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Rice is sutiable for the Southern Colonies mainly because of the fertile soil.

There were slaves

and indentured servants that helped with the farm work.This economic activity was so significant
because of the other cash crops like tobacco, rice and cotton. The southern Colonies also
traded with England for manufactured goods.
Trade is perfect for the New England Colonies, but the soil there is not very rich.The slave
population there was very little however families worked there to earn a living.This economic
activity was significant because they made profit off of trading but there were some challenges,
the weather would get freezing cold.
Wheat is the best place for the Middle Colonies because they had moderate weather and the
soil was very rich. Family members and indentured servants harvested the wheat,grain, and
oats. The middle colonies were also home to immigrants who respected religious freedoms. Due
to the moderate weather and fertile soil colonists were attracted to this region.
All colonies such as New England, Southern, and Middle colonies are found near water so
each colonie had a chance to set up fishing businesses. However, the colonie with the most fish
would be the New England colonies.Fish are caught straight from the Atlantic.

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