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The effect of globalization in cross-cultural communication is can’t be denied for

the reason that through this process the conveyed message whether it's non-verbal (sign
language, body gestures, facial expressions) or verbal can be interpreted and comprehended by
the receiver without any misunderstanding because they already know their limits. For this
reason, people of different nationalities are more likely to express their feelings and ideas about a
certain issue without trampling someone's beliefs and culture. These can be obtained by using the
eminent language, English. Through speaking and learning English language the development of
a country will be attain rapidly or little by little because, it depends on how frequent they use this
language as a medium of communication.

There are several components that makes the English language indispensable in
the development of a particular place or country. First, English is used in the field of education.
Educators used it in explaining lessons specifically in the field of sciences and mathematics. By
learning the English language, a country can be globally competitive, other nation will hire them,
economic rates will increase. On the other hand, English is one of the medium used in the world
of business. If the constituents of a country do not know how to speak English fluently and
clearly, big companies situated in a first class country will never hire someone who is English
illiterate. By this, his origin country's goal to develop will never be achieved.
In addition, English takes a very crucial part in the media. Predominantly of the
websites are written and created in English. Being said that, sites from various countries allow
you to have an option to translate it in their language or in English. Also, English serves as the
primary language of the press: more newspapers and magazines are produce in this language and
it can be accessible worldwide. Moreover, researchers use the universal language in order for
other nationalities to apprehend what is being written there, because of this, an English literate
can be well-known globally.
English has also two varieties, American English and British English. These two
has six major differences. First, vocabulary. For example, the area where we can leave our
vehicles in a certain place if we have errands to do, car park in British English while parking lot
in American English. Second, collective noun which denotes a group of person or objects. For
instance, the collective noun crew which refers to group of persons involved in a certain job. An
American would say, "The crew is doing their jobs well" while a British person says, "The crew
is doing their jobs well" or "The crew are doing their jobs well". Third, auxiliary verbs which is
also known as helping verbs. The former would prefer using "shall" while the latter uses "will".
Next is past tense verb, Americans utilizes "-ed" at the end of a verb while Brits utilizes "t".
Lastly, tag questions and spelling. Brits uses tag questions more often than Americans. In the
spelling part, the Americans spells the word "theatre" and Brits is "theater".

Overall, globalization have a great impact in cross-cultural communication and

the language that must be used in order to attain these impacts is the English language which has
two varieties, American English and British English.

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