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Maundy Thursday Video


Good Evening—and good evening to everyone online.

We are gathered here tonight to celebrate Maundy Thursday. I

can tell you that I grew up in the Evangelical Free Church—never
do I remember hearing or celebrating “maundy Thursday”
through my youth—through my college years and really until I
started attending Journey Church about 20 years ago.

So, I may not have heard the words Maundy much—but I did
know—and celebrate lots of the parts of it—the last supper—the
washing of feet. So, tonight, I thought we’d take a couple minutes
to do a deeper dive into exactly what Maundy Thursday is—what
it isn’t and take a moment to understand the lesson of what we
can learn from this very holy day.

Over the course of the last year, we have heard the word
“mandate” over and over again…..Government Mandates…mask
mandate, social distancing and more.

Our human and sinful instinct when we hear the word mandate—
in many cases—is to bristle and fight back. I mean, it takes away
our rights…takes our control away and commands us to things.

So, as we sit here during the easter celebration—and particularly

Maundy Thursday, we learn about salvation, Christ death and
more…sometimes what gets lost is the fact that this holy week of
easter actually begins with Christ giving us a commandment that
permeates the entire gospel. That in this week where he is going
to be crucified—the message and example that he gives his
disciples is a commandment for believers. The entirety of
Maundy Thursday is a night that sums up the Gospel and the
entire meaning of easter in one statement and one example


So, we are here in what is sometimes called “Holy Week” In

Christian denominational Circles-there are really four events
celebrated to some extent or another

Lent— which starts with Ash Wednesday and is a 40-day period

of supposed fasting. We do not necessarily celebrate Lent in the
Southern Baptist Convention as there is really no scriptural basis
for it. This celebration was really started by the Catholics. It
starts with Ash Wednesday and lasts for the 40 days…. Again, no
scriptural basis—
Good Friday—Remembrance of Jesus Death on the Cross
Easter-Remembrance of Jesus Resurrection

Maundy Thursday Events Slide

But what about Maundy Thursday-- Most people think of it as

the remembrance of the last Supper—and that is true—but as
you dive deeper into the meaning of the last supper and —the
purpose we gather today is to celebrate the last commandment
that Jesus gave before his death. Jesus used the event of the last
supper to bring his disciples together—and to tie up all that he
had taught them in one nice bow. Kind of like the day before a
test in school when the teacher looks back at all that has been
taught and ties it together in a review—then goes further to
explain and show how everything you have been taught works
together for a purpose of passing the test.

At Maundy Thursday-Christ uses the last supper to give the

greatest new commandment and uses the supper and the events
of the evening to put that commandment into context and

This is one of the things Jesus is so awesome at doing—giving a

lesson and then demonstrating that lesson either visually or in a

So, as we move ahead tonight—it is good to review—what

historically actually happened on Maundy

Maundy Thursday has a history in the church as well

Show slide of Church Celebrations

--Here is how other sects celebrate Maundy Thursday. Since the
early church the day has been observed. But it also has a
tendency to be lost—the day has always included communion
and has included washing of feet—but communion is also
celebrated numerous times during the course of the year—so
sometimes the significance of it gets lost on the that Jesus
commanded it—Maundy Thursday.
So—what is a Maundy (no it is not a mamas and papas song) …
and what do I believe is the lesson Christ was teaching this last
night with his disciples before his death? Well, let’s look at the
definition—and what I believe is the key verse to the entire

Maundy Thursday defined slide

So—look at the origin of the word Maundy--- The root is actually

Mandate. Or Command… I think there is a reason that the early
church didn’t come out and call it Last Supper Thursday or
Washing feet Thursday…. I think the name really says it all--- it is
all about the Command—the mandate that Christ gives his
disciples this day—a command that in one sentence sums up
what is expected of believers--- and he not only says the
commandment—he goes further by showing it that night.

You see the command on the screen…. we in the church are so

used to seeing this command. But I think we often miss a very
key point---the whole verse---how often when you are asked---
what is the greatest commandment we answer--------------

But the message of Maundy Thursday is the entire

commandment--------------as I have loved you.

Look at the scripture----it is not two sentences it is one.

-John 13:34
-He also repeats this in John 15:12 when he says  New Living
This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I
have loved you.

So—As we can see—Here—Jesus gives us a command—a

mandate as it were to love one another, just as I have loved you.
This is huge—this is the same commandment that talked about
by Paul and others as the greatest commandment. It is the
commandment that permeates the New Testament…we are
instructed to love---but also it is so important as we mentioned
before that Jesus does much more than just say love---he tells us
how to love (as he loved us) and on Maundy Thursday (and
easter) takes a step further by showing us exactly what that
means give us the commandment

Read Scripture: John 13: (3-5) (12-17) (34-35)

He sums up the entire gospel in one command. Love one another.

So often we glance over that—but take a look at the importance

of this one sentence and the context in which he said it. From this
point on in scripture—all the gospels are summed up in it.

What does Paul say (Scripture)?

So not only does Jesus tell us here what we should do from this
point forward. He also shows us.
It is so easy for us to say—oh—yeah—I love my neighbor—I love
those around me---but Jesus gives us a completely different
example. Jesus shows us how to love like him…. this is the
commandment of easter. Not simply to say “I love my neighbor) I
love you----but Christ says that is not enough—we must love like
him….and what does that mean? He shows it.

Washing dirty feet

Fellowshipped with his disciples
Gave his life for us.

How did Christ love slide

What does this mean

How do we love slide

So, as we go through the weekend—we see that God has given us

a command and example of how to show dirty love…. Do this and
you will truly celebrate Easter

Show video

So, following this commandment—Jesus then turns to his

disciples and reminds them of who he is and why is he here-- It
was supper time. And now—Jesus is going to lay it all out.

This—the second part of Maundy Thursday is also known as the

last supper.
Read scripture Mark 14:22

Jesus is telling his disciples—here we are at Passover. And

remember I am going to die. But—my death is only temporary.

Let’s eat the Passover—and from now on every time you do---
remember this. By the time Passover comes again—I will be
gone. I will have died, risen, ministered and returned to heaven…
so the next time we are together will be after I come again.

Then he goes on to tell us—eat this bread…drink this cup….and

remember this time---when you eat the bread---remember how I
had my body broken for you…. when you drink---remember that
there is now a new covenant---on that is through my blood—this
is how you are reconciled to me.

So, let’s partake---let’s remember the commandment---let’s

remember how our savior died—let’s remember that through his
death and resurrection we are saved---and let’s remember that
we do this---in anticipation of the time that we are to partake
with communion together with our savior.

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