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Command Description

Iroll20s Allows you to use all of the commands on this list and disables achievements.

ActivateStronghold Grants access to Stronghold screen (if player hadn't acquired it yet).

AddAbility <target> <abilityname> Grants the <target> an ability. "addability player defender" - will give the player character the Defender ability, also
works with talents.

AddExperience <value> Adds <value> experience.

AddExperienceToLevel <value> Adds enough experience to reach level <value>.

AddItem <itemname> <amount> Adds <amount> items with name <itemname> to inventory.

AddTalent <talent> Grants the player character the given talent.

AddToParty <name> Adds the specified character to your party. Example: AddToParty NPC_Medreth

AdjustPrestige <value> Increases or decreases Stronghold prestige by <value>.

AdjustSecurity <value> Increases or decreases Stronghold security by <value>.

AdvanceTimeByHours <numberofhours> Advance in-game time by <numberofhours> hours.

Areatransition <areaName> <startpoint> Teleports the party to the <areaName> map at <startpoint>.

<startpoint> can be one of: North1, North2, South1, South2, East1, East2, West1, West2.

AttributeScore <playername> <attributename> <amount> Set an attribute of a target to value X e.g. "AttributeScore Player Might 18" - will give the player character a base
Might score of 18). (Companions need to follow a syntax of Companion_<name>. Certain companions have different command names compared to their actual name, e.g. Grieving
Mother is "Companion_gm".)

CraftingDebug Adds high amount of all crafting ingredients to stash.

DealDamage <id> <value> Example: DealDamage NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man 200

Difficulty <level> Changes the difficulty to the selected level.

<level> can be one of: Easy = 0, Normal = 1, Hard = 2, PathOfTheDamned = 3.

DispositionAddPoints <disposition_type> <level> Sets the selected disposition to the specified level.
<disposition_type> can be one of: Benevolent, Cruel, Clever, Stoic, Aggressive, Diplomatic, Passionate, Rational, Honest, Deceptive. <level> can be one of: Minor = 1, Average = 3,
Major = 7.

FindCharacter <name> Finds the proper character designation for use in other commands. Example: "FindCharacter Medreth".

FreeRecipesToggle Allows crafting without having the ingredients.

GivePlayerMoney <value> Adds <value> money.

God Makes party members invulnerable.

HealParty Heals the party.

Invisible Makes the party invisible: No visible cloaking effect, but enemies will not attack. (Event and conversation triggers
still happen.)

Kill <id> Kill NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man

LevelUpSoulbind <id>(Clone) Advances a soulbound item to the next level, the item must be bound to a character. Example: LevelUpSoulbind

ManageParty Opens the party management screen.

NoDamage <0/1> Toggles invulnerability on (1) or off (0) for all characters, including non-party npcs.

NoFog Removes the Fog of War. Note that this does not work in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, instead you need to use
other console commands.

OpenCharacterCreation Allows recreation of the Player character. Note that all worn items and player inventory will be lost.

OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion <cost> <level> The first parameter represents how much it will cost if the player does hire this companion. The second one stands
for what level the companion will be. Example: OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion 0 8

OpenContainer <id> Opens specified container. Example: OpenContainer chest_01.

RemovePlayerMoney <value> Decreases player's money by <value> coppers.

RemoveTalent <target> <talent/ability> Removes the specified talent or ability from the target character. Only works with exact internal character

ReputationAddPoints <faction> <axis> <value> Adds reputation for the specified faction. For axis, set positive or negative depending if you want to increase or lose
reputation. Example: ReputationAddPoints GildedVale Positive 4

Rest Forces rest no matter where you are and no matter what your supplies are.
RevealAll Reveals all traps and hidden caches.

RevealAllFogOfWar Reveals all fog of war on the local map (does not disable LOS). Replaced NoFog in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

RevealWorldMapFogofWar Reveals all fog of war on the main map.

SetTime <timewanted> Advances the game time, the parameter is in milihours (eg. 9 AM is 9000, 1 PM 13000). A day has 26 hours.

SetZoomRange <minValue> <maxValue> Modifies the zoom range you can reach with the mouse wheel. Smaller numbers mean more zoomed in, larger
numbers mean more zoomed out. Example: SetZoomRange 0.1 200. The default is 0.75 1.5.

Skill <target> <skillname> <value> Sets a selected skill of a target to value. "skill player athletics 6" - will give the player character a base Athletics
score of 6). Modifiers from classes, leveling and items will be added to this number.

ToggleScaler <scalername> Forces high level scaling. Example: ELMSHORE_HIGH_LEVEL, ACT3_HIGH_LEVEL, ACT4_HIGH_LEVEL,

UnlockAll Unlocks all containers in the area.

UnlockAllMaps Unlocks all areas on the World Map.

UnlockBestiary Unlocks all Bestiary entries.

WorldMapSetVisibility <mapname> <visibility_type> Changes the visibility of an area on the World Map.

<visibility_type> can be one of: 0 = locked, 1 = unlocked, 2 = hidden, 3 = developerOnly.

StrongholdBuildAll Builds all buildings in Stronghold.

StrongholdBuild <building_id> Builds or destroys selected building in Stronghold.

<building_id> can be one of: Barbican, WestCurtainWall, SouthCurtainWall, Bailey, MainKeep, Barracks, Dungeons, BeastVault, Towers, Library, CraftHall, AritficersHall, Forum,
MerchantStalls, CurioShop, TrainingGrounds, Chapel, HedgeMaze, BotanicalGarden, RoadRepairs, WardensLodge, WoodlandTrails, Bedding, AdditionalStorage, Hearth, Lab,
CourtyardPool, EasternBarbican, Count.

StrongholdDestroy <building_id>

StrongholdForceAdventure <adventure_type> Starts random Stronghold adventure of selected category.

<adventure_type> can be one of: Minor, Average, Major, Grand, Legendary.

StrongholdForceBadVisitor Forces random bad visitor event to occur in Stronghold.

StrongholdForcePayHirelings Forces "hirelings payday" event in Stronghold.

StrongholdForcePrisonBreak Random prisoner will escape from Stronghold's Dungeons (if player has anyone imprisoned).

StrongholdForceSpawnIngredients Forces spawning of ingredients in Stronghold's Curio Shop (regardless of whether it is built or not).

StrongholdForceVisitor <index> Forces visitor event with index <index> to occur in Stronghold.

StrongholdForceAttack <index> Forces attack event with index <index> to occur in Stronghold.

Item, Ability and Talent names can be found under PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle.

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