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Basic English I






Rosula Muñoz


Rachel Susanibar

Lucia Vega


On March 15, 2020, President Martín Vizcarra issued the mandatory social isolation order
to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This report will tell how the lives of two communication
science students from the San Martín de Porres University changed.

We will see what their new adapted routine is, how they coped with the new rules of
coexistence that compulsory social distancing brings, how this influenced their internal
environment called family, as well as their educational environment, as well as personally,
both psychologically and physically.

We can also take into account that in order not to waste time and delay us in our formative
career, we opted for a completely new format; face-to-face classes were virtualized using
allied platforms such as Moodle and Zoom, a challenge accepted by students and


We will start with the day to day of Lucía Vega, who took this time to reinvent herself and
recognize herself. She tells us that she focused on learning new things, how do yoga,
activity that she previously would not have dared to do and what she finds extremely
difficult, yet it gives her a feeling of tranquility. She also resumed his exercise routine and
tried to adjust his life towards a much healthier style.

Another thing that confinement has allowed him is to share moments with the family, his
pet is also included. Staying at home not only allowed the Vega family to share many more
moments such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, but they have also included watching
movies, news or novels in their weekend activities to strengthen ties. To conclude, we can
mention that a new habit generated is taking your pet for a walk every day.

We also have the story of Rachel Susanibar, who was affected by the drastic change in
her life as a result of the confinement. She worked in events and her life was very hectic,
when she reached the quarantine she stopped working. Something that she also did and
has hard time getting used to inside the house, is dancing. She has been dancing urban
and Latin styles for three years.
From the confinement she stopped dancing, since she had many connection problems,
but after many efforts, two days before starting the virtual cycle at the university, the
service could finally be restored, not in optimal conditions but enough to be able to receive

When she started classes at the university, adjusting was very difficult; this caused me to
completely abandon other types of activities outside the university. However, the
accumulated stress made it necessary to return this habit of training and took advantage of
the call for a dance academy to apply, and that is how he obtained his scholarship and
began to dance again on the last week.

According to a new study from University College London, also known as UCL; young
women suffer the most from depression, anxiety and loneliness during their forties,
compared to older people.

In this report we were able to observe how increasing family coexistence as a result of the
quarantine, motivated Lucía Vega to carry out personal enrichment activities, and in turn
avoided the feeling of confinement.

On the other hand, we can see that Rachel Susanibar, as a result of confinement, stopped
doing her extracurricular activities, thus changing her state of tranquility. However, when
she resumes training, we observed a change in mood and a decrease in stress.

To conclude with this report, we want to express our solidarity with the victims of this
pandemic, as well as to motivate them to comply with the new regulations on the social
coexistence in order to soon return us to normality as we remember it.


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