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BA1A- ZGE 1106 20161124669

What can we do as a people in order to strengthen our cultural practices

and values so we could not lose them for the next generation?

Morals, beliefs, and goals are all part of culture and its history. They contribute to
the formation of a people's national identity. It is critical to preserve our cultural
history in order to keep our national identity. For us to never lose what we have
from the beginning, we must continue practicing them for the benefit of the next
generation. The approaches laid forth for these are to apply such learning in our
schools, so that the new generation can retain information from the past.Today,
an integrated education plan is required to reflect the significance of our culture.
Education can help to preserve cultural practices and values. The worth of
cultural legacy is not found in the manifestation of culture itself. However, there is
a wealth of expertise and talents that has been passed down from generation to
generation and it must remain relevant to a culture and be practiced and learned
on a regular basis among communities and between generations.

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