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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Formal Silent Reading

I. Objectives

At the end of the session, the students are expected to

1. Focus Skill
a. Read critically the short story The Last Judgement by Karel Capek;

2. Support Skill
b. identify the meaning of words through context clues;
c. read the selection silently; and
d. answer the questions from the text correctly.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic/s
1. __The Last Judgement__ by Karel Capek; and
2. formal silent reading.

B. References
Tomeldan, et. al (1986). Prism, an Introduction to Literature Manila:
National Bookstore

C. Materials
1. Projector
2. laptop
3. pieces of paper
4. manila paper, and
5. pentel pens
III. Procedure

A. Routine
a. Prayer
b. Checking of attendance; and
c. Checking of classroom condition.

B. Motivation
"Find the Killer"
Teacher will ask three students to volunteer; these volunteers will act
as suspects of a murder. Each volunteer/suspect will deliver their
alibi in front of the class regarding the murder and the class will have
to identify who the killer is using or analyzing the alibis of the suspects.

C. Vocabulary Development
Read the following sentences then give the meaning of the
underlined word in each sentence through context clues.

1. Osama Bin Laden was a __notorious__ man.

2. The three judges have severe and __austere__ faces.
3. The prisoner killed his inmate in a __brawl__.
4. We cannot avoid death. It is __inevitable__.
5. God's love for us is __infinite__.

D. Presentation

1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Teacher will introduce formal silent reading and give its mechanics
and guidelines to the students.

2. Pre-reading (Motive Questions)

a. If you were a judge, would you forgive murderer knowing there
is a kindness in his heart?

3. While reading (Read-Aloud)

Teacher will ask the students to read the selection silently. While
reading, teacher will flash the letters on the screen for the time
equivalent. Once the student is finished reading, teacher will record
the letter on the paper and wait until the whole class has finished
reading the text.

4. Post-reading
a. Teacher will give the following questions for comprehension

1. Who was the main character in the story?

2. Who stood as witness?
3. Give three sins he committed
4. How manh people did he kill?
5. What was the judges' sentence?

IV. Evaluation
Inside the court room!
Teacher will divide the class into five groups and each group will have to
role play the specific scenes from the short story.

V. Assignment
Answer the following question on your notebook.
1. Explain the line 'Man is not worthy of divine judgement'.
Rubrics for Lesson Planning

Criteria 15 12 10 Score

1. Objectives Observable, Observable, Objectives

relates to relates to given
purpose, purpose
include higher
thingking skills

2. Activities Meaningful, Objective- Objective-

motivating, based, based,
objective- meaningful, meaningful
based student-

3. Resources Creative, Variety of Resources

and Materials connect to resources included
"real world" included,
and variety, integrates
effectively technology


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