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Convoy of hope treatment

In my convoy of hope episodes, I would be exploring the effects and trauma of war on people. The
episode will show how different people would react seeing the damages and loss of life due to the
conflict. This will be shown through some of the locals that are receiving the aid, and through some
of the characters that are on the convoy, who have come to help and give the aid.

The main genre will be a drama, as the main theme is trying to show the effects of war, a drama
would be the best genre to show this, as a drama is intended of being more serious than humorous.
There would also be elements of romance in it, as the two main characters are dating each other.

For the episodes, there are two many characters, called Jack and Sophie. These two characters have
been dating for 3 years, and decided to go to Croatia and help with the convoy of hope.

Jack: Jack is my character that I created with my character profile. Jack is 22 years old, and he knows
how to drive, and is quite physically strong, which makes him useful for driving one of the trucks,
and unloading the trucks. He works as a fitness instructor, after completing a physical education
course in college, where he achieved a distinction. Jack works well in stressful situations and gets
along well with strangers. He also had a mild smoking addiction, but now only smokes when he is
extremely stressed. He lives in a flat, with his girlfriend, Sophie.

Sophie: Sophie is 21 years old. She works for a local newspaper as a photographer, which she has
had a passion about since she was a little girl. She has travelled around the UK, being a photographer
and showing off her work. When Jack told her about what he was going to do in Croatia, she decided
to come along, to help, as well as photograph of what is going on as well as write about what she
experiences, which would go in the newspaper company she works for, hoping to boost her career.
She took photograph in 6 form, while also learning French, which she is almost fluent in.

Episode idea
In the episode, it starts of just outside of Croatia, in the truck, Jack is driving, while Sophie is in the
passenger seat, setting up her camera. Jack briefly explains what they will be doing in Croatia, over
the next 3 days, while Sophie is showing her excitement and optimism about what they will be
doing. Soon after, they arrive at the Croatian border, and Jack and Sophie get out of the truck, where
it is revealed the true size of the convoy they are a part of. Shortly after, they enter Croatia, and at
first, there is little evidence that this country has been at war, but after a while, the evidence of the
war begins to appear. Bullet holes cover the sides of building, whilst massive holes in walls are
visible, where a mortar has struck the side of it, Sophie takes pictures from inside the truck, whilst
Jack tries to stay focused on the road. After a while, they reach a town, where they stop to hand out
some supplies. Children run out to great the people helping them, Sophie begins taking pictures of
the surrounding area, whilst Jack and the other members of the convoy begin unloading supplies out
of the truck. After emptying some of the truck, Jack goes for a quick walk, exploring a little bit of the
town, where he comes across some abandoned weapons. Jack calls Sophie over, who is playing with
some children, and when Sophie sees the weapons, she takes a picture, showing how close children
are to the weapons for her newspaper. As they are walking back to the truck, the pair get
interrupted by an elderly lady, who is talking hysterically, while grabbing Sophies face, and hugging
her and not letting go. Neither Jack or Sophie knows what the lady is saying, so Jack goes to find a
translator while Sophie tries to calm down and comfort the lady. Jack returns with a translator, who
after listening to the old lady, informs Jack and Sophie that Sophie looked like her granddaughter
who she hasn’t heard from in 2 years. The old lady finally let’s go of Sophie, and is comforted by Jack
and some other volunteers. Jack quickly realises that Sophie is gone, so who goes to look for her,
where she finds her crying, shaken up by the experience she has just had. Jack comforts her, whilst
also looking at all the other Croatian people who have been affected by the war. Soon after they get
back into the trucks, and head of to the next town, waving goodbye to the people in the town. Once
again, Jack focuses on the road, however Sophie is silent, seeming as if all the excitement and
optimism she had at the start of the episode has left her.

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