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BUS-Z302 Notes (Test II)

**Read Ch. 6 (7 Q’s, will give 2 Q’s) & Ch. 9 (10 Q’s)**

Are cars like rice?


 They are common, a commodity (good for consumers, not for companies)

Q: AJ missed 20 free throws in last wee’s basketball game and his team lost by three points. This week he has
practiced free throws for two hours a day. Expectancy theory explains this action as what? (chapter 6)

A. Autonomy
B. Instrumentality
C. Valence
D. Power
E. Affiliation

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Q: a regional air carrier had high employee turnover in a variety of customer service jobs. Exit interviews revealed
that employees left because they were bored (look at following job descriptions). Which of the following JCM (Job

characteristics model) interventions would make boring work more fulfilling? (chapter 6)

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Job 1 employees sold tickets at the counter.

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Job 2 employees tagged and handled baggage.
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Job 3 employees announced departing flights.

Job 4 employees announced arriving flights.

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Job 5 employees took boarding passes for departing passengers

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Job 6 addressed the needs and concerns of passengers.

Answer: Making Job 6 functions part of the rest of the jobs would enhance feedback, autonomy, variety and
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Q: Andy Moss watched as his friend, Ned, learned the hard way that some influence tactics generate resistance.
The employees pay little or no attention to what Ned has requested of them. Andy has a major project for his team.
It needs to be completed on time, on budget. Ned suggess using pressure tactics, but which influence tactic should
Andy Moss use? (Chapter 8)

a. pressure

b. exchange

c. inspirational appeal

d. coalition

e. ingratiation

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Q: Ann Mclure trains people in a consumer awareness workshop titled, “Lowballing, foot-in-the-door, and bait-and-
switch”. She prepares her students to guard against what social influence weapon?

Answer: Commitment and consistency

Strategic Decision Making

*Most decisions are bad

7 Step Path to Higher Quality Decision Making

Step Problem

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1) Decision Maker Alone Tree
2) Decision Maker + Expert Trees
3) Decsion Maker + Experts Group Think
4) Devil’s Advocate (“DA”, causes Artificiality
boss to think by disagreeing, stop & think but
then loses power because its predictable)
5) Dialectic Inquiry (“DI”, genuine conflict building, Compromise
opposed to DA, LIVE debate & judgement,
NO PAPERS COUNT AS “DI” aka no reports)
(Step 4 & 5 are“brothers”.
Build in conflict & Dissensus to break
up the consensus of thinking.)
6) Other decision maker (ODM) - if you cant stand the heat, stay out of the
Kitchen – Harry Truman
7) Role Rotation Slow – linger longer, really solves all earlier
problems and open doors for achievement

**Numbers 1 and 7 look the same, but they are very different. What’s different is what we cant see, internal

conflict that leads her to her decision**

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Movie examples of good decisions:

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A. Saving Private Ryan clip – make decision to go search for 4 th Ryan son since 3 other brothers died in war,
for mother’s sake

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B. Shark Tank – give offer/make deal with farmer selling “Tree T-Pees” for cheap bc farmers can’t afford them
when they’re expensive
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C. Shark Tank – turn away guy who offers Bluetooth implant surgery into peoples’ ears


Man is killed on an overnight train in Europe in the middle of the night. Detective finds paper that says
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Mary Anderson (mary was a 2-year old who was found frozen & killed). The guy who was killed on the train
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was the one who killed the baby years ago, so many people on the train killed the man to get
vengeance/justice. The detective knows that all these people killed this man, so detective must make a
decision to turn these people in to the police or let them go. Detective decides to let them go. **She used
ROLE ROTATION (she has seen so much, seen every type of crime/reasons for crime, empowered to innovate
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because shes never seen a crime like this) to make decision.**

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A key job of managers is to make people as successful as possible.


Efficiency vs. Effectiveness (Want Both)


Efficiency: Doing Things Right

Effectiveness: Doing Right Thing


- Right road, strategy

Supply Chain Software = the “oxygen” for business

Ex. Oracle, SAP

**Ensure that supply meets demand**

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1. Not enough resources and worse,

2. We mis-manage the resources we have

In the 5-year span of Mckinsey, **Marketplace is DYNAMIC**

All used same software but results differ widely (between top, middle, bottom 1/3) Why?


4 Best Practices for ALL Implementations

1. Fix critical broken processes first (before new applying supply chain software)

(a) Forecasting demand

(b) Setting inventory levels
(c) Avoiding stockouts
(d) Meeting delivery schedules

2. Promise Only what you can deliver (in the time frame in which you can deliver it)

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3. Improve Training

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(a) Harness the power to improve decisions

(b) Show how it works, takes time and effort
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4. Make Everyone Accountable

(a) Not just marketing or information systems, EVERYONE.

(b) NOT “let the other guy do it”
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5 sweetest words = I’ll take care of it

Steve Jobs
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1. likes rebels
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2. “Stay Hungry, Stay foolish”


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