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Number of hours: 3 Hours

Nr. Date Competence units Topic of the lesson Stages of the lesson/ learning activities Resources/ Strategies/ Note
materials evaluation
1 2.8 LESSON 1 Evocation: Teacher greets the pupils
3.1 Introduction to the course and tells that this year they will Board Brainstorming
continue studying English. English for Book
you 5 will be their main book to help Conversation
them get a better command of English.
Introduce the book and explain all that
they need to have at the lesson.
Realization of the meaning: Teacher
prepares video and the pupils have to Dialogues
watch and hold on the conversation, Video Conversation
sharing opinions on watched video. Sharing opinion
Teacher invites the pupils to remind the Board
songs and the rhymes learned at the
previous year. The teacher also asks the
pupils to hold on a conversation about
the favourite subjects of the previous
Reflection: Teacher invites the pupils Sheet of paper Questions and
to play in Magic English game. answers
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework: to write 5 Explanation
sentences about “How I spent my
summer vacation.”
2 1.2, 1.3 LESSON 2 Evocation: Greeting the pupils.
1.5, 1.11 Grammar and vocabulary Teacher challenges the pupils to play in Board
a vocabulary game. The pupils have to Fill-in exercises
revision gill in the missing letters in the words, Flash cards
arrange the correct order of the letters Matching
and translate from one language to
another and vise versa.
Realization of the meaning: Teacher
bring a text and the pupils have to: Reading
1. to read the text and understand; do Sheet of paper
the exercises based on the red text as Answer the
true/false exercises, questions and Board questions
answers, matching, circle the correct
variant. Explanation
2. reminding the adjective and its
comparisons degrees. Discussion
3. write a paragraph 5-10 sentences. Paragraph writing
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework: to repeat the rule
on the adjective.
3 LESSON 3 Evocation: Greeting the pupils. And Written
Enitial test checking if everyone is ready for test. test
Realization of the meaning: Reading
Explanation of items of the test:
1. To read the text and understand; do Sheet of papers Answer the
the exercises based on the red text as questions
true/false exercises, questions and
answers, matching, circle the correct Explanation
2. Grammar the adjective and its Discussion
comparisons degrees. Paragraph writing
3. Write a paragraph 5-10 sentences.
Homework: no homework
Unit: I

Number of hours: 12 Hours

Nr. Date Competence units Topic of the lesson Stages of the lesson/ learning activities Resources/ Strategies/ Note
materials evaluation
1 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 LESSON 4 Evocation: T: Hello! How are you?
2.1, 2.4, 2.6 Getting acquainted Now we’ll learn to greet each other and
3.6 respond on greetings ex.1p.6 Example: Dialogues
Simple present BE Hi! Glad to see you. - Hello, glad to Book
see you too. How are you? -fine. How Board
are you?

Realization of the meaning: T: asks

Ps to copy the new words from the Exercise book Guided translation
Word Bank p.6 Book

college n. /’kɑlɪdʒ/   colegiu, facultate 

floor n. /flɔr/ eatj
neighbor n. /’neɪbɚ/   vecin
profile n. /’proʊfaɪl/  profil
captain n. /’kæptən/  capitan,
Chorally and
conducator hospitable adj.
/’hɑspɪtəbəl, hɑ’spɪtəbəl/ ospitalier,
primitor hard-working
adj. /’hɑ:d’w3:kɪŋ/ muncitor
opposite prep. /’ɑpəzɪt, -sɪt/  opus
T pronounces the words clearly, the Ps
repeat the words, spell and pronounce
them once again.

T: refers Ps to ex.6 p.7 complete the

sentences with words from the Word Book Fill-in exercise
Bank. Exercise book

T asks Ps to read Tina’s profile and

complete the dialogue ex.3 p.6 after in Guided reading
pairs, match, ask and answer the Book
questions ex.7 p.7 Ps do the tasks.
T: today at the lesson we’ll learn
conjunction of the verb TO BE in
simple present. We’ll learn to make up
sentences and how TO BE is using.
T: explains the Grammar Guide (the
formation of affirmative, negative, and
interrogative sentences)
S + AM, IS, ARE + V
S + AM, IS, ARE + NOT+ V Board
AM, IS, ARE + S + V? Flesh cards
T asks the Ps to copy the Grammar
guide in their copybooks.
Multiple choices
T: give sheet of paper for practicing exercises
new learned rule asking the Ps to
define the rules of formation of the
Simple Present - TO BE. Exercise book
Reflection: T refers the Ps to ex. 5 p.7
telling: Ps should correct the sentences. Book
T: “Did you like the text about Dan’s
family? How is your family big or
small? Do you have sisters or
brothers? Do you love your parents?
Etc” Who wants to speak about his/her
family? ex.8p.7
Extension: Give assessment to the Complete the
pupils. Homework: Ex.9p.7 – to Book sentences
complete the sentences with am, is, are
2 2.7 LESSON 5 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.2, 3.3, 3.7 We’ve got a family are you? What was the topic of the
To Have got – Present previous lesson? What did we do? homework
What was your home task? Was it
difficult? How much time you’ve spent Exercises book
doing it? Ex.9p.7 (to write) checking
homework (using of the verb to be in
the simple present tense)
T refers Ps to Pronunciation Guide and Guided
introduces the sound /w/ p.8 T reads
pausing after each word Ps have to
listening, after Ps repeat the words
chorally and individually. Ps practicing Repetition
chorally and
reading the poem (pronunciation guide
T refers Ps to the title of the lesson
“We’ve Got a Family”. T asks if Ps Book
would like to have lesson dedicated to
their families. Why/ Why not? T Questions and
asks questions from ex.1 p.8 Ps have to
talk and describe their families. T helps
if it necessary.
Realization of the meaning: T
introduces new vocabulary, and asks Ps
to copy the words from board in Board Guided translation
vocabularies. Exercise book and pronunciation
dimple /ˈdɪ̩ / gropite
freckle /ˈfrek.l̩ / pistrui
cheek /tʃiːk/ obraz
blond /blɑnd/ blond
devoted /dɪˈvəʊ.tɪd/ devotat
look alike /ˈlʊk.ə.laɪk/ la fel ca
show smb (into) /ʃoʊ/ a conduce
T asks Ps to read the dialogue ex.2 p.8
and speak about Tina’s family.
T refers Ps to ex.3 p.8 Ps with the help
of T make up descriptions of children
on the pictures. T checking Video Dialogues
comprehension by giving another
pictures of children (should colour) and Description
asks Ps to describe them or members of
Ps families ex.5 p.9 using as example
T asks Ps to read ex.4 p.8 silently and
after say if they like to have such a
friend. Guided
T and Ps talking about the family tree.
What Ps T and Ps talking about the
family tree. What Ps know about the
family tree, why it is important that
each family has to a family tree. T asks
Ps to take a look on Brown’s family
tree. T and Ps talking about Braun’s
family relationships. Ex.6 p.9
T refers Ps to grammar guide p.9

Have got este o structură întâlnită mai

Rule explication
ales în limbajul informal. În limbajul
formal, utilizarea sa este
Exercise book
Have got este echivalentul
lui have în patru
situații specifice. Have got poate fi
înlocuit oricând cu have. Reciproca nu PPT

este valabilă; have simplu are o

mulțime de alte cazuri de utilizare.
Have got se poate folosi doar
la Present Simple.
Putem folosi have got în loc
de have atunci când ne referim la:

Reflection: T refers Ps to ex.8 p.9

Complete with has/have got or
hasn’t/haven’t got and ex.9 p.9 guess
what your family has got
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework: Sheet of papers Guided writing
with have/has got exercises.
Sheet of paper

3 1.9, 1.11 LESSON 6 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How

3.2, 3.4 Meet the royal family are you? What was the topic of the
Possessive Case previous lesson? What did we do? Conversation
What was your home task? Was it
Sheet of papers
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it? Sheet of papers with have/has
got exercises, checking homework.
T draws Ps’ attention to the title of the
Questions and
lesson “The Royal Family” and asks Ps Book answers
to name the members of the RF and
where they live?
T asks questions about famous
buildings in Ps place, what that place is
it? Does anybody live in it? ex.1 p.10
Ps have to answer on question.
T refers Ps to Pronunciation Guide and
introduces new sounds /ʌ/ /eə/ T reads Guided
Ps listening, T reads again pausing
after each word, Ps have to repeat Video
chorally and individually. T challenges
Chorally and
Ps to learn the rhyme (from PG p.10) in individually
5 min
T directs Ps attention to the picture
p.10 and puts questions: Do you know Video watching
what building is this? Who does live in
it? Where does it situated? T
encourages Ps to talk about
Buckingham Palace.
T refers Ps to ex.2 p.10 Ps have to
complete the sentences with suitable Book Fill-in exercise
words from the box and find out about
the building on the picture.
Realization of the meaning: T
introduces the word bankp.10 and asks Board
Guided writing
Ps to copy words from board into their
and translation
vocabularies. Ps do it. Book
interest /ˈɪn.trəst/ interes
tourist /ˈtʊə.rɪst/ turist Exercise book
shooting /ˈʃuː.tɪŋ/ vinatoare
individual /ˌɪn.dɪˈvɪd.ju.əl/ individual
outdoor /ˈaʊtˌdɔːr/in aer liber
lively /ˈlaɪ de viata
royal /ˈrɔɪ.əl/ regal
get together /ˈɡet.təˌɡeð.ər/ a se aduna  
T pronounces the words clearly, the Ps
repeat the words, spell and pronounce
them once again. T encourages Ps to
memorize the words.
T refers Ps to the text ex.3 p.10 Ps have
to read the text and think of the title. T
checks comprehension: T frontally asks
questions and Ps have to answer
True/False and supporting their answer
with the sentences from the text ex.4 Brainstorming
T introduces grammar rule “Possessive

 Se adauga 's la forma de
singular a substantivelor care
nu se termina în s: Grammar
Ex.: a child's voice, the
people's choice, a horse's
mouth, women's clothes
 Vom folosi doar apostroful (')
cu formele de plural ale
substantivelor care se termina
în s.
Ex.: a boys' school, the
Johnsons' residence
 Numele proprii terminate
în s vor primi fie doar
apostrof ('), fie 's
Ex.: Mr Jones's / Mr Jones'
car, Yeats's / Yeats' poems
 În cazul substantivelor
compuse si a titlurilor ultimul
cuvânt va primi 's
Ex.: My father-in-law's
guitar, Henry the Eighth's
 's se foloseste si dupa initiale
sau abrevieri.
Ex.: The CEO's assistant, the
PM's speech
 Forma posesiva se foloseste
în general când vorbim de
oameni, animale, tari.

Reflection: T with Ps do ex. 6,7 p.11

practicing the possessive case.

Extension: Give assessment to the

pupils. Homework: Ex.5 p.11 the
Royal Family Tree to make up Multiple choices
questions about their relationship. exercises
4 2.7 LESSON 7 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.3, 3.6 Jobs are you? What was the topic of the
previous lesson? What did we do?
What was your home task? Was it Frontal
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it? Ex.5 p.11 the Royal Family
Tree to make up questions about their
T refers Ps to Pronunciation Guide and
introduces new sounds /z/ /s/ /iz/ T pronunciation
reads Ps listening, T reads again
pausing after each word, Ps have to
Chorally and
repeat chorally and individually p.12
Realization of the meaning: T repetition
introduces the word bank p.12 and asks
Ps to copy words from board into their Exercise book
vocabularies. Ps do it.
Guided translation
economist /ɪˈkɒn.ə.mɪst/ - economist Board
dressmaker /ˈdresˌmeɪ.kər/ -
programming /ˈprəʊ.ɡræm.ɪŋ/ -
treat /triːt/ - a trata
look after /lʊk ˈɑːf.tər/ - a avea grije de 
T pronounces the words clearly, the Ps
repeat the words, spell and pronounce
them once again. T encourages Ps to
memorize the words. Guided spelling
and reading
T draws Ps attention on the title “Jobs”
and present the theme of the lesson; T
shows pictures with jobs and asks what
is the job at the 1 st picture Ps have to Conversation
name the jobs ex. he/she is a Driver
ex.1 p.12 T asks if Ps know their
parents jobs and divides class in pairs
Ps have to ask and answer about their
Pair work
parents jobs ex: What is your mother?
– She is an economist. Ex.2 p.12
T. refers Ps. to ex. 3 p. 12 Ps have to
match column A with column B to
make up sentences. Ps do the task T.
Book Matching
asks frontally. Ps have to read and
translate sentences.
T. asks Ps what they would like to be Exercise book
in the future. Ps have to think. T. refers
Ps. to ex.5 with saying “while you Opinion sharing
think about what would you like to be,
let’s to read what Tina and Mike would
like to be.” ex. 5 p.13
Reflection: T. “Did you think what
would you like to be, discuss on this
with you partner” ex. 6 p.13 Questions and
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework: Ex.5 p.11 the
Royal Family Tree to make up
questions about their relationship.
5 1.6, 19 LESSON 8 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.2, 3.4 Simple Present are you? What was the topic of the
previous lesson? What did we do?
What was your home task? Was it
difficult? How much time you’ve spent Board Discussion
doing it? To read Pronunciation Guide
and Vocabulary p.12 T:’Today we
continue the topic we started during the
previous lesson. On the board you can
see the words you’ve learned at home.
Your task is to fill in the missing
letters, to pronounce and translate the
Fill –in exercise
words. Are you ready? Who knows the
first word?’
_c_n_m_ _t, _r_ _s_ak_ _, p_o_ra_
_ing, _r_ _t, l_ _k _f_e_
Ps fill in the missing letters,
pronounce and translate the words.
Realization of the meaning: T
introduces the rule of The Simple
PPT Rule explanation
Present Tense p.13
Afirmativ :Subiect + Verbul la
infinitive PPT
Exceptie : La pers a III sg verbul se
termina mereu in –s sau – es : 
       The boy wants a toy car for
Christmas. – Baiatul vrea o masina de
jucarie pentru Craciun.
Atentie:  1. Verbele care se termina in
-y la pers a III sg, y se transforma in
             I cry – She cries.
             I play – He plays.
2. Verbele care se termina in –o, -ss,
-x, -sh, -ch primesc la pers a III sg – es
             My mother usually goes to the
market in the morning. – Mama se
duce de obicei in piata dimineata.

Negativ : Subiect+ do not/ does

not + verb
he does not sing in the school
chorus. – Ea nu canta in corul
Interogativ : do not/ does not +
Subiect + verb Does she want to
participate in the competition? -
Vrea ea sa participle in
Present Simple Tense se
foloseste pentru a exprima :
- Adevaruri general valabile :
The earth has 2 emispheres -
Pamantul are 2 emisfere.

- Actiuni repetitive:
She takes piano lessons each
day at 5 o’clock. – Ea ia lectii
de pian in fiecare zi la ora 5.

- Actiuni de moment, terminate

in momentul in care sunt
savarsite :
Mark gets out of bed, goes to
the bathroom and washes his
teeth. – Mark se da jos din pat,
se duce la baie si se spala pe

- Actiuni obisnuite :
My grandfather and Iusually
look at the starts when the sky
is clear. – Bunicul meu si cu
mine, noi ne uitam de obicei la
stele cand e senin.

- Actiuni planificate in viitor,

obligatorii (cu verbe de
miscare) :
The year ends with the 31st of
December. – Anul se termina
cu 31 decembrie.

ex.8 p.13 Ps have to read the text and Book Multiple choices
add –s or -es
ex.9 p.13 Ps have to write Do/Does, Board
make up questions and speak about
Tina Exercise book
Questions and
Reflection: ex.4 p.13 Ps have to ask
and answer questions about jobs, using
the jobs from ex.3 p.12
Extension: Give assessment to the Explanation
pupils. Homework: To learn the
simple present tense and remember box

6 1.3, 1.6 LESSON 9 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How

3.6, 3.8 My aunt’s house are you? What was the topic of the
There is/There are previous lesson? What did we do? Frontal
What was your home task? Was it
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it? T checks homework - to
revise The Simple Present Tense
(affirmative, negative, interrogative)
and changes of the verb – es, s.
T refers Ps to Pronunciation Guide and Listening
introduces new sounds /tʃ/ /dʃ/ T reads
Ps listening, T reads again pausing Chorally and
after each word, Ps have to repeat
chorally and individually p.14 after T Video
with Ps practicing reading new sounds
in the sentences from Pronunciation Guided reading
Guide and T encourages Ps to learn the
poem by heart.
Realization of the meaning: T
introduces the word bank p.14 and asks Book
Guided writing
Ps to copy words from board into their
Exercise book
vocabularies. Ps do it.
attic /ˈæt.ɪk/ mansarda
rocking chair /’rɑkɪŋ ,tʃɛr/ balansoar
stair/steər/ scara
top/tɒp/ varf
especially/ɪˈspeʃ.əl.i/ in special, in
stay with/steɪ wɪð/ a sta cu (a trai la)
married /ˈmæ casatorit
T pronounces the words clearly, the Ps
repeat the words, spell and pronounce
them once again. T encourages Ps to
memorize the words. Guided
pronunciation and
T and Ps discus on the following
questions: Do you live in a house or
flat? Do you like your house/flat?
Why? Which is your favourite room?
Why? Ps have to answer on questions
ex.1 p.14
T draws Ps attention on the image and
asks Ps to describe what do they see on
the picture p.14 ex.2. Ps make a
description. T refers Ps to the text “My
Pictures Describing the
Aunt’s House”. Ps read the text in
chain and translate it after Ps have to
think about words that Tina use for
completing her story p.14 ex.2. Book
Guided reading
T. refers Ps. to ex. 3 p. 14 Ps have to
complete the sentences using the text.
T points Ps attention on The grammar
guide There is…/ There are… p.15 Fill-in exercise
T introduces new construction:
Explanation of

1. There is (forma de singular) si there

are (forma de plural) reprezinta o
constructie cu intelesul de se PPT
afla, este, se gaseste - se afla, sunt, se
gasesc. De cele mai multe ori there
is si there are se folosesc la inceputul
propozitiilor precedand subiectul:

    There is a bag on the writing-table. 

    There are not many mistakes in the
    Are there many chairs in the room? 
    Is there a long ruler on the table?

2. Forma interogativa se obtine prin

inversarea celor doi termeni:is
there?, are there?

3. Forma negativa se construieste prin

adaugarea negatiei not dupa
verb: there is not, there are not.

Nota: Expresia there is sau there

are nu trebuie confundata cu
adverbul there (acolo).

    There is a man there. (Se afla un om

    There are not many chairs there. (Nu
sunt multe scaune acolo.

T refers Ps to ex.8 p.15 Ps have to

write correct form of the verb be
Guided writing
Reflection: T. refers Ps. to ex. 4 p. 15
Ps have to look at the pictures and Book
write the names of the rooms and Make a list
furniture in them. And compare the
lists with the class, after in pairs Ps
have to ask and answer the questions Pair work
about the furniture in each room ex.6
p.15 after T asks Ps to make a chart
Exercise book Chart
and complete with the name of
furniture and tell which room does
each item go in. ex.5 p.15
T directs Ps to preposition of place ex.9
p.15 T explains one more time when
and how to use the prepositions of
ON - Indica o suprafata pe care se afla
un obiect/ o fiinta/ o persoana:
At - Folosit pentru a indica un loc in
care se petrece un eveniment:

In - Indica o locatie:
Next to - linga
Under - sub
In front of – in naintea
Between – intre
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:
7 1.9, 1.11 LESSON 10 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.2, 3.4 Houses, houses ... are you? What was the topic of the
The articles a/an/the previous lesson? What did we do? Board Frontal
What was your home task? Was it
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it? T checks homework - ex.2, 3,
Exercise book
6, 8 p.11, 13 from workbook
T refers Ps to Pronunciation Guide and
introduces new sounds /ɪ/ /ai/ T reads
Ps listening, T reads again pausing
after each word, Ps have to repeat Book chorally and
chorally and individually p.16 after T
with Ps practicing reading new sounds
in the sentences from Pronunciation
Realization of the meaning: T refers
Ps to ex.1 p.16 Discussion questions. T
asks Ps what types of houses do people
live in? (for helping Ps, T shows
pictures with different types of houses)
Ps have to answer: house, block of
flats, farmhouse, cottage, palace, and
bungalow. T asks Ps what type of
house would you like to live in? Why?
Ps have to give their personal opinion.
And the last question: are houses in
cold and warm countries the same? Yes
or No. T divides class in pairs for Ps
have to find out what type of houses
they live in ex.4p.16
Pair work
T introduces the word bank p.16 and
asks Ps to copy words from board into
their vocabularies. Ps do it. Guided writing
fence /fens/ gard
flower-bed /ˈflaʊ.ə.bed/ razor de
flori, strat
gate /ɡeɪt/ poarta
lawn /lɔːn/  pajiste, peluza
war wɔːr/ razboi, lupta, conflict
burn down /bɜrn/ /dɔːn/  a arde
Exercise book
originally /əˈrɪdʒ.ɪ.nə.li/ initial,
T pronounces the words clearly, the Ps
repeat the words, spell and pronounce
them once again. T encourages Ps to
memorize the words.
T and Ps discus on the following
Guided translation
questions: Do you live in a house or
and pronunciation
flat? Do you like your house/flat?
Why? Which is your favourite room?
Why? Ps have to answer on questions
ex.1 p.14
T refers Ps to the workbook ex.1 p.14
Ps have to look at the phonetics and
write and pronounce correctly the Book
T draws Ps attention on the pictures
Multiple choices
ex.2 p.16 and asks Ps what each
number stands for? Ps have to say: Exercise book
Number 1 is a roof; number 8 is a gate
T refers Ps to the workbook ex.3 p.14
Ps have to look at the picture of the
house and write the names of the items.
T points Ps attention on Remember
Section p.17
Pentru ca un substantiv sa capete
înteles într-o propozitie, acesta trebuie
sa fie însotit de un determinant
substantival. Cel mai des folosit
determinant substantival
este articolul (the article). In limba
engleza articolele se pot clasifica astfel:
Rule explication
 Articol hotarat - the
 Articol nehotarat - a sau an

1. Articolul hotarât ( the )

Articolul hotarât (the) se scrie
inaintea cuvantului pe care-l
determina si se foloseste astfel:

- Inaintea unui substantiv care a mai

fost mentionat în contextul respectiv.
- Atunci când atât vorbitorul cât si
ascultatorul cunosc notiunea exprimata
de substantiv, chiar daca nu a mai fost PPT PPT
mentionat în context.
2. Articolul nehotarât ( a /
an )
Articolul nehotarat in limba
engleza este "a" sau "an".
- A se foloseste înaintea
substantivelor care încep cu o
a boy (un baiat), a car (o masina), a
house (o casa)
- An se foloseste înaintea
substantivelor care încep cu o vocala
(a, e, i, o, u).
an apple (un mar), an orange (o
portocala, un portocaliu), an opera (o
  An înainte de un "h" mut: - an hour (o
ora), an honor (o onoare).
  A înainte de "u" sau "eu" atunci când
se pronunta ca "you": - a European, a
university, a unit (o unitate)

Articolul nehotarât se foloseste in

urmatoarele cazuri:
- Pentru a te referi la ceva pentru prima

 cu nume de profesii: John is

an engineer. (Ion este un
 cu nationalitati si religii: John
is an Englishman. (John
este un englez)
 cu substantive la singular,
dupa cuvinte cum ar
fi what si such: What a
hoax! He is such a
prodigious young man. (Ce
pacaleala! E un tanar atat
de extraordinar.)
 atunci când te referi la un
singur obiect sau persoana,
echivaleaza cu "one": I'd
like an orange and two
lemons, please. (Asi dori o
portocala si doua lamai, va

T refers Ps to ex.8 p.17 for the better

understanding of using the articles.
After T directs Ps to the workbook ex.4
p.15 a familiar exercise for Ps.

Reflection: T asks Ps to look at ex.6

p.17 in book Ps have to read the
Fill-in exercise
dialogue and say what the White House Book
is and T with Ps have to make up
questions based on the dialogue ex.7
p.17 T refers Ps to the workbook ex.8 Exercise book
p.15 Ps have to match questions and
the answers.
Questions and
Extension: Give assessment to the answers
pupils. Homework:

8 1.2, 1.3, 1.10 LESSON 11 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.6, 3.7 Household chores are you? What was the topic of the
previous lesson? What did we do? questioning
What was your home task? Was it
Whole class
difficult? How much time you’ve spent Board working
doing it? T checks homework - ex.6, 7
p.15 from workbook
T refers Ps to Pronunciation Guide and
Book Guided
introduces new sounds a - [ei] [æ] [a:] pronunciation
[ɔː] [ɒ] [e] [ə]
T reads Ps listening, T reads again
pausing after each word, Ps have to
Chorally and
repeat chorally and individually p.18, individually
after T with Ps practicing reading new
sounds in the sentences from
Pronunciation Guide.
T directs Ps to ex.1 p.16 (workbook)
for consolidation of the new sounds; Ps
have to say the words aloud. Workbook Guided writing
Realization of the meaning: T refers
Ps to ex.1 p.18 Discussion questions. T
asks Ps what household chores do Ps
do (for helping Ps, T shows pictures
with different household duties).
T introduces the word bank p.18 and
asks Ps to copy words from board into
Guided writing
their vocabularies. Ps do it.
translation and
sweep /swiːp/ a matura Board pronunciation
tidy up /ˈtaɪ.di/  /ʌp/ a face ordine
lay the table /leɪ/ /ðə/ /ˈteɪ.bl̩ / a pune
meal /mi:l/ masa, mincare
household chores /ˈhaʊs.həʊld/  /tʃɔːz/
treburi menajere, treburi pe a casa
T pronounces the words clearly, the Ps
repeat the words, spell and pronounce
them once again. T encourages Ps to
memorize the words.
T draws Ps attention on the pictures
ex.2 p.18 and asks Ps to describe the
picture; Ps have to say: “On the
picture there are the mother and the
daughter preparing a meal in the
kitchen. Mother teaches her daughter Book Describing a
to make/ mix the salad.”
T and Ps read and translate the text and
speak about household chores in Greer
family. Ps have to answer: “1. Mrs.
Greer cooks the meals for the all
family., 2. Mr. Greer goes shopping Reading
and also cleans the carpets.,3. Alan
takes the rubbish out and tidies up his
Questions and
room., 4. Meg put away her toys, seeps
the floor.” T refers Ps to ex.2 p.16 in
the workbook, Ps have to answer on
more time on the questions about
household chores in Freer family in
written form, T paying up attention of
the Ps on the right use of the Simple
Present Tense.
T and Ps play the game “Who is the
1st” ex.3,4 p.18 T hands out sheets of
paper with household chores and gives
Ps time to find out about the household
The game
chores in Ps families and report the
Sheets of paper
findings to the class.
T refers Ps to ex.3, 4 p.16,17 in work
book, Ps have to write sentences about
household duties.
T and Ps play the game “What is this?”
T makes sure that all Ps knows the
words ex: It washes the dishes for you. building
What is this? – This is a dishwasher.
Reflection: T refers Ps to ex.5 p.17 in
Questions and
workbook for complete the sentences
using ex.5 p.19 from Ps book.
T refers Ps to ex.8 p.19 T and Ps revise
the use of the article a/an/the Fill in exercises
Feedback. T: ‘What did we do today?
What was difficult? What did you like
the most? T refers Ps to ex.7 p.19 for
making up questions and answers.
Ex: cooker/bedroom
Is there a cooker in the bedroom?
No, there isn’t.
There is a cooker in the kitchen.
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:


9 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 LESSON 12 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How

2.7 The ghost in the elevator are you? What was the topic of the
3.1, 3.2, 3.8
4.1 previous lesson? What did we do? Checking
What was your home task? Was it homework
difficult? How much time you’ve spent Exercises book
doing it? Checking homework write
about household duties in Ps families Whole class
Realization of the meaning: T working
explains Ps that each unit has a special
lesson called Reading Together for
practicing reading skills and speaking
T asks Ps sit around in such a way that
all Ps can hear and see the T. T directs Book Description
Ps to the picture in the book p.20 and Prediction
describe what they see. Ps have to
make a description.
T introduces new words p.20 Board
elevator /ˈel.ɪ.veɪ.tər/  lift Guided reading,
Exercise book
sign /saɪn/ semn spelling and
excited /ɪkˈsaɪtid/ emotionat pronunciation
deaf /def/ surd
bother /ˈbɒð.ər/  aplictisi, a necaji
find out /fɑɪnd/ /aʊt/ a afla
stop by /stɒp/ /baɪ/ a trece pe la cineva
T asks Ps to listen the story with their
books closed, after the first reading T
asks leading questions to help Ps
understanding the text. When Ps have Whole class
to read the text. ex.2 p.20 working
T refers Ps to ex.3 p.21 Ps have to
correct falls one and support their
answers with the sentences from the
text and ex.4 p.21 Ps have to put the True false
sentences in the right chronological exercise
order, Ps have to make it in pairs. T
asks question by question, T Arrange the
encourages Ps to take part in the Exercise book sentences
discussion and support their opinions.
Ex.5 p.21 Is a vocabulary exercise
where Ps have to choose the correct Opinion sharing
one for completing definitions.
1. Invisible; 2. An elevator; 3. Deaf; 4. Discussion
True; 5. Visit; 6. Excited; 7. I’m
sorry. Matching
Reflection: Ex.6 p.21 T with Ps
practicing Wh -questions.
T: ‘What did we do today? What was
difficult? What did you like the most?
T refers Ps to ex.7 p.21 Ps have to
Questions and
answer the question based on the red
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:

10 1.11 LESSON 13 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How

2.8 Round up are you? What was the topic of the
3.1, 3.7
previous lesson? What did we do? Checking
What was your home task? Was it homework
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it? Checking homework: Ps
workbook ex.8 p.18
Realization of the meaning: T gives
sheets of paper to the Ps and points Ps The Possessive
attention on ex.1. T asks Ps to read the Sheet of paper Case
sentences and answer what rule is used
in these sentences. Ps have to say
Possessive Case. T and Ps read the Frontal
sentences one more time and translate questioning
them. T checks comprehension and
asks questions based on the Possessive
Case rule.
Example: what is added to the noun
root? etc.
T asks Ps to look at the board and say The simple
what they see, what is the rule? Ps look Board Present Tense
attentively and have to say that on the
board is the rule of The Simple Present
+ S +Vs (he, she, it)
- S + don’t/doesn’t + V
? Do/ Does + S+ V?
T and Ps do the ex.2 in chain. Each Ps Chain work
reads the sentence and translates it and Board Explanation
explains how is used The Simple
Present Tense in it.
Exercise book
The children (play)a lot of games in
The children play a lot of games in
summer. (play – a se juca, copiilor le
place se joace in multe jocuri vara,
este o propozitie afirmativa . Verbul
play sta cu substantivul children care
sta la forma plurala de aceia verbur va
fi transcris fara nici o schibare)
T refers Ps to ex.3. In this exercise Ps
continue revision of the SPT using its
Sheet of paper
negative and interrogative forms. Ps do
the task, explains the formation of the
each sentence.
The children (play)a lot of games in
-The children don’t play a lot of games
in summer.
?Do the children play a lot of games in
T shows flesh cards with the
prepositions of plays. Ps have to
remember how are they translated and PREPOSITION
Flesh cards
how are we use them in English OF PLACE
language. After T refers Ps to ex.4 T
gives time Ps for doing the exercise in
silent and after whole class checks the
exercise by reading, translating and
explaining the sentences and using
Reflection: In ex.5 T shows pictures Description
with different types of houses e, rooms,
furniture and household chores. Ps
have to remind and name all the
pictures in English. Also T asks Ps
what is around, near, next to, behind of
their house/flat. Ps have to reproduce
clear description of their house/flat
using taught vocabulary and
grammatical structures such as:
Feedback: T: ‘What did we do today?
What was difficult? What did you like
the most? Ps have to remind one more Explanation
time all the rules.
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:
11 LESSON 14 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
Summative test are you? What was the topic of the
Flash cards with Oral presentation
previous lesson? What did we do? the exercises
What was your home task? Was it
Realization of the meaning: T
explains the construction of the test
paper and its exercises:
ex. 1 Ps have to change the word in
brackets to make a possessive noun.
Children always laugh at this (clown)
Children always laugh at clown’s
Ex.2 Ps have to use the correct form
of the verb in the Simple Present Tense
Mrs. White (teach) English.
Mrs. White teaches English.
Ex.3 Ps have to make the sentences
negative and interrogative.
My father reads very much.
My father doesn’t read very much.
Does my father read very much?
Ex.4 Ps have to fill in with the correct
preposition of place at, on, between, in,
under, next to. In front of.
The books are in the bookcase.
(Cartile sint IN dulapul de carti)
Ex.5 Ps have to describe their house or
12 LESSON 15 Evocation: Greeting.
Test analysis Realization of the meaning: Do the Flash cards with Discussion
exercises that made the difficult for the exercises
pupils on the test. Explain again the Error correction
rules. Board
Reflection: to ask the pupils
comprehension questions for checking Exercise book
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:
Unit: II

Number of hours: 13 Hours + 1 project

Nr. Date Competence units Topic of the lesson Stages of the lesson/ learning activities Resources/ Strategies/ Note
materials evaluation
1 2.2, 2.7 LESSON 16 Evocation: Greeting.T: Hello! How
3.2, 3.4, 3.6 School are you? T directs the Ps to
Pronunciation Guide p.24 and reads
Guided reading
new sounds /u:/ /ʊ/ and the words. The
Book and pronunciation
Ps have to listen very attentively and
read after teacher chorally and
Chorally and
individually. After Ps have to read the individually
sentences and find the words with new reading
learned sounds: /u:/ /ʊ/.
Meaning realization: T draws Ps’
attention to the title of the lesson
“School” and asks Ps questions about Questions and
Book answers
school: What do you like/ don’t like
about school? Why? Do you sometimes Whole class
miss classes? Why? How do you feel
when you miss classes? Ex.1 p.24
T asks Ps to name the rooms in the
school, Ps have to name: classes,
canteen, gym, library etc. and refers Ps
Description and
to ex.2 p.24 Ps have to match the discussion
pictures with the name of places and
say where these places are in the Ps
Answers: 1. – a; 2. E; 3. – d; 4. – f; 5.
– g; 6. – h
7. – c; 8. – b (cabinetul Directorului);
9. – I
T asks the Ps to imagine that they are
talking to same English pupils. What
would the Ps tell them about their
Sharing opinions
school? T directs Ps to ex.3 p.24
T introduces the Word Bank p.25 and
asks Ps to copy words from board into
their vocabularies. Ps do it. Exercise book
Guided writing
Detention /dɪˈten.ʃən/ retinere dupa
and reading
Match /mætʃ/ meci
Orchestra /mætʃ/ orchestra
Extra /ˈek.strə/ suplimentar
Until /ənˈtɪl/
Hold discussions /həʊld/  /dɪˈskʌʃən/ a
tine discutii
Misbehave /ˌmɪs.bɪˈheɪv/ a se purta rau
Take place /teɪk/  /pleɪs/
Hard /hɑːd/  din greu
Ok /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ perfect! In regula!
T pronounces the words clearly, the Ps
repeat the words, spell and pronounce
them once again. T encourages Ps to
memorize the words.
T refers Ps to the text “I Think School
Is OK” ex.4 p.25 Ps have to read the
text and say what Amanda like and
dislike about her school.
Reflection: T divides the Ps in pairs
and asks the Ps to think and talk about pronunciation
Whole class
their favourite place at school, and
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework: Sharing opinion

Pair work
2 1.6, 1.9 LESSON 17 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.2, 3.4 Degrees of comparison of are you? What did we do at the
adjectives (monosyllabic, previous lesson? What do you think Discussion
irregular forms)
about our school?
Meaning realization: T introduces
grammar rule “Comparison of the
Adjective” p.25 Grammar Guide
T with Ps do ex. 7, 8 p.25 practicing
the comparison of the adjectives. In
ex.7 Ps have to write the correct form
Guided writing
of the adjective (ex: A classroom is Book
(small) than a gym – A classroom is
smaller than a gym.) and in ex.8 Ps
have to find pairs of antonyms and use
the adjectives to compare things (Buses
Exercise book
are noisier than bikes. Our school is
the oldest in the town).
Reflection: T: ‘What did we do today?
Sharing opinions
What was difficult? What did you like
the most?
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:
3 1.3, 1.6 LESSON 18 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
2.2 My favourite subject are you? What was the topic of the
3.4 previous lesson? What did we do? Discussion
(disyllabic and What was your home task? Was it
polysyllabic adjectives) difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it?
T: directs Ps to the pronunciation guide Guided reading
p.26 and reads the sounds and words. Book and pronunciation
Ps have to listen and repeat chorally
and individually. Chorally/individu
T asks Ps to open workbooks on p. 21 ally repetition
ex.1 and reads the words aloud the Ps Workbooks
have to listen and repeat after teacher.
T encourages the Ps to think and say
Which is your best day of the week?
Why? Questions and
Which subject do you like or dislike? answers
Whole class
Meaning realization: working
Pre-reading: T refers the Ps to
vocabulary. P.27
Ps translate the new words.
Except for /ɪkˈsept/ /fɔːr/ în afara de Book
Swimming /swɪmiŋ/ înot Guided translation
Only  /ˈəʊnli/ singur Exercise book
Impossible /ɪmˈpɒsəbl/ imposible
Horrible  /ˈhɒrəbl/ îngroyitor
Swimming pool/swɪmiŋ puːl/ pescina
Really /ˈrɪəli/ într-adevăr
Entertaining  /ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ/ distractive,
Important /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ important
Useful /ˈjuːsfəl/folositor
T refers Ps to ex.2 p.21 in workbook,
Ps have to choose between the
activities that Ps like and dislike.
T asks the Ps to make up sentences
using the new words orally.
Reading: Ps read the dialogue in pairs
ex.2 p.26. The same sentence may be Workbook Discussion
read for several times by different Choosing
pupils. Sentences
Post-reading: Ps complete Silvia and building
Alex’s timetable. T refers Ps to the
workbook ex.3 p. 21, Ps have to write Pair work
True and False using ex. 2 p. 26 from Book
Ps’ book. T divides Ps in pairs, ask and
answer questions about Silvia and
Alex’s timetable.
Example: When do they have French? True and false
On Monday and on Board exercise
T explains how to tell right the time in
English language.

Cum citesti ceasul in engleza | Ora in Questions and

engleza answers
Este foarte important sa inveti sa citesti
ceasul in engleza pentru a putea
comunica mai eficient atunci cand
doresti sa faci o programare sau cand Explanation
esti intrebat cat este ora. In limba
engleza poti spune cat este ceasul in
doua variante pe care ti le voi prezenta
pe larg in acest articol impreuna cu alte
fraze utile legate de aceasta tema. Book
1. Varianta cea mai simpla de a spune
ceasul in engleza este sa spui mai intai
ora si dupa minutele precum in
exemplele de mai jos:
Exercise book
 7:25 - seven twenty-five
 4:11 - four eleven
 10:34 - ten thirty-four
 9:05 - nine O'five (cand
minutele sunt cifre intre 1-9 folosesti
litera 'O' inaintea cifrei care se
pronunta ca litera 'O' din romana - nain
o faiv )

Atunci cand este ora fixa folosim

termenul o'clock {o clac}  dupa ce
precizam ora exacta:
 10:00 - ten o'clock
 4:00 - four o'clock
 7:00 - seven o'clock

2. Variant a doua dar si cea mai

complicata de a citi ceasul in limba
engleza este sa spui mai intai minutele
si dupa ora insa intre cele doua apar
termenii PAST / TO {past / tu} = dupa
/ pana la

- pentru minutele intre 1-30

folosim PAST
 5:22 - twenty-two past five /
twenty-two minutes past five
 3:18 - eighteen past three
 9:07 - o'seven past nine

- daca este trecut de 30 minute

folosim TO + minutele care au mai
ramas pana la urmatoarea ora
 12:45 - fifteen to one / fifteen
minutes to one
 8:57 - three to nine
 5:59 - one to six

Obs!!! Ca sa fii mai precis poti adauga

si cuvantul 'minutes' {mineț} =

Cand este exact si 15 minute folosim

termenul 'a quarter' {ă cortăr} care
inseamna'un sfert' + past
 6:15 - a quarter past six
 8:15 - a quarter past eight

Cand este exact fara 15 minute

folosim 'a quarter' + to + ora
 6:45 - a quarter to seven
 9:45 - a quarter to ten

Cand este fix si 30 minute

folosim 'half past' {half past} adica
jumatate peste ora exacta
 2:30 - half past two
 8:30 - half past eight

Atunci cand vrei sa citesti ora 12 ai

patru variante :

- twelve o'clock
- midday {mid.dei} = miezul zilei
- noon {nuun} = amiaza
- midnight {mid.nait} = miezul noptii
Cum sa intrebi cat este ceasul in
limba engleza:

Daca doresti sa intrebi cat este ceasul

exact atunci folosesti una din
propozitiile de mai jos:

Excuse me. What time is it,

please? {Ecschiuz mi. Uat taim iz it,
pliz?} = Scuzati-ma. Cat este ceasul, va

Excuse me. Do you have the time,

please? {Ecschiuz mi. Du iu heav dă
taim, pliz?} = Scuzati-ma. Aveti ora,
va rog?

Excuse me. Could you tell me the

time, please? {Ecschiuz mi. Culd iu tel
dă taim, pliz?} = Scuzati-ma. Ati putea
sa-mi spuneti ora, va rog?

Do you happen to have the

time? {Du iu heapăn tu hev dă taim?}
= Aveti cumva ora?

Do you know what time it is? {Du iu

nou uat taim it iz?} = Stii cat este ora /

Daca doresti sa afli la ce ora se va

intampla un anumit eveniment
folosesti 'What
time ... ?' sau 'When ... ?' precum in
exemplele de mai jos :

What time does the flight to New

York leave? {Uat taim daz dă flait tu
Niu Iorc liv} = La ce ora pleaca zborul
catre New York?

When does the bus arrive from

London? {Uen daz dă bas ăraiv from
Landăn?} = Cand ajunge autobuzul din

When does the concert begin? {Uen

daz dă consert bighin?} = Cand incepe

Cum raspunzi la intrebari despre

ora in engleza :

Pentru ora exacta din momentul

intrebarii incepi raspunsul cu 'It
is' sau ' It's ' + ora, pentru un raspuns
mai informal poti sa folosesti si
cuvintele de mai jos care indica

It's ...

- exactly {eczactli} = exact
- about {ăbaut} = aproximativ
- almost {olmost} = aproape
- just gone {jast gan} = abia trecut
de ...

 It's exactly twelve o'clock =

Este exact ora 12:00
 It's about half past seven =
Este aproximativ 7:30
 It's almost one o'clock = Este
aproape 1:00
 It's just gone six o'clock =
Abia trecut de 6:00

Atunci cand intrebarea despre ora se

refera la cand o sa se intample un
eveniment anume raspunsul trebuie sa
contina prepozitia 'at' precum in
exemplu urmatoar:

Q: When does the bus arrive? = Cand

ajunge autobuzul?
A: The bus arrives at 10 o'clock. =
Autobuzul ajunge la ora 10.

Atunci cand intrebarea despre ora se

refera la durata de timp pana se
intampla un eveniment raspunsul
trebuie sa contina
prepozitia 'in' precum in exemplu

Q: When will you be ready? = Cand o

sa fii gata?
A: I will be ready in an hour. = O sa
fiu gata intr-o ora.

Este bine de stiut faptul ca in tarile

vorbitoare de limba engleza se folosesc
in mod obisnuit 12 ore insotite de a.m.
(Ante Meridiem) si p.m. (Post
Meridian), 24 de ore se folosesc doar in
armata, politie, indicarea programelor
de zbor si pentru programe de

morning {mornin} = dimineata ( intre

orele 00:01 - 11:59 perioada in care
daca vrei sa fii mai precis folosesti
 It's seven a.m.  = Este 07:00
 It's seven o'clock in the
morning = Este ora sapte dimineata.
noon / midday {nuun / mid.dei} =
amiaza / miezul zilei ( se foloseste doar
pentru ora 12:00)

- intre ora 12:01 - 24:00 folosesti p.m.

T refers the Ps to ex.4 p.26 for
practicing telling time, Ps have to
watch at the clocks and tell the time.
After Ps have to look at the timetable Guided speaking
(ex.2 p.26) again and say when each Book
lesson begin and ends.
T: directs Ps to the ex.6 p.27 Ps have to Questions and
read the dialogue and say about the answers
boy’s favourite subjects.

Tasks Ps to remind the rule about The

adjective Comparison and after T refers
the Ps to ex.7 p.27
Ps have to write the correct form of the
adjectives. Fill-in exercise

T refers Ps to ex.8 p.27 Ps have to use

the adjectives in the right form and
agree or disagree to the done sentences.
Sharing opinions
T asks the Ps to speak about their
school subjects ex. 9 p.27. Board

Reflection:T introduces the other ways

of the adjective comparisons as:
more/less, the most/the least, as…as, Explanation
not as…as.
T refers the Ps to ex.10 p.27 Ps have to
compare the schools in Moldova and in
England. Sentences
Feedback. T: ‘What did we do today? Exercise book building
What did you like most?
Homework. the rule- comparison of the
4 2.1 LESSON 19 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.1 A letter from England are you? What was the topic of the
4.5, 4.7 previous lesson? What did we do?
Preposutions of time What was your home task? Was it Discussion
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it? Board Whole class
T shows the Ps an envelope asking working
them to tell what it is and where it is
Ps: ’It’s a letter from England’.
T:’Great! Let’s imagine that we are
Englanders and we know neither
Russian, nor Romanian. We’ll have to Sharing opinions
write a letter to our friend. But the
letter is not usual/ ordinary. It is written Questions and
in a long line consisting only of answers
English words that come to your mind.
For this activity I give you 2 min.
Start.’ Game
Ps write a free writing letter then
exchange their copybooks with the
desk mates and read the letters.
Meaning realization: T: ‘Tell me,
please what did we do? Where was it Frontal
from? Bravo! You guessed the topic of questioning
our lesson! Open your books on p.28
ex.1. Let’s answer the questions.
Ps read and answer the questions.

T asks the Ps to copy the new words Guided translation

from the word bank p.28 and reading
uniform ['ju:nɪfɔ:rm] униформа
blazer [’bleɪzər] куртка спортивная,
badge [bædʒ]  значок Book
chewing gum [’tʃu:ɪŋ‚gʌm] жеват.
break [breɪk] перемена
hand in [hænd ɪn] вручать
to tie [taɪ] завязать
on time  [ɔn taɪm] вовремя
T pronounces the words clearly, the Ps
repeat the words, spell and pronounce
them once again.
T:’ Considering the topic of our lesson Brainstorming
and the vocabulary can you tell me Sharing opinions
what type of text will we read? Will it
be a legend? Will it be a dialogue?’ Ps:
’A letter’. T :’Good for you! And what Discussion
about the content, will the letter be
about animals or trees?’ Ps: It will be
about school, because there are words
‘break, uniform and blazer’ in the
words bank.’

T refers the Ps to ex.2p.28 asking the

Ps to listen to the text and clap their
hands every time they hear one of the Reading
new words.
T asks the Ps to read the text by-

T asks the Ps the following questions:

1)Do you like the text?
2)Is your timetable the same? Questions and
3)What would you like to change in answers
our school?
4)Don’t be late…-what is it?
Reflection: T hands out the worksheets
with the structure of a letter asking the
Ps to tell whether the letter from
ex.2p.28 is written correct.
Checking homework: Ps present their
timetables telling when the lessons start Worksheets
and end. Ps write a short letter Explanation
following the structure lesson.
Homework. Assessment. Feedback.
Ex.2p.28, Word Bank p.28
T: ‘What did we do today? What was
difficult? What did you like most?
5 1.6, 1.9 LESSON 20 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.2, 3.4 Present Progressive are you? What was the topic of the Discussion
previous lesson? What did we do?
What was your home task? Was it
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it?
T:’Today we continue the topic we Board
started during the previous lesson. On Fill-in exercises
the board you can see the words you’ve
learned at home. Your task is to fill in
the missing letters, to pronounce and
translate the words. Are you ready?
Who knows the first word?’
u_ifo_m, _n tim_, t_ t_ e, Book
b_a_er, _ad_g_, h_n_ in ,
che_ _ing g_m, b_ea_
Ps fill in the missing letters,
pronounce and translate the words.
Meaning realization: T: ‘Today, now, Explanation
right now I am speaking, you are
listening, we are having a lesson of
English language.- Tell me ,please,
when does the action take
place(yesterday, tomorrow, last
November or right now)?
Ps tell that the action takes place right The Present
now. Progressive Tense
T:writes the sentences on the board: I
am speaking, you are listening, we are
having a lesson of English language- Exercise book
asking the Ps to define the rules of
formation of the Present Progressive.
Ps : smb/smth+ to be(am, is, are)+

T asks the Ps to copy the Grammar

guide in their copybooks.
Checking homework. Board Guided writing
Ps read and
translate the text (p.28

T refers the Ps to Remember Box p.29

telling: ‘We use the preposition: Remembering
 ‘on’ with days of week( example:
on Monday, on Tuesday, on Book
Wednesday, on Thursday, on Whole class
Friday, etc.); working
 ‘in’ with months and seasons(
example: in August, in
September, in October, in
November, in winter, in summer
 ‘at’ when telling the time
(example: at 5 o’clock, at a
quarter past ten, at half past six,
at five to eleven);
Ps copy the rule s in the copybooks
Reflection :T refers the Ps to ex.6p.29 Book Frontal
Ps do the exercise on the board. questioning
Feedback. Ex.5p.29(write)
T: ‘What did we do today? What was
difficult? What did you like most?
Homework. Assessment.
6 2.8 LESSON 21 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.2, 3.6 In the classroom are you? What was the topic of the
4.1 previous lesson? What did we do?
What was your home task? Was it Conversation
difficult? How much time you’ve spent Board
doing it? Checking homework ex.6
T directs Ps to the Pronunciation Guide
p. 30and says that today Ps have to
learn the reading of the following silent Guided
letters as “k” “l” “h” “w” “c” “gh” pronunciation /
Ps have to listen T’s reading and after chorally and
repeat chorally and individually. T individually
directs Ps’ attention to the words’
transcription, Ps have to read
transcription and spell the word. Book
T refers Ps to the discussion questions Questions and
ex.1 p.30. Ps have to speak about their answers
Meaning realization: T asks Ps to
read in silent the text from ex.2 p.30 Silent reading
and select the description of Mike and And speaking
Dan’s classroom and say why Mike
must work harder. Exercise book
T refers the Ps to ex.4 p.30 Ps have to
substitute the underlined words and Substitution of the
make up similar dialogues. words
In ex.5 p.31 Ps continue to practice
polite speech formula’s
T refers the Ps to ex.6 p.31 Ps have to
answer the questions which are
connected with their school life. Frontal
1. Are you attentive at the lessons? questioning
2. Do you do your homework? Board
3. Do you like doing your homework? Whole class
4. Do you enjoy reading? working
5. Do you use a dictionary when you
don’t know a word?
6. Do you write new words in your
vocabulary book?
T refers the Ps to ex.7 p.31. The Ps
have to fill in the sentences with the Book Fill-in exercise
correct form of the verb in the present
progressive tense.
Reflection: T refers the Ps to ex.8
p.31. The Ps have to look at the picture Describing the
and say what each people does. picture
Example: Meg is writing a letter now. Exercise book
Homework. Assessment. Feedback.
Ex.9 p.31,
T: ‘What did we do today? What was
difficult? What did you like most?
7 1.2, 1.4 LESSON 22 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.1, 3.4, 3.7 After classes are you? What was the topic of the Conversation
previous lesson? What did we do?
What was your home task? Was it
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it?
T: ‘Did you know that according to
Oxford English Dictionary the longest Board
word in the English language is:
‘pneumonoutramicroscopoc- Opinion sharing
silicovolcanoconiosis’ (disease of the
lungs)=45 letters!’
Ps read the word and share their
Checking homework: Ps tell about their Sentences
classroom and translate the new words building
from the Word on p.33 and make up
sentences using them.
anorak [ ‘ænəræk ] hanorac
camping [‘kæmpɪŋ] camping
CD [‚si:’di:] disc
community /kəˈmjuːnəti/ comunitate
text-message - mesaj Book
Ps pronounce and translate the new Guided
words and the sentences they made up. pronunciation and
T refers the Ps to ex.1 p.32.
Ps read and answer the questions.
Meaning realization: T asks the Ps to Exercise book
do ex.2p.32 at the board. Ps draw the
following spidergrams:
in class after classes

Ps do the ex. First on the board then in
Pre-reading: Ps describe the picture description
on p.33.
Reading: Ps read the text in turn-
taking way and clap their hands every Guided reading
time they hear one of the new words
and the words starting with letter ‘c’. Discussion
Post-reading: Ps do ex.7p.33(orally) Whole class
Reflection: Feedback T: ‘What did we working
do today? What was difficult? What
did you like most? See you later, good-
bye!’. Assessment. Homework. Explanation
Ex.6p.33 (retell-’10, read and translate
=’8’) Word bank p.33
8 1.2, 1.4 LESSON 23 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
3.1, 3.4, 3.7 Friendly classmates are you? What was the topic of the
previous lesson? What did we do? Discussion
What was your home task? Was it
difficult? How much time you’ve spent
doing it?
Checking homework ex.9 p.33 Board
T directs Ps to the Pronunciation Guide Guided
p. 34 and says that today Ps have to pronunciation/
learn the words that sound the same, Ps chorally and
have to listen T’s reading and after individually
repeat chorally and individually. T
directs Ps’ attention to the ex. from
Pronunciation Guide Ps have to do

T refers Ps to the discussion questions

ex.1 p.34. Ps have to speak about their Questions and
classmates. answers
How should classmates be? Why?
What kind of classmate are you? Whole class
Meaning realization: T refers Ps to working
the Word Bank and asks Ps to copy
them in their Vocabularies. Ps do the Guided writing
Generous  /ˈdʒenərəs/ - generos Book
Sociable /ˈsəʊʃəbl/ - sociabil
Bored  /bɔːd/ - plictisitor
Imaginative  /ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/ -
Smart  /smɑːt/ - destept
Rude  /ruːd/- grosolan
Talkative  /ˈtɔːkətɪv/- vorbaret
Boast /bəʊst/- a se lauda
Trick /trɪk/- pozna, seretic
Record-book /ˈrekɔːd/ /bʊk/- agenda
However  /haʊˈevər/ - si, totusi
T reads the words Ps have to listen and
repeat after T. T asks Ps to make up
sentences with the new learned words.

T asks Ps to read in silent the Victor’s Exercise book

classmates characteristics ex.2 p.34 and
select the words that describes Victor’s
classmates, and after T asks Ps one Sentences
more time to look through the exercise building
and close the books, T reads the
description of Victor class mates and
Ps have to guess who is who ex.3 p.34.

T refers the Ps to ex.4 p.35 Ps have to Description of the

find pairs of synonyms. T asks Ps to person
make the exercise individual and after
share their opinions with the class. Book

True – telling the truth

Bored – tired and uninterested Individual work
Rude – not polite
Talkative – like to talk a lot
Honest – real

In ex.5 p.35 T has prepared cards with

names, Ps have to choose the card and
make a description of the person, Ps
have to guess who is he/she.

T refers the Ps to ex.7 p.35. The Ps

have to look at the picture in ex.6 p.35
and fill in the sentences with the right Cards Making a
form of the verb. description

Reflection: T refers the Ps to ex.8

p.31. The Ps have to be very attentive
and fill in with the right form of the
verb The present simple tense /The
present progressive tense. Fill-in exercises

Feedback. T: ‘What did we do today?

What was difficult? What did you like Book
Homework. Ex.9 p.35 Ps have to write Exercise book
5 sentences about one of their
classmates Board
Assessment. Sharing opinions


9 2.8 LESSON 24 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How

3.2, 3.6 Best friends are you? What was the topic of the
4.1 previous lesson? What did we do?
Special questions What was your home task? Was it
Educational project difficult? How much time you’ve spent
„Difrent but equal” doing it?
T: ‘Imagine that your best friend was Discussion
hurt by an elder person: Board
1)How would you proceed?
2)Would proceed the same way if your
friend was guilty?
3)How do you think best friends should
combine each other (a quiet person
and an’engeen’)?
4)Do you like the proverb: ‘Tell me
who’s your friend and I’ll tell you Sharing opinions
who you are’? Why?
Ps answer the questions.
T refers the Ps to ex.2p.36. Book
Ps pick out the adjectives using which
people can describe a good friend and Description
make up a spidergram.
Meaning realization: T refers the Ps
to vocabulary.
Ps translate the new words.
delight [də’laɪt] восхищение
collection [kə’lekʃən] коллекция
to give names- давать клички Board
pond [pɒnd]пруд
dream [dri:m]мечта
shining [’ʃaɪnɪŋ]блестящий Exercise book
reliable [rɪ’laɪəbəl]надежный
close [kləʋs]закрытый, близкий
Checking homework. Ps read the poem The poem
‘Friend’ by-heart.
T asks the Ps to make up sentences
using the new words orally.
Pre-reading: T refers the Ps to the Sentences
picture on p.36.Ps describe the picture Book building
and foretell the content of the text.
Reading: Ps read the text in chain. The Chain reading
same sentence may be read for several
times by different pupils.
Post-reading: Ps answer the T’s
questions. Questions and
T introduces the following quote: ’
Friendship is a single soul
dwelling[dwel]обитать, жить,
in two bodies, Aristotle’
Ps copy the quote, translate and
comment on it.

T asks the Ps to fill in the missing

Fill-in exercise
p_nd, co_ _ec_ion, re_ia_le,
dr_ _m,
d_li_ht, cl_s_, s_ining
Ps come to the board, fill in the missing
letters, pronounce and translate the
Introducing Educational Project: the
T explains what and how the Ps have to
realize the project:
1- to bring a photo or drawing a picture
of Ps best friend.
2- to make/and orally present a
Sheet of papers
description of Ps best friend using
adjectives and their grades of
comparisons and be attentive to time
3- to give 1 -2 arguments to prove and
make the teacher and classmates
believe that your friend is the best.
T refers the Ps to Grammar Guide
T: ‘How would you translate the
following words: what, where, when,
Ps write down the translation of the
Guided writing
given words.
T;’ What do we use after them?’
Ps: ‘We use do/does.’
T: ‘When do we use them? What for?’
Ps: ‘To make up questions’.

T asks the Ps to write down formation

of the questions: Exercise book
Wh +do/does+☺+V?
Example: Where do you live?
Ps write down the scheme and make up
2-3 questions. Book

Reflection: T refers the Ps to ex7p.37.

Ps do it on the board/in copy-books.
Checking homework:ex.3p.36+ Word
bank p.36. Those who presented their
homework do ex.4p.37.
Checking ex.4p.37
Homework. Assessment. Feedback.
Ex.9p.37(write) T: ‘What did we do explanation
today? What was difficult? What did
you like most?
10 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 LESSON 25 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
2.7 The fire that almost are you? What was the topic of the Checking
3.1, 3.2, 3.8
happened previous lesson? What did we do? homework
What was your home task? Was it
difficult? How much time you’ve spent Whole class
doing it? working
Realization of the meaning: T asks Ps
sit around in such a way that all Ps can Description
hear and see the T. T directs Ps to the Prediction
picture in the book p.38 and describe
what they see. Ps have to make a
description. Guided reading,
T introduces new words p.38 spelling and
T asks Ps to listen the story with their Board pronunciation
books closed, after the first reading T
asks leading questions to help Ps Exercise book
understanding the text. When Ps have Whole class
to read the text. ex.2 p.38 working
T refers Ps to ex.3 p.39 Ps have to
correct falls one and support their True false
answers with the sentences from the exercise
text and ex.4 p.39 Ps have to put the
sentences in the right chronological Arrange the
order, Ps have to make it in pairs. T Board sentences
asks question by question, T
encourages Ps to take part in the
discussion and support their opinions. Opinion sharing
Ex.6 p.39 Is a vocabulary exercise Book
where Ps have to choose the correct Discussion
one for completing the sentences
Reflection: Ex.5 p.39 T with Ps Matching
practicing Wh –questions.
Exercise book
T: ‘What did we do today? What was
Questions and
difficult? What did you like the most? answers
T refers Ps to ex.7 p.39 Ps have to fill –
in the sentences using remember box.
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:
11 1.11 LESSON 26 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
2.8 Round up are you? What was the topic of the
3.1, 3.7
previous lesson? What did we do?
Realization of the meaning: T points Expressing
Ps attention on ex.1. p.40 T asks Ps to Board fillings
read and say how the Ps feel in the
situations. The adjectives from the box Frontal
will help them express the fillings. questioning
T and Ps do the ex.2 p.40 in pairs. To
write Victor’s timetable using the Pair work
objects from the exercise and find
similarities and differences.
T refers Ps to ex.3. p.40 In this exercise Board Role-playing
Ps have to make up dialogues and role Chain work
play them.
T refers Ps to ex.4 p.41 T gives time Ps Discussions
for doing the exercise in silent and after
whole class checks the exercise by
sharing opinions
Reflection: In ex.5 the Ps have to read Matching
the sentences and matching them with
Exercise book
the right person.
Ex.6 p.41 the Ps have to read the texts
and find the differences and express Opinion sharing
their opinion on the question from the
Feedback: T: ‘What did we do today? Explanation
What was difficult? What did you like
the most? Ps have to remind one more
time all the rules.
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:

12 LESSON 27 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How

Summative test are you? What was the topic of the
previous lesson? What did we do?
What was your home task? Was it
Realization of the meaning: T
explains the construction of the test
paper and its exercises:
ex. 1 Ps have to write the questions to
the given sentences.
Sheet o papers Written test
Ex.2 Ps have to use the correct form
of the verb in the Simple Present Tense
Exercise book
or in the Present Progressive.
Ex.3 Ps have to make the comparison
and write the sentences.
Ex.4 Ps have to fill in with the correct
preposition of place at, on, after, in, to.
Ex.5 Ps have to write 5 sentences about
their best friend.
13 LESSON 28 Evocation: Greeting.
Test analysis Realization of the meaning: Do the
exercises that made the difficult for the Sheet of papers Discussion
pupils on the test. Explain again the Exercise book Error correction
rules. Board Explanation
Reflection: to ask the pupils
comprehension questions for checking
Extension: Give assessment to the
pupils. Homework:
14 1.11 LESSON 29 Evocation: Greeting. T: Hello! How
2.3, 2.7 Project presentation are you? today we’ll present projects.
Was it difficult?
Meaning realization: the T explains
what and how the Ps will presents the Oral presentation
projects and the scale by which the
work will be evaluated:
1- to bring a photo or drawing a picture
of Ps best friend.
2- to make/and orally present a
description of Ps best friend using
adjectives and their grades of
comparisons and be attentive to time
3- to give 1 -2 arguments to prove and
make the teacher and classmates
believe that your friend is the best.
Reflection: some error corrections.
Extension: Give assessment to the

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