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CASE ANALYSIS – Ashish Godbole (Group No.

Members: Narendra Singh Chauhan (03004), Saikat Samanta (03022), Sanjay Nandi (03023), Tejas Soni
(03029), Sushim Kumar (03030)
Problem Statement
How to motivate Mr. Ashish Godbole to stay in the organization through settling his dispute with Mr.
Krishnamurthy for healthy work environment.
Causes of the Problem
The main cause of the problem is conflict between Mr. Ashish and his immediate boss Mr. Krishnamurthy; which
has resulted due to nuisance created by Ashish after returning to MIS dept. Under Mr. Krishnamurthy’s
mentorship, Ashish quickly learned the nuances of MIS and earned the respect and admiration of his fellow and
senior workers. Therefore, Mr. Ashish is feeling very much depressed and sad that he had an altercation with a Mr.
Krishnamurthy. Moreover, he is feeling hesitant to open his heart to Mr. Krishnamurthy and settle the issue which
depicts his need for affiliation. When his need for affiliation is not met he is also thinking to leave the organization.

Detailed analysis of the Problems

Mr. Godbole is a hard worker, quick learner and excel performer in the organization. In his initial days under the
guide,care & motivation of Mr. Krishnamurthy he exceled in the MIS department. After shifting to Marketing
department, he found a different environment altogether. The type of requirement in marketing department is
completely different from the MIS department. He was used to obeying orders and a sudden change in the work
profile which tested his people management skills put him in a bad situation for which he was not prepared.
Moreover, his Marketing boss Mr. Bhujabal was very straightforward, result oriented, rude and lacked empathy
which worsened the situation more. As Mr. Godbole has been working previously in MIS group which is a desk
job, Mr. Bhujabal presumes that Mr. Godbole will not be able to succeed in the marketing job which requires field
visits and personal contacts. This type of stereotyping threat and gesture from Mr. Bhujbal demotivated Mr.
Ashish. Also due to inability of Mr. Ashish to make close contact with sale representatives he could not motivate
them which is a prerequisite for marketing jobs. He presumed that the actual job of marketing would like what is
written in the text books. But the practical situation is far different from what he presumed. Even after returning to
MIS team, Mr. God bole resorted to altercation with Mr. Krishnamurthy who was his only strong support in the


 Ensure retention of Mr. Godbole in the organization.

 Resolve the conflict between Ashish Godbole and Krishnamurthy

  Preventing further chaos in the organization.

Alternative Solutions
1. Allow Ashish Godbole to leave the organization
2. Motivate Mr. Ashish Godbole to settle his dispute with Mr. Krishnamurthy and remain in the organization
in MIS department.

Evaluation of Alternatives
1. Mr. Ashish had experienced bad times in the organization due to the behaviour of Mr. Bhujbal and could
not deal with his emotions alone. As a result he had an altercation with Mr. Krishnamurthy. Mr
Krishnamurthy has submitted a strongly warded report against Mr. Godbole to Managing Director. Mr.
Ashish has also decided to leave the organization. The company can let a dissatisfied, frustrated and
problem creating Mr. Ashish to leave, since a discontented employee is more of a liability than an asset.
But on the flip side, Mr. Ashish is an efficient and well-planned worker who put a lot of effort for the
development of the organization. The company has also put a substantial effort towards his personal and
professional development over the years. Therefore, losing an experienced employee like Ashish would
mean a replacement cost that would be hard for the company to cover/compensate. Hence, this alternative is
not seeming feasible.
2. Mr. Ashish was thrown out of a division he thought was tailor made to work in. This hurt his self-esteem
and self-confidence a great deal. There is urgent need for affiliation for Mr. Godbole. He is so frustrated
that he misbehaved with his mentor Mr. Krishnamurthy. His self-esteem has been damaged so severely that
he is feeling afraid to talk to Mr. Krishnamurthy and say sorry to him. It is in the company’s best interests
to make Ashish regain his self-esteem and make him realize his importance to the company. Ashish and
Krishnamurthy should also be made to talk and sort out their differences
It is apparent from the discussion made above that the alternative that Mr. Ashish Godbole must be persuaded and
counselled to stay with the company. 
The plan can be implemented through a direct intervention of Mr. Tandon who can motivate Mr. Ashish as a
guardian and make him feel motivated internally to regain his self-esteem. A conversation between Krishnamurthy
and Ashish Godbole can be arranged, with Mr. Tandon as moderator. Mr. Ashish already realized that through his
behaviour he hurt Krishnamurthy and he must repent for his behaviour. Since the two of them have shared a close
bond over the years, it would not be a problem for them to reconcile.

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