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Work is an activity that each person is required to perform in order to sustain his or her life or to
provide for the various necessities of life. Each person performs the job of making ends meet,
because basic needs are necessities that must be met and cannot be put on hold.

The most important things at work

1 .Skill

skill is skillfulness in have everyone , skill in general can be obtained through training and

2 .Knowledge

is knowledge can be said to have the basic foundation in working in , because knowledge can
develop skill someone in work and of course knowledge can also help resolve problems that
is on the face .


can cooperate with others is capability required in work, because there are jobs not solved
for myself, can so the for finish work to do working.

4.Attitude manners

manners are needed to success, also to get work as by this attitude someone will always be in
respect in working.

5 .The unyielding and fighting defenseless

The unyielding or attitude has a fighting high is one of their need to possess in work , because
it is very important that work to achieve success .There is always the problem wont make it
can only be in skill and knowledge alone , but in resolving problems have to to be supported
also through the unyielding and defenseless fighting high .
Type and instance employment
In general there are two kinds of that job , the work that produces goods or
services products and work that produces .

1.Example work that produces product

Work is a produce wares or any products that can produce the money from selling products,
some such as:




2.Example work produce services




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