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Moraleda, Luke L.

CIV 0322-2 May 26, 2021

BSCE 3-2 CE laws, Ethics, and Contracts Engr. Leonardo C. Sawal

ASSIGNMENT NO. 9: Republic Act No. 9184

1. What is the relationship of RA 9184 in CE project?

The Republic Act No. 9184 is known as the Government Procurement
Reform Act. Procurement is an activity undertaken by any government agencies
involving acquisition of goods, consulting services, contracting for infrastructure
projects and lease of goods and real estate. This act was implemented for the
purpose of prescribing the necessary rules and regulations for the modernization,
standardization, and regulation of the procurement activities of the Government
of the Philippines. The Act promotes good governance and its effort to adhere to
the principles of transparency, accountability, equity, efficiency, and economy
in its procurement process. These principles are vital in the infrastructure,
consulting or other engineering industry for public oversight to meet availability
and usability requirements.

In relation to civil engineering projects, these policies and practices are

anchored on the pursuit of economic development and efficiency are relevant
in upholding values such as integrity and transparency. Civil engineering projects
are defined in this law as infrastructure projects which includes the construction,
improvement, rehabilitation, demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of
roads and bridges, railways, airports, seaports, communication facilities, civil
works components of information technology projects, irrigation, flood control
and drainage, water supply, sanitation, sewerage and solid waste management
systems, shore protection, energy/power and electrification facilities, national
buildings, school buildings, hospital buildings and other related construction
projects of the government.
The Act facilitates the procurement activities in terms of civil works. This law
contains governing principles. As Civil engineers, this law enforces transparency
in the procurement process and implementation of procurement contracts
through wide dissemination of bid opportunities and participation of pertinent
non-government organizations. It also encourages competitiveness by extending
equal opportunity to enable private contracting parties who are eligible and
qualified to participate in competitive bidding. The procurement process in Civil
engineering shall be simple and made adaptable to advances in modern
technology in order to ensure an effective and efficient method. This act states
or holds the accountability of civil engineers both in public and private sector in
the implementation of contracts that deals with the well-being of the public. By
circumstances, these professionals will be held liable for their actions so that as
much as possible quality of work in the industry is assured.

2. How RA 9184 helps to improve the CE projects?

The Republic Act 9184 aids to improve effective procurement
management or process in Civil engineering project through adaptive learning
and acknowledging complexity of the project in terms of finding the right skills
and organize work, develop a sound strategy, manage timetable effectively,
follow sound bid evaluation method and develop a smart and fair contract.
Effective procurement in civil works requires organized teamwork, authorities,
responsibilities, schedule, and resources in order to execute the project

Base from the definition of the public procurement law, we can see that
government spending falls under procurement, thus, this law helps promote and
provide budget to civil engineering works for the Government of the Philippines.
In addition, this law was also mandated to address the complexity and vagueness
of public procurement and its susceptibility to abuse and corruption due to
multiple procurement laws by simplifying and standardizing the procedures with
a focus on transparency and accountability. This will improve civil engineering
project in terms of simplification and regulation of the procurement process itself
leading to a more efficient or competitive project.

In article 3 section 8, the law well-thought-out the adaption to

improvements in modern technology, provided that such modification are
consistent with the provisions of section 3 of this Act. Interesting features to ensure
transparency and accountability which was mandated by law is the creation and
use of electronic portal which shall serve as the primary and definitive source of
information on government procurements such as civil engineering projects. The
objective of this feature aids civil engineers in the institution to publish what
services, and civil works projects needs while suppliers, private contractors, and
companies can search and view these procurement opportunities in the
aforementioned feature which is called the Electronic Bulletin Board.

3. How RA 9184 measures the quality of CE projects?

The Act measures the quality of CE projects thru comprehensive
government reform program with electronic system component that serves as a
source of information to all government procurements. The procurement process
in all government agencies is standardized, including the forms used and follows
a generic procurement manual to avoid confusion and ensure transparency
while maintaining the quality of work or projects.

Transparency, Competitiveness, and accountability are some of the main

goals in order to achieve efficiency of civil works. The Republic Act 9184 together
with IRR or known as the Implementing rules and regulations aids in prescribing
the measure of quality of work in regards to Civil engineering projects.
In order to regulate and standardize Civil engineering projects, Section 6 of
the law established the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) which is
an independent inter-agency body with private sector representation envisioned
as the policy making entity and the governing body overseeing the
implementation of procurement reform in the country. Its objectives include the
preparation of a generic procurement manual and standard bidding forms for
procurement; establishing a sustainable training program to develop the
capacity of Government procurement officers and employees; and ensuring the
conduct of regular procurement training programs by the procuring entities.

Section 9 states that the legislation must have the following features, which
must be updated on a regular basis to keep up with technological
advancements. In relation on how to measure the quality of jcivil works, the
specific feature we can point out in this section is the performance tracking where
the performance of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, contractors and
consultants shall be tracked to monitor compliance with delivery schedules and
other performance indicators. Similarly, the performance of Procuring Entities such
as those in the Civil engineering profession shall be tracked to monitor the
settlement of their obligations to manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, contractors
and consultants. Overall, the law provides guidelines not only to ensure quality of
work but also to fight corruption since it promotes integrity, security and honesty
about the work to attain what is deemed to be proficient in terms of civil
engineering projects.

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