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Subject: CORE01

Assignment: Lesson 5 Critical Essay

Name: Jan Emmy C. Julve
Section: HUMSS - Serenity

A Critical Analysis of Jose Garcia’s Footnote to Youth and ES Godin’s Bingo!

Footnote to Youth and Bingo! are two Filipino short stories that show how Filipinos usually think
and decide. They typically make hasty decisions, and their irresponsibility will make the situation more
unfortunate. Filipinos get moved by their emotions quickly as well. When they are committed to
something, they will do anything for it.

In the short story, Footnote to Youth, Dodong, the main character, concluded that getting married
was the right choice. He did not think thoroughly about what will be the consequences of his decision. It
was his rash decision. He did not think appropriately enough that his future life would be very much
affected. In the short story, BINGO! Balat, or most of the characters, surrendered their lives to gambling.
It was not just a form of entertainment; it was their life. Both stories showed how serious they are in their
decisions; one was serious about married, the other was too focused on gambling—because it is their
passion already.

The places of the stories were also a primary reason for their irresponsibility and naive-ness.
Growing up in a remote province and a Shantytown would undoubtedly affect a person's behavior.
People who reside in shantytowns are most likely to pamper themselves in gambling. Moreover, this
swayed the behavior of the character-- Balat. She declined her responsibility to join gambling.

These days, teenagers are prone to deciding without thinking coherently. I can somehow agree to
that. Emotions often dominate my judgments. Emotions frequently destroy my proper plans. I sometimes
choose because I crave to have it, to satisfy my emotional side. Without even thinking, is it necessary?
Would it logically change a thing? Or would it just make me temporarily happy? Gambling was their
happiness; it was Balat's choice to indulge her into that, without knowing the destructive effects of it—it
made her happy. Same with Footnote to Youth, it made Dodong get to taste temporary excitement,
fleeting happiness.

Our today affects our future. Our careless decisions affect what we will become; it is a domino
effect. It is genuinely lovely to choose the things we want. However, we must have to possess the power
of thinking; our mind is capable of thinking. And we must use it, rather than getting swayed by our
feelings-- And regret afterward.

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