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TECH 158 - Digital Electronics (Winter 2020)

Lab #6: Binary adder/subtractor

 Build, troubleshoot, and verify one-bit full adder
 Build, troubleshoot, and verify 4-bit adder/subtractor

[1] Logic Experimenter [1] Breadboard
[1] DC Power Supply [1] 74LS283 4-Bit AdderIC
[1] 74LS86 Exclusive-OR Gate [1] 74LS32 OR Gate
[1] 74LS08 AND Gate

1. Construct the 1-bit full adder you designed in your pre-lab assignment. Use the toggle switches for the three inputs, A,
B, and Cin. Use two LEDs to observe the outputs. Verify the functionality of your circuit by testing each combination of
inputs in the truth table. Demonstrate the functionality to your instructor.
2. Construct the 4-bit adder/subtractor circuit shown in your pre-lab assignment step 4 using a 4-bit full adder IC and 4
XOR gates. Use 8 toggle switches to supply two 4-bit binary numbers, A0 to A3, and B0 to B3. As for SW, you can connect a
jumper wire either to 1 or 0. Use 5 LEDs to observe Cout and S0 to S3. Perform A+B for each combination of A and B below
to complete the table. Finally convert the observed sum to decimal. Do not forget that you are working with singed
numbers: if the MSB = 1, then the number is negative. Obtain your instructor’s signature when the table is complete.
Note: you need to convert each of A and B to its two’s complement. When the SW position is set to ‘subtraction’, a negative
B is converted to its 2’s compliment by the circuit. When A is negative, it has to be converted by hand.
inputs outputs
A A3A2A1A0 B B3B2B1B0 SW Cout S3S2S1S0 S
(in decimal) (A in binary) (in decimal) (B in binary) (0 or 1) (0 or 1) (sum in binary) (sum in decimal)

3 3
5 -3
5 6
2 -6
-2 -4
-5 -4

Lab Group No.:

Group Member #1: Name: Student No.:
Group Member #2: Name: Student No.:

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