You are on page 1of 9

I〕 lision

Quite Smply,elision is all about dropphg sou■ dS Or not proIIol〕 nchg them muy h
fluent speech:

Some words regμ larly attact the stress,v/hile others don't.■ ■

Ose that are re」 霞ly
llnStressed are:・ auxihary verbs― prlIIltt and ttOda1 0 determmers(artiCles,deIIILOStrat市 e
prollollns,ctc.)・ suttect prOn01lns ee,she,軋 they,Cto.)・ prepOSiions(one/MO syllable
words e.g.on,h,at,upon,ctc.)・ cottllllCtiOns(and,but,so,etc.)We=dght thihk Of iem
eS`Small,words but technically they are called`鈍 ction'wOrds.

● A syllable containing the unstressed‖ sch“ ‖is Often lost(befOre n′ │′ rl.For

example′ int(e)reSt.
/.… sim6)lar′

/:.¨ lib(a)ry′

/.… diff(e)rentr

● A syllable containing the unstressed‖ sch"り ‖is often lo,t(after p t′ kl.For exampler

/.… t(Q)night.

V/.… C(0)nSent
● /t/and/d/VVith consonantsf it is/t/and/d/vVhiCh are rnost cOrTlrrlonly elided′
especia‖ y when they appearin a cOnsOnant cluster.For exarrlple′

/..… sa n(d)WiCh
/.… .mus(t)be

/.… .the firslt)three

/..… you an(d)me

/.… .we stopp(ed)fOrlunch
● /h/
丁he/h/SOund is also often deleted.For example′
you shouldn′ t(h)aVe
/ tell(h)im.
●   ● ●

Loss of final/v/in・ of"

Avoid complex syllables.Like in― George the SixlthcS)thrOne.
Act市 ity

ldentify all the possible elision cases.

Peter and]ν like are」 ヒiends and they are drinking a beer and chatting ln a
restaurant after a long tune without seeing each other.卜 任ike is American
and Peter is British.

Peter:Well,I wentto(Dxford three years ago and l found an old Ge..1lan
金iend there,we drank a beerjust exactly as we are domg it now and
he told rne about his new cOmpany.
Mike:So,he offered you thatjob there?
Peter:No,no,no we flrushed our drink and lei the place.
Mike:So?WVhat happened then!マ Vhere is the rest ofthe story?!
Peter:Be patient卜 硬ike!Well,I was working very peaceilly in〕 London,
when suddenly lny」 biend called ine at rny work place saying that he
wanted me to work with him there in Oxfbrd!
Mike:I guess you totally accepted it right?
Peter:(Df coursel l moved the following weck and since then l been
working very hard.
PIike:CongratS bro!I'In glad you are doing it greatl
Peter:Thanks pal!I'ln very glad too!

The Brother and the Sister

Afatherhadone sonttOnedttghter,theお merremarkaЫ eおraS g00d

looks,the latter for her extraO(`inary uglhess.ヽLile they were playing one

槻『 淵乳凱盤で 鰍織 葛∫ :∬ 釧 筑 :椒 ∬ 富酬 :1『
look%the girl grew angry,mCOuld not bear the selipraises ofひ r Brother,
interpreting allGた said(andhOWCOuldili」
併rSell she ran。 ∬tottr father to be :::113よ li:[RIど F郡 ::1:1):;
∬幣朧 器調itttttQ五 軋釈1蓮 Fttt蹴
impartially on each,said,``I wish you both would look into the mi=or ev詢
day:you,Iny son,that you rnay′ not spoil your beauty by evil conduct;and you,
my daughter,thttyouma7ymakeup foryourlackobeautybyyourvittes."

ldelltify all the possible elision cases.

I they are dr五 呻 ■g a beer齢還

long tlrne without secing each
3r is British.

Mike:So,Pcter,tell me abOut your newjob肛 Oxford!

Peter:Well,I wettto Oxfottthree years tto and l found an o蝙
Gem獅 士icnHthere,we drank abeerjust exacIけ as we ttC
doing ttnow ana目 さtollme aboutttisnew company.
Mike:So,he ottrEyOuittjob■ ere?
Peter No,no,no we fmished Our drink田 蝙letttheplace.
Mike:So?Vぬ athappl‖ lthen!恥 here istherest Orthe story?!
Peter:Be ptticJ Mike!well,I was worklng very peacemlly h
Londan,when suddhly my ttictt call■ me tt my work
place saン れg th江 le wRed me to work wtth l血 there h
Mike:I gucss you totally accepted it right?
Peter:Of coursel l mov■ the f。 1lowing wcek EnE sincc then I
Mike:Cい grtts br。 !I'm glad you tte doing tt gre試 !

Peter:Thanks pal!I'ln very glad too!


From the_dOllar html

Russiais Forelgn Minister Sergei Lavrov has suggested that the U,‖ ar

could be losing its status as the vvorldis most irnpOrtant currency, Mr

Lavrov sald that because the UiSi has irTnposed ecOnornic sanctions on

countries like lran′ 丁urkey and Russia′ these countries could start
conducting international businesS in their own national curFenCies instdad

ofthe do‖ ar.In addition′ countries that have had trade tariffs imposed on

them by the U.Si could also do trade ln their ollvn currencies, 丁his could

include the global econorlaic superpower China ditching the do‖ ar. China

is already setting up trade deals in its Own currency, Experts say the UiS,

do‖ ar could lose its positiOn as the international reserve currency.

丁he ∪.S, do‖ ar replaced the British pound as the international reseⅣ e

currency in the 1920s, Since then′ most international trade has taken
place using the do‖ ar, 丁Oday′ vvhen China buys Oil frorrl lrah′ it pays in‖ a rs.丁 his
∪。 means more Uis.dO‖ ars flow out of the U,St than flow
in.The effect of this is the U.S. has a currency deficit as its doHars are in

the bank accounts of other countries. Mr Lavrov sald: "I:rla confident that

the grave abuse ofthe role of the U,S,do‖ ar as a global reseⅣ e currency

vvill result over tirrle in the weakening and denlise of its role.‖ China's

currency the yuan is emerging as an alternative trading currency,Africals

most populous nation Nigeria has already started trading using the yuani

Sources: htps://い ハハ
′Vtr.forbes,corn/Sites/cha rles、 vanace1/2013/08/14/a re― russia― and― china― trying― to― kill―
kin9-dcnar/■ 32c9c9c57948
https://wwW,rt,com/buSiness/436005-dollar― turkey‐ russia― china― trade/
https://、 ′ com/Detai1/2018/08/15/571242/US― dOnar― Nigeria-lra n― Russia― 丁urkey― China‐

Leve1 6 Are countries trying tO end uS dO‖ aris po、 ver?-1_0あ リスυgLls与 2θ 」8
More free lessons at bFeakingnewsenglish.cOm― Copyttght sean 3anvi!le 2018 2
lasキ nightr:havenrt seen her

eaving out cOttsOnent sottnds(弩 〕
:ノ t/
1日 llil Some cOnsOnant sOunds tend tO be left Out in cOnversation.FOr example:
I was almostlei behind. I practisedlf00tball with hrn.

橿 Units 29 and 30 1ook at sOmc Of the most cOmmon consOnant is nOt neccssary to lcavc
thesc outln yOur own specch in Order to be underst00d:butlcaving them out can make your speech
sound more fluent and natural,and being awarc Of thesc changes can hclp yOu undcrstand fast spcech.

│ ‐h?。・
r■ ´
ル │

│ や │た ,摯 Last night
Hc was lcft bchind
Hc stOpped brcathing

ust act normal 「 lt kcpt still

l co‖ ect cOins

瞥│"│''WeveFettatlllll■ │■ ■■││││■ ■
・ we donit usually lcave out′ t′ bcfore a vOwelsound or′ hノ :

Flrst of May You'vc bcntit Shcis lcft handcd

O when the nnal consOnant clusterも

skt′ we often leavc out′ k′ before a vowel and′ hノ land may
lcavc out both′ k′ and lt′ bcforc a cOnsOnant.cOmpare:
│ l askcd Olivcr(¨ ′
QIstDlた .) Hc nsked hも lifc(¨ lrlstlzた .)

l l aSked B“ an ( ′
cIIsbr′ …
) Hc rined iosing ( ′
rlsluプ … )

││││■ │■
│││■ ■ ││││││■ ││││││││■ ■ │■ ││■ │・ │■ ‐ ‐
‐ ││││■ │││■ ││││││││││││││■ ││││■ ■ │■ ││││││││■ ││■ ││■ ■ ││■ ■ ‐

││││││││││■ ││││││■ ││■ ││■ ■ ‐

│ 1醐幽
│‐ │││■ ■ │

:輻 74
1触 ?ο 研′ ■
イοr lrsキ ιK晨

11''│1摯 1'「 │││11■ ││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││

:鏡 鑢 │ず

││1 0 Within or at thc end of a word when the next syllable or wOrd bcgins with a consonant sOundi l
l … pointlcss(..′ n?1′ ¨
football(..′ u?b′
) .) │
■ Latc at night(¨ ′
0?nた う You'lc quitc“ ght(… laI?r′ ¨) │
│1 0 atthC Cnd ofa sentcncc:
│I Give lllc that(¨ ′ ёa?力 lt costs a lot(¨ ./1D?力 │
△ Nttα 話
R品 itillili‐ 1∴ 1lliliふ 1∴ liニ 111鼻 rit二 li二
increasingly bccoming part of the accents of cducated young pcoplc.ln sOme rcgional accents g10ttal
ユ 」
stops replaceノ t′ evcn when the next syllable Or word begins with a vowcl sOund,for cxamplc:
(not onけ )
Howcvcl sOme pcoplc st‖ l cOnsidcr this tO be lazy specch.


POr■ ′民

踊7機 :鼻籍ⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢ /iS uSually

Has hc icftyCt? L8st_ycar

tfl /tfl

,91摯│■ Ⅲ
III"■ IⅢ III,│,OttallⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ IⅢⅢ,■ ■│
‐ l can't lct you(lo it(¨ llet∫ uI′ ...or.¨ ′
le?juI′ ・

itゝ not nlc yt′ sounds like lpカ ln thc flont gardcn(′ t′ sounds likc′ kの
││││‐ │■ ■│││■ ■│■ │■ │││││■ ■││■ │││
64 Eng″ sh PrOnundaゴ ο
nゎ use“ dwnceり
Section C ProntlndatiOn h cOnversa,On

Etterc′ scs

20.磯 say thcse sentenccs aloud and cross Out any lettcrs representing′ t′ at thc end Of words that you
think are llkely to be left out.

ExAMPLE Ncxt NIIonday.

l He wrotelt. 5 Takc a lcftturn. 9 We crossed ove■
2 A published article. 6 They kept quict. 10 1'H cOntact Ann.
3 1tt in irst gea■ 7 1t100kcd goOd. 1l He inished ttrst.
4 1t wasiust him. 8 We reached Berlin。 12 1 slept badly.

1761 Now‖ steni check your answers and repeat.

29.2 日sten to these scntenccs and focus on the highlighted/t′ sounds.Wttte the number of thc sentence
l■ 71 in the table below according to what happcns to theノ t′ sound.

l Almost there. 9 She stOppcd playing。

2 Have yOu passcd your testP 10 Nextyca■
3 1 asked her tO leave. 1l My left anklc hurts.
4 Just a bit. 12 1'1l have a soft drink.
5 We must be nearly there. 13 Just uSe your commOn sense.
6 Ten us what yOu did. 14 1've already dealt with it.
7 NIIost Europeans agree. 15 1 washcd all my clothes.
8 1 expect an answer soon. 16 1can't wait.

A no changeto′ t′ B′ t′ left Out C/t′ rcplaced with D′ tノ +カ ノsald′ ty

glottal stop


Check your answers in the Key.Then say the sentences aloud as they are said on the recording.

29。 3 A‖ the possible′ t′ sounds in this conversation are in green.Read the conversation and predict any
‖kely omヽsionsi replacemcnts or changes tO the′ t′ 50undS:using the four categories(A:BI C and D)
:n exerclse 29.2.
つ ご
A:Whalyou gOt thcreP

B:IIも Don Simpsonゝ latest nOvel.Havc you read itP

A:BOughtitiuSt the Other day.

B: I don't think itヽ as goOd as his fhst.

A:Don't youP But then that was really tremcndous.

1781 Now listcn and checkyour predic● ons.

Fo:lo"ul:r yOu have internet a"ess:ind re10rdingζ Of lcO口 e With regiona!Engiも h accehts(Sさe Unた 4
for su99estedlwebittsl.can yoし lnd ζ pcakers"ho very freluclt!y rel:aCe′ tr wtth b g:。 tta:stop'

English Pronunc力 あn h tJse rAdvanceり 65

an o:(i carr a bottie oギ water
Leaving out consonant sounds(Z〕 :/d/「 /h/F/1/r/v/
lR鰈 洟
な,79 Lcaving out/d/in consOnant clusters

?ο 針´■
fο r llsキ ι眈

晨 9
挙 出尋 導帯:lI111∵∵
│111lΨ :,ど I∵││││∵

「 o we donit usually lcave outノ
Hand it ovcn
d′ beforc vOwel sounds or′ h′
They scrved applc plc shc sccnlcd happy

・ we donit usually leavc out′ d′ bcfore the sounds′ 1′ ,′ wli lr′ and′ s′
Do you mind walking7(oomparc:Do you mind giving me a liftη

△ Nde Whena w∝ dmd鴫 面

訥川爾Ю wd bya wttd
′(γ り
bcginning withん i thc′ dl+ん ′もusua:ly pronounccd′ d5′
(as ln uunci).Thも happens both in consOnant dusters and
when the word ends wtth the single consonant sOund′ d′ :

Had you mct bcforc? │'111cnd you onc



田 0
Leaving out/h/

│││1轟│`│llhl● 11111よ 111ま │
?ο r4′ ■十

田 ・ the pronouns力 c,力 c4カ ′

siん ′
や r rSttι q ・ lthought hc was
“Did you mcct hcr? Ask him
e thc auxiliary vcrbs力 θyQ力 osi力 od
Thc studcnts have a‖ lcft Karcn had already left
e the question word И
/力 ο


ltゝ him!
ltゝ not minclitゝ Has Kcn arrivcd? WhO did it?

賢 魃 B81 Lcaving out/1/after/0プ

YII''││││││卜 IⅢ IIII″ IⅢ Ⅲ
11tt?ο 計´凩 オ
almost alrcady alright alsO although always
lrs4‐ ι■,Kq
fο r

IR躊 颯
馴巫漑'82 Leaving out/d/in ar7σ and/v/in ο
● ⅢII■ │● ││11,IⅢ ⅢⅢ
Ⅲ ccll′ lnlll′ │′ │││lof● お│││││││′ 苛
お │

?ο 針´■オ
fο r iた ιnれ q
'Ⅲ "││"││IⅢ
rcd and・ bluc now and thcn a bOttlc of watcr a wastc of timc

,efellVIWI101111111111111111111111110nl● ′
pcn and ink Adam and Evc =││1011111111ted'ovた
a bag of applcs a can of oil

66 Enゴ たわPЮ nundatbn h Use¢ dVanceり

Section C Pronunclat10n′ n cOnversct10●

30,l Say these sentences aloud and cross out any letters representingノ d′ at the ends of words that you
think arc likely to be leFt out.

ExAMPIE HOは tight.

l Sheゝ world champion. 5 1 was pleased with it. 9 We climbed ove■

2 We sailed slowly. 6 She arrived there. 10 1tinoved towards us.
3 She changcd clothes. 7 Can you hold itP 1l They're second― hand.
41'1l send Lucy. 8 1 understand that. 12 He turned round.

1831 Now‖ stcn,check your answers and repeat.

30.2 The′ h′ SOundS at the bcginnings of words are high119htcd in these conversations.Cross them out if
you think they are likely to be left out in fast speech.

ExAMPLE A:Is thathim Over thereP

A:The man輌 義o took your bag.
l A:IIc wasn't at homc. 3A:How's Tom these daysP
B:No,I think heも on h01iday. B:Haven't you heard about his heart attackP

2 A:It says here,the Presidentt coming. 4 A:]く ate says she left her handbag here.
B:WhereP Havc you seen itP
A:Here. B:This OncP But Judy Says itt hers.
B:I reany hope we'1l get to sec he■

1841 Now listen and check your answers.Then repeat cach‖ ne of thc conversations.

30.3 Makc sure you have studied both Units 29 and 30 before doing this excrcise.You wi!l hear a

ll離 ::ittRI‖ :乳 肥il:ぽ 島 ng ab° 帆

順 前tachgs Listen as many Jmも 、you

(1)crOSS Out any letters representing sounds that are missed outi
11)write?above any′ t′ sOunds replaced by a glottal stopi
(1‖ )nOte any other changes to sounds at the end of the high‖ ghted words.

A:Have you go:much work on iu"nOWP

B:Dr Thomas has given us a very hard essay9 but IInustnt get a

10w mark this tiine.

A:I had an argument with my tutOrlast week.

B:What happenedP
A:Well,I couldnl lnd lny coursework,sO I asked for a couple

Of days extrao She got reany annoyed with lne and complained

l was always late for lectures.Anywa"I told her l thought

her course was a waste of tilne.

B:E)id youP Well,atleast Dr Thomas dOesnt shout at us,

although I'm not very col五dent that I'1l pass his exam.

Now chcck your answcrsin the Key.

Eng″ sh Pronundaゴ ο
n in Use lAdvanceり 67
averager novelistr happening
Words that iose a syHable
口 鰊鰊薇 6

l触 ?ο r十 ´

fο r iた ォι眈
晨 9
■ 8VeragC

等ど ∵TTTΨザ1守す
noNrelist happening

l摯1率 中││↑Ⅲ '∵

lt is nOt neccssary to leave these vowcis Out in your own specch in order to be understoodi but lcaving
thcm out can make your spccch sound morc fluent and naturali and being aware of thcse changcs can
hclp you undcrstand rapid spcech.

IⅢ ⅢⅢIIIIⅢ 1111wayl品 こ轟 ″″
″■■■■■■■■│■ ■■■
?ο r4・ ●Kキ
Beforc′ rl―
rror llsttι 凰′
■9 considelablc
ねv(滑 rablc

llη agi1lory
11liserablc prcferablc 「1lyste,y SCCOlndery lcた rcncc rcsta臓 ナ

Bcforcハ ′― Before′ n′ ―
accidcntolly carcftlly fa,■ 皐
ly cducatわ nal dcafe1111lg dettnitc
CSllCC格 │ly y
d「 catlfじ ‖ 113a rtre‖ ous nattnal frighte1ling prlsOncr
:)artiOIly tllank「 ully spcctt ist pcr℃ nal 93rdening traditbn81

∠ゝNotei Some other wOds wtth these endings arcけ bse a SylbЫ cに g.め eο ryl cο ttrylわ ο 綱α
r/2i and
somc words with thesc endings almost always lose a sゾ lab!C(eg.力 な10ric・ o″ %ρ θ′
′[F“ 〃%lccわ η′〃 勁

l触 ?ο 針´Kキ
1,,T'│''''キ 11,││""り ⅢIlth81,呟 │″ ││IIこ│IFoltx81お 経
9ovennlcilt l1lcdicinc vcgetablc
fο r iた 十ιnrltq 'COIIlefO150Ⅲ

t曇 詈


言書量‡ B89

事∵寧霧i躍:轟稀凛端鑽守││■彎 ⅢⅢIⅢ
]詈 ][言

?ο rt´ 氏

fο r ilsttι 眈晨 9

l don't believc you blilv′ Whatゝ thc cOrrect answcr?′ krekt′

thc pelice rplis′ 1勢 ppose so′ spouz′

鰊 B90
lMPο r■ ´■4‐
イοr ilsttι 眈晨 l Aboot fivc O'c10ck
l l bO● ghtit bFausc it was chcap
l rvc mu掟 d cvcwmc∝ cpt hck

l竃 塞察 ∵
││11守│││サ IT1111∵ 守
1「 │

68 Eng″ sh PЮ nυ nda,ο n h t/se“ dvanCeり

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