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Direcţia Învăţămînt Hînceşti

Initial written test paper in English, the 10th grade

Date _____ Pupil__________

Time -45 minutes
A. Read the text attentively and answer the questions.


Bill Walker works for an import-export company. Last Wednesday morning Bill rang his
office at 9 o’clock and spoke to his boss Mr. Thompson. Bill told his boss that he couldn’t come
to the office that day, he had a very sore throat. He was going to stay in bed but the next morning
he would be able to come to work.
Mr. Thompson recommended him to stay in bed until he felt well again.
Mr. Thompson liked Bill very much. At 12.30 he got into his car, drove to a shop and
bought some fruit for hi. He went to Bill’s flat to visit him.
“How is your throat?” he asked Bill
“I’m sure, I’ll be able to come in tomorrow”, Bill answered.
At 3 o’clock in the afternoon Mr. Thompson locked his office door and switched on his
portable television. He wanted to watch an important international football match. It was
England against Brazil. Both teams were playing well, but neither of them could score a goal.
The crowd were cheering and booing. It was very exciting.
Then at 3.20, England scored from a penalty. Mr. Thompson jumped out of his chair. He
was very excited. He was smiling happily when suddenly the camera-man showed the crowd.
Mr. Thompson’s smile disappeared and he looked very angry. Bill Walker’s face, in close-up,
was there on the screen. He didn’t look ill, and he didn’t sound ill. He was smiling happily and
cheering wildly.
Was there a similar case in your life?
What was the boss attitude to Bill walker?
How was Mr. Thompson? But Bill Walker?
What happened the next day? How do you thing? (finish the story)
___________________________________________________ 15p.
B. Form nouns from the verbs in brackets:
1. Her mother’s (to die)________ was a great (to loose)______ for her.
2. When you speak about this matter I am always out of (to breathe)__________.
3. How long shall we tolerate his(to be irresponsible) ____________ and childish (to
4. He took a long ( to breathe)_________________and said nothing.
5. She can’t have (to failed)_________ at the (to examine)__________,she studied a lot.

C. Give the right form of the word in bracket:

1. I haven’t got enough (datum) yet.__________
2. There is a special (formula) for calculating the speed of light._______
3. Plenty of cheese (to be) imported from France.________
4. The (little) you say, the (good) it is. _____________
5. If you (not to buy)coffee, we shall drink tea.__________
6. She is very happy: her son (to finish) school._________
7. At this time yesterday I (to talk) to my friend.__________ 15 p.

D. Do you think that we should love our country because it is big and rich or because it is
30 p.

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