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The Role of the Headgear in Growth

Ram S. Nanda and Tarisai C. Dandajena

A review of the literature reveals that the use of a cervical facebow headgear
can modify growth of the maxilla. Orthopedic forces that may be employed
with headgears not only distalize the molars but may have a restraining
effect on growth at the maxillary sutures. Short-term use of the headgear
may not produce a sustained growth modification. There is also the
“catch-up effect ” once the headgear has been discontinued. Our research
has shown that the negative effects attributed to the cervical headgear, such
as the downward tipping of the palatal, occlusal, and mandibular planes that
may increase the facial convexity and lower anterior facial height, may be
avoided or attenuated if the outer facebow is adjusted alternately up and
down in relation to the occlusal plane during the treatment. In the treatment
of Class II malocclusions, the use of cervical pull headgear deserves special
consideration because when used appropriately, it is a reliable method of
molar distalization and restraining of maxillary growth without collateral
negative effects. However, patient cooperation is an important issue that
requires both patient motivation and parental involvement. (Semin Orthod
2006;12:25-33.) © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

lass II Division 1 (Class II-1) presents as one II correction since the 19th century.1,2 Its use
C of the most common skeletal or dental de-
formities that the orthodontist is routinely chal-
was briefly abandoned in the early 20th century
with the introduction of intermaxillary elastics.
lenged to manage. While the dental Class II This was not because the headgear was ineffec-
malocclusion can be effectively treated with ex- tive, but was considered an unnecessary com-
tractions, correction of the skeletal Class II de- plexity.
formity may require other approaches that in- The introduction of cephalometrics to orth-
clude orthopedic restraint of maxillary growth odontics has helped clinicians to evaluate the re-
and enhancement of mandibular growth in ad- sults achieved from headgear usage effectively.3,4
olescent patients and orthognathic surgery in Such comprehensive documentation using cepha-
adults. lometric data started to appear in the 1940s.5 Dr.
Orthopedic restraint of maxillary growth can Silas Kloehn was one of the early advocates when
be achieved by extraoral traction using facebow he demonstrated successful results from cervical
headgear. The headgear has been used for Class headgear use.6 Since then, a variety of headgear
applications have been recommended to treat
different malocclusions.
From the Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, and Some questions have been raised concerning
Department of Cell Biology, College of Medicine, University of Okla-
the effectiveness of the headgear and these in-
homa Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK.
Address correspondence to Ram S. Nanda, DDS, MS, PhD, clude type of movement achieved and how the
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, College of Dentistry, headgear affects craniofacial sutures, possibility
Department of Orthodontics, PO Box 26901, Oklahoma City, OK of catch-up growth on removal of the restraining
73190. Phone: 405-271-6087; Fax: 405-271-1128; E-mail: ram- force, and stability of the skeletal component
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
and that of the retracted molars. Another impor-
1073-8746/⫺2000/1201-0$30.00/0 tant question that has been asked is how ortho-
doi:10.1053/j.sodo.2005.10.006 pedic force to the maxilla may affect mandibular

Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 12, No 1 (March), 2006: pp 25-33 25

26 Nanda and Dandajena

growth. These questions are to be addressed in that has not been discussed extensively is impor-
the discussion that follows. tant because A-point is a dentoalveolar landmark
and can be affected by dental movements.13-15 It
is not a true reflection of absolute maxillary
Skeletal Changes and Evaluation of
position. It is the authors’ opinion that ANS
Orthopedic Changes
would be a more reliable landmark for measure-
While it is accepted that distal movement of ment of maxillary length. Location of ANS can
maxillary molars can be achieved by use of the be difficult, however, and one requires good
headgear, it is also true that the maxillary tuber- cephalograms to accurately visualize that ana-
osity is appositional during growth. Maxillary tomic landmark.
growth is described as downward and forward.7 The palatal plane is a reliable reference plane
The anterior aspect of the maxilla is resorptive since its inclination to the cranial base changes
and the posterior is appositional, and it is the very little during growth.16,17 It has been ob-
growth from the posterior portion that in part served that the palatal plane tips down to a more
results in the downward and forward growth. horizontal position during use of the head-
Looking at this growth prospective, the follow- gear.18-20 This is due to its clockwise rotation,
ing questions may be asked: When forces are which culminates from ANS moving down as
applied through the molars, are these teeth well as distal.21 That movement is an orthopedic
moved distal or are they held at the same posi- effect achieved through use of the headgear
tion during growth? Which components of the since similar change has not been observed in
maxillofacial complex are most affected by head- children without Class II deformity. Also, chil-
gear use? dren with Class II malocclusion who have not
Due to the difficulty associated with making received headgear treatment do not show such
ultimate determinations in living beings, holo- change.11
graphic and finite element studies have been Reduction in ANS is not localized to that
conducted to elucidate if the forces applied anatomic location but is also a result of remod-
through the maxillary first molars are transmit- eling at the pterygomaxillary (PTM) suture.22
ted to the rest of the maxillofacial complex.8 Remodeling of the suture has been documented
Also, animal studies on monkeys have been con- by the observed distal movement of PTM in
ducted to determine headgear effects to the treated cases. The sphenoid bone is also affected
maxilla.9,10 The holographic, finite element and with resultant clockwise rotation. Similar phe-
animal studies have shown that the forces ap- nomena have not been observed in untreated
plied through the maxillary molars can be ab- patients.
sorbed by the different sutural articulations of The bony changes provide testimony to the
the maxilla, temporal, zygomatic, and sphenoid presumption that the movement of the molars
bones. These forces are distributed as vertical cannot alone account for the Class II correc-
and horizontal stresses. The vertical forces result tion.22 One can conclude from these observa-
in shear stress and the horizontal forces are tions that the forces applied to the maxillary
absorbed as normal forces.8 molars are not limited to movement of the max-
The SNA angle presents an easy way to eval- illary teeth alone, but to the whole maxillofacial
uate the position of the maxilla and sella-nasion complex. Suffice to say that for such a result to
length (SN) is a measure of anterior cranial base be achieved, the headgear has to be used con-
length. Studies conducted during maximum sistently and for long periods of time.
growth periods have shown an increase in cra-
nial base length (SN length) during treatment
Headgear Types
and a reduction in SNA angle during use of the
headgear.11,12 However, there is limited discus- The facebow headgear can be designed in one
sion as to how this reduction occurs: either as a of three ways, dependent on the direction of
result of maxillary restraint, resorption at pull of force: high pull (occipital), straight pull,
A-point due to distal movement of the maxillary or low pull (cervical). The terms occipital and
anterior teeth, or lengthening of the cranial cervical have synonymously been used to mean
base. The effective change in maxillary length high and low pull, respectively. High or low pull
Headgear in Growth Modification 27

may be better terms since these terms describe clusal plane an average of 10 ° to 20° can mini-
the point and direction of application of force mize distal tipping of the maxillary molars.25
with respect to the center of resistance of either The cervical headgear is commonly referred
the molars or the maxilla. to as the “Kloehn type” headgear due to its
The practitioner should use the appropriate association with Dr. Silas Kloehn. Efficacy of the
type of headgear in as far as the direction of method used by Dr. Kloehn was evaluated at the
force is concerned. Knowledge of the centers of University of Oklahoma by using records from
resistance of the maxillary first molars and the his office.18,19 All patients who were evaluated
maxilla can help the orthodontist deliver the were either in the transitional or early perma-
appropriate force. Figure 1 demonstrates the nent dentition before headgear treatment. A
resultant forces and moments that can be common protocol that was followed in all the
achieved from headgear use, dependent on the patients was alternate adjustment of the outer
point of application of force.23,24 bow above or below the occlusal plane every 6 to
The cervical or low-pull headgear is the most 12 weeks. By so doing, there was minimal extru-
commonly used of all three types of headgear. It sion or distal tipping of the maxillary molars.
also is the one that has been studied the most The anterior face height was not affected, but
and is still a subject of study. This type of head- there was a small change in the palatal plane
gear is effective in restraining maxillary growth (1.5°).
as well as distal movement of the maxillary mo- While the low-pull facebow headgear is more
lars. It has the unwanted side effect, however, of effective in achieving maxillary restraint and dis-
molar extrusion and distal tipping of the crown. tal molar movement compared with the high-
That unwanted side effect can be controlled by pull headgear, the high-pull headgear is effec-
alternate adjustment of the outer bow at each tive in controlling the vertical dimension.26,27
subsequent visit.18,19 Investigators have shown The facebow headgear with a high-pull compo-
that bending the outer bow upward of the oc- nent can be used to treat skeletal openbite pa-

Figure 1. Forces and moments generated from the headgear. (A) Force is above center of resistance (CR); the
result is extrusion, mesial moment, and distal movement of the root. (B) Force below CR in upward direction;
the effect is distal crown movement, clockwise moment, and an intrusive effect. (C) Force below CR in downward
direction; the effect is extrusion, distal crown movement, and clockwise moment. (Color version of figure is
available online.)
28 Nanda and Dandajena

tients if they also have a Class II malocclusion served a reduction.32,36 This may be due to dif-
since openbite can be diagnosed as early as 6 ferential positioning of the bow: against or 3 mm
years of age.28 An unwanted side effect from the away from the incisor teeth. Lengthening of the
use of the high-pull facebow headgear is the arch can be due to either distal movement of the
compensatory eruption of the mandibular mo- molars with the incisors remaining static or flar-
lars. The compensatory eruption of the mandib- ing of the maxillary incisors.33-35 Comprehensive
ular molars, however, can be controlled through treatment with fixed appliances, however, will be
concomitant use of the fixed lingual arch.29 A required for intrusion of the anterior segment in
combination of high-pull and low-pull head- deep bite cases and for complete alignment.
gears can yield a force that is a resultant of both Such movements cannot be achieved by the
headgears.23,24 headgear alone.

Arch Width and Arch Length Changes Treatment Timing

with HG Treatment
There are important factors that should be
Class II malocclusion may be accompanied by a taken into consideration when determining time
narrow maxilla that may or may not require of treatment and these include severity of mal-
expansion. “Narrow” in this description does not occlusion, facial morphology (deep or open
refer to the existence of a crossbite. Orthodon- bite), patient compliance, and age of the pa-
tists routinely expand the maxillary arch so as to tient.
improve arch form and “to loosen” the sutures Two types of data have been used to deter-
before engagement of the headgear. Another mine facial types: longitudinal and cross-sec-
reason to expand is the belief that expansion tional. Longitudinal material provides the best
can augment Class II correction. While it is true approximation of individual variability in
that molar derotation aids in the treatment of growth. Such material has been used to under-
Class II malocclusion, the same may not be true stand the development of facial types and mal-
about expansion.30 occlusions. An understanding of the age at
Investigations into the use of the headgear which serious malocclusions or adverse facial
have shown that maxillary expansion can be types can be diagnosed provides an opportunity
achieved by use of the headgear alone without to the dental specialist to handle these cases
use of the expander.31,32 Such expansion can be early.
achieved by active expansion of the inner bow Class II malocclusions can be diagnosed as
and that expansion may not be limited only to early as the primary dentition. Disto-occlusions
the dentoalveolar portion. It extends to the na- never develop into normal Class I but remain
sal cavity and the whole maxilla.31 The dentoal- Class II whereas a flush terminal plane can go
veolar changes include increases in intermolar either way.37 Once established at an early age,
and intercanine widths. Arch width in general Class I occlusion can be maintained irrespective
and length increase and an appreciable reduc- of the different growth velocities of the two jaws.
tion in overjet can be obtained by use of the Kim and coworkers38 have shown that the den-
headgear alone.32 toalveolar complex can compensate for adverse
Figure 2 demonstrates a patient who had a growths of the maxilla and mandible. For exam-
narrow, tapered arch that was treated by head- ple, Class I occlusion was maintained in subjects
gear. The patient used the headgear for a period that had excessive growth of one jaw with respect
of 1 year with no other appliances placed in the to the other. This indicated that it was important
maxillary arch. At the end of treatment, the to establish Class I occlusion early.
maxillary arch was well rounded and the molars The type of treatment can also be determined
were in Class I. by the facial type: long face or short face.
The changes in arch length during headgear Nanda28 has shown that facial morphology can
use should be interpreted with caution since be diagnosed as early as age 6 years. He showed
different investigators have reported conflicting that openbite patients have higher lower face
results. Some investigators have reported little height compared with upper face height while
change in overjet,33-35 while others have ob- the opposite is true for deep-bite patients.
Headgear in Growth Modification 29

Figure 2. A Class II-1 malocclusion treated by headgear. (A) Pretreatment extraoral photographs. (B) Posttreat-
ment extraoral photographs. (C) Pretreatment and posttreatment intraoral photographs. (D) Pre-, progress, and
posttreatment maxillary occlusal photographs. Take note of the change in arch form as the treatment progressed
from pretreatment to finish. (Color version of figure is available online.)
30 Nanda and Dandajena

Knowledge of the facial morphology in a Class II Chronological age may be an easy way to
patient can help determine the type of headgear judge compliance, but skeletal age is the best
to be used. A low-pull headgear may be appro- method to assess skeletal response.12 Appear-
priate in low angle patients but is contraindi- ance and ossification of the sesamoid bone43 is a
cated in openbite cases due to its extrusive ef- positive indicator of the completion of growth.
fects to the maxillary molars. While the pubertal growth spurt of both jaws
Orthopedic effects can be achieved if treat- relates well to that of other long bones, maxillary
ment is delivered at the appropriate age. As growth terminates earlier than that of the man-
such, the young preadolescent patient39,40 may dible.44-46 Maxillary orthopedic treatment, then,
be the best candidate to whom headgear treat- should be initiated early. The best response is
ment should be administered because of two obtained during maximum growth velocity as
important reasons: compliance and the ability to judged by hand-wrist radiographs. This is the
modify growth. The young preadolescent pa- period 4 to 7 as described by Fishman47 using
tient is more compliant compared with the ado- skeletal maturation indicators.
lescent and postadolescent patients, and girls
tend to have better compliance scores compared
with boys.41 Retention After HG Use
SNA is affected more if treatment is started at
an early age with a significant reduction in angle Although there is no question as to the success-
ANB being observed at the younger age com- ful correction of Class II malocclusion by head-
pared with the older age group.42 In a study gear, maintenance of the achieved results is de-
bated. Some investigators have followed their
conducted by Kirjavainen and coworkers,11
patients over 10-year periods and found the
younger patients (7.2 years) responded better
headgear results to be stable.48 On the other
than older patients (12.4 years). They demon-
hand, other investigators have described a
strated a statistically significant reduction in
catch-up period49 in which the observed growth
direction changes to the original but at a much
The noncompliant patient may not get the
faster rate than in untreated individuals. In one
maximum benefit from use of the headgear
such study, Melsen and Dalstra50 reported a
since the amount of maxillary retraction by the
downward and backward rotation of the maxilla
headgear is affected by the duration the head-
during cervical traction, which returned to
gear is used: the longer the time that the appli- downward and forward direction after removal
ance is used, the more effective will the treat- of the headgear.
ment be.39 Treatment time in the study The distal molar movement obtained
conducted by Kirjavainen and coworkers11 was through use of the headgear may be lost on
from 0.9 years to 3.1 years. removal of the restraining force of the headgear.
Caution should be exercised concerning the The observed relapse is limited to the teeth and
length of time that the headgear can be used. not the maxillary complex, however, suggesting
The authors have observed that use of the head- that the skeletal effect is permanent. Other au-
gear for an extended period of time may result thors have reported a mesial drift of the molars
in delayed eruption of the second molars. Figure but not necessarily to a previous position.50 The
3 demonstrates a case that was treated with head- conclusion from these authors50 was that the
gear for a period of 6 years. Treatment was Class II correction was maintained through a
completed when the patient was 13 years of age more pronounced growth in the mandible and
and the second molars had not yet erupted. Out not necessarily from the molar correction. As
of concern, the orthodontist consulted a pediat- such, Melsen and Dalstra50 have questioned the
ric dentist who felt that the second molars would results obtained from headgear use. The refer-
never erupt due to their adverse inclination. A ence sample was treated for 7 months.
follow-up radiograph at 21 years of age showed A clinical study on 8-year-old children con-
that the second molars had erupted. In this case, ducted by Wieslander51 that involved headgear
prolonged use of the headgear resulted in de- use and the Herbst appliance showed relapse in
layed eruption of the second molars. the mandible but stable results in the maxilla.
Headgear in Growth Modification 31

Figure 3. Orthopantomographs of a patient who had Class II-1 malocclusion that was treated with cervical
headgear. (A) Treatment was initiated at age 7 and was completed at age 13. (B) Follow-up radiograph at 16 years
of age indicated that the molars were at fairly the same position and were not erupting. (C) A follow-up
radiograph at 21 years of age showed that the second molars had eventually erupted.
32 Nanda and Dandajena

Again, this indicated that orthopedic effects and over a long period of time. A 6-month
from headgear could be maintained. period can be considered to be the mini-
Wheeler and coworkers41 showed more re- mum.
lapse in patients treated with headgear com- 4. If used in the early transitional dentition, it is
pared with activator. They also showed that half- advisable to use the headgear to retain the
cusp Class II relationships are more likely to achieved result till the rest of the permanent
self-correct compared with full-cusp relation- teeth erupt.
ships. Both headgear and activator can effec- 5. Alternatively, treatment can be initiated dur-
tively correct Class II malocclusion,52 but the ing the late transitional dentition and during
common problem in both cases is retention. the maximum skeletal growth spurt. The
Without retention, treatment achieved may be maximum skeletal growth spurt can be veri-
lost, and as previously mentioned, that loss is fied by means of the hand and wrist x-ray.
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ments.41,52 The skeletal changes can be consid- References
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