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Britishey Lesson Plan

Name: Mostafa Elhelely Date: 9/15/2021

Lesson focus: Reading and speaking Level: Elementary
TP No: No. of students: Time: 45 minutes
OVERALL COMMENT ON LESSON: Aims achieved / Partially Achieved / Not Achieved

Strengths/areas of progress Action points for next lesson

Strengths/areas of progress Action points for next lesson

Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.
Main Lesson Aim Observer’s comments

Subsidiary Lesson Aim


Personal Aims (Teaching or tech skills YOU want to improve on in this

lesson; consider feedback from your previous observed lessons)
I want to focus on my time management and the pace of the lecture; I
want to ensure that every stage takes the time planned. I also want to
avoid clapping and snapping to better build rapport with students. I want
to adjust my speaking pace as I tend to speak relatively fast, and grade
my language to meet their capabilities.

Anticipated Problems and Solutions (What issues may arise with

students, activities, material or equipment? Think specifically about the
Covid-19 context). Do NOT include anything related to the language you
may be teaching here.
The projector may not work, I’ll prepare my laptop as my plan B.

Materials (Write what materials you are using and make sure your slides
are referenced).
Lead-in :
Different uniform photos attached around the class ( gallery walk )

Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.
Hand out 1 for pre-teaching vocabulary (matching exercise)
Hand out 2 English file elementary, page 23, Reading for gist, specific
information and post-reading
Hand out 3 Reading for details task.

Language analysis sheet (grammar and functional language lessons)

What language will be I will check students’ I will drill the following I will clarify and highlight Observer’s comments
taught? Include marker understanding of words and highlight the following form on the
sentences. What is the language using these pronunciation board (show below):
meaning? And what cconcept checking (show your analysis of
context will be used to questions and timelines phonology below):
convey meaning? (show below):

Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.
Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.
Analysis sheet for vocabulary
Word/phrase, Phonemic Meaning How will you convey the Observer’s comments
stress, part of script meaning? What are your concept
speech checking questions?

Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.
Anticipated problems and solutions
Anticipated problems with meaning (What Solutions (What will you do to help the Observer’s comments
could the students misuse/misunderstand?) students?)

Anticipated problems with pronunciation Solutions (What will you do to help the
(Which sounds could be difficult for students to students?)
pronounce? What might they pronounce

Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.
Anticipated problems with form (What could Solutions (What will you do to help the
students leave out, add, change, etc?) students?)

Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.
Stage Aim Inter- Time Procedure Observer’s comments
(What?) (Why?) action (How?)
To generate Individua 6 Teacher plays a video of Ellemby as a police
Lead-in. interest in the topic l minute officer in the prison scolding two fugitives.
of the lesson. Pair work s Students will have to answer the question in
Plenary plenary: what is the job of Ellemby and how do
you know?
Follow up question: why do you think the police
officers in the video are wearing a uniform?
Students will discuss in pairs and then teacher
invites a whole class feedback.

Context-setting. To generate Pair work 8 Teacher attaches different photos of different jobs
interest in the topic Plenary minute with different uniforms around the class; students
of the text. s will make a gallery walk in pairs. Each pair will
handle two questions: what is your favourite
uniform and why do you love it? Teacher invites a
whole class feedback
Pre-teaching To prevent Individua 2 Teacher hands out a paper sheet for students to
vocabulary. students blocking l Minute match the new vocabulary with pictures then
on unknown Plenary s check answers with them.
vocabulary in the
questions or
Reading for gist To give learners a Individua 2 Teacher hands out paper sheet one of the text
reason to read at a l minute and asks the student to read the article and match
general level. Pair work s each text to a photo 1, 2 and 3. Teacher invites
Plenary feedback.

Reading for To give learners a Individua 6 Teacher clarifies that students are going to read
specific reason to read for l minute the questions underneath the text, answer it
information individual items of Pair work s individually first, check in pairs and then invites a
Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.
information. Plenary whole class feedback.

Reading for To give learners a Pair work 6 Teacher hands out paper sheet of questions
details reason to read at Plenary minute about the three characters. Students will read the
detailed level. s questions and discuss in pairs, then teacher
invites a whole class feedback.
Post-reading To give students a Group 5 Teacher divides the class into groups of three.
(speaking) chance to respond work minute Each of which will be handed a list of questions to
orally to the text. Plenary s discuss together. Teacher invites content and
language feedback.
Post-reading To give students a Group 6 Teacher divides the class into groups of three.
Speaking game chance to respond work minute Each of which will be required to design his own
orally to the text. Plenary s uniform in correspondence to the company they
work for.teacher gives cards for guidelines to help
them. Students design their own uniform and
discuss why the uniform is suitable for the job.
Feedback To analyse the Plenary 3 Teacher records sentences while discreetly
content and the minute monitoring the class, then write in on the board
language in the s and analyse it with the students.
previous activity

Britishey is a teacher training centre for both London Teacher Training College & Cambridge Assessment English.

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