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Ex 13-51 Research Equipment Inc.

(REC) is a small manufacturer of precision tools

used to construct research equipment for engineering departments at colleges and universities. It
sells its two main products, REC-1 and REC-2, for $450 and $600, respectively. Due to increas ing demand and shortage of specialized
labor, REC has found it increasingly difficult to meet the
current weekly demand of 100 units of REC-1 and 60 units of REC-2. The following flow dia gram shows the manufacturing requirements
for the two products and the three types of materials
required. Material A is used in REC-1 only, Material C is used in REC-2 only, and Material B is
used in both REC-1 and REC-2.
The amount of weekly labor available for the four manufacturing operations follows:
Receiving and testing materials: 6,000 minutes
Machining (for Material A only): 10,000 minutes
Assembly: 5,000 minutes
Finishing: 10,000 minutes

Flow Diagram

Assume that the labor for each operation is specialized and cannot be moved from one activity to another, that all operations except
receiving and testing require a high level of skill, and that REC cannot increase the apacity on these operations in the short run.
Required : What is the best production plan for REC? Why?

Jawaban :
Summary of Data for Research Equipment, Inc

Demand (per week) 100 60
Price $ 450 $ 600
Materials cost $ 210 $ 300

Minutes Required for Each Product Per Unit

Total Minutes
Process REC-1 REC-2 Available Per Week
1: Receiving and testing materials 35 25 6000
2: Machining 80 0 10000
3: Assembly 30 45 5000
4: Finishing 60 mklmmmmm 10000

Langkah 1 : Identifikasi Kendala

Minutes Required
REC-1 REC-2 Total Minutes Minutes Available Slack Minutes
Process 1: Receiving and testing materials 3500 1500 5000 6000 1000
Process 2: Machining 8000 0 8000 10000 2000
Process 3: Assembly 3000 2700 5700 5000 -700
Process 4: Finishing 6000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 10000

Langkah 2 Bagian 1 : Identifikasi Produk Paling Menguntungkan = REC-1

Price $ 450 $ 600
Material cost $ 210 $ 300
Throughput margin $ 240 $ 300
Constraint time (process 3) 30 45
Throughput margin per minutes $ 8,00 $ 6,67

Langkah 2 Bagian 2 : Identifikasi Komposisi Produk Paling Menguntungkan

Permintaan 100 60
Komposisi produk yang optimal 100 44
Permintaan yang tidak bisa terpenuhi - 16

Karena produk paling menguntungkan REC-1 maka seluruh permintaan untuk REC-1 dibuat terlebih dahulu. Kemudian untuk REC-2 dihitung
dengan cara
Pembuatan produk REC-1: 100 x 30 menit = 3000 menit
Menit tersedia pada proses 3: 5000-3000= 2000 menit
Sehingga sisanya untuk pembuatan REC-2 yaitu 2000 menit:45 menit = 44 unit (pembulatan)

Dengan kondisi tenaga kerja untuk setiap operasi terspesialisasi dan tidak dapat dipindahkan serta tidak dapat meningkatkan kapasitas
operasi dalam jangka pendek maka produksi terbaik yang paling menguntungkan ialah memproduksi 100 unit REC-1 dan 44 unit REC-2.

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