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培训评估表 Training Evaluation Form

课题 Course name: 培训师 Trainer: 日期 Date: 年Y 月M 日D

内部培训 Internal□ 外部培训 External□ 评估者姓名 Trainee name: 评估者职位 Your Position:
请您填妥以下 1—15 项内容,若能附以简单的说明文字更佳。无论建议或是意见,无论赞赏(高分)或批评(低分),均是对我们工作的支持。我们将衷心感谢您的宝贵意见,并在今后的

工作中悉心完善。(请对相应的分数打√选择)Please fill in the below 1-15 items. Whatever you write, will be highly appreciated by us.

评分方法 Evaluation Score: 非常同意 较同意 一般同意 不同意 非常不同意

5: Strongly Agree; 4:agree; 3:neutral;2: disagree;1: strongly disagree

一 . 培训师方面 Trainer Part Trainer can express himself/herself clearly

1. 讲师讲解与主题对应 ⑤------④------③------②------①
Trainer can explain according to topic
5. 讲师能对案例有效分析 ⑤------④------③------②------①
2. 讲师对内容把握度高 ⑤------④------③------②------①
Trainer is familiar with content Trainer can analyze cases effectiveness
6. 讲师和学员沟通充分 ⑤------④------③------②------①
3. 讲师能解答您的问题 ⑤------④------③------②------①
Trainer can answer your questions Trainer communicate with trainee sufficiently

4. 讲师能清楚表达课程内容 ⑤------④------③------②------① 7. 讲师总体评价 ⑤------④------③------②------①

Overall assessment for trainer

二 . 课程方面 Course Part

1. 本次培训达到您的期望
Achieved your expectation after training 4. 课程内容对您目前和将来工作有启发 ⑤------④------③------②------①

2. 学习材料好学易用 ⑤------④------③------②------① Training content is useful for your current and/or future work
Training materials is easy to use 5. 课程总体评价 ⑤------④------③------②------①
3. 练习/讨论/游戏设计得当 (如有) ⑤------④------③------②------① Overall assessment for the course
Practices/games are design properly (if there is any)
3. 组织工作的效率
Organization effectiveness

4. 培训设施的配备
三. 组织方面 Organization Part
Facilitator on site
1. 时间安排(或建议:_______________) ⑤------④------③------②------①
5. 培训道具和学习资料的准备 ⑤------④------③------②------①
Time arrangement (Or suggestion:_______)
Preparation of training tools and training materials
2. 场地(空间、灯光、温度、座位布置) ⑤------④------③------②------①

Venue (Space, light, temperature, sit arrange)

四 . 整体感受 Overall feeling
1. 参加本次培训感到有哪些受益? 5. 您愿意将此次培训推荐给公司其它同事吗?
What kind of benefit you obtain after training? Do you want to recommend the training to other colleagues of TTI?

□ 获得适用的新知识 Acquire new knowledge _____________________________________________________________

□ 给我与其它同学有益的交流机会 A good chance to communicate with others 6. 您认为此次培训有哪些需改进的地方:

□ 可以获得一些可操作的工作技巧 Obtain some practical working skill What else you want to suggest for more improvement?

□ 将帮助我改善我的工作方法 Will help me to improve my working method ______________________________________________________

□ 给我一些新的思想、概念 Provide me some new ideas, concepts 请您填完后交给工作人员或离场时放于桌面,谢谢您的宝贵意见!After fill in

□ 对我的实际工作有所帮助 Helpful for my real work the form please put on the desk or provide to trainer, thanks for your
2. 您对本次培训的整体满意度? ⑤------④------③------②------① pinions!
Your overall satisfaction to the training FORM NO: HRF0004A
3. 请您思考一分钟后,用 1—3 句话写下您参加此次培训(讲座)后的收获?
Please think 1 minute, after that use 1-3 sentences to describe what you’ve

gained after training


4. 您认为本课程内容方面最适用的部分是:
In your own opinion, the most proper content of the training is:


In your own opinion, the most improper content of the training is


In your own opinion, the most proper material is:
In your own opinion, the most improper material is:


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