqnewsenqnsL=⊆ Qm/■ 801ど 180408-cha百 ″―


The First Lady of lceland′ Eliza Reid′ has tuFned heads at a movie awards

ceremOny, Fashlon reporters said Ms Reid wσ re a nstuntting" black jaこ ket

to the Edda Aνrards ―Icelandis∨ ersion of Ho‖ ywood:s Academy Awards,

Ms Reid wore black to shOw her suppott for the #metoO movemehti
However′ unlike most people whO attend glamorous avvards shows′
Reid did not spend a fortune on her clothes. ヽ
好hen reporters asked her
vvhere she had purchased her」 aCket/she said she boughtit in a local Red

Cross charity stOre in lcelandis capital city, 丁he lcelandic Red Cross was

very happy about this news,It toldた s fOllowers ttn Twtter that the n「 饒 i

lady loOkedァ nawesome in a gorgeous jacket fFOrll the Red Cross・


Eliza Reid is O「 igina‖ y from Canada and wOrks as a journalist, She met
her husband′ President Gudrli 」
ohannesson′ when she was studying at
Oxford Universityl Ms Reid told the Hit lceland website in 2017 that she
a bllnd date vvith the future president at a ro1/ving club event. She

hacl nO idea she would one day becOme First Lady Of lceland` Both she

and her husband are vew popular in lceland for being just like norrlnal
people. 丁hey bQth have a very dOwn― to― earth attitude and can or‐ ten be
seen in the city shOpping with their four ch‖ dren and 9oing tO
resta urants、 丁he Red Cross also likes Ms Reid. It hOpes more people 1/vill

fO‖ o1/v her fashiOn sense and buy ciOthes from its charity shops,

Sources: hЁ ,s://う rst_lady_wea応 thrit_iore_

htp:〃開 /news/blo9S― news― om― eisewhere-43228332
htp://WWW.hiむ 『

Lave1 3 1celandls First Lady wears charity― shop」 ackat-3な わス ″ 2θ 18

More free lessons at b「 eakinqnewsenqlish,cOm― COpy● ght Sean Banvi‖ e2018 2

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